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Bibliographical Management:

Introduction & General Rules

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

• How to prepare citations when writing a research
report, assignment, publication or other academic

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Why do we need to provide
citations ?
• To acknowledge the original authors
• To provide evidence that reports are supported by
valid facts
• To avoid accusations of plagiarism
• To serve as a guide for other researchers

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Citation Style
• Examples:
• APA Style (American Psychological Association)
• MLA Style (Modern Language Association of America)
• The Chicago Manual of Style
• Vancouver Style

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management


•Okuda, M., & Okuda, D. (1993). Star trek chronology: The history of
the future. New York, NY: Pocket Books.


•Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. Star Trek Chronology: The History
of the Future. New York: Pocket, 1993.


•Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. 1993. Star trek chronology: The
history of the future. New York: Pocket Books.


•Okuda M, Okuda D. Star trek chronology: the history of the future.

New York: Pocket; 1993.

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management


• Golob, N. (2008). Integration of education for sustainable development. Acta

Systemica 8 (1), 27-32.


• Golob, Nika. 2008. "Integration of education for sustainable development". Acta

Systemica 8 (1): 27-32.


• GOLOB, N. (2008). Integration of education for sustainable development. Acta

Systemica 8, 27-32.


• Golob, Nika. "Integration of Education for Sustainable Development." Acta Systemica

8. 1 (2008): 27-32.


• Golob, Nika. 2008. "Integration of Education for Sustainable Development". Acta

Systemica 8, no. 1: 27-32.

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management
 Basically, there are two ways to cite
individual’s name:

with a family
name or
surnames without a family

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Authors with surnames
• Begin with the surnames followed by comma and initials of the first
• e.g: Catherine Zeta Jones
• Write Jones, C. Z.

• Tan Pei Meng

• Write Tan, P. M.

• Christina Ooi Su Siang

• Write Ooi, C. S. S.

Authors without family names

• Write down as it is given.

• Omit bin, binti, a/p, a/l, s/o, d/o.

• e.g: Hamzah Bin Dolmat
• Write Hamzah Dolmat

• Kumaran a/l Shamugam

• Write Kumaran Shamugam

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Malay Names With Inherited Titles
• Some Malay names have inherited titles eg. Raja,
Tengku, Syed, Sharifah etc.
• Include the titles accordingly.
• e.g: Write Raja Malik Raja Mohamed

Malay Names With Conferred titles

• Do not include conferred titles eg. Dr., Professor,

Dato’, Tan Sri, Tun, Sir etc.
• Omit the titles and just write the names according to
the rules which have been explained earlier.
• e.g: Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
• Write Mahathir Mohamad

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Citation rules for more than two authors

• Write down all the authors’ names.

• Use comma after each name.
• Use the symbol ampersand “&” before the last author

• e.g:
• Clair N. Sawyer, Perry L. McCarty and Gene F. Parkin
• Write
• Sawyer, C. N., McCarty, P. L., & Parkin, G. F.

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Citation rules for more than 7 authors

• Write down ALL the six names according to the

• Use comma after each name.
• Write ‘…’ to represent the subsequent names; AND
• Write the last author
• e.g. :
• Samuel A. Wyatt, Stuart G. West, Ian Smith, John
Tein, Martin Levine, Donald Parker, Larry Lengua and
Robert L. Brumley
• Write
• Wyatt, S. A., West, S. G., Smith, I., Tein, J., Levine,
M., Parker, D., … Brumley, R. L.

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Malaysian Organisation
• Write in Malaysian Language
• Malaysian Book Publishers Association
• Write Persatuan Penerbit Buku Malaysia

Government Department (Malaysian)

• write the country or the state followed by the
department in Malaysian language
• e.g: Write Johor, Jabatan Alam Sekitar

Other Organisations with Unique Names

• Lembaga Getah Malaysia
• Yayasan Sabah
GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management
International Organisation

• Cite in English as it is known

• e.g :
• United Nations Centre for Regional Development
• Write United Nations Centre for Regional Development

Government Department (Foreign)

• Write the country or the state followed by the

department in English.
• e.g : Write Iran, Ministry of Education
GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management
Write in Malaysian Language
Example :
Jabatan Fizik, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Malaya
Write Universiti Malaya, Jabatan Fizik

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Bibliographical Management:
Preparing List of References

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

What is citation style?

• Standardized method of acknowledging information


GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

References from electronic

References From Printed Sources

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Book – Single Author
• Format:
• Author – If there is a family name, begin
with the family name. (Year). Title
of the book. Place of publication
(State Name, Country Name):
• Example:
• Grainger, A. (1993). Controlling tropical
deforestation. London, England:

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Book- More Than One Author
• Format:
• Author 1, author 2, & author 3 – if
there is a family name, begin with
the family name.(Year). Title of
the book. Place of publication
(State Name, Country Name):
• Example:
• Cox, R. C., & Gould, M. H. (1998). Civil
engineering heritage. London,
England: T. Telford.

