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Separation of Carbohydrates in Dairy Products by

High Performance Liquid Chromatography 1


Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
Michigan State University
East Lansing 48824

also available for determination of simple sugars
A simple procedure is described for (10).
determination of carbohydrates com- Scobell et al. (19) described the use of an
monly in dairy products. An Aminex automated liquid chromatographic (LC) system
HPX--87 carbohydrate column and re- employing Aminex cation exchange resins for
fractive index detector were used to separation and analysis of various simple
resolve lactose, glucose, and galactose in carbohydrates. Water was the eluent, and the
only 8 min. An Aminex Microguard TM sugars were detected by measurement of
Anion/OH cartridge was used to remove refractive index (RI). Elevated column temper-
interfering acids and milk salts from dairy atures were required for adequate resolution.
foods. The problem of resolving lactose Using a column packed with Aminex A-5
from sucrose on resin based systems is (calcium form) resin, they separated melezitose,
discussed. Applications include deter- melibiose, glucose, and galactose in 25 rain.
mination of carbohydrates in yogurt and They reported rapid and accurate analyses of
cultured buttermilk. large numbers of commercial sweeteners with a
minimum of operator attention.
INTRODUCTION In 1972, Hobbs and Lawrence (9)described
Determination of carbohydrates by high the use of a strongly acidic cation exchange
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) resin (lithium form) for determination of
has been investigated intensively. Two review carbohydrates. Galactose and lactose were
articles (16, 21) summarized numerous HPLC separated in 40 rain by this resin packed in a
applications for foodstuffs; methods of car- glass column. Solvent composition was 75%
bohydrate analysis were discussed briefly. ethanol: 25% deionized water. Conrad and
Macrae (16) presented a discussion of HPLC Palmer (3) described a wide spectrum of food
hardware in which he suggested that a single applications for HPLC and also included
technique will not suffice for analyzing car- comparisons between bonded phase and ion
bohydrates by HPLC. Bonded phase columns exchange carbohydrate packing materials.
resolve sucrose and lactose but not glucose and Pechanek et al. (17) reported on deter-
galactose, whereas resin based columns easily mination of mono and disaccharides in foods.
separate glucose and galactose but show only They used an ion-exchange resin (lithium
minimal separation between sucrose and form); 2-propanol: H20 (89:11) binary solvent
lactose. Resin-based columns for carbohydrate system; tetrazolium chloride derivitization and
determinations by HPLC are receiving much subsequent measurement at 570 nm for the
attention. determination of these sugars. They were able
Separation of carbohydrates by bonded to separate a six sugar mixture, though not base
phase columns is documented (6, 7, 11, 20, line, in less than 1 h. Glucose and galactose
23), and various enzymatic techniques are were resolved adequately in 50 min.
Verhaar and Dirkx (22) used ion-exchange
chromatography (Aminex A-25) for deter-
mination of sugars, sugar alcohols, and sugar
acids. Compounds investigated included man-
Received August 31, 1981.
1Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal nose, fructose, glucose, glucitol, mannitol, and
Article Number 10076. gluconic and glucaric acids; these compounds
2 School of Packaging, Michigan State University. were detected by measuring absorption between

