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The Ehling Report Public Relations Student Society of America

At the table with Letter

Inside: Lunch date
Crisis with
Michael Meath&+%3&-'%-&2()%20$0%'0$&,+-+&.*%0'1(#+%(&)4
Analysis By:By:Elizabeth Jessica Choi
By: Elizabeth Holtan Massive crises have undeniably marked the past three
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years. The world recently witnessed the reputation of two
Michael Meath
^0''&1(/-+(01)%-12%L#2(-% He deals with the occasional high- powerful companies tarnish within a matter of days. History
offers the kind profile cases typically attributed to watched, horrified, as faulty mechanics killed innocent
of advice that crisis communications work, such as people and the world’s largest oil spill consumed the Gulf
of Mexico. However, the magnitude of the disasters was
only comes CEO embezzlements, surgery mistakes,
from decades of suicides and accidents. However, “you further amplified due to the ease with which people have
Alumnus Highlight practicing public can’t get that kind of work when you’re access to information today. Firestone and Exxon faced
relations. 26,” said Meath, who attributes the similar fiascos more than a decade ago. Yet, those disasters
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occurred during an extremely different technological period.
opportunities in part to being “54 and
We d n e s d a y, gray.” Toyota and BP’s crises occurred amidst the Internet’s peak.
A#-2#.)<(,%U#"#$0,'#1+%B.0@.-'%% Television, radio, magazines and newspapers are no longer
February 16, .#'%6-/#.(:%&)-1+0%#+&.*%)(%.#'%-&+%"#12(@1-+#'%3&0)%
Meath shared Media relations:“the critical 10” the society’s only source of information. The ubiquitous
rise of the virtual arena added a new crisis challenge for
his knowledge with a roundtable of a Meath conducts about 100
BP and Toyota: preparing a crisis communications plan that
dozen PRSSA members in a talk titled, interviews a year on behalf of clients
combines both traditional and new methods.
“The Art of the Sensitive Conversation: or their industries, such as'-%,0.%)&)2-%101%,#%1&'*%#)+(&)+%$-:%(2&)%#&'%3&#%
National Conference Recap
Effective Communication During or technology. What’s important to a
In 2009, Toyota’s impeccable reputation of quality
Critical Times.” reporter can be true for anyone, he said:
and dependability took a toxic turn after several reports
deadlines, accuracy and sound bites.
The Capital Connection: People,
Meath shared a plethora of expert He views reporters as “information attributed over 19 fatalities to Toyota’s vehicle acceleration
devices. The company recalled millions and faced a number
How to maintain your
from hisand crisisPolitics,
communications partners, and I work hard to0.#,#.6%#./<(+-'%"0$&,+-+%(2%#?,#.0%"0$#)+(&'%#$$-%2()%
make sure
Washington, D.C. I&.)01KL-.)+#$$#.%.#/.&(+#.)4%M0.%'0.#%06%H-.0$2*%60$$0D%NHIO9PQRR%01%CD(++#.4
experiences, some of which he said I respect their position,” he said. of class-action lawsuits. Within a matter of hours, Toyota’s
summer connections
can’t be found in any textbook. Much % dilemma intensified into T#$-+(01)%
S%'(?%06%#-@#.%BTOOS% their worst nightmare.
)(%.-%2#)+%-)(+%#1(+(:&%)-#.0..0%067/-+&.(%20$#)+(:&)2-% U#,-.+'#1+% Reports^<-(.%
of his advice is not hard to follow he Meath is “never available” surfaced suggesting that the
“busy company
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said, “but (1"#$#)%
if you think#3&()+%
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-.0&12% :&.1()<#2% D002% D#$/0'#2% O#1(0.% S))0/(-+#%
really, really strategic... It’s all about and it’s all part of a strategy. He asks
(,)-1+%'-%10:(+%#+%'0$0.%-&+%#+%#.&'%-&+%#$$&,+-+(&.% magnified the actual situation. Their failure to acknowledge
strategy. Everything is about strategy.” the situation
#?#/&+("#% +-:$#% generated a frantic
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the reporter for his or her deadline and panic"-1%
and rage
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A##&D% the -12%
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questions and then takes 10,.0"(+(-+&'%6&@(+#'%,#.1-'%&12-1(+%-#/+&.%-12(+-+%,0.#%
minutes to
T00'% 06% >#D<0&)#% -+% RPVWQ% ^$(#1+% !?#/&+("#% `0(% C.0&+'-1%
A-'#+% $-:0.#.&'% #+% life
A day in the $-12(+% .#(/+&.*% /&$$0.#(&.%
compose .#'% Never say
his thoughts. ,4'4% for their5/+4%
“no01% C&#)2-J*% inconsistent
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.#,#2%#12-'%3&-)%-&+%#?/#.(%/01#)+#1(%(,())(%/0.#)%-&+%#+% continued on pg. 2
Four days week, Meath’s work starts comment,” said Meath.
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around 5:30 a.m. and doesn’t end until
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well after dark. Since his days are so It’s important to “take the critical %
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long, he’s in favor of being an early 10 minutes [to] determine&+%-,#.&'#%"0$&,+-)%/&$$-'%-&+%3&()%,.0"(+(-+&'%
what you
riser; Meath uses the extra morning want to say,” he said. Write down
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+D0%no(1+#.1)<(,% .#/.&(+#.)% 6.0'% -% H-.0$2% I&.)01% :0::$#<#-2*%
time for himself. more than three key messages, find
Professional Highlight
B0.,0.(% :&)-12-12#)% #-.&'% #&'% 10:(+(0% 1)#3&()% I&.)01KL-.)+#$$#.4 ,.0"(2#2% -% )-"0.J% ),.#-2% 06%
supportive material for them, and
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Major crisis situations don’t make touch base with office teammates % to I & . ) 0 1 K L - . ) + # $ $ # .% `(''J% `0<1G)% )-12D(/<#)*%
up the majority.#)+*%
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day. His
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stay on top of events,
6&@(+*% )(+% said ()% Meath. Deborah
01#% 06% +<#% D0.$2G)% Hyman,
$-.@#)+% Director of Global
mostly occupied 1&)%
"0$&,+(&12-#% by “things that happen
,$-:0.% )0$&'%These"0$&'% messages can be rearranged
#-% 3&(-% Communications
-12%for'0)+% D#$$% F10D1% ,&:$(/% for Verizon
every day,” which he calls strategies in different audiences. ($(-1+(-'%(&12&/(2%&+% % Z-1% 2#.% A##&D% <-)%

