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Aid and Development

Issue 2  January 2011

Inside Country processes to reach

Upcoming Events 2011 2 across continents
Country Case Studies on 4
the PD Implementation The IBON/Reality of Aid (RoA) country outreach program increased
its efforts to facilitate country consultations of civil society
Toolkit on Aid and
5 organizations (CSOs), on the broad implementation of the Accra
Development Effectiveness Agenda for Action (AAA), to reach countries in Asia Pacific, Africa
ROA Shadow Report on the and Latin America. The common objective of each of these
6 consultations was to increase CSO involvement and engagement
with government agencies, donor organizations and other aid
Global and Current actors in ensuring the effective implementation of the AAA and
Processes Paris Declaration (PD).


International PLAN ON Aid Effectiveness
Yaounde – AIDNET Group in Cameroon is mobilizing resources to
facilitate the implementation of the CSO-led Plan, "Societe civile et
mise en ceuvre de la Declaration de Paris et du Plan d' Action d'
Accra-Plan d'action du Cameroun (Civil Society and
Country Outreach Newsletter Issue 2  January 2011

implementation of the Paris Declaration and Plan of Action in Accra

-Action Plan in Cameroon). AIDNET is holding a series of
Restitution Workshops to increase CSO awareness on PD and AAA
and to encourage them to engage with other stakeholders towards
aid and development effectiveness.

AIDNET has a core group of 10 CSO members/networks. It has

actively participated in global and regional processes working on
aid effectiveness such as the Open Forum on CSO Development
Effectiveness and the Yaounde Regional CSO Consultation
Workshop and Multi-Stakeholder Consultation in 2009. During this
Workshop, AIDNET drafted an indicative CSO-led Plan to catalyze
the broad implementation of PD and AAA in the country.
COSADER acts as the secretariat of the AIDNET Group.

On January 18-19, 2011, AIDNET, in collaboration with IBON/RoA,

will host a National Dialogue on the Results of PD Evaluation in Activities
Cameroon. This activity aims to critique the results of the PD
Evaluation in Cameroon and is expected to provide First Quarter
recommendations in catalyzing the broad implementation of aid
effectiveness in the country. AIDNET is also developing an 2011
inventory of dialogue mechanisms, which includes CSO
participation and is involved in the production of a report on PD
monitoring, principles, ownership and mutual accountability. These Cameroon
last two projects were made possible through the GTZ support. – AIDNET to host National
Dialogue on the Results of PD
Lesotho Evaluation
January 18-19, 2011

– ZIMCODD, Poverty
Reduction Forum Trust and
Women’s Action Group
jointly organize CSO
Consultative Workshop on
the PD and AAA
February 23, 2011


Maseru – Key aid actors and various other stakeholders converged
to finally push for the creation of an aid policy in Lesotho. The
Country Outreach Newsletter Issue 2  January 2011

Lesotho National Dialogue on Aid Effectiveness and AAA

Country Implementation involved representatives of civil society
organizations, the donor community, media, academe, government
Consultations and political parties. The dialogue was held last 29-30 November
2010 at Maseru Sun Cabanas emphasizing the importance of
2010 collaboration of all stakeholders to ensure the quantity and the
quality of aid received and utilized by the Government of Lesotho
Bangladesh Aug. 7-8 (GoL).
CSO and AE Aug. 21
consultation Aug. 25 The Lesotho National Dialogue, organized by the Economic Justice
Sept. 20
Network Lesotho (EJNL) in collaboration with IBON/RoA, was the
Cambodia Sept. 23 first CSO-led consultation on aid effectiveness in the country. The
CSO Workshop/ Nov. 30 discussions revolved around the lack of aid policy to guide the
Training donor and GoL on ODA process. Other issues discussed during the
China Nov. 20-21 workshop were tied aid, insufficient system on ODA and
CSO Workshop/ management and evaluation, corruption in the government and
Training inclusion of CSOs in aid effectiveness discussion.

