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Role of the supervisors Chapter 4: Role of the supervisors Introduction “Ths chapter wil show that supervisors have an important guiding function when it ‘concerns safe working, The behaviour ofa supervisor isa determining factor forthe behaviour ofthe employees. Safe working Is mainly a matter of mentally. In this chapter the term *hih-sk actives" wl be dscussed and the ( tasks ofa supervisor regarding these highs activites. Subsequently we wil also discuss other HSE tasks. |Asa supervisor you pay an important role inthe training and informing of employees. ‘ie wil discuss the conan that proper training and information should full. We wil also extensively dscus safe behaviour, a factor of great importance with regard to safe ‘working. Furthermore, several theories are discussed to influence behaviour. Finally, We til Look atthe role of policy and at varlous instruments tobe used to increase safety ‘and prevent health damage. In this assignment you review how you can promote safe behaviour. How do you stimulate safe behaviour from your employees? ole of the supervisors 4.1 High-risk activities ‘Asa supervisor you have a clear responsibilty regarding high tsk acts. High-risk activites are actives carried out in a high sk environment as wel as highsk tasks. Within a company high-risk actives are recorded based on the RIBE and (tsk-yisk analyses. In this paragraph we wil discuss your role asa supervisor regarding these iah-sk actus, with regard to the preparation as well asthe execution ofthe work. Preparing for high-risk activities ‘Before high-risk activites canbe started, you must be sure that all necessary conditions have been ule. This forms part ofthe work planning, “The purpose of work planning i {0 draw up a work plan which is safe and does not cause any heath ‘damage. The workplan should falft a pumber of conditions. Equipment and materials Inthe work plan you record which ‘materials, to's and machines are ‘necessary to cary out a job ina safe [ELT pa ar aL aaa ‘Procedures and safety precautions Before the execution ofthe work stats, you can again indicate which safety rules from ‘he compony regulations are important fr the work, Ensure wat measures which occur regulary are incu inthe company regulations. Inthe case of actives for which a Work permit is mandatary, the permit will state which procedures and company regulations are applica to those activites. Role of the supervisors People Look atthe people who are to cary out the werk oF will manage the work. ‘Cleary deseribe the requirements they should ful with regard to traning, knowledge and experiance, Review what the lcd wl be forthe people carrying ‘out the work, Baced 0 this, determine how much time certain actives wal take, Tine and folowing orier Make atime planning forthe entire job and the falling order in which the activites ‘ean be safely carid aut. ( 4.1.2 _ Executing high-risk activities ‘Dering the execution of high-risk activites a supervisor should regularly check that the work scartied out in accordance with the agreements made. You should also ‘ensure that ll precautionary measures have been taken. You should be present at ‘the work as much as possible and in any case at work wth high risks. It can be that during the execution of the work situations occur which result the conditions being aifeent from those described In the work plan. The work condtions| ‘an change (for example: it starts to freeze) or the complet can increase (or ‘example: the work must suddenly be carried out with fewer people). It can also happen thatthe work plan is corrector that the correct too are not avaliable. In this event, you have to stop the execution of the work, carry aut a new review ofthe risks and ‘determine which (ational) control measures are now required. Subsequenty you adapt the work plan. always dscuss these events with the customer and the safety ( expert ofthe company. HSE tasks for supervisors Besides your tasks for high-risk aces you have certain other tasks with regard ‘to Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE). Inspections, checks snd iwestigations Investigate acidents and incidents and take measures to prevent a repetition. Regularly cary out safety inspections. > Check the correct use of work equipment an personal protective equipment. > Verity tat instructions are observed fole of the supervisors isk management Cooperate inthe RIGE and TRA. Formulate proposals to the ‘employer to improve the HSE policy » Solve hazardous stations (obtain advice rom the prevention services). Ensure your employees have the Pa. et eto required expertise and information Provide information aed instructions Regularly provide information and instructions, for