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The Review of

CVD, Lipoproteins, and Diabetes

Dyslipidemia and Diabetic Retinopathy

Yo-Chen Chang1,2 and Wen-Chuan Wu2

Special Issue

Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Address correspondence to: Wen-Chuan
Wu, Department of Ophthalmology, Kaohsiung Medical University, 100, Zihyou 1st Rd., San-Ming District, 807, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,
Vol 10 No 2-3 2013

Manuscript submitted May 28, 2013; resubmitted June 23, 2013; accepted June 28, 2013

■ Abstract nopathy. For traditional lipid markers, evidence is available

that total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the major microvascular are associated with the presence of hard exudates in patients
complications of diabetes. In developed countries, it is the with DR. The study of nontraditional lipid markers is advanc-
most common cause of preventable blindness in diabetic ing only in recently years. The severity of DR is inversely

adults. Dyslipidemia, a major systemic disorder, is one of the associated with apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1), whereas ApoB
most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Pa- and the ApoB-to-ApoA1 ratio are positively associated with
tients with diabetes have an increased risk of suffering from DR. The role of lipid-lowering medication is to work as ad-
dyslipidemia concurrently. The aim of this article is to re- junctive therapy for better control of diabetes-related com-
view the association between diabetic retinopathy (DR) and plications including DR.
traditional/nontraditional lipid markers, possible mecha-
nisms involving lipid metabolism and diabetic retinopathy, Keywords: type 2 diabetes · dyslipidemia · diabetic reti-
The Review of

and the effect of lipid-lowering therapies on diabetic reti- nopathy · diabetic macular edema

1. Introduction the growth of new blood vessels on the sur-

face of the retina. These abnormal vessels
iabetic retinopathy (DR) is a major micro- bleed easily, resulting in vitreous hemor-
vascular complication of diabetes. It is the rhage, subsequent fibrosis, and tractional
Reprint from

most common cause of blindness in the retinal detachment [5].

working-age population in developed countries [1,
2]. The prevalence of DR increases with duration Another common diabetes complication is dia-
of diabetes [3]. More than 60% of patients with betic macular edema (DME), which is also a major
type 2 diabetes and almost all patients with type 1 cause of vision loss and, which can occur at any
have some degree of retinopathy after 20 years’ stage of DR. DME is characterized by increased
duration of diabetes [3, 4]. vascular permeability and the deposition of hard
DR can be classified into 2 stages: exudate at the central retina. Retinal hard exu-
date is thought to be the result of lipoproteins
1. Nonproliferative DR. The fundus findings of leaking from retinal capillaries into the extracellu-
nonproliferative DR (NPDR) are microaneu- lar space of the retina [6].
rysms, retinal hemorrhage, and capillary Dyslipidemia, a major systemic disorder, is one
nonperfusion (cotton-wool spots, venous of the most important risk factors for cardiovascu-
beading, and intraretinal microvascular ab- lar disease [7, 8]. Although landmark studies have
normalities). shown that intensive glycemic and blood pressure
2. Proliferative DR (PDR) is characterized by control can substantially reduce the onset and 121 DOI 10.1900/RDS.2013.10.121

122 Special Edition The Review of DIABETIC STUDIES Chang and Wu
Vol. 10 ⋅ No. 2-3 ⋅ 2013

progression of DR [9, 10], the contribution of lipids Abbreviations:

