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Tools and machines Chapter 7: Tools and machines Introduction Even in prehistoric times humans used (imple) tools. Te pointed and flat stones they used were modem tools for tose days. Fortunately nowadays there are better and ‘easier to use tools avalable. We use ‘electrically powered machines to lien heavy ‘work and special processes, such as welding and cutting, to jin o separate materials. However, these machines and processes. ‘also cary dangers. Py FT oaeF {In oder to work safey and stay heathy it is important to know haw to use tools and machines property. In this chapter we il fist dscuss the various groups of tools and machines hand tos, electrically and pneumatically powered hand tools, > permanently installed machines. For each group we wl dscuss the dangers, requirements and safety measures “Subsequently we wiltake a doser look ata number of highs tols and machines. Inthe last paragraph you wil earn about the dangers related to welding and cutting and the safety measures for these activites. {In this inal assignment you wil think about the dangers related to tools ‘and machines used by you. Name a toa or machine used regularly by you. Tools and machines Have you teen (nearly) injured when working with that tool or machine? Yes / No so, describe briefly what went (near) wrong. 7.4_Non-powered hand tools Maybe you think: "What can go wrong wth simple hand tools, such as @ hammer ‘or file? In practice this proves to be a mistake, simply because there are so many {types and ses of hand tools, and who hasnt encountered a screwdriver of fie which slipped. In tis paragrach we wil discuss the dangers, safety requirements and safety ‘measures forthe use ofnon-powered hand tools. 2A.A Dangers any accidents occur because hand tools are poorly maintained. Think for exemple ‘bout loose or missing parts, burrs and wear and tear. loose hammerhead sipping off its shaft is very dangereus, to yourself as well s others. You can cut your hands onthe. burs ofa chisel head A pai of pliers with worn teeth can easly slp off an object, resulting, for example, ina brulsed hand or wrist. ‘Another important cause of accidents with hand tools i incorect use. Examples are tightening bolt wit ples, using the incorrect sizeof spanne,levering with ake, et, 7.1.2 _ Safety requirement and precautions {In order to limit the dangers, requicements and safely measures ae set out forthe various hand tools, which you should abserve asa user. ( Tools and machines 1m general the following apples: > use tols that are stable fr the work, > use the correct working method. “This means that you have tobe propery trained for your work. ‘Only then you wil be able to choose the correct working method and suitable tools Inthis table you wil fl the most important requirements and safety measures for commonly used tos “The shaft has tobe secured int the hammerhead, ‘The sat shouldbe smooth. “There shouldbe no burs onthe hammerhead ‘oot Spaners and slogging spanners guiraments: ‘Should be undamaged ‘logging spanner should have a cord “Safey measires: Use rng spanner rather than opemended spanner ‘ring spanner wil be less kel to sp off a nut ‘Aways choose a spanner which exact fs the nu ‘bo not extend the spanner For me 7r0ng Tools and machines ‘Requirements: “The blade should not be too sharp. Sify measur Choose a screweiver which fs exactly in the ‘ot ofthe screw. Camp sal parts tele) Tae ie dl Tat Files ‘aguiements ‘Should havea sé handle and the Fancle shoud be secur, No burrs onthe hea. and protection around the isl a —— ‘aguiraments: Jaw and hinge undamaged and clan, Tools and machines ‘Should be shar. —————— ‘Sofey measures ‘Chaos ale thats suable Forte work. Cut any ftom your body. Do not extend the bade further than neessory. Break ofthe blade ‘th a blade beaker or pers, Tol Saws Ss “Requments: ‘Saw blade shoud be sharp. Fx the sa bade securely. ——— Safey easiness “Teeth should e well st Fic the sam Dade wh Its teth facing forward. Chaos the corect san. Fp 72 ee aang od ‘Nso think about what can happen during use. For example, a workpiece should be ‘damped propery hen you are going to work int with a chisel or il, The same applies for working witha screwdriver. When you hold the workpiece in your hand, {your run the risk of ah injury when the screwdriver sips: When using piers to cit through a sprung wie, don forget I can jump away. Metal being savin by a hand ‘sav becomes so hot that you can easly burn yourself ont. Check and maintain your tools regulary. Replace damaged or worn tools or have them repaired by an expert Tools and machines 7.2 Electrically powered hand tools More and more hand tols are powered electrically. Think, for instance, of electrical screwérvers and electrical dills. These hand tools can be equipped with batteries or vith 9 connection to a power supply (plug). We wil dscuss the latter category, because the dangers ofthese tools are mainly related tothe extent ofthe electrical current. This does not nean that you should not handle the other toos with care. Fo. P18 iy rc ar age Inthis paragraph we wl discuss three important dangers of elecrcally powered hand tools. Subsequently we wil discuss te assoclated safety measures. 72.1 Dangers ‘The ist and greatest danger of electrically powered hand too is to receive a shock. “The consequences ofthis can be very serious. Inthe chapter about electric we wil ( discus this n deta second danger of electrically powered hand tools isthe Increased fire or exploson hazard A fire or explosion when using electrically powered hhand tools can occur intwo ways: 1. Through sparkngin the electric motor ofthe tol. 2. Through heat, from the tool as well asthe material being worked on. “The third danger of electrically powered hand tolsis fie and buns asa result of sort iculs. Shor-uraits provide a very high votage. AS a result of heat Is ‘produced in short time. The tool becomes hat or stats to burn which could resutin ‘bums on your ski. Bess the dangers related to electric, the general risks regarding working with tools ao apply, Tools and machines 72.2_ Safely measares ‘You can take various safety measures to reduce the risks associated with