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AUGUST, 1944 WING COMMANDER A. LAMBERT. DPC LER SRORGE FALE GARY MCKERNAN et. SUPRIN feet Sat nll ae ‘DON SHALDERS, WALTER LEWIS, LORRAINE UHENAN.” BIER ‘DANE ‘DORA SCOTT, ROX SIMPSON, GEORGE SIABLEY, RICK CHOSSEY. BERNIE PEARSON, ‘A photographs taken by the Station Printed by Gazatle Printing Company, ‘ited. Aton From the GM. OP het muat write ad exam mi sincere ee ree a inate err ite?at fee an ete En SMe Seat ea pa int ec beim sce™ tate eat shee Sani rv een Hoi (polloi ik ee gee hes sts Soe ea ecarecanea mening Sf: rh Snly"on ie Syke Soy eo sina set Ee i Sore ade ate {ern any aubject large ar small anything ToTusuly our existence ar a column ‘An enthusiastic analyela on “To paint oF not fo pint" (Lagat mean) woul be grate {ping Or even ust plain "lege Aber Eu Ing St Pin Up pele for months some, Sort ff mental teatation murt have tested. OF hon ite thesis" wah motto wae FLAK 1 Editorial TRADING SMALL TALK Tt was very encouraging to note the enthusiasm with which the first issue of our station paper was greeted. Th preparing the current issue, we have tried te benelit from the weaknesses and Limitations of the fret eflort a well as from the eon structive criticism and. suggestions 0 generously ‘offered by personnel, both civilian andl service. Tt will be appreciated by all that preparation of sue a ‘magazine entails considerable work on the part of all people associate with it Weare sally in need of artists, earieaturits and eartoonists, and this i a general call to nny anid all who feel they might give us a hand in any of these lives. We ‘would gladly” weleome anyone’ with journalistic experience ot interest whos suggestions might improve the standard of" FLAK, and make it more generally ‘acceptable, This is YOUR paper and its success depends entirely upon Your ev ‘operation, Drop a note to the Buiter e/9 Station Orderly Room, and we will look you up. Tn eursorily perusing the eopy prepared for the eurrent issue, we feel it most essential to assre our readers that opinions contained herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Eiitorial staff, and that malicious reference made to any person fr persons, living, dead, or quietly wasting away in a comastose state, is purely Intentional. 1¢ might also be politi to mention that if we have failed to insult or humiliate any ane person oF group of persons, its merely an oversight, and will ‘undoubtedly be remedied in a subsequent ise, ‘We are trying to increase the number of photographs snd small eandid camera photos, and will continue to do so. However, such euts are costly, and the number trill be dependent.on the eireulation of the magazine. It is needless to remind our readers tliat proceeds of sales and advertisement have not covered expenses volved in publishing a magazine of this standard, However, with increased tre expect that, by" the millennium, “FLAK les ‘ill be in a healthy financial position. So, do your beet now to hasten that great day 1A Message From Our 0.0." ‘The Managing Editor, August 4, 1984, “ FLAK" No. 9 Air Observer School, St-Johns, Que. You are to be congratulated on the excellent effort that was evident inthe frat isu of the Unit magazine. The outstanding feature is the happy to-relation of Service and civilian personnel mews. I feel confident, as the months bring out new issues, that they will continue to maintain the same high standard ‘Please convey my message and best wishes forthe future to all asociate workers and contributors, WING COMMANDER A. Li Chief Supervisory Officer, No. 9 Aim Onsunven Scr001, St. Jouns, Quester, MBERT, DFC, ‘sharpened? OM hand, our choice fr All American would be the sense of mel, er ‘Ripe becae it is Summer withthe smell ot ‘witen hy someone in hi ighth wes would Yivet our atention from that Iekman-well would be letter anyway ‘There's someone sn thie camp, Norwegian by descent, who claime he warking’ on few computer whieh will fake AIP crew Work ‘enuler instead of Work Making Fat ius nooks and erates, ‘Those’ dive day "wonders. tht. wander in and tof ovations signa why dont ‘An, Jest But where ace il your zippy lite onitbutions "= Playing tay in the au Getting Nosey 1 some Gremlin with an over-developed sense of burner. asked us one aay, whch Of your fee senser would you like to have fer a heavy ain teak Hak barat teats good cle thy body: pine trees on aot iy: the sell of wood. smoke Im October: Sell ‘oes along av country lane} lavender {imaitaee polish on Heaming mahogany: ‘arbage cant in old back alleys; weed coats ‘ithe linging odor of food tobacco. turenahere would. my. slomach be tT fouldnt cajole it with dowery descriptions from my senve of smell? Alone and tnensy fale Yor"the evening meal Soon the news AUGUST, 1944 FLAK 3 GENTLEMEN BY APPOINTMENT Why the Officors Mess ist our fvt'shattering Tes’ there’ has been ‘wan fo have it Known here Sid now that the wore of tne other than atolls Best ‘itu Shin "Rhea Sed we do mean But to get op with the types who have as tele, otto “with” Gekeowledgements to Ogden Nach) “Candy Dandy, but Liquor Ie*Quicker” andthe better known ofers ta new. a more potent. poson than’ the ‘Nowse™ could ever” tope to be—w gentle Habbing rink famed. guite appropriately ie i of eat hove more fortinate oli The Kick of Death Gongs to: Flight-Lieutenant Ba, Lee for his unques- Lonable ably almost" amounting tothe tmurscdlous to" persuade she. Commanding Gicer to ln the inarnous “Hal of Fame ‘no means @ small feat. as those who. are Pligit-Lieutenant Tandy Davoud for is ‘yes certain, that he was one of our consirmed echelons The “sola remaining’ recluse fast teres now that would realy end Flight-Lieutenant A, Anderson, our wizard bade, for hie meteoric rise ae'a‘Set expan fata te A of bards He ie now aking ‘Section Ofer Kay Elson for ber terre biity 10 handke any sltuation and by name. ligh-Lieutenant Herschel Nelly for hat ule Tedement of 00d hares on “struggle to