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Eastern Visayas State University

Tacloban City

College of Education

SY: 2019-2020

Name: Jeffrey M. Bacho

Yr. & Sec: BTLED-2A


Benigno Aquino is an ex-soldier who spent almost his career time opposing the regime of Marcos Era, his wife Cory
Aquino is a dedicated housewife but later on became the First Lady President of the Philippines due to the
assassination incident of her husband. She is not interested on politics, and never even thought for running on
Presidential Elections however due to people who motivates her, inspire her to become a future leader of the
country, and with the fragment of Marcos supporters, she won the 1986 Presidential Election.

Nowadays, there are several debates in which they spot a lot of differences on Marcos and Aquino's
Administration. Way back when I had a conversation with my grandpa, he said that Marcos Leadership is much
better than Cory Aquino. On Marcos Era, the price of goods and necessities with high quality are affordable, the
infrastructure such as roads and bridges were constructed during his time, the Famous San Juan City Bridge that
connects Samar and Leyte were his project to show his love and fidelity for Imelda Marcos, and Philippines is not
indebted to World Banks. Our country is rich and powerful when it comes ton finance and resources. However,
despite of his successful projects, People seeks for freedom. When Marcos has been thrown out on his throne, the
legacy of Benigno Aquino has taken place.

The contribution of Benigno Aquino to Philippines is, he point out the flaws on Marcos Era to awaken people on
their constitutional rights. His life became a sacrifice to ignite the fire of passion in seeking for freedom and rights.
His assassination leads to fuel the Revolution happened in EDSA which was spearheaded by his wife. His wife Cory,
became the president and continues his legacy and as soon as she rule the country, she eliminates the dictator
ways of leadership and promotes Civil and Human Rights.

As a student who learned about their sacrifices and history just to get the freedom and Rights that we, citizen are
rightful owner, I am disappointed and regretful. There contribution is not useless but a waste. People nowadays
take advantage on their rights as human and the freedom. People nowadays doesn't even appreciate their
freedom because they did not experience being silenced and caged. People nowadays use Rights and Freedom as
an excuse for misbehaving and immoral character. People when being corrected always say " I can do whatever I
want , I am free" Our country just lost its power because people are not afraid of Laws and Order because they
rely on their Human Rights.

Even criminals who done evil crimes has power to deny because they have rights eventhough there is a concrete
evidence and this happens to affect the justice we have here in the Philippines. Mostly, Freedom and Rights are
being experienced by Powerful and wealthy people, but it is unfair on the side of Indigent People. Now observe
with the current happenings in the country. Are you sure that you are experiencing the right and freedom they
fought with Blood, Sweat and Tears? Maybe Yes, in some.intances, and Maybe No! in some cases. No matter what
their sacrifices may be, the important is the outcome of it today and as we seen in this modern world, the passion
the fought became meaningless.

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