SCC Supervisor Course, Chapter 2

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Risks and approach Chapter 2: Risks and approach Introduction Inthe frst chapter you have learned tht the employer as wel as the employee should enhance healt, safety and welfare, This canbe achieved by reducing the dangers and rics, Inthis chapter we wil discuss what dangers and risks exactly are. We wil also discuss 3 number of ways to reduce these dangers and risks. How safe vour wrk is depends on the dangers ofthe work and the risks you run. ‘We wll therefore fist discuss the terms "danger" and "rk’. AS a manager YOU should also know wht the rk management policy consists of Ask can result in that you find yours in an unsafe stuaton or that you are working in an unsafe ‘manner. We wil discuss what exactly an unsafe stuation or action fs. YOU wl eam what you have todo when you came across an unsafe stuation or action. In this chapter the elec of your ovm behaviour on safety will be discussed. We wil discuss, for instance, the dancers of alcohol and drugs andthe importance of order and ticness, Te last part ofthis chapter wil deal with te reduction and management of risks and dangecs. Organisational measures, such as risk assessments, work perils, ‘making safe and safety rules, wil be discussed here. {nth inal assignment you wil ook at the dangers at your work and how you deal with these, Name two dangers of your work. Name fr each danger a measure his reduces or manages this danges. Risks and approach b, Whats the role of your behaviour in these dangers? 2.1_Danger and risk {In daly ie the words éanger and risks are Interchangeable. There s however @ Aiference. This eference fs especialy important viven you vant to reduce the dangers and risks. In this paragraph we will determine what we mean with danger and tsk. ‘Danger sa feature of a substance, product, tool, machine, behaviour, workplace or statin, which could cause an accident. Possible surces of danger are: > the type of work, »» knowledge and expertise, >» the workplace, ‘We wal discuss these sources of danger further, ( Risks and approach The type of work “The dangers that are present depend on the type of work you do. What type of tools oF ‘machines do you use? Do you work with dangerous Substances? Are you sting behind ‘a monitor? Do you often have tof things? I the wrk complex, for example because ‘many people have to work together? knowledge and professional competence Employees wine have not had the correct training oF do not have the correct (practical) experience, can cause danger. They do not know the correct working method or donot know which safety measures they should be taking, Employers ae therefore obliged to ‘provide information. They have to say what ‘the work ental. “They also have to say what the dangers are and what measures the employers ‘taking to reduce the cangers. Everyone has to know the applcabe procedures and safety regulations. Asan employee you ae obliged to follow these instructions and toimplement them. ‘The workplace Every workplace has ts dangers. Especially temporary workplaces or workplaces which have not been equiped forthe work you ae carrying out tere, often cause extra ‘dangers. Welding nz properly equipped wekting area with extraction, good lighting {and a welding curtains, for example, far less dangerous than welding ina crawl space. “There are also workpaces which have been properly equipped but are dangerous because they ate used forthe storage of for example, dangerous substances. ‘ther acts ono around your workplace could also pose a danger to you. Think for chemicalénopsiog example of iting, grinding, welding or demolition work. Risks and approach 2.2 Risk Dangers are everywhere, and therefore aso in your working environment. Whether a danger causes a risk depends onthe chance that a danger leads to an accident. “The possible consequences (effects) ofan accident aso determine the risk. A risk s therefore the result of chance and effect USK » CHANCE x EFFECT Ariki the danger that an undesired event takes place, determined by the chance ofthis taking place and the resuting effect. ( “The chance as well asthe effec is influenced by so-called risk factors, “The table below contains the ve most important risk factors “The nature ofthe wor (he cvs you hae to cary ou), Do you work with hazardous or ralactve sbstancs? Do you work wth electric er open fe? Js eheav oF ting wrk? Ist igang or helsing work?” “The workplace. "Do you work nan enclosed space or ata great height? Hom much freedom of movertent do you have? Where are the emergency es and how easly are they reaches?” The workpiece suroundirgs. | “In what type of company do you werk? ( an items fall down? ‘re people cose to You caring et other hazardous wok? Is there any tai atthe workplce?” “The conplesty ofthe werk, | "With how many people the werk cared out? How quickly should the work be cane (there any me pressure 's a routine jo or are you dong this fo theft time? ‘wal hey of people ao yu Rave co werk” “The woking conitins "ae you werking inside or ous and wat are the weather condition? Ist dy a night? o you work under water? How cold isthe workplace? How wel sit Is there any nuance fom nae, ‘st, dour or wbations?