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Sr. No. Description Page Nos

1. Summary of Report i. to xv.
2. Fact Finding Report 1 to 72
3. Weblinks 73 to 76
4. List of Annexures 77
5. Annexure – 1
78 to 80
The copy of the Press-Note dated 18th April
6. Annexure – 2 81
The copy of the news report of Tarun Bharat
dated 21/04/2020
7. Annexure – 3
82 to 83
The Google map of Gadchinchale and
surrounding area
8. Annexure – 4
The relevant extract of the Plenum Report of 84 to 88
9. Annexure – 5
The copy of the Representation of Adivasi 89
Shramik Sangharsha Sanghatana dated 25th
September 2017
10. Annexure – 6
The copy of the representation by Adivasi 90 to 92
Ekta Parishad against the burning effigy of
11. Annexure – 7
The copy of the FIR bearing C.R. No.77 of 93 to 96
2020 registered at Kasa Police Station
12. Annexure – 8
The copy of the FIR bearing C. R., No.906 97 to 102
of 2020 at Khanvel Police Station in Dadara
Nagar Haveli along with its free translation
13. Annexure – 9
The copy of the complaint filed by Luis 103 to 105
Kakad dated 22nd April is
14. Annexure – 10
106 to 132
The copy of the Remand reports


1. Vivek Vichar Manch (VVM) came across the videos on social

media which went viral and the news reports published in print

media disclosing incident of lynching dated 16th April 2020,

which had occurred at GADCHINCHALE, Taluka Dahanu Dist.

Palghar. The aforesaid items reveal that two Sanyasis named Shri

Chikane Maharaj Kalpavrikshgiri (70) and Shri Sushil Giri

Maharaj (35) who belonged to the revered, Varanasi-based Shri

Panch Dashnam Juna Akhara, and were travelling (along with

their driver Shri. Nilesh Telgade) to attend the funeral of Guru

Shri Mahant Ram Giriji were lynched by a rowdy mob.

2. After considering the various contradictory news reports, VVM

constituted a fact-finding committee to find out facts,

background, cause or causes leading to the incident; persons who

are involved; sequence of events leading to the killing of Sadhus;

any history of violence, course of action could have been adopted

by the Police to prevent the happening of the incident and as to

whether there are any matters which require deeper investigation.


3. Some of the members could visit the village to explore the facts

in their personal capacity. All the members as a team could not

visit the village as the Permission is still awaited from Palghar

District Administration. Therefore the information available in

the public domain taken into consideration.

4. The Kasa Police Station recorded two FIRs bearing C.R. No.76

and 77 in relation to the incident dated 16th April 2020.

5. The second FIR bearing C.R. No. 77 of 2020 reveals that:

Information about a gathering of mob and overturning of the car

by the mob, at Gadchinchale, was received at Kasa police station,

and the Police officers along with their RCP platoon reached at

Gadchinchale around 11.10 pm, the Police took out Sadhus and

driver from ECCO Car and while taking them to the vehicle of

Police, a mob of 400 – 500 people attacked and lynched Sadhus

and their driver at 11.30 pm. The information of the offence was

recorded in Station Diary at Kasa Police station on 17th April

2020 at 10.58 pm. FIR has been registered on 18th April 2020

around 7 am. It discloses the reason for the delay in reporting the

incident as the roads were blocked by the people by putting trees

and stones on the road. (Annexure – 7)

6. FIR bearing C.R. No.906 of 2020 dated 18th April 2020

registered at Khanvel Police Station in Dadara Nagar Haveli

reveals that Talasari Police Station received a call from Palghar

Police Station at around 11.30 pm. On 17th April 2020 after

making an entry in Police diary five police officers and RCP

platoon staff, began their movement towards Gadchinchale via

Dadara Nagar Haveli; however, near the school at Village

Chisade, the Police vehicle was stopped by a mob of 200 persons

who were armed with sticks, stones and axe in their hand at

around 00.45 am. The mob prevented police personnel from

getting out of the police vehicle and held them in hostage till 3.00

am in Chisade village. (Annexure – 8, Weblink 28)

7. The videos of the incident dated 16th April 2020, of Gadchinchale

which went viral on electronic media – WhatsApp, show that:

a. The mob got cheered upon the arrival of one person, who

is described in the audible voice of utterance by some

members of the crowd saying “Dada Ala Dada Ala.”


Thereafter, the crowd attacked and lynched two Sannyasis

and their driver.

b. Police remained passive and have not made any effort to

intervene to prevent the said occurrence.

8. The Press note issued by Office of S.P. Palghar reveals that on

17th April 2020 Police went to surrounding villages and arrested

few suspected accused. Some suspect managed to hide in the

forest. On 17th April 2020, at the time police tried to search the

suspects in the forest, a police party was attacked, and therefore,

Police had fired some rounds in the air. (Annexure – 1)

9. On 20th April 2020, The Hon’ble Chief Minister made a

statement that the said unfortunate incident had occurred due to

rumours and misunderstanding in the mind of people that thieves

were active in the locality (Weblink – 1).

1.1. Organised Activities in Palghar:

1. The Plenum Report, 2015 of the Communist Party of India

(Marxist) claims to have strong hold amongst the tribals in

Palghar-Thane and Nasik’s rural area. The report emphasises


to primarily focus on ‘extra Parliamentarianism’, at the same

time it does not rule out the contemporary practice of use of

constitutional governance, apparently as an unavoidable

measure. (Weblink -3, Annexure – 4)

2. The Activists of Communist following, do instigate

uneducated Adivasi youth and other Adivasis to have hatred

against – Development projects of the government,

Educational and Other development projects opened by Hindu

followers, and Against Hindu Sanyasis or Sadhus. (Weblink -


3. The Organisations such as Adivasi Ekta Parishad, Bhumisena,

Kashtakari Sanghatana, Mao ideological organisations and

their activist have been striving hard for spreading hatred

amongst Adivasis against Hindus and Government. (Weblink

– 5, Weblink – 6, Weblink – 7, Weblink – 8, Weblink – 9).

4. On 26th April 2018 Fr Nicholas Barla, an executive secretary

of Tribale affairs of Catholic Bishop’s Church of India

represented Adivasi Ekta Parishad in UNO (Weblink – 10).

The conference organised by Adivasi Ekta Parishad was


sponsored by Catholic Bishops' Church of India (Weblink –

11). The news letter of CBCI evidences the agenda of CBCI

which is against the Safronisation of tribals and to unite the

tribals under the title of rights and dignity of the tribals.

Adivasi Ekta Parishad has coordinated a preparatory meeting

for one of the events of CBCI. (Weblink – 12).

1.2. Anti-Government Activities

1. The Organisations in the area opposed the CAA and NRC by

bringing outsiders. They also spread hatred by claiming that

country does not run in accordance with the Constitution.

(Weblink – 13)

2. On the line of Naxal lead Patthalgarhi movement in Jharkhand,

the left-wing organisations working in Palghar indulge in

promotion of hatred towards the framework of constitutional

governance. The Chikhale Grampanchayat passed a similar

resolution in Gram Sabha in May 2017. The person who

initiated the resolution is an activist of Adivasi Ekta Parishad.

(Weblink – 14)

3. Every time before the elections, the activists of CPM exert to

terrorise the Adivasis by threatening them that they shall

ensure allegiance to the leftist following. They initiate quarrel

and also influence the Police officers. They resist and prevent

the Police officers as to registration of complaint/offence

against them (Weblink – 15).

1.3. Anti-Development Activities

1. The organisations such as the Kashtakari Sanghatna, All India

Kisan Sabha, Adivasi Ekta Parishad, and Bhumi Sena, are lead

organisations who opposed the projects of Bullate Train and

of Mumbai – Vadodara Highway Project, in the guise of

protecting the interest of Adivasis (Weblink – 16, Weblink –

17, Weblink 18).

2. These organisations muster the organised opposition to the

development projects. Simultaneously in the same breath, they

clamour at the top of their voice that Government is not doing

any development in the tribal area. They send their

representative in Gramsabha which are conducted under the


PESA, and they influence the Sabha to pass a resolution

against any development project and send the resolution to the

Government (Weblink – 19).

1.4. Anti Hindu Activity

1. The Organisations Adivasi Ekta Parishad and Adivasi Shramik

Sanghatana made representations to stop immolating effigy of

Ravan on the occasion of Dussehra. They threatened to lodge

complaints under various laws in relation to attempt to

immolate the effigy of Ravan on the ground of intimidation

and hurting religious feelings of Adivasis. They falsely

propagate and argue before Adivasis that Ravan is the deity of

Adivasis. (Annexure – 5, Annexure – 6)

2. The left-wing organisations try to impress upon literate

Adivasi youth that the gods preached by Hindus are not the

gods who are traditionally worshipped by Adivasis (Weblink

– 20).

1.5. History of Violence

1. On number of occasions, attacks were made on the Hostel of

Vanavasi Vikas Prakalpa, causing injury to the persons and

property. The ideological opposition seems to culminate into

violence. The violence has resulted in the assassination of

Devu Bender, a devoted activist of Bharatiya Jana Sangha. The

violent attack was made on Wamanrao Sahastrabudhe and his

wife, who were volunteers at the Hostel. Mrs Sahastrabudhe

succumbed to the injuries. Appa Joshi suffered an injury to his

skull. According to Appa Joshi, the Marxist organisations

responsible for the attacks (Weblink – 21, Weblink – 22,

Weblink – 23).

2. In 1990 due to political opposition, CPM workers attacked two

villages viz. Girgoan and Ghimane with the mob of thousand

people, and damaged around 300 to 350 houses. The mob also

destroyed livestock counting near about 3500 consisting of

poultry and goats. In village Vasa 50 to 60 houses were broken

down. According to Mr Warkhande, Marxist activists have an

attitude to act like Naxalites in the matter of stalling and


opposing the developmental projects. CPM workers have an

inbuilt procedure to eliminate or to create a threat of existence

of life and security in the mind of all those who do not follow

their dictate. They take recourse to device of involving

innocent tribals in false and vindictive litigation by filing false

complaints of theft against students and cause their

arrest/detention through police machinery. According to Mr

Warkhande present attack on Sanyasis is part of Naxalist

approach as in training they spread the hatred towards saffron

or Hindus inc, including persons having nationalist mindset

(Weblink – 24).

3. Mr Vinod Medha categorically stated that “the Police either

does not take cognisance of complaints or pressurise to

withdraw complaints filed against members of the

organisations associated with CPM (Weblink – 25).

4. According to Luis Kakad, in 1996, he and his family were

attacked by the communist. The attempt was made to burn him

alive along with his family; however, all of them escaped from

the attack and survived. He and his family lost everything

except the clothing on their person (Weblink – 26).

5. Dr Valavi, a social worker from Thane, was on a visit to village

Sarane to donate/distribute food and consumable items. He

was attacked, however, due to intervention by Police, he was

saved from any injury. However, two police vehicles as well

Dr Valavi’s vehicle were damaged. This incident occurred

four days before the incident dated 16th April 2020 (Weblink

– 29).

6. As per identification of the names of the accused of the

incident dated 16th April 2020 by local persons; accused

Rajesh Rao, Vinod Rao and Ramdas Rao are active members

of CPM and Vishnu Bhavar is ex-member of Grampanchayat,

whereas Jayaram Bhawar is presently a member of Gram

Panchayat. Accused Jankya Borsya is the active member of

NCP (Weblink – 30).

7. The learned Home Minister for the State of Maharashtra

visited the village Gadchinchale. Mr Kashinath Chaudhary,

elected member of Zilla Parishad, who belongs to NCP, also


accompanied Hon’ble Home Minister during his visit

(Weblink – 32).

1.6. Observations of the Committee which prima facie emerge

from the material available in the public domain:

1. The left-wing organisations working in the area are creating

hatred in the minds of Adivasis, against Government, and

Hindu religious leaders, sadhus and sanyasis. Prima facie, the

content of the material available in the public domain, suggests

that these organisations indulged into anti-government and

anti-Hindu activities. The role of organisations such as,

Kashtakari Sanghatna, Adivasi Ekta Parishad, Bhumisena is

blamed by various persons named in the material, to be

responsible for spreading hatred amongst some Adivasi groups

towards persons following Hindu practices, and those who

follow or propagate those.

2. The activities which according to CPM’s policy are “extra-

parliamentarianism” as are propagated in plenum report of

CPM, results in creation of hatred towards constitutional


machinery through their consistent struggle against the

government, while at the same time they do not have any

inhibition for using contemporary governmental machinery

and mechanism for their ultimate goal.

3. Prima facie these organisations are instigating the tribal youth

against government and development projects.

4. The organisations such as Kashtakari Sanghatana and Adivasi

Ekta Parishad are involved in spreading militancy/lawlessness

and separatist thoughts amongst tribals.

5. The collective effect of the material referred to in the report,

prima facie suggest that the activities of Adivasi Ekta Parishad

& Kashtakari Sanghatana have direct or indirect support from

Catholic Bishops’ Church of India, and this results in

promoting divisive activities by creating fraction amongst


6. The Committee has formulated questions which are required

to be focused on the process of investigation in Paragraph No.6

of the report.

7. The fact-finding Committee is of the view that there exists a

serious need for transfer of investigation to the Central

investigating agencies such as CBI or NIA has come up during

fact-finding and analysis of inputs collected, which are

summarised as follows:

a. The conclusive statement by State Government before

the commencement of investigation is prima facie,

direct indication of influencing and interference by the

executive, on the investigation by the political parties


b. The hostage situation at Village Chisade had

involvement of Villagers from Union Territory Dadra

Nagar Haveli. For better coordination and effective and

smooth investigation, there is a dire need for

involvement of a central agency.

c. In the same district of Dahanu, there were boards with

content similar to those in Pathalgadi movement were

put up. A person related to Adivasi Ekta Parishad was

involved in misleading local villagers into this activity.


In view of this, in-depth investigation to find out

connects of local organisations with such movements,

by an independent agency like CBI and NIA is


d. Organisations are spreading anti-development agendas

with subtle propaganda against democratic framework

and processes. There is a need to expose their real

motives and brains behind these activities. In view of

this, in-depth investigation to find out connects of local

organisations with such movements, by an independent

agency like CBI and NIA is necessary.

e. In view of questions formulated by the Committee, the

investigation by a state agency is not likely to be free

and independent. In view of this, in-depth investigation

to find out connects of local organisations with such

movements, by an independent agency like CBI and

NIA is necessary.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: -3-
2. Summary of Report - 12 -
2.1. Organised Activities in Palghar: - 14 -
2.2. Anti-Government Activities - 16 -
2.3. Anti-Development Activities - 16 -
2.4. Anti Hindu Activity - 17 -
2.5. History of Violence - 18 -
2.6. Observations of the Committee which prima facie emerge from the material available
in the public domain: - 20 -
3. Details of place of incident and information about the surrounding area. - 24 -
4. The information and contents revealing from the sources in the public domain are
summaries as follows: - 25 -
4.1. The Plenum Report of CPM - 25 -
4.2. The interview of Mr Vivek Karmoda - 25 -
4.3. The interview of Mr Naresh Devalya Marad - 26 -
4.4. The Article on Kashtakari Sanghatana - 27 -
4.5. The Video Clip of Mr Parbhu available on YouTube - 30 -
4.6. The interview of Mr Kaluram Dhodade by Jeevdani Entertainment - 30 -
4.7. Instigation of Adivasis against Government and Hindu practices on the Platform By
Adivasi Ekta Parishad: - 31 -
4.8. Adivasi Ekta Parishad’s Representation in UNO by Fr Nicholas Barla - 31 -
4.9. The News Report dated 18th January 2020 by Asia News - 32 -
4.10. The Newsletter of Catholic Bishops Church of India Office for Tribal Affairs, 2018. -
32 -
4.11. The interview of Mr Suresh Shinda - 33 -
4.12. The news report about Patthalgarhi Movement in Palghar - 33 -
4.13. The interview of Mr Arvind Bhavar - 34 -
4.14. News Report on Anti-Development activities - 35 -
4.15. The interview of Chhagan Wavere - 35 -
4.16. Representation to stop immolating effigy of Ravan - 36 -
4.17. The interview of Mr Chhagan Wavare - 37 -
4.18. The interview with Shri. Appa Joshi - 38 -
4.19. The interview of Mr Laxman Warkhande - 39 -

4.20. The interview with Shri. Vinod Medha - 42 -

4.21. The interview of Luis Kakad - 43 -
4.22. The interview with Smt. Chitra Chaudhari, Sarpanch of Gadchinchale - 43 -
4.23. The Press Note issued by the office of PRO of S.P. Palghar - 45 -
4.24. FIR bearing C.R. No.77 of 2020 registered at Kasa Police Station - 45 -
4.25. FIR bearing C. R., No.906 of 2020 at Khanvel Police Station in Dadra Nagar Haveli -
46 -
4.26. The videos of the incident occurred at Gadchinchale - 47 -
4.27. The press note by Office of PRO of S. P. Palghar - 48 -
4.28. The copy of the complaint filed by Luis Kakad - 48 -
4.29. Attack on Dr Valavi at Village Sarani - 49 -
5. The response of the State Government: - 50 -
6. Questions which require investigation: - 52 -
7. Committee’s observation, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations: - 54 -
7.1. General Observations: - 54 -
7.2. Role of Organisations: - 54 -
7.3. Anti – National Activities within the region: - 58 -
7.4. Anti – Development Activities: - 58 -
7.5. Prima facie divisive Activities - 59 -
7.6. History of Violence: - 62 -
7.7. Observations as to the present incident: - 64 -
8. Observations of the Committee - 68 -
9. Recommendations of the Committee - 71 -

1. Introduction:

1.1. Vivek Vichar Manch is an initiative by Vivek Vyaspeeth, which is a

Non-Governmental Organisation incorporated under Maharashtra

Public Trust Act, which is dedicated to address the issues of violation

of Human Rights, Atrocities against Civil Rights by the way of

initiative including assistance for legal action and creation of

awareness amongst the sufferers and people at large.