keep hit private ite private Piping Otter John Vallancourt for the zespenuible postion of French sion Of eri augute well for our genuine Preneh Slony Porp Wesh: Now the knee-ped act comes on the boards and the fet‘on our ist is Flght- Lieutenant ie fan he wag stration ih sation ‘Do you, Fealiy want 10 see the act of the Feal's better known bars some Sunday after- oon’ or night the lotr the better. and Fe Shall be evrirded bythe staggering sight oP one of ow Phone shies adem said bar Fegaling the patrons With wed ditties" Not bad at tha "The mystery of the asappearance of those the oficer. who committed the justfable ‘elalelde” vette to come aerom unl the ‘mess purchases a aut of medieval srmor Inwhleh he cen hide ls orange jlce ‘There are cerain evenings that the peiv- steged few ray siemens an ofcer, anole ‘ilgnt.'ooie"Ioad int) daing am extaoedl- ues ena emir ee eg fiaerl bei hoeeag eel Sete Sao eae 1t Could Be True... dink a us eta teed see sae Se eae emer en Aes hat a certain charming Australian is foci beter alter spending sp much ne forthe: Westera Hoopla = Lele, he fas the one bo es on ihe eghth or (hue het Well’ wer certainly pe" he tz doing! ail cgnthe. wes making. aut very ‘icely St we C.0"% “Sumping-Aniversar)!™ i BeautyOf eee! wien" weve, won, the Tip" olog to ‘get my" husband iy take tne’ France, ahd then I hope to go (0 one SF chowe marvellous ‘French race meetings Stere at‘ horses van bsckwards rae Stomen wear marvellous Pari fesbione and {he"taxls have squeaky horns. and’ every {hg Is wonder TEnelishman but why go to France? Tale suave thasaht you more 3 fig tally Brita Wi nor go to Ascot? You'l never bet that Tees ata ato. an out i sod sn dive. around. th sate in an open, ‘Stvaues drawn by ela grey hares. “Ind eauty--Yeu nnd they sil wear grey top'nste st Ascot don't they? Tt Weauty-—twith eyes wide open and fishing white ttn). Ox gee! How marvels Tun a8d do the men weat them too!!! HOI POLLOL — (Continued from page 1) Look Ahead Lite, Love and The Pursuit of Happinene fhe old Army Game, cavied on By. young Sind old: Except you Hart cul ad ed up iy being eusied After chasing sound madly Im whirl of seven, enjoying the Whippet Crenm sige of life we have decided "Ut Singer bread ie solid and Alling. therfore indispencable Tt helps relieve the satan ti comes oo too much whipped ream, ‘We mow take iis out of the food. Case and pt down to brast tacks, Manly Indiges ible. We are speaking to our own generation, fe generation that tomorrow has to. sar Algeine into the debe of this thing called Post War Readjustment” and formulate sway of life, No one else ts going to do tf Uiou ehtdrem wil be too young and the ceding yaneratin as already started to Frand over the torch The handwriting fon the‘wall: Furr events stand and fall by ‘be fete Wen eally thought about Iie fwe-impinig. Any eae who Blure “NOt Het" Weil any old Sineles jellylsh can Gulch thee “ay” theeugh ie but there is'ho ved blood bn tat hind of talk ot ven a white corpusele. "The war has opened countess opporium- lugs that are yours for dhe taking The his, we admit involves work. But work sorcellmes ‘can be more. gralifying. than 3 fod tam which took howry of mental In {omega Big, song. healthy bodies, pd ys lla face om ng cay we age all worth ae with or without Minute By Minute ‘Tune waits for no one. Thats what fasein- stent best naeogntare and navigation. ‘The things they do with me must curt the ‘air ot the Old Fellow. "Tie is Felaive and bout at elate as prewar robber ‘In Caito sou make a date to sce someone {corcsin sultan made an appaiaiment wih 4 Maheroniing Bris oa) without sper Sigh he as ne eee Ir elt ‘were nedearay, Time in tie sense We KNW Goer not exist im the East ‘The offal then goes to New York, Ho is engalted in the spit second elockwork Ives ‘ot the peop He noter that slmod to mle lion peopie Fading over the Brooklyn Heldge ‘Hue fnthe buses and. check thelr watehes ‘Sita big elock in downtown New ork. Hac the sie time the wri Over ‘Yet being manmade. Re Hexblty Uke the rain away apparent ‘Tne pulse of the nation might beat a steady throb but the Individual pulse tek 2 ite eccentric dance of ite own governed ty lis own emotions, paine snd aches, al SStallowed up in a algantle whol, ringed round by‘ clrele of time. The Time ihe’ Bast eruretr unhurried: the Time of the Wert turbulent racing surging: and never the twain thal meet ‘Only Time ean bring memories, Only Time cam ahow events In thelr true Ih Nothing ‘ould be more democratic than ‘Time. Some think bogine st beth and ends at death But no! Allman can do la read book ad Took ‘forwards it hae no Beginning, no ena We thinie twice about spending maney, but Pending tlme to mest te cheap. Somehow TPLSmte' precious than money So Tay to ye friends pend it wisely— sod) “eave with Rimeny = Roreakols ‘Dance of the Hours” whilst T goeth out and THE MUSINGS OF MOLLY MOUSE Pet emt xn gee a oon ot sey irnay atria le oR ere aa oe cals a a saueatt esau aut ele eevee ee Sir ie ae fe eae iene nina mer oa Coe ire eee ‘rev eeatenh tant erie sae eetiual Seeman, ae eae Rn orn Soe ate tat cee ctl bh a Eonar tee Ee Sane hese raeeeaarnene oe arene ia eee Pesta ee EP. ad Sy eelay eae ie ered Sage aa are fo eae onarers Se tees Sekt Eee ee ery See sore iratees Sree remeber Somes ie mee ae Picea hese Bese apc Sour gh cane dee he wear oaoe oe Bie Sete Sa a ce veces ie bce hese days. Z eet" Bis ae Hosta La Viet * “MOLLY MOUSE” WRITE EARLY We fave been given 10 understand that acne "angour” Leeman now" condacls Correspondence course on propossis by mall FLAK AususT, 1944 Rambling Through Building No. Two SLANDER IS DANDY IF AN AXE IS HANDY If you have the sensetion that the Flight isttaking" aif tn your-roomthats tt you are in Bullding No 2. end, doubtess you wi wake up ith but one thought in your frougy mind, “ie. worta it "AE Rolliog im I the orang roe ‘rappen to hit the right moment Clary will You never ‘ind out what they sea However. and’ the