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1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

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Pankaj Pareek
September 11, 2014 6 minute read

OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of

18 Likes 68,264 Views 56 Comments


The document provides the overview of invoice approval process cycle in OpenText VIM for both PO and Non-PO
invoices along with important configuration steps involved. It also covers linkage of process types and chart of authority in
invoice approval process along with their configurations.

Invoice Approval Process:

OpenText VIM provides the facility to approve the invoices before they are created in SAP. The approval system is easily
configurable and highly customized with provision of multi-level approval. Approval process is available for both PO and
Non-PO based invoices. Non-PO invoices support multilevel approval. PO invoices have only one step approval but can
be customized for multilevel approval. Approval can be delayed by sending the invoice to AP Processor first. Approval
process ends when the invoice is approved and posted or deleted or rejected.

Important roles involved in invoice approval process:

1. Coder: Person responsible for entering accounting data.

2. Requester: Person who has requested the goods or services.
3. Approver: Person responsible for approving the invoices.
4. AP Processor: Member of Accounts Payables team responsible for dealing with invoices.

NOTE: Above mentioned roles are the basic roles involved in the IAP however one can create additional roles. 1/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

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Figure 1: Invoice Approval Process

Approval can be handled at two stages:

1. DP processing stage: Process type needs to be configured accordingly (steps to configure the process type are written
below). Approval workflow can be started by clicking ‘Submit for Approval’ option.
2. After conversion of DP document into SAP parked invoice: Appropriate parking reason has to be provided. Create
parking reason if required. Based on the parking reason workflow starts. Approval workflow is triggered by changing
the parking reason. Trigger points can be configured for this by going to /n/opt/spro > Configuration > Non PO
Processing > Invoice Approval Process > Approval Workflow > Additional Configuration – Web Approval. Below is the
screen shot.

Figure 2: Con guration for document parking reason

BLOCKRSN 9 is for PO based invoice and V is for Non-PO based invoice. ‘Start Approval Immediately’ starts the
workflow immediately without delay.

Configure Process type: A process type needs to be created for approval when approval is required at DP processing
stage. Process type can be defined using transaction /n/opt/vim_8cx1. Below are the important fields:

Process type number: 5 digit unique number.

Process type: Description of Process type.
Initial Actor: User that gets the work item.
Initial Actor Function: If no initial actor is available then it is picked from the function module specified here.
Is Exception: If this check box is selected then process type will be not be relevant for automatic document processing. 2/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

Auto Start: If this check box is not checked then Initial Actor manually starts the workflow else it is automatically
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Create SR: If this is checked then automatic service request is created.
Country Check: Checks country specific configurations.
Workflow Type: Opentext Approval Workflow or External Workflow can be selected for this.
Task ID
Binding Function
Max Retry Counter
Retry Time (Minutes)
Mail Config ID
Function Module for Rcvr Email
Function Module to send email
Logical System: Enter the name of the system where the external workflow is supposed to run.

Figure 3: Process Type

To receive and send email the configurations are done in the process type for respective function modules.

IAP Process Configuration:

Below are the important steps involved in the invoice approval configuration.

Defining Multi Level Approval: For PO invoices a custom extension is required. If the approver rejects the invoice then
it is send back to previous approver. If the first approver rejects the invoice then it is send to AP department. The user
from AP department has the option to select the approver if process is started from DP dashboard. Approvers are
maintained in Chart of Authority.
Driving the Approval Flow for DP Invoices: The process starts when invoice gets the process type for approval or
‘Submit for Approval’ button is clicked. For Non-PO invoices the initial approver is usually entered in the indexing
screen in the Email ID field. For PO invoices the approver is the requisitioner.
Driving the Approval Flow for Parked Invoices: The process starts when document is parked or ‘Submit for Approval’
button is clicked.
Defining Approval Hierarchy and Approval Level: Approval hierarchy can be implemented by either using OpenText
delivered approval hierarchy table or customization as per business needs. OpenText delivered approval hierarchy
table allows defining the approver, coder and respective hierarchy for them along with approval amount, currency,
company code and plant for which the user is authorized to approve.
Defining the Expense Type: For few expenses (Marketing Expense, Office Supply, Communication, Utility, etc.) a
different path might be required and for this expense types are configured which allows defining different approval
limits for different expense types. Expense type can be created by going to /n/opt/spro and then to LiveLink VIM – 3/28
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Configuration > Non PO Processing > Invoice Approval Process > Setup Approval Chain > Expense Types > Maintain
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Expense Types. Create the expense type, provide description and indicate if approval is required for the expense type.