to the pathogenesis of DR and DME is not clear. ADVANCE - Action in Diabetes and Vascular disease:
Therefore, in this article, we review relevant arti- preterAx and diamicroN-MR Controlled Evaluation
cles in a chronological fashion, to clarify the asso- AGE - advanced glycation end product
ciation between dyslipidemia and diabetic reti- Apo - apolipoprotein
nopathy. ARICS - Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study
BES - Beijing Eye Study
CHS - Cardiovascular Health Study
2. Studies on traditional lipid abnor- CSME - clinically significant macular edema
CURES - Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study
malities and diabetic retinopathy DAG - diacylglycerol
The following subsections provide an overview DCCT - Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
DME - diabetic macular edema
of the most important clinical studies on diabetic DR - diabetic retinopathy
retinopathy (see also Table 1). ECM - extracellular matrix
ETDRS - Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study
2.1 The Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Di- HbA1c - glycosylated hemoglobin
HDL-C - high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
abetic Retinopathy (WESDR) XIII HMG-CoA - 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A
LDL-C - low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
The purpose of the WESDR XIII study was to
Lp(a) - lipoprotein(a)
elucidate the relationship of serum cholesterol to MDA - malondialdehyde
retinopathy and hard exudate [11]. Serum total MESA - Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis study
and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) NCSME - nonclinically significant macular edema
were measured between 1984 and 1986. There was NPDR - nonproliferative DR
a significant trend towards an association between PDR - proliferative DR
PKC - protein kinase C
increasing severity of diabetic retinopathy and of PPAR - peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor
retinal hard exudate and increasing cholesterol in SMES - Singapore Malay Eye Study
insulin-dependent persons. Cholesterol levels were SN-DREAMS - Sankara Nethralaya Diabetic Retinopathy
not related to the severity of either ocular condi- Epidemiology and Molecular Genetic Study
tion in older-onset patients. HDL-C was unrelated TG - triglyceride
UKPDS - United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study
to the severity of either lesion. Multiple logistic re- WESDR - Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Reti-
gression analyses did not indicate that cholesterol nopathy
was a significant factor in describing the severity
of retinopathy in any group, but did suggest that it
was a significant factor in describing the severity estingly, univariate analysis revealed that higher
of retinal hard exudate. high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were al-
so associated with more severe retinopathy. How-
ever, the authors offered no explanation for this
2.2 The Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy
finding. In addition, triglyceride levels and low-
Study (ETDRS) Report 22 density lipoprotein cholesterol levels did not ap-
In 1996, the ETDRS published a report to eval- pear to be related to the severity of retinopathy.
uate the relationship between serum lipid levels
and retinal hard exudates in patients with diabetic 2.4 The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities
retinopathy [12]. This study included 2709 pa- Study (ARICS)
tients whose serum lipid levels were measured. At
baseline, the patients who had elevated serum to- The purpose of the ARICS study was to de-
tal cholesterol or elevated serum low-density lipo- scribe the prevalence of retinopathy and its asso-
protein cholesterol (LDL-C) were more likely to ciations with atherosclerosis and vascular risk fac-
have retinal hard exudate. tors in people with diabetes [14]. In this cross-
sectional study, the authors enrolled patients with
2.3 The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes diabetes living in four United States communities.
Retinopathy was detected in 328/1600 (20.5%) of
Study (UKPDS) those with diabetes; 6.6% had hard exudate, 1.8%
UKPDS is a multi-center, randomized, con- had proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and 1.6%
trolled clinical study of therapy in patients with had macular edema. The presence of retinal hard
NIDDM [13]. The study enrolled 2964 Caucasian exudates was associated with plasma LDL-C and
patients who had both eyes photographed. Inter- plasma lipids.

Rev Diabet Stud (2013) 10:121-132 Copyright © by Lab & Life Press/SBDR
Dyslipidemia and Diabetic Retinopathy The Review of DIABETIC STUDIES CVD, Lipids, and Diabetes 123
Vol. 10 ⋅ No. 2-3 ⋅ 2013 Special Edition

Table 1. Studies on the associations of traditional lipid markers and diabetic retinopathy
Study Outcome Lipid marker
WESDR [11] DR (IDDM) N/A - - N/A N/A N/A
HE (IDDM) N/A + - N/A N/A N/A
DR (NIDDM) N/A - - N/A N/A N/A
HE (NIDDM) N/A - - N/A N/A N/A
ETDRS [12] HE - + - + N/A N/A
UKPDS [13] DR (NIDDM) - N/A + - N/A N/A
ARICS [14] DR - - - - N/A N/A
HE + - - + N/A N/A
CHS [15] DR - + - + N/A N/A
HOORN [16] HE - + N/A + N/A N/A
Hadjadj et al. [17] DR + N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
DCCT [18] CSME - - N/A + + N/A
HE - - N/A + + N/A
DR - - N/A - - N/A
MESA [19] DR - - - - N/A N/A
CSME - - - - N/A N/A
CURES [20] DR + + N/A - + N/A
DME - - N/A + + N/A
Ucgun et al. [21] HE - + - + - N/A
Golubovic-Arsovska [22] DME + + - - N/A N/A
SMES [23] DR - - - + N/A N/A
Popescu et al. [24] DR (NIDDM) - + + + N/A N/A
Sachdev et al. [25] HE + + - + N/A N/A
SN-DREAMS [26] CSME - + - - - -
NCSME - - + - + +
Benarous et al. [27] CSME - + + - +
BES [28] DR - - - - N/A N/A

Legend: ADVANCE – Action in Diabetes and Vascular disease: preterAx and diamicroN-MR Controlled Evaluation. ARICS – Athe-
rosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, BES – Beijing Eye Study, CHS – Cardiovascular Health Study, CSME – clinically significant
macular edema, CURES – Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study, DCCT – Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, DR – dia-
betic retinopathy, ETDRS – Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study, HDL-C – high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, HE – he-
morrhage edema, IDDM – insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, LDL-C – low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, MESA – Multi-Ethnic
Study of Atherosclerosis study, N/A – not available, NHDL-C – non-HDL- cholesterol, NIDDM – non-insulin-dependent diabetes
mellitus, SMES – Singapore Malay Eye Study, SN-DREAMS – Sankara Nethralaya Diabetic Retinopathy Epidemiology and Molecu-
lar Genetic Study, TC – total cholesterol, TG – triglceride, UKPDS – United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study, WESDR – Wis-
consin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy. References [11-29].

