Beneficence: - (Read 1 and Explain in Your Own Word)

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- In the book beneficence is the principle that imposes upon the practitioner to
seek the good for the patients under all circumstances. The term beneficence
suggest acts of mercy and charity, although it certainly may be expanded to
include any action that benefits another. Most health care professional have
statements that echo the Hippocratic Oath which states that the physician will
“apply measures for the benefit of the sick. “the obligation to help imposes upon
healthcare practitioners the duty to promote the health and welfare of the
patient above other consideration, while attending and honoring their personal
autonomy.( read 1 and explain in your own word)

The Hippocratic Oath ( raed 2 and reason kung bakit ginawa and anong kahalagahan
the summary of the Oath is this
-'A solemn promise:
>Of solidarity with teachers and other physicians.
>Of beneficence (to do good or avoid evil) and non-maleficence (from the Latin 'primum
non nocere', or 'do no harm') towards patients.
>Not to assist suicide or abortion.
>To leave surgery to surgeons.
>Not to harm, especially not to seduce patients.
>To maintain confidentiality and never to gossip.'

- Beneficence principle (read 3 and explain)

- (Cyrene): This principle states that health care providers must do all they can to
benefit the patient in each situation. All procedures and treatments
recommended must be with the intention to do the most good for the patient. To
ensure beneficence, medical practitioners must develop and maintain a high level
of skill and knowledge, make sure that they are trained in the most current and
best medical practices, and must consider their patients’ individual
circumstances; what is good for one patient will not necessary benefit another.
- In beneficence morality requires that we not only treat patients autonomously
and refrain from harming them, but that we also contribute to their welfare.
These beneficial actions fall under the heading 'beneficence'. The principles of
beneficence potentially require more than those of nonmaleficence, because
doctors must take positive steps to help people and not merely refrain from
harm. Patient welfare embodies medicine's goal, justification and rationale(read
4 slightly explain XD)

- >Beneficence is valuable because it encourages a superior standard of nursing,

midwife and doctors performance. It also emphasizes compassionate care and
advocates for continual striving toward excellence. Nurses, midwives and doctors
must be wary, however, of the downside of this principle, as it can lead to
paternalism(Is an action performed with the intent of promoting another's good
but occurring against the other's will or without the other's consent) when
executed improperly. When a patient’s autonomy is sacrificed for providing care
that is deemed “right,” acting in the name of beneficence can be damaging rather
than helpful.(Read 5)

Examples-(read 6)
- another examples here include public health, preventative medicine and
biomedical research.
- Beneficence is defined as kindness and charity, which requires action on the
part of the nurse to benefit others. An example of a nurse demonstrating this
ethical principle is by holding a dying patient's hand.
- Resuscitating a drowning victim
-Providing pain medication as soon as possible to an injured patient in the
emergency room
-Lifting side rails on a patient’s hospital bed to prevent falls
-Providing vaccinations
-Performing daily tasks for patients who are unable to carry them out alone

Why Beneficence is important in healthcare?

- Beneficence plays a major role in all of health care by ensuring that care
provides a net benefit and that the patient is protected. Health care professionals
have a duty of care that extends to the patient, professional colleagues, and to
society as a whole.(Read 6 and explain)
Why beneficence is important in ethics?
- The language of a principle or rule of beneficence refers to a normative
statement of a moral obligation to act for the others' benefit, helping them to
further their important and legitimate interests, often by preventing or removing
possible harms(Read 6 and explain )

What you learned-

1) it is important for me and in what I understanding because it contains the
importance of providing for all the needs of patients and as a healthcare
provider it is your duty to provide it for the benefit and safety of each
individual even if it reaches a complex level decision making.(cyrene)

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