way lary sings them It oean natteetoothbrash iy month being ferhandiap slong wih tat very healing Te quite posibie tht oy thie tgne Rachel Seweil Jeane Unwin, and Libby Shaw ll Genire™" which Inevitably winds up in the ‘id argument of wie bus the: deepest ta ‘egune utualy wits "Ten otlock will send Dusty Perkins out of her room like'a cannon Ball ent for sles fiom "Gotta catch ast bus Tf you ean poutbly eaten ‘her whem not in full motion Sou wit gicoves Dusty ie Goin very admire bie ear, pursing at the Mortal te Mant {his Gategory” only” er methods of sing have ‘het Uh, who made all that nelse found. its puman and after she tres tree times ‘to get's drink ot water and dacovers Ie'works etter yt the tap se tare om lied vote more beth and wort Feeelve leer without wetting” (Whoever Aid I should have It rupbed in thelr hai). Bum ihe ha Hands ll pop ot an te= Garth dime ii" By the tne it wind Bren thot room tere sh be a at Weil aklp he afternoon. Everyone is dovin at"the Yaent Club being thrown, Im {howater by various members ofthe hearer IRA Se, el etn of the ihabionts "hnvdime afer six is an entirely diferent sou, There iz siware expectants” inthe eperA great deal of thir depends om the gin of the Say-Rose. conversations — at ean we ke fe tink itis 8 Epod resin, Some ie atived In a lengthy bath ‘towel being brief and’ we ail colle around We ‘elephone Tike vultures at the fsa "This inevitably reveals a loud” unhappy ole from some room etying "Who = == {ok my soapr's The hesls of he indignant cua cack wp the Yall and se wil hve Cooled of by the urelurns 0" the shower Rebel ke tht Brand eaiing Yor their date any man who may sel oun to uding Reo wil he Gover eventually hat the only method of communication it Rear” hagek on “3 Eninging door and tn equally early boot re may oven get the Pant Sure Se‘not's fot att thanks to Betty (ku) Ruidedge” ana you"ean’ play hide snd teee with yourself. inthe living’ room. Pretending! you” arent Kstening, "te mse Sit cantnue lees puzzle to aff why Ht ts {Rimedeat about hervery chung touch Secand-any tne from 00) nour an the Brice or "bobbins fo. Walt” Whitman's Teenwer of Gras” LEGION By BERNARD PEARSON Dp you feel run down when you've been hubby a'seamroles® You da? Well banish AL Wopres™ the’ Canadian Lesion wil help you. Bist of al egouve even the lleiert Bier and mult ener th begat ‘The Canadian Legion will supply you with Gigereta, magazines trait — infact amos tering except lsharge to keep You "ESS too mt ae watch a broken Ip the accident Wail them jast"siee ta Bul Rochefor, Levion supér¥isor and hel fee that its taken to town, rpaired, sod ‘ied be uf ecard Eien {pimy ll "Want fo'Save some pltures af Alms th and have them developed. They We 1 brovide this wervieetoo™the Teseon bel 2a ve ec ee bes ial and rome wite home” and’ let everyone’ know youre a, baal ine the Legon wil end ost “These ae only afew of the many services supplied" “precveaiiy' makes falling idee a sieam rollr e pleeswe Started Three Years Ago Here since the station opened in July, 141, supervisor “Bil Reehetort har rata the Growth of the Legion facies from one halt anda able ip the Aajutant fice of fhe old “GS. three modern and wells ‘sppeg rooms om he" ide athe ‘ea housed in’ tne present REA. stores: {he sottom oor ot Barrack Block five, and ‘shat is now the post ofc, Teveling Top Shot site Sine ea cet eh nace bbeen made to bring the first entertainment, rape sae = nie comioriable sites i open in" you every See Resi aed Saat eo ee eee ie ogtees fold aut hae ba e ee reany Bae ie Sealy ere as easy Geen ae Bare bara ome {ne\girtrend line Inu writing Foon geese isa eh oc Ene ees okra fled. ad wateful eyes" of four trainees, Se ea ams FRosuy” denied “over having ‘witicsed "he ave you heard the one, shout the Boy ‘og ana ute Gan Gus? AuGuST, 1944 FLAK AO >= 0S ports 100 NK P.T. CHAMPS month for the Mghest Psd gamer score then they mustered ila of 81 ponte to Te bay 10K al Sen rantersup (0 BONE the preveding month and ink” Hinckley, Mgnt onic was voted ceca cieayert ae Frcs Since oo Sete er oe 3S ny hme rectar arene toe a os ee ree ee ae See Sa re 4 frlbutary of the Credit River. ‘The Borden: Balt team didnt ose a last month and was the chief rearon fof the (inning ofthe ‘eerta Teton includes Wit Ball Eglin gunate Jim" crate, ‘Bruce Barrett, a Hinckley and, of course, ‘SexinGrt® sone)” Geromata als 6 ocala beau te ores "The competition is tougher tn month but the boys of 1008 are sil Tn there Mating SOFTBALL TEAM Cooking on sll four and heading down the home strech toward ‘tne end sof whe uhll season, We're pleased, ov all punch {o"ee our own "Star-Lisvers are er Det 3 eague stanaing. his season th Sobre “AllStar athe thle sty and It now has become Following are the standings complete to satus "ream Won Lost ‘poy ar RB bul once the same got under ADs 'Geiaed on the top ond of the sore Ian attempt to bad he regon forth theyre il fot "Phate the stoty, and we BPs eile Serta qi eterna Sette a lias te cha "Fat st, so: Wooden Dlcher Sige wore: ght ‘Smiley " Malone. third base; “Poker Face” in Macs ea Raat cy, chalet ote antl twit note! Bu Stent Ble naa ~ a Hida Bat it eh esas, BR ‘Former members who have left the team Set, McNiven who graduated in Cou oe nD Saat Se Soda Devlingl What Good Is Alimony on @ Night Like Tha? ™ FLY CATCHING SPORT: Pop, the serack over in Barrack block 2 presented the boys in 1008 with A Stent few weeky tao Toe bas Promat. ‘Bg tit things atrted a Sappen "The good news war Aaehed into ie barrack oom that dying had been ‘washed snd our Rpetal pte decided to eile down ee hep can se worked in Sf one doesnt eat ise bal E th 3 Hidden’ sceone broke We lence With Shout “we gota ‘ane and thoge from U/T and U/S nae gia eee “ae ee ‘There sat "Fishin" Fool” Gaunt proudly pointing fon beautiful tf fea can be Beale And les tom George’ new fy atagser Te Pare two ie elds in thei Be ‘pols one Ie peaiing and he ays have Felice’ fear wa Biowlog wuts FLAK