Indonesia Dec. 8-10


Kyrgyzstan Sept. 13
CSO Training on Oct. 14-15
AE, PD and AAA Nov. 18
Dec. 15
Dec. 16

Lesotho Nov. 29-30

Dialogue on AE
and AAA

Mongolia Nov. 16-17

CSO Capacity

Philippines Oct. 22
PD Evaluation Nov.12
Phase II; CSO Dec. 1
According to Mr. Africa Makakane, President of EJNL, CSOs must
Consultations Dec. 14
emerge from being reactionary and accept greater roles and
Senegal Sept. 18- 25 responsibilities in engaging with the Basotho government and donor
community to ensure that the aid being provided is used to attain
development results. One of the key results of the National
Sri Lanka Sept. 5-6 Dialogue was a draft action plan which addresses issues on
Multi- capacity, transparency, access to information and clear roles of
stakeholders, CSOs in particular.

Vietnam Oct. 19- 20 Lesotho is a small landlocked country completely surrounded by the
CSO Workshop Republic of South Africa. It is heavily dependent on external aid

Country Outreach Newsletter Issue 2  January 2011

with 15% of the country’s GDP coming from ODA. The

Government of Lesotho is currently preparing for the process of
drafting a five year National Development Plan (NDP) for Lesotho,
Country Case
which will cover the period 2012/13 – 2016/17. Stories on PD
Available Online
Dakar – Around 20 civil society organizations participated in a
Providing context to policy
Consultation Workshop sponsored by Africaine De Recherche Et De makers and CSOs struggling
Cooperation Pour L’appui Au Developpement Endogene (ARCADE) with aid effectiveness issues
and IBON/Reality of Aid. The workshop was organized to define around the world, a series of
ways forward for a broader participation of CSOs in the aid country case stories is being
effectiveness issue. Present in the two-day activity were prepared by the IBON/RoA
representatives of trade unions, the education and agricultural Country Outreach Team, in
sector, women’s group, media as well as national and district CSOs. coordination with several country
CSOs. The stories offer snapshot
Recently there has been acknowledgement of the important role insights into individual countries’
that CSO’s play with respect to aid effectiveness. As a experiences, progress and
consequence, an increasing number of women organizations are challenges in implementing the
active in the regional and sub-regional discussions. However, CSO Paris Declaration (PD) and Accra
representatives asserted that aid is a burden in spite of CSO Agenda for Action (AAA).
participation in Senegal because it fails to include CSOs in major
decisions. A prime example was the development of the Poverty
An initial selection of case
studies is now available on ROA’s
Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) in Senegal, which was defined
web site. Follow the hyper-links
without proper CSO consultation. CSO representatives also admit
below or go to
that they need to strengthen their capacities, harmonize efforts and and read
identify a common stand to effectively engage with donors and
more on the experiences of CSOs
government on issues related to aid effectiveness. in:

Asia – Pacific Cambodia

The Philippines


Dhaka – A two daylong Capacity Building Workshop under the title
“Development Results: Engaging CSOs In Aid Effectiveness” was
Country Outreach Newsletter Issue 2  January 2011

held at the CBCB Auditorium in Dhaka on 7-8 August 2010. The

workshop was jointly organized by Aid Accountability Group (AAG)
Country and The Reality of Aid Network. Over fifty participants from
Outreach Team different civil society organizations and activists of different parts of
the country took part in the program.
Develops Toolkit
on Aid and The workshop covered different perspectives of the Paris

Development Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the AAA and analyzed issues
pertaining to aid architecture. The participants suggested that donor
Effectiveness countries and agencies increase engagement and honor the
commitments of the Paris Declaration while ensuring accountability
and transparency in accordance with the principles on ‘ownership’,
‘mutual accountability’, ‘harmonization’, ‘alignment’ and
A CSO Toolkit on Aid and
Development Effectiveness is ‘development results’. Moreover, analysis from the Accra Ministerial
being developed as part of a range Conference has shown the integral part played by civil societies in
of tools that aim to share with channeling aid and therefore their importance as development
CSOs the knowledge and skills to actors that need to be engaged in a participatory manner on both
effectively engage governments, national and international concerns. The workshop asked to reform
donors and other aid actors in the the delivery and management systems of aid towards increased
implementation of the Paris effectiveness and reduce poverty to achieve the Millenium
Declaration (PD) and the Accra Development Goals (MDGs).
Agenda for Action (AAA) at
intends to strengthen and Mymensingh – A one-day consultation on “Civil Society
broaden the ongoing civil society
initiatives in the aid and
development effectiveness