1.2. The Vivek Vichar Manch came across the incident dated 16th April

2020, which had occurred at GADCHINCHALE, Taluka Dahanu Dist.

Palghar, wherein two Sanyasis and their driver were killed by a rowdy

mob. The videos of the incident dated 16th April 2020 went viral on

social media platforms. The news of the aforesaid incident was

reported as mob lynching by electronic media, based on the videos

circulated in social media.

1.3. As per reports dated 18th and 19th April 2020 published in print media,

two Sanyasis named Shri Chikane Maharaj Kalpavrikshgiri (70) and

Shri Sushil Giri Maharaj (35) belonged to the revered, Varanasi-based

Shri Panch Dashnam Juna Akhara, were travelling (along with their

driver Shri. Nilesh Telgade) to attend the funeral of Guru Shri Mahant

Ram Giriji.

1.4. The office of PRO of S. P. Palghar issued Press-Note on 18th April

2020 which contains the summary of FIR bearing C. R. No.76, 77 and

78 of 2020. It describes the incident as an act by the crowd, of an attack

on three persons, lynching, and another incident of assault on police

officers while the Police had gone for arresting the persons who were

suspected as involved in mob-lynching. The copy of the Press-Note

dated 18th April 2020 is Annexure – 1.

1.5. On 20th April 2020, the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra made

a statement through his social media platform, that there is no

communal angle to the incident which had occurred at Gadchinchle,

and that the said unfortunate incident had occurred due to rumours and

misunderstanding amongst the public that thieves were active in the

locality. Hon’ble Chief Minister further requested the people to abstain

from communalising the issue and prevent the spreading of any

misunderstanding. The YouTube link of the video dated 20th April

2020, where Hon’ble Chief Minister, addressed on the social media1 is

identified as Weblink – 1.

1.6. The newspaper Mumbai Tarun Bharat published in its issue dated

21/4/2020, reported and highlighted the contradiction between the

statement made by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra and


contents of Press-Note dated 18th April 2020 issued by the office of

PRO of S.P. Palghar. The copy of the news report of Tarun Bharat

dated 21/04/2020 is Annexure – 2.

1.7. The Hon’ble Home Minister for the State of Maharashtra gave on his

social media platform, a briefing interalia about Palghar incident and

stated on the lines, on which Hon’ble Chief Minister had expressed.

The video of a briefing by Hon’ble Home minister published on the

Social Media dated 22nd April 20202 is identified as Weblink – 2.

1.8. Vivek Vichar Manch considered various reports in social media and

print media and perceived a need to constitute a fact-finding

committee, to have an impartial perspective of the facts of the incident

dated 16th/17th April 2020. The Vivek Vichar Manch decided to

constitute a fact-finding committee comprising of a retired Judge,

journalist, social workers and tribal and civil society activists in

Palghar, advocates practising in Taluka Court and High Court, to find


a. Facts of the incident; Background thereof and, Cause or causes leading

to the incident;

b. Details of persons or institutions involved in the incident or instigation



c. The sequence of events leading to the killing of Sadhus;

d. Circumstances if any which have triggered the occurrence of the


e. Can any a precedence or pattern of like incident be observed?

f. What course of action could have been adopted by the Police to

prevent the happening of the incident?

g. Are there some matters which required deeper investigation?

1.9. By a resolution dated 22nd April 2020 was adopted by the Trustees of

Vivek Vichar Manch, a ‘Fact-Finding Committee’ was constituted to

conduct an enquiry into the matter. The Committee comprises of

following members:

1) Justice Shri. Ambadas Joshi, Retd. High Court Judge,


2) Shri. Kiran Shelar, Editor at Mumbai Tarun Bharat,

3) Shri. Santosh Janathe, Activist in Palghar District

4) Shri. Lakshman Kharpade, Retd. Asst. Commissioner of


5) Smt. Maya Potdar, MSW, Social Worker.

6) Shri. Samir Kamble, Advocate (Member Secretory)

7) Shri. Pravartak Pathak, Advocate, High Court. (Joint


1.10. The members of fact-finding Committee desired to visit Village

Gadchinchale and surrounding villages for collecting information and

evidence. In view of nationwide lockdown due to spread of COVID19,

permission to visit the village Gadchinchle from Collector Palghar was

necessary. Efforts were made to seek permission from the District

Administration. However, Palghar District Administration was not

accessible for permission. Therefore, Chairman and one member of the

Committee approached to the Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra with

a request for direction to the District Authority for permission. It is

learnt that the office of Governor sent a message/letter to the District

Collector to extend necessary facility/permission to the Fact-Finding

Committee. Repeated efforts and persuasion for one week was made

with the District Collector of Palghar. However, permission or reply is

still awaited.

1.11. Therefore, the individual members from the Committee who are local,

and those who, based on their status as a journalist or otherwise, in an

individual capacity, could visit, have visited the village, Gadchinchale

but all other members of the Committee could not visit. The members

of the Committee collected the information as was available in the

public domain such as video clips of the incident available, various

news reports, articles available, press releases. Shri. Kiran Shelar,

editor of Mumbai Tarun Bharat, and one more journalist of Mumbai


Tarun Bharat had taken interviews of villagers from Dahanu and

Talasari in District Palghar and circulated to all members.

1.12. In these circumstances, the Committee decided to proceed with, on the

basis of information which is available in Public Domain, which is

listed as follows:-

a. Copy of the Press-Note of office of PRO of S.P., Palghar dated 18th

April 2020;

b. Statement of Hon’ble Chief Minister on Social Media dated 20th April


c. Copy of the news report of Mumbai Tarun Bharat dated 21/04/2020;

d. Statement of Hon’ble Home minister published on the Social Media

dated 22nd April 2020;

e. Copy of Google map of Village Gadchinchale and surrounding area;

f. Copy of the Plenum Report of CPM, 2015;

g. Statement of Mr. Vivek Karmoda before committee member;

h. Statement of Mr Naresh Devalya Marad before committee member;

i. Article on Kashtakari Sanghatana by Department of Defence and

Strategic Studies of Vidya Prasarak Mandal, Thane;

j. Video clip of speech of Mr Pradeep Parbhu claiming Adivasis have

separate Constitution;

k. Video clip of speech of Mr Kaluram Dhodade published by Jeevdani


l. Video clip of speech of Mr B. G. Kolse Patil, a retired High Court

Judge on the platform of Adivasi Ekta Parishad;

m. Video clip of speech of Fr Nicholas Barla before UNO as a

representative Adivasi Ekta Parishad;

n. News report published in Asia News Portal on 18th January 2020

about sponsorship by CBCI to Adivasi Ekta Parishad;

o. News letter of CBCI Office for Tribal Affairs, 2018 published on the

website of CBCI;

p. Statement of Mr. Suresh Shinda before committee member;

q. News report published in Indian Express about the adoption of

Patthalgarhi pattern of free governance of village Chikhale;

r. Statement of Mr Arvind Bhavar, a Sarpanch of the Grampanchayat

‘Zari’ before the committee member;

s. Report dated 18th September 2018 published on the Kisan Sabha


t. Copy of the Article dated 25th March 2020 published in Caravan


u. Copy of the news report dated 17th June 2018 published on the portal

of NDTV;

v. Statement of Chhagan Wavare, a teacher from Village Shishne,

Palghar before committee member;


w. Copy of the Representation of Adivasi Shramik Sangharsha

Sanghatana dated 25th September 2017;

x. Copy of the representation by Adivasi Ekta Parishad against the

immolating effigy of Ravan;

y. Statement of Shri. Appa Joshi published by Tarun Bharat;

z. Article published in Tarun Bharat about Appa Joshi;

aa. The Statement of Shri Appa Joshi with Vivek Saptahik published in

Social media;

bb. Statement of Mr Laxman Warkhande before committee member;

cc. Statement of Shri. Vinod Medha before committee member;

dd. Statement of Luis Kakad before committee member;

ee. Statement of Smt. Chitra Chaudhari, Sarpanch of Gadchinchale before

Committee member;

ff. Copy of the FIR bearing C.R. No.77 of 2020 registered at Kasa Police


gg. Copy of the news as regards the incident at village Chisade reported

on the portal of Jansatta Newspaper;

hh. Copy of the FIR bearing C. R., No.906 of 2020 registered at Khanvel

Police Station in Dadara Nagar Haveli;

ii. Videos clips of the incident occurred at Gadchinchale which went

viral on WhatsApp social media;

jj. Copy of the complaint filed by Luis Kakad dated 22nd April 2020;

kk. Copy of the Remand reports of the Accused;

ll. Copy of the news report dated 29th April 2020 in Times of India about

the suspension of the Police officers;

mm. Copy of the news report of Hon’ble Home Minister’s visit to

Gadchinchale dated 7th May 2020;

nn. The Ground Report dated 20th April 2020 published by ABP News


2. Summary of Report

1. Vivek Vichar Manch (VVM) came across the videos on social media

which went viral and the news reports published in print media disclosing

incident of lynching dated 16th April 2020, which had occurred at

GADCHINCHALE, Taluka Dahanu Dist. Palghar. The aforesaid items

reveal that two Sanyasis named Shri Chikane Maharaj Kalpavrikshgiri (70)

and Shri Sushil Giri Maharaj (35) who belonged to the revered, Varanasi-

based Shri Panch Dashnam Juna Akhara, and were travelling (along with

their driver Shri. Nilesh Telgade) to attend the funeral of Guru Shri Mahant

Ram Giriji were lynched by a rowdy mob.

2. After considering the various contradictory news reports, VVM constituted

a fact-finding committee to find out facts, background, cause or causes

leading to the incident; persons who are involved; sequence of events

leading to the killing of Sadhus; any history of violence, course of action

could have been adopted by the Police to prevent the happening of the

incident and as to whether there are any matters which require deeper


3. Some of the members could visit the village to explore the facts in their

personal capacity. All the members as a team could not visit the village as

the Permission is still awaited from Palghar District Administration.

Therefore the information available in the public domain taken into


4. The Kasa Police Station recorded two FIRs bearing C.R. No.76 and 77 in

relation to the incident dated 16th April 2020.

5. The second FIR bearing C.R. No. 77 of 2020 reveals that:

Information about a gathering of mob and overturning of the car by the

mob, at Gadchinchale, was received at Kasa police station, and the Police

officers along with their RCP platoon reached at Gadchinchale around

11.10 pm, the Police took out Sadhus and driver from ECCO Car and while

taking them to the vehicle of Police, a mob of 400 – 500 people attacked

and lynched Sadhus and their driver at 11.30 pm. The information of the

offence was recorded in Station Diary at Kasa Police station on 17th April

2020 at 10.58 pm. FIR has been registered on 18th April 2020 around 7

am. It discloses the reason for the delay in reporting the incident as the

roads were blocked by the people by putting trees and stones on the road.

(Annexure – 7)

6. FIR bearing C.R. No.906 of 2020 dated 18th April 2020 registered at

Khanvel Police Station in Dadara Nagar Haveli reveals that Talasari Police

Station received a call from Palghar Police Station at around 11.30 pm. On

17th April 2020 after making an entry in Police diary five police officers

and RCP platoon staff, began their movement towards Gadchinchale via

Dadara Nagar Haveli; however, near the school at Village Chisade, the

Police vehicle was stopped by a mob of 200 persons who were armed with

sticks, stones and axe in their hand at around 00.45 am. The mob prevented

police personnel from getting out of the police vehicle and held them in

hostage till 3.00 am in Chisade village. (Annexure – 8, Weblink 28)

7. The videos of the incident dated 16th April 2020, of Gadchinchale which

went viral on electronic media – WhatsApp, show that:

a. The mob got cheered upon the arrival of one person, who is

described in the audible voice of utterance by some members of the

crowd saying “Dada Ala Dada Ala.” Thereafter, the crowd attacked

and lynched two Sannyasis and their driver.

b. Police remained passive and have not made any effort to intervene

to prevent the said occurrence.

8. The Press note issued by Office of S.P. Palghar reveals that on 17th April

2020 Police went to surrounding villages and arrested few suspected

accused. Some suspect managed to hide in the forest. On 17th April 2020,

at the time police tried to search the suspects in the forest, a police party

was attacked, and therefore, Police had fired some rounds in the air.

(Annexure – 1)

9. On 20th April 2020, The Hon’ble Chief Minister made a statement that the

said unfortunate incident had occurred due to rumours and

misunderstanding in the mind of people that thieves were active in the

locality (Weblink – 1).

2.1. Organised Activities in Palghar:


1. The Plenum Report, 2015 of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)

claims to have strong hold amongst the tribals in Palghar-Thane and

Nasik’s rural area. The report emphasises to primarily focus on ‘extra

Parliamentarianism’, at the same time it does not rule out the

contemporary practice of use of constitutional governance, apparently

as an unavoidable measure. (Weblink -3, Annexure – 4)

2. The Activists of Communist following, do instigate uneducated Adivasi

youth and other Adivasis to have hatred against – Development projects

of the government, Educational and Other development projects opened

by Hindu followers, and Against Hindu Sanyasis or Sadhus. (Weblink

- 4)

3. The Organisations such as Adivasi Ekta Parishad, Bhumisena,

Kashtakari Sanghatana, Mao ideological organisations and their activist

have been striving hard for spreading hatred amongst Adivasis against

Hindus and Government. (Weblink – 5, Weblink – 6, Weblink – 7,

Weblink – 8, Weblink – 9).

4. On 26th April 2018 Fr Nicholas Barla, an executive secretary of Tribale

affairs of Catholic Bishop’s Church of India represented Adivasi Ekta

Parishad in UNO (Weblink – 10). The conference organised by Adivasi

Ekta Parishad was sponsored by Catholic Bishops' Church of India

(Weblink – 11). The news letter of CBCI evidences the agenda of CBCI

which is against the Safronisation of tribals and to unite the tribals under

the title of rights and dignity of the tribals. Adivasi Ekta Parishad has

coordinated a preparatory meeting for one of the events of CBCI.

(Weblink – 12).

2.2. Anti-Government Activities

1. The Organisations in the area opposed the CAA and NRC by bringing

outsiders. They also spread hatred by claiming that country does not run

in accordance with the Constitution. (Weblink – 13)

2. On the line of Naxal lead Patthalgarhi movement in Jharkhand, the left-

wing organisations working in Palghar indulge in promotion of hatred

towards the framework of constitutional governance. The Chikhale

Grampanchayat passed a similar resolution in Gram Sabha in May

2017. The person who initiated the resolution is an activist of Adivasi

Ekta Parishad. (Weblink – 14)

3. Every time before the elections, the activists of CPM exert to terrorise

the Adivasis by threatening them that they shall ensure allegiance to the

leftist following. They initiate quarrel and also influence the Police

officers. They resist and prevent the Police officers as to registration of

complaint/offence against them (Weblink – 15).

2.3. Anti-Development Activities


1. The organisations such as the Kashtakari Sanghatna, All India Kisan

Sabha, Adivasi Ekta Parishad, and Bhumi Sena, are lead organisations

who opposed the projects of Bullate Train and of Mumbai – Vadodara

Highway Project, in the guise of protecting the interest of Adivasis

(Weblink – 16, Weblink – 17, Weblink 18).

2. These organisations muster the organised opposition to the

development projects. Simultaneously in the same breath, they clamour

at the top of their voice that Government is not doing any development

in the tribal area. They send their representative in Gramsabha which

are conducted under the PESA, and they influence the Sabha to pass a

resolution against any development project and send the resolution to

the Government (Weblink – 19).

2.4. Anti Hindu Activity

1. The Organisations Adivasi Ekta Parishad and Adivasi Shramik

Sanghatana made representations to stop immolating effigy of Ravan

on the occasion of Dussehra. They threatened to lodge complaints under

various laws in relation to attempt to immolate the effigy of Ravan on

the ground of intimidation and hurting religious feelings of Adivasis.

They falsely propagate and argue before Adivasis that Ravan is the

deity of Adivasis. (Annexure – 5, Annexure – 6)


2. The left-wing organisations try to impress upon literate Adivasi youth

that the gods preached by Hindus are not the gods who are traditionally

worshipped by Adivasis (Weblink – 20).

2.5. History of Violence

1. On number of occasions, attacks were made on the Hostel of Vanavasi

Vikas Prakalpa, causing injury to the persons and property. The

ideological opposition seems to culminate into violence. The violence

has resulted in the assassination of Devu Bender, a devoted activist of

Bharatiya Jana Sangha. The violent attack was made on Wamanrao

Sahastrabudhe and his wife, who were volunteers at the Hostel. Mrs

Sahastrabudhe succumbed to the injuries. Appa Joshi suffered an injury

to his skull. According to Appa Joshi, the Marxist organisations

responsible for the attacks (Weblink – 21, Weblink – 22, Weblink – 23).

2. In 1990 due to political opposition, CPM workers attacked two villages

viz. Girgoan and Ghimane with the mob of thousand people, and

damaged around 300 to 350 houses. The mob also destroyed livestock

counting near about 3500 consisting of poultry and goats. In village

Vasa 50 to 60 houses were broken down. According to Mr Warkhande,

Marxist activists have an attitude to act like Naxalites in the matter of

stalling and opposing the developmental projects. CPM workers have

an inbuilt procedure to eliminate or to create a threat of existence of life


and security in the mind of all those who do not follow their dictate.

They take recourse to device of involving innocent tribals in false and

vindictive litigation by filing false complaints of theft against students

and cause their arrest/detention through police machinery. According

to Mr Warkhande present attack on Sanyasis is part of Naxalist

approach as in training they spread the hatred towards saffron or Hindus

inc, including persons having nationalist mindset (Weblink – 24).

3. Mr Vinod Medha categorically stated that “the Police either does not

take cognisance of complaints or pressurise to withdraw complaints

filed against members of the organisations associated with CPM

(Weblink – 25).