2.5 The Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) blood pressure, higher plasma total and LDL cho-
lesterol, and the presence of cardiovascular dis-
The CHS was a population-based cohort study, ease. Retinopathy was not associated with plasma
aimed at the analysis and description of the asso- HDL-C and triglycerides. Univariate analysis also
ciation of retinopathy with atherosclerosis and indicated that both mean plasma total cholesterol
atherosclerotic risk factors in patients with diabe- and LDL-C were higher in patients with retinal
tes [15]. Univariate analysis showed that retinopa- hard exudate than in patients without this dis-
thy was associated with higher average systolic ease. Rev Diabet Stud (2013) 10:121-132

124 Special Edition The Review of DIABETIC STUDIES Chang and Wu
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2.6 The Hoorn Study blacks, Hispanics, and Chinese [19]. The authors
found that DR, CSME, or vision-threatening reti-
The purpose of the population-based Hoorn nopathy were not significantly associated with
Study was to describe the risk factors for retinopa- HDL-C, LDL-C, and TG in 778 individuals aged
thy in diabetic and nondiabetic individuals (2,484 from 45 to 85 years with diabetes.
Caucasians aged from 50 to 74 years) [16]. The
prevalence of retinopathy was positively associated
with elevated blood pressure, BMI, serum choles- 2.10 Results of the Chennai Urban Rural Epi-
terol and triglyceride levels in all glucose catego- demiology Study (CURES), Eye Study 2
ries. In addition, elevated blood pressure and The CURES study evaluated the association of
plasma total and LDL cholesterol levels showed serum lipids with DR in 1736 patients with type 2
associations with retinal hard exudate. diabetes [20]. The authors found that mean serum
cholesterol, serum TG and HDL-C concentrations
2.7 A study from France were significantly higher in subjects with DR com-
pared with those without DR. Multiple logistic re-
A prospective study from France aimed to de-
gression analysis revealed that total cholesterol,
scribe the influence of serum lipids on the devel-
non-HDL-C and serum TG were associated with
opment and progression of microvascular compli-
DR and DME was associated with non-HDL-C and
cations in 297 patients with type 1 diabetes with-
out end-stage renal disease [17]. Both in the whole
cohort and at baseline, serum triglyceride levels
were higher in patients with progressive neph- 2.11 A study from Turkey
ropathy and retinal events than in those without. Ucgun et al. conducted a small clinical study to
After adjustment for systolic blood pressure, diabe- evaluate the relationship between serum lipid lev-
tes duration, gender, stage of complications at els and exudative diabetic maculopathy in 54 pa-
baseline, and HbA1c, the relative risk for progres- tients with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy
sion was 2.01 for nephropathy and 2.30 for reti- [21]. Twenty-seven patients with exudative dia-
nopathy in patients with serum TG in the highest betic macular edema were included in group A and
tertile. Based on the above study, the authors con- 27 patients without exudative diabetic macular
cluded that high triglyceride levels were an inde- edema were included in group B. Serum levels of
pendent predictive factor of both renal and retinal cholesterol (p = 0.038) and LDL-C (p = 0.026) were
complications in patients with type 1 diabetes. significantly higher in patients with exudative di-
abetic macular edema. However, TG, HDL-C,, and
2.8 Results of the Diabetes Control and Com- VLDL-C levels did not differ between the two
plications Trial (DCCT) groups.
The DCCT study evaluated the relationship be-
tween serum lipid levels and clinically significant 2.12 A study from Macedonia
macular edema (CSME), hard exudate, and other The aim of this study was to underline the role
DR end points in 1441 patients with type 1 diabe- of elevated serum lipids in the onset of macular
tes [18]. The authors found that total-to-HDL cho- edema and hard exudates in patients with type 2
lesterol ratio and LDL-C predicted development of diabetes [22]. The diabetic patients that mani-
CSME and hard exudate. Higher serum lipids fested diabetic maculopathy had significantly
were associated with increased risk of CSME and higher levels of total lipids, TG, total cholesterol,
retinal hard exudate. The authors concluded that and cholesterol ester as compared to those without
lipid-lowering treatment among type 1 diabetic diabetic maculopathy. Although values for HDL-C
subjects may also decrease the risk of CSME, an and LDL-C were higher in patients with diabetic
important cause of vision loss. maculopathy, there were no statistically signifi-
cant differences.
2.9 The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
(MESA) 2.13 Results from the Singapore Malay Eye
Study (SMES)
The purpose of the cross-sectional MESA study
was to describe the risk factors for diabetic reti- The purpose of this population-based cross-
nopathy in a multi-ethnic US population of whites, sectional study was to describe the prevalence and

