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Fire and explosions Even in prebistoric time fre was seen as something ‘magical, something untouchable. Fire was considered to be a building block of our word, together with water, eatth and ait. Nowadays we know what re how we can use fie and how we can tackle fie. Just. as well, as fire often occurs a an undesired location and at an ( undesired time. Its especialy important to understand how a fre oF ‘explosion can be prevented and tacked. It depends, {ornstance, on the tye of fre or explosion. Fa sine Inthis chapter we wil therefore fist discuss what fres and explosions ‘exactly are. You wil aso learn how you can prevent and tackle fires and ‘explosions, Subsequently we wal dscuss important instructions on how to act when a fire occurs. Inthe las section of tis chapter we wil discuss the colour coding, dangers and storage of gas cylinders. We will end with an overview of warning signs and signs ( for fire-fighting. In this nal assignment you need to think about the fie hazard at your ‘workplace and the factors playing a role in this. Is iteasy fora fire to accurin your workplace?’ Yes/No plan your ansiner further. Fire and explosions 6.4 What is fire? Everyone has seen a fe once, You se the flames and smoke and you feel the heat, but what Is re exacty? Fires the chemical reaction between a flammable substance and oxygen whereby heat i released, Fora fre to occur therefore, a lammable substance is needed. Furthermore, there should be oxygen present inthe environment in order to react with the flammable substance. And finally, reaction has to stat (ignite). A fire wll never stat “spontaneously It always needs an igtion source. This can be an open flame, 2 spark ‘or eat: Even hot surfaces, radiation heat ora high amblent temperature, taking the fue! above is spontaneous ignition temperature, can be an ignition source fora fre, “The spontaneous ignition temperature ofa substance i the temperature at which a substance ignites without the need for a fame or spark. ‘The folowing picture shows these thre factors inthe fire triangle, na fre a fuel reacts with oxygen from the environment. This reaction releases so much ‘energy that other fammable substances will ‘exceed thelr spontaneous ignition temperature, “hiss called a "chan reaction” fs 22 cong ‘fires often accompanied by smoke. This smoke can be dangerous. I an contain toxic or corrosive substances, tits visbity and sinoke co lle ‘oxygen. Most ofthe victims of fires have Inhaled smoke, Fire and explosions 6.2 Types of fire when a re occurs tc important to know which substances are on ire. When you know the burning substances you know the possibilty of hazardous substances being released. tis also important to know whether iis a slid substance, quid or gas, ‘because you should ict burning sold substances ina diferent way than a gas fe Fires have therefore been divided into fire Gasses, In this paragraph we vl cuss ‘a numberof features cf the five fire classes: Fire class A:_fe involving solid substances. Fire dass 8: fre involving liquids. Fire dass C: fre involving gases. Fire dass D: fre involving metals. Non-cesiiedfres, for example ire involving electrical installations (previously Fire dass). 6.2.1 _ Fire dass A fire Involving sold substances Solid substances are, or example, wood, paper, plastic and cotton. A solid substance will only bun onthe surface unless is easy for oxygen to penetrate. This i for instance, the case with flammable, porous substances o a stack of textiles. 6.2.2._ Fre cass Bre involving liquids Contrary to a solid substance and a gas, aliquid is unable to burn on its own Most ofthe time there's insufficient oxygen present in aliquid. The liquid can however evaporate aa this can resin a flammable vapour, How mich liquid ‘evaporates depends onthe temperature. The temperature t which sufcient vapour ‘occurs inorder to forma flammable mixture with the airs called the flashpoint, ‘flashpoint isthe temperature at which sufficent vapour occurs inorder totorma tammabie mocure wah te a. ‘flashpoint sa measire forthe fre hazard of a lquid The lower the ashpoin, the bigherthe fre hazarlof the liqud. One spark in he presence of a flammable vapour ‘sone too many. Fire and explosions 6.23 _Fire dass C, fire involving gases ‘Oxygen sa gas whichis well distibuted across room, Because gases mx easily, {925 fies are often very ferce. A flammable gas escaping from a gas bottle noemally ‘does not burn near ts xi point, Only at some distance from the ext point i the ‘5 sufcinty mixed with axygen to be able to burn | 6.2.4 Fite class D, fire involving metals ‘Although you probably do not expect tis, ‘metals can also be very flammable. Examples {re magnesium, zirconium, sodium, potassium {and ithium. Magnesium, for example, is used in fre works. Fp esrimanenen ‘Non-classified fires, fire involving an electrical installation ‘This ire dass isnot based on the tye of substance tat is burning, but onthe fect tatters nce cient preset. Du tts sere cuenta sk | of eleczoation (see the chapter on elect). 6.3 Explosions Explosions occur much ess frequently than fires. However, most people wil know what {an explosion i. In this paregraph we explain what exact an explosion is, where one ‘an occur and what an exposion isk zone I. Inthe last part ofthe paragraph we discuss the explosion meter, ‘gases emitted are reecsed wit a great fore. These gases mave Ike a pressure Wave through the environment, Our hearing observes this pressure wave asthe bang ofthe explosion. The fore ofan explosion depends on the amount of gas formed per second ‘during the explosion. The more ga, the more vilent the explosion Is, ‘An explosion is a very fast progressing fire, An explosion progrezces 2o fact that the | Because during the explosion alla is pushed avay by the gases released, there should be sficient oxygen near the explosive substance before the explsion. seme (Zt et ara 63.1 _ Explosion limits ‘As sald before, an explosion i avery fast fre. This means that explosions can only take place wen a flammatle substance ad oxygen reach the correc ignition temperature together. The propotins of the lammable substance and the axygen should also be within certain limits, te so-called explosion tints. ‘When a mixture contains an insufficient amount ofthe explosive substance, iis calle too poor This msture is unable to explode. When a mixture contains too ‘much of the explosive substance, the mixture is too ric, Even a moture that Is too rich cannot explode. i 5 on bra eon et “The acronym LELstards for Lower Explosion Lim. UEL stands for Upper Explosion Limit. “The lover exposion limit (LEL) i the lowest concentration of an explosive substancein the alr at which an explosion is possible. Fire and explosions “The upper explosion mit (UEL isthe highest concentration af an explosive substancein the ai at which an explosion is possible, “The explosion area i the area between the lower and upper explosion lis. COniy inthe explosion area is an explosion possibl “The explosion limits vary foreach substance. With an explosion meter it can be “determined whether the threat ofan explesion is present. These measurements ‘should always be carried out by someone who has flowed special training for such. ‘when you think ofan explosion you mosty think about a gas expleson, Most gases ‘mic wel with This means thata situation in which an explosion can occurs easy ‘created, But other substances can also explode. Powders such as wood dust, king sugar ‘an flour, and solid substances such as dynamite and Semtex, are all very explosive. 6.3.2 _ Explosion risk zones During some processes explosive gases are released (for example in sewage purification plants) or there mightbe a large amount of powdery substance present (fr example in ‘animal fed silos). In these cases there isan increased risk of explosion, Liquids with a fash point lower than te ambient temperature also increase the rskof explosion, At those locations explosion risk zones have often been set out. Explosion risk zones havea classification. This dassication indicates the rik of| ‘an explosive misture, the duration and the type of substance zoneo Vary tly | During longer period | Gas or vapour Zone 1 Lily Now and again (Gas. vapour Zone 2 Unie | Very short periods as o vapour Zone 20 very key | During aenger period | Oust ‘one 24 ky Now and again Dust Zone 22 Unikey | ery short periods ust In these zones special measures apply to prevent explosions. These measures should censure that explosive