working with electrically pomered hand tools. Safe voltage “The danger ofeleccty depends, among athe things, on the strength of the voltage. Hand tools are therefere clive into hand tools using 230 vot alferating current (mains veltage) an hand tools using a "safe votage”, There are two types of curent, these being aerating current (~ ) and drect current (=zz). The curent of our electricity network is 2 alternating current. The current ofa battery and accumulators ‘a direct current. Theres an important difference in the associated danger. Touching an ‘ltermating curent of more than 80 vots can be fatal. Fora direct curren tis itis 120 volts. sxe ae anata es with i at odo ret de maj Sean enn c tena haem daring caren ond Seen arse anere mt SO vats nt et orev, ‘Sometimes, howeves for example when you perspire a lt or wien you are In poor ‘physical condition, even this voltage can be dangerous Furthermare, safe votage can ‘tl spark and thereere cause afr or explosion. So always be carefull ‘You use tools with a safe voltage in special stuations where the consequences ofan electric shock would be worse than normal, Tink for instanceof very damp spaces. Double insulation Double insulation fs nother way to reduce the danger of electric. Tis then impossible to make direct contact with the lve parts. Hand tols using 230 vols should therefore be couble insulated. You can recognise these tools by the sgn Inthe flowing picture. eater . Double insulated toos are never earthed. “They abways havea wo-pin plug. ig 715 Aether Tools and machines gummy) ei rn dent ter tin aunt rc a damp envionment. Explosion safe tools In spaces with an Increased risk offre or explosion you are not allowed to work With standard tots. You should use explosion safe tools. These tools do nat cause sparks. ‘Maintenance and inspection ‘Also, for electrically powered tools, a lack of maintenance or poor maintenance Is often the cause of dangers. Ensure therefore thatthe tools are in good condition. Replace worn tors in good time ‘Nl electrically powered hand tools ‘manufactured after 1995 should have CE mark and shouldbe periodically Inspected in accordance with NEN 3140, You should be abe to read the period of veality onthe label ort canbe indicated by a coloured mark onthe too. meray CE marking prescribes for instance thatthe tools shouldbe accompanied by user and ‘maintenance instructors. These shouldbe writen inthe language of the county in ‘which the tools used, 7.3. Pneumatically powered hand tools Preumatialy powered rand tools ae powered by compressed ait We wil discuss ‘only the large han tools for work causing strong vibrations, such as cuting and dling concrete. These tools are associated with a number of specific dangers. 73.1 _Dangers Besides the general dangers, when working with pneumatically powered hand tools YoU should take the follwing three dangers into consideration, Tools and machines 41. Heath damage due to vibrations 2. Noise evel 3. The danger of compressed at ‘Health damage de te vbrations Many pneumatically powered hand tol vibrate strongly. The greatest danger of these tools i thatthe vibraons are transferred tothe body. Long term exposure to vibrations can seriously damage the body and can cause joint complaints, The wellknown "white fingers" after using @ pneumatic hammer ae the result of reduced blood flow. ise level Pheumatcally powered hand tools often make alt of nase. The noise ofthe work itslf is added to that. The noise level is therefore often too high which could result in hearing damage. Dangers of compressed air ‘Allpneumatcally powered hand tos are connected via a hose to a compressor or ‘compressed ar newer. When 2 hose sips It canbe whipped up and down by the ‘escaping az. This coud lead to injury. 73.2 _ Safety measures You can take various measures to limit the risks. >» ropely maint all hand tls, especally those that move and vibrate much. > Wear soft eather gloves. These are able to somernhat absorb the vibrations, ont wear rubber loves! Wear hearing protection. > Aways wear safety lasses, safety gogoles or a face mask agains ying particles ‘when carrying aut chipping work. Eye transplants have so far not work. > Take sufficient breaks or regularly cary out alternative work, > Close the ar supply when fishes. For some tools a dead man's switch is essential. A dead mans switch ensures thatthe toot is stopped as soon asthe uttan is released, When something goes wrong the tool cannot cause any further damage. Tools and swachines 7.4 Permanently installed machines ‘Although there are many diferent machines in existence, they have a few things in ‘common. This aso applies tothe risks and safety measures. In ths paragraph we wil first discuss @ numberof requirements forall machines. Subsequenty you wil learn hat the sks are when working with permanently installed machines and how these risks can be reduced, We wl of course assume that you will only use a machine forts intended purpose, otherwise the Isto risks i endless, 7.4.1 _ Safety requirements ( ‘There are safety requirements for machines and forthe operators of machines. ‘The requirements for machines cannot always be applied to all machines, A no-load ‘ich, for example, can only be found on electcally powered machines and not on ‘machines with an intemal combustion engine, Requirements for perranently installed machines ‘All machines should havea CE mark and shouldbe periodically inspected, ‘You shouldbe able to ee this on the machine, for example inthe form of @ CE mark {and a label withthe inspection date, ‘CE marking aso means that all machines should have a user ‘manual in the Dutch language. Furthermore, there should be an instruction card regarding it operation present on or neat the machine, Hazardous zones, such as lve pars, hot parts and moving pars, should be protected so that you cannat touch them. Par inated ‘A machine should haveat least one emergency stop button. ‘This emergency stop button should be easly recognisable and easly accessible. When tive emergency stop has been used the machine can only be started inthe normal way {60 not by pling out the emergency stop button). Electrically powered machines should have a no-load switch (ls