Rev Diabet Stud (2013) 10:121-132 Copyright © by Lab & Life Press/SBDR
Dyslipidemia and Diabetic Retinopathy The Review of DIABETIC STUDIES CVD, Lipids, and Diabetes 125
Vol. 10 ⋅ No. 2-3 ⋅ 2013 Special Edition

risk factors for diabetic retinopathy in Asian Ma- lipid medications, patients with higher total cho-
lays [23]. In persons with diabetes, the overall lesterol, LDL-C, and non-HDL-C were more likely
prevalence of any retinopathy was 35.0%. Multiple to have CSME. No association was found for serum
logistic regression analysis revealed that LDL-C is lipids with macular thickness, as assessed by OCT.
an independent risk factor for any retinopathy. Based on the above findings, the authors con-
cluded that serum lipids are independently associ-
2.14 A study from Romania ated with CSME but not with DR, mild or moder-
ate DME, or macular thickness.
This study investigated the association between
DR, lipid disorder,, and blood pressure in subjects
with type 2 diabetes without known cardiovascular
2.18 The Beijing Eye Study (BES)
diseases [24]. The authors examined 100 patients The purpose of this population-based study
with type 2 diabetes but without clinical evidence (2945 subjects) was to determine associations be-
of coronary, cerebrovascular or peripheral artery tween dyslipidemia and ocular diseases [28]. By
disease. The patients who presented with diabetic multivariable regression analysis, dyslipidemia
retinopathy had significantly higher values for to- was significantly associated with higher intraocu-
tal cholesterol and LDL-C and lower HDL-C levels lar pressure and beta zone of parapapillary atro-
compared to patients without retinopathy. phy. Dyslipidemia was not significantly associated
with the prevalence of glaucoma, retinal vein oc-
2.15 A study from North India clusions, DR, presence of retinal vascular abnor-
malities such as focal or general arteriolar narrow-
The purpose of this observational case-control ing, and age-related macular degeneration.
study was to describe the association of various
systemic risk factors with retinal hard exudates in
type 2 diabetic North Indian patients of NPDR
2.19 The ADVANCE Study
with CSME and to measure the incidence of This study examined the association between
dyslipidemia in these patients [25]. On univariate HDL-C and microvascular (renal and retinal) dis-
analysis, retinal hard exudates were significantly ease in a cohort of 11,140 patients with type 2 dia-
associated with systolic blood pressure, serum cho- betes [29]. During follow-up, 32% of the patients
lesterol, serum LDL-C, and serum TG levels. On developed new or worsening microvascular dis-
linear regression analysis, however, serum choles- ease, with 28% experiencing a renal event and 6%
terol and serum LDL-C were found to be inde- a retinal event. In this study, the authors con-
pendent risk factors affecting the density of retinal cluded that, in patients with type 2 diabetes, HDL-
hard exudate. C level is an independent risk factor for the devel-
opment of microvascular disease affecting the kid-
2.16 SN-DREAMS Report Number 13 ney but not the retina.
This population-based cross-sectional study es- Even though numerous studies have explored
timated the prevalence of DME, both CSME and the associations between DR and lipid abnormali-
NCSME, and reported the association of the latter ties, the results obtained remain inconsistent in
with dyslipidemia [26]. Prevalence was 31.76% for contrast to other definite risk factors for DR such
overall diabetic macular edema, 25.49% for as blood sugar and blood pressure control. In TG,
NCSME, and 6.27% for CSME. Logistic regression only 2 studies show an association with DR [17,
multivariate analysis revealed that high serum 20] and 3 studies show an association with retinal
LDL-C, high serum non-HDL-C, and a high choles- hard exudates [14, 25] or DME [22]. A significant
terol ratio related to NCSME, while only high se- association between total-C and DR was found in 3
rum total cholesterol related to CSME. studies [15, 20, 24] and 8 studies revealed a sig-
nificant association between total-C and retinal
hard exudates[11, 12, 16, 21, 25] or DME [22, 26,
2.17 A study from Australia 27]. With regard to LDL-C, there are 3 studies [15,
This study assessed the association of serum li- 23, 24] showing a significant association with DR
pids with DR, DME, and macular thickness in 500 and 8 studies demonstrating an association with
adults with diabetes. DR, DME, and CSME were DME [18, 20] or retinal hard exudates [12, 14, 16,
present in 321 (66.2%), 149 (33.0%), and 68 18, 21, 25]. There is no single lipid measure consis-
(15.0%) patients, respectively [27]. In multivariate tently found to be associated with DR. However,
analysis adjusted for traditional risk factors and more evidence has been obtained that links total-C Rev Diabet Stud (2013) 10:121-132