* Risks and approach \When you lok atthe definitions of danger and sk, you could say that dangers the cause of risk. Sources of danger are therefore often rsk factors 2.1.3 _ Examples of dangers and risks Inthe table you vl ee examples of dangers and the associated risks (chances and effets) c Substances | Poms subtonces Intwaton soning Fable and expe | Tpnton Tre oan sie eosin nye susan omact wth the in| Burs Product | Stapsdges ting os ew ‘Gating caught nes High eiow temperature | Touching bus, este Toot — | slearty Touching Injures, esecocton oats, saree | Fre dor buns Sept ‘ating aus € Noise Exposure Deafness High esse ting Rds res 0 Sensing the Sena ee Machines | Geary Twang Tare, seroton Spats, ster-creut | Fre andor buns igh temperate “Touching burs ‘batans ‘posure terug create, St pis hose Beene Deafness oura pars ‘ating cunt ‘ests, fs, buses cy Risks and approach Behaviour | showing ot eso ng fox compacts fora | i Unis Suinbing yes ‘esi ond drs ve | Wot beng alot | ries Workplace | naire he Fat, siege recat a nse Contato Tntlton Toes ( fe dak en tent Fang nes se ce ‘rye dfcney, | Tes pose, wes ing ase Becrcty Touching Tes, Tereiton soa shoscraut_| Fre andor bums tite ace roosting ines Dod asso Urabe to fie aly | tnss eer Ses No szenina to a ern ( Het oot edad conceit Ines Station | Tac cao Tes aver “Spa fed vison | Tes, conan tof ste” | ere 24.4 Prevention Prevention is ensuring that something does not take place, With regard to working conditions prevention means: preventing an acilent from tating place, » preventing somecne's heath being damaged, » preventing the environment being damaged. Risks and approach = ‘You can take various tyses of measures to achieve this: > measures preventing a rs fom increasing, > measures ensuing that a risk is reduced. Not all measures have the same prlorty. Tere sa hierarchy for preventive measures. “Tis prevention hierarchy has thee levels: 1, You should first ok at source-oriented measures. These are mezsures removing a danger, The cause (source) ofthe risk s thereby removed. This can be done, for example, by dioasing a workina method which Is safer or healthie. 2. this isnot possble, you can ty to screen the danger. Tt then does not become ( ‘ask, For example, collective protection and safeguarding, suitable working methods and using safe equipment (machines, tools, instalaions, vehids, et). 3, Ifthere are stil rks present, you can use personal protective equipment. Besides these process and labour orlented measures, you should also take guiding ‘measures with regard to taining, identifying and organising. Training can consst of peat courses for cetain activites, Instruction during an HES meeting or information in the shape of work instructions or Safely data sheets, Identifying can consist of sgns ‘oF warning colours atthe workplace, but als the proper labeling of hazardous substances. Measures regarding the organisalion most fall under risk imitation, for ‘example, iting the duration, intensty and fhequency ofthe exposure and tinting the number of people being exposed to the danger. 2.2_Risk management policy {In view ofthe importance of proper prevention the risk management polcy should be part ofthe working conltons policy ofthe company. The purpose ofthe risk ‘management policy is twofold 1, To enable the proper planing of prevention, Good planning starts witha risk Inventory and evaluation. 2. To enable the implementation ofthe polcy regarding healt, safety and welfare Fora proper implementation a risk management system isnecessary. The risk ‘management system contains, for example, aplan of approach linked tothe IGE. Inthis paragraph we wil further discuss these matters. 22.1 _RIGE Every employers obliged to analyse the risks at the workplace. This is called ask Inventory (RI). The fist step ofa risk inventory is to determine (dently the dangers Based onthe dangers he rsks are determined by estimating the chance that an effect ‘occurs (isk » chance effect), see) mir tet Based onthe RI it should be determined which risks are the greatest Fr this you ( shoud again use the frmula "risk = chance x effect. “Tiss cae the isk evaluation (RE). risk evaluation can be cated out by the employer and employees (or representatives ofthese) pee) re rt “The Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RISE) ‘consists therefore of three steps: 1. dentitying the dangers. 2. Making an inventory ofthe risks, 3. Evaluating the sks. “The RIRE shouldbe tested by an expert. He wil assass whether the content Is ‘complete and covers al ofthe working ‘concitons. In other words the expert has {to approve the RIBE. 22.2 _ Risk management system ‘tisk management sytem contains the procedures and instructions which ensure ‘that the implementation ofthe poly is caried out property. The RIE Is the basi {or the contents ofthis system. Risks and approach ‘Components ofthis sytem ae: the distribution of tasks and proper methods for the planning ofthe Implementation and for the implementation isl, objectives and resources to detail the policy, methods forthe evaluation ofthe implementation and adaptation of the policy valuote acton ‘ra up action plan Gian oppcoch {pian of approach) ‘exeouts action plan (Glan of approach) eR De A RE 2.2.3 8S action plan “The employer should draw up an action plan (plan of approach) following the RIBE. “The action plan is a pan of execution to improve the working conditions. Components ofthe action pan are: the preventive measures to be taken (including training and courses), the person(s) responsible for the execution, ( the necessary resources and possible costs, >the period with which the measures should be taken, the objectives (or example less sckness absence, fewer unsafe actions) “The action plan can be incu inthe Social annual report or the HBS annual report. “The employer should discuss the progress and execution of the action plan with the cempayees atleast once per year 2.2.4 Informatio for new employees Pat of the action plans information and training, Special atentlon should therefore be pal to informing new emplayees. New employees are normally not aware of al the risks, rules and procedures within the company they are starting to work for Its ‘therefore important to prope inform these persons. Risks and approach ‘This not only applies to permanent staff but also to temporary agency workers. ‘The information provided to new employees should contain atleast the