called a no-votage ‘Switch. This switches ofthe machine when the power suppl ha filed. The machine vl hen not start automaticaly when the power supply returns. Every machine should hhave a break which tops the machine wien iis switched of. This avoids along son- ‘down ofthe machine. Tools and machines (p71 oman msire Proper maintenance i also Important. Maintain the machine in good condition. “This reduces any rss. Clean the machine after use and lubricate regula. CCheck important pars and safety measures regulary to ensure their proper operation. ecm) Aras site te man i oete cana ay mate ol) rmemsne [Machines can also be dangerous to people working nearby or walking past. For this reason the suroundings ofthe machine should be well marked, for exampe ‘with lines on the flooe It should also be indicated with pctograms what the dangers ‘are an which PPE should be worn. ‘Requirements forthe operators of permanent installed machines Because permanenty installed machines are mostly high-risk an less easy to operate than hand toos the aperators should also meet certain requirements >You should have received prt Information and instructions onthe risks and the ‘operation (for example so that you know where to find the emergency stop ‘utton) and about any PPE you need, »» You should use the prescribed PPE. You should be atleast 18 years of age to be allowed to operate high-risk machines. » You should not bypass or switch of safety devices. You should never leave a running machine unattended. Tools and machines 7.4.2 _ Risks and safety measures for permanently installed machines Permanently installed machines often carry the same risks. We wil discuss the most important and indicate fr each risk how you can reduce. Fivng particles During the use of mary machines, particles (chips or shavings) off the product thats ‘being worked on. For example inthe case ofa grinder or table crculr sav. However, {even for machines vihich are not intended todo so, something an break or fy off. For example, when a cil bt breaks ina driing machine. Your eyes are especially Sensitive to dust and smal particles. You should therefore always wear safety glasses when there i the isk f fing parties. Its also necessary to prevent particles ending "pin your lungs so use an extraction device and/or breathing protection. Glowing fing particles can also easily cause a fre when there isa flammable substance nearby. Protect youself with properly closing work clething and ensure thatthe surroundings remain clean. Pay special attention to ammable waste, such as cleaning rags with grease and sich, ‘Moving parts Most machines have moving pats. These parts offen rotate a high speed. Think for Instance of dil, saw blades and grinding stones. Many machines have protective covers ‘prevent anyone touching the moving pats. These offer some pretection but moving pars often remain accessible, ‘Theres therefore always a risk when you get close to a moving or rotating machine while wearing loose dating. The machine can grab the cathing and pl, for instance, yur arm with it. Long ai, watches and jewellery can be dangerous for the same reason. Always take jewellery of and tie ng hair together when working with machines. ‘Some machines have pneumatically or hydraulically powered clamps, When clamping the workpiece thee is arsk of getting trapped. se) tect arnictweranepia — fee ee Belnem Snr ‘Mots level Some machines make ot of noise wien you are using them to work on an object “Think ofa table crcular saw or grader, Tools and machines 'As.a result of too mucinalse your hearing can be damaged. When you use such ‘machines more than 2 few minutes at a time you should wear hearing protection. For metal cuting you usually use olin a water emulsion “These emulsions provde the cooling and lubrication. ‘Standard ol provides ibrieaton but no cooling. The ‘emulsion is usually sprayed against the cutting tol and the workpiece. You cauld encounter splashing liquid. Protect yourslf agains his with a (Face) mask as the cutting al shot and certain types cary health rss. You should therefore avays read the label on the ‘packaging or ask your supervisor about the corect ane Fa. 7080 ma gu apa0s 1 method. ‘aowy acne! (Coating and euting of | ‘concentration Ensure that you work wth concentration. When someone asks you a question its best to interrupt your work a while, Tere isa risk that an accident wll happen wen you stop paying attention Do not get distracted and do not distract your colleagues. They run the same ris, The workplace Net only machines cause angers. Een the immediate erronment ofa machine has an influence on the rsks you run. In order to limit the danger of sipping oF stumbkng there ae rules regarding the st up of machines. There shoul! besuficent fre space | ‘around the machine tobe able to ork. The foo shouldbe level and rough to prevent sipping. Always keep this area fee, dry and dean! 72 Pepe wae ‘Another tsk Factor inthe workplace i ight. It is obvious you cannat work without light, But itis also important that you have suficent light, that there is not too much contrast ‘and no annoying reactions. Tools and machines 7.5. Specific machines with an increased risk. Some machines are more dangerous due toa combination of sks. “These are the following machines: hand-held grindess, bench grinders, hand-held circular saws, table circular save, chainsaws, pillar dels, alles and staplers, In this paragraph we dscuss the risks ofthese machines, the requirements for these 'machines and the safety measures you should take when working with these machines. Obviously, the general requirements and safety measures for machines ‘apply to all machines clscussed in this paragraph, 75.1 Hand-held grinder ‘hand-held grinder isan often used tool, With this tool you can cut through steel and stone and remove burs. Hand-held ornders are the cause of many accidents in the industry. “The most frequent acients are: injures through fhing pieces ofa broken dis, > fire due to the hightemperature when grinding or due tothe "shower of sparks, injures through contact withthe rotating dsc Besides this, hearing damage Is easly caused because grinding makes so much nose, “Tolimitthe rst, hand-teld