example ln the shape of toolbox meetings (HSE meetings). Check that employees have understood the information and ean put into Practice. Safety structions in the shape of pictograms onthe wall or on the ‘machine may city mater. »» Provide edition information for new employees and younger persons and ‘ensure proper supervision by an experienced emplayee. Determine what the program consists of and what they are going to lear Providing information and instructions isnot only very Important, it should also {uli certain conditions. In the next paragraph we wil discus this further, 4.3 HSE information and training “The emplayer is obliged to conduc a proper working conditions poly. This means, for example, that employes should inform ther emplayees of possible dangers and about the protection against these dangers. Temporary employees and especally younger ‘employees should also be informed, The employer offen outsources tis tack to those In (operational) leading roes. ‘This information can consist of instruction training and courses. The information should be aimed atthe work and atthe nature, owl, sk capacty and experience ofthe employee. The employer i rspansible forthe adaptation ofthe Information. The following points ofatenton furthermore apply tothe information, Tks important thatthe information is provided In an understandable mannet The employees should not only be involved in the information ina theoretical ‘manner but also in a practical manner Role of the supervisors The employees may ask forthe information in their own language, when they do not speak Dutch suficently. The employees are blige to cooperate in the provision ofthe information, Employees should always be informed before they start certain activites for the fist time. “This means that you should aso provide {formation and instruction when the content ‘ofthe work changes, for example when being ‘transferred or changing function or then new ‘machines, tools, processes or working methods are implemented. Content ofthe information Courses and information should be provided about: > health, safety and welfare in general, >» the possible dargers associated with work ina certain workplace, the measures taken by the employer to prevent accents (or example, safeguards on machines), the regulations and rules crawn up by the employer to best protect the safety, heath and welfae of employees (how to handle certain machines and which protective dthng should be wom). 44. Safe behaviour [As you have seen in chapter 2, the behaviour of employees atthe workplace has a ‘great influence on satey. While there must be a policy aimed at technology, legislation ‘and organisation, it is escental to understand that behaviour or the acceptance of behaviour i algo often an important cause of accents. We will discuss the most important causes of unsafe behaviour and how safe behaviour can be promated, 4.4.1 _ Causes of unsafe behaviour “The cause of unsafe behaviour can le with the supervisor as well as the operational ‘employee, We wil stat with the supervisor Unsafe behaviour can, or example, be ‘caused by tolerating vilations. Role of the supervisors ‘A supervisor who does not check that people observe the safety regulations and does not tackle people abou thelr unsafe behaviour, can gle the impression that he thinks ‘safety isnot important Furthermore, conflicting assignments or cnfliing objectives ‘an cause confusion and ead to unsafe behaviour. Final, setting a proper example ‘an be very important n promoting safe behaviout, nthe ather hand a lack of knowdedae or information for operational employees can also lead to unsafe behaviout It canbe that the ‘operational employee has to cary outa task for ‘hich he has insufficient knowledge or skis. IE might not happen very often, but unvalingness, ‘not wanting to, has to be mentioned as a cause ‘oF unsafe behaviour 7.4 ator 4.42 _ Promoting safe behaviour ‘Asa supervisor you pay an important role in stimulating safe behaviour. You have an ‘example function. IF yo. do not observe the regulation, why should the employees do 50? Furthermore, the supervisor determines the working method. You, after al, have the required information about the employees, work and circumstances. ‘You should always set a good example to the employees and ty to respond consltenty You have to supervise and, when necescay, ac to corect behaviour Ensue that your instructions are alvays clear and convincing. In unclear situations you should, when necessary, ask for advice. In unclear situations the supervisor willbe asked questions by employees. ‘Good human relationships are important when a supervisor has to convince employees to work ina safe manner Employees enjy It when their work s appreciated. Its