AUGUST, 1944 PERSONALITIES LLOYD HOGAN By DORA M, SCOTT fhe a of Dominion ‘Skyways Observert Uist : : lofigence move then out immedite fates Seldom ate we. such that people steve to {login our wake — ut a this ston inner”, Copperctif, Ont. where he was Until" he started” working. inthe “smelter There he discovered he had’ a natural gift der sunhingcomplested machinery ad oom ‘ota it she cage ge over the seth “The temperature novered constantly around 10a there wag" danger of ‘illness from fxcesive dunt and gar fumes ring from thepotr and tumacer below Ttogey. at 2h war doing’ Job that only went to. giderand: more experienced. men e"nover planned to say ‘here Indetntely she sgn athe Work burned en out hove might be, The folowing year saw him being down ino te bush fora holiday By the famous bush, plit. Pall Sauve, “ime bus had’ bltten hm. ‘The following ould buy enough Afing me ta"g0 places fs fate possible. He wasnt fooling Alged by hie inborn instnets ne. required “only fire hours and 18 minutes of dual instruc: {lon before he soloed, “Atter 18 houty fe took his teat and ex: sanlnation tor 4 Private fulots License and Went‘on to work, scrape snd scrounge a bit at aime, ihe 30 hours tequred for a Com= ‘Consisted “af thiee papers covering. twelve “Now being way up north and out of the regular rum of evervthing. the inspector only Se Std sce’ ee arene here fo Lloyd Hogan, after studying by himself fr ‘appronimately' four months, decided to (Continued on page 13) W.0. 2G. L. CLAYTON SERGEANT MAJOR By GARRY McKERNAN Eine, i'aoon arte the balance fo their own the palm of the hand before using the back lal rurvey we find that fcind "ite" Scunthorpe, Linea far te stlon, tobe pulled up hs nooks and. en iste with the Imperial Army, tot Baialion, Lncomnahire Regimentea"a° buck private August 17, 1014 We haven't ang Beant ‘on ‘thir but it, may” have’ bees George's Yammering for blood that saw the Feslment in France after only seven weeks {ehning. ‘Peraps even the War’ Ofiee couldn’ hold out aguint such a force. Arr Sal ig Pemmce Tulled our eres inane {o'yn eames request from Iligh Command ment. toa further few days of Geld work Rouen, "France Finally, Private Clayton woke up one cavember morning ‘ond himoslt Sarina Iino'the teeth of death at Neuve Chappelle tnere they. were shosting atte Whites of the even, However, true Nerih blood will Sut sid we watch our tan proudly sewing {ip the nook ofa Lance:Carporal~omy 10 ‘ha another to fa a short time. Finally dleprnng wth he iar Stu we ae Hi, {ne type ot sergeant ‘The next eulaiaading news comes on July Ish, 016 one of the teal great dates of this war “the. grat bate ofthe Somme When al” hel’ broke loose Aer had fetta down a bit Sergeant George Clayton Sie hospital) wounded, and Juniaaiy ‘Continued on page 13) PETER BECK By MEL SUFRIN vostpaned is Manning Pool unl afcr ne ad anlthel a iivelets schoo! preparation These tabulated facts of his Ale Fore oa eat ate the leat interesting however and It Tegan fo Rapren Peter wes in the hespital om eating tov much candy: Wile there hie Ihome"in Montreal after yetiing out of the Plc ana wicited Pate: wo afte sme hese Livin accepted At the Barty he meta gel tamed’ Giadys’ and as Peter saye "We've Beer ang arcing eget ver, sine Hails From Yorkshire Boon April 102m the pcturesgue sum. mer rest of arate nese sgn. te shores ‘of the North Sea, Peter made Up his tind to come to Canada at the ae OF tio, At two-snda-talt he came 10 tne ountey and etied in Windsor, Ontario. "Playing sofball Pee has provided many a Favorite remark when te lets a sitike £0 “pavorite of his hobbies ie the stage and ected he Beta fom ett to nce ok part ims produetion of the ture rol Sir‘Adam Besket™ in large Detroi Shureh, and played leeding voles In Shakes AUGUST, 1944 FLAK REVERBERATIONS FROM THE SERGEANTS MESS By " RED” FORTIN had a choice of steak. tous or tender it ou sish"tne laters ou ane ued wht amsiton and. one of the. waltressee “Sfisat He "No, but you got your thumb ind besides that, there is 8 dead By Pufuivst: 1 Anow, 1 the Meat tht ils F'Sq Hy "Newer mind, just crpple it ‘Or course, you can't please everyone. Now ill he ‘wil lok he could fil eat in the Setgat Meda ait Sota bees cat a weds tho Sh Ht nig beatae het ‘lband ayaa sootng eras and ie {ap they sayin the army) which, means fo {tht oat aan conan sve ‘maybe Your mother-inclaw is there. 30 what The cde "buts back to our eusine, that is merely a cise of "Mind Over atatter™ the het on mind, and ee dnt matterts A See mornings ogo Vase fortwo Semin Gh, te moat evenlempered maton He ta quite a Casanova! All the waitresses ke the way he kiss because 1 Svetbeard tne of them remare = Boy. Wat Kiser ink "Hoe point Thal rosea io fhe, for a bit of ye ale solitude, witere T shal {aie te myveif Boring to say the least dont PEEP & PRY Summer Time—Holidays—Life in the Raw, oS oa iouch my sunturh The, god id os et fn ae ae wags By the way. Smithy such, a common ram but we sure hear St mentioned 8 lot Tateiy, you knew, the old Taw of ravi He! Hes! geneween Reonrapicly of woune fut On Boy! hat the twain ever ma Stoll "by" the evilan otis mess Ih the peaceful ureter alx pon. "Well. they mahi brother and ll, they might Moy we, congratulate Jack Scaletton it And a certain Fight Lieutenant on thie station “the one our Wing's Perade Just alg wis. Dace be te We thought it wae funny one day recently HES. d)o"sa" vine. the same afternoon Here's 4 tle dict on the Ealtorin-diet, inthe doesn't censor it ls heart, ris, we ae sorry to say. is ot for see: The Red Grose vaneport Section in Isly has i ail July 15th was an anniversary in our CO°= Siniversariee Uke that. "YF ™* Mave Do you all know that our General Mane A certain party, might be related to Gen- rai Uae, al Plot Tommy Hammett ool Ing at“ out Are you all aware a great romance or two forges Cumultoourly round sof [ae th Rit ceulen blond on emia ‘puting from ‘he. baly ‘slime of Bermuda, the other eeurned lately