4. According to Luis Kakad, in 1996, he and his family were attacked by

the communist. The attempt was made to burn him alive along with his

family; however, all of them escaped from the attack and survived. He

and his family lost everything except the clothing on their person

(Weblink – 26).

5. Dr Valavi, a social worker from Thane, was on a visit to village Sarane

to donate/distribute food and consumable items. He was attacked,

however, due to intervention by Police, he was saved from any injury.

However, two police vehicles as well Dr Valavi’s vehicle were

damaged. This incident occurred four days before the incident dated

16th April 2020 (Weblink – 29).


6. As per identification of the names of the accused of the incident dated

16th April 2020 by local persons; accused Rajesh Rao, Vinod Rao and

Ramdas Rao are active members of CPM and Vishnu Bhavar is ex-

member of Grampanchayat, whereas Jayaram Bhawar is presently a

member of Gram Panchayat. Accused Jankya Borsya is the active

member of NCP (Weblink – 30).

7. The learned Home Minister for the State of Maharashtra visited the

village Gadchinchale. Mr Kashinath Chaudhary, elected member of

Zilla Parishad, who belongs to NCP, also accompanied Hon’ble Home

Minister during his visit (Weblink – 32).

2.6. Observations of the Committee which prima facie emerge from the

material available in the public domain:

1. The left-wing organisations working in the area are creating hatred in

the minds of Adivasis, against Government, and Hindu religious

leaders, sadhus and sanyasis. Prima facie, the content of the material

available in the public domain, suggests that these organisations

indulged into anti-government and anti-Hindu activities. The role of

organisations such as, Kashtakari Sanghatna, Adivasi Ekta Parishad,

Bhumisena is blamed by various persons named in the material, to be

responsible for spreading hatred amongst some Adivasi groups towards


persons following Hindu practices, and those who follow or propagate


2. The activities which according to CPM’s policy are “extra-

parliamentarianism” as are propagated in plenum report of CPM, results

in creation of hatred towards constitutional machinery through their

consistent struggle against the government, while at the same time they

do not have any inhibition for using contemporary governmental

machinery and mechanism for their ultimate goal.

3. Prima facie these organisations are instigating the tribal youth against

government and development projects.

4. The organisations such as Kashtakari Sanghatana and Adivasi Ekta

Parishad are involved in spreading militancy/lawlessness and separatist

thoughts amongst tribals.

5. The collective effect of the material referred to in the report, prima facie

suggest that the activities of Adivasi Ekta Parishad & Kashtakari

Sanghatana have direct or indirect support from Catholic Bishops’

Church of India, and this results in promoting divisive activities by

creating fraction amongst Adivasis.

6. The Committee has formulated questions which are required to be

focused on the process of investigation in Paragraph No.6 of the report.

7. The fact-finding Committee is of the view that there exists a serious

need for transfer of investigation to the Central investigating agencies


such as CBI or NIA has come up during fact-finding and analysis of

inputs collected, which are summarised as follows:

a. The conclusive statement by State Government before the

commencement of investigation is prima facie, direct indication

of influencing and interference by the executive, on the

investigation by the political parties empower.

b. The hostage situation at Village Chisade had involvement of

Villagers from Union Territory Dadra Nagar Haveli. For better

coordination and effective and smooth investigation, there is a

dire need for involvement of a central agency.

c. In the same district of Dahanu, there were boards with content

similar to those in Pathalgadi movement were put up. A person

related to Adivasi Ekta Parishad was involved in misleading local

villagers into this activity. In view of this, in-depth investigation

to find out connects of local organisations with such movements,

by an independent agency like CBI and NIA is necessary.

d. Organisations are spreading anti-development agendas with

subtle propaganda against democratic framework and processes.

There is a need to expose their real motives and brains behind

these activities. In view of this, in-depth investigation to find out

connects of local organisations with such movements, by an

independent agency like CBI and NIA is necessary.


e. In view of questions formulated by the Committee, the

investigation by a state agency is not likely to be free and

independent. In view of this, in-depth investigation to find out

connects of local organisations with such movements, by an

independent agency like CBI and NIA is necessary.


3. Details of place of incident and information about the surrounding


3.1. The District Palghar was formed on 1st August 2014. Earlier it was

part of District Thane. About eight Tahasils in District are having a

population of 29,90,116 as per 2011 Census. More than 50 per cent

population is located in villages, and the majority of them are Adivasis.

Village Gadchinchale is located on Jawhar - Dadara Nagar Haveli road

which passes through a forest area. There is a check post of Forest

Department near Village Gadchinchale where the mob lynched two

Sanyasis and their driver. Within the radius of 10 kilometres of

Gadchinchale, there are about 5 to 6 small villages popularly known as

Pada-Hamlet consisting of approximately 10 to 30 Houses/Huts.

Village Gadchinchale is part of Group Grampanchayat Divashi. The

Google map of Gadchinchale and surrounding area is Annexure – 3.


4. The information and contents revealing from the sources in the public

domain are summaries as follows:

4.1. The Plenum Report of CPM

The Plenum Report of CPM available on CPM’s website3 is

identified as Weblink – 3. The relevant extract of the Plenum

Report is Annexure – 4:

The weblink 3 and Annexure 4 revel that Communist Party of India

(Marxist) hereinafter referred to as CPM has stronghold amongst the

tribals in Palghar-Thane and Nasik’s rural area. The Plenum Report in

Paragraphs Nos.1.147 to 1.158 propounds to deprecate parliamentary

system of governance and strongly argues in favour of a system of

governance which is diagonally opposite to the democratic principles

and the governance as prescribed by the Constitution of India, as the

organisational goal of CPM. The report emphasises to primarily focus

on ‘extra Parliamentarianism’, at the same time it does not rule out the

contemporary practice of use of constitutional governance, apparently

as an unavoidable device.

4.2. The interview of Mr Vivek Karmoda


The interview of Mr Vivek Karmoda by committee member4 is

identified as Weblink – 4

In the interview, Mr Vivek Karmoda reveals that – Activists of

Communist following do instigate uneducated Adivasi youth and other

Adivasis to have hatred against –

1. Development projects of the government

2. Educational and Other development projects opened by Hindu

followers, and

3. Against Hindu Sanyasis or Sadhus.

4.3. The interview of Mr Naresh Devalya Marad

The interview of Mr Naresh Devalya Marad by committee

member5 is identified as Weblink – 5,

The interview of Mr Naresh Devalya Marad, ex-president of Jan-jati

Vikas Manch, Palghar reveals that Organisations namely Adiwasi Ekta

Parishad, Bhumisena, Kashtakari Sanghatana, Mao ideological

organisations and their activist have been striving hard for spreading

hatred amongst Adivasis with propaganda through social media and

mouth publicity that Adivasis are not Hindus, and create animosity in

their mind against Hindus.


He further reveals that “in 2002 there was a program conducted by

Director of Bhumi Sena, Shri Kaluram Dhodade. His speech contends

provocative message of creating faction amongst Adivasis, by urging

that Adivasis are not Hindu. As an effect of his speech, the thought

propagated by Kaluram Dhodade was quickly spread like wildfire in

District Palghar. The organisation entered the region under the

pretence to secure rights of Adivasis, though they have hidden agenda.

The main agenda is to distract Adivasis from their culture, so the

propaganda was to mislead the people by saying ‘you are not Hindu’.

Ram and Ganpati are not your gods; Ravan is your God. You have

different rituals, and you are different from Hindus. These people are

also spreading hatred towards Hindu organisations, Hindu sadhus.”

He further recollects that in past two PhD students had arrived for some

research project in Tribal Belt, and at that time the organisations like

Adivasi Ekta Parishad, Bhumi Sena, Kashtakari Sanghatana and other

such organisations spread propaganda that “If the researchers see the

Hindu idols at your home then they will withdraw your reservation as

you would be shown as Hindu. I will tell you about my experience.

Activists of Kashtakari Sanghatana and other NGO’s mislead literate

people and provoke them against Hindus. They conduct seminars, and

through that medium, they mislead the students and other people.”

4.4. The Article on Kashtakari Sanghatana


The Article available on Kashtakari Sanghatana by Department of

Defence and Strategic Studies of Vidya Prasarak Mandal, Thane,6

is identified as Weblink – 6:

The Article as ‘A note on Kashtakari Sanghatana’reveals that:

1. “The Kashtakari Sanghatana is founded by Peter D’Mello and two

of his associates namely Nicholas Cordazo @ Nicky Bhau and

Sushila D’Souza in the tribal belt of Dahanu region in district

Thane, Maharashtra.”

2. “The meeting on 23-12-1978 took the following decisions to define

the basic character of the Kashtakari Sanghatana:-

a. The organisation will be a left-democratic non-party

formation of tribals and marginal peasants;

b. It would be a struggle-based organisation with a closed-fist

holding the scales of justice as its symbol;

c. The Sanghatana would endeavour to integrate its struggles

with the struggles of other urban and rural toilers.

3. “Peter D’Mello adopted the Hindu name Pradip Prabhu in 1978,

and both Prabhu and Nicky left the missionary establishment in



4. “The organisation does not have designated leaders, and they are

simply called leaders or organisers. Presently Brian Lobo and Mrs

Shiraz Balsara w/o Pradip Prabhu manage the affairs of the

Sanghatana. The sanghatana has a three-tier system of village

Committees, Area Committees and the Council of representatives.

The organisation collects Rs.50 per family as an annual subscription

from its members.”

5. “Ever since its inception, the Kashtakari Sanghatana leaders have

been inciting the local Adivasis in the area to take a hostile stance

against the forest officials dubbing the forest officers as intruders

into the Adivasis’ domain and usurping their ancestral property.

They have also been encouraging them to encroach upon more and

more forest land which was owned by their ancestors and hence

rightfully belonged to them and to put up stiff resistance, if

necessary by force, against any attempt by forest authorities to evict

them. Because of this stance advocated by Prabhu, there had been

many clashes between supporters of Kashtakari Sanghatana and the

forest officials in the region in the past. Prabhu also used to tell his

Adivasis supporters to treat the State Police and all other

government officials as their class enemies as they were all working

as agents of the rich landlords and money lenders. He also used to

advise them to go always in groups if any of them was called to the


Police Station or any other government officials and to be assertive

in dealing with the concerned officials. The Kashtakari Sanghatana

also used to conduct “Peoples Court” in the villages to give instant

justice to Adivasis who were victims of cheating by shopkeepers,

money lenders, etc. The accused were not only fined by such courts

but forced to apologise to the victims. This had a positive impact on

the shopkeepers’ attitude to the Adivasis, and it also helped the

Sanghatana to expand its influence in the area.”

4.5. The Video Clip of Mr Parbhu available on YouTube

One of the videos of Mr Parbhu available on YouTube7 is identified

as Weblink – 7:

The video clip reveals that Mr Parbhu propagates, that Adivasis have

a separate constitution which is a hundred years old.

4.6. The interview of Mr Kaluram Dhodade by Jeevdani


The interview of Mr Kaluram Dhodade, published by Jeevdani

Entertainment available on YouTube8 is identified as Weblink – 8:

The State President of Adivasi Ekta Parishad, Kaluram Dhodade who

is also Chairman of Bhumisena, reveals that “the Constitution makers

attempted to destroy the identity of Adivasi people.” He makes a


statement that “the Adivasis are aboriginals of this country. No one can

take the Land of Adivasis including Government, as Government is

also non-Adivasi.”

4.7. Instigation of Adivasis against Government and Hindu practices

on the Platform By Adivasi Ekta Parishad:

The Video Clip of Mr B. G. Kolse Patil, a former High Court Judge

on the platform of Adivasi Ekta Parishad9 identified as Weblink -

9 reveals that:

Mr B G Kolse Patil, a former High Court Judge, in his speech on the

stage of Adivasi Ekta Parishad, contended that ‘Hindu Gods are not

Adivasi Gods and people calling Adivasis as Vanvasis want to deprive

them of their rights.’

4.8. Adivasi Ekta Parishad’s Representation in UNO by Fr Nicholas


The video published by Johar Team YouTube channel10 is

identified as weblink – 10 reveals that:

On 26th April 2018 Fr. Nicholas Barla is seen raising his hand when

the speaker called Nicholas Barla, Adivasi Ekta Parishad. In the video,

Barla demands to direct the Indian government to implement their

demand to recognise Adivasis as Indigenous people of India.


4.9. The News Report dated 18th January 2020 by Asia News

The news report published on Asia News Portal on 18th January

202011 identified as Weblink - 11 reveals that:

Adivasi Ekta Parishad and Adivasi Samaniya Bharat organised a

conference gathering about 2,00,000 people from various countries.

The conference was sponsored by the Catholic Bishops Church of

India. Interview of Fr Nicholas Barla, executive secretary of the Tribal

Affairs Committee of the Catholic Bishops' Church of India (CBCI)

has been referred in the Article.

4.10. The Newsletter of Catholic Bishops Church of India Office for

Tribal Affairs, 2018.

The Newsletter of CBCI Office for Tribal Affairs, 2018 published

on the website of CBCI12 is identified as Weblink – 12 reveals that:

1. A meeting of core Committee of CBCI office for tribal Affairs was

held on 21st August 2017 at the CBCI office, New Delhi. It is stated

in the report that: ‘The Meeting was organised to have an in-depth

discussion on the issues of the tribals in the country and how the

church can take the lead in these issues, for their upliftment, dignity

and equity. With the growing imposed saffronisation on the tribals,

it is only very important that we organise the tribals from all over


the country and work towards claiming the rights and dignity,

which have been taken away from the tribals. This meeting is very

important to discern and prepare a roadmap for the CBCI Tribal

Affairs Office.’

2. Adivasi Ekta Parishad, a national forum of the tribals in India and

Tribal Coordination Front, did the coordination of the preparatory

meeting of the Conference organised by CBCI held in January


4.11. The interview of Mr Suresh Shinda

The interview of Mr Suresh Shinda by committee member13 is

identified as Weblink – 13.

The interview of Suresh Shinda reveals that “Organisations opposed

the CAA and NRC by bringing outsiders. They also spread hatred by

claiming that country does not run in accordance with the


4.12. The news report about Patthalgarhi Movement in Palghar

The news report published in Indian Express about Patthalgarhi

Movement in Palghar14 is identified as Weblink – 14.

The news report reveals that on the line of Naxal lead Patthalgarhi

movement in Jharkhand, the left-wing organisations working in


Palghar indulge in promotion of hatred towards constitutional

framework and activities, claiming complete autonomy of the villages

from all forms of governmental establishments declaring that Adivasis

are not governed by any of the laws enacted by parliament or state

government and that the Constitution of India does not have an

application to the territories covered by the scheduled area. The

Chikhale Grampanchayat passed a similar resolution in Gram Sabha in

May 2017. The person who initiated the resolution is a member of

Adivasi Ekta Parishad.

4.13. The interview of Mr Arvind Bhavar

The interview of Mr Arvind Bhavar, the Sarpanch of the

Grampanchayat ‘Zari’ by the committee member15 is identified as

Weblink – 15:

The interview of Arvind Bhavar reveals, in his words:

“Whenever we have elections in Dahanu Taluka, every time before

the elections, the activists of CPM exert to terrorise the Adivasis by

threatening them that they shall ensure allegiance to the leftist

following. To terrorise the people, in 2017, they pelted stones at the

dwellings and then set fire to my house and fencing of my house. In

2018, they had filed cases against us in the local police station. They


initiate quarrel with us, and they rush to the police station to register a

case against us, based on an allegation of some offence. Whenever we

visit the police station to file a complaint against them, then CPM

workers of the Taluka arrives at the police station and influence the

police officers, and they don’t let the Police to register our complaints.”

4.14. News Report on Anti-Development activities

The report dated 18th September 2018 published on the Kisan

Sabha website16 is identified as Weblink – 16; The Article dated

25th March 2020 published in Caravan Magazine17 is identified as

Weblink – 17; The copy of the news report dated 17th June 2018

published on the portal of NDTV18 is identified as Weblink – 18:

The Article on the website of Kisan Sabha and news items reveal that

the Kashtakari Sanghatna, All India Kisan Sabha, Adivasi Ekta

Parishad, Bhumi Sena are vital organisations to oppose Bullate Train

Project as well as Mumbai – Vadodara Highway Project, in the guise

of protecting Adivasis.

4.15. The interview of Chhagan Wavere


The interview of Chhagan Wavare, a teacher from Village

Shishne, Palghar with committee member19 is identified as weblink

– 19;

The interview of Chhagan Wavare reveals that:– “These organisations

conspire to oppose all the development projects. Simultaneously in the

same breath, they clamour at the top of their voice that Government is

not doing any development in the tribal area. They send their

representative in Gramsabha which are conducted under the PESA and

they influence the Gramsabha to pass a resolution against any

development project and send the resolution to the Government. Take

out Morchas against the development project, and those who do not

participate have to suffer consequences in the form of the physical


4.16. Representation to stop immolating effigy of Ravan

The copy of the Representation of Adivasi Shramik Sangharsha

Sanghatana dated 25th September 2017 is Annexure – 5. The copy of

the representation by Adivasi Ekta Parishad against burning the effigy

of Ravan is Annexure – 6:

Through representations made by Adivasi Shramik Sangharsha

Sanghatana and Adivasi Ekta Parishad, they represented to the District


Collector, to stop immolating effigy of Ravan on the occasion of

Dussehra. They further threatened to lodge complaints under the penal

provisions of Atrocities Act, Indian Penal Code and Mumbai Police

Act in relation to attempt to immolate the effigy of Ravan on the

ground of intimidation and hurting religious feelings of Adivasis.

