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Scenario: Letter of Credit

1). Create Financial document (Letter of Credit) (VX11N)

Besides, also click on to create customer and ship-to party address.

Dates/ Delivery Dates tab:

Documents Tab:
Banks Tab:

Also click on to create bank address.

Status Tab:
2). Create Sales Order and assign financial document into sales order header or item level (VA01)
If Header level: Goto > Header > Billing
Put in Financial document number.

If item level: Goto > Item > Billing

Click on the Financial Document button to check whether the amounts
guarantee able to cover this sales order.
Guarantee Amount able to cover:
Guarantee Amount not able to cover:

All the SO which have assign financial payment (ok or not ok) also can be save.

For those Documentary payment “ok” – can create delivery

For those Documentary payment “not ok” – will block for delivery and required authorize personal
to release it before proceed to deliver.
3). Monitoring of Financial Payment block document (VXA3)

To approve the block SO, click on the check box in font and choose release .

4). To check which SO assign to financial document (VXA1)

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