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Arranged By :
NIM : 1941320011
CLASS : 2 MRK 8 / 2H


Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 9. Malang – 65141 Jawa Timur – Indonesia
Telp : 0341-404423, 404425 Fax : 0341-404423
Tahun pelajaran 2019 – 2020

Praise be to Allah ' Azza wa Jalla who has made the author can carry out a series of
“Urban Drainage Final Assignment” to resolve this report. Then, Sholawat and Salam
hopefully always poured out the most noble man, the Bearer of the celestial treatise and the
covering of the prophets Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah ' alaihi wa sallam. Amma

This report contains detailed Rainfall and Drainage System Planning, in DPK (Urban
Drainage) subjects that the author did during the 4th semester period, from theoretical basis
to conclusion. Alhamdulillah from this project I got a lot of knowledge that useful and also
get an experience that should not forget, InsyaAllah.

Thanks I convey to my parents who always support me, then to my faculty lecturer,
Mrs. Ratih Indri Hapsari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. , also to the friends in the class that help each
other. May Allah reward you all.

Malang, December 2020

Ageng Maulana W


This surveying report can be submitted as a condition to complete Rainfall and

Drainage System Planning courses of Urban Drainage (DPK) 2020.
This agreement is given to:
Name : Ageng Maulana Wirawan
NIM : 1941320011
Class : 2 MRK 8
Department : Civil Engineering

This report was approved by a lecturer at Urban Drainage course in State Polytechnic
of Malang.

Malang, December 2020

Approved by, Lecturer,

Mrs. Ratih Indri Hapsari,S.T.,M.T.,Ph,d

NIP. 197703062002122001

Table of Contents
VERIFICATION SHEET.......................................................................................................................................... II
CHAPTER I............................................................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Research Question................................................................................................................................1
1.3. Purposes............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4. Problem Boundary................................................................................................................................1
1.5. Benefits................................................................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER II...........................................................................................................................................................3
THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK................................................................................................................................3
2.1. The definition of drainage.................................................................................................................... 3
2.2. Drainage function................................................................................................................................. 3
2.3. Basics of Drainage Planning..................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER III..........................................................................................................................................................5
RESULT AND DISCUSSION................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1. Rainfall.................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1.1. Missing Data...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.2. Data Consistency............................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.3. Areal Rainfall....................................................................................................................................10
1.1.4. Distribution...................................................................................................................................... 11
1.1.5. Goodness of Fit................................................................................................................................ 13
1.2. Drainage..............................................................................................................................................13
1.2.1. Contour Interpolation......................................................................................................................13
1.2.2. Designed Flood................................................................................................................................ 15
1.2.3. Channel Dimension..........................................................................................................................19
1.2.4. Water Structure...............................................................................................................................23
CHAPTER IV........................................................................................................................................................25
4.1. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................... 25
4.2. Suggestion...........................................................................................................................................25
APPENDIX.......................................................................................................................................................... 26


1.1. Background
Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric
water vapor and then become heavy enough to fall under gravity. The amount of rainwater
that falls on a flat ground during a given period measured by a unit of millimeter height
(mm) above the horizontal surface is referred to as rainfall. Rainfall can also be interpreted
as the height of rainwater accumulated in a flat place, not evaporating, not pervasive and
not flowing (Suroso, 2006).
Heavy rainfall can lead to water inundation, rising river water levels, and erosion of
the soil. This does not mean that areas with low rainfall are free from the above potential,
many factors that can influence the increase in water levels, including the consistency of
daily rainfall, slope of the soil, and the condition of the source of absorption in the area.
Nowadays, the cause of flooding and rising water levels in various regions is due to the
lack of land for infiltration sources and clogged sources of infiltration by garbage and
waste, while being infiltrated by the source of absorption is not only rainwater, human
activities both in settlements and commercial will produce a variety of waste, including
liquid waste that must be disposed of as well.
To solve the problem above, one solution is to build a sewerage system called
Drainage System. Drainage is a system consisting of a series of water buildings that serve
to deal with the problem of excess water either excess water that is above ground level or
below ground level (Ratih, 2018).
However, a drainage system that is not planned properly will cause other problems
such as less capacity that causing flooding, incorrect selection of materials so that the
channel is eroded and damaged, etc. This will certainly harm various parties, especially the
community itself. Therefore, in developing an urban drainage system, it is necessary to go
through data-based planning and follow the rules of drainage system planning. The reason
above is behind the writing of the this report with the title "Urban Drainage Final
Assignment: Rainfall and Drainage System Planning". in the future students can plan
drainage systems based on rainfall and certain conditions in an area.