fom distant shores Ges who? 8 FLAK AuGusT, 1944 AVE ATQUE VALE Farewell NY and 35 ABX. ABY 08 ABY santero. for there wast be Leave ground at twenty-thsty Tite! 0 ASE EAR ABE sole Melt ek neta hard fara at pens hit Sena ain oe Sas SER SPEAR Rat ete Soe ace West at igh a the atin seta weilhunt win SeNS, Sade bene i o"tr Wayne pared Same oll Annie same ad aircrew SEGRE SCI A en Pally Strife honing BTS "Same old landfall same old Line Son Renee wae ae ta avettet aaa ta atenht Have ou lot ma mavignon? has put up @ good fight with the English sextants, well that was not the right answer, Come up here and lave & loo) Iitetise Noo, Ete the hued wag 'k Segwhitt wore was reser Seems to me you've eaoked that course ee, weecaaenat Salant of whi were wat one anes Rots show! Not in the book heie mane cancer peSTaete ess Thoee who had arsived about iO’ pam, the There's a cold front out to starboard iat Ratate Soe eee WE, MUR elie Mety"CeaMht Beate? Grab your site, wel have to ail Tue Mme", SO Subse, eke REL ikem S'la ‘The gay ABs gta sent See ee eee eS hoa Mon temegeaee Ani nih ut ho sk CRliartabiaed MPa ced lie’ Went OME dat Site Fitcen Anne went to Malton ISSA Sate nce awd anting wit age w vats! Ayer couple rated on lndng Simian A A RS “isle ce ermnal note a time CDE TE relly makes you thik nlc the Sc nt pe aid oe Hope eran oo fe plea act SS cices enp new ar —— — TALS Sa cru all he way So ahulionitem Thee a eat'cm — TO THE WAVIGATOR — “ica Sou i soul EE ea ne nganiag Mas Sid's (To the tune of Clementine) Hau? hi wing and mororee Bound problem Going steady with a Wagette recs If anyone finde a cap basge in the Down at briefing in the morning Bet your life T always try Richelie pleme return tothe ined tom Siting waiting for clue ‘Thoigh we never mention Q code here its forrowing owner will Clie hed Te jt Renfrew, Calabogie, She always answers Q.BI Ogdensburg, or Killaloe? tebe had foward off the women in: Ba Chore Tagline sib and Now tat oP gg a PETER BECK | ‘Continned from page 6) ing fo sel 0 zombie an English TO! Though we say it with a sigh ois En Hac Ree adie hee id we smell something: So they depart W'e must do that bloody nav plan fhe Gay 'Nineter teene, the waiter in the Gut"wherever they fo tay will remember EXery night until we die, Nrsgtomir Sade fod he Sieg iis AEX take audi view of our nav. Ask ol Biddle “Where we're going?” “ely Peugumanes fe halt dence Sates whom they allege give pin pois © He cays “ Boys, it’s changed a bit" ‘ght to wrone in the DRT. senign riley ous eve omblng winds SE Think we lke to make new fight plans, and may aan be found wih hi ead ke Aika! Minne faepin pom sul Area Takeof! Gime, we tow a Bt EOE as tne ele ae pilots deaf, they wonder: “left steady, lett tous d ‘hair, all 199 pounds of him seem_ Ren’y “LERF STEADY” “Did"Sou SY Gut we go ino the Annies Stor amie pei ae" they ant no be wo ere, wel not avays, TEY tOdo our level bet =| Share SRS eet anyone ould became tac ftnens, But we Know we're koing west Sti ad Madness AUGUST, 1944 FLAK Book Review WALTER V. LEWIS “HOTEL BERLIN ‘43 —By Vieki Baum—Doubleday Doran & Cé New York City, U.S.A. Although Adalph titer rose to power In Germany trough he aia of the taut ie [str of the country, mt be admited that Fhe Rad" “perso” hat” inopired hero Germans ame to believe in the infaliblity SP fant and the vino Bie {he whole world, and he Was worthipped 35 fod pry and army leadore alle. Por one ne he NEF ieea geting hie Served to convince bls fallowers that he wat Souk's tod ana geniusea worthy leader of thete"purebleoded Aryans and” would-be onquetors of the world and a worthy ace Settee Frederick the Gent, Bismarck, abd ‘ote Berlin 49 Is «short nove, with Ltd frrno plot of the period in which Germans Sad auf bit tonelaed hat Hitler was” hat the_ Aesth “they ad “worahipped fr 0 This a descriptive narzitve of the a At and tn Dry and stn kar eats a ony capt raat ae Tmunt. be remembered that opera nd ‘epulation as the finest actess in te eich ide ‘Hotel She’ meets Martin “Richter, Gistapo for refusing to give parca of {ind hides in her oom, She might have beet ieee 2 hen eee ae rie a cori Gee ahi ind mesa a pac tater tet ama ts sie teeta tee Eh oat ae amen eg el Sere Be at ere tiepes cro Mia, ae ere td enor sera af Bie ally ane inde SEER ae eusng cette of with aman ae tern Hemisphere. zi ane a oe lig nara se wre dence aie re oot Sie iia Wis Sheet Poze Soho GR Dcapin areeatneats Sac NAVIGATOR CALLING PILOT My partner end 1 srrived_ bright and sual one of the Supermen pilots) had {emea" up. Finally “at 730" they erived Gt ihe thirteen only eght hea hangovers four were walking inthe sleep andthe thirteenth appeared heathy and wena being foreed to sit in a corner by fms ‘Sengerous radical ‘By the me beleGng was over_most of tinder their own power which wae pleasant Dllt out to the waiting” Anson, tomy desk ‘hen T'msddeniy became aware that the. alr immy Immediate vicinity wos lowly eduanging Yo deep shade af blun ‘This was due t8 supermens umigue fo% of ‘oesbilery about the falure of the engines laher I had leaned over his shoulder and pat ihe switches on For my teeuble t was tld {o'gel the hell back where T Beionged, who ‘Was Bying ths co and se arcrat anyway ‘A few minutes later we were weaving (and 1 do mean weaving) down the runway when Peticed our pilot apparently nthe eet ot feantcally untjing bie showlaces, But closer Investigation showed he. war picking this moment when we were almost airborne "0 Femove the Ioeking straps from the rua bars About five. minster later the pilot formed us we would have to abaaon th (heres asthe le woud not climb prove ip‘tnd afters hac Took around 1 pois Gartiage and fape timight make a derence Routine Search Finally we were ready to set course. After ‘a considerable amount of what seemed (9 the “compass woul not sete Gown. Being the suspicious type T immediately put my band into fis pocket and removed the foe () One large whiskey Mask (steed Stone with sx