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LU LLy Disc aiyud acai sie See ie a7 ft er Jl9-01 5>| é vrlladpyle gauss «' _ ) 0+ 40. | UdsclalliSliia + 1071 tae nd pls nm famed Classification: Grammar (syntax) Author: Tahir Yusuf al-Eatib Ravision: Dr. Emil Ya‘qib Publisher: Dar Al-kotob Aldimiyah Pages: $44 qtin. Year: 4007” oo Peintedtin: Lebapdl Ve does Eaton! 6 oe * haacnital | peomaad | iS) lel yb pty le eel tpaplall Gaye palloreialgtt piping ual 2 dace pe sag pe a ele GSN ls pth Sad td ae 2007 selal) is OLS rete aly Das! pl! Danaea TSEW 2-7451-1458=7 10d! ASN A78-8-745)-DUSEA DTI i gp yad7as 11058 SEM Hci a ARB 5 diode illo cate All rights reserved © Tous droits riservés a rede ee Lae loo seo el “a nal (mt eget tle ST og) MAE AN ain aa gh Reed gh pl gf pele penny po pesaREl le alt gf aaa Rage ple Amend gi Tame agin pai ip | app A pele ain J Exclusive righte by Dar Al-Kotob Al-tImiyah sein - tebarce No part of thit publication may bo translated, reproduced, distributed in any form or by amy means, ghstored ina data base or retrieval system, without the Prige written permission of the publisher: Tous drote sxciualvement réservée dG} Dar Al-Kotob Al-Imiyah eeynuth- isan ‘Toute repirdsentation, bition, traduction ou reproduction Tire partiella, pat tous peoeéddy, en tour pays, faite sins autorisation préalable signa par Miditaur est cite et oxposerant Ip contrevenant § das poursulws Judicial res. feagl pS) aglall TA Ty Aplalliéll lex Weharrad Ali Baytious Publeatons Or Al-Katob Al-dimiyah igh Lag galt yt pal fy UH Ramel Al-Zarif, Bohtory Str, Malkert Bldg, Int floor (A0 VPP AOE ayplfadlyl Aer gl a gl pt Mae pany ppt Aramoun Braneh - Dar Al-Katob Al-lmiyah Gtdg, eet go ie ff tla AN a Rng ablgd gpa OV ANE ene vier rhe Spat plant el e-mail; info( Haye 9) J] « ptlay i 7geVuly Nets « yams opeel i 95u gual oS) ad) ea lal cepgially Glial cam ot Lay Ce wl Lalll 955 Be he Cpa rly GSH SLY Blog oye Uy Ne Vy CIS be eres tle Shey oo Sel CAS OLA palaces Zeal GS ope Halll igh Ley Bi haw done daw Uplbioniy Yoon daly eel any) o alaill Sill day pally paar Sl ode OF SY. fase ge pall Lasts] pee ltl ye Lye OF SS Bacall LyLaly pelt bigs ane pe Lay gone cided i lay peppy chgsetly ell Sip batpenally ell gb Eeclly hts cot Elowills Bye! oe Es ll SST Ell POM Gael didbe obeagll OA delay OW J ws gle Gabel gb ccianally Gemally ewe ty pal tall! cowl iat ase Ns dey We aed coy vail! os Ups Stel oye begs pel) Gb pau og Lai Lepaly Ugh pen Lely Wailer ey eal Lise ils Lge Oy day Uybtly dhe oy Upae Vsotacly Myce Uy pid petals femal sy coiglbell we) til, meer oF jes lls pay pgley Slerlis c Sal gle tly guile pelea! JS Ug Bode ches igh eh LAS y GB pele dy eee plaza 'Y! & al) Gall! ete} pie ale wil ol} lesa phoney ggeetesll ipl platy ook) parla y pe le Cape aoy 4 dail Fes OT Sa ash a Vy he tay tee Gt # hee opts pet oe (oY ape tay cilgenal ola ye LiNUatL gS gball Lowy Sill bey ce gents tellels Wiley isis dest IBN cre dans) yh Uylons abe iget CoS ipl, aie Seal LaDy ASM aes gall pet aati OF opal Glyde iy Kae Upeilay wl Age ge yal call Dis oy ep ye ayy a Les ale BLAS Me be ing CAS eats LMI Case! Yl tLe eS yo dy ghlaad! MolST ole] gO) gl Le dng coed Ieee cll sa ut apt aidan be Sf habbo SoM Upagegs Ugly SLI inka FeAl whellly ail wn Easton | La LEAs S1ae 5 pal USN op San yb ST ha WE Sore ay Ot Wyle aad tae ph Vee tole patly any JS samara git gle ag gla gly aa -whek pst 4y i gl Oyo jy logs ai del cp eel del sal shal weohily taney GUD oye Be yg ote, Upp Lad Jal Dsl vel mee) le gb hell pail is Ge ce Wal dando ga daly Jel Udon ols sl 1g tal 8 ia lS gi of gall Male LL by pl Ihab SBD os SU ai eS op Gane al $329 tll ge be 43 Are dogo d 53 pone AN sod we span dab Le | Utd ay Like Jl at yell oo erly wpe pes yall pod gay SES aly Og pele pled, VARA Sh spelere)! nip lb Mga aoc ade gle hig Lida US pte che pag the WY otel gery Mel day x gl es At Opt a} gl gs pos gle La ey lay bs Ct Masti eed dala! ’ © “8 i foes Pid “@ aE ee. ee J bie Lake tye 2 OG yarsae Sp EG Ue pl sal le toy U panes «Ball Gall ad ple pot ably) gone Any ile gy Ball Mal pd he Laie elie es LEN Ja Joe GOSS! le Su Jui Saere Sally yd ead aL al ee opines pee iyae eT AS tend el AEM oe A fom Y pal gle ee plgdtel ym tye) olay Gall Coal 6b ye siden i alla Gall Epi Lae copoly cefall Maly god cca all sll leased sla aya ot aS Joe sll le Se ea A ot im apegll edtehy CTY AT sata] tape (19 A wil OE fad a yan cea bourne pee gabe rydlley tev (bpd stall aple yew hel foal oe ay pel ayant I ay at ABD OH a Pd Qaill iyas = 8 ogh al eal eet “pu copay ayy ele wal val le A Waly Stl} Sty dal Jl of ot peal ips et has cals Ia aibs Vy 2S0y sciao SMI pels Lp 6 ply slau uw ausahaall g patel play Ln ips Gone fAS wy gt bs seh jken) Koh Hall ob ju dlelaslta i ow \ ee -\ Spot uate at UY) sdeeniall JL ow o gll Spee Epht Folate (ge aay ewe gb Sell te saahadgloy cecal! Oday Vuigle cow esta Ge dW tate - (gt OY BY aay tatty cg Li “iy oat Salty I Eel cL re neil! ae 7 - (Hell eal op OY AN ane Ley engage rillby cere Vet pee aL _ sat paca Opell rol pl pd gs BY) ail pady ecigtall Sy pll oie FLAY eked Wi its La a pSeist xe Y GMb] Sm yo gall oe poe pole ad cede 25) Ase pad A Gg Bill 5 STI) : Jes Uy ps AS pl og oo Sag igh tidal ASS Og ope day aly Sly all silly pe Lpeakon a etl pal aah hed Jy ef - -t ot ips cpa prell padaell st bhp gn 2 pm sel pactnel Ebel sf eli Saal por sly oF sl few of lydalen yo al gl lps ro ll hy yey ie pi poll Heed!) tle Sy pty Waa yteedl pelecypod gol ele ty lal dle shy yey cae po et fenall palatal saz (oldes ig Si) creldas Lyn tye ial wee (als AM) elt Le tps celal gay «le ai GF METS ss ally gts nae gf ad! lad Ge tel od led oy pd j= Y 0 Seal! ms we eh be: T :edlletyy tbpdowedl elas Jad ty yrs a bowed nl le roan tgdlles (gall: pavielly =i. Bt cot te Dd pee yy anal Ladle Galt ppl eal gt sighed pol jet Chal tpi appell CALS a SIG yg pene aed] Sold towel) wor. A pl pe algal Ty lp vashen peer tle bas OTT GT sclleege ty ye (1) \e Hel (pala Aowll Je Ge tle Jab ath) Sel. cy gp igl hel Hist Wid ps Jo gts Oe bis ap eed ae ad pene St le Loch: yeaa Obj Gb GH she) (aplsh alee! oft pale em thane aS ep <5 ee Hii is « ge Uy fel J Se te Capable: pats vila jad fs dyad cage T -t- ee ge dV ASI le pet JOU Spe pl - c-d- Std fee Sil sh ell he Se vba ie LA ope pu lel = abe]. “gt apa ciated digaalt 5d alee Ly igen paw (aged ge balla iach iagrats le salobelny _~ Hace go Lgl yt a cele AS 2 al tls nb i Y pel, yy eve ell laa eal Va) wel oall Lie bia Y iy oh (5 alll iy] SYS » dlef aleT. Code Gt Spe id sali LT Dial ents tps i Yt (b> nti owe Bent - 2 cel cee ABM cad dae Y poe oll BLE ye peep ill, Spee go - -l. sgt eT il J GE ya deel bya Ve QE ST lanl Ej be ges cdatil pate col ib eT) GEV Ut ye ANS Yale ae aly 0 easy Iyale eI) eV Silos (all gdp agllils Jeb Fal «+ (ol jl. inal LIA fern ‘sill of Ee uagtit Sent eel wtigade Bhat og ou joi ie de i ais Lye edged op gp BS oo Lage Beil ypu tedlen ce ali) wh ley sally gtd ITU baton ‘(hp abil 5s de 15 pall PLD gle ame Jabal il onto LaF ndy ol ‘eames -ipT. Al pal Uphels ate sel Ys \y . pl - pil - ool gl Reed Ui] AUIS tral cael diy pd ade otal Og gay atl oy Gate ol fe ly le gle ol — M yd (25 Iyer ab ui yp ls i gp cle ay Jed SI de Ge ee BUN spay 4 Beals al al tp Vi be oe Lege tl: yy ew rh: agate lel oy (gail Op gh deonally Saball pall - ite Tegly enetll BST cp SIU geld eel pat Soles ty abd ga pat aly DUP! Sle da tif Gh Hb) CSU 3IBT aapell op pS Rea pate le; HB cathy ee idea J dye ae cipal (a de yinall sla GAS» t aul gtk etl yen oye fp ay aS oe Loge docile yy pet pl sa ghalay (daonally Hell) «le gt fentll pals ged ysl yaw Gals hl lass Late ha «gels Vial doedlt fe pee galt ale Jad a ein) THAD ei aye (1) \r BAAD Bal phe eT eal sll alll | doa pa tele pet + aligns al walt ped caro gf len i gan els bb) lic Lat She oY veel, gf Silda Halll doaill le Joe ale Jai se tl) alll daly te agaln LeU setts -Ji. ‘he igh AM oll ST sod cuslen y chen tine tle fad al CG alahincd gle Spe ole Jab saclay = oe 1093 ctl Io pr caceacelt 2 pteey yal Jab ul Lgtey db eet eat aleliy « geal ult ae yl Ja p~! raked) GRA IY cil sa pas -or. edly dau bay raghigt ay GT yaw Syl gas cpa Lals sel gist TN Se cg ae dP «(pin all ab Syate al le oll oie Oba} 68 sce) \t Ww ui. AUT ga oe Soba ps ala YUU) cp gill le gun og ot phal (tle Jail 4d dyes St pe incl paie olej db scblyy oakT. gash lake Je oo 26 A ip 1 glat ald yo op gh CHEW pec ch yada a gle tosilly peat Ole} ib real) BLE yy ee ae] Silke sella ile gay cneldn - ast. Lips Gp ist Ssy pel by Lgpecunahes tole op Spe al wad bead Hy Glide gay JE pallll Sealy pa dle Ob oot sash) cst ly d cagclly LEVY Se doe gp OSI de (ae by cep np by af oT ees podlly cligdons dee ye el pee tsi. Ay 6A cnt ga i tle gay 6 UT ES sod via Laan Oba} Be BW PIS spo camp tale cm celal GES LY ltl! gle Sat Si aU ESL a ae ee A