PRSSA Initiative
place of crises.
continued on pg. 6
Crisis Communication
10+-:$#% 60.% (+)% ),#1+% )(?% -12% -% <-$6% J#-.)% D(+<%
/0.,0.-+#% /.()()% '-1-@#'#1+4% I&.)01KL-.)+#$$#.% -12% $("#)% (1%
,-./<($%$-:0.#)+*%#+&.*%/&,+-+#'%3&(%.-%(&)%-:04 Kenneth Cole Twitter Disaster
Makes Front Page M0&12#2% (1% R[XW% :J% H-.0$2% >#D%E0.F*%10+%6-.%6.0'%+<#%/(+J4%
Black PR Pros Hall of Fame
A day in the life  I&.)01%-12%I($$%L-.)+#$$#.*%+<#% C.0&+'-1*%-%>#D%`#.)#J%1-+("#%
Honoring Public Relations
/0',-1J% 10D% <-)% X\% 067/#)% -12%.#/#1+%@.-2&-+#%06%H-',+01%
5:35 a.m.: Prepare for a college board review.  
D(+<%^0++01%91/0.,0.-+#2%+0%+-F#%,-.+%(1%+<#%b^0++014% -12%]X%-67$(-+#)%(1%X[%/0&1+.(#)%
-12%)(?%/01+(1#1+)4professionals from the past, present
7:10 a.m.: Hold an interview with an investigative reporter.   ;1("#.)(+J*% ()% 01$J% +<.##% D##F)%
9 a.m.: Strategic planning for a defense contractor’s crisis. 
and future
9:44 a.m.: Help the CEO of a nursing home speak with the media. 
s Networking within PRSSA
11:10 a.m.: Review a union‐related legal case. 
(1%+<#%,.0@.-'*%D<(/<%.#/J/$#)%2#1('%+0%,.0"(2#% % C<#% ,&:$(/% .#$-+(01)% <-)%#1a0J#2%<#.%+('#%-+%+<#%7.'%
3:25 p.m.: Develop messages after a bank robbery with shots fired.  &12#.@.-2&-+#% -12% @.-2&-+#% -12% -22#2% +<-+% <#.% ),#/(-$+J% ()%
s 7 Rules for Networking Success
4:30 p.m.: Prepare testimony for legislature. 
7:55 p.m.: Discuss messaging for layoffs with a CEO. 
XQQ%,-(.)%06%a#-1)*%#10&@<%+0%(1)&$-+#%-1%#1+(.#%<0&)#*% )+&2#1+)%-//0',-1(#2%:J%B&:$(/% .#)&'#%.#"(#D4
s Mastering the Elevator Speech
Crisis Communication continued from pg. 1 How a hashtag spelled
London petroleum giant BP is another
company recently notorious for poor crisis
a recipe for disaster
management. In 2010, an explosion on By: Smita Bhooplapur
the Deepwater Horizon, a floating semi- The rising landscape of new media over the past and interaction. There should be an organized
submersible Mobile Offshore Drilling decade has not only diminished the reaction time fashion to educate and advise people to maintain
Unit (MODU), killed 11 workers, injured to news but has also subjected the news to a lot a company’s online presence. Yes, the purpose is
17 others, and released roughly 4.9 million more scrutiny. As such, the importance of a public to enter public presence but companies should be
barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Just relations professional’s editorial role has seen a wary of the irreversible and instantaneous nature of
like Toyota, BP avoided communicating multifold increase. Not only is editing vital, but it social media. Once posted, neither the message nor
with the public. Their messages were is even more critical to respond quickly to leverage its impression on the public can be erased.
vague and BP’s CEO tried to shift the public image of a brand. Social media public
blame by saying the oil catastrophe was relations and marketing can prove disastrous if the In the case of Kenneth Cole, they did apologize
not solely their fault, but the fault of wrong tactic is used. to salvage the situation but the apologies posted
other companies as well. Not only did on Twitter and Facebook were too passive (“…
BP constantly assure the public that the On Feb. 3, 2011, Kenneth Cole, a prominent to everyone who was offended…”) and went off
impact was minor, but they also failed to fashion designer and owner of a New York fashion a tangent on Cole’s work. It also implied that he
empathize with those most affected and house, posted a Tweet using a Cairo hashtag to realized his bad sense of humor only on hindsight.