botle Tops (ioisons) 2) One miniature horseshoe thls ood: “e) One set of loaded dice ‘The’ compass, leased. from exe evil magnetic influences, besan to behave i formal manner, although large iron 1 fn the thindBnger af his Taft hand. and eur chrome wings pied to hs und ‘Speaking of wings. have any of you no: tice one ef ou puta flsts wh foes croua ‘with a pair of RCAF. wings sewn on Grange acket: they tell me he hae Pal (nh pajamas, too 'A Tew minutes Iter 1 tp-ted tothe astro- dome to vake a suns. instantly. Mr Big fSrmed around ‘and snreamed at me that if Taignv stop stamping around and playing ‘whole thing off This rather puzsled Toe 6s Thad'always been under te impression these fexereines were forthe benedt of the Has nt and not the plots, but then maybe Tim ‘Ghine too'much tor granted "Things went smootniy’ for the next half hour unt! the pilot In panie-teiken volee Bane: Upon asking the reston he pointed ont What Ihe thought wae" small dark cloud sent lity mile ay i he un el Ba nae] a dia aia ‘moved a small black spot from the perspect Toei on aR is ats Pera! Se reas hae i eee and ater rene os ie hte saad Sa Oh rerun Sarg ore Sie ata ie cea te and tet ae ae ut Samed SLUM SPO Nees he Sth aude ESE STE te thang SF Enc ere catia hae ae Soa te i “eh Eat Sa Dal win ee el Red on Blue At length 1 gave im the course for base and afew minutes Inter decided to get 8 fourse check. My result showed that our [e'Wwe’ew Tong enough on his course we ‘should come out somewhere im the vient Of the Cherbourg peninaula, Knowing with: fut looking shat the trouble was saked fim Tf by-any remote possbity he might ehinke'ne wera moron. Not wanting 10 hurt the poor fellow's feelings didn't an ‘wer, But tices that we jade an immed e100 degzees turn ‘le hour later We aud base and then cate the landing’ (2). The duty lot ld tne inter that trom the tower they werent fire whether a kangaroo with the Divs oF fn oversized grasshopper with the St. Vis dance hed hit the runwey. All T know i that nthe third ‘bounce my partner became ‘iddy from the lace of oxygen cour pilot Git never hurts to humor them) {hen wen oie ving hf on ‘Are you at ell surprised then, dear read bout ready for the crary house? See Dagwood® Daly diary—July “FLAK: ORDER OF THE MOMENT Addresed to: THE SHADOWS OF NUMBER NINE 10 FLAK AuGuST, 1944 Aero - Nouvelles FLIGHT CLERKS Lett to viaht: Loraine Leeman, Gaby Huet, Ange Trou ‘and Ison Foul Saar menos tment ‘cause tout un emo dean-U. plus rSinuve™ que tee autres, Bouchet lee “ue voulesvous, it F en a qui naiment c'eet le render-vous dee vaniteuses. (des Dosséder-une superbe glace od on se volt de eaten baa et tout instant on en vot une ‘Tobe’ lul-va bien, ou pour admirer son le lztce, enfin cet une Wraie procession. B fd ‘worries nouvelles robes de" chasune, et femme en eeneal le gout dees compagnes Seat par mal cat ‘un vat regal pou foil {Gs aime amssor ler jolee owed! our ariver au" Pitting Room Seer en retard pour constoter "que FD Dione Philip, Jeannette Saboursia Temes bed ir you et 7g waa be ‘we won't tell?"? SURE SURE SURE. Betly Eldridge nous revient de, ce_ aul devrait dire une bonne’somrine de repor flan a famine pres du Lac Romphremagt Seas Jat tr dex Sone moe pour se ain tre porta nous snngnce aie Pi dnandeht ole pu me cacher pena Som refuge ordinaire est le piscard. mais ous nus demandons of ele’ Puen siouver ‘Sane ‘une gente Reutuchet Rote eporos gee ara stat irtparer! Quclan'en dans te bureas 8 remaraué ave epi ‘quelque temps tout eta bien tae Sule, csprer onquete on decouvert que insets Ueno, ore pesmice ca ‘Your quit partage ses moments Mores, entre “lug Hosnet ete“ Gatety ‘tie fous cone qutelie"a pu etre -= a Feneelgnge, et que e seralt des “ WOLFES ‘aI Ant UMPRESSIONS on, mg demande, mes impress fiona. Cai ‘plus press et plus enact” aussi {ella fete eon get gue nee Sst hol grate romore gue fone pw guide Pomona Aan es ao eta ee ee ae "hve i dlans vont isoltege ton pen te stage avs Te fre a ema Stlnd Tavon pendant Sw er 2 eras men come privé longings de ut ot ‘chocolat et . . . la biére. ze inwiiude' went cas, Si atacné al Angra roche Sor US e Sade Nut tun Gr tari setinemar 4 Ser ntalide domeniquer ts rida ¥ hy sural du mars gt det part an Shine Bisa Tae genet oe ot Pulse de aoe cate qui vison pari: nt partealGreneesetreantet” Depa tutte Timprtance cu Gross eb {Pate gon examine avian, a Sterne proach gre: pau me Cornea eigen extmpiog ont at nt (Shebe jungles iconnee. spre gure Stead ne neode pos on poet eon ‘ocr oblos ke Chan come tut lee Siter"pe oh prccpe fe four ‘Slit a's retour dr combats epost ‘andre ve Sues moyen & empire, {Tamils Sie aoe Tui est pas ln Don peur Teseraiar Hinges Sonus leone de et hut els dit parr ten come. Mai fomprenare. Cest pourquot spore que To ‘pe men voudra pes de cee quelque. nol: tone incertaines Une sevie eno est sure ‘len agréabe de vivre de ce cote de VAUane 3m Memoriam A. now amis Hollandaise Liew tenant AICP, Hansen ete lie (nant ACG. Lurenen mort na champ, donneur. leur ‘grand ‘de: ‘Youement lassera! dane or coeurs {in souvenir profond AUGUST, 1944 FLAK n Aero - Nouvelles Sidr tae. aussi caracteritaus, Je role que nous aoe et eee are pn van eres jah, He eas pear: on core nombre i notre cole se rendirent & Dorval pour ac- eens oe ee Erect aattuey Sea Sear es aes kee a ae tasks cer ar oon, Sess eae ‘Alors ‘que notre province commencait & nee nese Some os mee eee oe Shoat oe aoe Sao oer Tair aceuliy "de questions, perfor ben Tee SRSRES Siero eames ere ‘ment on cours pour embellir notre sation, TIE pete tedees tee ont ere acne rae mam te Sle Slee aaa Dosieer ne'aa etal Sie (ola ee 6 ther “te ohh 2h RoR eeahatt ed SSNS ME A 2s Shoe fea semi te Seep aes ict Perch afta pears i oui Sedans as Sa Saree Lrenvers d'un proverbe Vous rues revo“ ote isi adams” Stas fabriquer pour leur usage un deuxieme pe etiam Caras iiehanat Uns sil aos See ate at a SET ae SORT aaa Senae es emloee ete Soe 2a a ads IER ets es as blupart des mots que nous disons deviennent Hi eee es are eee the aerate ies Sei all ae SS See ee at ‘gorbent une ‘grosse ‘partie de son temps, St 4 Sache ls Seah es ie Sree bie ta ‘un concert, Une fomme qul est enti¢rement IS ae Nahe oan oes PoP estan atta SRA ade anaes Sitiad Shae seer eatery {lores de isposer & leur are des vingt-quatre Nae aerate TE fut Ssiton, ta se net Sette, ear ae Siac ee eet ieee ste ee a Seiaee mr a eee Saas Senate Sar oe la ee oe ce eas ta pe a ls at ae ov 1 RS Rea a al oan ‘MARIE-CLAIRE, THE BALLET (One night eppens I'm hengink around Mescowitt delicatessen with fowe end when allem knowink "naddink om bates but Fm in demoed and e_priee ts ight So gradually Tm arrvink de theatre and up |e going de colin. Onto de sige i comin (ut. dancin on tippytocs, gradual, « gol Aressed #0 degreas younger an spreeng. 