1982 J Dairy Sci 65:1394-1400 1394


190 and 200 nm. Wong-Chong and Martin (25) Preparation of Carbohydrate Extracts
used ion-exchange chromatography to separate from Foods
sugar cane saccharides. They were able to Dairy products were purchased at local
resolve sucrose, glucose, and fructose in about 8 markets and prior to sampling were blended in
min, although not nearly to base line, with a laboratory blender. Samples of various
water as the solvent. For adequate sample dairy products (strawberry yogurt, plain
resolution by ion exchange a jacketed column yogurt, buttermilk, milk, dried acid, and sweet
was required to maintain elevated operating wheys) were weighed accurately (10.0 g)
temperatures. Aminex A5, Q-15S, and Q-150S into glass centrifuge tubes, and absolute ethanol
resins were evaluated. was added to make the final concentration of
The Aminex HPX-87 carbohydrate column ethanol 80% (vol/vol). Slurries were mixed well
is an 8% crosslinked, tightly sized, styrene and allowed to stand for 20 rain to insure
divinyl benzene copolymer functionalized to precipitation of proteins. Ethanol (80%) then
give a strong acid cation exchange resin (14). was added to give a total volume of 50.0 ml.
The resins are converted to their desired ionic Samples were centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5
form by washing with dilute HC1, rinsing with min, the supernatant decanted, and the residue
deionized water, and washing with the basic salt washed with about 25 ml of 80% ethanol (9).
of the desired cation. Column packing and The extract plus washings were reduced to
regeneration also were discussed in a bulletin dryness by a rotary vacuum evaporator. Finally,
issued by Bio-Rad (13). Bio-Rad recently sample extracts were made to 25.0 ml with
published a useful bulletin regarding care and water and filtered through Whatman No. 42
use of resin-based columns (1). paper. Lipids and colored materials were
In this paper we describe a procedure for removed with a Sep-Pak C18 cartridge (Waters
determining simple carbohydrates (lactose, Assoc.) by a described procedure (18).
glucose, galactose) in dairy foods by an Aminex
HPX-87 cation exchange (calcium form) Chromatography Equipment
carbohydrate column maintained at 80°C. The system consisted of a Waters Associates
Reverse-osmosis, ion-exchanged water was the M-45 solvent delivery system, a U6K septumless
only solvent, and a refractometer was used to injector, and a Model RI-401 differential
detect eluting sugars. There are many com-
refractometer with a Linear Instruments Model
pounds in dairy products (fats, proteins, acids, 232 chart recorder. The column was a Bio-Rad
salts, etc.) that can interfere and reduce ana- Aminex Carbohydrate HPX-87 column (300ram
lytical column life (salts and other compounds).
× 7.8 ram) held at 80°C by a 30 cm Alltech
Therefore, a Bio-Rad Microguard TM guard
Associates water jacket (cat #9502) and a
column was incorporated in the system to
Precision Scientific 66600 circulating waterbath
improve resolution and increase column life.
and 62538 thermo regulator. A Bio-Rad Lab-
oratories Aminex A-25 (40ram × 4.6 ram)
Microguard Anion/OH cartridge (cat #125-
MATERIALS AND METHODS 0130) was used as a guard column to remove
unwanted anions, especially lactate, and to
Standard Carbohydrate Solutions prolong analytical column life. The eluent was
water purified by reverse osmosis, followed by
Two standard carbohydrate solutions were
ion exchange and vacuum degassing. The
prepared from analytical grade reagents, and
single carbohydrate solutions were used to purified water was stored at 50°C to minimize
establish elution times and order. One solution resorption of oxygen. A Hamilton 10-til syringe
contained 1.00% (wt/vol) each of lactose, was used to inject 1 to 8 til sample volumes.
glucose, and galactose; the second solution
contained 4.00% (wt/vol) lactose plus 1.00%
(wt/vol) glucose and 1.00% (wt/vol) galactose. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Prior to injection all solutions were filtered This system at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min
through a .45 tim Metricel membrane filter reproducibly separated lactose, glucose, and
(Gelman Filtration Products, Ann Arbor, MI). galactose with near base line resolution in

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 65, No. 8, 1982


only 8 min (Figure 1). By increasing lactose decreasing the flow rate to .6 ml/min, we
concentration to 4% in this three sugar mixture achieved base line separation of the three sugars
there was no loss of resolution between sugars. in 12 rain.
This is important, because dairy products When a four component solution containing
usually contain much higher concentrations of sucrose, lactose, glucose, and galactose was
lactose than other carbohydrates naturally in injected and the flow rate set at 1.0 ml/min, the
milk. elution order was sucrose, lactose, glucose, and
By increasing flow rate to 1.8 ml/min the galactose (Figure 2). This figure also shows the
three carbohydrate mixture was separated in 4 lack o f resolution between the two disaccharides
min, again without sacrifice of near base line by this resin-based system. However, by slowing
resolution for lactose. Decreasing the flow rate
to 1.2 ml/min resulted in good resolution of
standard sugars in 6 min. Finally, by further