threatened by the catastrophe. By the time promote the launch of Kenneth Cole’s latest spring Such phrasing implies a lack of maturity and
BP addressed the situation, the damage to collection. sincerity. An apology that offered no explanation
their reputation was immeasurable. but genuinely accepted the mistake, followed by
a proposed plan of action to improve the situation
BP and Toyota shared a number of would have been more effective for Cole and the
errors during their crisis management. company.
First, they had laggard and inconsistent
responses following the discovery of their Peter Kapcio, director of reputation management
crises. Second, they failed to acknowledge services at Eric Mower and Associates in Syracuse,
the problem and maintain honesty. Third, N.Y., said in a personal interview that Cole’s mistake
their messages were ambiguous and was that they were trying to capture a world-wide
uninformative. crisis and harness it for commercial purposes.
“You can’t fix stupid,” he said. “Twitter didn’t do
Creating a crisis management plan the damage, it was the stupidity of the message. It
that combines both traditional and new It created an enormous upheaval because of all boils down to one thing – social media is fast
methods is challenging. Neither Toyota Cole’s insensitivity to use Egypt’s rising unrest to and timely and decisions have to be made quickly.
nor BP had mechanisms in place to relate to a new fashion trend. Heavy criticism and Handling social media is not for an unseasoned
identify their problems and mend their ridicule, estimated by the media as 1,500 negative person. One has to have knowledge and expertise.
reputation. They should have had multiple retweets an hour, resulted in a reply by Cole. In the rush to deploy new media, companies often
crisis communication plans organized and do not figure out how editorial functions are taken
ready to tackle every possible worst-case care of.”
scenario. However, Toyota has displayed
a new strategically transparent approach “It’s almost always there is something before the
by maintaining a tailored website, trigger that is the cause,” said Kapcio, suggesting
placing ads in mainstream media, and that a crisis is often rooted in a more fundamental
answering questions through Twitter, problem than it appears to be. “A sincere apology
Facebook, blogs and other social media and time is the only fix.” •
channels. While Toyota was swift in
utilizing new methods, BP failed to do
so. Understandably, BP was unable to
quickly recall their product and address
Connect with Us!
consumer safety like Toyota. However, BP It was not the reference to Egypt or to the new
could have tactically used social media to
better inform, answer questions, and show
spring collection that caused controversy but the Syracuse PRSSA
tactless, tasteless and foolish use of Twitter. The
their geniality. Promptly and carefully inclusion of a mere hashtag (#Cairo) automatically
communicating with the public is more included followers of the turbulence in Egypt and
important than ever because information implied Kenneth Cole’s intention to compare the @SUPRSSA
now spreads at an expeditious rate. The grave situation to its spring collection.
Internet and social media has become a
permanent facade of the global society. Kenneth Cole failed to recognize that its Twitter
In order for companies to survive in our post was not just about marketing but about inviting
highly interconnected world, they must conversation. Social media is not a tool to employ
strategically utilize both traditional and without thought and neither is it a promotion
new methods to communicate swiftly, board. It is a platform to engage in open dialogue
strategically, and authentically. •

