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RSL Standardisation: Assessment and Commentary

Unit Number & Title MUSPRA 101ta Musical Knowledge

Assessment Decisions Grade Commentary

1.1 The learner has given a clear identification of Merit This is a good standard for Level 1
how the artist has affected them with two and the learner’s voice is clear in
clear reasons for their initial attraction. the work.

1.2 The learner has demonstrated a broad and Pass Although this is a L1 unit, it is still
clear knowledge of the career of Skrillex and a. good practice for learners to put
to f. are evidenced. research in their own words so
that their own understanding of
this can be ascertained. Whilst
the learner has provided a refer-
ence for the sources in each case,
the work should be written in
their own words.
2.1 The learner has shown secure knowledge in Merit An interesting example where the
identifying the key elements of the piece and learner again appears to have
met the criteria a. - e. copied and pasted directly from a
referenced website. In this in-
stance the copied and pasted sec-
tion is not presented as evidence
for the A.C.. Instead it is used as a
benchmark for song structure in
this style and the learner goes on
to comment separately, in their
own words, to meet 2.1 e.

Overall Grade Merit

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