mistures are unable to ignite. Fire and explosions ‘Animportant measures estimating the risks beforehand. These risks and the safety ‘measures should be recorded in writing, for example in a work permit. You thereby describe which activins are to be carried aut, which tools and equipment are to be sed, what PPE should be woen and what traning the operational employees should hhave attended. Often the permit aso indicates how to act wien the alarm fs sounded Inthe zone, for example by switching off the ignition sources and leaving the zne as 00m as possible. At the explosion risk zones writen instructions shoukl be present which have been approved bythe responsible supervisor Examples of safety measures for explosion risk zones are working with expasionsafe toots and wearing safety shoes which do not generate static electric The zones are Indcated with a warning sign with ‘the letters "Ee 9. 5 Wang sr 2ep0ser S28 63.3 Explosion meter \when working in an explosion free zane one of the taining requirements Is often that you should be able totake measurements with an explosion meter. There Is a specie course fortis under the name "gas measurement” It is very important where the ‘measurement Is taken. The concentration of a hazardous gas or hazardous dustin ‘certain area depends on the wind direction, the concentration (density) ofthe gas at the source and the distance to the source. You should therefore know where a gas or ‘dst could possibly escape from tobe able to interpret the measurements properly. \When the concentratan is high enough for the explosion meter to give an alam, you should immediately sitch of al gnition sources, leave the explosion risk zone and Inform the person responsible for the instalation about the situation. Extinguisht prevention ‘You now know which ypes of fire there are and you know thata fre isa chemical reaction. When you want to extinguish a fie you should therefore stop the chemical reaction. In this paragraph we explain In which ways this can be done. We wil also discuss how you can prevent fires. Fire and explosions 6.4.1 _ Principles of fire-fighting It's easy to deduct the prinple offre-ighting from the fire triangle. If you need tree factors to start aire you can stop the fre by removing one of these factors. Fee Foa e Inthis way you can stop a fre by stopping the ‘xygen supply (for example by puting aid on the pan) or by dspacing the oxygen with ancther gas. You can aso stop a fie by lowering the temperature to below the ignition temperature (cooling with ater, for instance) or by removing the ignition source. Furthermore you can remove the Nammable substance (or example by dosing @ leaking gas bate). ‘nother factor of importance fora eis a catalyst. ‘catalyst does not burn itself, but speeds up the chemical reaction which makes the fe fever ‘Sometimes a fie can only take place inthe presence ofa catalyst. “There are also substances which can slow down a process. These substances ae called negative catalysts, These are often substances which react with axygen, which means ‘that there i no oxygen left forthe fre An example ofa negative catalyst is fre- ‘extinguishing powder [In summary you can therefore extinguish fire by: ere adding negative catalysts ‘removing the fanmable substance, lsplacng the o>ygen or stopping the oxygen supply, lowering the temperature or removing the inition source, Fs 8 Sa0y Ne onze Seay Fire and explosions Extinguishing methods \When you extinguish a fre you should pay close attention tothe flowing: > Ensure your oar safety! Ifyou cannot tackle the situation, stop extinguishing the fre and go tothe evacuation site >» Choose the correct fre-extinguishing method. An incored fre-extngulshing ‘method can worsen the fre. > Always stand upwind ofthe fre, so with your back to the wind, >in the jet on the burning substance, noton the flames. “Tis does nat agply for re-extingushing powder. In that case you da have to point atthe flames and not atthe burning substance > Keep paying attention when it seems thatthe fre has ded. It can reignite, especially when the temperature Is stil above the spontaneous inition temperature. When the oxygen content near the substance increases it could start to bum again. This happens often inthe case offre-extingushing ‘methods which provide limited cooing, such asfre-extinguishing powder 64.3 _Fire preventon Prevention is better than cue, This saying also apples fr fire or explosions In your ( ‘work you can often estimate beforehand the fre or explasion hazard. In doing so you shuld take various tk actors Into account. ‘Flammable substances It's important to know which flammable substances there are present In the case ofliquids check the flashpoint: the lower the Nashpoint, the higher the isk! Oren {nan oxygen rich envronment everything burns faster. Normally ar consists of 21% ‘xygen. A higher conentration of oxygen inthe ai substantally increases the tre hhazard. Besides oxygen there are other substances which promote fre. These are substances which easly emit oxygen, such as peroxide and perchlorates. Fire and explosions {onion sources ‘fire wil not start spontaneously. Open lames ‘are a dlear cause ofa fire. In some situations 2 spark from an electrical switch era spark due to static electricity can be enough to cause a fre ‘explosion. Pay extra attention to substances which easily reac wth each other and generate lot of heat Hot surfaces, radation heat and a high ambient temperature can also form a source oF ignition Fp sacucaninty 6.5 Extinguishing equipment “The choie of the correct extingulshing device fs very important An incorect ‘extinguishing device an worsen the fie. For example, extinguishing an ol fre with | ater The division in fre dasses simplifies the choice ofthe extinguishing device, because itis possible tb extinguish fires from the same class the same way The letter(s) ofthe fre dass(es), for which the extinguishing device i suitable, bs (are) stated on the label ofthe fre-extinguisher. In this paragraph we wil isc the ‘Fire cass | hoe offre extinguster A Fre inoling solid substances, such 35 wood, paper texte and plastics. 8 Fre involving liquids and substances ‘whch becone quid under the Infuence of net. rapes: pet, alco, of resin and fats. c Fee ivolieg gases such a natural ‘925, ethane propane and LPG, ° Fee inokirg metals, such a5 sodum, potassium and magnesium, Non- | Fire invotirg an electrical Ista classed fires Wate, ABC extinguishing powder, carbon dori (C0, and fie blanket, ( Foam (AFP) carbon dioxide (C0), ‘ABC and BC extinguishing powder Sand for sal res. extinguishing devices forthe various fre classes. ABC and BC extinguishing powder. Special D extinguishing ponder Corban died (C0) spry foam and ABC extinguishing pow, Fire and explosions Extinguishers for dass A fires “To extinguish afr imlving a sold substance most ofthe time waters used However there are als extinguishers which have other advantages, especialy under certain circumstances. Water Cfo, water has beer the most frequently used method to extinguish res. Ts freely available almost anywhere, The method of using water Is based on cooling the burning substances and screering the flammable substance from oxygen. At the same time the evaporated water (steam) csplaces some of the oxygen present. ‘ABC fre-extinguishing power = This fie-extngushing povder ts a negative catalyst. “The ie-extingushing powders contained in a metal cylinder. | < | ‘re blanket ‘fie blanket ts mae from woo! or an inflammable plastic. You mainly use a fre tlanket for smal fres and when people ‘or animals are on fre. The fe blanket prevents oxygen reaching the fire, 7 Dicadvantages ofthe various fre-extinguishing methods 610 for clas A fres: Ca Extinguisher Disadvantages Water Water damage is often greater than fre damage, sensitive to freezing, conducts eleccty, many substances reac rely with ‘ter, buming aus can splash resting in 3 burst of ames, ‘ABC freetingushing | Limited cooling effect, redues visit In smal spaces, damapes| powder metals and electrics, pouting. Fie blanket ‘You have to get lose to the burning subject (hazard to the person ‘ang then), wnen me blanket doesnot cose of prope, the fre ill ot be stopped, Fire and explosions 6.5.2 _ Extinguishers for cass B fires For fires involving liqus more often than not you should not use water as an extinguisher Itcan even be dangerous, because many liquids oat on vate. “The fire wil en spread easier. There Is furthermore a danger of splashing, for example when extinguishing buring fat with