Homework 2 DSP

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Digital Signal Processing - CMP 371

Homework 2

Homework is due at 11:59 pm on Sunday 1st November 2020

You MUST follow the submission guidelines for submitting your homework otherwise
your homework will NOT be graded

Problem 1
Explain why the origin is not in the region of convergence of the Z transform of the unit
Hint: You have to show that the Z transform of δ[n] is undefined at z = 0 + 0j

Problem 2
1) Let x[n] be a discrete time (DT) signal.
(a) What is the mathematical expression for time compressing x[n] by a factor of two
and then shifting the result rightwards by three units?
(b) What is the mathematical expression for shifting x[n] rightwards by three units and
then time compressing the result by a factor of two?
(c) What is the mathematical expression for time flipping x[n] and then shifting the
result leftwards by c units?
(d) What is the mathematical expression for shifting x[n] leftwards by c units and then
time flipping the result?
(e) What is the mathematical expression for shifting x[n] rightwards by c units and then
time flipping the result?
(f) Are the transformations in parts (c) and (e) identical?
(g) Prove that time shifting a signal by c units followed by time scaling it by a factor of
k is the same as time scaling it by a factor k followed by time shifting it by kc units.

Problem 3
In class we discussed a DT system. The difference equation for this system was

y[n] = x[n] − x[n − 1]

(a) Use the step by step method to find the unit sample response (i.e. the output y[n] of
the system when the input x[n] is δ[n]). Assume that the system is starting from rest.
(b) Use the step by step method to find the unit step response (i.e. the output y[n] of the
system when the input x[n] is u[n]). Assume that the system is starting from rest.
(c) Use the difference equation to find the system functional
(d) Use your result from part (c) to find the system function
(e) Use your results from parts (a) and (d) to show that the Z transform of the unit
sample response gives the system function

Problem 4
In Table. 10.2 (page 776) of the textbook we have some transform pairs for the Z
transform. Use the Z transforms in this table to find the DTFT of the following signals
if itis possible
n to do so. If not explain why?
(a) u[n]
 8 n
(b) u[n]
(d) cos(2n)u[n]

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