126 Special Edition The Review of DIABETIC STUDIES Chang and Wu
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or LDL-C with the presence of hard exudates [11, late with those in the serum as well as with the
12, 14, 16, 18, 21] since retinal exudates are often severity of the retinopathy. The interaction of AG-
due to leakage of lipid from abnormal retinal capil- Es with specific cell surface receptors has been im-
laries and are usually associated with DME. plicated in the development of DR. These AGE re-
ceptors include the RAGE, galectin-3, CD36, and
3. Possible mechanisms involving li- the macrophage scavenger receptor [38]. There is
evidence from animal studies that exposure to
pid and DR high levels of AGEs contributes to renal and vas-
Hyperglycemia has been shown to cause cell cular complications. In a study by Hammes et al.,
damage through the following pathways: the poly- the retinal capillaries showed an increased accu-
pol pathway, overactivity of the hexosamine path- mulation of AGEs and loss of pericytes 26 weeks
way, advanced glycation end product (AGE) forma- after the development of diabetes in rats. Treat-
tion with increased expression of AGE receptors, ment with aminoguanidine (pimagedine) hydro-
and activation of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms chloride, an AGE formation inhibitor, significantly
[30]. However, the mechanism for the associations reduced AGE accumulation and prevented the
between traditional lipid markers and DR remains formation of microaneurysms, acellular capillaries,
unclear. Of the hyperglycemia-associated path- and pericyte loss [39].
ways mentioned above, the PKC and AGE path-
ways interact with lipid levels. Protein kinase C 4. Associations with nontraditional
(PKC) is a family of 10 enzymes, in which the 1/2
isoform appears to be closely associated with the
lipid markers
development of DR [31]. Hyperglycemia leads to In conventional lipid profiles, the plasma con-
an increase in glucose flux through the glycolysis centrations of each class are expressed in terms of
pathway, which in turn increases de novo synthe- its contribution to total cholesterol, providing only
sis of diacylglycerol (DAG), the key activator of a crude description of what is a very complex sys-
PKC in physiology [32]. In addition, the accumula- tem. Modifications of lipoproteins by glycation and
tion of long-chain FAs are simultaneously con- oxidation and/or variations in the size (i.e., diame-
verted into DAG. The expression of the PKC 1/2 ter) distributions of lipoprotein particles within
isoform is enhanced in patients with diabetes. the major lipoprotein classes are not reflected in
Since PKC is involved in a number of physiological conventional profiles. A new technique, nuclear
processes, its upregulation contributes to the magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis of whole se-
pathogenesis of DR in the form of differential syn- rum, can rapidly determine concentrations of 15
thesis of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and different lipoprotein subclasses, designated accord-
ECM remodeling, enhanced release of angiogenic ing to particle size, without physical separation of
factors, endothelial and leukocyte dysfunction the subclasses [40]. In cardiovascular diseases, lip-
leading to capillary occlusion and leukostasis, and oprotein(a) (Lp(a)) has been found to be strongly
changes in blood flow to the retina [33]. associated with stroke and coronary heart disease
AGEs are generated from nonenzymatic reac- [41, 42].
tions between reducing sugars and lipoproteins Studies investigating the association between
[34]. AGEs form at a constant but slow rate in the Lp(a) and DR have yielded conflicting results to
normal body starting at embryonic development date. Maioli et al. enrolled two groups of patients
and accumulating over time. However, their for- with type 1 diabetes of at least 15 years duration:
mation is markedly accelerated in diabetes be- 25 patients with active retinopathy and 27 pa-
cause of the increased availability of glucose [35]. tients without clinically detectable retinal lesions.
In a highly oxidative environment such as the ret- Thirty-eight healthy subjects of the same age and
ina, the accumulation of lipid and modification of sex served as controls. The authors found that se-
protein will cause an accumulation of lipoxidation rum Lp(a) was significantly higher in the patients
end products (ALEs). with active retinopathy than in those without clin-
There are two kinds of AGEs associated with ically detectable retinal lesions or the control sub-
DR pathogenesis: carboxyethylpyrrole [36] and jects [43]. Suehiro et al. enrolled 412 patients with
malondialdehyde (MDA) [37]. AGEs are important type 2 diabetes in a similar study. Serum Lp(a)
pathogenic mediators of almost all diabetic compli- concentrations were significantly higher in dia-
cations. They are found, for example in the retinal betic patients than in normal controls. Further-
vessels of diabetic patients, and their levels corre- more, the patients with DR, especially prolifera-