Figure 4: Expense Types

Defining Approval Access Rights: Some of the access rights are: Approve, Coding, Coding_Display,
Coding_Delegation, Override, Look_ahead and Configuration
Configuring the Email Notification: Approvers will receive email notifications if any new invoice is waiting for their
approval for this method Get_Approver_List of business object type /ORS/INVAP is used to get the approvers and
method SENDEMAIL is called to send the mail. The actual function to create the send request is
/PTGWFI/CP_SENDMAIL. The body of the mail can be easily configured.
Configuring the Certify Message: When approver approves the invoice then a message is displayed. This can be
configured at /n/OPT/SPRO transaction and follow LiveLink VIM -Configuration > Non PO Processing > Invoice
Approval Process > Technical General > Invoice Approval Configuration. Maintain the text id here that needs to be
shown post approval.

Figure 5: Certify Message Configuration

Configuring General Ledger Fields and Search Help for Web Screen Fields: This can be done at LiveLink VIM –
Configuration > Non PO Processing > Invoice Approval Process > Financial Processing > Online Coding > GL Titles. 4/28
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Figure 6: General Ledger Fields and Search Help for Web Screen Fields

Chart of Authority:

Chart of Authority (COA) is required to setup the approval hierarchy for Non-PO invoices. In case of PO invoices baseline
implementation determines the
requester as the first approver and is the only approver unless a customization is done for PO approver. In COA one can
configure the approval hierarchy, the approval limit and coder for the invoice approval process. T-code to access the COA
is /n/opt/vim_7cx1. There are three views available in COA.

User Details View: It contains the general details for all the users like user id, user’s manager id, if user is allowed for
bulk approval or not, department of user, email address, telephone number, default coder etc. If the requirement is to
allow the approval to go first to the approver and then to the manager then maintain the manager for the user in this
view without manually entering the user in COA Details View. The data for the user is automatically populated in COA
Details View.

Figure 7: User Details View

COA Details View: In this view the data for approval are maintained like approval amount up to which approver can
approve, currency for which approver is allowed to process approval, company code and cost center for which
approver is authorized etc. Thus it basically controls the approver limit and scope of approval. 5/28
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Figure 8: COA Details View

Coder Details View: This is where coders are maintained for the requester. Thus due to this configuration the system
knows from where to pick the coder for a particular requester. If the ‘Default’ check box is ticked then it means that user
is always a coder.

Figure 9: Coder Details View

The user details contains all the users and the managers to whom invoice will go for approval. The approval limit is set in
COA Moderator
details and corresponding coder can be determined from coder details. Thus process type helps to know is approval
is required or not and COA helps to know who will be approving.

Assigned tags

FIN (Finance) | chart of authority | invoice approval process | opentext vendor invoice management | process type | 6/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

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Kiran MMD

September 11, 2014 at 7:52 am

Hi Pankaj,

Thank you for throwing light on invoice approval process in VIM. The document is quite detailed and easy to
understand. It is really helpful.




Pankaj Pareek | Post author

September 11, 2014 at 8:04 am

Hi Kiran, 7/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

Thank you for the encouragement.

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Warm Regards

Pankaj Pareek


Akash Wagh

September 22, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Hi Pankaj,

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderfully knowledge with us.

I have one question in the VIM i’m approval is done successfully but after doc status not changed like posted 
also it not showing any error in history tab.

can you suggest me why it happened?




Former Member

September 11, 2014 at 8:33 am

Hi Pankaj,

Thanks for very detailed document.