water. Foam (AFF) Foam i a mixture of fam and water. Its most often contained Ina metal cylinder You most use for hres involving liquids hich are lighter than water. The oar covers the liquid which ‘means that the surfaces dosed of frm oxygen. The foam also prevents the liquid evaporating. The acronym AFFF, which 's often used, stands for Aqueous Film Forming Foam, Its also called "ight water BC re-extinguishing powder Fre-ertinguising ponder works in general as a negative catalyst. [BC fre-extinguishing fonder is contained ina metal cinder 6 Fame (Carbon alone (CO) Carbon dioxide s stored under high pressure asa liquid 4925 in metal cylinders. When the gasis sprayed out of the cylinder it freezes (-80°C) and looks lke snow. Carbon Aioxde displaces oxygen. For this reason you should always use se contained breathing protection when you Use It in enclosed spaces. Carbon dioxide also called carbonic acd gs. Sand You can use sand to extinguish smal dass B res. Sand doses the buring surface off from oxygen, has a cooling effect and absorbs the quid, inorder that cannot spread 0 easily. Sand is nota very common fre-xtingusher Pi 6 2crten danse eer Fire and explosions Disadvantages ofthe various re-extinguishing methods for dass B res: Fear ‘Conducts ec, sensitive to frezing, bad for the envronment BCfreextngushing | Liited coling eft, reduces visit in smal spaces, damages powder metals and electronics, pling. Carbon dioxide ‘Blows away in the open ai se'contined breathing protection ‘needed in endosed spaces, danger of rezing duet low temperature. Sand ‘nly suitable for smal es, cakes together and hardens, not eadly avaliable, 6.5.3. Extinguishers fr cass C tres “To extinguish cass fres fre-extnguishing powder is used. “This the same re-edingulshing powder as described for clas B fires. Gas fires are often not extinguished vith afie-extinguisher but by closing the gas ‘supply orb letting it burn out. These last two methods are often easier and safer ‘than extinguishing witn powder. When you let a gas fre burn aut you should cool the environment with water. 6.5.4 Extinguishers for dass D fires ‘Some burning metals such as sodium and magnesium, react very flercely with water. For fires involving these substances you should never use water rei ‘eres spec tre-ehgiting powder ris ye of Tes Tis ponder veri ang te se nce te e- © CStnguhing powders and es these Guanes, ‘ee Biro maine Fire and explosions 6.5.5 _ Extinguishers for non-dassifed fires Extinguishers fr fires involving elecscal installations should not conduct electricity due to the risk of electrocution, For these fres you use carbon dloxie, spray foam or ABC fire-extinguishing power ‘Spray foam the same foam as for class B fires. However, the foam extinguisher Containing spray foam has a specal nozzle, Ths nazdle sprays the water, which means that hardly conducts electric. 16. Rules of conduct for fires When a fire starts tis very important that you dont do anything wrong. A fie often spreads so quick tha: you do not have ime to correct any mistakes, In this paragraph we vill make a Ist of things you should or should nat do when a re occurs, 1. Actions when discovering a fre It's of great importance not to panic when discovering a fire, Do nt try to fight a big fire on your ov bit call for expert assistance. When a fre occurs you should pay attention tothe folowing Goto a safe place. When you are surprised by a fre, stay calm and leave the burning surroundings. Follow the instructons of the company emergency ‘response team r the fre brigade. NEVER use ali to escape and escape at right angles tothe wind direction. Report the fre tothe company fire brigade ‘or phone the general alarm number: 112. >» Warn people in te surrounding area. >» Clos a doore and windows behind you. (Oxygen is drawn into the room through ‘open doors and windows vem a roche cn et : 78 61400 me aM ety re Fire and explosions »» Bring wounded people to safety, Fight the fire whan thiss possible » Goto the assemly point and report. It means that emergency response ‘organisations donot have to search for you “WS better to start Aghting the fe immediatly. IF you are then unable to ‘extinguishit you can always call the fre brigade.” ‘what do you tink ofthis statement? 