Rev Diabet Stud (2013) 10:121-132 Copyright © by Lab & Life Press/SBDR
Dyslipidemia and Diabetic Retinopathy The Review of DIABETIC STUDIES CVD, Lipids, and Diabetes 127
Vol. 10 ⋅ No. 2-3 ⋅ 2013 Special Edition

tive retinopathy, showed higher serum Lp(a) con- Simo et al. studied vitreous samples from 4 dia-
centrations than those without DR [44]. In con- betic patients with PDR and 8 nondiabetic pa-
trast, there are some reports which show negative tients with macular hole for proteomic analysis of
associations [45-47]. ApoA1 and ApoH [54]. The authors found that in-
In addition to Lp(a), serum apolipoproteins travitreous ApoA1 and ApoH levels were signifi-
(Apo) profiles have been investigated for an asso- cantly higher in patients with PDR than in the
ciation with DR. The two major lipoprotein classes, control group. In addition, the ApoA1 and ApoH
LDL-C and HDL-C, have their own unique struc- mRNA levels obtained from the retinas of diabetic
tures and functions. LDL-C particles contain apol- donors were significantly higher than those ob-
ipoprotein B (ApoB) and deliver cholesterol to tis- tained from nondiabetic donors. Retinal pigment
sues. HDL-C particles contain apolipoprotein A epithelium was the main contributor to the differ-
(ApoA), apolipoprotein C (ApoC), and apolipopro- ences. Recently, Sasongko et al. conducted a cross-
tein E (apoE), and remove cholesterol from tissues. sectional study of 224 diabetic patients to compare
ApoA1 is the major ApoA protein accounting for the associations of serum Apos with DR [55]. In
about 70% of the total HDL protein mass [48]. Si- this study, ApoA1 levels were inversely associated
nav et al. enrolled 78 patients with type 1 diabetes with DR, whereas ApoB and the ApoB-to-ApoA1
in a study of plasma lipids and lipoproteins in type ratio were positively associated with diabetic reti-
1 diabetic patients with retinopathy [49]. It was nopathy. ApoA1 and ApoB and the ApoB-to-ApoA1
found that the changes in plasma TG, HDL phos- ratio were significantly and independently associ-
pholipid, and Apo A and B, were not significantly ated with DR and DR severity and improved the
associated with the development of DR. Kawai et ability to discriminate DR by 8%.
al. examined the Apo concentrations in reflex tears In a Chinese population, Hu et al. collected se-
from healthy and type 1 diabetes subjects and cor- rum samples from 25 type 2 diabetic patients with
related them with the stage of DR [50]. The ApoA1 very mild NPDR and 25 type 2 diabetic patients
concentrations in the tears obtained from type 1 with PDR [56]. They found that there were signifi-
diabetes patients with retinopathy were signifi- cant associations between the decreased ApoA1
cantly higher than those from patients with no or
and low ApoA1/ApoB ratio in serum and PDR.
negligible retinopathy, and ApoA1 was not de-
Their findings were consistent with the results ob-
tected in healthy subjects by Western blotting.
tained by Sasongko et al. [55]. The findings from
Therefore, the authors concluded that there was
these two study groups are very encouraging. The
increased secretion of native ApoA1 from the main
beneficial associations of ApoA1 and deteriorating
lacrimal gland in patients with advanced DR.
associations of ApoB/A1 with microvascular func-
In Mexico, Santos et al. enrolled 36 patients
tion seen in this study may be similar to findings
with DR and 22 unrelated and apparently healthy
age-matched individuals to determine the rela- in larger vessels [57, 58]. ApoA1, which is the
tionship between ApoE polymorphism and the se- structural protein of HDL-C, can promote vasopro-
verity of retinal hard exudate in Mexican patients tective mechanisms via its ability to promote re-
with NIDDM [51]. The frequency of severe retinal verse cholesterol transport from peripheral tissue
hard exudate was higher in the epsilon4 allele car- to the liver and to inhibit LDL-C from oxidation,
riers. Their results suggest that the epsilon4 allele which may induce smooth muscle cell cytotoxicity
of the ApoE gene is a potential risk factor for the and vascular endothelial dysfunction [59]. In the
severity of retinal hard exudate and visual loss in retina, ApoA1 is proposed as a key factor for pre-
type 2 diabetic Mexican patients with DR. In con- venting lipid accumulation [60] and a potent scav-
trast, the study by Liew et al. showed that ApoE enger of oxygen-reactive species for protecting the
gene polymorphisms were not associated with DR retina from the oxidative stress caused by diabetes
in either Caucasians or African-Americans with [61]. In contrast, ApoB is the main component of
type 2 diabetes [52]. Klein et al. studied 409 pa- LDL-C and is a reflection of atherogenicity [62].
tients with type 1 diabetes in the DCCT/EDIC co- Low ApoA1/ApoB ratio in serum is considered to
hort to investigate the associations of ApoC3 pro- be a risk for atherosclerosis [63]. Therefore,
tein and ApoC3 gene variation with microvascular ApoB/A1 levels may reflect both damaging and
disease complications in type 1 diabetes [53]. The protective lipoprotein pathways [62, 64]. However,
ApoC3 concentration was significantly higher in the sample size in these two studies was small and
the group of patients with severe retinopathy com- their findings need to be reproduced in larger lon-
pared to those with moderate or mild retinopathy. gitudinal studies. Rev Diabet Stud (2013) 10:121-132