following General heath and satel rules General heath and satay rules apply to everyone. They indicate, for example, what you should do when the alam sounds arin the event ofa fe, how unsafe situatons and (near) accidents shouldbe reported and wiat to do in the event ofan acident. Such an aocident can te an accident at work but also any accidents on your way to and from work. Persona protective equipment New employees should know which personal protective devices they should use ( during thet work. Isso important tat they know howto use PPE and why. ‘This should therefore roam pat ofthe information provided, Information on the workplace ‘This speci workplaxe-bound or postin bound information about machines, installations, work resources, dangerous zones and emergency ex. The use of the canteen ‘and sanity provisions and personal hyglene can alo form part ofthis Information, for exampe at workplaces where you could come ino contac with hazardous substances. > ‘What do you do to inform new employees? Do you think this i suficent? 2.3._Unsafe situations and actions ‘You could ask yourself the question whose task tis to reduce risks and make the vwortplace safer “The answer to this queston is: everyone! ( Risks and approach ‘You are never solely responsible fr a safe work stuation, but you should aso not solely depend on ote’ for it. 1's very important that everyone thnks about safety. Everyone has to cooperate, bbe co-responsible and assist in taking the measures that are needed. On then wll you be able to reduce or even eliminate the risks. As you have seen in Chapter 1, 2 stating point ofthe Heath and Safety lesisation is consultation an cooperation. Everyone therefore 2-responsibe with regard to estimating the rst. Everyone has the right, but als the obgation, to intervene when there isa chance that an ‘accident wll happen. This opportunity can be caused by an unsafe situation as well ‘as an unsafe action. 2.3.1_Unsafe situation ‘An unsafe station can lead to an acldent. It can also be that it does not lead to an ‘accent but that your heath s damaged by the stuation ‘kn unsafe situation isa station which does not comply with the regulations and can lead to an accident or health damage. ‘An example of an unsafe sation is an obstacle ona walkway ( Unsafe situations can also occur without ‘the direct invohement of peopl. For example a short cel, when as a result of heavy rainfall a leakage occurs lose to electrical equipment. new situation, for which there are not yet any ulations, is also an unsafe situation. Fa ire seater ™ ” 23.2 _Unsafe action Most unsafe situations are caused by unsafe actions by people. The obstacle ona ‘walkway has been placed there by someone and the person opening up a hole inthe ‘oor should provide screening. In these casesthe action causes an unsafe situation. ‘And that stuaton can in turn lead to an accident. Risks and approach Unsafe actions can aso lead direty to an accident or heath damage, Anyone wanting to saw a smal piece of wood an a saw bench, who does not use a pusher bloc, runs the risk of sawing off His fingers. ‘An unsafe action is an action whichis not carried out in accordance with the regulations and which can lead to an accident or health damage. 2.4 How do you deal with an unsafe situation or action? Inthe previous paragraph you have seen that unsafe situations or actions can lead ‘to an accident or heath damage. In order to improve health and safety these unsafe situations and actons shoul therefore be dealt with or prevented. Inthe next chapter We wil discuss the prevention of unsafe situations and actions. In this paragraph you ‘ill eatm how to deal with an unsafe situation ar action, 2.4.1 _Dealing with unsafe situations What should you do when you see tata situation fe unsafe? > When possible, remove the cause of the unsafe situation, “The situation of the obstadle an the walleay can be easly solved by moving the obstade c » Screen or safeguard the situation, ‘Ahlen the floor can be safeguarded vith fencing or pels and tape. » Warn others. ‘Sometime you vl be unable to solve ‘a dangerous situation. For eample, wien an elect cable uf # machine 's damaged or when there is no protective cover en a machine ‘Ina case tke thatyou should not only ensure that someone repaits this, but also thatthe machine snot used untl thsi done. Risks and approach ‘You can, for example, hang a note oF label stating "Do not use onthe machine concerned. 1 you are unable or not allowed to do this, you should warn: = your supers, = your collesgue(s), = the maintenance department, = adiferent authorised department, fr instance the safety department. > Check whether the stuation Is actualy being solved. ‘When this snot the case, you can alvays involve someone "more superior” ‘Always report an unsafe stuation to your supervisor, even when you have solved the situation yours. 24.2 Dealing with unsafe actions \What should you do when you see that someone I taking unsafe actions? > Haltthe ation. > Investigate. Tt could be that people are aware that they ae taking unsafe actions, but ‘auld also be thet they do not know the regulations or have not been instructed. You should invezigate whether a brit instruction wil be suficent to ensure that someone wil work safely. Instruct ‘This instruction canbe: expla, show, demonstrate, carry out check. 