Designed to be a series to feature

the relevant knowledge, skills,
suggested tools and other useful
information relating to CSO
engagement, the toolkit is being
developed by the IBON/Reality of
Aid country outreach team as a
contribution to country level
processes of CSO capacity
building for aid and development Engagement on Aid Effectiveness” was held at the District Council
effectiveness. Auditorium in Mymensingh on 21st August 2010. Jointly organized
by Aid Accountability Group (AAG) and The Reality of Aid
Network, 70 participants along with the local government
representatives, political leaders, social workers, women
organizations, NGOs, human rights organizations, journalists and
activists of the greater Mymensingh region participated in the
program. Upazilla Chairman of Mymensingh Sadar Mr. Faijur
Raman Fakir was present as chief guest while Yazdani Quraeshi,

Country Outreach Newsletter Issue 2  January 2011

President of Supro (Campaign for Good Governance-CGG)

Mymensingh district presided over the meeting. The consultation
ended with a common agreement on the importance of establishing
an independent CSO watch group, ensuring aid effectiveness and
increasing capacity building for CSOs.


Dhaka, 25 August 2010 – A national consultation titled
“Engagement of Civil Society in Aid Effectiveness” has been held at
the national press club, Dhaka. The consultation was attended by a
wide range of civil society groups including NGOs, community
organizations, women rights groups, research and advocacy
organizations, trade union groups, academicians, human rights
organizations, media and activists.

The meeting suggested reforming the aid delivery management and

architecture to create an enabling environment for civil society RoA’s ‘Shadow
organizations to make aid more effective. Speakers also suggested
that a tri-party coordination among government, NGOs and Report 2011’ on
development agencies is indispensable in achieving the goals and
objectives of the PD and AAA. This should form an integral part of the Way
aid and development cooperation.
The 2nd High-Level Forum on Aid
DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS which aims to strengthen
Dhaka – The Aid Accountability Group, with assistance from the “partnerships” between donors and
Reality of Aid Network, organized a multistakeholder consultation recipient countries to make aid more
on the Joint Cooperation Strategy (JCS) in the context of aid and effective and ensure development
development effectiveness, 20 September 2010 in Dhaka, results. The Declaration consists of
Bangladesh. 56 “Partnership Commitments”
grouped under five overarching
The JCS, signed by the Government of Bangladesh and 18 “principles”, namely, ownership,
Development Partners (including ADB and WB) on June 2010, is a alignment, harmonization, managing
strategy for signatories to work together in the spirit of PD and AAA, for development results, and mutual
aiming to translate international commitments on aid into real accountability.
actions for improved aid delivery and poverty reduction in
While the aid effectiveness reforms
fall short of needed changes to truly
address the problems in the current
While donors and some government representatives claim that they
aid system, it is still important to
are on track in realizing aid effectiveness, JCS has been criticized by hold donors and recipient
other CSO participants as lacking transparency and inclusiveness as governments to account for the
CSOs were excluded the process. CSOs demanded that the aid