Interview with Advice to Students
During her interview, Ms. Hyman offered

Deborah Hyman several pieces of advice to public relations

By: Elise Trent
(1) Offer a company a solid foundation of
The Power of Relationship Building public relations skills. Don’t wrap yourself
Deborah Hyman is currently Director of One of the components of public relations up in working in one industry.
Global Communications at Verizon. She has is relationship building. Hyman stresses the
previously worked as Director, Employee importance of building relationships with media (2) Take the time to develop solid
Communications at Empire Blue Cross/Blue before something happens. If your company
Shield and Senior Manager, Public Relations at
computer skills and expertise in Microsoft
experiences a positive event, then you already
Freddie Mac. She began her career as a reporter have the relationships in place to effectively Office Suite, especially PowerPoint and
at the Daily Press. She earned a B.A. in Mass communicate your company’s message/story to Excel.
Media Arts from Hampton University and a information outlets. If something goes wrong,
M.A. in Public Communication from American you already have relationships in place to help (3) Strengthen your social media skills
University. you get in front of a crisis and stem the problem by learning how to utilize blogs, websites,
before it gets out of control. podcasts, etc. These are all outlets for your
During my conversation with Deborah future client/company and could give you a
Hyman, we talked about several different areas National Black Public Relations Society “leg up” down the road.
of public relations, in particular social media, Ms. Hyman sits on the board of directors for
relationship building and the National Black the National Black Public Relations Society
Public Relations Society. Ms. Hyman also ( Over the organization’s 14 (4) Don’t work somewhere your
offered several pieces of advice for current year history, the National Black Public Relations grandmother wouldn’t recognize. There
students. Society has served as an advocate for black is something to be said about brand
Social Media professionals in all areas of public relations. It recognition and the longevity of a company.
Public Relations professionals are “always is a volunteer-driven organization with chapters
looking for the next best way to communicate in major media markets across the country. The (5) Hone your writing skills. If you can’t
to audiences,” said Hyman. Social media have organization is 300 members strong and its next write, how are you going to use social
opened the door to new ways of communication conference will be held October 27- 30, 2011 in media, websites, and online blogs? At the
between organizations and relevant audiences. Milwaukee, WI.
Hyman recommends staying in front of
end of the day, you have to be a writer at
developing communication trends, including heart. •
social media.