1 depends on what the unsafe ction consisted of, Report to a supervisor |when instructicn i insufficient, you should report to the supervisor, “The supervisor can then decide what should be done. I could be that people ‘will ned tobe given some training or that disciplinary measures shouldbe taken. ‘Risks and approach 2.5 Behaviour ‘Asa result of unsafe behaviour risks can be unnecessarily increased. Examples of such ‘behaviour are alcohol or crugs use, showing of seeing something asa “challenge, haste, lack of interest playing games during work. Al these types of behaviour lead to unsafe actions and unsafe situations. Unsafe behaviour at work s therefore a great risk. You are putting yousef and, \worse, your colleagues in unnecessary danger. This is the reason that Health ancl Safety legislation states that thsi nat allowed! But there are stil, for instance, builders who tke to show off. One of these people io, thinking that" nt going to happen to me", ignores the safely measures. Inthis paragraph we vil describe the most important features of sae behaviour and the dangers of alool and drugs use at work. 25.1. Safe behaviour Heath and Safety legation ceary states that employees are responsible forthe health, safety and velfre of themselves and others. You are therefore legally obiged to behave n "safe" manner, You are not alowed to endanger yours or athers. “Tiss why you should observe guidelines and rules. You should algo use personal Protective equipment when the employer requires ths. Safe behaviour means that You wil intervene when you see an unsafe stustion and that you will approach others about any unsafe behaviour. And finaly, you should report dangerous stuations, rnear-accdents and accidents to your supervisor. The supervisor should also motnate his peopl to behave in safe manner, for example by teaching them a safe working ‘method and by giving the right example, A good working atmosphere also encourages people to behave ina safe manner What do yeu think ofthe statement: "Unsafe behaviours nat too bad, cs Tong as you are alr? ‘isks and approach al (Onder and ttiness Untidiness is one of these things that are not conducive of safe behaviour When you have spi some prodvet, you should clear up immediately. This also counts for tools ‘yu no longer use oF pleces of cable or hase you have ust cut off and no longer need. Ensure that you have a good storage system in order that you can easly and clearly put ‘away your taols and materials and can also find them again ‘Stuff ing around and loose cables form a great danger. After alt would be easy for ‘someaneto sip or stumble. This is of course unsafe, but it becomes dangerous when, ‘or example, fie is started and everyone has to leave the building Besides this direct effect on safety there are other ‘advantages when you immediately clear avy materials and waste: »» you prevent contamination and possible ‘environmental damage, a dean and clear workplace has a postive ‘effect on the working atmosphere, you wil work more efficent, because you ont need to search for materials or tools, materials and tools ae less easly damaged when you put them aay. p26 Ty tay ‘So don’ think 1 lar up later. Clearing up the workplace fs part ofthe work and is, ( 2 sign of professional competence, ‘Store materials in the correct place and notin font of emergency eits and fire-fighting equipment. Pat of order and tins i also paying attention to personal hygiene With personal hygiene at work we mean: hhave damaged or det clothing repaired or washed, donot eat or rink inthe workplace, donot enter the canteen in dirty work clothing, ‘wash your hands after contact with hazardous substances, tie longhair or wear ahalmet, ‘do not wear jewellery at work. Risks and approach 2.5.2 Neohol and drugs use ‘Alcohol and crags have a negative effect on our ably to react. Under the influence of ‘alcool and drugs yourespond less quick to dangerous situations or asess situations Incorrectly. Some medkation also makes you drowsy. Alcohol or drugs use aso lowers, thresholds under the itence of these you say and do tings You Would not normally ‘say oF do, This behaviour can be disruptive. Colleagues ae then nt sure what to thik ‘of you. They also haveto ish winat you have not completed, |In 2 working environment aloohol and drugs use s therefore no allowed. Tt causes unsafe situations and dsrupts the work situation, Fp 27 unr ihce Not only during work alcool and drugs use dangerous. Even working wen you are sil sufering from the use of alcohol or drugs, used the previous day, is dangerous. “Try to avoid these stuaions. When you are suffering from a hangover, ell our supervisor and avoid dangerous work. Seek help when you ae regulary unable to «do your work propery due to alcohol or drugs use. 2.6 Risk analysis So far we have mainly discussed the dangers and risks of workin this chapter: Inthe second pat of this chaper we wll look at ways in which we can reduce or manage these dangers and rks. An important way to manage rst isthe risk analysis. {na risk analysis you Iwestigate which risks there are and which measures can be taken to remove or manage these risks, Ark analysis s mainly used when changes ‘are taking place inthe work situation. emmy] ti esr atthe koa competed eine any wok ed ° We will now discuss two types of rik analysis: >the task risk analysis, mostly used for profes in which many people are involved, >the ast minute rk analysis, fr short term workin which few people ae involved. ‘Task Risk Analysis (TRA) ‘A tas risk analysis is carried out by a team. This team conssts mostly ofthe HSE coordinator, the project leader and a numberof specialists involved inthe preparation and execution ofthe project. During a tas risk anayss they investigate which dangers there are in association with 2a certain projec, In order to reduce the safety and health risks during the execiion of the project to a minivum, [ATRA\s used for procs with an unknown tsk. Concrete situations, whereby a TRA Is strongly recommended, are: work for which there are no procedures (yet), new projects, the purchase ofnew machines, renovation or new-bul projects, ‘work involving young persons, trainees or temporary agency Workers. verre Carrying outa task ck analysis s very important because this isthe time when all risks are investigated propedy and