128 Special Edition The Review of DIABETIC STUDIES Chang and Wu
Vol. 10 ⋅ No. 2-3 ⋅ 2013

5. Lipid-lowering therapy and DR quirement for first laser treatment for all reti-
nopathy was significantly lower in the fenofibrate
Currently, lipid-lowering agents are recom- group than in the placebo group (164 patients on
mended for patients with dyslipidemia, including fenofibrate (3.4%) vs. 238 on placebo (4.9%)). Over
those with diabetes. The recommendations are 5 years, patients treated with fenofibrate were less
based on the reduction of cardiovascular morbidity likely to demonstrate progression of preexisting
by lowering lipid levels [65, 66]. Several lipid- retinopathy or to develop macular edema. A
lowering drugs have been under investigation for a substudy conducted in 1012 patients explored ef-
possible protective role in DR. fects on retinopathy outcomes in the FIELD study
in more detail. In this ophthalmological substudy,
5.1 Fibrates retinopathy status and severity were assessed
from color fundus photographs of the macula and a
Fenofibrate is a peroxisome proliferator-
disc/nasal field taken at baseline at 2 years and 5
activated receptor (PPAR) agonist indicated for the
years and graded by applying Early Treatment Di-
treatment of hypertriglyceridemia and mixed
abetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) criteria. A
dyslipidemia. Its main action is to lower plasma
marked and significant reduction in the risk of la-
TG levels, but it also reduces total and LDL-C,
ser treatment for retinopathy was again demon-
raises HDL-C, and decreases concentration of
strated for fenofibrate vs. placebo [73]. Interest-
small LDL-C particles and ApoB. Three random-
ingly, this effect seemed unrelated to decreased se-
ized studies were conducted with clofibrate alone
rum levels of TG and cholesterol. It was, probably
or combined with androsterone. They showed ben-
achieved by inhibiting vascular endothelial growth
eficial effects on retinal and macular hard exu-
factor (VEGF) to decrease neovascularization and
dates. However, the improvement in retinal hard
exudates was not associated with any significant
improvement in visual acuity or reduction in reti-
nal hemorrhages [67-69]. In a pilot study of 11 5.2 Statins
subjects with hyperlipoproteinemia and mild to
moderate background DR treated with etofibrate Statin is an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-
for a period of 6 months, regression of hard exu- methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase.
dates was observed in 7 out of 10 patients [70]. In The benefits of statin treatment in the primary
a larger double-blind study, etofibrate or a placebo and secondary prevention of cardiovascular dis-
was given for one year to 296 subjects with DR ease have been unequivocally demonstrated [75-
[71]. A significant improvement in retinal photo- 76]. These medications may be effective in patients
graph grading (by consensus of 3 experts) was with diabetes because the atherogenicity of LDL-C
demonstrated in 46% and 32% of subjects with eto- particles is increased in diabetes. In a pilot study,
fibrate and placebo, respectively, but no significant Gordon et al. [76] studied the effect of pravastatin,
change in visual acuity was achieved. The first an inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase, in six patients
study with fenofibrate was conducted in 51 pa- with diabetes with nonproliferative diabetic reti-
tients with hyperlipidemia and diabetic exudative nopathy and found the drug to be beneficial in im-
retinopathy, treated for at least one year [72]. The proving retinopathy and reducing hard exudates.
decrease in total cholesterol and LDL-C was asso- In a more recent study, another HMG-CoA reduc-
ciated with regression of hard retina exudates. tase inhibitor, simvastatin, was found to retard
An important study was recently conducted re- the progression of retinopathy in patients with di-
garding the effect of fenofibrate on patients with abetes with hypercholesterolemia [77].
dyslipidemia and DR. The Fenofibrate Interven- Two small randomized studies were performed
tion and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) suggesting a curative effect of the two frequently
study [73] aimed to assess whether long-term li- used statins: simvastatin and atorvastatin. In a 6-
pid-lowering therapy with fenofibrate could reduce month placebo-controlled study in 50 patients with
the progression of retinopathy and the need for la- non-clinically significant macular edema, visual
ser treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes. acuity improved in 16% of the patients in the sim-
This multinational randomized trial consisted of vastatin group and worsened in 28% of the placebo
9795 patients aged 50-75 years with type 2 diabe- group [77]. In another study, atorvastatin was
tes. Eligible patients were randomly assigned to given for 4 months after laser treatment for clini-
receive fenofibrate 200 mg/day (n = 4895) or cally significant macular edema. The extension of
matching placebo (n = 4900). In this study, the re- edema into the central retinal area was absent in