I t3~


I I I 0 5 10
0 5 10
Figure 2. High performance liquid chromatogram
Figure 1. High performance liquid chromatogram of standard carbohydrate solution 1) sucrose, 2)
of standard carbohydrate solution 1) lactose, 2) lactose, 3) glucose, 4) galactose. Bio-Rad HPX-87
glucose, 3) galactose. Bio-Rad HPX-87 carbohydrate carbohydrate column (80°C); Aminex A-25 Micro-
column (80°C); Aminex A-25 Micro-guard Anion/OH guard Anion/OH cartridge; solvent, H20; flow rate,
cartridge; solvent, H 2O; flow rate, 1.0 ml/min; injection 1.0 ml/min; injection volume, 2.5 /~1; attenuation,
volume, 4 ~tl; attenuation, 8X. 8X.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 65, No. 8, 1982


the flow rate to .6 ml/min, lactose is dif- time and also may relieve stress on the system
ferentiated (Figure 3); further reduction of operated over long times. However, decreasing
flow rate (.3 ml/min) showed that resolution column temperature to 65°C resulted in poor
between sucrose and lactose was nearly quanti- resolution.
fiable, and total time remained under 20 min. During this study changing detector at-
Although Bio-Rad (14) recommends the
Aminex HPX-87 carbohydrate column be
operated at 85°C, improvement was little
from increasing column temperature from 80 to 11,21
85°C. Operating at 80°C shortened start-up




[31 [51

0 5 10 15
0 5 10 15

Figure 3. High performance liquid chromatogram TIME (MIN)

of standard carbohydrate solution 1) sucrose, 2)
lactose, 3) glucose, 4) galactose. Bio-Rad HPX-87 Figure 4. High performance liquid chromatogram
carbohydrate column (80°C); Aminex A-25 Micro- of strawberry yogurt 1) sucrose, 2) lactose, 3) glucose,
guard Anion/OH cartridge; solvent, H20; flow rate, 4) galactose, 5) fructose. Bio-Rad HPX-87 carbo-
.6 ml/min; injection volume, 2.5 #1; attenuation, hydrate column (80°C); solvent, H20; flow rate,
8×. .6 ml/min; injection volume, 4 ~zl; attenuation, 8X.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 65, No. 8, 1982


tenuation from 8× to 2x did not impair peak strawberry yogurt (Figure 4). The only change
resolution. Peaks were resolved adequately in operating conditions for this product was a
at 2x when greater detector sensitivity was reduction of flow rate to .6 ml/min. Sugars
required. included sucrose, lactose, glucose, galactose,
Various sugars were in the extract from and fructose; retention times of standard sugars
correlated well with actual sample peaks, and
total analysis time was less than 20 min. In
addition to sugars, three early eluting peaks
were present as well as a small late eluting peak.
This late peak (not shown) had nearly the same
retention time as ethanol, which is in yogurt
but also could be present because of the ex-
traction procedure (23).




I ! I I
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15

Figure 5. High performance liquid chromatogram Figure 6. High performance liquid chromatogram
of strawberry yogurt 1) sucrose, 2) lactose, 3) glucose, of cultured buttermilk 1) lactose. Bio-Rad HPX-87
4) galactose, 5) fructose. Bio-Rad HPX-87 carbo- carbohydrate column (80°C); Amine× A-25 Micro-
hydrate column (80°C); Amine× A-25 Micro-guard guard Anion/OH cartridge; solvent, H20; flow rate,
Anion/OH cartridge; solvent, H20; flow rate, .6 .6 ml/min; injection volume, 2.5 ~1; attenuation,
ml/min; injection volume, 4 ~1; attenuation, 8×. 8X.