6.6.2__Burns Inthe case of externa! bums, as soon as you have reached safety, you should Immediately pay attention tothe wound. Any burns should be rinsed with lukewarm ‘water fo at least 15 minutes. 1f you do not do so, the skin wil continue to burn. “The skin wll have absorbed too much heat. The rules: "Fist water, the rest can wit ate” You can even use etch vater i you cannot find any clean wate. An internal infection Is not as bad as extra damage to the skin due to bums. Only use water, as burns olntments and other ceams cover the skin, which means thatthe skins less able to cool down, Removing the cream furthermore causes extra pain, 6.7_Gas eylinders ‘Many gases you use a: work are contained in gas cinders (also called gas botties) “Think for instance of acetylene and cxygen forthe burning and cutting of steel and ‘of nitrogen fr cooling and freezing. In this paragraph we will explain what the colour coding of gas bottles entals. You wl aso learn which requirements asafe storage space for gas cylinders shoud ful Fire and explosions 6.2.1 Colour coding of gas cylinders ‘Most gases in cylinders are under high pressure. This pressure resis in risks, such a leaks and explosions or fracturing ofthe cylinder or the equipment connected tot Inthe case of leaks its possible for very law temperatures to occur which can cause ‘bums. Exploding or fracturing of the gas bottle occurs often when the bottle has warmed up, for example due to radiation heat, When a bottle falls this could also lead to fractures. ‘The gases themselves can also be dangerous. Some gases are extremly flammable, others increase the fie hazard, oxygen for example. Certan gases, suchas itragen {and carbon dioxide, displace oxygen. In order to be able to suicly recognise the hazards of gases in cylinders gas cylinders have been provided with a colour coding on the neck ofthe bot. “The colour cade only indicates the most important hazard of the gas. This ‘means that you are unable to see which gas is contained inthe eyinder. Each gas cinder should therefore also have a label nth the name ofthe gas, the contact deals of the supple, the hazard symbol and the R and $ sentences, “There is @ new and ol colour coding system. Officially the old colour coding has become invalid as from 2006, ‘Al gas cylinders should, from that date, have a colour code in accordance withthe new coding, Pes Latera pacar mabe “The new colour coding applies to cylinders for industrial gases, medical gases and breathing gases. The olour coding does not apply to cylinders containing cooing gases ‘and liquid gases, such as LPG, propane, butane, et. The colour coding is aso nat applicable to fre-extingishers and to cylinders in bundles (rames). The table on the ‘next page contain the colour codes ofa number of commen gases. Fire and explosions Carton doe rey Lat aren “The colour code ligt green does not automatically indicate an air bottle. “There ae ather gases which are contained in a cinder with the colour code light green. For example, cylinders witha nitrogen-carbon oxide ‘mbure oran argor-carbon dioxide mixture, The same also applies for ther colour coves. Fire and explosions 6.7.2 _ Safe storage of gas cyinders {In order to reduce the risks of gas botties safe storage Is very inportant, Safe storage should meet a number of diferent requirements, Aways properly secure gas bottles in order that they cannat fall aver. The botles ‘an damage whe they fl. The shock can cause an increase in pressure, which ‘an result ina fracture inthe bot >» Protect the cyanders against the weather, such as ran and solar radiation, >» The storage should be screened against heat radiation. Ensure therefore thatthe storage area Isr to dose to machines or cling installations which emit a ot of eat. > Thesstorage shouldbe vell ventilated, So that nthe case of possibe leak the {925 vl nt build up toa hazardous concentration. > “The storage should be well removed from pis, cellars and ventilation openings. Heavy gases, suchas propane and butane, drop down and accumulate in cellars » Oxygen bottles siould be separated from flammable gases. » The corect reertinguishing equipment and water as a cooing agent should be resent near the storage, Bundles of gas bottles consist of several gas bottles containing te same gas which have been intereanneced. A rumber of adaitional rules apply to bundles of gas bots. One ofthe rues is that a bundle of gas botties should not be stored atthe workplace. Fire and cxplosions = 6.8 Sign In spaces witha fire haar near explosion isk zones and near the storage of as ‘finders you wl ofter see various sons 2» warning sions, > proiitive sions, 9» fregiting equipment sins. ( 6.8.1 _Wamning sons and prohibitive signs Waring sigs indicate which hazards can occur In an area or space. “They are triangular with a black hazard symbol on a yellow background, A ez tary soni rae Far 64 ng sor eoso rs 7o. 62 ont sn extn hed 79. 