Rev Diabet Stud (2013) 10:121-132 Copyright © by Lab & Life Press/SBDR
Dyslipidemia and Diabetic Retinopathy The Review of DIABETIC STUDIES CVD, Lipids, and Diabetes 129
Vol. 10 ⋅ No. 2-3 ⋅ 2013 Special Edition

the atorvastatin group and occurred in 25% of the ins and/or fibrates to achieve TG < 1.7 mmol/l, to-
control group [78]. tal-C < 5.0 mmol/l, and HDL-C > 1.1 mmol/l) com-
The primary prevention Collaborative Atorvas- pared with standard therapy (treated with statins
tatin Diabetes Study (CARDS), which included and/or fibrates to attain TG < 2.2 mmol/l, total-C <
2838 patients over a median follow-up of 3.9 years, 6.5 mmol/l, and HDL-C > 0.9 mmol/l). However, no
showed that 10 mg atorvastatin daily resulted in a significant difference in visual acuity was found
trend to reduction of laser therapy compared with between the groups [82].
placebo, but there was no influence on diabetic ret- Based on the above studies, lipid-lowering med-
inopathy progression [79]. In a recent case-control ications may work as adjunctive therapy to provide
study, the development of diabetic retinopathy better control of DR than the traditional concept of
over 5 years in 114 patients was not influenced by tight control of blood sugar and blood pressure and
the use of a statin [80]. Thus, the influence of stat- laser treatment. More experimental studies are
ins on diabetic retinopathy continues to be de- necessary to understand the mechanisms associ-
bated. Better evidence on the effects of larger dos- ated with macular edema, its formation and its
es of statins is required. If there is an effect, it is consequences on retinal neurons metabolism and
likely to be small. function.
The results of the Action to Control Cardiovas-
cular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) study were pub- 6. Conclusions
lished in 2010. There were 10,251 participants
with type 2 diabetes enrolled in this randomized Improvements in diabetes care and manage-
trial. In the lipid arm of the ACCORD study, 5518 ment are crucial to decrease the incidence and se-
patients with dyslipidemia were randomly as- verity of DR. Nevertheless, DR remains the most
signed in a 2-by-2 factorial design to receive sim- common cause of legal blindness in adults in de-
vastatin in combination with either fenofibrate or veloped countries. In spite of the lack of definite
matching placebo. At 4 years, the rates of progres- associations between traditional lipid markers and
sion of diabetic retinopathy were 7.3% with inten- DR, lipid-lowering therapy may be an effective ad-
sive glycemia treatment (HbA1c < 6.0%), versus junctive agent for DR, particularly for patients
10.4% with standard therapy (HbA1c level, 7.0 to with DME requiring laser treatment. Optimizing
7.9%, p = 0.003); 6.5% with fenofibrate for inten- the medical management of diabetic retinopathy
sive dyslipidemia therapy, versus 10.2% with a should address the control of glycemia, blood pres-
placebo (p = 0.006); and 10.4% with intensive sure, and lipids, and, based on recent trials, spe-
blood-pressure therapy, versus 8.8% with standard cific therapies using fenofibrate with a statin and
therapy (p = 0.29) [81]. In summary, at the end of candesartan should be considered. In addition, a
the ACCORD study the rates of progression of dia- nontraditional lipid marker such as Apo might be
betic retinopathy were significantly reduced in the a candidate for better prediction of DR severity
intensive glycemic control group and in the fenofi- than traditional lipid markers. However, further
brate group, but not in the intensive blood pres- large-scale studies are necessary to elucidate the
sure control group. The report on the Steno type 2 mechanisms of these associations and the mecha-
randomized study revealed a significant reduction nisms by which lipid lowering therapy exerts its
in the number of patients with progression in reti- reported benefits.
nopathy with intensive therapy (treated with stat- Disclosures: The authors report no conflict of interests.

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