therefore important tha: supervisors show ther apprecaton, Yeu could, for example, ‘tp and talk to people during your rounds onthe site. When you show an interest in someone, in his work aswell as his private life, you bulla relationship. Such a person wil sooner assume that you are right wie it eoncerns te execution method of work, ‘There are many opportunities for a supervisor to improve the mentalty of employees ‘and thus safety. Blow follows alist of possibites. iy to gain as much insight as possible nto the nature and the capactles of your employees. Role of the supervisors ‘bo nat et anyone work above, but also not undes thelr ability. “This can lend to geet frustration, which makes people forget about safely Provide clearly formulated assignments. “Tae into accourt the wishes and advice, opinions and proposals of your employees. A work meeting is a very goed opportunity to discus these wishes, ‘opinions, proposals and this acvce, but do not forget them afterwards Listen to ‘ideas and let people have ther say Be honest and et employees know what you think about them and about their performance wih regard to safely. Appreciate ther performance and offer to help in stuations where your help can be of valve. Assess all employees as objectively as possible, There ill always be employees vith whom you nave a better relationship but this should not influence your assessment, Never attack people on a personal feel and be tactical when intzaducing changes, You can say: "You are doing it wrong’, but you could also say: "It were ‘yu, T would do this or that way” When acting to correct someone ensure that you do not offend a person's dignity, also with regard to his expertise. ‘Aways explain wy something has to change and ensure you have a heathy dose of selfs and sel knowledge. Knowing your on hintatons ts very important. Prevent emotional situation. o not be boss. This has the opposite effet in conversations, LUstan carefully the other person ‘All these points mentioned above wl help you to promote safe behaviour "You could also appy the principles of the Burkhardt theory. Inthe next paragraph ( we explain this theory. 4, Burkhardt teory “There are various thecres aout the manner in ich safe behaviour at the workpiace can be stimulated. The Burkhard theory fs one of these, This theory states that there ‘are two princinles with four strategies with which you can promote safe behavior anc therefore reduce the number of accidents. ‘Stimulating safe behaviour (postive approach) “Tis involves two strategies these being: Strategy 1: emphasising the success of safe behaviout. Strategy 2; reducing the disadvantages of safe behaviout Role of the supervisors »» Curbing unsafe tehaviour (negative approach) ‘Tis ivolves the follwing two strategies: Strategy 3: daring the consequences of unsafe behaviour ‘Strategy 4: making the execution of unsafe actions more dificult In this paragraph we vill explain these four strategies further. Strategy 1: emphasise the success of sate behaviour ‘There ae various ways to emphasise the success of sae behaviour, Its important that safe behaviour is discussed in a positive way. This includes setting a good exemple and showing that sae behaviour is something natural, You can emphasise safe behaviout in ‘genera inthe fllowing ways: ( Discuss safety subjecs ina postive way ‘You can, for exarple, tak about the times when hazardous stations have been sucessfully avoided. Many companies have a sign at ther entrance, This sign ‘states how long ago the last acidenthas taken place. A company can righty be ‘proud of tis. Yu shoul, of course, alvays encourage improvements and discuss how (near-Jaccidnts can be prevented. Give convincing instructions to employees. Instructions wil nly be remembered when people cary them out regularly ‘You can convince employees ofthe success of safety provisions by testing them, Lot others try outthe safely provisions and regularly repeat training exercises, ‘Ts very important that time is set aside fo this. Propeey guiding and Introducing new employees is aso very important. an example of instruction is: showing how a dangerous machine can be operated safely, ( »Postvely assessing the safe behaviour of employees. “This cn be done during work meetings as well as at the workplace, ‘The improvement of safe behaviour should be encouraged and stimulated, often stil goes arong as soon as somecne thinks: "We have done it. Safe working i part of professionalism. ‘A good professional quarantees quay, but professionalism also means working ing safe and heathy manne, Health ad safety are a coherent pat ofthe work, Strategy 2: reduce the sadvantages of safe Behaviour When there are no disadvantages inked to safe behaviour, there Is no reason to