6 Continue to next page

Country Outreach Newsletter Issue 2  January 2011

pledges they made in Paris and Accra. negotiation process should always be made public. Overall the
Both the Paris Declaration and the important role of CSOs was also stressed, bringing with it a
Accra Agenda for Action (AAA) called
challenge to ensure accountability of donors and government and
for systematic monitoring and
develop a set of principles enabling more effective aid.
independent evaluation of the
implementation of aid effectiveness
One hundred fifty participants, including media, CSOs, government
representatives, parliamentarians, donors and the focal points for
While the OECD established the monitoring of the PD Evaluation 2 process attended the
‘Monitoring Surveys’ and consultation. The multi-stakeholder consultation was seen as a
‘Evaluation Reports’ that aim to positive step towards broader dialogue and effective engagement
track progress made against the 12 among the different stakeholders. AAG members will sustain the
quantitative indicators for the process by convening a few days after the event to line up follow
overall performance in through activities.
implementing the Paris Declaration
and AAA, these established aid Cambodia
effectiveness appraisal systems
have been designed under a reform
framework that remains narrowly
focused on improving the EFFECTIVENESS
management and delivery of aid. Phnom Penh – On 23rd September 2010 the Cooperation
The assessment indicators and Committee for Cambodia (CCC) with support from the Reality of
processes, determined primarily by Aid Network, 2015 Alliance and others, facilitated one out of a
donors and governments, measure series of two workshops under the banner of “Moving from Aid
aid effectiveness in terms of Effectiveness to Development Effectiveness”. As the name suggests,
efficient delivery of aid rather than the goal was to contribute towards successfully moving from aid -
development impacts on the poor towards development effectiveness in Cambodia.
and marginalized. There is also
limited participation from other Attended by 25
development actors such as representatives from
parliamentarians and civil society diverse NGOs including
organizations (CSOs). nation wide and
provincial networks, the
This underscores the need for an
training aimed at
alternative review of the
deepening the
implementation of PD commitments
understanding of aid
and push for the reframing of aid
effectiveness, while
effectiveness reforms in terms of
development effectiveness that is strengthening the
democratic and progressive. Thus, capacity of NGOs to
the Reality of Aid 2011 Report is a engage effectively in
special report dedicated to fulfilling monitoring progress and
the vital role of a shadow report to shortcomings of Paris
the official assessment of the Declaration and Accra
success or not of the PD. Agenda for Action
implementation. A
concrete result from the
meeting was the

Continue to next page !

Country Outreach Newsletter Issue 2  January 2011

formation of a working group to oversee the development of case As a shadow report, this RoA
studies to monitor implementation processes.
report aims to:

1) Provide a broad appraisal of aid

effectiveness reforms promoted by
Siem Reap – 75 NGO and sub-national government representatives
the Paris Declaration and the
from seven provinces and Phnom Penh gathered in Siem Reap on
Accra Agenda for Action, key
the 30th of November 2010 to discuss and review the issues surrounding aid and
implementation of the PD, the AAA and reflect on the newly development effectiveness that
endorsed Istanbul CSO Principles for Development Effectiveness. may or may not be addressed by
the Phase 2 Evaluation, as well as
the imperatives for moving
forward; and

2) Offer country-level, evidence-

based CSO monitoring that may
counter, enrich or reinforce the
findings of the official Monitoring

The focal themes that this report

will mainly address are the issues
of democratic ownership and
development results for the people,
which are critical concerns since the
former represents real ownership
and people’s empowerment while
NGOs and government recognised the progress made by all actors
the latter embody the ultimate test
in Cambodia towards the implementation of the PD and AAA. This
of any reform agenda.
includes clear policies in the formulation of the National Statistic
Development plan (NSDP) and a clear national development
With the aim to implement
strategy. There has also been a move towards better alignment of research in roughly 40 countries
NGOs plans to the NSDP and Millennium Development Goals around the world, ROAs Country
(MDGs). NGOs have had increased opportunities to participate in Outreach Team reached out to a
the planning processes and on technical issues related to such number of CSO partners and
sectors as education, health and natural resource management. In distributed successfully, a revised
the process, the capacity of local government officials and set of indicators and a subsequent
Community Based Organizations (CBOs) improved notably. questionnaire and other
documents trying to address the
While much progress has been made, NGOs and government also shortcomings of the OECD
recognized that many challenges remain. Although capacity of all surveys. So research is firmly on
actors has increased, it is still limited to individual expertise and its way and everything is set for
requires further improvement. Cooperation too, is still limited with publication by September 2011
continuous problems in communication between both CBOs and simultaneously with the OECD
the government. In addition, financial resources for implementing
2011 survey.
local plans such as the Commune Development Plans (CDPs) or
Commune Investment Programs (CIPs) are still inadequate and so
hinder development at the local level. Finally information gaps

Country Outreach Newsletter Issue 2  January 2011

persist for the government and NGO sector with respect to AAA and
the PD processes and their implications for improving aid and
development effectiveness. Henceforth, insufficient linkages exist

