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CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

What will you learn after completion of this

Statistical Information about long and short term trend in building
Building Design theories and Concepts
Building Codes and their origin
Legal and Administrative context of codes and standards and its
Security Threat to buildings & SVA(Security Vulnerability Analysis)
Gap Analysis using FISH BONE DIAGRAM
Fire Safety concept tree and fire protection mitigation Strategies.
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Chapter 01

Challenges to Safety in the built environment

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Overview of Types of Peril
Causing Harms

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Statistical Information about

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Statistical Information about
• FIGURE 1.1.2 Deaths Due to Steam or Other Hot Liquid or Vapor, by Age,
• FIGURE 1.1.3 Deaths Due to Falls on or from Stairs or Steps, by Age, 1999–
• FIGURE 1.1.4 Deaths Due to Falls on or from Ladders, by Age, 1999–2002
• FIGURE 1.1.5 Deaths Due to Falls out of Building or by Age, 1999–2002
• FIGURE 1.1.6 Deaths from Falls from Chairs or Beds, by Age, 1999–2002
• FIGURE 1.1.7 Deaths Due to Drowning in Bathtub, by Age, 1999–2002
• FIGURE 1.1.8 Deaths Due to Suffocation in Bed or Cradle, by Age, 1999–

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Chapter 02

Fundamentals of Structurally Safe Design

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Existing & New buildings
In most communities, new building construction in any
year represents less than 2 percent of the total number of

NFPA 101 imposes enforcement of Retroactive


Requirements will be applicable to

existing building as well.
Existing building that do not meet
the requirement of Code shall be
permitted to be in use provided
they do not present serious hazard
to the occupants…
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Existing & New buildings
Code Developers

Insurance Community



Ultimate Appropriate
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE) Safety Safety
Design Loads and Forces
Dead Load
50 Year or 500 Year
Live Load

Snow Load
500 year records

Engineers must therefore use the external forces specified

by the building code to calculate the distribution of internal CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
forces and deflections in each building element.
Basic Building Components
Moment-Resisting Frames :
Column should resist lateral

Column must be stronger in

bending than its beam
Joint must be welded or bolted

Force X turning Distance

To avoid out of plane

deformation CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Basic Building Components
In Plane Bending
Bending from Forces
Perpendicular to wall
Shear Walls :

In Plane Shearing

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Basic Building Components
Resist Lateral Forces
Braced Frame : Eccentrically braced frame (EBF).
Concentrically braced frame (CBF).

Tension-compression bracing

Chevron bracing
Tension-only bracing

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Fundamental Design Concepts
when damage is sustained locally, the damage does not
spread to an area disproportionate to the original area of
local damage.

General Structural Integrity Structural Geometry

Load-Path Concept Designing Structures to Resist Overstress

Important features of ductile design include (1) selecting ductile materials

and member configurations, (2) assuring that connections are stronger
than the elements they connect, (3) providing redundancy or backup
Columns are used to transfer loads from roof beams to systems, and (4) controlling damage modes.
foundations. CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Basic Design methodology

Allowable Stress Design :

Example : A steel beam is made from material with a specified minimum yield strength of 36,000
lb/in.2 (248,000 kPA). Building codes require a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 for simple gravity
(dead plus live) loads. What should be Maximum allowable Stress..?

Maximum Allowable Stress = Minimum Yield Strength / FOS = 36000/1.5 = 24,000 lb/Sq Inch.

One drawback associated with the allowable stress design

method is that the factors of safety used are generally
independent of the certainty inherent in the definition of
the applied loading.
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Basic Design methodology
Load & Resistance Factor Design (LFRD):

separates the factor of

safety into components
that are separately applied
to the types of loading
experienced and the types
of elements used
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Performance Based Design
Building owners have the three following basic interests in
relation to building performance:

1. Preservation of safety
2. Preservation of capital
3. Preservation of function


CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE) OC-2 OC-4

Performance Based Design

Hospitals; fire, rescue,
and police stations; and
essential communication,
transportation, and water
OC-3 storage facilities.
schools or detention facilities
Sheds or agricultural buildings
Normally Unoccupied OC-2
most commercial, residential, and
institutional Structures, Under extreme
loading these structures are expected
to be heavily damaged but not collapse
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Performance Based Design
Superior Poorer
Performance Performance

Loss < 5% of Replacement Loss < 15% Loss < 30% Loss > > 30%
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
What type of Service you need..?

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Benchmark Design Level
structural elements and nonstructural
components have not sustained Serviceability performance.
detrimental cracking or yielding

minor, repairable cracking, yielding, and

permanent deformation of the structure Immediate occupancy
and nonstructural elements may have performance.

building may experience

substantial damage to structural Collapse prevention
and nonstructural elements, with performance.
some failures occurring.