avokd safe behaviour. There ate various possiblities to reduce the disadvantages of safe behaviour Role of the supervisors Ensure that there are usable safety regulations. Wis useless asking forthe impossible, There Is no need to exaggerate safely regulations. Everyone should be able to see that they are necessary. >> Ensure thatsafey provisions are accessible. ‘When someone 1s to walk 100 meters every tie he has to activate a safely provision at some point he wl tink: "Whatever". Besides the fact that safety [ovsion shouldbe within easy reach they should aso be easily accessible, (Operation of the safety provision shoul be easy (ergonomic). There should be no obstacles, such as eubbish bins or gates. ( Ensure that personal protective ‘equipment is comfortable to wear Involve employees when looking for protective dothing. Ensure that employees have suficent time to work safely, Haste has caused ‘00 many accidents. Mer al, more haste less speed! Stevan opmtan Strategy 3: clanly the consequences of unsafe behaviour Forte pervious two strategies professor Burkhardt assumed that employees ae willing tobehave safety. In her word, they ntaly display safe behaviour. You have read how this sae behavcur can be improved. When employees find safe behaviour ( ‘unnecessary, they Inially display unsafe behaviour. In this case you ean make the ‘consequences of unsafe behaviour dear, in order that employees can sce that safe behaviours better Ths can be dane in various ways. Provide information about the dangers. Explain in your avn words how bad the accident was andthe physical Injuries to hich the unsafe behaviour have lea, Stating that, for example: "Tes ashame that such a goad guy naw has such and such’, can make other employees think. You can asa slate the consequences of unsafe behaviour: "Maybe nothing vil happen, but wien something happens.” and "With the curent Sickness Benetits ‘Act nding work with a prosthesisin a winelchair can be very dificult Show them accents and their consequences. Seeing is believing! »» Give instructions about preventing unsafe situations and actions Role of the supervisors Strategy 4: make unsete behaviour more dificult \When empioyees contnve to display unsafe behaviou, you can make tis unsafe behaviour more dificult. This means that employees have to make an effort to deplay unsafe behaviour, Install fences, ced blacks and waming sons. Ensure that equipment only operates when the associated safety devices are Used, Ensure that a cover doses automaticaly. Ensue that the alarm will sound when a machine has nat been closed property or that the ‘machine onty operates when the safety requirements have been fulfil. Ensure that people are unable to get round these safety requirements by, for example, keeping a sensor engaged by using a papercp a 1a et pet ce Remove unsafe tls and materia. » Ensure employees are unable to crawl in between machines. Install galleries across pipes and ensure that these galeries have to be used (prevent short cut). Impose sanctions for employees who do not observe ‘these measures. 4.5. Policy and instruments ‘You can continue to emphasise the necessity of safe behaviour, but safe behaviour should, after al, come from the people. Safe behaviour shouldbe a hab, something natura ORen people een somethin new which they subsequently forget hs does not appiy for habits. ts therefore important that safe behaviour becomes a habit. people do not forget. To achieve this, a policy is needed fcused an such, The poly should be focused ona beter safety performance. This means you should continue to ‘aim to improve safety, You should be clear about the pronty of working ina safe ‘manner and always formulate assignments dearly Role of the supervisors ‘You should aso avy be clear about desired and undesired behaviour A proper sanction and reward poley and focused communication and awareness campaigns ‘are good tls to infuance behaviour ‘You should aso have struments to implement this policy. In this paragraph we wil dizcuss a number ofthese instruments, such a safely observations, workplace inspection, toolbox rreetings and workplace investigations. 4.1. Safety observations ‘An important instrament isthe safety behaviour cbservation round (in shor: safety ‘observation. As the rame suggests, this is away in which you mainly observe the ‘safety behaviour of employees. The purpose is to increase safety awareness. These ‘safety observations al provide a good Insight into the safety stuation atthe workplace. Preparation ‘You should property prepare before you start the observation. Plan sufcent time for the observation (30 minutes for example) and deci beforehand which aspects you Wish to observe (make a checklist). safety observation can focus at the following subjedts. >The actions of employees. ‘Are there any materials or resources which have been stacked in such a vay that {they could cause risks? Is it easy fr someone to fll r knock against something? 