If the non-PO invoice is approved will it post the invoice automatically or manual posting is needed?

Do you have any idea on multiple back end scenarios ? Whether invoice will be posted in central system as well?


Raja 8/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

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Pankaj Pareek | Post author

September 12, 2014 at 4:45 am

Hi Raja Ramasamy,

Thank you for feedback on the document.

Once the invoice is approved then it will get posted automatically. The SAP transcation that will be used for this
is provided in the process type (either BDC ID or Background ID) and yes the invoice will be posted in central
system. Can you elaborate multiple back end scenarios so that I get better idea on your question.


Pankaj Pareek


Former Member

July 27, 2016 at 5:38 am

HI Pankaj

Thank you for the detail document.

Incase of Non PO, if an approver doesn’t have Manager designation, it going for next level Approval. And the
next level approver doesn’t have an option to approve. Refer is the only option available




Mariks .

September 11, 2014 at 1:32 pm

Very Good document. Thanks for the sharing …


Pankaj Pareek | Post author

September 12, 2014 at 4:40 am 9/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

HiMariks ., Follow RSS feed Like

Thank you for the encouragement and feedback.


Pankaj Pareek


Former Member

September 19, 2014 at 9:55 am


Mind to show Level Based Approval and con guring on Level Based Approval – Chart of authority Maintenance?
We have a lot confusion in setting up the coder, requester and approval for Non-PO.


Pankaj Pareek | Post author

September 27, 2014 at 5:51 am

Hi Kah Wai N,

Sorry for delayed response. Please let me know your requirement with an example and accordingly I will try to
help you in con guring for it.


Pankaj Pareek


Former Member

November 3, 2014 at 8:40 am

Hi Pankaj,

I had con gured NON-PO approval process using new COA level based approval. In the rst level approval (at
coder level) i am getting below error.

“Error in determining the next approver. /ORS/000007_RFC “ 10/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

Please help me to resolve this…

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Pankaj Pareek | Post author

November 10, 2014 at 4:43 pm

Hi Raja Ramasamy,

Sorry for delayed response. I am working a new project and joined it in middle of development. I found the same
issue. There can be multiple reason for this like in my project the next approver is derived based cost center and
if approver is not maintained for the cost center then it gives error. Alternatively if the next approver is derived
based on company code and no approver is maintained for company code then it gives error.

Di erent project has di erent methods and the approver is accordingly maintained. I can just give you direction
as to where to look. Hope it helps.


Pankaj Pareek


Former Member

November 17, 2014 at 7:07 am

Thanks Pankaj. I found the root cause. Simple approval is working but level based approval is not working now. I
am getting some FI errors like ” Balance in local currency FI/CO interface “. Let me check if there is any bug in
the standard program iteself…




Former Member

December 20, 2014 at 4:48 pm

Hello Pankaj

Very nice and helpful document.  Many thanks.  But I have problems to apply this in VIM 7. 11/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

Do I have to maintain managers when I only base my approval process on cost centers and company codes?
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And If I want in any position that a rejection of a non PO invoice send the work item to the coder what do I have
to do?  Today in rejection case work ow is going to level n-1.

Many thanks in advance.


Pankaj Pareek | Post author

January 10, 2015 at 1:29 pm

Hi Touria,

Sorry for delayed response. I have been very busy lately. We have similar scenario implemented where the ow
is like this: Indexer –> Coder –> First level approver –> Second level approver (if amount is more than what rst
level approver can approve). Any rejection at ant level goes back to person at n-1 level. For this we have
implemented a work ow setup. Setting up COA was not helpful.


Pankaj Pareek


Nigel Briggs

February 23, 2015 at 3:59 pm

Hi Pankaj

Your document above is very useful. Please can you give the relevant SAP tables where VIM users are held – I
have found /OPT/APPR_COA.
This table is the Chart of Authority levels and coder\approver details, but I cannot nd any table which contains
the VIM users – ie rst name, last name, Opentext User id and SAP user id – just like the user details view in the

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Pankaj Pareek | Post author

March 13, 2015 at 4:32 am

Hi Nigel Briggs, 12/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

Kindly use table /ORS/USERMAP to see all the details for the user. In order to map a new detail for a user got to
T-Code /n/opt/vim_7cx1 i.e. COA and underRSS feed
User Like
details maintain the data (refer below screen shot). I recall
someone asking me list of important tables in VIM. I will be providing the info soon.