1.2. Research Question

The question that develop from the explained background is listed below :
1. What are the factors that affect drainage planning?
2. What is the drainage system planning procedure?
3. How to determine the feasibility of drainage design?
1.3. Purposes
The purposes from designing the drainage system from the research question is :
1. Explain and describe what factors influence drainage planning.
2. Explain the drainage system planning procedure.
3. Explaining the rules of determining the feasibility of drainage design.

1.4. Problem Boundary

The limitation of problem in this report is listed below :

1. Analyze the factors that influence drainage planning based on city location maps
and rainfall data from 10 years of observation.
2. Planning drainage system based on processed data in the form of water discharge,
length of drainage trajectory, and contour of location.
3. Determine the feasibility of drainage design with Irrigation System Regulation
"Sistem Perencanaan Irigasi KP.01 to KP.09"
1.5. Benefits
With this report, the expected benefits are :
1. Authors and readers can find out and describe what factors influence drainage
2. Authors and readers can plan the drainage system of the data that has been obtained.
3. Authors and readers can determine the feasibility of a design or drainage system that
has been built.


2.1. The definition of drainage

Drainage is based on the word drainage which means to dry, drain, dispose of, or
divert water (Suripin, 2003). Drainage is a system consisting of a series of water buildings
that serve to deal with the problem of excess water either excess water that is above ground
level or below ground level. Water levels can be caused by high volumes of rainwater or
long rain duration. Technically drainage is defined as a science that learns about efforts to
drain excessive water in an area so that the land can be functioned optimally. Urban
drainage (urban drainage) is defined as drainage science that specializes in the assessment
of urban areas that are closely related to environmental conditions in the city area. Urban
drainage design is related to land use, urban spatial plan, and socioeconomic condition of
the community. Drainage in urban areas is a complex problem. Because it is not limited to
the technique of handling excess water alone, but more broadly concerns aspects of life in
urban areas.
2.2. Drainage function
Technically drainage function in urban areas is:
a) Drying part of the city area.
b) Drain excess surface water to the nearest body of water immediately so that there is
no flooding.
c) Controlling soil erosion, damage to roads, and existing buildings.
d) Manage some surface water due to rain in order to be utilized for water supply and
aquatic life.
e) Infuse surface water to maintain soil water sustainability.
Urban drainage has the following objectives (IPWEA, 2013) :
a) Maintaining the amount and quality of surface runoff water so that environmental, social,
and economic quality can be maintained.
b) Avoid floods and losses resulting from them.
c) Arrangement of drainage facilities that are safe for the community around drainage
facilities and able to handle rain puddles or increasing of river water level.
d) Maintaining water resources, especially keeping the hydrological cycle turning
e) Obtain proper drainage facilities from technical, economic, social, and environmental
f) Ensuring the health and welfare of the community.
g) Increase public awareness of flooding.

Highway drainage, as part of urban drainage system has the following functions :
a) Drain water as quickly as possible out of the pavement surface.
b) Prevent the flow of water coming from the flow area around the entrance to the
pavement area.
c) Prevent environmental damage around the road due to water flow.
d) Maintaining the condition of highway pavement structures and other facility buildings.4
2.3. Basics of Drainage Planning
The principles of drainage planning are as follows:
a) Effective drainage systems should be able to dry water at road surfaces quickly

b) Efficient Determination of network layout as well as shape and dimension of channels
should consider economic factor.
c) Safe Dimensions provided must be able to drain water in a planned capacity in a safe
level and the construction is also safe for people around it.
d) Ease of maintenance Planning drainage system should consider the terms of ease and
economic value of its maintenance.
e) Integrated Attention to population growth, changes in land use, and one unity with the
surrounding area.
f) Environmentally sound and sustainable drainage system is able to control excess
residential water and have have opportunity to seep into the soil. This is for groundwater
conservation and the need for channel capacity can be reduced. Sustainable includes the
following understandings:
-The planned drainage system must accommodate discharge in the event of a certain event
opportunity to come.
-Have durable construction and can be used up to the planned time period.
-The design and materials used have a small environmental impact.