1s electricty posing any dangers ois it possible fr an employee tobe exposed to hazardous subsances? “The lacation of the employees, Look atthe aces In the surrounding area when the movements ofthe ‘employee have been observed, This concems the actives carried out beside, above and below the workplace. Have a good look at hosting equipment, scaffolding, hot pipes and gas exhaust. “Tools and equizment. Cheek the condition of took and equipment Oxder and tides. ‘Check that the employee works in an orderly | gaall and tidy manne Use of procedures. Check thatthe employee complies with the company rules, procedures and safety regulations You should of course check that the personal safety provisions are sed. Role of the supervisors Explain tothe employee what the intention is ofthe safety observation. You should alsa ask the employee for hs permission to observe his safety behaviour. tis recommended to camy out the obseration with two people (a maximum of three persons). Observe ‘one person atthe time, never a bole group. Bxecution ‘ave a careful look atthe saety aspects ofthe executed work, Donat limit yourself to ‘observing, but ask question, Hsten, give advice and make agreements. Inform the Person involved about the positive and negate safely aspects of his safely behaviour ‘Communicate in sucha way thatthe self-esteem ofthe employee is preserved, Make notes ofthe safely observations. Observe the human movements and ask yourself whether any dangerots stations could occur It is important that disturbance ofthe ( ‘work during the safety observation is prevented. Employees often feel very conscious ‘about the observation. Do not get in thelr Way. Despite your precautions your presence an cause certain reactions, I there are any adverse effects, you should discuss these vith the employee, You should also talk about a change in the work approach. Reporting ‘Aways prepare a repot ofa safety cbservation. This obviously has to contain all ‘your findings. also describe the safety behaviour of the employee In the report. Was lensy or dificult for the employee to behave safely? Is the opinion ofthe employee ‘about safe behaviour it agreement with your opinion about safe behaviour or not? Workolace inspections ‘Workpace inspections have almost the same approach as safety observation, but ( have a broader purpose Safety observations aim mainly atthe behaviour of employees, ile workplace inspections are more focused on the (physical) improvement of safety atthe wortplace. The manner in which a repot is made wil therefore afer. inthe report of @ workplace inspection you should describe what you have observed, the ‘actions to be taken in esponse to this and which people or services are responsible for the execution thereat. You should also state which people or services wil be responsible for flowing up these actions (checking that the actions are carried out ‘anc what the results ar). 4.5.3 HSE meeting ‘The third available instrument isthe HSE meetin, in practice often called a toolbox ‘meeting. A toolbox meeting is mostly a be, informal meeting atthe workplace about health, safety andthe environment ( Role of the supervisors Tt-an be a separate meeting butt can also be part of a meeting in which ther subject are discussed. The purpose ofa toolbox meeting i to inform and motivate ‘employees to prevent unsafe actions and unsafe behaviour toolbox meeting is a form ‘of providing informatie and instruction and is, s such, mandatory fr all employees. toolbox meeting is held by the supervisor. During the toolbox meeting you consut your operational ‘employees and alscuss unsafe stuatlons. You can ‘bviously alsa talk brefly about the successes, which ‘ll have a postive effect onthe ims you ae to discuss. I's expected that all present wil actively Participate. During the meeting, test that your message 's understood. Subjects which can be discussed during 2 toolbox meeting ae: the use of personal protective ‘equipment, order and tidiness, work methods, emergency) procedures, incidents, acidents and ‘workplace inspections. Pe. oat me(/ Cnty sass one subject cring a tolbox meeting! Make dear agreements ander ese ep S Do you held toolbox meetings? ‘what was the subject of your last toolbox meeting? Role of the supervisors How did you notice this? 4.5.4 _ Workplace investigations and monitoring ‘A workplace investigaton isan Investigation focused on the exposure to hazardous ( substances and the eff thereof Based on this investigation, the possible risks are determined wiven working with hazardous