4.17. The interview of Mr Chhagan Wavare

The interview of Mr Chhagan Wavare, Village Shishne20 is

identified as Weblink – 20:

The interview of Mr Chagan Wavare reveals that:-

“The false propaganda is spread amongst Adivasis by left-wing

organisations that Adivasis are not Hindus. The practice of Ravan

Pooja being solicited by these organisations as a device of divisive

activity. They try to impress upon literate Adivasi youth that the gods

preached by Hindus are not the gods worshipped by Adivasis. Ram is

not their God, rather Ravan is their deity. During Ganesh festival, these

organisations exert to divert youth from offering any pooja to Ganpati

by spreading false narratives through social media and creates

confusion about the identity of the Tribal population. Opposing to

Ravan Dahan or not worshipping Ganpati on Ganesh Chaturthi – such

subjects are being run on Whatsapp and social media and are taken


pride into by these leftists. Our people have started wondering, are we

not Hindus? Who are we? Such thoughts are adversely affecting our


4.18. The interview with Shri. Appa Joshi

The interview with Shri. Appa Joshi published by Tarun Bharat

on YouTube21 is identified as Weblink – 21, Article published in

Tarun Bharat22 is identified as Weblink – 22, and The interview of

Shri Appa Joshi with Vivek Saptahik published in Social media23

is identified as Weblink – 23:

The summary of the interview of Appa Joshi reveals as follows:

1. In 1967, a hostel for Adivasi Students was established by the trust

Vanvasi Vikas Prakalpa at Talasari. Shri. Madhavrao Kane and

Damuanna Tokekar were leading personalities in the process of

establishment of the said hostel. Since the establishment of the

Vanvasi Vikas Prakalpa (VVP), left followers had conducted

organised physical attacks on the karyakartas as well as the

building, resulting into and also damage to the property of the hostel

on many occasions.


2. Late Devu Bender was the candidate of Bharatiya Jan Sangha. He

was attacked in 1970, and due to injuries, Devu went in a coma for

seven days, which was followed by his death.

3. In 1974 Mr Wamanrao Sahastrabuddhe, a devoted full-time worker

who had chosen to be a volunteer to look after the project, and was

resident in one of the projects of Hindu Seva Sangha at Theronda

in Dahanu Taluka, as well as his wife were fatally attacked in the

midnight. The attackers were large in number. Mrs Sahastrabuddhe

later succumbed to grievous injuries to her stomach due to assault

on her. Later, a fake narration of robbery was spread by assailants.

4. The attack was planned on Madhavrao Kane in Vanvasi Vikas

Prakalpa’s Hostel. On 14th August 1992, a mob of more than 800

persons attacked hostel at Talasaris of VVP from all the directions.

On that day Madhavrao Kane was not camping at the hostel and

hence survived from assault. Shri. Appa Joshi and his wife, who

was looking after the management of Hostel of Talasari, got trapped

into the brutal attack. Both of them were seriously injured. The

scalp of Appa Joshi was fractured, and he became unconscious due

to the injury, timely treatment saved them.

5. According to Shri Appa Joshi, it is the left-wing or Marxist

organisations responsible for the attacks.

4.19. The interview of Mr Laxman Warkhande


The interview of MMrLaxman Warkhande with committee

member24 is identified as Weblink – 24:

The interview of MrMraxman Warkhande reveals that since 1990-91

there are intermittent attacks, account whereof is narrated as follows:

1. “In 1990, the members of the CPM, including then MLA Shri.

Lahanu S. Kome created a fright in the minds of the people of

village Girgoan and village Ghimane that industrial area would be

established in that locality by destroying the rich agricultural lands

and ruining Agricultural Activities of the tribals. People sought the

help of late Chintaman Vanga who had helped them by approaching

Court. As revenge, the CPM workers attacked in villages Girgoan

and Ghimane with the mob of thousand people. Around 300 to 350

houses were attacked. Livestock counting near about 3500 such as

poultry and goats were destroyed, escaped or succumbed to fatal

injuries or rendered useless due to injuries. They influenced the

Police and managed to record false complaints against the villagers

who were the victims.”

2. “My village Vasa was also attacked. One Shri. Ramesh Karbat lost

his arm. My own house, as well as Sitaram Thapad’s house, were


vandalised. Similarly, 50 to 60 houses in my village were broken


3. “It is the Naxalist approach of CPM workers which has stalled the

development of Adivasis. In Kosai village, the house of one Mr

Shankar Sakhedia and other 30 to 35 houses in the village were

broken down.”

4. “There was also attack at village Kawada, of which the then MP

late Chintaman Vanga belongs. About fifty houses were destroyed,

and two houses were completely charred. The police officer Mr

Kadam had done firing, and in the result, further damage was

controlled, otherwise Shri. Vanga Saheb as well would have been

killed in the attack.”

5. “CPM workers have an inbuilt procedure to eliminate or to create a

threat of existence in the mind of all those who do not follow their

dictate. The CPM headquarters organise special training programs

for CPM cadres. The people go in other states such as West Bengal

and return as a trained comrade. They intimidate local with false

narratives such as, if any Doctor arrives for any medical camp, these

people spread the rumours that doctor has arrived to kill Adivasi

and not for medication. If any officer visits the village, they spread

rumours that the officer will take your land. If any new teacher

comes to the village, they spread that the teacher would file false

cases against you. They terrorise the people by spreading such

rumours. They also tell the Adivasi that in case of any fight with

outsiders, they would take care of the Adivasi.”

6. “The activists amongst locals inspired by left-wing Organisations

are intimidated to use brutal practices and modalities such as

assaulting the cattle with such force or device that the assault would

result in the breaking spine or dismembers of the vital organs of the

cattle or uprooting or destroying horticultural plantations. They also

take recourse to device of involving innocent tribals in false and

vindictive litigation by filing false complaints of theft against

students and their detention through police machinery.”

7. “At least once in a six month, there is secret and internal Naxalite

training to the party workers. Even the Police are not aware. In

1996, one police officer Shri. Kadam traced the information about

a Naxalist visit in Palghar. Shri. Kadam obtained special permission

from IG, and by operation, the action was taken against Naxalist by

a special team in Palghar.”

8. “Present attack on Sanyasis is part of Naxalist approach as in

training they spread the hatred towards saffron or Hindus, including

persons having nationalist mindset.”

4.20. The interview with Shri. Vinod Medha


The interview with Shri. Vinod Medha with committee member

identified as Weblink – 25:

The interview of Mr Vinod Medha reveals that there are several

incidents of violence caused due to ideological differences. Mr Medha

categorically stated that “the police either does not take cognisance of

complaints or pressurise to withdraw complaints filed against members

of the organisations associated with CPM.”

4.21. The interview of Luis Kakad

The interview of Luis Kakad with committee member26 is

identified as weblink – 26:

Mr Luis Kakad, present Sarpanch of Karasgoan in his interview with a

committee member, reveals that:- “In 1996 my family and I were

attacked by the communist. The attempt was made to burn us alive;

however, all of us escaped from the attack and survived. We lost

everything except the clothing on a person.”

4.22. The interview with Smt. Chitra Chaudhari, Sarpanch of



The interview with Smt. Chitra Chaudhari, Sarpanch of

Gadchinchale27 is identified as weblink – 27:

The interview of Chitra Chaudhari, she reveals that:

1. On 16th April 2020, she received a message at around 9.30 pm. She

reached on the spot at around 9.45 pm. People had gathered where

the Sadhus were present. She asked Sanyasis, where do you want to

go and from where you have come? They said nothing. They just

bowed (Namaskar) to the people. Side windows of the vehicle were

closed by inmates. They didn’t answer anything. Then the crowd

shouted “thieves thieves”. Then the crowd deflated the tyres of the

vehicle of the Sadhus. For the next 5 to 10 minutes, Sadhus were in

the vehicle. She asked people not to be violent; however, 4 to 5

persons overturned the vehicle. Forest officers informed the Police

Station. She tried to control the mob and protected those Sanyasis

till 11.45 pm. She stated that the Police came around between 11.30

pm to 12.00 am and started video shooting of the vehicle. Two or

three Police asked the Sanyasis to come out of their damaged car.

One Sanyasi and their driver ran towards police vehicle and sat

down in Police car. The other Sanyasi was old and therefore was

walking with the help of Police Shri Salunkhe Sir. Then people


started pelting stones and attacked with rods. The crowd also

shouted to kill lady Sarpanch who had controlled the mob till the

arrival of Police. The mob comprised of tribals from surrounding

villages including Gadchinchale, Divashi, Dabhad, & Pilavali.

Village Pilavali is located in Union Territory of Dadra Nagar


2. The term dada referred to in the shouts of mob “Dada Aala, Dada

Aala,” means Shri Kashinath Chaudhari, an elected member of Zilla

Parishad of Nationalist Congress Party.

3. Chitra Chaudhari, Sarpanch of village Gadchinchale sought police

protection which she got.

4.23. The Press Note issued by the office of PRO of S.P. Palghar

The Press Note issued by the office of PRO of S.P. Palghar which

is enclosed as Annexure – 1 reveals that:

The Kasa Police Station recorded two FIRs bearing C.R. No.76 and 77

for incident dated 16th April 2020. FIR bearing C.R. No.76 of 2020

pertains to the first incident of attack, by defying lockdown order dated

31st March 2020 on Police and three persons in Ecco car which were

overturned by the mob and thereby attempted to kill Sadhus. The copy

of the FIR bearing C.R. No.76 of 2020 is not available.

4.24. FIR bearing C.R. No.77 of 2020 registered at Kasa Police Station

The copy of the FIR bearing C.R. No.77 of 2020 registered at Kasa

Police Station is Annexure – 7:

The second FIR bearing CR No. 77 of 2020 reveals that information

about a gathering of mob and overturning of the car by the mob, at

Gadchinchale was received at Kasa police station. And the Police

officers along with their RCP platoon reached at Gadchinchale around

11.10 pm, the Police took out Sadhus and driver from ECCO Car and

while taking them to the government vehicle, a mob of 400 – 500

people attacked and lynched the Sanyasis and their driver at 11.30 pm.

As per the FIR information of the offence was recorded in Station

Diary at Kasa Police station on 17th April 2020 at 10.58 pm, i.e. almost

24 hours, after the incident and FIR has been registered on 18th April

2020 around 7 am. The reason indicated in the FIR as the cause for the

delay in reporting the incident is assigned as roads being blocked by

the people by putting trees and stones on the road.

4.25. FIR bearing C. R., No.906 of 2020 at Khanvel Police Station in

Dadra Nagar Haveli

The copy of the FIR being C. R., No.906 of 2020 at Khanvel Police

Station in Dadra Nagar Haveli along with its free translation is


Annexure – 8; The report of an incident on the portal of Jansatta

Newspaper28 is identified as Weblink – 28:

The FIR bearing C.R. No.906 of 2020 dated 18th April 2020 registered

at Khanvel Police Station in Dadra Nagar Haveli reveals that Talasari

Police Station received a call from Palghar Police Station at around

11.30 pm. Accordingly on 17th April 2020 after making an entry in

Police diary five police officers and RCP platoon staff was on the way

to Gadchinchale via Dadara Nagar Haveli however near a school at

Village Chisade, the Police vehicle was stopped by a mob of 200

persons armed with sticks, stones and axe in their hand at around 00.45

am. The mob prevented police personnel from getting out of the police

vehicle and held them in hostage till 3.00 am in Chisade village.

4.26. The videos of the incident occurred at Gadchinchale

The videos of the incident which had occurred at Gadchinchale went

viral on WhatsApp social media. These Videos show that:

1. The mob was got cheered upon the arrival of one person, who is

described in the audible voice of utterance by some members of the

crowd saying “Dada Ala Dada Ala.” Thereafter, the crowd attacked

and lynched two Sannyasis and their driver.


2. Police remained passive, and have not made any effort to intervene

to prevent the said occurrence.

4.27. The press note by Office of PRO of S. P. Palghar

The press note dated 18th April 2020 by Office of PRO of S. P.

Palghar which is at Annexure – 1:-

The press note reveals that on 17th April 2020 Police went to

surrounding villages and arrested suspected accused found by the

Police. Some people manage to escape, and they are hiding in the

forest. On 17th April 2020, at the time police tried to search the

suspects in the forest, where police party was attacked; therefore Police

had fired some rounds in the air.

4.28. The copy of the complaint filed by Luis Kakad

The copy of the complaint filed by Luis Kakad dated 22nd April is

Annexure – 9. and the interview of Shri. Luis Kakad which is

already identified as Weblink – 26:

Shri Luis Kakad has categorically stated that “I am proud to be Adivasi

but for whatever cruelty has happened. We worship the Sadhus as God

while the communists amongst Adivasis are tutored not to believe in

God. They do not believe in Sadhus or Sants. They do not believe in

Lord Ganpati. They do not believe in Lord Rama. They only believe in

Communism. They have a very different ideology. Because of that,

whatever happened in Gadchichla, it is only because of them.” He


informed the committee members that due to his being a sarpanch

supported by BJP, rumours are spread about him, and people were after

him since the Gadchinchale incident. He also lodged a complaint on

22nd April 2020 alleging that “the persons associated with communist

organisations spread the rumours that because the Sarpanch is affiliated

with BJP, he brought the thieves in the police vehicle and he has left

the thieves behind to steal the kidneys of the people. Due to these

rumours deliberately spread by communist activists, the tribals in the

tribal belt who was frighten were searching for me while holding the

axes and sticks in their hands.”

4.29. Attack on Dr Valavi at Village Sarani

The Ground Report of ABP News Channel published on 20th

April 202029 is identified as Weblink – 29:

The Ground Report of ABP News Channel reveals that one Dr Valavi,

a social worker from Thane was on a visit to village Sarane to

donate/distribute food and consumable items, were attacked, however,

due to intervention of Police he was saved from any injury. However,

two police vehicles as well Dr Valavi’s vehicle were damaged. This

incident occurred four days before the incident dated 16th April 2020.


5. The response of the State Government:

1. The copy of the Remand reports is Annexure – 10:

The remand reports reveal that during the course of the investigation,

few more persons were added in the array of Accused. The Committee

has come across with the copy of the remand report dated 13th May

2020 which discloses names of the accused who are given in Police


2. The News Report dated 14th May 202030 is identified as Weblink -


As per identification of the names of the accused by local persons;

accused Rajesh Rao, Vinod Rao and Ramdas Rao are active members

of CPM and Vishnu Bhavan is ex-member of Grampanchayat, whereas

Jayaram Bhawar is presently a member of Gram Panchayat. Accused

Jankya Borsya is the active members of NCP.

3. The news report dated 29th April 2020 in Times of India31 is

identified as weblink - 31.

The State Government initially suspended two police officers. Later on,

three more police officers have been suspended, and subsequently, the


35 police personnel from Kasa Police station have been transferred to

other Police Stations.

4. The Social Media communication of Hon’ble Chief Minister is

identified as Weblink – 1, as well as Hon’ble Home Minister of the

State, is identified as Weblink – 2:

The briefing of Palghar issue on Social media platform by the Hon’ble

Chief Minister and Hon’ble Home Minister reveals that except

misunderstanding, there could not be any other reason behind the


5. The news report of Hon’ble Home Minister’s visit to Gadchichale32

is identified as Weblink – 32:

The learned Home Minister for the State of Maharashtra has visited to

village Gadchinchale. Mr Kashinath Chaudhary, elected member of

Zilla Parishad, who belongs to NCP, also accompanied Hon’ble

Minister during his visit.


6. Questions which require investigation:

We have circulated amongst all members, the information gathered from

sources in the public domain and as collected by members. We have

scrutinised all the material traced in the public domain. Committee

members have interacted on a conference call and through virtual

meetings. After deliberations, we have formed a consensus on the

questions which arise and require investigation, are listed as follows:-

a. How and why the mob comprising of around or over 400 Tribals

gathers at night hours?

b. What was the factual text if any which may have been spread amongst

the residents of tribal villages which resulted in arriving of the people

on the spot of the incident?

c. Whether in Gadchinchale and surrounding villages, there exists any

network of communication which could result in collecting about four

hundred persons within a time of two hours?

d. Did there exist any logistic support for the transport of about 400

persons from different villages to Gadchinchale?

e. In the event the investigation does not result in disclosing adequate

evidence of logistic support, is it due to gravity of message the people

walk to the spot on their own?


f. Whether any message was sent to the Adivasis resident of village

Chisada in Union Territory of Dadra Nagar Haveli and by whom,

which resulted in blocking the road and detaining police van/bus

which was heading towards Gadchinchle?

g. What could be the reasons due to which the police personnel present

on the spot of the incident, apparently remained passive, and did not

take any steps to prevent the offence?

h. Can the individual upon whose arrival the mob got cheered up by

words “Dada ala-Dada ala” (Dada has arrived–Dada has arrived) be

conclusively identified?

i. Was any effort made to prevent occurrence by any local person?

j. Who is Controlling the psyche of villagers?

k. Whether there exists any history of violence in Dahanu and Talasari

Tribal belt?

l. Can the incident held on 16.4.2020, be related directly or remotely to

the acts of violence in the past?

m. Whether there exists any direct link of the divisive role as a long term

goal of Adivasi Ekta Parishad and Kashtakari Sanghatana in targeting

two sanyasis and their driver?

n. Whether the divisive activities of Kashtakari Sanghatana and Adivasi

Ekta Parishad have any support in whatsoever form from CBCI with

special reference to the assassination of Sadhus?


7. Committee’s observation, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations:

7.1. General Observations:

1. It is well known that culturally and temperamentally tribals are shy

and do not voluntarily mix/mess-up with the urban population.

Adivasis in Palghar are mostly belonging to sub-Tribe names

Warali, Kokana, Thakar, Mahadev Koli, Malharkoli as included

under the Presidential Order for Scheduled Tribes. Broadly, all

Adivasi in the region do worship, Hirava Dev, Vaghoba Dev,

Narayan Dev, Mahalaxmi of Dahanu. Ram Katha and Mahabharat

are part of Adivasi’s preaching and rituals. The normal practice of

greeting/wishing when they meet is by uttering words “Ram-Ram”.

2. The tribals are conventionally having complete reverence and

respect towards spiritual personalities wearing saffron.