grinders and grinding discs should meet certain Fequements and there are ules regarding te use ofa hand-held grinder. Tools and machines Requirements of @ hard-held grinder Each hand-eld grinder has to have a guard and side-handle. You ae not allowed to remove thesel (Fe Pa Pete co an SENS Hand-held grinders fr grinding discs of more than 125 mm should have a dead man's svtch By law each grinding se should state the following: the name ofthe manufacturer the ‘maximum date of use ofthe disc, the application (which materia and which process), ‘the dimensions ofthe disc and the maximum allowable 1pm. ‘Sefety measures when using a hand-held grinder Use the corect grinding dsc Take the following matters into account: = The process; deburring or cutting. For both processes there are special ‘rinding diss, these beng the cuting disc and the deburing dsc. ‘You should never use a cutting dlc for deburring as there sa great risk that the ese wil break, This can also occur when te cutting diss loaded sideways. = The material you are grinding; there are discs for metal stone, ete. = The maxinum rpm ofthe disc; the maximum rpm of the machine should never be higher than the maximum rpm ofthe disc > Properly clamp your workplece so it cannot ty out. + Welunt the grinding dsc has stopped rotating before you put the machine down \When the rotatng dsc touches the workbench te (rotating) machine can fy off Always wear safety glasses, hearing protection and a particle fer mask. Ensure that the shower of sparks cannot cause a fre or becomes a danger to ‘alleaques working next to you. a Tools and snachines “When the protective cover ofa grinders inthe way, you can temporarily remove it" ‘What do you think about this statement? Explain your answer, Bench grinder Even a bench grinder cartes besides the general risks a numberof specifi iss, “These are discussed beow. This i folowed by an overview ofthe requirements for grinders ond the regulations fr Une use of grinders. ‘Risks of @ bench grinder ‘bench grinder is usedto remove burrs from workplces orto sharpen tools ‘The grinding whee! rotates ata very high speed. A grinding wee! consists of binder onto which abvasve grains have been applied. The abrasive grains should be Tools and machines atleast as hard as the materia rom which the workpiece is made. Ensure you do not touch the rotating grinding wine! with your fingers. This can resu in serious injuries. ‘when working with a grinder is very Important that you do not exceed the maximum pm ofthe orinding wheel. Ifyou do so the grinding wheel can break into pieces, Grinding wheels can aso easily break into pieces when they are no longer round “Another risks that the workpiece gets trapped between the grinding wheel and the too rest. In ths case the wheel can also break int pieces. \when grinding you can see a "shower of sparks, These are small glowing partices of ‘metal you are grinding off the workpiece. The dangers ofthese parties are: > they can cause ¢ fre, especialy when there are flammable materials nearby, > they can get into your eyes, > they are so smal that you cn inhale them, ‘Requirements for bench grinders >The machine should have a protective shield above each grinding veel The sides of the wheels should be propey guarded. You are also not allowed to use the sides ofthe whe! for arnding. » The grinding whee! should be sufficiently rounded and the grinding surface should be fat »» The grinding wheels ofa machine with two grinding wees should not fer too ‘much in diameter. Ths could cause an imbalance as a result of which the erincing ‘whee! can break nto pleces » The space between the rest and the grinding wheel should not be larger than {three milimetres. Tools and machines Safety measure when using bench grinders \When using a bench atndes, besides the general safety regulations, the folowing ‘guidelines apply. > Always use the protective shields belonging to the machine, » Aways wear grinding goggles ra face mask, despite the protective shield > Use hearing protection when arining for a langer period. > Adjust the rest regularly, This should only be done when the grinding veel has stopped rotating. Only professionel employees are allowed to replace a grinding whet 75.3. Table circular saw ‘table circular saw is used to saw wood and plate material. Many accidents occur wth table circular saws. Oten because people come too dose tothe rotating saw blade with their fingers. Other rks are the inhalation of cust, a lot of noise and rebounding ofthe Wood. Tiss why these machines should meet a number of requirements. You should also take safely measures wien using this machine. Requirements ofa table crcular saw Faas necro >» Every table Grcuar saw should have a sutable quad (protective cave) covering the sav blade. This guard shouldbe attached toa robust stand. tis best to use a transparent guard so you wil be able to view your work > Each table cular sa should havea riving knife support, with a riving knife suitable forthe used saw blade, ith regard tots dlameter and thickness. >» The guide shoul be sutable for the saw and should be propery adjusted. Tools and machines >> There shouldbe atleast one dust extraction. > There shouldbe a push stick with an interchangeable handle present to safely ‘guide small or narow workpieces through the machine Safety measures when using a table circular saw Adjust the say Blade as high as possible in order to reduce the risk of rebound >Use the push stk to saw small workpieces. > When using larger workpleces use a cller conveyor to support the workpiece oF ask a colleague to assist. A Hand-held dreular saw ust ike a table circu saw, a hand-held creular saw is used to saw wood and plate ‘material. A hand-held circular saw carries, besides the dangers of a table circular sam, ‘a numberof extra dangers. There are therefore a numberof other and addtional safety ‘measures fora hand-held crear sav Requirements fora hand-held cular saw > Rhhand-held cular saw should have a two-part quard covering the saw blade. | fed part, covering the upperside of the saw blade, and a hinged pat, covering the lower side, which rotates back automatically when the sawing Is finished. Net eee in The rving knife