substances, When necessary, sit rules, ‘an be drawn up forthe handling ofthese substances. Fa. 9 nome aga ae ‘During a workplace investigation the following questions ae asked. » Ts thereapossibity of exposure to a hazardous substance? > Whats the type af exposure? How gratis the potential danger? In other words: how many people can possible be exposed and how great are the posibe effets? When the workplace investigation take place overa longer period this is called monitoring’ During Ue work an expert measures the exposure to hazardous substances over a certain period. Based on the lit values he assesses the ‘measuring results to estimate and prevent possible heath damage during work. Role of the supervisors 4.6 Summary High isk activities ‘A dtnction is made Eetween high-risk tasks and high-sk surroundings. Fights activities are based on the RISE. Responsibitis of the supervisor are: > todeterminea safe working method inthe work preparation, > to draw up a tive plan for the complete work and to determine the fllowing ‘order in which the activites can be carted out in a safe manner, ( to provide the raters, tools and machines necessary to cary out the workin a safe manne, to determine the necessary measures tobe able to cary out the work in a safe and healthy manner, Information and trainng ‘when necessary, an employee should attend a course or traning. “The fllowing applies io the provision of information: the employer stould inform the employee of al the dangers before the work starts; this also apples for temporary agency workers and younger employees, the instructions should be understandable: ‘adapted tothe knowledge and the skis ofthe employee, ~ not only be theoretical but also proctical, = when necessary, in their own language. Behaviour “The behaviour of employees at the workplace has a strong influence on safety Unsafe behaviour can occur due to tolerating violations, unclear assignments, a lack of policy and a lack of guidance. As a supervisor you have an example function. Four strategies to stimulate safe behaviour are: emphasising the success of safe behaviour, reducing the dkadvantages of safe behaviour, »earfying the consequences of unsafe behaviour, > making unsafe actions more dia Role of the supervisors Instruments Safely observations and workplace inspections Points of attention | setaviour Physical satery Actions of employees Safe tol, machines Loation of employees and equipment Tools and equipment Order and usiness Order and ness Report Fnaings ings ( Was sae behaviour easy or amit? ‘Acton to be taken ‘Were observer and cbserved in agreement? | Who is responsible fr the action? 1h response for the follow-up? Toolbox meeting ‘toolbox meetin Is a meeting about safety at work; the use of personal protective equipment, oder and tidiness, work methods, (emergency) ‘rocedures, incidents and accidents. Workplace investigation and monitoring Workplace investigations are spectialy focused onthe exposure to hazardous substances and the effects thereof ( Monitoring is a warkplace investigation aver a longer perio Role of the supervisors Questions with Chapter 4 Question 1 tis posible to reduce the disadvantages of sae behaviour ina numberof ways, Which way does NOT form part ofthis strategy? 1A Ensuring workable safety regulations. 5) B_Italing fencing and waring signs. [1 € Making availabe sufficient work time, Question 2A supervisor plays an important role when stimulating safe behaviour, For ‘example when determining the werking method, Why sthis role so important? FA Becausea supervisor has the necessary information about employees, the work process and circumstances. 1B Becausea supervisor has the necessary resources, possbilties and mentality. [1 € Because. supervisor has the necessary safety materia and safety procedures. Question 3 What isa toobox meeting? [A Ameetirg about safety at work. [2 8 Ameetrg in which safe tools are discussed. [5 C_Ameetrg in which supervisors talk about the safety oftheir employees. (Question 4 What s NOTincuded in the workplace inspection report? CA What the cause of the situation [1B When a problem should be solved. [1 Whos esponsibe forthe station. Question 7 a a ao Role of the supervisors What percentage ofthe accidents atthe workplace is caused by human falure and shortcomings in human behaviour? A 40%, 8 60%, cc 80%. ‘What is NOT an HSE task ofthe operational supervisor? ‘A. Determining standards fr safety resources Formulating advice forthe employes C Investigating accidents and incidents, Which dstincionis made for hghisk activites? ‘A. High-risk machines and high-tsk surounclings, B_Hlgh-isktasks and highs machines. (C _High isk tasks and high-risk surounclings.

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