ina structured manner. In this way you ensure that nathing I frgotten. You aso determine which measures should be taken to reduce the risks, And finally, when the task sk analysis is documented management can use t to properly inform all errpoyees. Risks and approach When communicating the measures tothe workplace the following should be considered, Timing Information about dampers and measures should always be provided before the work Isstarted, Method Its also important to provide the information atthe workplace. Its then possible to ‘how what you mean and to let people practise ina "rea" situation This often leads to better result than informing them in a meeting room, ‘Manner Depending on the target group you should choose a suitable manner of peoviing Information: meeting with cistomers and contractors, a work meeting between supervisors and operational employees, when crews change, »atoolbox meeting (HSE meeting). 2.6.2 _Last Minute Risk analysis (LMRA) Contrary tothe TRA, an LMRA can be carted aut solely by you. The LMRA forms the last check before you start the work. An LMR consists of three steps: 1, You check thatthe preparation was thorough. Do you hhave the correct tools, safety equipment and are you ‘amare ofthe necessary safety instructions? 2. You check thatthe stuation at the workpiace has not | Sisson Changed. Fr instance, efferent weather conditions, | calleagues working in the same place, etc. 3. You take extra safety measures wien It appears ‘thatthe preparation has been insulin or ‘when the station at the workplace has changed. An LIRA i not only useful for new task, but also for Toutine task! A proper LMRA checklist prevents you ‘rom overlooking ask For VCA (SCC) certificated ‘companies an LMRA Ismandatory fr high-risk tasks. Risks andl approach 2.6.3 Adapting the risk analysis ‘A isk analysis is ahways cari out before the work starts, This means that you have ‘to make prior assumptions about the situation. Tiss, of curse, dane very carefully and based on your experience or that of others, howeve, condons can change during ‘te work When this happens you should determine whether these changes have an cefecton the heath and safety ofthe employees. IF this s the case, the risk analysis should be adapted. Examples of when the risk analysis should be adapted ae: > hen the werk pan isnot or no longer feasible in practice, > when you do not have the corect tools or equipment, »» when the installation és no longer depressurised, fre of gas os ve, when the working conditions have changed (for example afferent weather conditions). 2.7 Work permit Good preparation Is half the work. Fo simple daly tasks preparation most concerns ‘simple matters, You called, for example, the toos and materials needed, look at a ‘raving and put your wer clothes on This preparation is necessary to be abe to ‘ork better (fase, easier). Often the preparation aso includes measures to lit the rks, For example, putting ona helmet and safely shoes For highisks tasks there ‘are more and greater sks You should prepare propery for these. A work permits ‘2 sultable methed. {Inthis paragraph we answer the folowing questions. > What i the pursose ofa work permit? >For which tasksis a work permit mandatory? >How i a work permit structured and what does it contain? What are the tars and responsibilties of the various people involved? 2.7. _The purpose of a work permit ‘Awork permits needed if you are to carry out actives with an increased rskin a ‘safe mannet.In prince, there i no fference whether the tecnica department of the company cartes out these actives or whether this done by anather company. Risks and approach tmosty concerns one-off activites, for example maintenance or repairs; 0 therefore not activites carried out ona daly basis. For daly activities with a high risk there are Drocedures and work instructions, Fora work permit you determine beforehand what the risks ae. You can then decide which precautionary measures shouldbe taken and what the safest working method is With a work permit you also ensure that everyone involved is aware ofthe rlsks and knows what should bedone against these. And nally you also ensure that with a work Permit peopl onl stat work when all precautionary measures have been taken. -Awork permits therefore a binding agreement regarding the work, the risks associated with the work and the measures you should take to make these risks ( ‘manageable. {In numberof situations you need a spectic work permit. This is a work permit for specific high-sk aces and high-risk workplaces. Welding, digging and rachation are examples of high-risk actives. Enclosed spaces, working near sources of radiation and Working at height are examples of a high-risk workplace. We discuss thee examples of ‘Work permits, Welding permit Vaintenance and repair work often Involves welding task. The greatest risks of welding are fire risk andthe rik of toxc fumes, A welding permit isin realty a limited work permit. The actives ae already set out and even a number of measures are standard procedure. ‘Hot work permit ( ‘hot work permits infended for work posing a rk of fre n places where a fre can easly occur. One ofthe requirements of @ hat wor pert the presence of a hot work watchman (also called a fire watch). The hot work watchman should have followed special taining, He has the follwing tasks: preventing a fire, supervising the requirements ofthe permit, inthe event of fre, wating the emergency services and taking action to ‘extinguish a staring re, » providing fst aia Work permit for encosed spaces Enclosed spaces create more and greater risks than norm workspaces, Itis therefore ‘necessary to prepare wall In this a work permit forms an essential resource, {In Chapter 11 we vill urther dscuss working in an enclosed space. In this chapter ‘We wl extensively dzuss