Vy) AEN: ply (1) al \e -ol. al Sm eam oo terse Ail Esher ab peel al off sal eB ge Cpt Galatea weal cathy ace BY Oyle ophe ola tye AUT Sagal bey ah jee pod adeliy , pala ~ li. Lisle tia Serre eg ge gh islet gle Gill ee Loans dels ATs Bah scala le] ai ped de Vaayaly sly ci a 2 PLN Lg yet alll ancl Gyo Lj Gb ies Lo Ee dren out di, -gle ig HLM oe owe VU Sell he eel Spe med | Gir tyni s alilly tluls vp PONS oe gf ten aL viplyas Ce Tes tye steal i Lp am Cals tel Qa -t Hp Seal SI ya gh abe = (EAL SI yy pres acl ile Sagglay -ii. gl 2 dail edighy 3 aah 4 ol ul. sll Ub doch Las O65 of be Ball lal ope eel ies lll ii dalle ine pb sglSiadl oly pb yl dee we ee ey du coals rp lL Cats sep Oo Syl ales 4 [eel ae thy oe che pw ell xy 1ddsbeal| SASL cS ane, slaaelfh LAS aly etl butte ole jane Ge es dilie pe Cul. GEER gli ps cplSeall pl hee cals ACY Bla ln sp ips Cal. tpt ee cna gangs HLSIa cya caer = riglglall jay baa lye BUG oi ital Le] sd wee pe All pay natin (em Yc gp Lo ca0ly ia) sdhagh le Catkeey y thay Sate eft -U- Wut saison pw whe ge ol ye lyst pala be pee bel Sy te oF _ f = jell - ee ved pall on Ena! ge el 8h aha Y per pel ib pale iy sh apd gp ele LS Epa te tape 03 Og Soul al te ay (4) ced gh £ = al! - Et ges carl psalm cayny wh Bie get Cae tl yall decals peas Nhe tedaklyy adsl dashed ope dati t ~ sli sed gle pass cal Yigh cael Qu Yh Us gos Bt 1 SU le ~ ou . OU} EAL! 5 ja yes copa gee J] ila rg 2 paw ib Haonll My catlarte Sol OEY pital Syn Cae alee iy caalebll ae la! OU Boiler yee Ela ~ det. oR plat ede fos Bp yelp ga So al weal ccdl ally oth 155 a aa Lay Al cat Up he dip ole OG Snore J ails WD Gh nee shy SS AL ENy Gdn, pean gale Seely Sell aie apla y oat MLS a joey (elt be footil fy l Sil agi gl wl kn ph yc gl plkeall cole ide 1 Ka cy ell I Upla get of tesla peli Ullal y tells Gam 9 ttl cel BT hy ayy (4) ‘A ala] af al. se et al nelle sac! bo juo il rae. il wah cy ily. ils weal eM yl fou VY aySedl le pe eR ng = baal. ig bes eae vgs OW 13] 02a foe bay clades Lola Shai = 1 lise Lp ciShi a Oe pb Elle Jab pla Dh thar OS ob pall Lecll ge dit ele feb i wasn) oo bet ar tte Ele ab reste. Salil Gaede phe alae peal £4 ll dbai!l deal el ie BE \ pat alelly alll anal, CAN Nn a Senet fous SSR BLU ble gall oly cpu Uisireye PU ies Lal Sha (halal Goal cabs deal eG snake gall) ible ill a. iS gt et A) oss ae ft sl tpaerls dalS de ee 4 spool «Sr bal ccd pal ots Spel Ahad es sb pall ps ie pes Vial Hall ph Dee Bade at eagnlly J ass etal of =O psul - as 4S JI iyi 00 gaserla day gb antl le wi gy ugcaln he poly yd « plledl Saal com Hinde UY aeldla a pay ay aglylly cheat coal pas pial cala cae yaa! Dyer ois oplaall A eypraul nacel as op Hall yt alae gh adtn y ab (ih ash cc dia coe capil: canme gt . tal wt on ca) gait Y gah Seal ail gh alll ‘pre ily oe Ay ces gal oF pel ool BLA AG ay staph y wba tee Vl 58) gall 9 Aah Judd ah Spada dt lo toll, pate olaj GB sol (pple 5a pare GY ASL yy pene al] lade Sage Vy ila ll GIy len tyes Uline: pl dl] GLat iy PS il Uni ce he pach GL! oye oat iy tds nding elgyt ste Bye GSN yy ree pal cats‘) «UF = lagi. Op9 etme Bi pied chariot MLB) 6 Royle USS, rats se ed Wb Uh ILS SU < gr ge Si ay Lat Ler ow ges c wks MeN toad alg ge cols fhe sis ga pd eatlé SI Cegpllstn Sab Lynda al le tal pate 5 ib self ae le ‘gh coi oye dal gh: sg chy alaay Laps al el co gt ee ow! Gil i> tw yd gf ole 1a, au dots ei dey te AAT pb iy pe (1) NAT Barely (4) Ye kl pat pn Acliy alll Lncll le aw Gale Jad sn ihy 40 pal CHL ANTS ON ache ele olf ape gt Seed Ulead ost Mls syd og ole 4a irk: sigh tally abc her ple pel Je dd gy. MW aay yt Opel: git ee ph ratilily GS gach abl Age ay cde ou t= ay all oe Lay Joell yy pw 4] ile tpl) ai pall = onl fy aly Lag jas oh be gh pe (pl be Sony 2] tlt ipa cide til cies shay gle: weeps thy) HS aa jay ody cp Sony gl (ballad toad tay Oly Like sf Jas gl cai saya) igo celal Got aot ta candy sf clay, fl ane ip ayy ele pSthy os t plier’! ipa doa sf cathlenly oe vila YL Sl ole saggy Syaly 93 bb pb gp Cay Slee wpe Ch dae spew LEN) daa geet ye Sally 12] hee) ody tag dl ih eo dl ce ail Des tgs yh lel ada ogy phe cl pdm: pass! eel ive pale ae] OU O85 CPA Dende Some = ¥ waged gy Sage Sy gl Gp S53 rye ou Vaio gl apie hol ging pall gle ob ab jms agylt ag Cipangall gabiell 7 tle) Jy We lp wos caplet call Lets) Gaal 43 hemes Ao aT ttl aye (Ty EET 1 plaid dye (1) Ye Ts calbbeall ye 4) pd cAANbey eM ob oe V OSI le pee sla hm cau) «GaLl s pAlelly gional LAI) fae cat Jom Gp pall gle pee gal ieee a als! docall nai ey colacti pale mei peae sales tly wl Da gpmt Mol] Late Say jo ila gaye pall) Lect Spa cad Lave f . 4 ° oa “ LU aged) ngel oben cond AAULAW hj Gm cpecadlo y tyle tastan add ay Syne calaitiny alas edly Galil Ay Ee wales Baap peel ily) pel le Cotlaen y Galil dacil, pee «(Epa § Sb ahem Ladhey Jott E eigte AL nny «ll Sa pln Gta eel cal ance 3 -us!- gene OS gh vad gd Maat coe ese A ai le le ila) Sail yeas alte rapid) ue it te ad rally thas yay Gebel Saul jana dla oP alee me ala ee Bh aly BLE MG Joe foe J Ol clpaigt Bb teely perl) tar + e - dow}. git seme ed ges tiplilly Slilly lyst yg bail ope Shab £0 yoabS Ly po FAST Alene! Sinliy ty) pets Lage Leglael al pede YY {ila All cil, erpeaia Oil ay dye 147i) (Gala toad Gpate Ol a Spar sali poo PW EAU Lay cps lets s Spade ol she LU hs tpl ralan y .tlvas gay ipallll dolly pate a Uyade clgis bi) (BLY Fe Jou gOS de gor fae ser - Gut. gb Cot seascerli pd stp tredtinge Loci tpaie Sle =) eae sl lia! tito pane GC AIRAL bya Ne + cGy) Sd Gly yes cc billy GRE Gla TRE pas Lalla pate 9 vtlowly GUE] foal ebay “Gnd dol epee Gillan pad: Bahn) “i =z]. cAI op say FL fore Sn ky ys jn LAR ab Uyate OT Jo donc, Gopeate Ole} iB can) eloglly wilaae gay dyallall 350U gy pee al] ildee cadagen ey BLAM Se ep AS Je ge te ee i ting realy vegSial USK) Ads, ips BLY! aj Ta ghy Mi dacl : tpt pone Jail Lilies Syaie - jl. gt he pS OLS 1 OLIV eas cea aes itl ial ow be Lehi pH GIS af isl ty foes gl abet tétueh ces la realy. jhlal raghadet ¢aL5 ally tgs ae CASI gad Jo VOSA fe pea aly bm ra boty pabel Gay type saben! Ft AA pe eee ey ae ‘pany led pst and Tally tle yay Halll Gall phy sion old cntlelyy ‘lai i sous wid Fe dow Boal ge dntilhe praia ay yale saltlsy OG CURT gah lel ekizgy I hee BO sSolh de pet foci and ay ilaae yay 5 all Lay ~ lela - Uprke tdeleelyy apty aletee] Gl ye Lert peu 3 (HAS) DL yet al peel fa lee ATA GT pla Le (1) ~ pat ual gb Le beta cpt ee eel ASzll buall op sensi HI gsi 358 ob GES ceQatl pals poll pao cps a i> 13] YI eG Whe Lice ao hs Spall cee yt gl Si ede Jo i Sp Lay Ja YS aS Ball + Uanb Oss Soll eat i pall ya dees ay caged « Al le this es etl el cuppa) pgsey 5h Jo ig 3 I oe Ladys iwi ol ae vole op ad jee YS ee hj je ragnn Glade yay cally J aS Gt le Shoe Ei UW ay -u (GLEYL pe owe J OS le Gor eae < Orem. Ley wil os eu sll ee ilgili lee pals cel awn Lise Wyaerl nals val pan pd SI sill (oom Hanke Aggaarl es dll Lots tcyaarl 5 cauall af = eel - Wea of pts - Nga pe] at pally wll gle ca prerh cela! Gales i ‘oe pl le Guaill Ue gp Te tonal ” .f aol}. ip vigil deal} Spall of tm sided gn oe pas ral 4 fly dae ly oy ll Slth) ashe Silt Lette) Jutan allt petit Tle oda Jy lel Shad SU tn ips caslel 5 6 aly - "v i pte goto] oF my she ati Joep ll ea beta) ‘eA op sill eh Jas : uth dels Ne : AM dbhoy: Ue ule shi dy ps stall gb Malye Cam sy c1ayian Je da pm Be Shows bh Ubi ype mel Healy) OG Sap Eb sot Jp Ss sp jal toi turd r' sgdety) cade glu w wi ‘psy lon pol al dil Shine Ji AWS oySe Vy Gldeed Gino gl i css santas aly (3 all 3 phe gdm] Si Alt ya jc tggmly atts Qalgay ogi ai; > b>: ys stds cgi oll aa of Be ob ‘teil pl D5 pyall ga re My Wig al esipltey Bye ky) Ub ag La) le choy teh pe rand ebeliy alll GAL op diye pyle ad sa ileal) AU saat Gly (pilot aad ad J pts al Me pate Ole) ie td SoM ily pe SS nb Gp sidan Pigs ee ey Agel alas ana cigs (Opal aL sh geile Jo sede Yhyy =F pte gon) oral tl aT abs ee Boal ect le pw Sy ane Lp peal de Lye inp Y } aye Y cop deey Alara tap ame tiled GLb ate ste] CS tly Jeb ads fw oll) ped gle Jo Se ae bye Sela) EV GT Bled ay ge (4) VAT EY dae (1) YA lanl reps gom|y) ordinal Lalas inte gael claloey (othstla bail sybabesy date add 4 Spal cua foe poate coh ke Ge pl alll dol, pai jer eat a del . Sm ls Sy cali ct ppd YL ban op Wp US Sp beet sens it Se split le Gpdows clad (alles Spats — 1 vil Sis Ale cp 6 Sow Y call se Ge patted im tel sey by cyt Daal paeaally Go taped iphone Jai) Gllae pad : oe pices s ghinlpy segs Tale 5 tel, np etal Lpaate bly Gb. wd yb calimy lel cy» Abowd Pea Ble ree plete! Gp 8 ajpagl ep Oapell pasaally pli yo Gipdowe, Glace dali deci pais Ulej (Pp late aby Joe Baty eel oh wl. “Hdksl doy ytd gal ce BL Ha) HL alae ye ius rb Kiall oh, pb ay lee ¥ dod OS al - AN eels AG ply IS SY yal el GAS pel tl OE ots « «kw of oe Mot Shs}. iehen Leet ws gusty just tush a Lop hyd