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During the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos sr. Former senator Benigno S. Aquino jr.

was one of the

popular politician who was against his governance or against the martial law. His big contribution to the
Filipino people is to enlighten them of what are the bad impact of martial law to the Filipino people. Or
to have Filipino people a freedom. Ninoy believes that former president Marcos is a corrupt and abusive
official many people believes him. Former senator Ninoy is a tough guy he is a real hero during the time
of Marcos presidency, after the assassination to Ninoy many Filipino had anger to Marcos they believe
that former president Marcos was the mastermind of the assassination to Ninoy Aquino. That is. Why
people power has built thousands of people had rally in EDSA in Sept, 1972 that was the ending of
Marcos presidency. I salute to former senator Ninoy his dedication and willingness has done well to the
Filipino people despite of the struggles and the danger to his life and to his family he ended up helping
Filipino people. After the death of Ninoy, cory Aquino ran for president and became president during
1986 to 1992. In my own personal opinion I don’t totally agreed there political contribution to the
Philippines because during their time many Filipinos abuse the democracy. One of the example is the
NPA, during their time the NPA was born and until now the government had difficult to wipe them all. I
am not pro-Marcos but I think discipline is the big need of the Filipinos and sometimes martial law is
good but it depends on how it will implemented I hope every Filipinos must first study before they
actually judge people.

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