7.2. Role of Organisations:

Things which prima facie emerge as well as are suggestive from,

i.e. Weblink 3 to Weblink 12 are as follows:

1. From the material available in the public domain such as area study

report, prima facie as it is suggestive about Kashtakari Sanghatana,

activities of Adivasi Ekta Parishad, such as weblink 5, we have

noticed that organisations working in the area are creating hatred in

the minds of Adivasis, against Government, and Hindu religious

leaders, sadhus and sanyasis. Prima facie, Kashtakari Sanghatna,


Adivasi Ekta Parishad, Bhumisena and other such organisations are

responsible for spreading hatred amongst some Adivasi groups

towards Adivasis following Hindu practices.

2. The “extra-parliamentarianism” activities as propagated in plenum

report, which are actually propagated in speeches and mouth

publicity practised by these organisation, results in promoting

hatred against constitutional governance. At the same time, they do

not have any inhibition for using contemporary government

machinery and mechanism for their ultimate goal (Weblink -3).

3. Prima facie the communists are instigating the youth against

government and development projects. (Weblink - 4, Weblink – 5).

The Kashtakari Sanghatna is one of such organisations which was

founded in 1978 by Pradeep Prabhu formerly Peter D’Mello

formerly a Jesuit Priest. The Organisation projects itself as left

democratic Organisation to protect local Adivasis from exploitation

and harassment by landlords, money lenders and Government

officials. Since the inception of Kashtakari Sanghatana, it is

engaged in inciting the people against government officials,

including forest officials and police officers. By replicating the

model used by Naxals, Kashtakari Sanghatana also conducts an

extra-constitutional activity in the name of people’s court where,

purportedly as a step for removing injustice, public trials are


conducted, and oral judgments are proclaimed and implemented at

the whims of leaders of the organisation, which earns them goodwill

amongst the Tribals, for speedy justice. The said ‘People’s Court’

is a parallel system of justice divise by these organisations, which

is on the lines of Naxal’s thought process. People’s Court is used

against shopkeepers or money lenders who exploit Adivasis.

(Weblink – 6)

4. The Kashtakari Sanghatana is secretly promoting militancy.

Pradeep Prabhu is deeply connected with bureaucrats at a higher

level, including with former judges. Mr Parbhu also managed to get

nominated with several government activities. Along with Pradip

Prabhu, his wife Shiraz Balsara and Brian Lobo are the persons who

are actively leading Kashtakari Sanghatna in the region. The anti-

constitutional approach of Kashtakari Sanghatana has a direct link

to spread incitement against Government Authorities or law

enforcing agencies. The influential connections of Mr Pradeep

Prabhu, his consistent anti-Hindu activities and anti-government

activities cultivate and convert the mindset of the Adivasis to ignite

violence. (Weblink – 7)

5. Adivasi Ekta Parishad is instrumental in spreading separatist

thoughts in Tribal area. In the name of striving to conserve the

cultural identity of Adivasis. Adivasi Ekta Parishad claims that


Adivasis are aboriginals in India. It propagates Ravan as Tribal God

in contrast with Ram. This propaganda leads to the creation of

negativity and hatred in the minds of Adivasis towards those

professing Adivasis’ Hindu traditions. Adivasi Ekta Parishad

opposes almost all the national development projects claiming that

it is a conspiracy to oust Adivasis from tribal area. This has led to

the creation of a militating approach amongst Adivasis against the

Government Projects of national importance which are

implemented in the tribal areas, by propagating that all these

projects are aimed at destroying the welfare and livelihood of

Tribals. The propaganda is further aimed at converting psyche of

the Tribals against the constitutional governance and the projects of

the government. They also have the goal to organise the Tribal to

militate against the Government. Adivasi Ekta Parishad, on the one

hand, represents to protect the Adivasi culture and on the other

hand, they tacitly promote the activities of Christian Missionaries,

at the cost of trampling the conventions and practices prevalent

amongst Adivasis. (Weblink – 8, Weblink – 9).

6. The text contained in Weblink 10 to 12 is suggestive of direct

support to the activities of Adivasi Ekta Parishad by the Missionary

organisations who are involved in divisive activities by creating


faction amongst Adivasis. (Weblink – 10, Weblink – 11, Weblink

– 12)

7.3. Anti – National Activities within the region:

Prima facie anti-national activities within the region suggested

from Weblink No.14 & Weblink No.15 as follow:

1. The spirit and object behind activity analogous to Patthalgarhi

movement are inspired by organisations which are following a left

ideology. The anti-national and separatist activities are direct

threats to the democratic structure. Further, this also shows the link

of organisations with the Patthalgarhi movement in other parts of

India, which is a direct threat to constitutional governance as well

as the Sovereignty of India. Involvement of the member of Adivasi

Ekta Parishad behind those who initiated to pass resolution

analogues to Patthalgarhi movement in Gram Sabha establishes

activism which is a threat to democratic governance. (Weblink –


2. Use of violence during elections and pressurising tactics used by

left-wing political organisations establish anti-democratic activities

within the region. (Weblink – 15)

7.4. Anti – Development Activities:

1. To advance the basic object of these two organisations of creating

hostility in the minds of Adivasis against the government, they are


hammering that the industrial corridor and bullate train are the

projects which will harm the interest of Adivasis. Though the land

above the surface of those forest area which would be affected in

the Palghar District will be 70.9-hectare land out of the total area of

Palghar District, i.e. 534400-hectare which comes to 0.01 per cent

of the total area of the District, in this background, these projects

are used as a device of creating a hostile attitude in the minds of

Adivasis, aimed at long-termed goal disclosed in the Plenum report.

Opposition to Bullate Train project and Mumbai - Vadodara

Highway project having national importance are opposed by the All

India Kisan Sabha, Bhumi Sena, Adivasi Ekta Parishad and

Kashtakari Sanghatana is with an object of enhancing their hold by

using the device of opposing the development project in the guise

of protecting the interest of the tribals by false propaganda

(Weblink – 16, Weblink – 17, Weblink 18).

2. These organisations in the tribal belt, on the one hand, oppose the

projects, schemes and help of the government, and on the other

hand, agitates for non-development of the Adivasi region. The

members of the organisations influence the decision of Gramsabha

to pass anti-development resolutions. (Weblink – 19).

7.5. Prima facie divisive Activities


Prima facie divisive Activities of left-wing organisations, as prima

facie reveal in the background of democratic governance, are as


1. Dr B. R. Ambedkar, in his famous essay Buddha and Karl Marx,

wrote while explaining modus-operendi of Communist that, “The

Communists say that, there are the only two means of establishing

Communism. The first is violence. Nothing short of it will suffice

to break up the existing system. The other is the dictatorship of the

proletariat. Nothing short of it will suffice to continue the new


2. Both the elements, i.e. violence and dictatorship as described and

apprehended by Dr B. R. Ambedkar are prima facie seen to be

present in the activities of the organisations viz., CPM, Kashtakari

Sanghatna, Adivasi Ekta Parishad, Bhumisena and other such

organisations which are influencing the tribal belt in Palghar and

Thane District for several decades.

3. The original global agenda of the Communists is to harp upon pre-

existing establishment, i.e. bourgeois. In tribal area, there is no trend

of Capitalist establishment, and therefore, the modified agenda of

the leftist organisations is to attack against the existing trend of

faith, and as a part of said goal, they use the media for criticising

Hindu faith and strive to distract the Tribals from their traditional

faith aligned to Hindus. Adivasi Shramik Sangharsh Sanghatana

and Adivasi Ekta Parishad, propagate by use of false information

the immolating effigy of Ravan on the occasion of Dussehra and

take recourse to action under Atrocity Act and Indian Penal Code

against those who traditionally celebrate Dussehra. This is done by

these organisations by use of false propaganda against the

traditional faiths. These are the primary example of creating hatred

by use of anti-Hindu agenda. (Annexure – 5, Annexure – 6)

4. Opposition to the celebration of Ganesh festival and opposition to

immolating effigy of Ravan and propaganda that Adivasis are

aboriginals and not Hindus create hatred against one group of

Adivasis against other Adivasis who follow Hindu faith. (Weblink

– 20)

5. The consistent hammering on Adivasis that they are not Hindus

rather are having a distinct and diverse identity, apart from Hindus,

results into intimidating the Adivasis to have ardent faith in

Hinduism. The organisations working in Palghar District use

violent means in their activism and target the tribals following

Hindu faith and also those who refuse to follow the ideological path

of these organisations. The attacks on the people who oppose the

Anti-Hindu views are targeted and brutally killed by the left-wing

organisations active in the area.


6. The separatist approach and Anti-Hindu activism could be possibly

the propelling causes of extreme hatred against Sanyasis, which

took toll of life of three people, including two Sanyasis on 16th

April 2020.

7. The Weblink – 11 to 13 suggests that Churches such as CBCI are

giving financial and other aid to the organisations, who indulge in

divisive activities.

7.6. History of Violence:

1. There are incidents of attacks on the activists/members of Hindu


2. There is the history of violence such as, attack on late Devu Bender,

late Wamanrao Sahastrabuddhe and his wife, Appa Joshi and his

wife who were social workers in the Tribal region in the absence of

any rivalry or local conflict. The victims were attacked by the

Activists of left-wing organisations as stated by Appa Joshi which

establishes that there is a history of violence by and at the behest of

activists of left-wing organisations aimed at their ideological goal.

(Weblink – 21, Weblink – 22, Weblink – 23).

3. There is a history of brutal attacks in village Girgoan and Ghimane

in 1990 due to political reasons made by CPM workers. People

having ideological differences are also attacked by CPM workers

and other left-wing organisations. This history establishes that the


violence against those who have opposed left-wing activity has

suffered an attack, and thus violence is a common device in Palghar

area, by the left-wing organisations. In case of legal course against

such atrocities, the members of the left-wing organisations use

pressurising tactics to prevent the filing of the complaint or

pressurise the victims for the withdrawal of the complaint.

(Weblink – 24, Weblink – 25, Weblink – 26).

4. In the event, ideological difference or conflict occurs, it results in

gross violence. The number of attacks on Vanvasi Vikas Prakalpa’s

Hostel in Talasari, brutal attempt of the killing of social workers

and political opponents establishes that there is an ongoing

conspiracy against the believers of Hindu traditions and culture by

aforementioned organisations to maintain their political control in

the tribal belt. Adivasis are just used as a tool to perpetuate violence

as a device to gain power and control. The leaders of these

Organisations are having close connections with bureaucrats and

politicians, from which they keep on harvesting the gains aimed at

their political gain including to cover-up violence. Thus, violence

is used as a measure of deterrence against Adivasi who do not

support their views.

5. A note on Kashtakari Sanghatna, i.e. Weblink 6, discloses that left-

wing organisations have operational differences with the other


Organisations having ideological kinship, but they work

concertedly against Government agencies and carry on their

concurrent agenda of anti-Hindu activity in the District. (Weblink –


6. The Ground Report of ABP News, i.e. Weblink – 25 discloses that

the similar violent incident occurred four days before the incident

dated 16th April 2020 wherein Dr Dalavi was attacked at Village

Sarane while he was donating the essentials. The Police who came

to help him was also attacked and thus Dr Valavi’s vehicle as well

as two police vehicle severely damaged.

7.7. Observations as to the present incident:

1. The violence which took toll of two Sanyasis and one driver may

prima facie appear like a sporadic irruption, induced or intimidated

due to the rumours that men robes of sanyasis, were in fact thieves

who have arrived to kidnap the children for extracting their Kidney.

However, after entire circumstances are taken into account the

impression indicated in the foregoing sentence, gets substantially

altered. This event shall have to be viewed into the backdrop of

several violent occurrences that took place in the past. In the past,

most of the acts of violence involving groups or gatherings –

unlawful assembly, those were ignited and authored by left-wing


2. The brutal and inhuman mob lynching of Sanyasis is the outcome

of a violent approach which has been influencing the tribal

community. This approach of the left-wing organisations results in

causing harm and violation of fundamental rights, including the

right to have a peaceful life with dignity.

3. The facts emerging from the videos vividly portray that the Police

personnel could have averted the incident. However, they choose to

connive at the violence, leading to an inference that they (Police)

could not have opposed the wishes of supporters of ruling party one

amongst whom is referred as Dada by some members of unlawful

assembly and the local left-wing influential group. This not only

gives a glimpse of lawlessness but also shows support of Police to

such activities and soft corner towards organisations causing

violence, and in the alternative helplessness of Police to act against

the activity of left-wing. Moreover, the FIR has been registered on

18th April 2020, though the incident took place on 16th April 2020.

The distance between Gadchinchale and Kasa is only 35-

kilometres, and is connected by a major district road which is

motorable – tar asphalt and is having least traffic particularly in the

night hours.

4. The Hon’ble Chief Minister denied any possibility other than the

misplaced identity behind the brutal killing of Sanyasis and also


made the statement that main five accused have been arrested,

which contradicts the revelations in further investigation and arrest

of some persons after identification from videos which went viral.

After the incident, five constables were suspended, and 35 police

personnel of Kasa Police Station transferred elsewhere in District.

Moreover, the Superintendent of Police, Palghar District, was sent

on leave and later transferred. The action taken against the Police

officers deployed at Kasa Police Station suggests the possibility of

some contradiction.

5. In the background of the hostile attitude of leftwing organisations,

there exists a strong possibility that some of the innocent tribals

have been arrested, and at the same time, real culprits aligned to

leftwing or other political party are not yet touched, in view of

publicly announced - an official stand of the government.

Considering the involvement of the persons belonging to the

political party in power, there is a strong possibility of influence to

mislead the investigation. The inference which emerges from all

that which is indicated and discussed in foregoing paragraphs is that

there are some undercurrents which keep people intimidated.

6. The attack and murder of Sanyasis are divided into different sets of

the incident. Sequence of occurrence of events cannot be gathered

and accurately narrated. Different incidence of movement of


victims has occurred which included the following, however, the

factual sequence may emerge after full investigation. These

incidents are as follows:-

i. The vehicle of Sanyasis was restrained and attacked by

a small mob.

ii. The vehicle was overturned on one side. However, the

mob was controlled by the lady sarpanch.

iii. After about two hours police party came.

iv. The Police tried to take victims to the police van.

v. Crowd interrupted the action of Police, and lynched

Sanyasis and their driver.

vi. The mob of 200 people at village Chisade kept the

police party in hostage for three hours which was

heading to Gadchinchale since village Chisade is

located around 13 Kilometres away from the place of


8. Observations of the Committee

1. No incident except alleged rumours which could trigger a violent act on

16th April 2020 had preceded at Gadchinchale which could have resulted

in detention and lynching.

2. The mode of circulation of information is required to be investigated.

3. The fact that Mr Kashinath Chaudhari, an elected member of NCP at Zilla

Parishad, Palghar is believed to be referred as Dada by witness Mrs Chitra

Chaudhari, and probably he was a member of unlawful assembly,

however, his name is not seen as a suspect or accused. On the other hand,

he is at large and is openly seen by the print media to be moving with the

Hon’ble Minister, which creates suspicion that the investigation is not

being carried out impartially and is guided by an agenda to protect the

persons who are involved.

4. Considering the record of violence against various social workers

organisation against tribals who do not follow left wings which are

attributed in various documents against or as to the involvement of

Kashtakari Sanghatana, Adivasi Ekta Parishad, Bhumisena and such other

organisations, necessitates proper investigation of role and involvement,

inspiration, abatement or intimidation as a cause of gathering of a large

number of tribals at Gadchinchale and also at Chisada.

5. Considering statement by State Government which contradicts prima facie

revelations from videos of the incident that the investigation is likely to be


influenced by the stance of the government which is publicly announced.

To avoid such influence, and in fairness, it is highly recommended that

the Investigation of the incident at Gadchinchale and all collateral matters

be referred to CBI or NIA.

6. Gadchinchale is located near the interstate Border of abutting Dadra Nagar

Haveli Union Territory and is covered by forest. Connectivity of mobile

network in this territory is very poor. Around the same time, i.e. on 16th

April 2020, the group of police personnel from Talasari Police Station was

on their way to Village Gadchinchale, the Bus was taken hostage near

village Chisade in Union Territory of Dadra Nagar Haveli while on the

way to village Gadchinchale. These facts prima facie reveal that those who

are instrumental to the assembling of the people who turned into a violent

mob also intended to prevent more police force to reach on the spot of the

incident. Several accused persons and witnesses resident of Union

Territory of Dadra Nagar Haveli are involved. Therefore, for proper

investigation and reaching to the individual accused who are involved and

for preventing real culprits being left for free, it is necessary to maintain

the rule of law the investigation needs to be transferred to CBI.

7. The present case is a rare and exceptional case for transfer of investigation

to NIA and CBI in the background that, well before the commencement

of the investigation the Hon’ble Chief Minister, as well as Home Minister

of Maharashtra, have proclaimed their conclusion that the incident


occurred only because of misunderstanding. Due to such proclamation,

the path and indicator of the investigation are decided and influenced by

the State Government. Therefore, the set of facts as having emerged,

require that the government should volunteer to transfer the investigation

to CBI and even should draw the attention of NIA to the peculiar facts and

circumstances due to replication of Patthalgarhi pattern. Strong possibility

of involvement of the members of ruling Political Organisations viz.,

Kashinath Chaudhari and his proximity with the Hon’ble Home Minister

is a corroborative factor. Given Guidelines of Hon’ble Supreme Court in

the matter of K. V. Rajendran v. Superintendent of Police, (2013) 12 SCC

480, the present case is a fit case for transfer of Investigation to CBI.

8. At this juncture, the fact-finding Committee believes that had, adequate

police force being deployed, the incident could have been averted.

9. Recommendations of the Committee

1. Considering, the incident of replicating independent Adivasi area as done

in Patthalgarhi, Jharkhand establishes the possibility of secret connections

with the Naxalite movement. Therefore, this incident required to be

investigated through NIA.

2. The organisations spreading communal hatred and Anti-Democratic

agenda with the use of violent means must be investigated through a

national level investigating agency such as NIA and CBI.