Former Member

August 22, 2015 at 1:40 pm

Hi Pankaj,

Thank you to share such a good material


Former Member

August 22, 2015 at 1:51 pm

Good document sharing


Pankaj Pareek | Post author

August 27, 2015 at 4:01 am

Hi Patralekha,

Thank you for the encouraging words.


Pankak Pareek

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Former Member
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September 1, 2015 at 9:47 pm

Hi Pankaj,

Thank you for the great article!!

It helps me a lot to understand how the system work.

I just have a few questions and maybe you are able to answer them.

For OpenText VIM, does the system base on a list of words for the system to read on invoice and to capture the
necessary information?? can the list also be customized?

For the template, are we able to give a general key areas to the system for it to capture the information?
becasue my company’s vendors have all kinds of invoice’s formats.

Best Regards,

Andrew Lee


Pankaj Pareek | Post author

September 7, 2015 at 10:39 am

Hi Andrew,

Thank you for the kind words.

One can apply various methods and di erent tools to capture the information from scanned image. It is done
mostly using OCR scanner. The data is scanned, read and information is send to populate a standard XML
structure. This XML is then used to populate values in the DP document in OpenText VIM. You can map di erent
invoice formats if required so that the scanner reads and fetches information from them correctly. Invoice
Capture Center (ICC) is a place where this processing happens. However, I have came across some other tools
and methods also to do this.


Pankaj Pareek


Former Member

September 8, 2015 at 4:21 pm

Hi Pankaj,

Thank you for your fast response and answers. 14/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

What other method have you come across?

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Andrew Lee


Pankaj Pareek | Post author

September 12, 2015 at 4:14 am

Hi Andrew,

Brainware is one that I recall which we used to capture data and feed into OpenText for DP doc creation.


Pankaj Pareek



September 18, 2015 at 7:35 am

Hi everybody,

This is terri c :-). Really clear and helpfull.

One subsequent question. Any idea of a way to default an Expense type for a particular Document type ? I
would like to default Expense type DW to our Down Payment.

Thks and rgds



Pankaj Pareek | Post author

September 30, 2015 at 4:15 am

Hi Stephane,

I am really sorry for a very delay reply. I was on vacation.

Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words. 15/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

Now, expense type ( eld name EXPENSE_TYPE) is available in Header. It is very much possible that you can
default a value for a document RSS feed Like

1) In the con guration make this eld available. It can be Input or Display only based on your requirement

2) You can modify the BAPI for it or apply a substitution rule. Reach out to ABAPer for this.

We have done population of default values for few elds. I will check what will be the most e cient way to do
this and get back to you.


Pankaj Pareek


Former Member

October 2, 2015 at 7:03 am

In pre-process user exit you can put this small logic to populate DW based on document type.



October 2, 2015 at 7:17 am

Dear all,

It seems adding and activating standard process type ‘333 – determine expense type’ to a Down payment doc.
type automatically assigns DW as expense type. The only down side I’ve noticed with that method is that DW is
only populated after the ‘Apply business rule’ function is run. So if you simulate rules from indexing screen,
approval step / exception will appear with a green light because DW is still not considered (which is not
correct). But this does not prevent the approval step to occurre at the end. So not 100% reliable but it works.

Looking at the function module behind, this has been added / coded at a wrong step.




Laura Quinteros 16/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs
April 27, 2016 at 3:50 am
Hi Pankaj, Follow RSS feed Like

Thanks for sharing your knowledge around VIM con guration

I have a speci c question: can we hide a button in VIM Workplace?

We’d like to hide button “Image” within My Inbox/Other Inbox on the lower right-hand side pane next to “Line
Items” and “History” buttons (highlighted in red in the screenshot).

