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PHILIPPINES, plaintiff- the accused through a counsel de oficio waived the reading the appealed decision is
appellee,  of the information and pleaded not guilty. Trial proceeded Hereby reversed. The accused is acquitted, on
without any evidence being presented on his part. the ground that his guilt has not been proved
beyond reasonable doubt.
alias "AMANG", defendant- Upon being asked who killed the deceased, the accused
allegedly admitted to Pat. Pinto in sign language that it was REASONS:
he by making gestures which Pat. Pinto interpreted to mean
that the accused had been stoned by the deceased, thus 1) Patrolman Pinto, the interrogator to whom
Appeal from a decision of the impelling the accused to stab the latter. This confession, the accused allegedly confessed the details
Court of First Instance of Davao however, was not included in Pat. Pinto's affidavit as he which led to a presumption that lie killed the
del Sur in Criminal Case No. 92 allegedly forgot to tell the investigator. He also acknowledge deceased, expressly admitted that he could
(76) convicting the defendant of his failure to notify the accused of his right to counsel before have misinterpreted the gestures made by the
robbery with homicide, interrogation and investigation due to difficulty in conveying accused as he had only a slight knowledge of
sentencing him to the death the matter by sign language. sign language.
penalty, and ordering him to
indemnity the heirs of Martin The trial court's appreciation of the plea of
DECISION: guilty earlier entered for the accused by
Francisco the sums of
10 February 1986 Special Policeman Alejandro Munoz, which the
P35,000.00 for loss of life,
without the services of an expert in sign language ever first presiding judge earlier discarded, is
P25,000.00 for funeral
being utilized at any stage of the proceedings, the accused regrettable, to say the least, especially when
expenses, P30,000.00 for loss of
was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of robbery with considered with the admittedly limited
earnings and P20,000.00 for
homicide and sentenced to die by electrocution. Executive knowledge in sign language on the part of Pat.
moral damages.
clemency was recommended. Munoz and in relation to the investigator's own
admission that the accused was never
On 5 May 1976, a criminal APPEAL: informed of his right to counsel. 
complaint was filed by the Counsel for the accused and the Solicitor-General now ask for
Station Commander with the the reversal of the judgment of conviction due to the failure
Municipal Court of Magsaysay, of the trial court to safeguard the accused's right to due 2) The absence of an interpreter in sign
Davao del Sur against the process of law and the insufficiency of the purely language who could have conveyed to the
accused Zosimo Crisologo alias circumstantial evidence presented to overcome the accused, a deaf-mute, the full facts of the
"Amang", a deaf-mute, for constitutional presumption of innocence in favor of the offense with which he was charged and who
robbery and homicide alleged to accused. could also have communicated the accused's
have been committed on 1 May own version of the circumstances which led to
1976 between ten to eleven Circumstantial evidence his implication in the crime, deprived the
o'clock in the evening in -proves the existence of a particular fact without any inferenc accused of a full and fair trial and a reasonable
Calamagoy, Poblacion e orpresumption required.  opportunity to defend himself. Not even the
Magsaysay, Davao del Sur. accused's final plea of not guilty can excuse
these inherently unjust circumstances.
ARRAIGNMENT – Dec 12, ‘77
Accused was informed of the 3) The absence of a qualified interpreter in
crime charged thru Policeman sign language and of any other means,
Munoz, a childhood whether in writing or otherwise, to inform the
acquaintance. Mr. Munoz accused of the charges against him denied the
entered plea of guilty but was accused his fundamental right to due process
disregarded and arraignment of law. The accuracy and fairness of the
was rescheduled until such time factual process by which the guilt or innocence
as the Court could avail of the of the accused was determined was not
services of an expert in the sign safeguarded. The accused could not be said to
language from the school of the have enjoyed the right to be heard by himself
deaf and dumb. and counsel, and to be informed of the nature
and cause of the accusation against him in the
ARRAIGNMENT – June 2, ‘79 proceedings where his life and liberty were at
upon insistent plea of defense stake.
counsel for a sign language
expert to assist the accused,
again reset arraignment as no
expert in sign language was
available. The School for the REFERENCE:
Deaf and Dumb in Pasay City
was sent a copy of the court Const. (1973), Art. IV, Sec. 20, "No person
order to enable it to furnish the shag be compelled to be a witness against
court with an expert in sign himself. Any person under investigation for the
language. No such expert was commission of an offense shall have the right
made available. to remain silent and to counsel, and to be
informed of such right. No force, violence,
Nov. 9, 1982 threat, intimidation or any other means which
no sign language expert or vitiates the free win shall be used against him.
representative ever arrived from Any confession obtained in violation of this
the School of the Deaf and section shall be inadmissible in evidence." Cf.
Dumb in Bago Gallera, Talomo Art. III, Sec. 12 of the 1987 Constitution.
District, Davao City

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