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Chapter 03

Codes and Environment for Built Environment

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

History of Regulations
The Code of Hammurabi is arguably the most well-known
and best preserved of the regulatory codes serving the
ancient world. It was carved on an 8-foot-high black stone
monument and was clearly intended to be on display in
public view for the citizens of the day. In the year 1901 the
stone was discovered, not in Babylon, but in a city of the
Persian mountains to which some later conqueror is
assumed to have carried it in triumph.

“If a builder has built a house for a man and

his work is not strong and if the house he has
built falls in and kills the householder, the
builder shall be slain . . .”
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Key Legal Concept for Engineer
and Enforcer
When a person interferes with another person or
his property.



Strict liability.
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Concept of Safety vs Risk
Inverse Relation

Is it possible to achieve Absolute

safety…? Willingness to Pay

Higher the Safety, Lower is the risk &

higher is the cost…

How much cost is too much…?

Acceptable Level of Risk
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Role of Codes in the built

Performance Prescriptive

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

International Consideration

• “One-Country/One-Vote” Model
• “Full-Consensus” Model

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Chapter 05

Fire Prevention and Code Enforcement

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Fire Prevention Inspections

Installation On Going Inspection Re-Inspection

Fire Prevention Division

Fire Company Inspection

Fire Suppression Inspection Personnel

Personnel from FD
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Code Enforcement
Fire Prevention Code

Code Administration
Red Tag or Condemnation Notices

Enforcement Procedure

Permits Certificates Licenses Notices

Certificate of Occupancy

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE) Citations or Summonses

Fire Investigation
(1) Fire cause determination
(2) Investigation of criminal actions that may have contributed to a fire.

Further Reading Section-3, Chapter 2

& NFPA 921

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Public Fire & Life Safety
Public fire and life safety education includes three facets:
(1) Fire prevention education
(2) Fire reaction education, and
(3) Other risk hazards.

Further Reading Section-5

The basic method of instruction is

changing from “preaching” to

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Chapter 06

Premises Security

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Department of Homeland
Security(DHS) Preserving our freedoms, protecting
1993 bombing at the World Trade Center America . . . we secure our homeland

Strategic Goals
Prevention 1995 Oklahoma City bombing
Response September 11, 101, terrorist
Recovery attacks
Organizational Excellence
We will lead the unified national
effort to secure America

22 previously disparate domestic agencies

coordinated into one department to protect
the nation against threats to the homeland.
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Security Vulnerability
7 Steps Assessment Procedure

Form team

Asset identification

Threat Assessment


All information
 Does my building represent a potential target? from all 4 Steps
 Are we located near a target?
 Do tenants in my building elevate the risk by attracting an attack? Risk Reduction
 Are we capable of dispersing critical operations or staff to backup
 Can we separate screened from no screened people routinely or as Documentation
part of response to an attack in progress? CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Concentric Circles or Layered
Discourage an adversary from attempting an assault

Determine that an undesirable event has occurred

or is occurring
Impede adversary penetration into a protected area.

Counteract adversary

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Chapter 07

Protecting Against Extreme Events

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Mitigation Strategies for terrorist
Deflect Disperse

Disguise Stop

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Emergency responder
 Fire department notification system
 Mass notification systems
 Site and building access
 Fire command center
 Internal communication systems
 Fire protection equipment
 Water supply
 Smoke purge systems
 Emergency response plans

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Chapter 08

Emergency Management & Business Continuity

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Laws, Regulations & Industry
Codes of Practice

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

GAP Analysis

Identify any shortfalls in the quantity, response time,

capability, limitations, cost, or liability associated with
required resources
CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
GAP Analysis(Fish-Bone Analysis)

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa
Fish-Bone Analysis for a LAB FIRE
5 Wives & 1 Husband Why


Causes CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)
Business Continuity

Minimizes Downtime

Communicating with

Protecting What’s important

Ensuring Recovery Resuming


CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Chapter 09

System Approach to Fire Safe building Design

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Objective and Fire Safe Design
1. Life safety
2. Property protection
3. Continuity of operations
4. Environmental protection
5. Heritage conservation

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Fire safety Concepts Tree & Fire
Safety Design Strategies

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Fire safety Concepts Tree & Fire
Safety Design Strategies

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Fire safety Concepts Tree & Fire
Safety Design Strategies

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

Thank You

CFPS Exam Preparation- Mehboob Shaikh(CFPS, CFI, AMIE)

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