Thanks and regards,



Pankaj Pareek | Post author

April 28, 2016 at 3:06 am

Hi Laura,

Hope you are doing good. I am glad that the documents proved to be useful to you.

I checked but I am sorry for I was not able to nd any con guration to hide these buttons. I will try to talk to my
friends in OpenText else we might have to raise an incident against OpenText for this.

Thanks and Regards,

Pankaj Pareek


Laura Quinteros

April 28, 2016 at 3:15 am

Hi Pankaj,

I’m doing well thanks. I hope you are doing good too. 17/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

Thanks for your quick response. It would be great if you could talk to your friends in OpenText. Otherwise, as
you say, it might be a goodFollow RSS feed
idea to raise a ticket with them. Like

I’m looking forward to hearing from you

Thanks and regards,



Pankaj Pareek | Post author

April 29, 2016 at 10:53 am

Hi Laura,

I tried very hard to check if any con guration is available to hide “Image” button. Unfortunately, I found none.
We do have a con guration for “Image Display Function” where one can de ne the FM used to fetch the
ArchiveLink image. It is for PO Parked, PO Blocked, and Non-PO. However, I am not sure if that will prove to be a
workaround for you.

Path for Image Display Function:

PO Parked: Vendor Invoice Management > PO Based Invoice Con guration > Parked Invoice Processing
Con guration > Technical Con guration > Image Display > Image Display Function

PO Blocked: Vendor Invoice Management > PO Based Invoice Con guration > Blocked Process Con guration >
Technical Con guration > Image Display > Image Display Function

Non-PO: Vendor Invoice Management > Non PO Based Invoice Con guration > Parked Invoice Processing
Con guration > Technical Con guration > Image Display > Image Display Function Non PO

I did try to reach out to my friend in OpenText but seems he is occupied these days.

I am pretty sure that editing a screen exit might be required for this but it will be better if we raise an incident
with OpenText to get exact details.

Please do share if you get a response on this from them.

Thanks and Regards,

Pankaj  Pareek


Laura Quinteros

May 2, 2016 at 4:52 am

Thank you very much for quick response Pankaj 18/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

We are looking into OpenText con g to x the issue that originated this question in the rst place. If that can’t
be xed, then we’ll raise a Follow RSS feedasking them if
message with OpenText Like
there is a screen exit available to hide this
button in the screen.

Thanks and regards,



J Swaminathan

June 2, 2016 at 11:26 am

Hi Pankaj,

Thanks for sharing info on VIM.  I have seen other write ups as well on VIM and found it very useful. Suggest to
give a link to  your various VIM write ups so it helps all SAP Professionals.




Former Member

July 6, 2016 at 10:10 pm


I have requirement to bypass some invoices approval level table, currently after the one approval system
determines the next approval based on the COA table in VIM and now due to some con dentiality of invoices,
approval needs to be escalated from Level-1 approver to directly level 5 approver thus skipping level 2,3, and 4.

We have tried with Reassignment (/ORD/UNREASSINED – Reassignment utility) – Invoice was at L1 – Approver
and instead of approving L1, the L1 approver reassigned (thru /ORD/UNREASSINED) invoice to L-5 Approver.
When L5 approved it and then it routed down the ladder to L3, L4 and L5.

Could you please how I can resolve this?


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Former Member
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July 20, 2016 at 8:38 pm

Hi Pankaj,

i have gone thru your document its really informative .

i have one below requirement if possible can you help me?

Regarding –Create/Configure ICC valida on client prototype you have any documents how to configure this.

my requirement is need to implement ICC validation client which helps us to eliminate the manual e ort to
update missing invoice information in production system (drag and drop option) this would help AP select data
on the invoice and drop it into the respective elds as while processing  this invoice

i have googled already but couldn’t nd anything related.


Pankaj Pareek | Post author

October 12, 2016 at 5:57 am

Hi all,

Strangely two of my posts content has been replaced by someone else’s content post movement of SCN to SAP
community. This one is giving details on netweaver instead of VIM invoice approval.