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Book – Corporate Author
• Format:
• Corporate author. (Year). Title of book.
Place of publication (State Name,
Country Name): Publisher.
• Example:
• Malaysia, Kementerian Sains, Teknologi
dan Alam Sekitar. (1990). Industrial
technology development: A
national plan of action. Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia: Kementerian
Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar.

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Book with Edition
• Format:
• Author 1/2/3. (Year). Title of book.
(Edition). Place of
publication(State Name, Country
Name): Publisher.

• Example:
• Carlton, D. W., & Perloff, J. M. (1994).
Modern industrial organization (2nd
ed.). New York, NY: Harper Collins
College Publishers.

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Edited Book

• Format:
• Editors. (Ed./Eds.). (Year). Title of
book. Place of publication (State
Name, Country Name): Publisher.

• Example:
• Freeman, H. M. (Ed.). (1990). Hazardous
waste minimization. New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill.

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Journal Articles
• Format:
• Author(s) of the article. (Year). Title of
article. Title of journal, volume
(no.), pages.

• Example:
• Chu, K. H., & Mohd Ali Hashim. (1995).
Simulated counter-current
adsorption processes: A
comparison of modelling
strategies. Chemical Engineering
Journal, 56(1), 59-65.

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Book Chapter
• Format:
• Author(s) of chapter. (Year). Title of chapter. In
Book editors (Ed./Eds.), Title of book
(pp. page numbers). Place of publication
(State Name, Country Name): Publisher.

• Example:
• Damodarao, T., & Sastry, C. A. (1996). Water
extraction from sea water aquifer. In C. A.
Sastry (Ed.), Water treatment plants (pp.
437-444). New Delhi, India: Narosa
Publishing House.

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Published Conference Papers
• Format:
• Authors of conference papers. (Year). Title of
conference papers. In Editors (Ed./Eds.),
Title of proceeding (pp.- page number).
Place of publication (State Name, Country
Name): Publisher.

• Example:
• Jaynes, E. T. (1985). Microscopic prediction. In
H. Hanken (Ed.), Complex systems in
neurobiology and computers:
Proceedings of the International
Symposium on Synergetics at Schloss
Elmau, Bavaria, May 6-11,1985 (pp. 254-
269). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management
Unpublished Conference Papers

• Format:
• Authors of conference paper. (Year, month).
Title of conference paper. Paper
presented at the name of conference,

• Example:
• Gaustad, J. (2005, April). Synthesis X-ray
crystallography and biological activities.
Paper presented at the International
Conference on Chemistry, Mansoura,

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Academic Exercise/ Theses

• Format:
• Author of project paper / thesis. (Year). Title of
project paper/thesis. (Type of thesis).
Name of University, Place of University.

• Example:
• Safiah Abdullah. (1996). The community
structure of fish and prawns in small
mangrove creeks in Sungai Sementa Kecil,
Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia.
(Unpublished master’s thesis). Universiti
Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

References from electronic

References From
Electronic Sources

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Journal Articles From
Online Database
• Format:
• Author. (Year). Title of article. Title of journal,
volume (no), page number(s). Retrieved
from http:// URL address / DOI (Digital
Object Identifier).
• Example:
• Borman, W. C., & Hanson, M. A. (1993). Role of
early supervisory experience in
supervisor performance. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 78, 443-449.
Retrieved from doi:10.1037/0021-

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Journal Articles From Internet

• Format:
• Author. (Date of publication). Title of article.
Title of journal, volume(no), page
number. Retrieved from http:// URL
address / DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
• Example:
• Fredrickson, B. L. (2000, Mac 7). Cultivating positive
emotions to optimize health and well-being.
Prevention & Treatment, 3 (1), 12-14. Retrieved

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

Document From University Web Sites
• Format:
• Author(s). (Date of publication). Title of article.
Retrieved from http:// URL address / DOI
(Digital Object Identifier).

• Example:
• Chou, L., McClintock, R., Moretti, F., & Nix, D.
H. (1993). Technology and education: New
wine in new bottles: Choosing pasts and
imagining educational futures.
Retrieved from Columbia University
website: http://www.ilt.columbia .ed
/publications/papers/ newwine1.html
GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management
Personal Document From
Organisation Web Site

• Format:
• Author – name of organisation. (Date of
publication). Title of document. Retrieved
from http:// URL address / DOI (Digital
Object Identifier).

• Example:
• Canarie, Inc. (1997, September 27). Towards a
Canadian health IWAY: Vision,
opportunities and future steps.
Retrieved from
GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management
Format Of Reference Listing

• Indent or leave a space approximately 0.5 inch

at the beginning of the second line and
subsequent lines

• Example:
• Safiah Abdullah. (1996). The community
structure of fish and prawns in small
mangrove creeks in Sungai Sementa Kecil,
Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia.
(Unpublished master’s thesis). Universiti
Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management
Reference Listing Format
• Arrange all the references according to the alphabetical
order of the first letter of each reference item.

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

For Part E : Please bring copies of your part B, C & D
next week
 Exercise 9
 Project Part E
 That’s all for today. Thank you!

GIG1004: Lecture 11: Bibliographical Management

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