3. The central agencies to which the investigation may be transferred should

investigate points formulated in Paragraph No.6 of the present report.

4. We find our self to be convinced in favour of prima facie inference that

the investigation should not be misdirected due to the statement of

Hon’ble Chief Minister and Hon’ble Home Minister, and by deeper

investigation and probe into role and involvement of individuals and

institutions including Kashtakari Sanghatana, Adivasi Ekta Parishad is

done. The videos and other information we came across and which we

have listed must be taken into account by the central agency.

5. Real eyewitnesses must be identified and listed.

6. Witnesses must be provided due protection and security given the history

of violence.

7. Innocent Adivasis should not be falsely implicated due to political nexus

and because they are not amongst the followers of Adivasi Ekta Parishad

and Kashtakari Sanghatana.



1. The YouTube link of the video dated 20th April 2020, where Hon’ble
Chief Minister, addressed on the social media1 is identified as Weblink –
2. The Video of Home minister published on the Social Media dated 22nd
April 20202 is identified as Weblink – 2.
3. The Plenum Report of CPM available on CPM’s website3 is identified as
Weblink – 3.
4. The interview of Mr Vivek Karmoda by a committee member4 is identified
as Weblink – 4.
5. The interview of Mr Naresh Devalya Marad by a committee member is
identified as Weblink – 5.
6. The Article available on Kashtakari Sanghatana by Department of Defence
and Strategic Studies of Vidya Prasarak Mandal, Thane,6 is identified as
Weblink – 6.
7. One of the videos of Mr Parbhu available on YouTube7 is identified as
Weblink – 7.
8. The interview of Mr Kaluram Dhodade, published by Jeevdani
Entertainment available on YouTube8 is identified as Weblink – 8.
9. Video clip of Mr B. G. Kolse Patil, a former High Court Judge on the
platform of Adivasi Ekta Parishad9 identified as Weblink – 9.


10. The video published by Johar Team YouTube channel10 is identified as

Weblink – 10.
11. The news report published on Asia News Portal on 18th January 202011
identified as Weblink – 11.
12. The Newsletter of CBCI Office for Tribal Affairs, 2018 published on the
website of CBCI12 is identified as Weblink – 12.
13. The interview of Mr Suresh Shinda by committee member13 is identified
as Weblink – 13.
14. The news report published in Indian Express about Patthalgarhi Movement
in Palghar14 is identified as Weblink – 14.
15. The interview of Mr Arvind Bhavar, the Sarpanch of the Grampanchayat
‘Zari’ by the committee member15 is identified as – 15.
16. The report dated 18th September 2018 published on the Kisan Sabha
website16 is identified as Weblink – 16.
17. The Article dated 25th March 2020 published in Caravan Magazine17 is
identified as Weblink – 17.
18. The copy of the news report dated 17th June 2018 published on the portal
of NDTV18 is identified as Weblink – 18.
19. The interview of Chhagan Wavare, a teacher from Village Shishne, Palghar
with committee member19 is identified as Weblink – 19.


20. The interview of Mr Chhagan Wavare, Village Shishne20 is identified as

Weblink – 20.
21. The interview of Shri. Appa Joshi published by Tarun Bharat on
YouTube21 is identified as Weblink – 21.
22. Article published in Tarun Bharat22 is identified as Weblink – 22.
23. The interview of Shri Appa Joshi with Vivek Saptahik published in Social
media23 is identified as Weblink – 23:
24. The interview of Mr Laxman Warkhande with committee member24 is
identified as Weblink – 24
25. The interview with Shri. Vinod Medha with committee member
identified as Weblink – 25
26. The interview of Luis Kakad with committee member26 is identified as
Weblink – 26
27. The interview with Smt. Chitra Chaudhari, Sarpanch of Gadchinchale27 is
identified as Weblink – 27
28. The incident reported on the portal of Jansatta Newspaper28 is identified as
Weblink – 28:
29. The Ground Report of ABP News Channel published on 20th April
is identified as Weblink – 29:
30. The News Report dated 14th May 202030 is identified as Weblink - 30:


31. The news report dated 29th April 2020 in Times of India31 is identified as
Weblink - 31.
32. The news report of Hon’ble Home Ministers visit32 is identified as
Weblink – 32.


1. Annexure

1. The copy of the Press-Note dated 18th April 2020 is Annexure – 1.

2. The copy of the news report of Tarun Bharat dated 21/04/2020 is
Annexure – 2.
3. The Google map of Gadchinchale and surrounding area is Annexure – 3.
4. The relevant extract of the Plenum Report is Annexure – 4
5. The copy of the Representation of Adivasi Shramik Sangharsha
Sanghatana dated 25th September 2017 is Annexure – 5.
6. The copy of the representation by Adivasi Ekta Parishad against the
burning effigy of Ravan is Annexure – 6:
7. The copy of the FIR bearing C.R. No.77 of 2020 registered at Kasa Police
Station is Annexure – 7:
8. The copy of the FIR bearing C. R., No.906 of 2020 at Khanvel Police
Station in Dadara Nagar Haveli along with its free translation is Annexure
– 8;
The copy of the complaint filed by Luis Kakad dated 22nd April is
Annexure – 9.
10. The copy of the Remand reports is Annexure – 10:
78 Annexure - 1
P.R.O. Office,Palghar
phone no 02525-297032,Mo No 8669604078
Address-sp office Bidco Road,Palghar west

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{Xbr. àH$aUmMr H|$Ð gaH$maZo XIb hm Mmoa g‘OyZ Zìho, Va ZmhrV, ‘mahmU H$am¶bm bmdUmè¶m§Mo "~«oZ dm°e' H$aʶmV JS>qMMbo ¶oWo O‘mdmH$Sy>Z XmoZ gmYy§gh
KoVbr AgyZ H|$Ðr¶ J¥h‘§Ìmb¶mZo gmYy§Zm R>ma H$aʶmgmR>rM Ambo Amho. S>hmUyV Á¶m {R>H$mUr hm àH$ma Pmbm, Vmo ˶m§À¶m dmhZMmbH$mMr h˶m H$aʶmV
amÁ¶ gaH$maH$S>o ˶màH$aUr Pmbm Amho, dZdmgr "grnrE‘' Am{U "EZgrnr' ¶m§À¶mVrb ¶wVr Agboë¶m Ambr hmoVr. ¶m àH$aUr AmVm nmo{bgm§da
àË`mn©UmÀ`m bT>mB©V gmYy§da H$YrM hmV Am‘XmamMm ^mJ Amho. ˶m‘wio Mmoa g‘OyZ Zìho, Va gmYy H$madmB© H$aʶmV Ambr Amho. H$mgm nmobrg
Ahdmb ‘m{JVbm Amho.
_ëë`mMm AIoa nam^d ˶mMà‘mUo XoemMo J¥h‘§Ìr A{‘V CMbUma ZmhrV, ‘mŠg©dmXr h˶maoM Ago H¥$˶ H$ê$ g‘OyZM ˶m§Mr h˶m H$aʶmV Amë¶mMm Xmdm XodYa R>mʶmÀ¶m XmoZ A{YH$mè¶m§Zm {Zb§{~V
b§S>Z … àË`mn©UmÀ`m emh ¶m§Zr ‘w»¶‘§Ìr CÕd ~mimgmho~ R>mH$ao ¶m§À¶mer gXa eH$VmV,'' Agm Xmdm ^mOnMo amï´>r¶ g{Md gwZrb ¶m§Zr Ho$bm Amho. ˶m‘wio h„oImoam§Zm dZdmgtZr Zìho Va H$aʶmV Ambo Amho. H$mgm nmobrg R>mʶmMo
{~«Q>Z_Yrb bT>mB©V {dO` àH$aUr XÿaÜdZrdê$Z MMm© Ho$br Amho. Xaå¶mZ, Xmoft{damoYmV XodYa ¶m§Zr Ho$bm Amho. dZdmgr ^JdoYmar gmYwg§Vm§da ‘mŠg©dmXr Jw§S>m§ZrM ‘mabo Amho, Agohr Vo åhUmbo. à^mar A{YH$mar gmhmæ¶H$ nmobrg {ZarjH$
_ëë`mMm H$R>moa H$aʶmV ¶oB©b, Ago ‘w»¶‘§Ìr R>mH$ao ¶m§Zr gm§{JVbo AmZ§Xamd H$mio d nmobrg Cn{ZarjH$ gwYra
Amho. ¶màH$aUmMr XIb H|$Ð gaH$maZo KoVbr AgyZ amÁ¶
gaH$mabm ¶màH$aUr g{dñVa Ahdmb gmXa H$aʶmMo {ZX}e
"EZgrnr Am{U grnrE‘Mo ZoVo ˶mdoir H$m¶ H$aV hmoVo?' H$mQ>mao ¶m§À¶mda hbJOunUm Ho$ë¶mMm
R>nH$m R>odyZ nmbKa nmobrg AYrjH$ ¶m§Zr
Amho. {Xbo AmhoV. ˶mMà‘mUo H|$Ðr¶ J¥h‘§Ìr A{‘V emh ¶m§Zr Zdr {X„r, {X. 20 (d¥Îmg§ñWm)… EH$ {Q‰>Q> Ho$bo. Vo åhUVmV, pìh{S>Amo‘ܶo {Zb§~ZmMr H$madmB© Ho$br Amho.
Ë`m_wio amÁ¶mMo J¥h‘§Ìr CÕd R>mH$ao ¶m§À¶mgmo~V XÿaÜdZrdê$Z g§dmX ""nmbKa‘ܶo O‘mdmÀ¶m ‘mahmUrV {XgUmar hr ‘mUgo H$moU AmhoV, Oam Jwédmar amÌr S>hmUy (nmZ 6 da)
Ë`mbm gmYbm. ¶mdoir ‘w»¶‘§Ìr R>mH$ao ¶m§Zr emh ¶m§Zm àH$aUmMr gmYw§Mr h˶m Pmbr, ˶mdoir KQ>ZmñWir Hw$Ur gm§Jy eHo$b H$m? ˶m§À¶mda
^maVmV AmUÊ`mMm _mJ© amï´>dmXr H$m±J«og Am{U grnrE‘Mo ZoVo H$madmB© Pmbr Amho H$m ¶m~Ôb g{dñVa
_moH$im Pmbm. XoemVrb
g{dñVa ‘m{hVr {Xbr. ˶mMà‘mUo ¶màH$aUr AmVmn¶ªV
H$aʶmV Amboë¶m H$madmB©MrXoIrb ‘m{hVr {Xbr. ¶màH$aUr ˶mdoir H$m¶ H$aV hmoVo,'' Agm àý d¥Îm g‘Oy eH$bo Zmhr. ‘mÌ, ‘mŠg©dmXr
Vnmgmbm diU XoÊ`mMm
~±H$m§Mr 9,400 H$moQ>r én`m§Zr
\$gdUyH$ Ho$ë`mZ§Va ngma
ZD$ Aënd¶rZ Amamontgh 100 hÿZ A{YH$ OUm§Zm AQ>H$ ^mOnMo amï´>r¶ àdºo$ g§{~V nmÌm ¶m§Zr njmÀ¶m Jw§S>m§Mo ho H$mañWmZ Amho, Agm H$m±J«ogMm à`ËZ … ^m§S>mar
H$aʶmV Amë¶mMr ‘m{hVr ‘w»¶‘§Ìr R>mH$ao ¶m§Zr {Xbr Amho. {dMmabm Amho. ¶mg§X^m©V ˶m§Zr gmo‘dmar Xmdm ˶m§Zr Ho$bm.
Pmboë`m _ëë`mZo {~«Q>Z ‘w§~B©
_Yrb CÀM Ý`m`mb`mV …""nmbKa
XmIb Ho$bobr `m{MH$m "¶m àH$aUmMm Vnmg gr~rAm¶H$S>o Úm' "nmbKa h˶mH$m§S>mV S>mì¶m§Mm gh^mJ' {OëhçmV
\o$Q>miÊ`mV Ambr Amho. Ë`mZo ‘w§~B© hr {ZK¥©U h˶m ~è¶mM e§H$m CnpñWV H$aVo. Zdr {X„r, {X. 20 ({deof àH$aUmMr nmo { bgm§ À `m
XmIb Ho$boë`m `m `m{MHo$da {X. 20 ˶m‘wio ¶m J§^ra KQ>ZoMm Vnmg {Z:njnmVrnUo à{V{ZYr)… ""nmbKa ¶oWo Pmboë¶m g I m o b gmjrZo
\o$~«wdmarnmgyZ gwZmdUr gwê$ (à{V{ZYr)… hmoʶmÀ¶m Ñï>rZo gr~rAm¶H$S>o dJ© H$amdm d gm‘y{hH$ h˶mH$m§S>mVrb S>mì¶m§À¶m Mm¡H$er O_mdmZo
Amho. H$moamoZm {dfmUyÀ`m ""nmbKa Xmoft{déÕ H$R>moa H$madmB© H$aʶmMr ‘mJUr gh^mJmMr CƒñVar¶ Mm¡H$er hmoUo H$aʶmMr gmYw§Mr hË`m
CÐoH$m_wio gÜ`m {~«Q>Z_Ü`ohr ¶ o W r b {dYmZ n[afXoMo {damoYr nj ZoVo àdrU XaoH$a A˶§V JaOoMo Amho. S>mì¶m§Mm ¶mnyduMm ‘mJUr Ho$br Ho$br. Ë`m n[agamVrb ñWm{ZH$ J«m_n§Mm`Vr `m
"bm°H$S>mD$Z' Agë`mZo Ý`m. JS>{M§Mbo ¶m§Zr Ho$br Amho. qhgH$ B{Vhmg nm{hë¶mg ¶m KQ>ZoVhr Amho. Vo _mŠg©dmXr H$å`w{ZñQ> njmÀ`m H$m`©H$Ë`mªÀ`m
ñQ>r\$Z B{d©Z Am{U Ý`m. JmdmV XmoZ XaoH$a ¶m§Zr AmO ¶m§g§X^m©V nmbKaÀ¶m ˶m§Mm gh^mJ ZmH$maVm ¶oUma åhUmbo H$s, Vmã`mV, Va n§Mm`V g{_Vr d {Oëhm
E{bOm~oW boBªJ `m§Zr XÿañWVoZo gmYy d ˶m§Mm {Oëhm{YH$mè¶m§Zm nÌ nmR>{dbo Amho. gXa Zmhr,''Agm Amamon {dœ qhXÿ n[afXoMo ""nmbKa‘ܶo n[afXm§Mo ñWm{ZH$ gXñ` amîQ´>dmXr H$m±J«ogMo
{Xboë`m {ZH$mbmV _ëë`mMr EH$ dmhZMmbH$ ¶m§À¶m h˶m àH$aUmMm Vnmg nÌmZwgma ¶m J§^ra KQ>ZoÀ¶m doir nmo{bgm§Zr ({dqhn) amï´>r¶ ‘hm‘§Ìr {‘qbX nam§S>o XmoZ g§V Am{U ˶m§À¶m ghH$mar dmhZ AmhoV. Ago AgVmZm AQ>H$ Ho$boë`m§n¡H$s
`m{MH$m \o$Q>mibr. ^maVmVrb gr~rAm¶H$S>o gmondmdm,'' Aer ‘mJUr {damoYr ZmJ[aH$m§Zm AmdmhZ H$ê$Z em§VVm amIʶmMo ¶m§Zr Ho$bm Amho. MmbH$mMr h˶m ho S>mì¶m§Mo fS²>¶§Ì ~hþVm§e Amamonr ^mOnMo H$m`©H$V} AmhoV,
à{VdmXr H|$Ðr` AÝdofU njZoVo àdrU XaoH$a ¶m§Zr Ho$br Amho. H$m‘ H$am¶bm hdo hmoVo, VWm{n ¶m~m~V nmbKa ¶oWo XmoZ gmYy Am{U ˶m§À¶m Agë¶mMm g§e¶ Amho. H$maU S>mì¶m§Zr Agm {Zìdi ImoQ>m àMma H$m±J«og njmH$Sy>Z
{d^mJ (gr~rAm`) Am{U nmbKa ¶oWo XmoZ gmYy ˶m§À¶m nmo{bgm§Zr hoVwnyd©H$ Ho$bobr {ZpîH«$¶Vm {XgyZ dmhZMmbH$mMm O‘mdmZo h˶m Ho$ë¶mMr ¶mnyduXoIrb ¶m n[agamV AemàH$mao Ho$bm OmV Amho d nmo{bgm§Zr H$em àH$mao
A§_b~OmdUr g§MmbH$m§Zr dmhZMmbH$mMr nmo{bgm§g‘j O‘mdmZo {ZK¥©U ¶oVo. gmYy§Mr h˶m hmoV AgVmZm nmo{bgm§Zr KQ>Zm KS>br AgyZ ˶mMo Xoe^amV nS>gmX qhgH$ KQ>Zm KS>{dë¶m AmhoV. ˶m‘wio Vnmg H$amdm, `mMm g§Xoe XoV hË`mH$m§S>mÀ`m
Ho$boë`m Amamonm§dê$Z d[aîR> h˶m Ho$br Amho, hr ~m~ Iyn Y¸$mXm¶H$ d Ho$di ~¿¶mMr ^y{‘H$m KoUo ¶mMm AW© nmobrg C‘Q>V AmhoV. {dqhnMo amï´>r¶ ‘hm‘§Ìr ¶m h˶mH$m§S>mVrb S>mì¶m§À¶m gh^mJmMr Vnmgmbm doJio diU XoÊ`mMm à`ËZ Ho$bm
{Oëhm (nmZ 6 da) qMVoMr Amho. {deofV: nmo{bgm§g‘moa KS>bobr H$moUmÀ¶m Var X~mdmImbr (nmZ 6 da) {‘qbX nam§S>o ¶m§Zr à{gÕr nÌH$mÛmao gXa CƒñVar¶ (nmZ 6 da) OmV Amho,'' Agm (nmZ 6 da)