Linking Global between national priorities and local grassroots initiatives hindering
collective efforts to improve national sustainable development.
and Country
The IBON/RoA country outreach Bishkek – CSO representatives from all regions of Kyrgyzstan met in
work contributes to relating global October 2010 for a two-day workshop and training on aid
and regional processes and bodies on effectiveness. Organized by the local NGO ‘Forum of Women’, the
aid effectiveness to those at the workshop was successful in unifying the voices of CSOs across the
country level. In the second half of country and called on government and donor representatives present
2010 and in preparation for the to provide space for CSO participation allowing for more effective
fourth High Level Forum in 2011, aid monitoring and involvement in planning of national priorities
the Paris Declaration monitoring and strategies. Discussions identifying specific clauses within the PD
survey process was commenced.
and the AAA enabled participants to put more pressure on both
This process included sub-regional
donors and government officials while encouraging more
workshops for Anglophone Africa,
cooperation for the future.
Asia/Pacific and Latin America.

Among other parties, the IBON/RoA In addition, a variety of different topics were discussed ranging from
country outreach program problems with projects encouraging ethnic conflict to the
nominated CSO representatives to establishment of a regular consultative and institutionalized
engage in discussions with mechanism for CSO coordination and communication. To ensure
government and donor participants concrete outcomes from the workshop, CSOs will prepare data and
in these workshops. CSOs made recommendations to engage in informed dialogue with donors and
strong recommendations in the governments leading up to a multi-stakeholder dialogue in
workshops in terms of promoting the December 2010.
indicator on democratic ownership
and in terms of the meaningful
involvement of CSOs in the country-
level monitoring survey processes
that will be coordinated by National MONGOLIAN CSOs CREATE TASK TEAMS TO MONITOR PD AND
Ulaanbaatar – A two-day training workshop on aid effectiveness for
CSOs in Mongolia culminated in the creation of task teams to
conduct CSO monitoring of the PD and AAA implementation at the
country level. It furthermore, aimed to prepare for dialogues with
donors and governments to assert broad CSO participation in aid
monitoring, evaluation and the official PD survey process.

Eighteen organizations gathered from 16-17 November 2010 in

Ulaanbaatar, through the efforts of the Country Core Group (CCG), a
coalition of CSOs working on various issues, including aid

Country Outreach Newsletter Issue 2  January 2011

effectiveness, with the support of the Reality of Aid Network.

CSO Participation of
The training workshop aimed to raise awareness of CSOs on aid Preparatory Workshops
effectiveness, in particular the commitments made under the PD on the Survey for the
and AAA and identify the challenges and opportunities for CSO
Monitoring of the Paris
Declaration 2010  
As part of the workshop, CSOs presented the monitoring they  
conducted on three ADB-funded projects all yielding the same Latin Norayda Arabella Ponce Sosa,
CONGCOOP/Social Watch
results: most of the project money was spent on construction and America and
procurement; there was no CSO participation in any of the stages; the
Helmer Velasquez, Mesa de
and the projects failed while deepening the debt burden. According Articulación and
Latinoamerican CSO
to participants, 13 wastewater-processing facilities, which were part
of the projects, froze up during winter and the surrounding Nov. 17-18, 2010 Antonio Madariaga, La
communities were left to deal with cleaning up the leaks. Alianza

CSO participants hope to gather all necessary data in time for Ciclali Martinez, Instituto
upcoming dialogues with governments and donors which will be
opportunities to campaign for the institutionalization of direct CSO
participation in aid monitoring through setting up a legitimate space Francophone/ Aurelien Atidegla, Réseau des
Plates-formes nationales
for CSOs in the country system on aid decisions and raising aid Lusaphone
d'ONG d'Afrique de l'Ouest
issues in CSOs agendas of discussions including emerging Africa et du Centre (REPAOC)
government-CSO mechanisms such as the citizens’ councils. Oct. 11-12, 2010