ae el ey! ws setpee dyna: sly jd! NK rate peed Sy hate gy Ea cael no HY aya Lethey Leh J 45,5 eS redlehy BLAM Jj j= Zi wall we we we et pate pet SIL all shew'l o ay YL “ae el BBY bo JoeB cal = dbs. Sheen spd sets Nae gel yale Cuad «Sh : gaey ft tigges IS al alll beth pete gf ay Syate 2205 wally ipa BG aly pall Dai Gps ot yada radgre adel y 4s Jie esi 4) Saas Yate ye galt yf idlcoty ook = pel ceipndall chet os% of nay eel BH yi teed! JG! os Spots sys cela gety Lpeeely Of Leis Ley dy Laty Lae Ctl, ol wOiblae igus Stile - Spe Cha arent Na Opal he Cpe tle ad cacsjathy) 4 pais: alley ~el ay ep peal de ie chalks peas relly oly Lael oe Jeu ail te ile toh, 5 alalt inci, pain S3l aia toh pi ratte aS 1 gl aw a Lau SSM! vais be Spal Me Got uate aad telglls wiles yay tall] Sail Se oy Sphall sasaally .ayallah adh 5 ie dle ot tuples LEY CMM SUS neatly Syne Le dla ala sty Lge - Byles. ie pm AU 6 patel dtsve oie cnalSa caget ele tail oye bal ryRay Jha we Ope pale ad Lge Tad ther ene OS of bot ail 4 et ail gale fob ce glplthyy idainy OF Gaal Byler ps crates radh ial all Epic Sgltle gael septa alla deal | de cel pb ye foe V aySealh he Spot Shitaly ei Godan b> Type a Foot eb sei ill wail Gpaie gobds Jab een ett fee gb Laka Lay cil oe Lied plneally ye et Ct phot stylidlyy rope ig wylal pi lel tps 83 lee J bey Gall doall ter apsleta Jeb ote tev Gea Waly uel Tae peel el la tes fartnn’ 7 dL eas emai all aia llall Saal ae ak -4Sijal. set yaly tle py ley Stal bee lath vteelels spams gb ja: xillyala Uae ay (fone Gh OS gle (pw ppltel ac: salen) fot be net willy cal WY ge iyi iil ge goo ole pe: ragddl (ily ah ewe prone ably vy Syne ets Jone i pall gle (tle Vash po hy Jone Gp Jeldlly Jail ow gpl dleey «3. & adit any de gb wast oe pS see Sl! AMES OKs D1 le 3 ae} 4 oe oihea pe oad] Lae Late deadly +43 hl ue meth ee od het we er ugeheell ol Gb 4319) ct peel dia) —___ Fh be pt ratll Coley DLait dally alae yay salen Jail ad gate Lee A ge HALE Soe SY Ly SS) fla ed ps cay Spade OSs - Pg taal LN S553 os eo Ad as pene Sma Joe GF YS le Soe Oly GB sn) a Spy Sal Lieuoe. : shy ngs gs tal og ca geet oe Slat owe Goce oY Lee SL vty igo «Oleg Flew pt pel weabvail 13) sad Ulva O63 of Myce) Labi ch cs ea BEN gos cate abc Sig tm Og palagl AS Cachan Jal 4b ype ll gle copa G45 Eb tay stay) CAF eT cgilly LET fe owe pee lj ib ln Be pet > cao) Gtle ya 3 Gale St Ces type hy theca gf clin i pall bey sit te LS (ole oa i= Y os! galls 130 HL Raa! og yp CS bate tyes oe wh ne cal li tgfeball pY Une eBoy :Helas al PSMA tl gb fa pa Sap ia dg stl bbs oo ct tet Sy! Le Web OS GIL cd pSS Lith phate fib Lajlse 1 ha any. ill Gene tam ope cbobaall pY plas ost Lgils - Ms |. HLS cpg caldy ‘Ley pol cs «A lal Ob oy wh 85 —— UAT A aye cry WaT hea (17 THAT ei Bae gy VAD tie (7 rt la] cgert Maj A Soy eS 3p SUA co pagild pal g USr pla oe Bop Sell be pee BLS] peal ral aed fone FOS de Me Gt AY i GIy. apy: iselly wipe duly le 8, ALY yt 6 Je cal - li}. led YB ge pe le gb ayy AD BI]. 393 Sy oboe uo nadia fetewall Ole) Gb ily bt f peat on Le civtlan Cond apall wee Bb: type be pall ail! teed Ad pam UA gh gor iy clail g eal fi eke el Sed tay es il Lely ily Jad Heb tM Lda OS pre deal gallb eat le cleo lily - IBn spent a pplaeld frall OS) OF bepte cake 2 SA jaa tps hyde am epee On} wh cada) a fend Gg] Gydlnaadd dave ht Cipwall ‘atiawally teas pail dah pale sea Jone of OS le fer ob tl ccicall SGT USL s pudlly eon yyScoall fail apne Gigdows fail lel (al Pe fel aU clan da pean gh pas TUG AU pgeneld fall O15 13] Ul Ape oll dang gas od UK pl lll La tlle gy OR vapid iphone ad) el WG “tplealin) » (Eallalt Lda IS lade al I perl ae vail ail le cbt Ny - ae pt that ots DESI Sfp syed «pail! pei ad el Gala all CPt COTY peel neueSdla) ty rr Gre tf Sy Alyy Joe di pad thet eo LEM oe oe Y sill le ie eds Ge atgl a tbl) Va ySndl gle Spe Ola iB safe AUB GSI yy ons po! se fla le oe dja feel O95 OF caw asa, Ganlly cilia OsSiy sMfieat! YoY Vb eee Mpa tye ttle A lily ey of tdadl dal! oY tall pal Dill ws (AEM od Jos O sSanll ge cpt hela Se tlafyy US Jane Y tay ala StS vb AN alip Se le lye ol lew Y LOY pe ous i AN life dy Ula Le lel yy 4 Ish ysad slpms acy ich ot 15a gh tiifp be erin ET 3) alaey cle alt gt Ulpe lle WY lye Gi uly psu Lp oe oo cpLadlt nal wpe i gee ADSI opt Upon Ba Oo ie Ay ea) 3 lag lbs Type pyle fab Lt is) | eS : glad adi pe te olias fad Ot ply MSI ye eet Ag pale AEM cad Joe VO le Gee lye > iby Jee lgllne| putty Uplas| yr piliae lab Yas pS Lpalit 13], Oph ryt Mga stall yt aldll pete dette ye pty calaadl ot Cont ool ith cast gl Cast bf eal LSI gl Ube ps cel gle eles IS] fant Yay TRE geen By pe (4) MES AD aye (1) ¥t be ff AGW ee 2b Joold gp jleall fall cas lee pail sl cameay le dal gill Js Sat. ably. dala LD yo 6 ell ayaa deal ana WHE s 103jr a pa pyle be saddahyy (al teat Ligng 4b ae ead ely ab i3l. pw «ib All alahn le eos sashjit alan 5 Sb pal Oi cp oily SF vadeat iol fv ody be V3] Be pe del gine yet OLE ot ertee Led ab eld) oe lg Sly Spe ila idpeabad 3 Uyaie cea Jer 3 OS pele! yt al foe Vy we gil ipSy aly nti Rhedally abcd LO tape ae seme gues od] » = ph ala cae for + bee! os jl) bp a2 ag Life ced depASl lyr gly bl Jad JI wl eM cy a JY GySadl le (ae ple bp | aLedln) Lypey Ab joe pad ally ryt ja sl le yj pol J be. a heen aheliy dec) Gly at wt tem fale bea feat vcd tay Qed ag dal gry Ad Ane ee . £ - bye) wld Sows eet gt gid elle Suda! gar seme gem be wel Yo f =u! - 25 al pe oe Joi fl ijagl fas db thats Jt Bi aes Aaa Is ante ll sas Oy ot Cay abe Lips sete lye tpl coulis Gl ghey ols A paty le cltly fil uel . » 24 f daw CO preity lal Y ySaoll she oft tle fab cata) Sr sored sales Jolly lowe fell gle oe uate jean ally weteatne OL yl gaa oa Sle Oat yale a lo ll do ae EAN BY Spain EIU ay Uys cole tall! dacill tty Late Lage a cel pe ale ctalall aust op Weylas Sad = Y tlie foull costo ip toll toad cat i st a J gaia ageulay «Gla decd, pare OU 4 yee eblaaas sala yw elioly ay Fpabe Lay oe pal isha cp ela «ALi folly ain ty yma 25) nL dla, EShal aot «dhl! . Se PN peal oe ie es eile pee Gh OSS Meta ta spa ot gall ausha cell atl ca IK] pli Se A iS ay 6 clei LHS aolen paw of clanly g Syaue = f. - eg EF wall pe yl DLS) GSH pend sella LEM el Jue Y alll le et plgdtal i> Spall : etsy ally Sa (8a penny Jha oS os pe tle fed nile ye cpt lle ie wl. we hy home pelle eet aaa peed rm Viyallal Goel pate y dyaie ieDlad Le ge doe ¥ call ge arlly UV 4 genial po plete Oy neler 5 pee aglyn Sal 13 & Yai code! a wala wae tyghya Cals Nab. gl) ay Clpatell a cpa (abel aby alenlly vdballa ga tay taka batho} - HL] US) fa jal de Cote pale St ial! oud & pa Je: LA bln Galle ly Span JV ay J asy AU clio + Bal andy GL arly ale ny piel al abr one ure ak - du! - Agalels ae psa ol opis ae gates GW Darl of - sha 5! - aj gle de co] okey Gb Sm eget AT gw alll ead pe! .agalail la! flab ips eaalal aj pet ely ee plesdy falls plata aa Uball dosdll: pate key GBs otle Vay prtlasN) pay ips dal! 9 wip cor Sole SoM all pes yall Call pb pec pdeen Jeb ratbe Stay oad eceal ~ dn le a canals earl stash le] ye 6 Sole na pdins cayds oe Ad ys je ay. Soe et nat of ods Joep colin ech de Gp tap ade aap ‘gee Leen yay el Seiad OS Vcaguinny cdlarll p aadye vl pte dnt Spee fos pees ale Dp Sell de ger uel ba ttdan) po! phe day gh «EB Gy ee A pall le Go eae reclly rae jel cialis ve de cea oe call ech le Gu Sy et Sy pel cape das shah else Po An pain Lge pallid dol ata pas jer rillen, space loli od fs od cul jel ce ke alla! 8 lief 7 Og peg Any! shod 3 ty see JIN aye yay Side sogdlne oS ye ls Lewes tu Ty es npae an Jew Spx de gill 357 sian tales oy pty dal wins baal deal ple pam fold ada tn) ed! od be wal He pe tae > sll SAO ype gy om doe wy sigh fen waa gis pst Waylre ee pol ay peo wh cehalin types (alll Geil yale jal: ‘leben vp Buia theylys cepts degh Sh yo s vlan iy hey oft - ol Bd tle db sabes eee Cre cap dal BUT os gode el TA 4 gS okay eapdary « plledl Saket oom ual ay lJ ™s wenazy agi el srdguslyy ele ae, Ute Oped dl yes ceil de bya wipes pent tally pllall Sal! aera Gole oY yhdl pd oiler oval ty ee rg ub cm cht tp «(pall joa lle - 4). “omtera ile gt Wp fds pod clon syne CoH) Lal Leb Sa OG peste Siti ager y idle oll jt abe of » ellall ol we ee HOS be ee opal ele be adda) aot pei nash pe ‘al prey ht Lael Liga 4p phew pend ai gin pools thse 8. babel ctl pay Gall awh ge ye ill Jay pe lis ae a pala denna he ot ple bad :d3jh) Gaal Lal psi p ecbzl Jet ‘agli eA 02!» ag lately ca ela aa ple a SLI piel! pare Gols en AST eo et ghS ype Lig (pl Saal gor gre eldl 2a peak: Wye SH) ga YW JL tin [ater Oped Tl) Oe laalagy Wpllaw Oyen blll all poe po aor, splledt Salall pare AV AT tee ere 8) Mee og - “alt - they 3! - 2 ag ft sical Lei ely Bl iTh Sal UY) spa cide iy ollsty Ga « #3 - £agl AQ iL Sith gen otis gf atbLanalls ane ge! tetas slp stellt Jal glace i alll incl patie US pb - nally) aft - Egrel = Mase eel a atly Yh GE MN scl UH LMT duel 2 nes rel OFd tae) gsi mm aay tally 2g caalal gn yA Sal Sab Beogae pad 1B) 6 Ole Gb Aipoasl opt (pila é geal okey cnalen fail slate alla incl pate ley Ge ‘Ee llay Gaal oct, Spat 18 youl Cd a pelatlo Eom pier syn ileal Gp andy Cone SL ge Bye hy nets oly i ey AU Gall pi ean Jel Hg pelle) de te tol «Galle 8 SIL 5 pat pel epee) ~ Gln! tage GIS colle g eylglla lt o> i = tle Lie talaarelly «pA sbtl oP ait gll Alea ge Tike deal fe A ip Js ay S et cinch cyt lade eae ibe lly bhi ity dhaey role! cp Uy poe Y stad a ee ced pith Shem. ttlee sole cp ll dow Y iat hare op OS o obitsos bic calsaly Uli ls Se yp she ital ae le cla] pa prolly Le As lth nb ihe bop Se Mt apts ale -! ae gttemell poe yt gtteall aad OLS La yay tba Laie 1 Oley PL ede gta ger gk oe pel ap US Le ghy : plan teed ys - Jaca 2 gi SLM ILeatela Syed de 5! a Raals thedine YI ii = Spee! BOSD Haas aati Pail ig OS le Ceadall ya Ji eI emlela JS bie Llbad Ley vtghiw ES Soe es types tS JYdgel SP sapie at lielys ene gal le LUI gf otal dali] ye Jan YI wa LagelS ilasalyy of ppill ope poe] Handy = al paced PU GDS ate ol ory gle ASI auld pa al deel Laue. ~~ BBLS oT A opt ag Se pal adage oly ope ala wt Ble VY Bap lsd aot ya anton Vy ceelei lh oo pl SAT yp clad ca) laced] 5 tibiemell i bagitenell bgt Blea GIS hy sal othe » rhb. sted BIS call Me sche > tS og a = pga YI wat aT A Rigi 6 pogo, Ua hy Cle ya pli “etd ol elie Yl al yaF paandy . plpitn Yl clyat oye lal Usd 6 spon AS coal eT OL ge olde GL ls “phy themed 21 ip isl «be sijagll tls Olt i BIS el, iY Tole » lakienl Takel assal sgl fond! LT Sb eg lates os ow Bgl densi putin ee te ws eM eld lel le Ys Lge jena be YH tepals pedal aewnlly SPI Kile LSE LEK «Lion ne case gf Ls LgMT abn plat gill Jad fae lane ail oe we py yes pal tagt Oikty pda, Age ye tl bb pel - 1 wy J pe cre ty oly slaty peg: i peal Git ps: Clee a e- Y daly olin cpendtly yd Jor fant call. seul uli rv! Wiel to dau ‘ge hell vd stlise watt bie toi ‘ptt ab pel May china cpanitly glad Lae hal al bane tate Ble IS Ul ans! af = tll. Pe aS ge Lage tad Jaw pall oy Legis Lal gt OU gp tll le jaw dibs ttl oe Sissy oda op Ege YES ye Lage acy 35 ae pel salthy aoal - al. 2g agg NL af arte cals poll (IMGT erald] 1] Lad Sa lati Us peels Typed cabot | pan DA cal Le Cpe ali tls bad ‘tameh) Eyal Saall 6 gb ocelot GpUll day pate evel got alesis ‘Chall os be 3 tps yl tabby bger Seay lal UG any sath gla poldl mol : pai balla docill gle Cece pile ab cagemely Gall aly tae teeel jeu se fbtls » bla! _ gh By DUIS des deel delle syed dell, dpa Se 2 wtggully Rapala ll Mace gpa ps Mem a Mlanoly ay. T aN «ef = hel wey bg 6 gl eb gh Shel a cil oh ae (ipily Jodi, Glass Gi ala! doa Spaie Ole} 5 “Whol # £ = ew!» spally yeaa ot Gill cpl ym Jove hel tine G00 Le (a)jn Jail, Glace ci,alill Snail pate Uj GB heel) - ley. Dac gh andy Cee UN Carly ol ol ol Lal pda ¢ gal lS) ty TR Leet ao} ae pl oss ilaas ay EU CY g gp Late 25s) GA SOU yy pee ol] Slee oe plats =D pall Bley - iyi jew cal oo ial oF cory Ups HLEY GIS | BLE cals BL UF ccdhde bel all Sissy dye ob tags ie al hel gers we Us of yt gti eae wi acta ytd jp “i ibd La} ty Al ale gprcleedli ‘pu ladle Sus OP gl cng 1 gh e gomall cay pl Lgl Sha coal 15] La abt al 8 Call pl a calor | pre IY gle altel Ronaldo Gfor ail pole joi rigeoh) el iv tpetly po sal iy toll Galk fhe 0 emslh gl a gpals dl! (2 rlla dor, rps Cina Cp ct peal Belle: ney ayy [3] GE Sid vtaygale fy De dy pods dla Kall HO ge lt bal ‘aecuaty) (LED hs tee gD peal de pe fected ally ~ yl. Cpr Cady cp lSall ead saline cd tgprabls gb jo SAAD 6 SU OT alg Tt ed lony lgghe U3 5 pull lig Melee gly hal Ot day cee pal fad ad yeblyy MOM so glly fold ab eae PITA le Cpe eae prods ylplly got hayley el ae gs depth Soe Y 8 le pt i (pale cts Jou i Get tp lSiale = al pol 4 pe valeliy ball: los teal pel eat el ai pe Sheol! Bt celgeny weedll op yf sydalls Leal Tee Jt pSbely. ples Alpers bt ee aF = hel. Lae lghel oo odode ol gt JM oven 5 gaa ticle | pus 2th “god alysty te dyad sidclany Salil tel pais S3f a dyads ra, Poly ipl! eT, Gpaate lt tgll BL Mahe Sql pte om orlle BE] gad all Ula! oy COW palpated Jest OS at mes ccleae gl sled SS Teel! vow Laat Lge wale Lande aad aly al poty Va SLall asigh Ctl, tie Liew! Leds cael pate aby ped TLR aS gle ire tle witbein) Soli a oe Gall de pt hea eed Li pliall docile peace UZt a dyads caleglen blll docill wipais OM as yale : cheailly Galil dncilly ype LIU a Jpn Seieemnen Sal & Uyaie tba hale al x last! cabelas itl ip prtali dna Wa ee ol at or dapall penal epdel J wd, ei SYie Co agg ly Ary pW bined gl eye Sle ya ol 2 sly ty dy lll ah gh a pdll Sele cally apeate of taped pcos bail oe yada realy Dd et pect «gil indy J aS¢ Areca Headly ial) Gall Billy pa ae Se ccpeaily we fae te! cil il i yp ie adip Obed wen PY wis ay os als soem wi on gin EI UG EG SIG TEL al ie (0 pls} gg . - 1 «! Uaprg th i rad abel «SI gle Cee glee bab eae! ela caf Ta pl = geet dla. 53 ajale ee 0) he thyealy worn 1 ga cyt lal a ladle Oy SIGE Syed ty Mie laghal obyabe cna LG Ballad deci Sepia Isl ay pads ely ay (GAN daily pais SU a Ugete Seddon «knell JUS! tla gt adele! shy at tall Callie, cea tube bi Js op CE All Open OP nest Oberst yet seidelivell Melt A ae leleld dl ed ar teagl hee pis Sats cpl iy pd pl ple Malls enh eed lead shy teal al yay telly gladly Uailicy ole bay Lplalty Land SWI oy OY gl Spt pb pleas ba ad glear) SEB phy fone GB aySenll ge Spe uae aad styl chad LY oe bY gl Gin pape pyle Jab ralelSen Sei Ady doa Goel he for feata peed slsSly hema! Shai oy iY Og Glew pats taba Jab colylan (Set hy pee gh Olt gle pes te aed sigly ~ full Juul Sd ols Ly AEE HS SB gay BU LY datele bal sfrobe Sal ety tg 6 pllle pe paiee «AAD ton gle et op LOY ale Jab se pate) Oe ate tl con Shad Mealy ial Coal pba aut fe sotkalla we pat aby pow od soll! Galil all pb» Pie lie cole ~ le DI dust. dae pe 105i fae saaly pill Eis oly coe dad Slail Ga pot ied adh a bp 0 al Sposa gpha tes BIE se eee ta a dl densi ge en WOISY Jae Jani ele dt Jbal oy ble Jabs 1 pnt) gle AY le apd A allleale pd ter el sagedly ge Bae agSeal ge iee Dla mealy grea em seal well alelby dalla) incall anal Godley oly pees ghee bad Spleen cee op ttle Ohh gy Iagell gtmlly pa tel Shy gh me prt lt et me . wat ~ 9p) dual. al ee as ‘Ere: rat ‘ J Ze tall he Ja Jul a Waly fae Sad ede font og pil we ab vais gle ARS al cclhg Opae b goliae ab Upland Had tem 28 of ane pba GAN Cope DI Ith cs donc gle pe HIS y ba foamy 69 tll SL oy ele fai sedetyy ~B yallalt al! all gph wel el ag shilh coll dual ey Ob Ft pak dally ill Lay pi Ellin ob edie gh Tey | ile ctayout ladll tnelly tall incl pais ay Ugaie o¢ ay Mlp w(04tly oi Joe 3 ~ SA ust. Ae pte sill LE Salt te JAE WENT lat la a ER A fee he a ye lai Sal ae ao Le ge tl wet tdi ee by ew bred Sah gine Jane Le Uguay ALU Lae Cb youd «poty Ls gla! plyaie lad M aia Cho rent Sat al OG pe Gale ab cb) «De Gy done peal he et ae pd Sally «Nace Aglaia Gpaale Ui a Syake salbey (Eau deadly yaaa OU gy Laie Salts = ell Jbl. chk gb Stl SY Ws sosy «eat laity Sh ual ae A foe ce dag ob fool: Hoty cedll OV) Aili ys ce they SA I cert ill ae oye edly Sat Slaf cals WU , Lag! .. ot - ca dhadl . on duit hed ey ot cde say opal ALE tule bul ‘lal pad eee) US yf dine Oy af es tcoedl, pcs pall dual eh ately viblony ben pe + joa obs coals Ayal dca gle Sen eta ALY dale ole Jab tepniy oT % jal Jal wun thal tally opal! teal tes tet Le so, padta pilin po iy Jom op a Sa alll Hall, by pip los caller ot Mall Juul. iatpall pd pd 6001S Jae Saat bal esis ed Me Jas dla a volt: olde Jo bd Sad far 8, Shem nr cell up tle at pe stars tle ly 4 shied re ont Gal : Jai alg ow ‘ gaball dane J bo of OM onli as! as Og gh ball Calg inal eae 105s Jar Jaw ty shed Sad pyle fad gata) a alll ball inaly Ep asl oo a fed jet emt belay i allel nall, tee pale Jab ci wth ph tegale\lye ‘apes vedas pty aA decilly Spain a dye “ped jhe ccilainys Tail Sadly GLAYE jo doe J USN ge Ger jet pad (02150 pe emt we J of = ool had . Coat orl Stil eo nd aed MUD Coal tll abe le J ec wba al cde rast ty Vice Leghaol cpglgake ctl sy slall sh a Tea) saad bay (4) of wtlanly Jos chen eed Dye Qh prety Wa OySoll de Spee dle ad rateyy) “SO Cha oe ph ll le pe Jute pet lly Bpallall tl Spare dif a Unie saenlla «(alla dol pas OU ay pada sebetyn ~ hail) JUIY Aapteny fdivell Cos gt pect I deel we fe Jbal a ‘flail BOK ay Bell cate LU La est ally pda ly Lp cathe ical cols (|b Sash Was wb pai Sail . | onl iupwsl git Tyme 9] | net Ys Epdalls pal a'S) ia Y Jal. + eT Is leg: at tal bord Vy cpt le pd ‘aga das arate yy eas Y Jbal + OLN fe UI Staal clad Bye 9 eploe «Ctrl ele Sy Ulead Slail LGM oly joulty - wi SHE BE LI J Ssh Sly ss ww BG ‘M3 sla | donadll fe Jie Gta gly SII! lpia im Rpegll : sil, cad joe Y pall le BE at Sled ie: aelally eleYl cpl Joe Y (LEM ed DV OS le gt i ye: oY le ¥l AMAT SAAN a yee C4) of ni gl 5 F ‘| v t web Beng! tail) cy pag Lee She a i lig gi Me ge ee ag Ae coe fey ll se eo ae Bee yy pe pel rip eer) sgalllnt eM ye al fone Y OpSelt Dprpe Haydll Giydons ple pb Clabes 34 predly sladly 5 youll he at il Gaal Kall & yi Pie (at sechty - f dl. pons ply Ep 5 6s ely Si gif Hill aia cass 60S cyt pall gle bod gay igSlaoth pf bed! gay i ws; i tee tal Dynes TY pyjem SLI TUIYN ED Sly yt ghyll calm iy es Up Ge spepell Dp SIL pry ails geeks fd sadly -(igdere ~ esl. wi ws fel) ale pent olpeltnl Lgly carla Ulead Jeri ai ~ opel. Oper! es peal pain ean chp Sel lly pauls fe jb esi TOE te wie (1) Ji oo Seb ll gli OWS pty sill alle f te wl ye pois I ads Sf iy al! VL cecal cnad SLED pak OLEH fade te clear JI wee jell aly > git uw aylly splly aly Shai oda ek uf pl Ad Sle ail eel ll galST HA Op soe genes GU alge tlas Yell oles diya - decal! Jost. telat Jost all Leodl :Jai cheoull Alls alll tacitly pace « jllee Iya Ct se jasty fdaodl Jost fae all Bae ST by tec cpeSlell lid) Ce Unghascicln aly 10 ySTe Up! Wonk oy Pian gyal teres, AUS ORL fae pail fas A) rail) cut egal Lyey ad £ -dl. rglgh a le ab Pb Sei Dm yp tah 5S yay peel gle Jes sb a Go) LUI eS sgl son lly lac he Spade! maly dill peel le ott tt papell Ut. sAovrly pally Ophadly Sipells pill daly daily gill ue ‘oss tll 6 NU ces sy gel Types pagel cL oft SS AY Ul tga) GySSy seulg Ufo a4 dl cy po clgllaeel di Lys My peat he Gi fal egih ted) palais god Wall clan! GUS EGY pe Uy ensjall -l- ‘pe ina las Ugly So he fb wl thrall byeail od: ge ag pe case Cabell olga dona Jl pipul 2 sonal Sap sey es yew RA TOE a Og gai ceil Fh tl lyst \penat Yo ~ ATA ght w y Le ne sol A 5 dup : Bs yd pi ace pe dad gigehs Bh pe JAN SA getiad (YL ps pL gat Og sia - Y. cp eV Sell le Ge tet Oe ge I Vda teal poo le sage bade GG Le OS 13] nail. | we he SY pies ol Ope al jell ale west ge Nl cpt a Jos pS he ig ebted = oy (ial doy pace pat sale yl yen LTT sce type (T) VAY ah ri pddt tye (4) 1047 tie dm (8) VAT cat eh tage (1) Yo Aheloy coed «Ge GALE IS Ha] aad de eb ah pail ele sh ike Y Sula alll bt, Gryaaie phe 2 lalla) ial! Cash Ete tala yo Jal reddley ested od YO Soll de ga sie | E pao Yow a Ne ee a Lake ets ft aby agiall she pi OSs necltle oe dyjee | OSI Le rps Alas Up pam layet OY Upale flay 2 jlnan! salen) Ell all pda fae Mi eM ce Ul da PSI gle Ca pax alat sally LAL 6 siya et ey pees agen gam ee JN el Vay lll pe “Tby Mee mtd Cabo Dane pddvon O ySdy Og liddd UH YY AIT Naged SY > Jl dd yoni AA Cs ay fone Beall ge pe abe gay gael a) miles pay Aas oo Ce ili! ih ay a tl] SLs «Ul al: seals oS Uy pe Tagan gl Sd ce Up eal eo iS pw just dlacat (0igdin J dine gall Yiu phedl 5 zl SAG Yn y he 2S) ale op AS al Wee ta ra Wp: JE I po gy plas Jad Une oy Lae ly LO GaN pa aah ETAT LS tye (4) (bral ap ie (ty oA qv or je Yoapcl le os pike pt ea ely) viel YN cd Je Vay fe gee te Ley acl Sad oe SMG Ul aid agree Esbiee Jab ey a sadly eld chy Joep OS le Gor hate od ald sale Joe pall de jet cp fey cell le Gee bal pd daly Gym std ais eee cya done Y a ySeall gle Geet Salen Dm add cl eI Spt pes gam ely y Spall tall le ge ale fad te pain vy Sgade at Jone Fen le Adis thay alld) Call gi train fold adie dai rable Oe epe de guile ie Male gb Tale 1 tears ye gh SgStg spam GUL eg ppc Spee oye Eo alta ST I 1a pegll : pL URL aie | tpt dpe Spt Yale OL Sh jt Sp Be pet he eld Ys SLs fyi > tel! hy) et eM oa al dw Yas ape Na ety net heb eill Jo gee Mt pel babe deo Wa pe EN Jarl le el jarbiy spall b> - Mesa’ J / ‘pall Ai es! ofl oe piped > = 1 JB LY gi lig bed i A Sh a4 «Halll Loney atl EH geet peel ‘bles eM td de Y aS de Ft Se MT gels dopey Madly pda GM le 2 deal EL yy pe pot ieee pep apdlly Gayle y be Olilace OgSty Thal gb Ww soley wp oo Ys Ld dae Y coli lly qual Ge. by pat rl al BBE Ds fle yi os hal Sa Jo Jot ye ae OBL SID Mar ye Le all de oa Ls Gg nga Sh gto Np: Sh ya ccplee tll Gl aay: oe et Mg Sb DN ais te yell, yates phew att blieey 2 pando Ge Tt ot « Od etleal Leila ght IRE Its algh yout Zladlh ale af - VI. rgb wlyal JS a oll Dlaall el de ea ‘pda > | Sy LS tiles foyen| vi Lp cipal jal ose ois s ‘dedi cde Lal Va ip wh jaa EM ya foe VO yKalt he pet pwtond 5, Sth) 4 ‘phic y alas dnc oy yare vtebplons fad a Spade riley Galle Sotel OTYAT ysl age (TD AAT Toph aye (1) APT all aye Ct) WaT Allie (ty aly 1 SEM Vag teetll eile op WS pT cots Tye ta cyes op ola Lgl Sls bila se I} Jew Ys wah dams co ee DySull be pe Slates ently Slate bm raohy Mb) led od ele gad pe Va le Ge eh sleliy halla! dnl peat Uadhey chy epee plea fab ta else o(aeail Tey Lager 4b et eae - byl LU atv gle ele Lally (cael lef oy ot gl Lyell RELL £3 Gly pH RD Sty TY ab oy Geol _ all Sau BY BWG toy Hage soslp ey tel] Glee 4 Ually wile pay. i ella dowd, tp oe “06 993 (LATE a a = sige YI sige Vi. wel ne LAM iy pe de ele O55 Epa Ge, pee byline ad Spates tyolgee Via) alee oa spills (ala! dolly Spare 6g aSg aul raSlge Vo e fF = be Yee del gan pled type de tle 53 yo dhol split Satay Spain cobpdow Jail a dyads tedeillay val Galea teil yea DV ee JS -o¥!. heya HOV call doder Le cpdlell 2igll de J eal ace ccd Lyne nah fone ell le Jp le GB 1h) aceden Jail el hae be gp cell eid nll ie ale Je aly teRell Sil Kaela SY pte yoni 4 - (al c SiLe pe ol Site elie of ols Sie slates aad peg pel He get Ailey the ya DAS y oS Miall SHI) aaa Vel ast oS, ht ipa dla 8 tle mm ae st Qa ot aly door oSedl ep clad gil Ips JM [cea po aby eB Op SN le poe Spgs pel sa gly (tee 4 --7YY- ANS Bs gal oly Ups ot oll gf oS -¢y]- pall cable iy Halgdiee Yl plas cays dlp all Gm oe le OSS ACO slgsll a Vy cps alge ll b> J pls po Gylonny Slate Sah le Joa Se eI cee) Pe lol Ww ————____—_—. 4! oP Hip IY de phat OS) phe Cpe plpiteel peel tag «ple Gigdins inp Silat yy rally slavly dl = pe Jews LPM eS da Vall de Gee ed im alll cas Pe Me ahs JoeB Sell he Gee DL el ath (aU) Lalls 6 gis cl daa os lay seosysla a kt. id oy IY! ale cts alee 4g pers ee pi phase Has yada: way Gat a HM rdedl poy agel oh : Jat vp yall ti eat : syd tyallall daca pa caidas fail Lt site ln ge Lets Lae baghiat at Gade Gh shee Gale Jd abel mej Ayill b pallall jana ope ji a J pale “teen 30) (Ga toil, pate OD a pada cinlees “yl. rb carly Lila ily Sila Cipall azdald Joaton See el oo gl Sylow tee vill Ob de ee es Lal titel thouedl atl fel ety foe og US le et Spee el 4h) Ug y J hel! clei rpg (tbls (sty cad Gel lone eB Ogre gle Cpt Le ye eel sacailay oe) ne = pill teal. tyill aber spat lle al Joe G cal el acd Cle Soe OS tial! Lal ct lhe ti fone Bb plat ped he pee SF acedall IID) Cggilly Bat & Bul. Spd J ole iy il Pe olin Ad ou See abil tye gee GBA G BIST ay Batt Bp: hs iplall nally Epi lane :diledlpy ‘edilonlby 8 Vainn QS) fous Bad Saad le pn ply eel alan Pl Ladle Cae Yl Mabally Falla! Call tie gol fared AAP Tal po oy Jo id oes ~ gall. calesall oe wie he ly Opell le CZ et pepe pel oh pul Salil wl Si + dial Babel Syd) frances OOS gill RAH AD fle bei yaw ilall pa fence Las il GS sha 9 pathy ats nat fone Zi eget Jpeg po al a5 wi wills ORD Soni aby fone gd Sie SS BM p8 bee cause » pill. alge mm 6 Cea gle get Gill) Shall warn! pee pel AB sball J Nel epill pen gow witley tLe ff plinss vile! J VP RT elo yg (FY AAT ayebliigge (rp Te TAL Bll ie (1) “i wil Gpaord Jeb dy Joep cl Be Spt dpe eel segadllyy lt pf) ape rl ‘aged ctl glad | yoda cp iolall 5 pant ley _(vistally Gun gis dow 3 cali wall - ee its ¢ os (ou aglaw te tals al uw cpt ake Silly lb Sal LE at cy cal] BLAYL jy eaptey calor! pad 1 yy a af = Wall. wy lad ab ss bay halide gay lil eon: Og eat ul vl je vg Ly is weit gle pad gle & wlll “mci pais cakes ob salaltsy (ils i. gk po cyoty loeter lagheel ply eet scoielt Jhaal cp a -pilewse Giana! Cetably pce phy parity La Oot ye Gee dle J Lab ceillay heh phy ae pall he Se a ee relaly pl Sy pas dil gy dyna sadealle “pill deal, pate Ut a Jade sila ‘dls yb yaw vl as gedaan ve gol wal ; aw Mal = ¥ ilaory th gl gal Walle billy YO RT hee ae (4) i te sells ives yy 6 allel ncall, telpas yl yada stadt) (LEG pe Joe J OSS de ow bate pes é ~All. pl gad - pal. oP a rs yell le Cae Sibel cared pee el J po ae gl Tag Wlny LL gd Syke oul Span tes dll a} oul clas Typy (pay eld th — Pr DpFendl gle ae eal) «(4 gabe sea Jone pS Le yaw pega gel ra tbl) “he DSH ey ATT A gue he Stan pret eid SMT ca Melly (ga gue ly) ASU - Wl. OEM slat cally ob aad - gull. Pell ghey aii gh De GM he os pegs peel call Se greats gh A ella ale] lly Cees alle Pl ela bled ls dle aad veld a cea A ay TON) VW wlgllt - otal. gh wl ne] oN tad at oa a st dpe call aa grad ya La al = pl pally nal ge grtllh - «Up yep Ma - glut. ed hes iN Ue MNT de ey pee el egy te CDM Legh pe sland ca lt pts glia Le ms pally mel le «tbl Later Tag eres = Gaur Agel sel ads tg jaa ase go gill sal » OUAuI “yobcily let ys alillls pte Agandiye 9 QUAL sail » pil mld pay Cee ral ally