1.1. Rainfall
The design of drainage system, especially in urban areas using quantitative methods by
utilizing annual rainfall data obtained from several points of the adjacent rain water Station
and located around the catchment area that will be planned drainage system. This data is in
the form of annual rainfall recorded every day, valid data used is rainfall data in 10 years,
because we can find out the consistency of rain in a region. By using the data above we can
determine the discharge of rainwater in the design area. The data is attached to the
1.1.1. Missing Data
To analyze the hydrology in drainage system planning, rainfall data is required.
However, there are times when the rain data obtained there is empty or incomplete data,
this is based on human negligence in recording a complete scatter report or by the tool
damage factor. In this case, the rain data was lost on 4th May, 2015 at Turus Station.

The method used is the normal ratio method with the formula:

Dx = daily rain high at missing Station X
Di = daily hujam height at stations around Station X in the same year
Anx = average daily rain height throughout the year at Station X
Ani = average daily rain height throughout the year at stations around Station X
n = number of stations around Station X
1  di1  di 2. An1  1  0  0 x 4 .7 
So, dx  . . Anx   . x3.67   0 the rainfall at Turus
n  An1. An 2  2  4 .7 x 2 .8 
Station on 4th May 2015 was 0.00 mm.

1.1.2. Data Consistency

After having rain data, then the data needs to be tested assistance. So that it can make
corrections if the data turns out to be inconsistent. The method used is Double Mass Curve
Method. First prepare the rainfall data that has been obtained before. Sort by year.

Then process the data by comparing the data between the reviewed stations and other
stations. In this case there are three stations so there are 3 comparisons. I.e:
1. Sta.Turus agains Sta.Minggiran and Sta.Menang
2. Sta.Minggiran agains Sta.Turus and Sta.Menang
3. Sta.Menang agains Sta.Turus and Sta.Minggiran

In addition to comparing, graph comparisons and look for data that looks wrong or
inconsistent, which can be seen from the slope of the curve. Inconsistent data is limited to
half of existing data. A change in data is a minor change in the amount of data.

After determining inconsistent data, incorrect data must be separated from consistent
data into gradient curve, m1 and m2. If the data to be changed is on the tail of the curve
(m2) then the inconsistent year data is added one more data on it which is consistent data,
on the contrary if the inconsistent data is at the head of the curve, then m1 which is
inconsistent data does not need to be changed. This method is a mathematical principle in
the calculation of consistency.
Data can be improved by multiplying data that is inconsistent with correction factor in
the form of F = m1 / m2. The accuracy of the procedure and the data can be checked by
calculating the correcting value of the modified gradient. If the value of the corrector factor
is one (1), then the procedure is appropriate. If not then there is an error in calculation.

1.1.3. Areal Rainfall
Rainfall required to plan water building at some point in the watershed is the average
rainfall data throughout the area concerned. This data is an average of three or more rain
stations or the average of rain observation points from rainfall stations in the area.

1.1.4. Distribution
Designed Rainfall is an analysis of the recurring of a rain event of a certain magnitude,
both the frequency of unity time and the timing of the repeat. There are several statistical
analysis methods used, to select the distribution is to take into account the value of the
skewness and the coefficient (kurtosis)

As for looking for the value of Ck and Cs first make a table of Daily Rainfall as follows:

So that this rainfall data can be calculated further using Gumbel Type I method or
Pearson Type III Log, but in the calculation that has been done obtained that this data is
more realistic and appropriate if calculated using The Pearson Type III Log method. The
pearson type III log distribution calculation is shown in the table below;

1.1.5. Goodness of Fit

1.2. Drainage
1.2.1. Contour Interpolation
In addition to rainfall data used to measure the amount of rainwater that will be
accommodated by drainage later, catchment area condition data is also very important in
planning the dimensions and slope of a channel that will affect the discharge of water in a
drainage system.
The high difference from one point of the plan to another (∆H) will result in a slope of
land as long as the slope of a drainage system. This high difference can be obtained easily
using surveying tools in the form of Spirit Leveling or Total Station. However, in this
practice using Contour City Map data, so the elevation of the plan point must be found
based on contour contours that are available using contour interpolation method.Example;

The elevation of a point can be found when it is known the elevation of the other two
points (available contours) and the distance between points.
HA  449 
31.7557  0 .(450  449)  449.3666m
86.6253  0
After discovering all the elevations and slope of the plan point, water flow or water track
can be designed and determined, because in principle water will flow from high to low
elevation conditions, and vice versa water will not be able to flow from the bottom up
when no other factors affect.