the risks of enclosed spaces and how these risks can be ‘managed witha work permit 2.3.2 When do you need a work permit? Inthe previous paragraph you have seen why you need a work permit, namely to lit any risks. From ths we can conclude that work permits necessary inthe case of increased risks. Examples of activites and workplaces with an increased risk are: » work on tanks; pipes and equipment containing or having contained hazardous substances, iting activites near Important installations, working at heights of2.5 meters or more, without suficent permanent safeguarding, > when tere ask of environmental pollution, working with ionising radiation, such as making Xays ofa weld, > diving in (moter) vehicles on roads dosed t this category (driving a goer ona qe pathy, >» wok easing fe or sparks (ho work), such as welding, grinding and bung, 2» ging in containated soto digging in places with cables, »» werking in conned spaces, > working wth high pressure equipment (above 100 bar), > work whereby special protection or special measures is needed (for example removing asbesos, working with carcinogenic substances). “The company ordering the work determines whether a work permit is mandatory {or this work or under these conditions. Asks and approach For some activites work permits are a legal obigation. ‘An example isthe wors on nuclear energy installations. 2.7.3 _ Structure and content of a work permit In practice work permits can have many shapes and forms. Every company has ts ‘own specific format. Buti you look more dosely you can see that all these forme have certain features in common. The structure ofa work permit is always the same, ‘You could infact state that there are certain requirements with which a work permit should comply. Depending on the speci stuation ofthe company these requirements can be extended. Every work permit consists of four components: 4, Work application 2. Measures tobe taken by the issuing department. 3, Measures tobe taken by the permit holder. 4. Approval ofthe work permit In this paragraph we vil dscuss the various components ofthe work permit. ‘We wl aso explain the role ofthe people involved. Part 1: Work application ‘The component "Werk application is complete by the applicant. ‘The applicant gives the oder forthe work. Risks and approach “The "Work application’ contains at least: > a lear and complete description of the actities: = Whatare the exact activities? = How are they to be carted out? \wmere are they tobe carted out? the speci risks ofthe activites, » the measures tobe taken by the permit holder when executing the work. “The applicant should ensure thatthe permit holder observes these measures. ‘Part 2: Measures tobe taken by the issuing department “The Issuing department i the department where the activites are catied out 1s abo the department that is aware ofthe risks ofthe instalation and the workplace. “This department determines the measures fora safe workplace and an uninterrupted ‘process. For example, cleaning the pipes, disconnecting the system, srtching off ‘attain equipment or carying out measurements. This also includes informing the production staff or thers working in or near the same area. During maintenance oF repair works production usualy continues. “The issuer aso maintains contact with the permit holder. When the Isuer has determined thatthe permit holder has understood everything and tat all measures have been taken, he wll approve the permit. Only then can the work be carted out. ‘Part 3: Measures tobe taken by the permit holder “The permit holder tre person wo is going to cary ou the work or supervises it “This pat of the permit contains the safety measures to be taken by the permit holder ‘fore, during and after the work. For example, screening or weting the workspace, ‘organising an authorised attendant or using personal protective equipment. “The work permits nt only important for your ovm safety, the safety of your colleagues and forthe environment, but also for an uninterrupted process inthe factory. Risks and approach For an optimum effectof tne work permit the following Issues are important: > tead the work permit carefully and dlscussthe work permit with al people Involved Inthe work, ensure that any questions are answered before you start the work, consult again wten the plan contains deviatons, strictly observe te instructions and condtion, ensure thatthe work permits present atthe workplace. Jn some cases the pernit holder has a manager who i in charge ofthe operational employees. Some ofthe tasks and responsbilies are then bore by tis manager: »todscuss the measures with the operational employees beforehand, » tensure that the permit is present atthe workalace, to ec the measures tobe taken by the permit holder and issuer. Part 4: Approval ofthe work permit {Al people involved sign the approval of the work permit. In doing tis they indicate that ‘they are aware of the measures tobe taken. With thet signature they also indicate that ‘they will take these measures. “The persons involved are normally the folowing peopl: > the permitisuer the permit node, the manager ofthe operational employes). ( ‘The operational employee should sign the permit when ths fs requested (wien ented to dos). ‘This part ofthe permtalso states how long the permit will be valid for and under which conditions the permit can be extended. A work permit is normally valid for one day and can be extended for a maximum of five days. 2.8 Making installations safe Besides generally applcable measures, suchas a risk analysis and work permit, there are aiso more speci measures. Making safe is such a specic measure. Risks and approach ‘Some installations are dangerous because the installation uses electric curent, hydraulic pressure or ai pressure. To work on these Installations these dangers should be