What is APR?
By: Jessica Leeds
As Newhouse students, we have the Don’t be fooled—it may sound simple, but
privilege to communicate with and learn from getting that APR title is no easy task. To qualify,
professionals who are well educated, intelligent you must have at least five years of professional
and full of advice. It’s likely that we’ve all come public relations experience. Then, you must
across the three capitalized letters after their fill out an application and send in the fee. Next
name and wondered: what exactly is APR? Is it is the Readiness Review, which consists of a Maria Russell, APR, believes that it is beneficial.
a degree? Do you have to take a test to receive written questionnaire and a presentation in front “I think it’s a way to have people focus on the
the title? of a panel of three professionals, who will ask basics of what it means to be excellent in public
you questions about your questionnaire and relations,” she said. “It never hurts you and
APR stands for Accredited in Public Relations. examine your professional portfolio. Finally, could help you.”
Accreditation is a strictly voluntary certificate you must take an extensive written examination.
program whose purpose is to recognize those If you pass those steps, then you are accredited When you’re five years into your public
practitioners who have demonstrated experience, for life. relations career, you may find yourself
competence and sound judgment within their considering the accreditation program, as it
professional careers. The program is overseen Although the APR is an accreditation that may open up career opportunities and allow
by the Universal Accreditation Board, which is comes with a lot of prestige, it also comes with you to further your professional education.
a diverse blend of public relations professionals some controversy. In fact, less than half of For now, try speaking with as many public
from a variety of sectors in the field. PRSA is accredited. Although she recognizes relations professionals as possible to determine
the controversy surrounding the title, Professor if accreditation may be right for you. •

Black PR Proffesionals
Hall of FAme

Joseph Varney Baker PRSSA defines its role in diversity as follows:

Baker was the first African-American to gain “ To expand the objectives of this Society
national prominence as a PR practitioner, the first while actively recruiting and retaining members who
African-American to become a PRSSA chapter can offer a variety of experiences through a broad
president and the first to become accredited by spectrum of racial, ethnic, religious and sexual-
PRSA. orientation groups. The Society aims to encourage
the educational success of our members in order to
provide the professional world with educated, diverse
Reverend Barbara Harris students to form strong and effective relationships
The first African-American woman to practice with a multicultural, global society ”
public relations and - PRSSA Diversity Toolkit
An internationally recognized activist for
women’s rights and racial equality.

Moss Kendrix
Diversity and
The first African-American to acquire major public relations
accounts such as Coca-Cola and Carnation, By: Emmelie De La Cruz
Kendrix made corporate America aware of Diversity in public relations is a growing trend. In
African-American buying power. recent years, companies have made a conscious effort
to hire more minority professionals in order to be more
skilled in communicating with the growing multi-
ethnic markets. The growing presence of Hispanics
Brandi Boatner and the buying power of African-Americans are factors
First African-American woman to serve as that cannot be ignored. Ethnic diversity is an integral
National President of PRSSA. She is currently an part of an excellent organization but change has been
slow. If practitioners are to be the moral guidance of
External Relations Professional at IBM an organization, they must help in the development of
effective communication with minority publics and
help others within the organization understand the
Cheryl Procter-Rogers, APR, Fellow PRSA value of those relationships.
Senior communications and public relations
Institutions of higher learning are also lacking ethnic
professional with over 30 years in the industry, educators. Hiring more women and minority faculty
Proctor-Rogers was the 2006 national president would have a great impact on public relations education
and chief executive officer of PRSA. and the representation of minority individuals in the
field and academic works. The presence of these
educators would allow students to have professionals
Dr. Debra A. Miller, APR, Fellow PRSA they can relate to and identify with, which would lead
The first woman of color and the first African- to assistance, encouragement and guidance for the
American to be elected chair of PRSA, and the rising professionals.
first woman of color to receive the coveted Gold
As a Newhouse student and a woman of color, I
Anvil award.
can understand the value of having a professor or a
mentor that understands my needs, experiences, and
struggles. I am very proud to have Dean Branham, a
Ofield Dukes, APR, Fellow PRSA woman of color, as Dean of Newhouse. Her presence
PRSA Gold Anvil award recipient. PRWeek has instilled hope and pride for the future of the
communications industry. I look forward to working
named him one of the five most effective in an industry that understands the value of diversity
communicators of the year. Founder of National in culture, community, and communication. Research
Black Public Relations Society. however, still indicates that women and minorities
are still underrepresented in companies and top-level
management as well as underpaid. We have progressed
but must continue to strive for excellence. •