1.2.2. Designed Flood
To find out the discharge of water that must be accommodated by the channel, then the
catchment area analysis must be done. This analysis is done by dividing or grouping the
areas in a catchment area, because in a catchment area must consist of various types of
areas, ranging from vacant land, roads, housing, apartments, to offices.
The main factor of designing the flood is ;
Q = Flood discharge (m3/s)
C = Runoff coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hour)
A = Catchment area (m2, km2, ha)
Applicable for catchment area < 300 hectare

Where C, or known as runoff coefficient is obtained from the table below, according
to the description of the catchment area;

Flat soil conditions use a minimum Runoff value, whereas if the sloped soil condition
is required the maximum coefficient value. If in a catchment area there are different types
of places that have different coefficients, then it can be calculated evenly using the
following formula;

For Calculating the value of Rainfall Intensity, Mononobe method can be used with
following equation ;

I = Rainfall intensity (mm/hour)
R24 = Designed rainfall (mm/day)
T = Rainfall duration ≈ Time concentration

The “T” value above is time of concentration, which is its analyzed by empirical
method. According to SNI 03-3424-1994:
tc = t0 + td
tc = Concentration time (hour)
t0 = Required time of rain water to flow from the highest elevation in the
catchment area to the upstream of channel (hour)

td = Required time of rain water to flow from the channel upstream to the
downstream (hour)

Which both can require the following coefficients values that are adjusted by the
catchment conditions of the area;

L0 = Length of flow path from the highest elevation in the catchment area to the
upstream of channel (m)
n0 = Manning roughness coefficient of catchment area (dimensionless)
S0 = Slope of catchment area (dimensionless)
Ld = Channel length (m)
Vd = Designed channel flow velocity (m/s)

Analysis Example:
Channel B-C

In addition to the calculation of rain discharge, in some countries, especially Indonesia
still combines domestic rainwater with rainwater as water dumped into the drainage system.
To calculate the discharge of water in domestic water waste, data is needed on the number
of houses along the channel flow as well as the population of the house. This can be seen
in the table below;

The next procedure is to combine rainwater discharge with domestic waste water, thus we
can design the discharge of water flowing from one channel to another.

1.2.3. Channel Dimension

From this data we will take one section / track channel that is ABCE, where we will get the rough
elevation of the channel as follows;

As we can see the drawing or design is not good because the channel is out of earth
elevation. Its all because we have 1 or more S design in this channel. To solve this we need
to construct/design, the "Terjunan" /drop structure along the channel until we got the
elevation we need, Or we can Cut the start of channel and put the top end of the channel to
the end of earth elevation.
In this Situation the drainage can use drop structure with divide the length of Channel B-C
to C-E into 3 parts (2 drop structure).

The calculation of drop structure will be explained at Drainage Structure (1.2.4)

After input the Drop Structure, the long-section of this track is;

Then the cross section

1.2.4. Water Structure


4.1. Conclusion
After conducting literature studies and data processing. Author can conclude that:
1. Urban drainage planning requires quite a lot of data. With rainfall data and
catchment area as the most important data.
2. Urban drainage planning requires a short planning process, considering the many
aspects that bind it. But the more aspects that are reviewed, the more mature and better the
planning will be.
3. By using existing rainfall data. Urban drainage system in the place that has been
surveyed needs to be increased dimensions so that the capacity of the accommodate is
4. Depiction of long section and cross section work images must be in accordance with
existing data and regulations, so that all parties in doubt can read them clearly.
4.2. Suggestion
Data processing and others do not escape the problem at the time of work, in some
conditions the data provided is too large so it is not relevant to the regulations that have
been set. So Author suggestion to the reader and Lecturer that;
1. Before assignment and data sharing to students, it is better to check the condition of
data and classes first. large absences will usually get great results so that it can not be put
together with existing regulations.
2. It is expected that the results of this report can be used wisely by the relevant
3. The data on the report results can still be developed for other purposes such as
research, surveys, and others.


³ ³ ³









DATE : NOVEMBER 28th 2020


Channel-A Cross Section

SCALE 1 : 10







DATE : NOVEMBER 28th 2020


Channel-B Cross section








DATE : NOVEMBER 28th 2020


Channel-C Cross section APPROVED BY:

SCALE 1 : 10

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