Sri Lanka Anglophone Emmanuel Akwetey, Ghana

Aid Effectiveness Forum
Meja Vitalice, Reality of Aid –
Colombo – The multi-stakeholder consultative workshop “From Richard Ssewakiryanga,
Uganda NGO Forum
Accra to Seoul – Road Mapping Civil Priorities into the National
Agenda for Aid and Development Effectiveness” was held at Hotel Norah Motavu, FEMNET
Renuka, Colombo 3 on the 5th and 6th of September 2010 as part
of an ongoing action on aid and development effectiveness on all Myrna Maglahus, IBON/RoA
fronts. This was the 3rd meeting of a three-meeting series that Country Outreach Officer

looked into CSO effectiveness, aid and development effectiveness in

agriculture, and national development effectiveness agendas. Asia and the Don Marut, International
NGO Forum on Indonesian
Development (INFID)
The meeting was a culmination of a weeklong process with
representatives from donor agencies and other stakeholders Cambodia Ava Danlog, IBON/RoA
participating. Although the dialogue amongst the CSOs did not yield Nov. 10-11, 2010 Country Outreach Officer
a concrete set of priorities to be taken to Seoul in 2011, the
discussions yielded some very important points on how to strategize
CSO action for inclusiveness in the development arena given the
volatile and suppressive political environment that exists.

*Note: At the time of the workshop the HLF4

was known to take place in Seoul. 
Country Outreach Newsletter Issue 2  January 2011

About IBON/RoA’s Vietnam


Hanoi – The Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) in
The IBON/Reality of Aid country collaboration with the Reality of Aid (RoA) organized a workshop
outreach program for the broad on “Capacity building for non-government organizations on aid
implementation of AAA seeks to effectiveness” on 19-20 October 2010 at the Army Hotel, Hanoi.
achieve greater and more
meaningful involvement of CSOs The workshop provided an opportunity to bring together many
in bringing change in aid different stakeholders involved in aid effectiveness in Vietnam.
effectiveness policy and practice. Participants explored the challenges faced in striving for aid
The strategy towards this is
effectiveness and developed ideas on how to address the problems.
capacity development of CSOs in
Furthermore, the workshop focused on identifying the particular
order for them to initiate policy
role that Vietnamese civil society can play in ensuring that Vietnam
dialogue spaces that allow for
maintains a strong reputation in dealing with aid effectiveness
broader and inclusive
participation of various kinds of issues.
CSOs at country and local level.
These efforts are expected to The workshop ended with the formation of a core group of active
contribute to changes in policy and committed individuals and organizations that will work
along a development effectiveness together in the coming months to turn established goals into
approach. concrete action.

Country outreach work will be

based on the country-level plans of
CSOs who are involved in aid
Latin America
effectiveness and development
effectiveness advocacy. A broad
range of CSOs will be encouraged Country outreach work in the region of Latin America is in the stage
to participate and work together of discussions of aid effectiveness advocacy by CSO platforms in
to engage their respective the countries of Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. In
governments, parliaments and particular, the CSO platform, UNITAS, is part of the National
development partners in the
Reference Group (NRG) in Bolivia and would like to see the
implementation and monitoring of
national PD survey results shared with the country’s CSO
AAA implementation.
community; a next step would be for a multi-stakeholder
consultation where civil society comments and recommendations
RoA is the partner agency of the
BetterAid in this programme. can be discussed substantially.
IBON International is
implementing the outreach In Ecuador, a workshop was organized last November 2010 by the
through the RoA network. Consorcio de Consejos Provinciales del Ecuador (CONCOPE) and
the Observatorio de la Cooperación al Desarrollo en Ecuador.
Entitled, “Gobiernos Provinciales y Actores Locales en la eficacia de
la ayuda y el desarrollo”, the activity aimed to analyze the role of
autonomous provincial governments, CSOs and other local actors
in the effectiveness of aid and development.

Country Outreach Newsletter Issue 2  January 2011

Contact us
Interested in
participating in country
processes? Do you want
your country stories
disseminated? The
following members of the
Country Outreach Team
are ready to work with

Country Nicole Benedicto

Engagement Team Leader and Outreach
for Latin America
Aid and Development

Ava Danlog
IBON Center Outreach Officer
114 Timog Avenue, Quezon City 1103 for Asia Pacific
www.realityofaid .org
Myrna Maglahus
Outreach Officer
for Africa

Nicolas Gloeckl
Communications Officer


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