Journal of Dairy Science Vot. 65, No. 8, 1982


The early eluting peaks likely are con- however.

taminating anion peaks from salts in the milk Figure 6 shows separation of lactose from a
system (8). The first two early peaks had reten- cultured buttermilk; lactose also was resolved
tion times that were similar to calcium chloride from milk and dry and fluid wbeys (not shown).
and calcium phosphate. The third early eluting Cummings (4) separated a variety of car-
peak in the strawberry yogurt extract was not bohydrates with different ion-exchange resins
in plain yogurt. Retention time for this peak and found that several monosaccharides coeluted
was similar to that of citric acid. As this peak with Aminex HPX-87 column. Coeluting sugars
was only in the fruited yogurt, it is possible included galactose, mannose, sorbose, xylose,
that this compound originates in the flavoring rhamnose, fucose, fructose, and arabinose.
material rather than in the yogurt base. Further, There were no coelution problems with our
because species of larger molecular weight elute samples, however, because interfering sugars
earlier than sugars, oligosaccharides produced were not present. By using the Aminex HPX-85
by transglycosylation action of/3-galactosidase column, Cummings (4) reported many of these
may be in this area. sugars were resolved better.
Initial chromatograms (no guard column) for Davis and Hartford (5) used the Aminex
both plain and strawberry yogurt extracts were HPX-87 column for analysis of isomerized
difficult to interpret because of poor resolution syrups. Sample clean up before injection
and interference in both the early and sugar included the use of Waters Cls Sep-Paks (24). A
during peak areas. As discussed by Macrae modification of this procedure (18) proved
(16), although column and detector technology useful in removing coloring materials from
has improved greatly in recent years, there is strawberry yogurt. The nonpolar hydrophobic
still a need for improving sample preparation C18 packing normally is used with polar solvents
and extraction procedures for analyzing foods. and is recommended for preparing samples for
Standards can be separated easily, but problems carbohydrate analysis. For removing interfering
often arise when undesired compounds in acids Davis and Hartford (5) suggested using
extracts interfere. ion-exchange prior to HPLC injection; for
Lactic acid, for example, appeared to removing citric acid, they suggested precipitation
coelute with glucose and galactose in our with calcium carbonate before deionization.
system. To eliminate this interference, we The Bio-Rad Microguard cartridge proved
attempted to precipitate the lactate ion as an effective in removing unwanted acids from
insoluble calcium salt before centrifugation. yogurt and cultured butter milk samples. Other
This method was used for citric acid by Davis HPLC applications for determination of proteins
and Hartford (5), but in both ethanol and and organic acids in yogurt are described (12,
acetonitrile solutions, the calcium lactate was 15).
soluble. Certain advantages and disadvantages are
Various Amberlite (Mallinckrodt) ion ex- apparent for both bonded phase (18) and resin
change resins were prepared by modification of based systems for the determination of car-
the procedure of Wong-Chong and Martin bohydrates by LC. The resin system uses only
(25); however, excessive carbohydrate loss high purity water, which is prepared easily or
made them unacceptable. Sample cbromat- already in the lab, and affords a more readily
ograms were improved with addition of a available and less expensive solvent source.
Bio-Rad Microguard TM Anion/OH guard column Moreover, the ease of handling the disposal of
in this system (2). This guard system proved to water is convenient as this solvent is not haz-
be a convenient and effective means of removing ardous as are many LC solvents.
milk salts as well as cleaning up the interferences Another major difference between these
in the late (sugar) eluting peak areas (Figure 5). column types is operating temperature. Bonded
This latter interference possibly could have phase column are commonly operated at
been from lactic acid because a) injections of ambient temperatures whereas resin systems
reagent grade lactic acid showed peaks in these often require elevated operating temperatures.
problem areas and b) the Micro-guard system To maintain these temperatures heating blocks
reduced interference. Some carbohydrate ma- or circulating water baths are required.
terial was adsorbed by the guard system, In addition to applications described herein,

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 65, No. 8, 1982


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13 Liquid Chromatographer. 1979. Aminex R ion-
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 65, No. 8, 1982

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