"H$moamoZm'~m{YVm§Mm doJ KQ>bm "bm°H$S>mD$Z'da H|$ÐmMm "dm°M'

XoemV 2 hOma, 546 é½U nyU©nUo ~ao, H|$Ðr¶ Amamo½¶ ‘§Ìmb¶mMr ‘m{hVr ‘w§~B©, nwʶmVrb n[apñWVrÀ¶m nmhUrgmR>r {deof g{‘Vr
é½Um§Mr g§»¶m dmT>ʶmMm doJ AmVm {Xdg), H$Zm©Q>H$ (9.2 {Xdg), Vob§JU
H$‘r hmoV Agë¶mMo AJ«dmb ¶m§Zr (9.4 {Xdg), Am§Y«àXoe (10.6 {Xdg), Ago H|$Ð Am{U amÁ¶ gaH$maH$Sy>Z dma§dma gm§JʶmV ¶oV Amho.
gm§{JVbo. Vo nwT>o åhUmbo H$s, ""Xoeì¶mnrOå‘y- H$mí‘ra (11.5 {Xdg), N>ÎmrgJT> ‘mÌ, AZoH$ eham§‘ܶo AÚmnhr "bm°H$S>mD$Z'Mo nmbZ H$aʶmV
"bm°H$S>mD$Z' 25 VmaIonmgyZ bmJy H$aʶmV (13.3 {Xdg), Vm{‘iZmSy> (14 {Xdg) Hw$MamB© hmoV Agë¶mMo g‘moa Ambo Amho. XoemVrb H$moamoZm~m{YVm§Mr
Ambo. ˶mnydu amï´>r¶ nmVirda é½Um§Mr Am{U {~hma (16.4 {Xdg) ¶m§Mm g‘mdoe g§»¶m 17 hOmam§hÿZ OmñV Pmë¶mZo Jm§^r¶© A{YH$ dmT>bo Amho.
g§»¶m XþßnQ> hmoʶmMm Oa 3.4 {Xdg EdT>m Amho. ˶mMà‘mUo é½U XþnQ>rH$aUmMm doJ ‘hmamï´>mVrb ‘w§~B© Am{U nwUo, ‘ܶ àXoemVrb B§Xÿa,
hmoVm. AmVm 19 E{àbn¶ªVÀ¶m n[apñWVrMo 20 Vo 30 {Xdg Agboë¶m amÁ¶m§‘ܶo amOñWmZ‘Yrb O¶nya Am{U n. ~§Jmb‘Yrb H$mobH$mVm, hmdS>m,
{ZarjU Joë¶mg amï´>r¶ ñVamda hm Xa A§X‘mZ {ZH$mo~ma, h[a¶mUm, {h‘mMb {‘XZmnya, CÎma 24 naJUm, Xm{O©qbJ, H$m{b‘nm|J Am{U
Zdr {X„r, {X. 20 ({deof 7.5 EdT>m Pmbm Agë¶mMo g‘moa Ambo àXoe, M§{XJT>, Amgm‘, CÎmamI§S> Obnm¶JwS>r eham‘ܶo H$moamoZmMm ’¡$bmd A{Ve¶ doJmV hmoV
à{V{ZYr) : XoemV AmVmn¶ªV EHy$U Amho. XoemVrb 18 amÁ¶m§‘ܶo é½U XþßnQ> Am{U bS>mI ¶m amÁ¶m§Mm g‘mdoe Amho. Agë¶mMo g‘moa Ambo AgyZ ˶m‘wio H|$Ð gaH$ma gVH©$ Pmbo
2 hOma, 546 H$moamoZm é½U nyU©nUo ~ao hmoʶmMm doJ hm amï´>r¶ gamgarnojmhr nwT>o
Amo{S>em‘ܶo é½U XþnQ>rH$aUmMm doJ 39.8 Zdr {X„r, {X. 20 ({deof à{V{ZYr) : H$moamoZm ’¡$bmd Amho. ¶m eham§‘Yrb n[apñWVr AmQ>moŠ¶mV AmUʶmgmR>r Am{U
Pmbo AmhoV. ˶mMà‘mUo H$moamoZm~m{YVm§À¶m Jobm Amho. ˶m‘wio ’¡$bmdmMm doJ ‘§Xmdbm {Xdg Am{U Ho$ai‘ܶo 72.2 {Xdg EdT>m amoIʶmgmR>r bmJy H$aʶmV Amboë¶m Xoeì¶mnr "bm°H$S>mD$Z'Mo Amdí¶H$ ˶m Cnm¶¶moOZm H$aʶmgmR>r H|$Ð gaH$maZo ‘§{ÌñVar¶
XþnQ>rH$aUmMm doJhr KQ>bm Amho. XoemV AgyZ 8 Vo 20 {Xdg é½Ug§»¶m dmT>ʶmMm Pmbm Amho. ˶mMà‘mUo nwXþƒoar‘Yrb ‘mho, ¶mo½¶ nÕVr‘wio nmbZ hmoV Zgë¶m‘wio amÁ¶mVrb ‘w§~B©, nwʶmgh g{‘˶m§Mr ñWmnZm Ho$br Amho. gXa g{‘˶m ¶m amÁ¶m§‘ܶo à˶j
gܶm EHy$U 17 hOma 265 H$moamoZm~m{YV doJ Agboë¶m amÁ¶m§‘ܶo {X„r (8.5 H$Zm©Q>H$mVrb H$moS>mJw (nmZ 6 da) ‘ܶ àXoe, amOñWmZ Am{U n{ü‘ ~§Jmb‘Yrb ‘hÎdmÀ¶m ^oQ> XoUma AgyZ n[apñWVrMm AmT>mdm KoD$Z Amdí¶H$ ˶m
AgyZ EHy$U 543 ‘¥Ë¶y Pmbo AmhoV, Aer eham§‘ܶo A{Ve¶ J§^ra n[apñWVr {Z‘m©U Pmbr Amho. ˶màH$aUr {e’$magr gwM{dUma Amho. ˶mMà‘mUo ¶m eham§‘Yrb Amamo½¶mÀ¶m
‘m{hVr H|$Ðr¶ Amamo½¶ ‘§Ìmb¶mMo g§¶wº$ ‘w§~B©V {Xdg^amV 155 é½U H|$Ð gaH$maZo ‘§{ÌñVar¶ g{‘˶m ñWmnZ Ho$ë¶m AmhoV. gw{dYm, é½Umb¶m§Mr pñWVr, OrdZmdí¶H$ dñVy§Mm nwadR>m Am{U ¶m
g{Md bd AJ«dmb ¶m§Zr H$moamoZm{df¶H$ H$moamoZmMm ’¡$bmd amoIʶmgmR>r XoemV 3 ‘on¶ªV "bm°H$S>mD$Z' eham§‘ܶo AS>H$boë¶m ñWbm§V[aV ‘Owam§Mr pñWVr ¶m{df¶rXoIrb
X¡Z§{XZ nÌH$ma n[afXoV {Xbr. bmJmonmR> XmoZ {Xdg e§^amÀ¶m AmV H$moamoZm~m{YV AmT>ië¶mZo ‘w§~B©H$am§Zr hr g{‘Vr {e’$magr gwM{dUma Amho.
H$moamoZmÀ¶m {di»¶mVyZ gwQ>V Agë¶mMm {Z:œmg Q>mH$bm hmoVm. na§Vw, nwÝhm H$moamoZmZo bmJy H$aʶmV Ambo Amho. ˶mMo H$mQ>oH$manUo nmbZ H$aʶmV ¶mdo,
XoemV AmVmn¶ªV EHy$U 2 hOma, 646
H$moamoZm~m{YV nyU©nUo ~ao Pmbo AgyZ ˶m§Zm CMb Im„r. a{ddmar ‘w§~B©V 135 é½U gmnS>bo hmoVo. gmo‘dmar ˶mhÿZ A{YH$ åhUOo
Kar gmoS>ʶmV Ambo Amho. ~ao hmoUmè¶m§Mr 155 é½U gmnS>bo AmhoV. AmVmn¶ªV ‘w§~B©V EHy$U 3,090 H$moamoZm~m{YV gmnS>bo "{d_mZ, aoëdogodo~m~V {ZU©` Zmhr' bmoH$‘mݶ {Q>iH$
Q>¸o$dmar 14.75 Q>¸o$ EdT>r Pmbm Amho. AmhoV. ˶m‘wio ‘w§~B©H$am§Mr qMVm dmT>br Amho. gmo‘dmanmgyZ ‘w§~B©Vrb {Z~ªY H$mhr Zdr {Xëbr … ""{d_mZ qH$dm aoëdogodm gwê$ H$aÊ`m~m~V H|$Ð ñ‘¥Vr eVmãXr df©
H$moamoZm~m{YVm§Mr EHy$U g§»¶m 17 hOma, A§er H$‘r Pmbo AmhoV. ˶mMm dmB©Q> n[aUm‘ Va hmoUma Zmhr Zm, Aer ^rVrhr gaH$maZo AÚmn H$moUVmhr {ZU©` KoVbobm Zmhr. Ë`m_wio `mda {dMma H${UH$m …
265 EdT>r Pmbr AgyZ AmVmn¶ªV 546 AmVm gVmdy bmJbr Amho. Joë¶m 24 Vmgm§V 363 é½Um§Mr VnmgUr H$aʶmV Ambr. hmoUmè`m MMm© ì`W© AmhoV,'' Ago H|$Ðr` _§Ìr àH$me OmdS>oH$a bmoH$‘mݶ {Q>iH$m§Zr ¶wamon‘ܶo Pmboë¶m Am§XmobZm§Mm Aä¶mg Ho$bm d
~ir Jobo AmhoV. Joë¶m 24 Vmgm§V EHy$U ˶mVrb Zdo 155 ~m{YV é½U AmT>iyZ Ambo AmhoV. ˶m‘wio AmVmn¶ªV ~m{YVm§Mr `m§Zr ñnîQ> Ho$bo. ˶mVyZ {ZîH$f© H$mTy>Z Amnë¶m ^maVr¶ amOH$maUmV ˶mMm n{hë¶m§Xm
EHy$U g§»¶m 3,090 BVH$s Pmbr Amho, Va AmVmn¶ªV ‘w§~B©V 138 OU ‘¥Ë¶w‘wIr aoëdo qH$dm {d_mZgodogmaIr àdmgr dmhVyH$ gwê$ H$aÊ`m~m~V Cn¶moJ H$aUmao AJ«Ur ZoVo R>abo. 1896 bm {Q>iH$m§Zr Ho$bobo "{H$gmZ
1,553 Zdo é½U AmT>ibo AgyZ 36 Am§XmobZ' ho Am¶bªS>À¶m b°ÊS>brJ Am§XmobZmnmgyZ KoVboë¶m àoaUoda
OUm§Mm ‘¥Ë¶y Pmbm Amho, Ago AJ«dmb nS>bo AmhoV. Joë¶m 24 Vmgm§V 363 é½Um§Mr ^aVr H$aʶmV Ambr. ˶mVrb 155 gaH$maZo H$moUVr H$mb_`m©Xm {ZpíMV Ho$br Amho H$m, Agm àíZ AmYm[aV hmoVo. amOÐmohmÀ¶m Amamonmdê$Z {ejm ^moJyZ gwQy>Z Amë¶mda naV
åhUmbo. OU H$moamoZm "nm°{P{Q>ìh' AmT>iyZ Ambo AmhoV, Va gmV OUm§Mm ‘¥Ë¶y Pmbm Amho. Ë`m§Zm {dMmabm AgVm, ""EH$ Zm EH$ {Xdg àdmgr dmhVyH$ gwê$ ñdamÁ¶ Am§XmobZmV gh^mJr hmoD$Z ˶m§Zr gm‘mݶOZm§Zm Amnë¶m ‘mJʶm
"bm°H$S>mD$Z' bmJy H$aʶmV AmO {Xdg^amV 84 é½U ~ao Pmbo AmhoV, Va AmVmn¶ªV ‘w§~B©V 394 é½U ~ao H$amdr bmJUmaM Amho, nU gÜ`m Amåhr XoemVrb n[apñWVrMm gmXa H$ê$Z XoʶmMm Am§XmobZ hm ‘mJ© àeñV Ho$bm.
Amë¶mMm ’$m¶Xm AmVm g‘moa ¶oV AgyZ hmoD$Z Kar naVbo AmhoV. AmT>mdm XaamoO KoV AmhmoV. Ë`mVyZ Zdo YS>o (nmZ 6 da) 160 gm¡Oݶ … lr. à‘moX jragmJa, ‘wbw§S>
82 Annexure - 3
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84 Annexure - 4

Tel. 23344918,23747435
23363692, 23747436
Fax: 23747483
Central Committee
A.K. Gopalan Bhawan, 27-29, Bhai Vir Singh Marg New Delhi 110 001
Website: email:

Report on Organization
(Adopted by the Plenum on Organization
Kolkata, December 27-31, 2015


1.1 The 21st Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)

decided to hold a Plenum on Organisation by the end of 2015.
The political situation in the country with the offensive of the
rightwing communal forces makes it all the more incumbent
to strengthen every level of the Party organisation so as to
make the Party an instrument to build, unleash and advance
class and mass struggles so as to change the present
correlation of forces in the country in favour of the Left and
democratic forces. The Plenum is also required to address the
decline in the mass base of the Party and to overcome the
failure to expand the Party’s influence and mass strength. The
Plenum should assess the strengths and weaknesses of the
Party organisation and decide the focus for the organisation in
the coming days.
1.2 The review of the Lok Sabha elections of 2014 conducted by
the Central Committee decided that four steps had to be
taken. The first was to re-examine the political-tactical line.
This was done at the Party Congress. The second was to
review Party organisation and the orientation of work among
the people. The third was to review the mass organisations
and their orientation. These two tasks were to be undertaken
at this Plenum. Fourthly, studies were to be undertaken on
changes in socio-economic conditions after liberalisation and
the impact of these changes on various classes. Concrete
slogans were to be formulated on the basis of these studies.
Certain issues in this regard were taken up and approved at
the Party Congress; the remaining issues are to be taken up
and concrete slogans to be formulated at this Plenum.
1.3 After the formation of the CPI(M) in 1964, the Party took up
the question of organisation in the resolution titled “Tasks on
Party Organisation” approved by the Central Committee in
November 1967. This resolution marked a break with
revisionist ideas of Party organisation and provided a correct
orientation to the task of building a revolutionary


implemented the decisions of the state committee or sent

regular reports.
1.144 Federalism is also seen in the way many state committees do
not send regular reports about the political developments and
the organisational activities in their states to the Party Centre.
The Polit Bureau and the Central Committee cannot get a full
and comprehensive picture of the political developments
unless this is done on a regular basis. At present the practice
is for the states to send reports at the time of the Central
Committee. Even these are sent just on the eve of the
meeting or during the meeting itself, thus depriving the Party
Centre the chance to study the reports and on that basis of
that analysis suggesting any course of action.
1.145 There is a degree of provincialism and localism which has
crept into our functioning. There have been instances of
leaders at the state level reacting to national developments
purely from a state level perspective, missing the all India
context. In the steps that we take to strengthen democratic
centralism, it is necessary to include the combating of federal
trends at all levels to ensure that there is the working of a
centralized political-organisational line throughout the
1.146 The wrong tendencies like bureaucratism, factionalism,
federalism, subjectivism and liberalism are weakening
collective work and democratic centralism in the Party. They
have to be combated at all levels starting from the top.


1.147 A key factor adversely affecting the building of a strong Party

organisation on Marxist-Leninist lines is the growing trend of
parliamentarism. Parliamentarism is also responsible for the
undermining of the proper implementation of the political and
organisational tasks set out by the Party. The reports
submitted by the State Committees confirm the existence of
1.148 The states have reported on the various ways
parliamentarism has manifested. There is a growing desire
among some Party cadres to contest elections. They demand
to contest elections in places where there is no basis to
contest. When certain cadres have not been allowed to
contest, they have expressed their displeasure by not working
during the election. In some cases there has been defiance of
the Party decision, especially at the level of the local bodies
1.149 The Telangana and Andhra Pradesh committees have reported
instances of Party candidates spending money and resorting
to methods of the bourgeois parties. With the aim of


contesting elections, some have indulged in groupism and

factional activities. The other aspect of parliamentarism is that
elected representatives do not rely on mass struggles or keep
in touch with the organized activity of the Party and
concentrate only on their electoral constituencies work.
1.150 Parliamentarism has a wider dimension as stated in the 1996
rectification document of the Central Committee:
1.151 “Parliamentarism is a reformist outlook that confines the
Party’s activities to electoral work and fosters the illusion that
the Party’s advance can be ensured mainly through fighting
elections. This leads to the neglect of the work of organizing
mass movements, Party building and conducting the
ideological struggle. Parliamentary and extra-parliamentary
work have to be combined to strengthen the mass
movements and the political struggle.”
1.152 The failure to implement certain key tasks is also due to the
prevalence of parliamentarism. For instance, as noted in this
report elsewhere, the reluctance to take up social issues like
dalit oppression and conduct struggles is due to the
opportunist fear that it may harm the electoral prospects by
antagonizing dominant caste groups. Similarly the class
orientation towards the poor peasant-agricultural workers and
taking up their issues for struggle is glossed over in order to
advance electoral prospects by not disturbing the dominant
1.153 It is therefore essential that the trend of parliamentarism is
pinpointed and combated wherever it appears. The Party
committees should not give in to subjective assessments
about electoral prospects. Often, the higher committees do
not intervene to stop candidates being put up indiscriminately
despite the poor strength of the organisation or the mass
activities. The work of the elected representatives in the local
bodies except in the stronger states is not being monitored
and supervised by any Party mechanism. The Party therefore
does not get the benefit of utilizing the work in the local
bodies to help in developing the mass organisations and the
Party’s influence. The state committee in the case of members
of the legislative assembly and the district committees in the
case of the local body representatives must set up a sub
committee or mechanism to guide and supervise the work of
the representatives of the elected bodies, cooperatives and
other institutions.
1.154 Given the growing trend of parliamentarism, we should give
primary attention to extra-parliamentary activities. The
combination of parliamentary and extra-parliamentary activity
should help us to build a powerful movement to build the Left
and democratic alternative to the existing bourgeois-landlord
order. It is the growing mass movements and mass base


which enabled us to increase the representation of the Party

in the legislatures. Since the formation of the CPI(M), we have
utilised work in the parliamentary forums to strengthen the
mass movements and to expand the influence of the Party. It
is the correct use, by and large, of these tactics that helped
the Party to expand the movement and its influence in the
strong states of Kerala, West Bengal and Tripura. But we have
not been successful in properly utilizing this approach in other
1.155 The experience of running a Left Front government for 34
years and the defeat suffered in the 2011 assembly elections
has also lessons for the building of the Party organisation. The
reviews conducted so far show that over a period of time, the
independent work of the Party and the mass organisations
declined and became subordinate to the work of the
government and the various elected bodies. There was a
relegation of the class and mass struggles which adversely
affected the Party organisation and its live links with the
1.156 What we have to recognize is that new and major problems
have arisen regarding the work in the parliamentary arena. In
the last two decades the neo-liberal regime had a direct
impact on the political and electoral system. The massive use
of money in elections and the running of political parties and
the growing corporate style of the election campaign has
squeezed the space for the CPI(M) and the Left parties. The
massive use of money power and the intertwining of the
capitalist class with the bourgeois political parties and their
candidates right down to the panchayat elections is posing
serious problems for the political advance of the Party.
Succumbing to parliamentarism will only further erode the
Party organisation in such a situation.
1.157 The only way to counter this neo-liberal politics and money
power is to build and strengthen the mass base of the Party
which can be done through struggles and movements which
alone can raise the political consciousness of the people and
enable them to resist the use of money and other
inducements. The Party should build a powerful campaign for
electoral reforms in which a key demand is the introduction of
the proportional representation system. It should utilise the
social media and an innovative grass roots campaign to
counter the impact of the corporate media.