shouldbe suitable forthe saw blade. Tools and machines ‘Safety measures when using a hand-held creular saw >» Adjust the depth of cut so thatthe sa blade protrudes as litle as possible ‘under the workgiece. > Ensure thatthe saw blade cannot get trapped. Use a proper rip fence in rder to sawn a suaight ine. > Ensure thatthe saw is properly supported. > Aska colleague ‘or help when needed > Always keep the power lead behind the saw, 755 Chainsaw {Chainsaws are mainty used in forestry and landscaping to prune and fel trees, A chainsaw f a high-sk tol because the chain i nt protected. In order tobe able to work as safely as possble with a chainsaw the chalnsaw as well as the operator should ‘meet a number of requirements. Requirements fora chainsaw ‘A chainsaw should have > vibration fee handles with ants, > internal vibration damping, a protective bracket against a broken chain, » achain brake (emergency stop), »» chain catch mechanism, >» double handed operation. 7.727 O09 “The chainsaw should, uthermore, be properly balanced, Requirements for the operator of @ chainsaw You should have food suitable anny. This wens for instance, that you should know how to postion yourself so that you are not hit by the chain Inthe ‘case of rebound. The training should be concluded by a test. Tools and machines >> You should use the correct PPE. ‘Chainsaw trousers. These trousers are made from a special materia with anti-ut ard blocking flores. These are bres in which the saw wil jam. “Ths prevents injuries to your legs. = Aface mask to protect your face and eyes against sa dust and splinters. ~ Gloves. 78.6 Pilar dri Pilar dls are use te dl holes in various mater, They are postoned on a stand! and the dil head can be moved up and down witha lever F728 Porat Pilar aril donot seen dangerous. However, there ae risks asociated withthe use of pillar dell, A nurber of risks have been discussed already. > Flying particles: wear safety classes and propery closing work dating. For 8 pillar di it 80 applies thatthe machine should have a transparent guard between the dll and the use. >» Moving parts: donot wear gloves, jewelery o loose clthing You should, furthermore, properly damp the workpiece, others it can start rotating wen the dil gets jammed. The workpiece can hit your arm or even your body with ‘great fore or ean even be thrown lear. This is dangerous for other people. Aways ‘damp your workplece propery with a dll clamp or with bolts. When you have to del 2 fragile workpiece you can lean the workpiece aginst a stop. This should of course be ‘done in the rotaiona direction of the dil Finally you should never remove swar with ‘your hand, but with e swarf brush or swarf hook, and you should never adjust v-bets “wen the machine is stil rotating, The cover ofthe drive should always be dosed wien dling, Tools and snachines Nallers and staplers ‘with a nailer we here mean the (pneumatic) nals (Cackers) used in the bulding and furture industries. Nales inthe printing sector fll under the permanent installed machines and are not lscussed separately hee, just tke staplers you use athome or inthe ofc. Fa. rarmaanate nae ists ofa pneumatic nar or stapler ‘A.pneumatic nar or stapler carries various risks. You wil find the mast Important risks below: »» Flying nao staple (nating outside the material). Rebounding naar staple, This often happens with hard materials or when the ‘all bounces back from metal nthe workpece Penetrating nal for example due tothe working pressure being too high. ‘These dangers also apply toa lesser extent for electric tackers. These tackers are less strong than pneumatic tackrs, Softy requirements ard measures (One important requirerent a tacker should meet Is the maximum allowable working Dressure. Check that the air pressure f the compressor r the pressurised air network, ‘to which the tacker willbe connected, is not higher than this maximum working ( Dressure. \When working with a taker you should furthermore observe the following rules ‘ensure thatthe guide is empty when you recharge the tacker, use staples or nas suitable forthe work and the device, keep your freehand as fer away as possible from the tacker, force the head ofthe tacker onto the workpece sess 7.6 Welding, cutting and burning Wilding cutting and buming are processes whereby you process material ata very bigh temperature with welding or cutting equipment. ( Tools and machines ‘when welding you comect two workpieces. You do this by heating both workpieces on ‘the spot where you nculd like to connect them to sucha temperature that the material ‘melts fcaly Inthe meantime you also add extra materia. When everything has cooled dyin ancl has soled the workpieces are connected. | During electric welding you use electri to reach the melting temperature. During | ‘ae welding you use flammable gases and oxygen. The process of "gas cutting” sin fact the opposite of gas welding. During gas cuting you divide one workpiece Into tio workpieces. You doth by localy heating the orignal workpiece so thatthe material ‘malts. The molten material bums and the residue is blown away. “These processes carry specie dangers and risks. Fr this reason it is, mmany cases, necessary to make Use ofa work permit. This apples | especially when welding or cutting in locations where this does not normaly happen. When welding ‘or cutting ina specially equipped welding area there is no work permit necessary, F730 ely Inthis paragraph we wil cscuss the specific dangers of welding and cutting. ‘Wie wil also discuss the safety measures you should tak. letre welang caries the folowing dangers: electric eurrent, radiation hazard, hazardous gases and vapours, fire and explosion hazard, incorrect working pasture (ying down, above your head, and such), hazardous noses (this isnot a direct hazard when welding, but mote when finishing a wel). 