Reading 2 Unit 6 Idioms

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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step: A daunting task can usually be started by
doing a simple thing.
Ex: I'm feeling really tired about my project, but I have to start somewhere, since a journey of a
thousand miles begins with a single step.
Struggle to the death (n): A conflict that ends in the death of one of the participants or an extremely
difficult or serious challenge
Dangerous ground (n): topic or opinion that is likely to upset or offend others.
Ex: I may be on dangerous ground with this opinion, but I don't think people shouldn’t show off how
rich they are in front of poorer people.
Jump/ leap at the opportunity (to do something): To accept or catch an opportunity (to do
Ex: When our teacher said she was giving up the class president, I jumped at the opportunity to take
that position.
Safety in numbers: Being less likely to be harmed in a group than by oneself.
Ex: Don't go into the city alone at night—there's safety in numbers.
One man's trash is another man's treasure: What one person may consider worthless could be highly
prized or valued by someone else.
Ex: A: “I don’t know why people are mad at Picasso’s pieces. They look like a mess!”
B: ‘’You don’t but they do love them. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
Wave a magic wand: To provide the perfect solution to a given problem or difficulty, as if by magic.
Ex: No one in my class was able to do that math question but James solved it like wave a magic wand.
Words fail me: Being unable to express oneself because of intensely emotional (surprised, upset...)
Ex: I wish I could tell how much she means to me, but words fail me at the moment.
Go down in defeat: To lose to an opponent.
Ex: He ran so quickly that he made me go down in defeat convincingly.

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