625 Nag ss tte ‘such spaces which ae indicated by a prohibitive sign. ( [A prohibitive sign is 2 round wie sign with a red border and a symbol ona white background, Sometimes the symbols Sashatbine sm poh ‘crossed by a diagonal ed line. secant a ‘Asa result ofthe hazards prohibitions are often applicable in ® 6.8.2 _ Fire-fighting equipment signs ‘These signs indicate where the firefighting equipment canbe found. Fire-fighting equipment signs are square orrectanguiar red signs with a white symbol. Below the mst important igs ere shown BED ese HED os ceeme KM reece @ (2 srexcene DD cernne BEd a sresmioenin Fire and explosions 6.9 Summary Fre Fie Isa chemical reaction between a flammable substance and ‘oxygen wiereby heats released, “The spontaneous igniton temperature ofa substance is the ‘temperature a which a substance ignites without the need fora fame or spark “The shpoint fsa measure forthe fire hazard of a aud, Pat ge “The loner the flashpoit, the higher the fire hazard of the liquid Explosions “The loner explesion lint isthe lowest concentration of an explosive substance inthe air at which an explosion is posible. The acronym for this limits LEL (Lower Explosion Limit). The upper exphson limits the highest concentration of an explosive substance in the ar at which an explosion is possible. The acronym for ths lint is UEL (Upper Explosion Lint) The area between the lover and upper explosion limit is called the explosion zone, Only within the explosion zone isan explosion possible. Explosion risk zones “The explosion rsk zones have been dassfied: ‘Werking in an exposien sk zones only alowed with wrttaninstrctions, hich have been appraved by the responsible supervisor. Fire and explosions Explosion meter \When using an explosion meter you should consider: ‘the source ofthe gas, the concentration of the gas, ‘the distance to tre source of the gas, ‘the wind direction. In the event of an alarm you should switch off the ignition sources, leave the zone and inform the person responsible. ‘Fre extinguishing You can extinguish a fre by: > temnoving the flammable substance, > displacing the a»ygen or stopping the oxygen supply, >> lowering the tenperature, >» adding negative catalyst. Pay dose attention tone following: >» ensure your ov safety, >» choose the correct fire-extinguishing method, >» always stand upning, >> aim the jet a the burning substance, >» stay alert when the fire seems extinguished. Fire and explosions ‘ie classes and fre-extinquishing methods Always use afire-extinguishing method suitable forthe typeof fe. Fre Invling soi substances, such | Water, ABC extinguishing power, 25 wood papey, texte and pasts. | carbon oxide (0,) and fe blanket. Fe invlingiquids and substances | Foam (AFF), carbon dose (CO,), which become tiuid under tne ‘AC and BC extinguishing powder, Innuence of heat. Sand for smal fees ( samples pet also, oi, resi ands. Fre ivobing gases, such 8s ‘ABC and BC extinguishing poder natural gis, ethane, propane and LPG. Fre imling metas, such as sdium, | Special Dextngushing powde. ‘otassim and magnesium, Fe imobing an electrical instalation. | Carbon exit (00), sory foam and ABC extinguishing powder, ‘Rules of conduct for res ( > Gotoasate place. + Follow the instructions ofthe company emergency response team ‘or the fre brigade. = NEVER use alt to escape. = Always escape at right anges tothe wind direction. > Reportthe fie tothe company fire brigade or telephone the general alam number: 112. > Warn peopl in the surounding area, Close all dors and windows behind you. » “Take wounded paople to safety. = Cootall burs for atleast 15 minutes with lukewarm