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There was a boy named Jihan and Reno, they were
friends since childhood, their parents worked in a similar
company in Papua, they ended up living in a complex
that was very close to home.
Now they have grown into a teenager. They are one
school in Garuda high school. Every morning the
activities they do are almost the same.Every morning
Reno always leave along with Jihan ride a favorite bike
Reno.Reno every day waiting for Jihan in front of Reno's
house, Reno every day wait for Jihan is often late.Reno
is a person who does not want to joke too much, diligent,
and indifferent, but Jihan believes Reno is one of Jihan's
friends who will never be replaced by anyone.
Today is their first day in the 12th grade. As always they
leave along with a ride on a Reno bike. Arriving at
school they see a new student, his name is
Vernanda.Jhihan get acquainted with Vernanda, and
Reno also come The Vernanda introduced himself to his
classmates, and finally Vernanda sat beside Jhihan who
at that time next to Jhihan was an empty bench.
In the night jhihan always play with Reno.Jhihan
suddenly asked Reno "Ren gmana the feeling fell in love
at first sight?" Reni shocked and replied "lah ngapain try
Jhi you nanyain about love ?, love first sight tu not exist,
there is lust is misunderstood to be love "jhihan replied"
anyway yes Ren if you fall in love, you have to tell me,
promise? oh yes according to you among us who will
ngerasain it first? "Reno replied" yes yes promise, I'm
yours, because you're gonna be his hahaha "
At the time of school Vernanda looks moody, it turns out
Vernanda mamah came home from France.Finally Jihan
ditching to deliver Vernanda to the airport, Reno was
joined because Reno will never let them go alone.
Vernanda rang, it was a call from aunt Vernanda,
Vernanda's aunt told Vernanda that Vernanda's mama
did not come back at this time. Vernanda cried with
Jhihan. After school, Reno, Jhihan and Vernanda plainly
skipped over the school walls. Reno and Vernanda
promised no will repeat the incident, but Jihan, Jihan
does not promise but will do as best as Jhihan, Jhihan
also reprimanded by the teacher because socks and shoes
Jhihan not according to regulations. Finally they
punished clean up the school car is very dirty, Vernanda
silently photographed Reno.
At night Reno is sitting sitting with Jhihan in front of
Jhihan.Reno's house while playing guitar, since Reno's
hobby is also playing guitar.Jhihan told Reno to appear
on the show tomorrow morning, and Jhihan will sit in
front of himself to see Reno.Finally Reno complied with
Jhihan's request.
The next day there was a basketball match between SMA
Garuda and SMA Nusa Bakti.Jihan is a school chiliders
team, finally Jhihan appeared to cheer up the school
basketball team, at that time the high school basketball
captain Nusa Bakti silently stared at Jihan.Setelah
basketball game finished and won by SMA Nusa Bakti,
Jhihan rushes to the hall to see Reno performing, the
basketball captain chases after Jhihan, but is prevented
by Shabrina. But the basketball captain does not consider
Shabrina and go straight after Jhihan, after Reno finishes
his lagoon, the basketball captain approaches Jhihan and
invites acquaintance, the basketball captain named
Glen.Glen asked for Jhihan's cell phone number but
Jhihan did not give it at that time, Jhihan promised to
give it when they meet again. Reno who saw the incident
a little annoyed that Silent Reno likes Jhihan.
After school arrives Glen picks up Jhihan and invites
Jhihan, Jhihan goes with Glen, at that time Reno
prevents Jhihan from joining Glen, because Reno is also
worried about Jhihan, but Jhihan still goes with Glen. In
the afternoon Glen waits for Jhihan Vernanda rang, it
was a call from aunt Vernanda, Vernanda's aunt told
Vernanda that Vernanda's mama did not come back at
this time. Vernanda cried with Jhihan. After school,
Reno, Jhihan and Vernanda plainly skipped over the
school walls. Reno and Vernanda promised no will
repeat the incident, but Jihan, Jihan does not promise but
will do as best as Jhihan, Jhihan also reprimanded by the
teacher because socks and shoes Jhihan not according to
regulations. Finally they punished clean up the school
car is very dirty, Vernanda silently photographed Reno.
At night Reno is sitting sitting with Jhihan in front of
Jhihan.Reno's house while playing guitar, since Reno's
hobby is also playing guitar.Jhihan told Reno to appear
on the show tomorrow morning, and Jhihan will sit in
front of himself to see Reno.Finally Reno complied with
Jhihan's request.
The next day there was a basketball match between SMA
Garuda and SMA Nusa Bakti.Jihan is a school chiliders
team, finally Jhihan appeared to cheer up the school
basketball team, at that time the high school basketball
captain Nusa Bakti silently stared at Jihan.Setelah
basketball game finished and won by SMA Nusa Bakti,
Jhihan rushes to the hall to see Reno performing, the
basketball captain chases after Jhihan, but is prevented
by Shabrina. But the basketball captain does not consider
Shabrina and go straight after Jhihan, after Reno finishes
his lagoon, the basketball captain approaches Jhihan and
invites acquaintance, the basketball captain named
Glen.Glen asked for Jhihan's cell phone number but
Jhihan did not give it at that time, Jhihan promised to
give it when they meet again. Reno who saw the incident
a little annoyed that Silent Reno likes Jhihan.
After school arrives Glen picks up Jhihan and invites
Jhihan, Jhihan goes with Glen, at that time Reno
prevents Jhihan from joining Glen, because Reno is also
worried about Jhihan, but Jhihan still goes with Glen. In
the afternoon Glen waits for Jhihan Jhihan came with
Glen in that time. The next day Jihan was invited to go
again with Glen.Jhihan told Reno that Jihan was invited
with Glen.Reno restrained his grief as if nothing.
Reno does not go to school today because he's sick, but
Jihan is curious about Reno's sickness, and finally
Vernanda and Jihan visit Reno who is in hospital.Jihan
fell asleep close to Reno, Reno wakes up looking at
Jihan and says "I love you ji "Vernanda who saw the
incident shocked and went straight away. The next day
Vernanda did not go to school, Jihan and Reno came to
Vernanda kerumahnya.Jihan and Reno see Vernanda
who was staring at the photo of Reno on Vernanda
laptop. Vernanda surprised to see Jihan and Reno
nearby.Vernanda immediately closed the laptop and ran
to the kitchen, Reno chased Vernanda and asked about
the photo. Vernanda replies that Vernanda loves Reno
very much, but Reno replied "I'm sorry to love Jihan"
Jihan who heard immediately ran away. Now that's all
changed, now Reno and Jihan are not as close as they
used to be because of the love that spoils it. At that
moment Reno meets Jihan who is with Glen.Reno says
that Reno loves Jihan more than Reno loves himself.
Jihan replied "sorry no I just nggangep you temen" Jihan
left Reno and went with Glen.
At the announcement of Reno's school, Vernanda and
Jihan graduated with good grades. In the evening there
was a promnight.Jihan hopes to come with Glen. But at
that time Glen called Jihan to tell him that Glen could
not accompany Jihan because of illness. Reno comes
with Shabrina on the promnight show. Jihan cries and
slaps Glen. Reno withdrew Jihan's hand and embraced
Jihan. At that moment Reno suddenly drew blood from
his nose, Jihan was worried at that moment, suddenly
Reno coughed and took blood. on Jihan that Reno loves
Reno and wants to embrace Jihan. Reno breathes his last
in Jihan's embrace. Jihan regrets having picked the
wrong guy.

Nb: honor the person who really loves you while he is

still there.

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