eliminated. fa that way yu prevent the possibility that the instalation ‘suddenly starts up during your work. By removing the power to the electrical supply ‘you also remove the danger ofan eecic shock. Making safe means that you take the curentor the pressure off the instalation. ‘Making safe is also aften called to lockout tagout. When making safe an installation there are five Importat steps: Step 1: Switching off For an electrical instalation the current has tobe switched off atthe group sith ‘to which the instalation is connected. In the case of hydraulic pressure the hydraulic ‘pump has to be switched off and in the case of air pressure the compressor. Close the supply lines with a connecting flange. ‘Step 2: Locking and sanating “Toensure that nobody i able to swtch on again the curentor pressure unnoticed, especially when the sich, pump or compressor i stuated ina diferent room. Locke the swite-off mechanism with a padlock. ‘Signal dearly with a sign or label thatthe Inctallaton should not be switched on because ofthe work being carried out on the installation PoP itis apt ‘Step 3: Discharging the residual current or residual pressure Ifnecessary the elctical instalation should be earthed or shortcrculted. The residual cutrent has to be discharged with a safety cable. Active components near the workplace should be earthed and short-circuited in order thatthe installation it ve. Inthe case (ofa hydraulic or pneumatic installation any possible pressure vessels and components ofthe installation wich are stil under pressure should be relieved. isks and approach Step 4: Checking Check that everything has been switched off an is dead and pressuteless. ‘Any electrical installations should be measured with a bipolar vometer (Duspol) with indicator ora standard voltmeter, Test the meter before and after taking the ‘measurement: the volimeter can break during the measurement. ‘Actas the curent or pressure has not been svitched off: There is chance that ‘2 components stile or under pressure because of a changes switch, Incorrect ‘cult element or unkrown bridge or cross connection. Step 5: Place screening Clearly mark the workplace and ensure that ive components or components Lunder pressure are not accessible by, for example, placing a screening. 2.9 Safety rules I you look back at what happened exactly wien a disaster or acident occurred at ‘work, you vil ee thatit was almost always problem withthe safety rules. In some cases someone didn’t workin accordance with the safety rules. In ater cases the safety rules were incorrect or te safety rules were so undear that people could not Understand them. Now and again an accident occured because there were no safety rules at all. Good safety regulations or safety rules should therefore a least comply ‘th the following requrements, They should | recorded in writin, » dearand unambiguous, > understandable for people vith other native languages. “There are two types of safety rules: ‘general safety rules and speciic safety rues Fane Risks and approach Lf A Genera safety rules General safety rules ate applicable tothe entre organisation, tothe staff ofthe ‘organization as well as any other people an location. They therefore do not only apoly tothe employees andthe people who manage or supervise, but also to people wo are, {or example, visting or delvering materials. It's very important that everyone knows the general safety rules. Everyone entering the locaton forthe first ime should ‘therefore be made avere ofthese rues. General safety rules are, for example related ( how and where you should sign in and fn order that Its known whois Present atthe Kcation, ‘the applicable uffic rules on se, how to actin the case of a disaster, how waste should be separated, haw accidents, fre and incidents should be reported, walvays, PE which shoud be worn on ste. .2._ Specific safety rules ‘Besides general safety rules there are specific safety rules. These rues ae intended for situations during which tasks and activities with an increased risk ae carried out. Inother words, the more dangerous work. Inthe specific safety rules its described how the work can be carried out as safely as possible. They relate fo: > working in high ik places (In endosed spaces, at height, in explosive zones), > carrying out hig-isk actives (hot wor, caging, working with hazardous substances), > sing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), > the safe use of tools, equipment and machines, > placing screens, marlangs and the use of certain safeguards. “The specific safety measures shouldbe avaliable to all employees. A supervisor has to iscuss and explain the speci safety rules to his employees, A supervisor should not only knw the safety ules, but should also ensure that they are carried out propery and check tis. ‘Risks and approach 2.40 Summary Danger Possible sources of danger are the nature of the work, » knowiedge and profesional competence, the workplace. Risk RISK = CHANCE x EFFECT ( Risk Factors: >> the nature ofthe work, >» the workplace, >> the work surourdings, > the compleity othe work, > the work condtiens. ‘Prevention ‘The prevention hierarchy provides the following order in which measures should be taken: 1. Source-oriented measures. 2. Separating people and the source. ( 3. Personal protective equipment. “These measures should alvays be combined wth supervising measures, RISE and plan of approach ‘The RIRE consists of tree steps: 1. entitying the dangers. 