water Fight the fie whan tis is possible. >» Goto the evacution site and report. Fire and explosions {Colour coding of gas cinders “The colour cde only dicates the hazard of the gas. This is wy all gas elders should also have a label. Colour codes ofa numberof common gases: Storage of cas eindess > Always secure ges bottles propery. >> Protect the cylinders against heat radiation The storage aee should be wel ventilated. b> Thestoraye slowkl Le a @ sae ustence rom pts, ellars ad venBlavon openings > Oxygen bottles siould be separated from flammable gases. > Firefighting equpment and water asa cooling agent should be present near the storage. ae ‘9p te and eat ‘ams exon 90 ais > PEP Fire avd explosions few son nos aad mew rg so ges Fire and explosions Question: with Chapter (Question 1 What isthe definition ofa fire? [1 AA chemical reaction between a flammable substance and oxygen whereby heat is released [1B A chemical reaction of a fammable substance and a catalyst whereby oxygen is released. [1 Such a high temperature that flames occur Question 2 Which statements true? A _Ligulds with alow flashpoint can ignte spontaneously. LB. The higher the flashpoint the higher the fre hazard ofa tquid. [1 © Thelower the flashpoint, the higher the fre hazard ofa quid. ‘Question 3 Whats the spontaneous ignition temperature ofa substance? o o “The lowest temperature a which the substance canbe ignited by a spark “The lowest temperature a which the substance decomposes into flammab e components 1 € Thelowest temperature at which the substance ignites without this being ‘caused ty a spark or fame. (Question 4 An explosion can only take place: [A Above the upper explosion limit. [1 B__Below the lower explosion int. [1 _Betweenthe lower and upper explosion limit. {Question 5 _ wien tre-exangushing metnod is sutable to extinguish a gas tre? 1A. Fire-extinguishing powder. 1B Foam. 5 Steam, ce Question 7 ooo ‘Question 12 o o o Fire and explosions What should not be extinguished with water? ‘A. Aven a paper container BMfrein a switchboard cabinet. CC Astack o burning texts. For which fires can you use foam as a fie-extinguishing method? ‘A. Fire involving liquids and gases. 1B Fires invving liquids and metals. C Fires involving liquids. Whats a disadvantage of extinguishing with a BC fre-extinguishing powder? 'A._Te-damages metals and electronics. 1B Riesenstive to freezing. You shoud wear breathing protection, ‘What are the three elements of the fre triangle? ‘A Flammatie substance, mixture ratio and catalyst. 8 Fammate substance, arygen and ignion temperature. © _gnition temperature, cxygen and catalyst. ‘What should you do with a burn? ‘A. Apply bun ointment and cover wth bandage. B Arrange professional asistance first. © Cool immediately with ukewarm water matt 9 good fire-extinguishing method? ‘A Aim the jt atthe flames. 8 Always stand upwind. € Asanovie always extinguish with wate Question 12 o o a Question 16 a a (Question 17 o a a Fire and explosions ‘Whats the cdour ofthe neck ofa cylinder containing acetylene? A Chestnutbrown. B__Uoht green. © Ochre yetow. ‘What indicates which gasis contained in gas cylinder? A The colour code. 8 Thelabel C_ Theshape of the neck. Whats a safer precaution forthe storage of gas cylinders? ‘A. The floor ofthe storage should havea pit connected toa sewer. 1B The storaye shouldbe airtight. C The storage should protect against eat radiation, Whats the dkadvantage of extinguishing with water? ‘A. burning substance can respond Fercely to water B__xtinguishing with waters relatively expensive. C _Fresightes are often hampered by the smoke, \When can the transfer of heat promote the occurrence of a fre? A. Inthe case ofa conflagration. When thew are a lot of ames. CC When thee is lot of heat ‘cn type oF extinguser asplaces oxygen? A fee blanket. B Carbon dioxide. © Sand, Fire and explosions (Question 18 Whats the reaning of "one 21" LA During alonger period a very key explosion risk frm gas. [1B Now andagain a likely explosion risk from dust LC Now andagain a tkaly explosion risk from gas. {Question 19. What should you consider when working with an explosion meter? A Theairtumity [1B Theambient temperature. 1 € The wind direction (

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