1.158 The Central Committee had adopted two documents on the

rectification campaign – one in 1996 and another in 2009.
The Party conducted a rectification campaign in 1996-97. The


It is also necessary to pay special attention to the issue of

development of the backward regions especially Rayalaseema.


Maharashtra has a rich tradition of the freedom struggle and social

reform movements. The demand for a linguistic state saw a major
movement for Samyukta Maharashtra led by the Left and secular
forces. The strong trade union movement provided a progressive
influence on society. But the situation changed with the emergence
of the Shiv Sena in the 1960s, with the Congress and big business
using it to undermine the trade union and the Left movement in the
state. The state is now polarized into two camps led by the
Congress-NCP and the Shiv Sena-BJP at the two ends. Despite our
attempts, the broad Left progressive camp comprising of some Dalit
groups and others along with the Left parties could not emerge as a
viable political alternative.

The strength of our Maharashtra movement lies in our sustained

presence among the tribals in the Thane-Palghar-Nashik contiguous
rural region. The Party now has one Assembly seat in this belt and
has made a comparatively good showing in successive Lok Sabha
elections here. There are now 41 elected members of the Party in
local bodies like Zilla Parishads, Panchayat Samitis and
Municipalities in 7 districts. Some new centres of activity have also
emerged in parts of western and northern Maharashtra and
Marathwada. Notable among them is the trade union centre of
Nashik and the Kisan centres in Ahmednagar and Parbhani districts.
But in none of these centres is the Party’s base strong enough to
win Assembly seats, except in Solapur city and in the tribal belt
referred to above.

The lack of expansion of the Party around our isolated pockets has
also often brought our small consolidated areas of strength under
attack. Our weakest link is the Vidarbha region which has a large
proportion of poor peasants, agricultural workers, dalits and
adivasis. Along with parts of Marathwada, Vidarbha has been under
the spell of an intense agrarian crisis, earning for itself the sad
nomenclature of the farmer suicide capital of the country.

Through patient efforts, during recent years, there has been growth
in the activities and in the mobilization capacity of the Party and of
class and mass organizations. The current total membership of the
class and mass fronts in the state is 7.25 lakh. But here also, as in
many other parts of the country, this has not always led to an
elevation in the level of political consciousness which, in turn, can
manifest itself in visible enhancement of our electoral strength.

Annexure - 5
90 Annexure - 6
93 Annexure - 7

•�r ��

'-1 i-- '1-- ,. n

1. District (�T): qn;fER,. P.S.(oT"m): <liIBT Year(<l'i): 2020

FIR No.(�Wf � in.): 0077 Date and Time of FIR or. �- �� mffer -m;s); 18/04/2020
2. S.No. (3T.iP.) Acts(�) f:f ,..,
c --t-��"'™9c � o - --
� o�
-- ---
ea,11ft If.
� -2 ���(_� 120-8--
3 ��� 'lC�o
4 ���'lC�o 'l \l'l9
f- 5 #ifcltll �� 'llf,O 'l\l'C
: 6----1-�� � 'l C � o 9\l'-- � -
3. (al Occurrence of offence (� m!"il):
1. Day(fc:"<rn):� Date From(�tffiff): 16/04/2020
Time Period Date To ( �ffi); 16/04/2020
(cfifffiqf/t) : Time From (�): 00:00 i!-lr
Time To(�): 23:30 ii-lr
(bl Information received at P.S. (i:rrf6<1l � � oT"m):
Date(�): 17/04/2020 Time (-mi5}: 22:58 ii-lr
(cl General Diary Reference (�'lvHl"lili �
Entry No. (;iT<:' in.): 023 Date & Time (�31ffur -m;s): 17/04/2020 22:58 ii-lr

4. Type of Information (� �): �

s. Place of Occurrence (�):
1.(a) Direction and distance from P.S.(qh;fm oJ01llQif!_--t �m Cl' 3fffi): '3ffi, 40 M
Beat No. (f.rc w.):

(c) In case, outside the limit of this Police Station, then(m � oJ1lm«TT � �):

Name of P.S.(cm;fm � -TI<f):

District(State) (fvlcri;T(xrmT)):

Scanned with CamScanner

N .C.R.B ' '"
(rr-1 �I\�•
'·"'R �
1.1.F.-1 (lfcfn-fo 3T·� q,>-l\
l . �· l
6. Complaina nt
/ Informant (qsfiTT"GR� �1):
(a) N ame ("flil
): �- � f.'Rt� �
(b) Fa ther's � cm-�
/H usb and's N
ame(�/� ""1
(c) a e/Year of (d) N ationality
(��mif): 'ITixo
Birth (;;pl'{ i'JT"fu:lr
(e) UID N o (n- .-un. -A
/qlj): 1977
' 3""'''-'•'51 °W )·
(f) Pas sport Rfi or��):
N o.(�,i-
�--): Date of Issue (�
Pla ce of Issue
(� Fci<mur):
(g) nse, PAN )
�;�ils (Ration Card,Voter ID Card, Passport,UID No.,Oriv!ng !,ice
f<nRur (�� <l>lt ,t@G@T <l>lt .�. q,� �-, � �. q;:r �
S.No.(3T. Id Type (3{)as
,tgq�fill m) Id N umber (3flo6it94�1ill �
(h) Address (4"TT):
S.No.(3T,TAddress Type (trnrnn Address (lffil)
ili.) f
1 <fiffiT q)cffi.j oTUl.�.<PRTT.4IB"ER.�.'IITTo
2 L

c@l'fRqw <fiffiT�mut.�cfiffil,QIB"ER,�,'IITTo
(i) Occupation (�
4W ): �
{j) Phone numb er (tJ;R ci.): Mobile (���.): 91-8669604065

7. Details of known/suspected/unknown accused with full particulars ('lltfto �I /�mf@/3 Rram)

3ITTl1fhn � treT):
S.No. 1 Name ('fl<l) A lias (�-lf<l) Relative's Name Present Address (cffil'rA 4W)
( 3T.it5. ) (Offacnt,i;ri'l -TT<f)
1 v1<1Wr QTqi 'lll<R
l 1. ��N. �.�<fIB'

2 ��,Rfum,:i-� 1. �-�.�.cfiffil.
3 ·�4 1. ��. �.�.<fiffiT.
� .�.'l!m{
1. ffiil"� 41e1<141:Sl,�.cm:n,
4 � �-rvft 3m:IR
� .�.'lffi"c!

I l
5 � ffilfJf � l �� 41�<,�,qlffiJ,
qrc;JtR � .'1ffif

6 �400fl500�
I l
by the complainant/informant (ru!il«m"/� �-�
1. TR; fm@, ��. ,-:smuJ,cfiRTI
GTC"'lm, �.,1m1

8. Reasons for delay in reporting
cfi�cftcl Fcl"C'l"ifl� �):
ies of interest (�<ltftct ifr�'l-aijj <'N�):
9. Particulars of propert
Property Type Description (<fcf--l) Value(ln Rs/·)
s.No. Property Cat
< .w.) (%� �> (1Tic-flTW �ifiR) (m. i:idl))

Scanned with CamScanner


N.C.R.B (l/·Ufl,3iR. ;fl)

1.I.F.-1 (t:cflfn 31�'4111 q,14- 'I)

l3.Act1on Since the above Information reveals commission of offence(s) u/s as mentioned at
( Wt%��: ilTif lf>.:? i:ra) � � qlt'fqHl4 � 3fR@mR 3ftl'�U �.)
(1) Registered the case and took up the anandrao shivaJI kale(! (Inspector))/ or (fcmn)
(� llf -IRfct� 3JT� <fQffi m if>Tq
trr<'ft ucra > :
-?Ir� -TT<I):
(2) Directed (Name of 1.0.) (atlffl 3T/it.m
Rank (IJG):
to take up the Investigation (cll fftITTl � � �) or (fW<TT)
No.(iJ;.) :
lfR17llffi �R �):
i atlon due to (vlll 1:fili<Olljd) <1"lITTl'
(3) Refuse d nvestlg

Scanned with CamScan

N.C.R.B ( • • ·
1.1.F.•1 (1/lf.l<[id •,TT(111 lfir4. �)
or ( lT
lffi'orr'Jci. i'fl!Hl
lf>ilTliH! :YifiR �;-;rJ)
(4) Transferr ed
to P.S.( -rn «Jtc1,t IJJ<1Pcf<i
i S l 3ffi("1l'ffi fUl q)c=ftfl ollll11Q ·H ):
District (f
on p oint of
juris d iction
(u,) e):nftt<f,H �. ilmut rnrr�a) ·
F • I R ea d o
• • r ve r to the c ompl i .
a nant/ informant, admrtted to b
9 1ven to the co
mplainant/ inf c correctly recorded
and a copy
·l ,:mr�,.fl. ,ut11
or mant free of cost. (llWl H<R olf If�l<f<-fl/liif-!l<' r 11T
➔kfil� 3Hl...�J" <ITT•) 'IT•1l ii,� � t j
3!Tfbr <1{!,f,<:HJMl/{f<f"./l<-11 "
lTTl q)q,<J l,At.J
R.O.A.C.(-3rrx. 31)
,II .tft.)
14. S ignature/T humb
impression of the complainant/
.Jlmii� <!UJ1-m-dl �t/
l 31•ra-1):

.... ,,,ill,_ • ..,,, _;ijJih

15. Date and time of dis
patch to the court (�lITT!lllfl

fVL ..J.f (} ZD �
Signature of �Jharge, Po lice
Station (� ll'ITTl 3!f�.zmft
Nam e ('flil): anandrdo shrva, kale
Rank('R): 1 (lnsp ctor)

Scanned with CamScanner

97 Annexure - 8

Translation of FIR No 906 of 2020 Dated 18.04.20 Khanvel Police Station

My name is Vilas Budhaji Jadhav, Assist Police inspector, Age, 40 years,

employed in Government service posted at Talasari Police Station having
Mobile no 996913474. I am submitting the complaint in person in Khanvel
Police station that since last one year I am on the duty as second in charge.
On 16th April 20 I was on duty as second in charge from 8 p.m. to 8 a. m.
17th April 20. During my duty at 23.30 Hrs, we got phone call from Palghar
police station requesting us to send one RCP with police troop and officer
at Chinhala Village under the jurisdiction of Kasa police station at the border
of Khanvel Police station. Accordingly on 17th April after making entry in
station diary no 02/2020 myself with my colleagues ( 1) Madhukar Narayan
PC 2326 (2) P.N. Mukesh Luhar driver (3) PC 556 Sunil Subhash Gaikwad (4)
PC 86 Balaji Shivaji Rakunde (5) PC533 Kapil Vitthal Ravle alongwith other
Ten staff in RCP Paltoon in Vehicle no MH 48-C-0414 drove away for site at
Chinchala. On the way to Talasari to Udva via Dadar Nagar Havaeli area
under the jurisdiction of Khanvel police station mistaken the route and
reached near the school at Chisda Village at 00.45 hrs. There we saw the
mob of around 200 people with sticks, stones and axe etc.. in hand. The
mob had blocked the road for further travel by creating barricades of
wooden blocks and stones. When we asked them the road for Chinchla
Village they started reviling and abusing us, questioning why we are entered
in their village! Mob locked the door of our vehicle from outside. They were
shouting you are not police but liars and fibbers. They continue to
threatening to kill us. I myself tried to convince them all but they were not
ready to listen us. Mob of 20 to 300 peoples surrounded the police van and
started hitting sticks and stones on van. Mod attempted to break the glass
of va. At this stage, I informed about incident to in charge of Talasari police
station Shri Ajay and Sub. Division Police Officer and additional S.P. Shri
Deshmukh and control room of Palghar police Station on my mobile phone.
Thereafter I next ten minutes Police Van No DN09-Q -4335 and DN09 -D -
95 carrying police staff also reached at scene. They tried to convince the
mob that we are Maharashtra Police but mob was not prepared to listen
and continue to to pelt the stones. Mob was threatening to destroy the
police van and to set fire on vehicles. Mr. Rathor in charge of Kaanvel police
station alongwith his staff also reached and tried to calm down mob but
mob was shouting, reiterating that we are thieves and not police and
continue to abuse us, hollering us. Mob was calling their compeers by
names like (1) Suraj (2) Ganpat (3) Jayesh (4) Dilip (5) Avinash etc… Mob of
approximate 300 persons were from Chisda village. Amid Plantations
efforts to calm down mob , at 3 a.m. additional S.P. Shri Deshmukh reached
in government vehicle no MH- 12- PT- 5673. Police paltoon from kasa RCP

and all of us were trying to cool down the situation but from other side
stone pelting started. Shri Sanjay Dinkar PC/251 driver of S.P. Shri
Deshmukh met with head injury. While S.P Shri Vikram Deshmukh’s RTPC
PC1254 was trying to move the vehicle someone from mob injured him on
hand and face by attacking with iron rod. Front Glass of vehicle no MH -12-
PP-7023 and Police inspector of Boisar Police station no MH -12-PT-7023
got damaged by stones and sticks. At that time Sr. Inspector also arrived
at 3.30 a.m. for help. With those officer’s help our RCP paltoon van no MH-
48C-0414 was tried to move away but those also vandalised. At that point
of time Sr. Inspector alongwith troop pushed back mob and made safe
passage to travel further Thus we reached Chinchala village for bandobast.
On 17th April 20 on the way to Chinchala village to check law and order
situation near Khanvel village at 00.45 hrs. A mob of 200 to 300 men
assembled despite of Nationwide lockdown order in back drop of COVID-
19 pandemic this mob blocked the road with stones and wooden boards.
On asking them about the route of Chanchla village they locked the door of
vehicle from out side and started hitting car body with sticks. Mob also
injured police office with wooden sticks, iron rods and stones and damaged
vehicle MH -48 C -0414, also tried to set on fire and to kill us. Thus mob
obstructed functioning of Government officers. Their names are (1) Suraj
(2) Ganpat (3) Jayesh (4) Dilip (5) Avinash etc ful names are not known to
me. This complaint is to take necessary action against Chisda’s approx. 300
103 Annexure - 9
I 106 .. - 10
' l8.lttJi� ��
�-� ilJl-B 3� chtllfcrfll, Zii�l�_c)�,l�}1�c
Office of Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Jawhar ��t1:t1�
Phone No. 02520-222201, Mob.No.8669604058, SDPO Mob No.8669604057
Address Near Rajmal Hotel, Jawhar Tal..Jawhar

E-mail .' sdpo 1awhar_1>!9.r@ mahaij�JW� •� � • i.ll-01 ""1
�.sf..- J2e.e.. /�o�o wt- �l/o'dt�o'o
m, If:\���-µ ,'�•
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-, ' g)
<fRl"fT� � .... .- ,

� :- � �- �. � ftmmm � �. � ftrm7r,
fu<n:r :- 3lc<P �1ilc!,-Jl �'d � � � � � �-
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� : - 'TIWF .
- T ��/�o�o, � � �o::i, ��o(<if), 'd::)'9 1 �'G 1 .t, �'GC, � 'G�

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tffivITTf cl'fOT' �. 1:fffim.
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'd) � ffi3rl,T 'lTT<lT, cl'<l �', qQ", TI. �<l'!/TN<lTT <-ll<t;'i41"'1.

',) � R�TT mm., cflf '-,o qQ",, TI. �

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t!.>) w.r.T!/T � �. cflf :;,,.!l �. TT. �-

- ('.) � ,i;sm �. <.flf ;('. qQ", n.fu<l�\N-,ir tih.1q s1.

II) :m:mi, m 'lTf<l7, w:r -1•-. qQ" n. �:i� JJellq•-:q

1u) � � �. <.flf -<0 qQ", n. T�!/nitcft ur,�.

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1�) � m;::m 'ITT<rr, cflf -,=, qq, TI. fu<-1-�Mctt UT<f.Mmr,

1 '1) ®TQ" � m<R, w:r '< -o! <fQ", n. fucr�n� :iTii'TTii;T,

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