Also, OpenText VIM: Basic con guration for Document Processing (DP) document types is not re ecting the
right content.

I will try to reach out to mentors on this and report.

In the meanwhile if someone has any questions on this topics then kindly reach out to me

Pankaj Pareek


Former Member

October 17, 2016 at 7:25 am

Hi Pankaj 20/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

Is it possible to con gure two di erent approval process in COA, I.e balance sheet  approval and cost center
based approval . Follow RSS feed Like


Pankaj Pareek | Post author

February 3, 2017 at 8:00 am

Hi Shwetha,

Sorry for delayed reply. I have been on a hectic schedule and was not online for quite some months. Also, I am
not getting noti cation messages over email on the comments been posted in the blog.

Coming to your query. Yes, it is very much possible to achieve that. We are currently having the same setup and
for this we have used a custom solution. We are using work ow based on rules. So for one of the rules we are
setting up Balance sheet approvers. For the cost center approver we are using HR based work ow. We are
mapping cost center to the position in PP01 based on the relationship A250 and then maintaining PRMD for it.

If you are looking for a solution with the standard then it is possible in the VIM 7.5 version. I am not sure if that
can be done without custom solution in previous versions.

Hope that was helpful


Pankaj Pareek


Former Member

October 26, 2016 at 1:39 pm

Hi Pankaj/All

I have a question, is there a Table which stores the changes in COA Details, (Changes in GL/Cost Center –
Approver 1 & 2 assignments)

This is an important when there is some one want to trace back the COA assignment history on back date.

Thanks in advance


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Pankaj Pareek | Post author

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February 3, 2017 at 8:00 am

Hi MM,

It is a structure and not a table.


Pankaj Pareek


Former Member

November 10, 2016 at 4:54 pm

Hi Pankaj,

Am having a scenario where for a combination of expense type , Pro t center and company code the user
assigned  in CoA is not able to approve an Invoice for e.g. User B.

USER              Counter Currency Amount  Expense type company code     Pro t center
User A                300    EUR    56,00           A1                3XXX                     5XXXX117XB
User B                  20    EUR    1,00             A1                3XXX                     5XXXX117XB
User C                400    EUR    108.000,00  A1                3XXX                     5XXXX117XB
User D                600    EUR    9.999.999,0 A1                3XXX                     5XXXX117XB

if the same document is used with a di erent Expense type with all the remaining data same the user is able to
approve the invoice. for e.g. User E
USER              Counter Currency Amount  Expense type company code     Pro t center
User A                100    EUR    56,00           B0                3XXX                     5XXXX117XB
User E                  20    EUR    1,00             B0                3XXX                     5XXXX117XB
User C                200    EUR    108.000,00  B0                3XXX                     5XXXX117XB
User D                601    EUR    9.999.999,0 B0                3XXX                     5XXXX117XB

am getting a error “Invalid Approver”


Pankaj Pareek | Post author

February 3, 2017 at 8:03 am

Hi Pratip,

Sorry for delayed response. Since I am using a customized solution for this hence I will not be able to check on
this. I will need the check that in your system. 22/28
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Pankaj Pareek


Anjani Mishra

February 16, 2017 at 4:50 pm

Hi Pankaj,

Amazing document. Thank you for sharing these steps in detail.

I have an issue in my organization where the non-PO invoice is going to the correct approval as per COA. All the
details are maintained in the COA for the approver’s ID but still the user is not able to approve the Invoice. The
user has approved non-PO invoices in the past but only this invoice is stuck. Can you please guide?




Pankaj Pareek | Post author

July 7, 2017 at 2:48 pm

Hi Anjani,

I was moving to a di erent country and was busy for past few months. Is your issue resolved? If it is reoccurring
then let me know. We can check COA, work ow logs and data to ensure where things are going south.


Pankaj Pareek


Anjani Mishra

February 5, 2018 at 9:58 pm 23/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

Hi Pankaj,
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Thanks for replying. Yes, the problem is resolved. Problem was that there were duplicate IDs maintained for the
user in /opt/vim_7cx1 table.