PRSSA Abroad By: Laura Foti
Brittneé Anderson, a junior public relations major from Atlanta, Georgia, is an avid tweeter. However,
Anderson is currently studying abroad in Beijing, China, and has had to find a new outlet for her
tweets due to government regulations. The Chinese government blocks the use of Twitter, Facebook,
Tubmlr and other social media sites, a foreign concept for an American communications student abroad.
Anderson spoke to The Ehling Report about her adventures, the state of public relations in China and
how she maintains her online presence.

What was your reaction when you realized you couldn’t tweet from Beijing?
Anderson: It was so sudden, I got off the plane and I couldn’t tweet anymore! I thought about how I
was going to make contact with the “other” world and it was scary. I can talk to my friends on Skype but
it’s not like Twitter. I figured out that I could cheat and update my LinkedIn, which connects to Twitter,
but I can’t write the same things. I use twitter to correspond with friends and LinkedIn for professional
networking so while it was a loophole it wasn’t that much of a loophole. I was worried about how it
would affect my summer internship because I just stopped tweeting. I feel that my online presence is
waning and I want people to see that I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth.

How do you connect with social media then?

Anderson: I’ve discovered a proxy that allows me to connect to Tumblr and Facebook and I do that
regularly. The proxy I use says that I’m in Canada or Europe so it gives me access to the blocked
sites. I like the separation but I still need the connection to the western world. Not having social media
disconnects me from that. The government bans websites but they don’t really cut down on proxies–
you’re not going to get arrested for using one. It allows me to look at Twitter but not to update it. It’s a
tease because I can see what people are saying but I can’t respond.

Why ban websites to being with if people just use proxies?

Anderson: I think it’s about power for them. China has a superiority complex. I think they think, “The
U.S. isn’t going to have an upper hand on us” and of course for the potential for social unrest. Look at
Egypt–they used social media sites to join together.

What are the attitudes toward social media in China?

Anderson: They don’t care about Facebook and Twitter and they don’t care that they once had it. They
have their Renren, the Chinese version of Facebook and they like their Weibo, the Chinese version of
Twitter. I guess if you haven’t had Facebook for years then it doesn’t bother you, but I’ve had Facebook
since freshman year of high school so it was an adjustment. I’ve become dependent on computers to
share my experience.

What was the biggest cultural adjustment for you?

Anderson: The people in that a lot of things that are customary in the U.S. and in the South are not
here. People don’t smile at you when you walk down the street, there’s no such thing as saying, “excuse
me.” There are no lines, you get in where you fit in. I believe in manners and a smile but people don’t
seem to believe in that here.

Why you think it’s important for public relations students to study abroad?
Anderson: It’s important that PR students to study abroad because we are communicators and we
need to learn how to communicate with everyone. If you’ve never been outside the country you won’t
know how to communicate with people that aren’t western. China has one billion more people than the
U.S. and it is interesting to see what works here compared to the U.S. They try to put western spins on
marketing here but not all groups respond positively to that. China is the number two growing economy
in the world but you have to see it from the communications perspectives. Ogilvy has five or six offices
in China so they’ve recognized the importance of traveling abroad and learning to communicate with
other cultures. When you’re young, you have the opportunity to travel and explore another market and
see if that’s where you want to be. Personally, I like China but I don’t know if it’s a place where I want
to live and work.