2. Inventory ofthe rks. 3. Evaluation of therisks. “The plan of approach san action plan to improve the worklng conditions. Risks and approach Lf Unsafe stuations an actions ‘An unsafe situation fa stuation which does nt comply withthe regulations and can lead to an accdent or health damage. ‘An unsafe action Is an action whichis not carved out in accordance withthe regulations and can lead to an accident or health damage, \when an unsafe situaton occurs you have to remove the cause of that unsafe situation ‘or take precautionary measures. f you see an unsafe acton you have to stop the action ‘or have it stopped. Ce ‘Safe behaviour Safe behaviour means: not endangering yoursef or others, > following directives and rules, > using personal protective equipment, > intervening n ary unsafe station, > approaching othrs about their unsafe behaviour, >> reporting dangerous situations, near accidents and accidents, >order, tdiness and personal hyaene, > not working under the nluence of alcohol or drugs. Risk anaysis Fd and manage risks Inform employees Fin effects of changes in the station wen | Before the start of any work Before the stat of any work For projets in which any people | Fr short-term work, ‘xe inh in which few people ore involved wo | Projet ear with a team “The sypenisor wnat | Anais othe sks Check the preparation Safety measures Check the stuaton, safety measures Risks anal approach — Work permits ‘Awork permits a binding agreement regarding the work, the risks associated vith the work andthe measures tobe taken. ‘The purpose isto safely carryout any work wth an increased risk. A work permits necessary for high-k work and at highsisk workplaces. The company makes a work Permit obtgatory, ‘AL work permits have the same structure. ‘Work application Measures to be taken by te issuing department, ( Measures to be taken by the perm holder. ‘Approval of the work permit eure ‘The applicant, issuer ad permit holder are responsible for thelr part of the permit and sign the permit to approve this. Only when the issuer has approved the permit the work canstart, For certain work or working conditions, such as welding and working in enclosed spaces, specific work permits apply. ‘Making safe nstalations aking safe means thatthe current or pressure ofan instalation is removed. “The five steps to make an installation safe are: Suiting of, ( Locking and signaling. Discharging the residual curent and residual pressure, ‘Checking. Pacing screening, Satety rules “The general safety rules are applicable t the entire company. Anyone present at a location should know these rules. Specific safety rules are applicable to activities and ‘work wath an inereaced For al safety rules it apples that they should be: recorded in writin, » dear and unambiguous, understandable fer people witha diferent naive language. ( Risks ana approach Questions with Chapter 2 (Question 1 What s a source of danger? Ok Ate. LB Getting caught. 1) © Thewortplace. ‘Question 2. What is an example of a consequence? [A Behaviour [1B Corrosive substances © Posoning (Question 3 What ae the possible consequences ofan unsafe action? LA Abad working atmosphere or unclear safety rules 1 BA danger or risk. LIC Anacrident oF health damage. ‘Question 4 What do you do fist when you see a colleague who works in an unsafe manner? ‘A. Instructthe person, 1B Report tothe supervisor Stop the work. ooo (Question 5 You ae going to work witha big hangover. ‘What in ths case safe behaviour? [A You bea’ up and start work without saying anything 1) Bou tel our supervisor that you have @ hangover. [You wart to prove thatthe hangover isnot troubling you, Question 8 o a Question 8 a a a Question 10 o a a Question 1 G o o Risks and approach Who ses outan LMRA2 ‘A. The person carrying out the work. The saery coordinator C_ The supervisor ofthe person canying out the work. ‘When do you cary outa rsk analysis? A fer thework. B Before the work. © During te work. ( ‘The permit heer ofa work permits for instance, responsible for: ‘A. Approval ofthe permit. ‘8 Competig the sheet Measures tobe taken bythe pert holder” C Ensure that the permit is presenta the workplace. |Who is resporsible forthe measures wich should ensure a safe workplace? ‘A. Allpersoas who signed the work perm B Theissuer ©The permit holder When can yor start working in an enclosed space? ‘A. When the issuer has approved the work permit. 'B_ When the work permit hasbeen signed by everyone. C When you have checked that al the necessary tools ae ready. What is an example of Hocking” whe maki sae? ‘A. Closing a suppl line witha connecting ange. B Locking aswatch with a padlock. C Making tre workplace inaccessible to unauthorised persons. Risks and approach {Question 12 To whom are he general safely rules applicable? [LA Onlyto sipervisrs carrying out dangerous work. B_Toanyone, even to people visting the company. [1 © Toanyons, except to people visting the company. {Question 13. Wher is itstated what you should do wien the alarm goes off? [1 A Inthe general safety rules. [1B _Inthe specie safety nies. ( [LC Inthe work permit. (Question 14 What isan example ofan unsafe action? A Anon-screened floor opening. a [1B Lots of rbish and tools at a workplace, [IC Using defective electrical tools For which works there a specific work permit necessary? 1B For all work on the ste ofthe customer, 15 1A oral workin shits a 1 C _Forall work wth potsonous substances. Question 16. What isthe definition ofa risk? CA Risk = chance x effect Cl Risk= ctance x danger [1 © Risk = dengerx effect. {Question 17 What do you cal a measure which reduces arsk? (A. Aprevertive measure. 1B policy measure. [© Asourceorented measure, Risks and approach {Question 18 What forms part of the information provided to new employees regarding H&S? CA Setting up a risk management system, [1B Setting up a taskrsk anabsis. [1 C.Theuse af the canteen and sanitary provisions, ‘Question 19. When shoulda TRA be adapted? [1A When the Occupational Health and Safety Service requires this. [lB When the TRA is discussed with the operational employees. ( [1 C When the work conditions change during the execution.

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