Former Member

February 28, 2017 at 2:30 pm

Hi Pankaj,

Need some help urgently. We are currently upgrading VIM system. We have one requirement to send Approvals
of the PO to di erent Cost Owners based on the Account Assignment in the PO if there are any price/quantity
di erences in the PO and MIRO.

We have developed a function module to determine the right Agent for the Cost Object based on the Account
Assignment type K or F or A.

Now the problem is work ows are triggered for each line item basis. However when approving the agent selects
a Line item and approves it, system is clearing the total invoice rather than only approving the individual line.

Is it possible to approve & pay as invoice for individual line item in VIM Module? As far as I see we are calling
MRBR transaction for release block.

Please let me know if you need any further details on this.



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March 16, 2017 at 10:34 am

hi Pankaj,

I have blocked one invoice due to quantity is with non-prd po. But when I generate invoice
exception it went to some other user who was not in purchase group and not po creator. why this is happened?
what should I do now?


Former Member

February 16, 2018 at 4:36 am

Hi Pankaj,

Hope you are doing well.

your all comment was so informative. If you have any VIM con guration related document pls send to the below
gmail and it would be more helpful.





August 24, 2018 at 11:55 am

Any idea how Currency is determined for NPO and PO scenario’s. We have scenario where we want the invoices
to be posted in INR but the DP document after Image scanning is showing EUR. The invoice PDF is not
mentioning the document currency.

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Volodymyr Yevtushenko

February 19, 2019 at 3:10 pm

Hello Pankaj,

Thanks for the detailed COA function explanation.

My question is: as I am maintaining the COA table for quite a time, I have been asked multiple times – is it
possible, and if yes – how, to allow a coder (limit = 0.00) or an approver (limit > 0.00) to send an invoice after
taking action not to the next approver (set in the COA), but to another selected person? I guess, it is called
“Override Approver’ when it comes to the stage of providing invoice approval in OT?

Will this function become available if, for example, we set A as the next approver for user A (a coder – himself in
Manager ID eld?

There is a possibility to create something similar with the requester – coder relations, where a requester can
redirect items to another person (a coder) to provide nancial coding for the invoice and then receive it back
just to approve. However, I am not sure whether we have selected next approvers available, instead of the one
set in the eld Manager ID?

Thank in advance for your response.



Diane Hooper

October 24, 2019 at 9:56 am

Hi Pankaj,

Your articles have been most helpful thank you.  Could I please ask a question as I have read con icting help
regarding this. For invoices that are posted in LIV and have a price/qty variance our work ow sends the DP
document and the user is able to use ‘pay as invoiced’ button. We would like at this stage for the document to 26/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

go for further approval before the payment block is removed. But the COA only seems to apply for parked
documents. Is this scenarioFollow
possible? RSS feed Like

Thank you

Diane Hooper


satish kumar

November 10, 2019 at 3:06 am

Hi Pankaj,

Thank you for creating detail document for better understanding.

I have one requirement like standard have multiple levels approvels but we have requirement like skip all these
approvels and it will go directly to max level approver .Could you please let us know how to achive this type of





April 22, 2020 at 7:14 am

Hi Pankaj,

Why after create DP document using /opt/vim_7ax2 but it will not show up in /opt/vim_wp inbox ? Please give
me some guide and where to check for con guration ?


Ankit Bhattacharjee

June 4, 2020 at 10:02 pm


I have 2 questions. 27/28
1/12/2021 OpenText VIM: Invoice Approval Process and Chart of Authority | SAP Blogs

1. What is the di erence between Level based and simple approval(which you have explained here).
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2. Currently in my project we dont have approval for PO invoices. I am being given a requirement by a new
project I am joining, to implement approval process for PO based invoices. Can you please help me
understand step by step on what I need to do to enable the approval process for PO and how it works.
And if PO based approval needs to be level based, what needs to be done in COA?

Thanks in advance,




Madhu N

September 3, 2020 at 1:52 pm

Hi Pankaj,

Can you post about rejection process overview in opentext.


Thanuja M.


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