Do you think creating messages and campaigns varies from culture to culture?
Anderson: Absolutely. In the U.S. there are more niche markets. In China, there are individual markets
but at the same time people are all trying to keep up with the Joneses but the Joneses is everyone so
the messages are not tailored individually. China is growing and people are experiencing an increase in
wealth. I haven’t been all around China or Beijing but this is what I’ve seen so far.

Do you miss the weather in Syracuse?

Anderson: God no! It’s cold here but it’s not Syracuse cold and while it snows it’s not Syracuse snow.
I do miss PRSSA! •

Michael Meath continued from pg. 1

Meath’s favorite media relations have to be everywhere,” said Meath,

tip is to give the reporter what you’re but “once you’re there, be there.”
holding at the end of the interview: the Meath believes young public
sheet of paper you’ve prepared with relations professionals have an PRSSA 2011
your talking points. This helps build advantage in the age of social media.
trust and improves the chance of being Companies are “looking to you to be
Regional Activities
quoted in tomorrow’s paper, Meath an expert,” he said. However, “don’t
said. ever let that replace good writing,” PR Advanced: Be the Change
added Meath. Boston University
“I get frustrated that sometimes Feb. 26
reporters are impatient,” skeptical Advice for the young professional
or cynical, he said, but “they’ve got The only way you get a seat at an
incredible pressures.” Meath also organization’s decision-making table is
pointed out that “we can’t stereotype if you bring outside experience, Meath
them,” and that PR professionals are said. “Go do something else,” he said, The Reality of PR: A Survivor’s
often stereotyped too. Meath is there and come back to PR. Guide to the Public Relations
to help reporters do their job, he said, World
and taking even 10 minutes to compose “If you’re smart, you can learn Penn State University
his messages ultimately benefits the anything,” and you can apply that March 25–26
media. knowledge to PR, Meath said.
Approach entry-level work “with
The Meath lens humility, don’t pretend to know Get Social: A Blueprint for
All of Meath’s anything,” and ask lots of questions,
Social Media Strategy
work at Strategic he added.
Communications Indiana University
is viewed through Understanding how to hold a good April 8–9
the “Meath lens”: conversation and remembering names
strategy, integrity and are also key skills to flourishing in
communication, which he says is the the industry. He practices what he
recipe for an organization’s success. preaches: at the beginning of the talk, PR Capital: Gateway to a
he introduced himself to every person Career as a Young Professional
Do companies screw up? “Sure, individually, shook their hand and Ohio State University
everybody does,” said Meath. It’s an remembered their name. It’s a simple
organization’s values that really matter, gesture that holds a powerful lasting April 16
he added. He’s turned down clients that impression.
don’t meet his standard of integrity. It’s
all about managing your reputation and “If you show genuine interest in
the company’s collective reputation, he people and in organizations, you can
said. do anything,” Meath said. “Anything!”

“Professor Meath’s focus on Meath is an adjunct professor at

integrity was a high point of the the S. I. Newhouse School of Public January/February
lecture,” said PR graduate student Communications and the president of
Colin Thorn. “It was refreshing to hear Strategic Communications, LLC, a Report Staff
how practitioners assist organizations Syracuse-based crisis communications
on a personal level. Contracts and and reputation management practice. Editor-In-Chief
proposals aside, PR is still a service He holds a master’s degree in Emmelie De La Cruz
based on relationships.” communications management from
Newhouse and is a registered lobbyist.
Meath is in the business of helping Contributing Writers
organizations manage their reputations, For more information on Michael
but it’s important to manage your own Meath and Strategic Communications,
Laura Foti
reputation, too, he said. When speaking LLC, visit • Elizabeth Holtan
with a client or reporter, “I might have Jessica Choi
a glass of wine. I won’t have two,
because that’s my reputation,” Meath
Jessica Leeds
said. Smita Bhooplapur
Elise Trent
“My biggest takeaway from the
presentation was... how to maintain a Contact us:
solid reputation as a practitioner,” said
On social media
PR practitioners must know how to
use social media, but Meath says it’s
important to monitor conversations
before contributing to them. “You don’t

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