10 ‘poddink but a semple blve crepe de cheney, hoe roonink there, he aftaid ting to mineelt, what's making de gol fo noivous? when soddenly comes jsp fn de singe a fll Te westing neddlae ul a eond hand leopard” De bey's name as ‘Adeeio. Soadenty de ell, Danaeusey, at ate” {ie Adagio, so she's Ride So halp me. on Bureau de la technique erat ig oot os eae San, Ted eae St ae aoe Commencons, par le’ Surintendant de" 1s SuGhiet Sates Eee ‘Sieur Green, assistant du surintendant de [a Ser aa Routine ene te oe ee ro pe ea Spel Pare eee hh ae scans arene eae PETS sad Se FERS ere in Sone Sona arena Sa ro. ee ST Lain” an srt ot we BE Soke eee Ma ci ie a Seon ae kee Ses len. 7 rien my tt te ee eee eras re saan soe eat oe ae pie ot at ee ie ae meres be See tau sng alae Seater sete see Site ee coe Sot Pee eae eee pe ge Pe caida irae a a et sen ae some sak Sa wee certs Reese oie caeeeen, Ss aaneie ee (ane ae incognito de stage it not wan sinkle piece folnuture, ‘but abe hidinks Betond ‘neddink Adagts IIS looking in de exact migale de" stage thes standink yet. but he's net seein her De dope, Soddenly he's seeine Denorusey. Hex maling a territe jomp at de gol He wants Shes Jompin away” She dunt want Hes roanink with Jompinie wth erebbin He wants ‘She dont wants He. wants, She flint went, He Wants” She dunt want. So, the starts chaninie de goll a 848 Pt savin an tientyetve to eaten & iran: Tm net lowing how he’ comes out 2 FLAK AUGUST, 1944 HANGAR HAPS ‘Sune! ang with » bar selling peamate nd ‘es, during" rent peice,” profs of by the Hangar Commitice: So far the collec- tbo ot pros a een gute full and ips: the most honorable ib- wil yeveel ‘The staf of Maintenance, all jin in on- gestusting the pilots gn the fact that for Seo etka the tte, Secon ‘vas fre ot tip the_good work boys and the eigars will HARVEY SHURROCK, on ni test day both alter the holidays bed the misfortune fr having ‘an "undeFeeriage which was $acked ap’ veauting ina. deep catia hi iad e'l pee Harvey was saying tg hie St * what a welcome back thie Congratulations to MARCELLE ST, HIL- aint ‘no took the plunge om July 8, 104. Bevtnd hue wife, Tormeny" aie ‘Ceelle Belanger seant™ to" Gane the members. of Natntennse for" lovely” lit a sleet oso p BEA Fo, ate ogy ESR RAE PO et te Bee eee Seay eibeee Meee PEER BETTY of the instrament depart- ment. is having’ some trouble” these days. Rite spendlag’ ton days of her holidays acne twitn ie hu she returned to work nly fo find that hee fesnsportation ‘existed Mo‘moer Poor Betty hed to niteike and tlnoe te lier three miler out of lbervile ftsShot uss un She faking wth 8 ISADORE LASNIER expects to be goin upto, Mt. Lsrier for some trout ashing Sloat 'bete shold be some rll fab stories Boating ound’ this secon "when he Eels abla, fe boys seems ated with at the Canning thctoris during the evenings tnd ays off working. there ‘Keep Up the ‘ood ‘work’ fellows. Welsome to HARRY MARRIS, jut pace from holidays in Philedeipnie sad AUSRUC ity, As far ag we know he bach any ‘brothers ot unelee there but by all reports ev waen the least bi" Romesice BILE" CORBETELD, who helped out ins 1 gfe et to my that BUD HAMBLY, Butding ie now: After what was a threo Four, tam “around ‘the’ camp ‘he Analy {Euna the pace about 10 yard mere COfehids to the wf of afte. for the slen- aia. work during the pest month, We aver Sued"ii chesksper week, wnich sthough that well beat the quot tls'month: Lets Keep “tp the ood Work uende has it new chub has been formed gle. ne Root the cary i [Ai members must know how to whe, and {eal without Breaking leg. when ‘ace entally"tipping over tomeane’ cae i ond gaia on Pam Love of ‘Your forthcoming marriages Corporat Walker of the armament section we diving lecture on sighting tie 10 [oie ld “Pini portnere ‘French sted!" Do you ise the met wind? LUSaLty"sny might you will find a bunch of eis ‘and armen over there dancing To the furle'of one of ou pian Gone But Not Forgotten both airforce ant ans, say goodbye, dy aot ae ete i yi thers wounded, but many are sill nthe fas lett our bie habpy family». the writer eave, ts by ‘thé Goven, Sat, Hoobin ih ‘Moody, who could never keep away from Soe dy ule’ we aber pang So ‘Nore Blea "some time ago in Nasu, SB Zealand. Set. Gordie Johnston has been fee Se Vine yes teran ig tarke Gerraca a “Ws a beautiful night for astro” how smany bes have the ile who g0 out wih Bavigators neural thee Words? Ente Many of ur sil femerber‘tie lar wiih fovmany Dutch ope wn graded Sometime, Ei, Hinder Lusehen. one af the lass, was klled a few weeks ago, when is Sere ‘war shot down over ‘France. Hine rk all "uag, be gememred, by the eo? tal good fooking Brash lad, LAC, Hoy Pearcy here: lst December: He’ found 6 rather uncomfortable, ro went buck to England and is im the sim now (Continued on page 13) Left fe vight: J, Petaneule, J. Robert and M. Tremblay AUGUST, 1944 FLAK 3 SERGEANT.MAJOR (Continued from page 6) ould’ earn the delais, and believe ws, we tdi, Sut al we were able to secure was thst ‘the Seene of action was im the Gome ‘moncour! Wand near Bienviles, which loads Ui'torbelieve that the decoration wet well ‘ened) "Wo. months spent in the hospital and corge Met” suring "bate far revenge Ptime‘on Moreh 22.1018, the enemy decided fo ge" rid of this fice-bal ate and for all hd “captured Sergeant Clayton, MM. The fist plod ofthe pigon camp epsode swat spent dn Lithurnls tnd the second In atop Siberia there the boys dian know ‘ese was a Acmstice unt histmas Bey Tepatriated January. 