7.6.1 _ Electric welcing Tools and machines Blectrc current ‘The greatest danger of power isa current passing through your body electric shock, see the chapter on eer). When welding under good circumstances (ary clothing, ‘dry suroundings, et. an altering vatage of 60 to 85 volts is nota problem, However, when the contlons are less favourable (for example in warm surroundings In which you perspire quicker or in damp, narrow spaces) ths altemating current can cause electrocution wten touched, For these situations thar is welding equipment which is equipped with a voltage drop relay o a special transformer. The voltage drop relay reduces the open voltage inthe ‘welding interval oa value below 42 volts ‘When the welding equipment does not have these aforementioned devices you should use wedng equipment with direct vltage in a damp space. Other safety measuresto limit the dangers ofan electrical current passing tough your body are: >» wear dry, leather gloves, especialy when exchanging the electrode, > wear safety shoes with rubber soles and insulated steel toe caps, PPAR pee gH ensure thatthe welding clamp makes a good connection withthe workpiece, snitch the main switch ofthe transformer off immediately after use, » donot hold the welding clamp, welding tongs, cable or electrode under your ‘arm or armpit achaton aca During electric welding several types of radiation occur, which are hazardous, “These can be divided into three types: 1. Visible radiation (ight) 2. Utvaviole radiation, 3. Infrared racaton. Tools and machines sb radiation (ght) You can be binded by vsble radiation. Iti, furthermore, ring for your eyes. Utraviotetrackation ‘Utva\olt radiation cen cause inflammation of the cornea (so-called arc eye). You will ‘only notice this lam ation several hous after exposure. Ultravcietralation can also ‘cause sn bums. Infrared radiation Infrared radiation i heat radiation. When exposed to it fora longer period your eyeball can dry out, Tis can cloud the intraocular lens, which could result in permanent ( blindness Yu can protect your eyes and face against radiation by using a welding mask with an undamaged welding glass. Remember thatthe colour and the larity of the welding glass should be adapted to the welding process. Ensure also that the rest cof your body is covered You should furthermore protect your suroundings against this radhaton by placing sreens or closing the welding curtains present. Welding vapours During welding hazardous gases and vapours can be released. These originate in the ‘weld pool and from tke liquid slag. Anather possibility ls that gases are released viten ‘the surface protector ofthe material to be welded is burt. You can think here of ‘welding galvanised metal (metal with a covering layer of Zin, Cacmium oF Chrome), the burning of painter welding arustprooted underbody ofa cat “These welding vapours often ‘contain heavy metals which can ( damage your organs. You can protect yourself against this by ‘using a welding mas, which encloses your entire face, In ‘order that you cannot inhale the vapours. tis even better to use a ‘welding mask with overpressure. 1f possible, the welding vapours EE. should be extracted. You should, n any case, ensure proper ventiation, As a last resort you could use breathing protection. Fools and machines ‘Fre and explosion hazard ‘When welding itis impossible to prevent fying sparks These can cause a fire in waste ying around in the workplace. The weld and the workpiece alsa become very hat. Take care not to burn your hands on the weld or the workpiece and ensure that there are no flammable materia near the area where you ae going to weld Its furthermore Possible for flammable gases to be released in encased spaces as the temperature inreases asa result othe welding. These gases can ignite or explade due tothe high ‘temperature inthe wed pool. You should therefore alvays keep fire-fighting equipment dose to hand. Protect yourself by wearing proper dothing, suchas a welding apron and welding gloves. Hazardous noise ( When grinding out welds or when chipping off slag this wil almost akways produce a noise level which Is above the hazardous limit of 80 dB(A). You can protect yourself against this by wearing hearing protection, 7.6.2 _Gas welding, cutting and buming ‘The principle of gas welding Is based on the fact that you are melting the material by Pointing a fame at ivith a temperature of 3000°C. This lame i created by mixing ‘2oetylene or propane vith oxygen and igniting this atthe ext paint ofthe torch. This flame extracts oxygen from the surrounding ai, because there Is nsificent ‘oxygen being supplied for complete combustion. The flame hereby protects the weld ool against the negathe effects of oxygen from the ar on the weld pool Gas cutting is based on the principle that the rmetal to be cutis burnt in a strong oxygen flow, followed by "lowing aay" the molten ‘material. Forgas cutting oxygen and a fuel are sed. Contrary to gas welding, i his process ‘more oxygen is supplied than is necessary for the combustion of acetylene. Acefylene (the fe!) is needed to sufcenty heat the workpiece. The oxygen flow "blows" through the matera Dust as for electric weldng, radiation, fre and explosion hazard due to fying sparks ‘and hazardous noise are also a danger when carrying out gas welding oF cutting. ‘You should therefore tae the same kind of measures as for electric welding. Tools and machines ‘But gas welding and citing also have thelr own specifi dangers: hose breakage, explosion hazart of acetylene, combustiblty ofpropane, backdran, fire promoting die to oxyoen, explosion hazard ofthe oxygen bots, >> melding vapours Hose breakage “The oxygen and acetyene flow through hoses tothe torch. When such a hose breaks ‘or leas the gas sable to escape with ll its consequences. This is why al gas botles should have a hose fare protection device. A hose failure protection device ensures that gas only flows out ofthe bottle when there is suficent back pressure in the hose. ‘When the hase breaks this back pressure dsappears and the protection device closes the suppl. ‘Atos failure protection device on acetylene bottles is not a legal requirement: Inpractice you wil therefore often see acetylene bottles without a hose failure protection device, Fo 736 deere Explosion hazard oF acetylene ‘Acetylene isa colourless gas which smells of gar Risa compound ofthe elements Carbon (C) and Hydrogen (H). Because acetylene is ighter than art illalveys ris. It isan extremely flammable gas which can bun or explode together with oxygen in