Gwe! ple po ngllln gill: ait iat ~ Oy All. hee gd at ll gle pe dnegt pel egistale pbb gar Absa gaat ee ana eet ot wv 278 ~ lt Sag be Gadget Selly alle J vali oe vagl 1 al Maal baal pe a ee as ctldls yy pe gl er pecin gil eet -wi. als [eel as a cals pany © lial bail oye cal i ay aU Lag ¢ tea 1 Yyiy ‘CHEBY oe SI ded Ii ya all teas Wb jt pd ely alll cil ew ya Ble bad veg i so ged (ily Cella po nl fons 19 yas ed le ge Dae poncedily «= til » ee ous qeelly wall ue: ee sll Pe Uslanna| gle dais alan 3$ ails de agli Sp : JW AS pe lal Gm oe Loe OEE Fe LU EF9 ts fy 4 Spats Gana ne Beall ut cs gale Del bd ‘¢eilia) HE get aclonall nu AIS) Gm pe ylige cally Wagon la fa Reilly opie Ue ah cad edly eM ope ab Jone Vel RAMA bpSOU yy pre ad] lee etl ile gay . eal ~ gigi. shpat be il Up e| SAL PA ses ol yee ys ol TTI ota Sipe (1) 4A gi. 5 st pthy olScall calgh jean gay tubal a dle ot Bp a lye ge tb ee VO Sall le Spe je el Gln Col Spee Je pail de get pee ee oll - Ls. * —— gh veblinall opal aad cI y iyledl c gly Go ele eS = 3 “adds Scab pe val pel ope Uae YOK gle Gp Je be lt itl Cat pee Joe cal de er ee ee iio gt secu! cast age Sal rye tl | pe stl fab pet 7 Ad et pet lelby - pall eal a Geer Sa eo! sathd|oy CSUN Uy gest cae Spade Gl gaat alate: gaan aT (GT te pa byes wads + ot -¢le cash BG le Bacall gi oo lense gate OF Say Y cape, Lae, be Wh hel ts Loa gay el Le Sebeadt USy cpu Dye ther gle Hist Lpcll sper - 1 pad ga gle Hep Sl ALS os lad bs ad 1 lal Si ps pte oF EO gh LUA) Adley OY) Wo fl Rebel gi kha: yoni «coal telh aay Uy cule alpinel dae od ja Y oy Su Me oo vile i> awaited agli way tlle led! ‘aabatiell of. ed soa Le Ugh bes pity tee Late) tel wi we ody pT BE ay lel Ug le Yau fe SAY Sd slay ps yan all Get ot OG Sd bl Spit 5 oy on eer . . a. tral tll: Sle pis cus AGI pad tnt gi ol. OGM Otc 2 gl pl Gy Spates . fe rae @. - e = . ' . --f Hl gs JA: dla JR viel sot ppd Sl ver taleiial! cals J sleet Bas yO Fpl! LL gS fa gl aly aye wv Y ube comd ba pie! ot ey ona Una Uible la nel el read sia ele BY endl 5 ye toh 25 VS has ln ly ow J hs OE a Shot saath ba aply G -Ul. 1g ul Ethel ads opi Ly ei tage ‘tenis clit we.) male CUS Ble} Ul) Ula yes poisth nee WaT ede oT Td rato tye (4) STAT tideedl iy pe (L) N40 AE Le ee (1) te i YE ph (ne Gals Ula ted cgay Sip alll gh ose G>T «bed SY ey ade Wye Jol sal pee lly 5 I at i Guat ln ps Es gee ag (AAEM a foe VS he ae aets 4S b> saan) a fconee ile sod ABU Lon gc plge dl ajar AS pe wl. wb phIh US AA! J] yal ced GIy beth bd i> Zi cli Mab iy Jie ead eed ope lege: cel Cina De Uhh es wilye ge UL) cn gS pase bch fay cleges byt alal Ol slalp pS piy be AN gle of dys bi ced eV Op Send phe er RS ae LAL et Ge colada) ley ipalall Cally gyi Mee reben red ceil le pee byt lye ag ally oe ced sa filewadt lel oa 8 Nace) cy deal dbnally .Salall denally pipe ltelt eile bt ler pe dee dolly - da Ul. dw ul, wall chem cs Lily ‘ytd ween daa) olaly wh igs oe Quail te ob. decal pee 6 ALN to Oke Ub they ca gibi vena eB pall de geal ili GUL: poe cee VU BLZYI ogi cpg day Gi pdb vi oli. Ke Y Clonal. \ 2 gaps ge clay gt rAly So fants ly a ald hm ln i Ky pS Ld aig Bp flat Spe yoni fei! I 61, i ely od eat, > peed, “shh VSR BSD: 1 glad ai go «pl Mi a oe geal Sagi Age Uy BL Lalla Lp hte salolt] Uy LU Uy Cable = yaw sel Yle ge Al es ot Lily Rell lad Of Lt ew petal oo feral Lala gout cBULplh elon y Ho ntl! ecly oy dalge why tb ta]. tale AA HII Gepile dae 3 sel) Eph Jw i hdasy AM cd J YOSSI le pe ath > vol: rabid Ups ab pte pot ales veel fai bal de pam Sb Ft pod aleliy bt tol ye ote aye Che Ja: tasty (cal: eptt Lgey # 4 a yf pel tal gall - cule gh le) “eit oui. ais Of iy aSly ugh t woe of aad Ls ola Oty GUT SS Va) hl ae (1) Pah OL aye (1) — YT oul re tipi gon pont scaly y bila ipl eon! jp wolgaly Spd god pA 1K Legis oly JS Tleaeell og ayy ot Sls «pial » ell Wie oN HL ee .& - ¢ll - Laghy escematn le] pd cig cll ot eel LOL ced 1 hil Upltel 8 £ - Lbs. tla Conksey cya calla Sail peas UK ob - hha gb vathalal La jdalln yoo etal Vpuate Ol SS 1 wigles pow Ghee villa) cl pare ole ib dla hoe ge RN le eet eat ak IS tle ay chagrye Seed LY Ah et peter Lely vepiin : pnas cadll Be gat yal Jab geal = ¥ hauls Sp Bd ey ipa ISI OY Cbtell Gere elt bers all pL spe ALIS pees Sale LEAL Salad Lal 40 stale tb pee pea ely ySonll le gee Al fad pel sapSalelyy (pat Lepdii Layers £ ~ cal Mgt Gd gle OT gh UT cist ¢alscall ashy (J Glial gota 2 ol ve Regide gh ayy Se old oll AG je LS Vaal AST ddolly Ul] jley AS ll « if = teks] tial eM Btn god ca be gf eidlaly ¢ pany sell gad Jal a Dyas ah gle toatl ynete Oly} hyde salah) = jp}. AS at lad eI Sey dln bed ee Oe ts poly vie gia i ipagll als 1B city tdapeaian Tall CALS 13] ged «yea es pe 5 Boal Gly ype Wan Type yp Re Tpagll CIWS 13 af = el 2 gt sage EAS all Ja Ot feos Ob gle oda | col ib 1 Age op etl ley i ral Ak pale aa fone od pS He pt hej SB ce peal (oder Bs Mn ged SB U bp ellen GB yap ee aly eps oyu CE plall Lally fyb Laswell) plage gyemtel de cpoy roel adil: yoaty ill Kall, Epi Wil Jol zee) el «CE ook «wile gt dis weal tps tig alla pee Says | ails els Sai) sald paella He iphial inc sill ge Spee (alld be ab Sel) wipes Copel po rilas ar opal Call iy igen peel sacle Galli cdl tl pe pe cael a Joos wm ayy 1} CG Sat 00S gall ey Od ger lh Sandy viata LY co SY Opt cats fab gales Jad :epuaio) (eld gay as GOS oo pe festa ped Iss £ cecpalc o bpand ya fi bail ttl gd -ol- tamgl daysl de gb Rajle Ob) byl aly Gly bah) bs STE ome sa sha opal ap G4) Ak Lobe Op: gla dys gow wth gM cy Wl fone Y gS ke Spe ple byt i> seb) wide ae Okey ob pal au al we te tone ja tol egw LWA ppt aye CO) LTA al JW iy (1) Ve 4 de gp aS! ye Cet pee roe ally cial SLIM oe wh ll dO Opal dy (bh ely al He tS ypnell te dy: pat 1 peak Sb oy as Vp gi dg pw NY OY Ge oli Si as ALN Va y dojlal 2b 2h Pe gp odlale ay Gal Pell ctiiy Patel US tpl eae fost olin cgaey, Sai PLT Ug es ce! fool gle bratty he oliaall be £20) opp A Se eS ge oe taht oe bead gl Ge cad epee ly et eer alll Gall Eph tle eel cod ella le dl cD fee SO le Cpt pee oll ceclatily ial dail asthe ie gy i pl FIL yy ee prot oslaails Sol ey BPSD he pet feat nd salads Ball 3 SIL yy pee a] late LAY jo fons role cyt Ae. SO) capi) Ja obs is UE fags See fam le fear opt th doe Yall le pee cate fail te cin Sn gy didi Lal all pie flee aaa el Aa dln rn it Midna wale oe Gel Gp ‘pH ‘tgetlily GAMA aI go ye teal pot saptlin baainy Jal gi Yes Ulan) | qed Glad Joon! ve fe aly OG sik Syd Je WES Cas on5p iw dg ps Ge Lou be aE adi dee cy) SET AT eat bee (1) v4 4 rbatlp aU ba Shy aL eMl ye fone VOgSell de Cpe Gm Salli neh ye ppt athe GIS Os ell 6 ABS te at all itl ele =| ges Ute Sy ba Lp AY alall ae ee cciln slg Uglee fas a tole elyel oe AU salen) Ye aySad gle pee WU) heey ye a we eM ga ld ae Y oS ae NS all Gall fie lee sydlley le yd je Gla al pb cee Of Le Soul coleben sya ilagt Zaaall alan Agr Ol caisthy ~~ Pape Il pe pell thane Ap hash go pane Of Un gen lad Teall bd ahis= @ ce -o}- vg acne Nasal ash ae lam le fo «ale Ute vide ey Olp cya va oes ol on oa ele oy 8 de cll ye (pot fall ee AS ae: ol) ial bin wale yo adgday . bpalall decal, pare vole pre! pawl allt ae Las tyes fas ype Lyle tlt uber Ugg cantly tcl BANS clan dye alee fla cl de pe pe Of sheila) go Joe VK de te feall ge hy iS HU i salen ole Je el rete zal! Healy pd fair sacllae tn wal et af vy BSI yyy peal cecabccle eM oe aS Jae YS wt om + (apr edit ipdons py Oliles yy pealiy slonlly i alll Jan pd Sl apy att ling cape stele det AA Jee Y gl le oo le Gy Of sebfyy od. $45 cond MA LM ed doe VM he et Coal lly lel af «ol. tert dat de gt sadatey Lada gill a e aay Al Ay Hanae! coh ot tpl dhttaly aly Geta bm Oyhiy . dard pales n> He 1p Fe pep oh op Se Ya uw pe Jee aly Gnas be “1h easy! or ay opi wh ater yond Cee AL pet yeh sl pe Vi saaally JMB Ady foe pS de Cian atin oat i glplly dened pe ete ee ay fom ins gills lpeyl fa opt Si pel ctl Joe Y gall de pe ede: pul: tps Salil dal pb RS igen Fe fone BOK gle pet uate pd ape el des ill! Wall pb gobs WS sesh) ten Ot Austh tyeaty gt Medians any 8 plate Aim raat tt apd Lgeey 4B fet jean ALY gad do YO Soall ge Dalle) decal! es des oho pa ble a ‘agent of cell Lopdiiy Dy hell plvardly bf Lagat gong dad jet gyneat abeldy isasty baal) 4s Lyne Laval lone Ps mtn Ssh tem agi ip blell aill gle cles fa] Uf Oplly Aaa) dowill le pas ale ab ce ghey ode Tn _ st VA cpt pee pee ally lel nd ow YS ge pe dm itigl vty Syne en owe 9 O.gSell we sect pM gt SD foe Y Op Kell de Cae goes Se | saaly pu oll Dae Cy sem eat OS ge get Ale J | ‘etalon gp tect Oh yt aol play eli gis dep cll ee (et Jel abs fm tell ob bbe oot ee ol Lagables 14 pondadl waht \yele fea Sy way Ty hal aye Uh ga cps Ol tes wo 4s ehh Sap pli dd pw wee ad Lae SL, Bens Uphedlgle pe el oe sah} Sony Opal de Goee pel Jails K cel Leal ye 8 bw 6 cppSbel vcil cepa Ligey ad pier pee Mey SL clad’ Lae