1918, George received ‘us discharge “inch af the same peat Se fed’ ‘ngs aunting about erious parts St the. globe, “including aiviea, Aust Sna\ Canta ehieh he visited in’ 1802 Back iinbvslend: he found the lure of the Maye eat too overpowering’ and” we nd him ck In Camad in 1696—this tine to. stay ‘Soon another world confit and ‘on the second’ diy’ of te present war, George is in {here ‘pitching. Called up In ane, 1580, ar ‘her tbe ited the sow famous {or Infamous) branch called “aiscipisarin, thus" We'nd him in the niehthosd of he “Ut edule keep 00d man and’ 'Manning’ Pool, Torenioy soon” bossie © few corporal. Nov EATS. then hat a nest fcraeant to guide the destiny’ of he 6590 {pes for the ‘ensuing 13 months, Then to Se Fohns, ‘Quebec and. No 8 ED, where Geoige' "if now. s Flight Sergeant Fifteen ons tod "hone shor reward Him [Being inthe proximity of the best tle seine noe In Cinade pat are be the eae an ‘Dow unfolds the fact that ‘No."9"AOS, ae's nem 8 diferent Station "Warrant Omeer, ‘is hobbles® Wl tere was a time when 4 zamve of cricket just warn'™unless George Svat in hereand- wo" understand’ that Wat bit of master st thie art Soceer and ‘deer came" forthe beating too. How: ing ‘people out of trouble a ‘private lifethere hasn't been much time'tor George to settle dower however we {ct wwe must drop the whnper that there it wee. rumor folng the rounds, which int {ormation ‘we {led to pry trom ‘ur hero, nly to Bnd that even we Rad at last broken {hroush the proverbial coating’ of the pil (bd Note: Since going to press we have learned that WO Ciasten hae Veen posted Gur’ sincerest wishes" for happy career go ith "new to his Stew" poreosod ude Bestee) “8 LLOYD HOGAN (Continued from page 6) write ait twelve subjects in one day. He SUG earn ate Bs Red'in tevigation was boat 4 inter Seca eh ie oe SUE each aed Seaetatt eens Ma Le ate ety Ercot Sa, eh nate Sp Bin Se fs the Flak in “he Motor staph 7 ‘This Ie where we ean lool at Hogan, the aman. not the pilot Gru snd intensely nom Smita. “sbout” Gmpertant "things, few People suspected this pilar of Tock bad egh uni they were on hand fee him sve! uilimited care and love fo his pet "Today, many have known him only as a ood plot"and a man's man with 2 bottom: {ee capacity for brew. But let them Bet into an argument on the great mused masters {na apprecate the truly grt, wich at Fats Waietind the bakes” restor of humor dey and to the point, 11 eu’ be imponsibie fo ‘attempt to Bat 1 Gn"paper It" enough. to aay. that hie Doinled. word-saving directness open and Romecdiiving. elec incorporated Unto ‘i ‘io Hogatinn* are exromely rina "te vhere too, that Lloyd has driven he sttkes for the ing future of marriage Tere Dal "we picture would be painted ‘wilh the Hogan family standing on so isla Sierounded “by “panes and ‘beer potter, Dhondsraph recor and cocker spaniel pup: bloe, with" Benefactor” Hogan ‘ishing’ oat fis heart and his laughter fo each GONE BUT NoT FORGOTTEN (Continued from page 12) Many of our Pilots have been posted in pe pat few montas, We hear that = Pep” Pepler, Rolly ‘Foord, Bernie Hinderke and Wilt Saarcolte sre sit together in England. They say. the food over there makes them Tong tor the good old Cat kets nat hear ny more complaining en. Rolly Feora has ‘beenrecommended for” the Pahiinder erin, Se ie EE watt Set he iy re ihe Is entoying et wore immensely: they ie ip ile stone "houses, with ardent ‘Sound! them which they 1o0k after’ them: ‘elves, She misses the pleasant life atound No'# and ands every different over there Good iow’ Di, we are proud of You Mr, and airs. E. 8. Woollet, who left us 4, ork ie go. Peary fo hee bane You know as soon aa'we can how they ae Betting’ slong ‘two of our Radio Work Shop boys, who lett some time ago. are both im the forces Ean "Mckinley hae jotned the navy andi (aking. radio ariscer course, Gosrae Fox {ain Sir force, and Sr walling patiently Si anning Depa ‘for posting fo RETS, thie nar been there for sfx month), F/O Gerry Gerolimt has been reported misting We have our Angers erossed, hope We hear of him soon, Lt Lindhal, Royal Norwegian Ais Force, hag reverted toa Set. tp be in ale Grew hd taking & four months course in En fang. After this he expects to goon a i tteeks eourse to got buck In thobe, and says Thatteven the thought o¢ It makes him tired. GSGS TSE tented Hat fo wel while he was THAT'S THE IDEA ‘The editors of this smashing publication with’ tego om Tecord fo the fede that any Sinclarity to actual persons is'& Teather Ih ihe nedpeetve erpe EATON’S for Officers’ Uniforms D> When in need of Uniforms or other items of personal equipment, remember nearly everything an officer may require con be purchased quickly and cosily within the four walls of Eaton's Store . . . Eaton's Uniforms have won high regard for their fit, finish, workmanship ond sound value... In addi tion toa highly specialized made-to-measure service, stock sizes are available BARATHEA TUNIC and TROUSER . CAP ond BADGE Stock ste 4250 Made-to-meature 45.00 9.50 GREATCOATS_HEAVY MELTON CLOTH © ~—=—GABARDINE RAINCOATS AO. S. PERSONNEL UNIFORMS Novy blue serge Uniforms, for civilian flying personnel, made-to- #T. EATON Cnn OF MONTREAL With a complete plant under one roof, The Gazette Printing Company Li: is able to give that extra touch of craftsmanship and fast service. The finger can be kept on all phases of the pi problem by one call. GAZETTE PRINTING COMPANY LIMITED 1000 ST. ANTOINE STREET «© MONTREAL HArbour 2241 . DESIGN + PRINTING + LITHOGRAPHY PHOTO-ENGRAVING . BOOKBINDING

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