almost ll proportions. Acetylene i a gas, but inthe bottle is kept quid by ‘mocing it with acetone. You should prevent thi acetone leaking from the battle andthe valve getting blocked with quid acetylene. You should therefore preferably keep the gas bottle vertical. The bottle should be under an angle of atleast 0° with the ground. So do not place the bottle ft on the ground. Acetone can also escape when the pressure in the bottle slower than 2 bar and when supplying more than 1000 Iitresfhour Tools and machines Combustibitty of propane Propane is sometimes used to replace acetylene for gas ‘welding, This because the explosion zone of propane 's substantialy smaller (2-1 - 9.5%) than the explosion zone of acetylene (24 - 83%). However, propane eee MN ess tmnt reer Be Sornata eee e {and often remains hanging in pts and colar. eis thereore dificult to remove it from a space. Propane Is also often used to solder pipes. These pipes are often i pits, cellars or cra spaces. tn order to prevent gas remaining behind there, the gas bottles el should always be placed outside the claro ‘You should aso ensure proper ventilation wien using propane andl possibly take gas ‘measurements during the use or have these taken. Backerant Tt can happen thatthe flame can be drann back int the bottle, which means that the gas inthe bottle aso start to bur. To prevent this propane and acetylene bots should have fow-back protection (also called low-back limiter or flow-back valve). In Germany oxygen betes should aso have a ame extinguisher ‘ire promotion due tooxygen (Oxygen isa colourless, odourless and inflammable gas, Oxygen is vital for almost at living creatures, Homerey, oxygen can sil presenta danger. For all combustion, oxygen Is needed. A high oxygen concentration inthe air (normaly tis Is approx. 21%) can substantially increase e fe hazard Pure oxygen Is oxidising. Tes even able to spontaneously ignite cl or fat For this reason you should never grease the parts of ‘an oxygen bot! Pure oxygen fs heavier than air (more than 1.1 times heavier and il therefore not rise. “The fre hazard is high especially winen cutting, due to high oxygen content, as ‘eutting utiises a surplus of oxygen. On @ welding traley the oxygen bottle shoul be ‘separated from the asylene or propane bottle by way of afre-proof partition. There should furthermore bea fie-extinguisher onthe veicing trey. Tools and machines Bxplsion hazard of angen boties ‘Oxygen is stored in balls containing 80 litres. These botles ae under a pressure ‘0 200 bar. Due to this high pressure the explosion hazard of oxygen bottles increases substantially. Welaing vapours Due tothe high temperature ofthe welding lame nitrogen oxides (compounds of ribagen and oxygen) are created, also called nitrous vapours. Even low concentrations ‘of nitrous vapours aretoxc and can cause luna oedema. Proper ventilation of the ‘workplace i therefore very important. “The combustion atthe arc will not only use oxygen from the bottle, but aso oxygen from the surrounding at. When this combustion is incomplete the extremely hazardous ‘as carbon monoxide can be created, which s aso odourless. Ina space not propery ventilated the oxygen cntent of the aii furthermore reduced due tothe oxygen used by the welding fame, 7.7_Summary Hand tos Use tools sua forthe work. » Use the correct working method. "Most important requirements and safety measures: Too! Raguierents Safety measures Hammer Te sat nas oe secured into the hammerhead. ‘The sit sould be smooth. ‘Tere shoul be no bur onthe hameerhead. Spamnes Should be undamaged ‘se ing spanner ate han ‘2nd slogging spanners ‘Stgging spanner sould have aco, operrended spaners. ‘ring spanner wil be es tkely to sp off a nut. Aways choose a spanner which exactly fs the nt Do not extend the spanner Serendivers The bade sould nat be Choose a screweriver which fis too step ‘wad inthe set of the soe. ‘Camp sal pats. Fes Should have a sl handle ae the handle should be secre. Gold ices "No Burts onthe head. Hand protection around the cise. ers aw and inge undamaged and dean. aves Should be arp ‘Choose a kif hat stable forthe wrk. Cut anay from your body. Do not extend the Bide further than necessary. ‘Break off the blade wi 9 Uae breaker or piers Sans Saw Blade shouldbe sharp. | Fix the saw bade secure, Teeth should be wel set. Fic the saw bade with ts tet facing fornard Chose the camreet sam, Tools avd swactines ectrcaly powered hand tools ecic seck Use safe vekages in stations carving a oreater danger of an elect shock. Eecrialy powered tals sould be double ‘routes, Fre or exision Use expsion safe tool inthe case ofan ~ de to sparing, ineeased fire or eelosion hazard. ~ de to heat. Fire ad burns due to stor-ckcuts. | Perot inspections. ‘Pneumatcaly powered tools Take sufficient beaks or alternate your work, Close the air surply after use. Permanently fixed machines > Do not wear lose clothing ar jewellery and tie ong hair back. >Use the prescribed PPE. > Ensure that you know exactly how to operate the machine. > Properly maintan the machine and regulary check the operation ofthe protection devices. > Keep the workplace around the machine fee and dean. > Pratect yourself against splashing cooling and cutting ol >» Donot get distracted. Hand-held grinder Dead man's swith (grinding dscs larger than 125 mm), protective cover and sde-handle > Only use the machine for the processes for which itis designed. >Use the corect grinding dsc fr the correct process whichis also sutable for ‘the machine. > Wear the core: PPE: safety glasses, hearing protection and particle filter mask. ‘Bench grinder > Pratective cover around the grinding whee! and a protective shield above the whee. > Always use the protective shield belonging t the machine. >» Aways wear protective goggles ora face mask. > Use hearing protection when grinding for longer periods. Tools and machines » Ensure thatthe space between the rest andthe arinding wheel s never larger ‘than three millimetres. Only adjust the rest when the grinding whee! has stopped rotating. » For machines with two wheels the diameters ofthese should not fer too much. » The grinding wheel shouldbe suffienty rounded and ts grinding surface should