pally CR AIVEDL Spar 4 J yrds sadllalls op ae pel le pt at p> A aI oh a peiy ooo sigh gai Gy al os Of Ls ed Al ly hell Jyh gow Halk § qeondtadl Spa = T jG ed wu se S55 1 doy Uh pe VOghol fe ae i SUL Shy ye Mideeall coh = t LUT cs pila paeey cada sb bali DUDE ope Jad obey at ie! ye CAS kd LS lbp gle pi pov Lila op teres Lew OG gSolé td ae eat ably oallall Gacall le cet pele job super) Te bl be) v4 al DAs wissen gamely tlh ly oye adline Cie redly ge cepa ile ity vile dally te abd Syl jes cal: ply LAN eee vel ey ep td ee Vo Sl He Set ely aly ol sip Sally tail SLi ope aa Qu bdo pais fsbae Jab: tepearrta cpt Hla) dheswly , SEE iy Joe pUnK de Gt pai poet gle RN cal feats (nd To po abs done pd copa ON NN adi Sa: Pla ab god salad Jal PLS Ih youd Blas UySiy beara! Jail RO Se eh La Uo sh Boo OY alle Be : h abs p Babe Shy eel gay es A ale Fe UL ta Ga oe pty ly Ss Gye Ge ‘gre cath Atos gl fists Mee teteee SV entigd ally Licnell a AR pall Gy po CUS0I ot | pace siply Alen aly Shay 3 yi wile Ne Cpt sl bab: tlpalelyy eS yal i pm rol 8 chy dee OPK le ew Jae ped HOM ge Jou Y call de Ses aly 4g ply all call win le iaqstly tR powiy ila gee ala aL tae why ps sa 5s lee pyle Be da Late Ley tly opt Spall actally Le yy pee al] Giles otlyebely TERE call ie (1) OMT aD salad ayy (1) AS cpeatas apts gael ar Lad ET Go Ugly Ble oe ashy ayy 1 Laon) gb Ange em aa gulls ahi Sead : gs Syd god laetl wey oo) athity iydows plas pow dplthee yy peg gle Hall ya) Orginate peed AIS i alll Seca we ew potnaay —natly LSS > vaoh ahs tein Gai 05 it ASI pl na Joep ll de Gt i nel sapll La b Fa ed ei cd AV ei 5 yldall denally ots Yawly ahh cp dapat pally vache * ade 9 wa* ‘ars vepallall Lacdll Gypame 4 dyaie: ages pp le gs «0 a dowdy pects he and tapas lie [BS Sie dhe oul Ye opps feu aay Wy st be (gota: oi seal app deo egg e iakan) ip age leet ond be YO ge ets Gol Ge ats na | sebly Aled gt Wl dae Voll fe pe ee wbgedoel! Jatt tly poe likens yy pestly shally i wipe je fue Z pel) sesaally a allel dnc, paca cals pel: raion .agepe teplily sac apy gins fail eh pai ep at tees wwln cy al a all le aed oan Cigdenll Sadlly alan cyt Lyell aehatally (Sept Be spells Gig gh astitasl ft Bian types sale dyade clase, by cole Abe Syn el Jone La aty gaeely tlt ope Spell phetalld th) USE feta pass baal ce Yess cil ge ial Jt nln Jos iy ti clade wall dad pet pred aleliy alll Oli de cee ott js st gphel ny PART eka ye (1) Jl AA wp owe Y Zeal gle pet Sy i> DOP salah cut ss yaa Uyey led AEM td Joe VS le Spun IIS) ath Gm sale -Uf. ‘eB any obifelly Salt oil piSeall pai gi and OUTS] fle le sod Jeb iy 1 tLe Jel aby fons BU Kal gle Je ain pant alia) WAS Ul cyent luiee aie 7 AUT bees pb tae SAS git sal BS 5 Qs foe J OS he eet Suan peed ably veediy 1A de os Sa ape Sig eet AUT tte tye heat nat prenty I Syl eal = “ =ygl- gl Ja os CP alent os tm steal fe Lejle bt ele fel 55 hy Tes bl lye gly bt fad toh pads asi fone J OSI le pen pile bat mal: teat) Lp Lait pall Ha O18 oo oy hes rane’ lef et tibr bs ol git) vito st lt tte js wh (byt ab poe glen wid aba at JoeB 2g caySiy ch ya nal Jone gO ySoll gle is spligicel gel oY he AY wu Gila a fA 1 Pls Ai yas egal a=! eo wl AE op S585 gl Ship ‘glad aigd pri HdS -e Gh de a Lye tga wee lie Ay GT el pla SOU hes gil dust ox ils el zal Jhb eae Sows pee Jay DS de Gee ele pd: petal) 4a J pale ‘ypdadl Se ei dee pipet oe ee ae =elly eal daly pate OU a J peer tal ayaa)! dail, pars J G plldiecaicsapais 10 4 Inte: tee ew wily fl gape el dus res Lyne! y ch de sy Jas Ma pty bgonel wy op Sgpall patel. ae ps ii pte th wedelly reid alyh opps Bane -g7- gt Ol dept of bat cg tn gee Say lait Lasle he 1 cb! wasle tye aahe oO ple bg slate Lab Upland Dad Dee Oy vue dua pare SI Je inhi docile (pa pail ole Jad tas elt) gible Jab casagy ooT pe Lal deal G87 508 eal taal SilaeYly gh tag hil lye ab Fat pred shelly. iallal inal pip alee Oe (1) ty al robes JT ROY ial ay — of veltelt Laas Ebadi theally s,allall nell Spats 4 pnie (6S a ovat PU Spl es ye coh Lupa ways IB] LG Sug wa IVI a iyi ne) de ie dle ad ‘eas pold) « tepiliral wp: eu : 14 peilatelly vial! Lali Eoin aszila Jobb: 1 busty : wl: tladlay ca Gece Alpglt Leila Lyw nale ij ie taley Led oy foe Y ceil le poe eae SS) pln all ¢ gb Lage catlyglly ele opt dose Y OpSell le Gee SIS, ol all tpt pe ue. i alla)! Lay pation py ipl. Ae Lal Lew pax ala! claily ge ay Lats {oekes a oll. ee pista we) ish ill tlen'y, 445 gl wha ut Sy dad tthe Cains apes Ah Fe peed Alay OSI ME Coe pl Jad capdohy ct foe Yaad le Gor Sa Kale vgluelly cal ‘aye ge Ge Hy Ube: play, doko Ball it clay Sy) shat a vel el pala ian, tar foes sages wl el or a) = Y os Gall alk pie pA: Laisa 1 ates t rao BE he gt cps cgiadt Sal I prods Leth SaySell cls ye ye) Age be ees dat ea jes y ol ul rt nly Ae gt abe: sea}: 45) onal vl et ju w ral ua Spe hae ee: welll y ley Rally Eph then unl a aede ipl all poy role a a pain (ball dl AY Cl alan cay ec qealy ESS Gi nla pe See prs Kell clan y cipal ga Gly > ste oe AS ye 1] CD aes an -4f - pl- sell 4 pada cle bly wl ab gos ole eted gp onl yal Ls taal whim iy .3 abel! incl Lynas OO FH Lalli yee (ule cds Soon Bgl - Hews Mal. Satpal pe ety, Sab cathy fy wae dl ae Ula be GL, ya cacail epee gd bad) oo gai shah eM cd Joe Y pail icp cies G> zaigl aShgeeg a alli hal Seed, pve recta gy wag b Bylaws Ladd a yada saShgeet - og. SA pind spe clledl pSiall pare Gene mal ca bals or w tpngelf tle ule AW (pH Sal pare joule CY sll gyi epee fold :43La4yy -gie eH anal de it sda ge Hes sh age peal le Uayia Le Gila alee rhgee las aly ga Sa Ty ap sa VR Osa ine (1) AA | doy ip plemiiol dually Soptet oe ll OySey el — “pdhowaall gl nal! Jeb 3 i gan gs S43 Ul) : hs ai pw cele! =e ee ah jy Nay coche SO gf got gl G pall plate cad steko lee ga teal tyes ppenltll ep oo . ; D hageth Lybyed NgdLagd slat syed poi 6 fenatslly veal. Mg “Mal » 8s Pl yh pw Gell alge uta} yi ve ot its AS ig Li LAE I Liat ee nad dT Set al sh oe DA wy ‘ently = -' coheel wiles’ 4 agh Pe ors diya i cael whys fabtel ail op il Ley i Lhe gee Yl oy HL if dale pel le “ual sh oe i od je Yas ue pe wal ult pee alae Gh > sais) dents Ley yey Edel (Ul pow gskae Jab “hepa - eal ey tele! Spb yews ye: epi lie h fnt za el a alla dowll teens 3 Leys ws tr wi sid 13] ELS yp pots Of dsl od be pall Ye Gres ehpled bo enemy gl it Sp) rvndiy Mead gS gle pce 41S cyt pals pele bad we wil e Yl «HDS pel C87 eB pel de ee he ed naling Swe Wo Gl cit nye (1) te al he ye) oy LPM pean OYSradl gle Jou OLB ye dts Lal ib sald (aly, Gla ab pS yall ol Spee (Sy pened MLA O Soll le pew ele ah cacao ty pads caldy jeu tis dae J pal Be Spt feats pee sella y Spe rpms dll ilies ce pg ile ay zal Sell pans Mipase hy pty has Sal Ge pee yale Jad Sy a alll Ae yale alge gaSy Jeli aby lee op all le pis uae ted lly pS de Joie faaa pn calgihy cildte gay alll Sell pate COS) pot cai (Joe Chal eS ilery A ila Se je 3 eM ge See YOK de Gob Sh utes wie Ae Gh GALA WV; Leyes penalty pais olde Jab sale OP dit Vile gh pee ed els ‘apd te Uy ohecpnen Ol pet ee tpl ale be gf Le lL Lap “es oh sl edie, ott Mgt eae iy gale 5 Sad TLL Cy yas fala Sale| tildes 1 pad) ob = Obs. gh TSM gay Sag |] ile Gb le Lyte OL Gb | eel agi pela cys label a gn ya Sly tran Jad ab Syne af gle inci, Spats Sle Gb salty) EAU SVG yee tl] ile Shpall ile pay SU an spat ala of ey me Oy oT tabeaodl ajl 4s NAN op oe VBS do po tp elgll suldaay tee! aolgta any tha re gh Sel ge pe ULE pel valdy Ul FKL gy ewe al] Glas trolanll ile pry ¢ alll Gall it w sigh ws codlais vs te Uh tee gl caged tS: panes gh wh eked peal ah ON: sei AG tle LS steel op iy some ga Gi yallall foils ter 1S s4digin) oa gt - Chal sgt cbt Cees fatal aby ote sUatlo SST os Waals Lele had = 1 yes cncth os Ugil al cel EE as aa bee OS Ul ope 9b b pty aby Ob Gavel bghs series Laseell aig cde balln Sbail oye Quail Gols ad rata yhyy bpd bytes) pall ess doe! Eyal Dall Ep ath el eels ced je Oech he “pr Shdcaly cma gaeae > aah gb poeme sean abeliy dyallall dcill pea flies Jad | ye el el pot pep ey ceilly nate ct U5 pebl poeeely igh el hye _(4cdeagl ponstall J] Sead cam cfadlly wate Lgdy 13) atlas Lc Swi. - af. “ . 