be fat. Only professional employees are alowed to replace a grinding wheel. Greular sows able crear saw Stable quad ona robust stand ving rst th a ing kite ‘sutable for the saw bla used Sutabe gue, property adjusted. At east one dust exact, sh stick wth interchangeable handle. (ny use this push stick. Ads saw blade as high as possible For large workpieces use ror carveyor oF ask assstance from coleague Chainsaw Rexuiements forthe toc ‘Vibration re handles with anti Intemal vibration éampirg Protective bracket again broken chain chain brake (Chain catch mechanism out handed operation Wal balanced Protective cover Handed ccuar sow ‘Two-part guard, upper part fred and loner pat hinge, ving bite stable er sa lade. Prope guide. nowe suficent support ‘sk for assistance rom a caleague when necessary. ‘Anas keep the power lead behind the sai Requirement forthe operator ‘Proper tanina, concluded wath test Chainsaw trousers Face mase Gloves Tools and machines Pilar dit >» Wear safety glasses and property dosing werk clothing. >» Do not wear gloves, jewellery or loose clothing. Always property clamp the workpiece witha dil damp or bots. Always brush away swat with a svar brush o swarf hook, > Adjust v-bets only when the machine has been switched of > Ensure thatthe drive cover I always closed winen dling, ‘ale and stapler >» Use the correct working pressure. > Ensure guide Is empty when recharaing the tacker. Use stapes or mils suitable forthe work andthe device. >» Keep your fee hand as far avay as possible from the taker. > Farce the head onto the workplece. Waking acting ‘Avy strctiy cbserve the measures ofthe work permit. > Remove flammable material from the space or screen them properly, also below the welding area, »» Ensure prope ventilation, especially when welding in small, enclosed spaces. b> Use PPE, such asa welding mask or gogales, welding apron and welding gloves. >> Have suitable fire-fighting equipment ready. Remove protective ayers from the surface of the matertl beforehand, Speci measures wien gas welding and cutting Never place actyene bottles horizontally. This also apples to storage. Place bottles always under an angle of atleast 30 degrees with the ground. » Donot place propane bottles in a cea or crawing space. > When using propane ensure proper ventilation an take (continuous) ‘gas measurement. > Gas bottles should have a low-back damper and hose fare protection. Tools and machines Questions with Chapter 7 {Question 1 What are the wo main causes of accidents with non powered hand tools? [1A Poor maintenance and incorect use. 1B Poor maintenance and sparking. [1 © Sparking and incorec use. (Question 2 Are the folowing statements corrector Incorrect? 1 Am open-ended spanner i safer than a ring spanner, TL You can axtend a spanner witha pipe tobe able to put more force ont [1A Tand tare incorrect. 1B Tiscomact, 1 'sincorect. 1 Tisincoree, is corect. (Question 3 Which voltages) are considered safe? [A Oniy 75 volt alternating current. [1B Ony 110,vot airectcurent. [1 C75 alt aternating curent and 110 vot direct current Question 4 What isthe greatest danger when working with pneumatic tools? [1A Damage io joints and reduced blood circulation. [1B _Biplosior as a result af the ar pressure being too high. 1 C Freas a result of shortcuts. Question 5 Where i stated how fast a grinding wheel can rotate? [1A On the data plate ofthe grinder [1B Onthelael ofthe grinding wheel (1 Onthe instruction card withthe grinder Tools and machines What are the dangers of cooling and cating ot? 1A Itean splash, i an environmental hazard and flammable [1] B_Itishot, damages the tools and isan environmental hazard 1 €Itis hot fecan splash around and some types can damage your heath {Question 7 Why should you use a push stick for small workpleoes when working with 2 table ceculr saw? [A Becauselt is easier to guide the workpiece along the saw blade. ( EB Because your fingers can stay ata greater distance from the saw blade LC Becauseyou wil then be less quickly dstracted. {Question 8 What should you do when working witha pir drill? [A Always hold the workpiece with your hand. 1 B_ Always wear gloves. 1 € _Always wear safety glasses. ‘Question 9 What sa safety measure when working with nalers and staplers? Always use as long as possibie nals. [8 eep your fee hand as far avay as possible fom the machine. ( 1 © Test the working pressure by putting anal ina test pce. (Question 10 What is one the dangers of ultraviolet radiation when welding? Blindness through drying out ofthe eyeball. 1B Bumntstin. [© Combustion of your eating. {Question LI What sone ofthe requirements of electrically powered hand tools? 'A. The toc should be earthed, 1 1B Thetod should be inspected annual. [1 Thetod should have short-ceut protection. Question 16 o o a Tools and machines ‘Wich dangers tmited by wearing welding gloves when welding electrical? ‘A. The hazard of being cut 8 The hazerd of electrocution, C The hazerd of getting trapped. ‘What can cause ac eye? ‘A nfraredadiation, B_Visble ligt radiation. C_Utraviol action. ( Wy should you not store acetylene bottles horizontal? ‘A. The bottles can roll avay easier The valve wl get blocked with quid acetylene, ‘© This causes a too high pressure inthe bottle. \Wihy shoulda propane botle not be placed in a craving space? [A Because propane is explosive at low temperatures B Because propane wil ciffuse into the ground. © Because propane wil remain hanging inthe colar, ‘Why should you regulary have a break when working with pneumatic tools? ‘A. Because your blood circulation willbe able to restore sal. B Because your hearing wil be able to restore itself, C Because you willbe able to restore any moisture les. Tools and wachines Question 17 Question 18 o o ‘You are working with pneumatic tools. What are the consequences of, extreme vibrations? ‘A Conceatation problems. 1B Excess parspiraton, Chrystal complaints, ‘What should you pay attention to when working with chisls? ‘A. You should only work with approved chisel. 8 You should only work with chisels ofthe correct strength. (C You should only work wth chisels wich donot have burs onthe chisel head,

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