4 cupihed HY btsly syed eth ait le alll nahi a Usjall Byala dal de Soom gale dad rrthtshhy Wa al toe ye (1) OE a AY eV OK de Sow Shdialy coals gots we cad Sely ap sl de ila tcl, pais Fylde fad caplet Sep ls Ole oy Uapelt ally cul raya Lyng a ee ped (ebsgly Jeli aby 3F -Jale gt hypaie GySuy cn bin signee Lay HB vt MUI SS bder spp (lal 131. cdkey peal Glee owall pate Oly Gb clghy PM pitsy oe gan Gly la al] GLa Ge all Ut gl rdf We they alse! ANGE jglaill Iya yon paella Gt aa de bile cg gae V Ube) a] GLa! Ge 1] call de Le oye dai gin pe gad Odell ones ayy 13] a pall oye deyes die 1 031 fle ciakien spn Cllaaall Gd Gadye am Caly «fais bail tabalon adil 4h Jyaie al le deci, pate Gly ib cnglen) ped ye Lose doa iy (3 allall ed, pare ples ow radste 60 ye Caio ty ke Gm Igde fot 1) ay 6S! 4 Lege foci! ae MAG se Wop oy re! ed gin) (pel ajay Shag) SG pall ye f pine Vy Ugh ler yeni ileal 3 ands Gee Gye ey pene Lad el Galil Gall the | Aen sadaiey a Jad Jy —_— «CY - dU U4! - wdSYG D9 Call i lyin ced GP gh ipl inal, U pata Sle 1S y3lay EM gpd dae Yall he eee wala Gm ola cd by af lpi holy Galil edly Grpaaia clyde Dylans ceed salsa eye agi ag Saty wieall ai dg - 4Gn U3 ULE US: Je dS mw Go! wilde cei ay iledae yay 5 alll aatill, wpe le} 38 sadglay (BLEYL aa “| - opt wtely Adele | ye ae tet sil “1 . all pon puaiell y tepals aly! sul Tee es dpe zl Js go Ud pete yah tel] Glad ale Joy Leal Glad cee T tes lit ae cael ar dal Gi gl ai) pm eet Ol yrs Alt fe # gt - Yyl- Gl Uae Us os i gb (aes Ja i J yada al le ion weyraia Dl) bn) »# - da! Mganiye pS! : jl alsin ape 4a UT cee be OD wy ae 1 ns ¥y!o PAS de et Sila iS pats ill Saalh por) ijhtf ul Salt BYyl par ope cabenll oe a Pee hee Ons del ais om ge Sl wes et LA + caNyh) yl cil ie Gh palat Gall, tin Yh a dau: ASL «At 5 pects: Lipsy stl Qed Shel VALS fb Gall Ge es Sage Lan gy bet sy Yah Cet lla SS) edt oY pions aly ce Van e 1 nm stltd gl a He got 6 Silall Laipally Se pes) ad beans BLL] pel Higly cpt ileal J adr Ti of aw UI Cas be go pS : thaw Opal SSD Me aby fone i pl le pee yb peel sth el et yal fo geall se ope lt G 1 a O¥sl ay Taal ipl Coe le el nl len tae gb ab LNG! Spee Arey] tAlnenll gb tale cee ray ae vt di a wth gy, ial Lona Eh tcp | les; Secyhoy we cathon y K pmol ail callye g (eal 3 SIL ad pm 4] hae +t tla wyyl ~ LUYI ob jae Y eo sth yay hed Oy cu ale cps Calpe baal dy per ds ee fee Ea le Get am pty ol iy Le wl Mt ody pty Jil pate By hey nel 5 ath ny ey Mele ole] ot Ig aagt - Sey es! - ee ee ~ fe eels Say Bs! last ald PSE bps) AIL gsi Ulpagin Gell or dw cdjln reppin) Lie ply LAY Je done fell de pe eae pad IB! (gener og oF = gle goat ph GG LG jp SHR Sh Sui peg alps Jes Je at NG et NOM eb Jowell de ee plied > ‘a pag ‘agi 3h) pi aim stds LEM ye foe Y cell le pe cathe im calply goles feab an tpl ga doe Yuga le dos lly pres EET foes GY Dall b> Gale eae Ue aga py pee 4 - y)- 5 grees &gbn yang aban oy odzde belly vale) oye ab ety Y canal uatl vtherll Baye come ett a elle! Badli per Gal yar ole A yeolt sgl ela ~ gas lll Baal! ae els ay sill gabe clan Jed teglyfyy WRF le ye (4) 3 4o BD Ble i puis LANL ype alt Gl ‘golly ihe GATT Jol Wie ola cy wh) dat Lathes Ciydowell ahs ads paar gales ra gsly bla gay, olletl Saal! om al Up : Abs i py (ew Lbl bE agp 4)] sole Ady Og atl ps trol el peYh cw 7 YS le | wr > eu agony «ele Saal pow gale Ald je teey eu JB pee vagal bles py aU a Sth yy pus al] Glas ‘ebay af =(09 peg Uy! - ped yd La pail toh yes aati ol ye] Oa! eed - ps) bya Pee gat nate dal et = shyly! « bg ys v ‘Ut 2 jh tN gly ae gel agk a igh dele. alla oS a oo scars 1 pean Gylaia fab peel AUT adit Lyees Gi peat pond Wa At iat be oy AT AL rob ae ST ayy (1) ay asl -)- reall ml ji well Gena perimeter giteit Sotl em ye BiB A SH EE Gy ss isp Lala pail He gly OG 859 Laps Ab ae peak abely «alll OSI de Loe yl sing tae Va sSell he oer cent ses wipe Ge teag)p tt sap eel oe CLE ed RY Cell Be pe pes ee a co ge De fi Le he Slab aye abe ey Gell Ge ay eee peel send rally sila yay Lentil pl, ovall MHI agg G+ oe (BLBYU Se fae J Olt le pe uae =ghe geet Ge Teale Se Ns cage gle oe pail yaad Ol 5] wetelly dase soa ill ae sabes | tds wb = | aps Hs ly spousal all cd Uplate rubber ole! ct Joe Yall fe poe oa ui ashy ep swipe Hla fal ay J yni caa fous pal Se pt sie weil sapall Ln ab ome ome Melby «AUlill Scull gle gee gal Jad perl pncl enins LAS cilayell seal Joaiony pont hye - Y las Gilde Sh als sap) saychs A! Job ae Ces calai eM yt oe YOK le pow pe bm ra she) 1 gL Ugh gods Ea) SL Gopal, Cilae gf clone go doy BY Buy Ss ks GSTS hy ean at Al mie tape (1) vl ay af -gis Oley OLR 6 iL nals Sa ghaiy saxyl car ue wl haperal odes ody yaw O55 BLAM aU Sa IM po alah py ae doy pl ay Eb pill agin | CA I Mo a al bot gee gly de tI) . é Bo tot dee Sl ps Galt st GY bab Lay iy (3) fae =f td a SGN silat pay late at le LLL pie pile dept eel agian BAM § SIG oy pee al] Gla 4 rot td ae rat aleliy cbt ba dail she prime ola Jab: ae aleliy . BAN lye al de eps plas ad : An ap “apd lye a a de op tlyry bl Jar lilies oe sel (ae gh ine pd -Otealna ¢| pot CaaS pl ghee Sl gh rps «(Tate hae byl de chs ase ho tah Gy pile byt pel: (git) (4 id Hai AS Sh Lapw capa pital Jace bab lates aly 13) Sha “yes eSlynde Gites ol data lab lata ay | 4 pie - ~ Auld ta COLA Jail a Iya GT gle tid yeas eile dot ~l “1ny steel ad dele ole yeni db J caiessl 1] ib thee py Mle ad Dyna ail lb pate Lj Sb tb gsi) iA SDL 39 pres a] Slade sade. Slade Bhi cl Gh ate yd GLa a candy af Sal tap teint Cte] ila ih he ESI yy ae tie bt peel agi) 4A gl Fikes Bill Gh glen see pe em Up ell ae see pl Bp yl a re ln a 1G gh ry bt Jab dna) cade fh le Spe -2 Jb pte nl Yall decile cipain lle ye “eh (bd) eins Mas AS Ula tos «Sg Sat alee pl ay 5A) elt eo ly Baath yf bar LS 1S agin alaly of a9 ays 5 LAY i ay sVertnl ASULy cevabl ya aoe Ua S08 Be O* Zoe I Bg BIE ID: Jl ale gi Mele ke bdo ad] real patil CB pallall a pcan pen fad 4 J pate sain) cp cn ye epi carpet ppl peal Rigi glee 1 gt ol} Hat ly ee aly othe Ube ele sya Jpeel dace bad J! wtFN Jab tate el lets \3) thats» i eu pete deadly tay atl of gh Lyess 1S pe pee gh: 1 we ay geal gl i halt gle wl dar dee Vas Jl a] Last Lazy yy = tell i wit gh: wey calli gio gh earl vat ladae phy ial all pip lee -egh) SLANG yy pane de] Blas sa peje ele ce fo YDS le ee ee ag Me RT atl tae 0) 44 J apm bilan ds prelly giedly a alll 5 SSL Jp ral + Anal Cpt Leyes Ci plone JES Gla yeh dyes geo! yl] Gal pol tn ay i) ot teal pa Shh tye calyade Gye ob pb Ly G9 UL ote dpa ee Tada typ cakes yl pel Bal ye pan) caleea! 13) ples I pads 2 -¢c Crain ys re gin Rete ots grins Pee ey Se HL at eel - -t we whe Lele isle yes od | cial 13) ib UL 2 Eda dell bh ‘psy 8S i ge Lp ob Sal fis Basil sl SiLaiy feel oe wginy rails J ede Ut pe w tins See dh eb at glace lly Laie pil stil cals J bad wil ye] se pally coy Bley! uF wg enti 4s 81S OMI oe Che ~~ wmailiy ail Sd! ols pL pol: Dyed ghey Shans tery si eomlly wally 3 ill Ct aly daily oyuy vals “agln) tow ce Syn yet pu aS miley be Hyaly ye mel gt Ledls ™, dpria : cb sgens ga ul Sac ynty (Gall Kall taht yee Jel Ala) del pete pbs J FL yy pe pm! ragtn) wodgs gh a ue ctl iy «(i pallet scl 13] a Jone J all le preyed! este a ot jy» sts Syine tall pad iclblti st ag Shc igh pe wiley Yee ul Rsilhy peated Ui cep paly ss JST ya paily fase Balla! Li roll aL clad dey jennie «rite pm vabthogl sgl t ee ee lowed el we cay clots Cyst lene jars whe elas Vay gh lite OWS 13] toad Leatas ol rol fs cedgdenedl oad LSU Sgah 5S bal Ulla cyeni laske OS 13] oy LET ed Jae Vall le oe ela i caky) pil oe Syne a Jo oP pl le pt a et el | 3 “alga Ja VS ge get le talay gal platy Wiyeowell eluall al be: sgply Gall Gall pan gh ow itelaedie vied no sngst dS Lt drt ed! A Aa, gh de Sl age a be Dy on de sh 35 the elbaS| gander aay AS! agin id ae Shp ied ES S| DLS Ui allel Bas aw iS ape cde ce seighy yrs otbe yg be gl ube “py GAUL SI ay pee al] Slate igo -teae yas spl (opal) dnc, apes alta op Se | ey le Be hy en A -Ul. ole Gly eal tI) fotos Ue Hyolig cagadl ay gol vel Gm appt beh ss eM gel JV OS de et ia ‘galley veel eM oe Wl (foe Y GS ut pe tl ee valley s altlly gdonell Sai fad a Dyke cel fou peal le Cat ale geal Ui pete gud ebay all 266th do Spe At eg el (ol repays MY a «ft abl. Ue iN Ape pally talgdi hy Ake tl each gb oay « gui. eh] er i pall ct Beg AY pelt eed pt pelt get ya and ge hols Lal ls ~ be gab. ght gal Wain cy pgeteall Pelt Od b fli hw sul sf Lae gabt ptehe fel ym Senet op Le ay! op USllsl Uy cette gl thee soll At yly oo yall el ot Se ena one gd gall CPE tet eS pov the goblsy hw peal gly pall - Sy. welts ele) peli Shad) feats «Aad wen tee oy Saat Gas yp pli dg pd ca Je | ple Spade ad aed cell le Gar ute pad so UN) (tens Ja] sagigsty gl ease ladvw J Nal AMay «poral pst net fone get nas OT Sy ce Lily NGL ce Bal oe Sle gos crate of lain pp 89S le eu pd abla saehe JY gall he ge ile TAS etal leh wipe aa YOK gle pe Sods aly gpelae be cable ied ged Tam Vey roel agli alll dav, pate pled fab se tity cel eM oa owe PASE Ole ope Sahel eeaally cid tegeadt Lyeey gh pane pra abely (adel rapa Sydlnne all J yale cal Joee capbnedly Bla cpt lS dle ob Why AS y= 7 93M Dapp) ase Sat Uh ~ Stl. 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Mb lel eat cuslly Fall ere) plKtall faaiie al pean Melel om old auch fei Catt hat eS, a = ob! “h A yeh yal tll Bd sill uae ae pad a ~ lal. ty le] Ss HA Capel ada ada Ca jean ~ pal - Al ele] yt ta Fi fred feces pi MAY gE el tye (1) Vet at ~ all - Cd wl el pa pteielly pode! opel esha) jae nti pee adhe « All. 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