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Ayu.rveda is a science which cleala wi t.h • Ayu'

i.e. life. It includes lmowledqe about happy anc!
unhappy life, wholeaome and unwholescme procedures
related to life, and also measure of life.

According to Ayurveda, life may be considered

as "Union of Body, senses, mind and the spirit".

It is also synonymed as "Dhari" a• it supports

life. "Jeevi tam" aa Animation , "51 tyaga" and
"Anubandha" (relation with two monaents, cella even
two b.1rth8) •

There ia linkaoe between body, senses, mille!

and apiri t, which is the cause of Ayu. Each one of
them, except spirit, essentially should be healthy
for maintaining health.

Ayurveda believes that PANCHAMAHABHUTAS are

the root cause of the Body. DOSHA, DHA~ and MALAS
are the derivatiYes of PANCHAMAHABHUTAS. Balanced

atate of these DOSHAS, DHA'.rWAS and MALAS leac!a to

healthy oonc!ition of human being.

HGWeYer• c!uring routine aet.ivities • t.he boc!y

ia decreasing by c!igestim and exercise. I~ is compen-
aatec! by ANNA, UDAlCA anc! PRANA.

Specially, if the food ia good, nutriciou,

adequate in measure, and without toxla hen the living
thing is going to live lonqer, and maintaining balance
of DOSHA, DH.l\TU, MALA, keeping oae• s health'1ef' state.

Thas nutrit1ve food plays a Ulportot role,

in maintenance of health.

•Charua• ia soouuthana says &boat wholesa.

diet, which is the only useful -ti:er for qrowtb of a

persoa. Stating about the u.nvholescm. tiet is to be
t:he cause of the c!iseaae.

Hence since ancient era, the A7'1J:Vedic

Scientist haYe thought OYer the subj eft Of natri Uon.

Scientists in modern medicine, have alao


~hoaq~ Oftr the nutrition. They too, agree that, the

lllOst i11p0rtant single factor in maintenance of heal~

is nut:ri tion. Modern Scientists claim about prot:eins,

fats and carbohyc!rates as the •Proxtmat:e Principles•.
They are •burnt• or oxidised in 'the body, to provide

•Proximate Principles• are more considered in

nutd:tion, with Yitanlf.nea and llinerals.

Haturopatha have also considered about nutri-

tion. Acaording to them, a man should eat raw Yeqeta-
bl•, and m11lt u far u possible. Hatr!Uan of the
body can not occur, unless there is intake of autritiYe


some acientista of Naturopa~ clai111, that ..,.

though UJy t.ype of food 1• inqeai:ed, it ~• nutri-
t1Ye to the body by a sustained exlst:nt energy pnaent
in 1:he body.

'!'here are Yiews from cU.:fferent

scientists and different sciences.

As the subjeft is closely rela~ with the

heal~h of the people and so society, GOYerruaent alao
has taken some projects such aa performing grains, of
better quality on a yast area, prodw:tion of milk,
fruits in large proportion is tried.

Por expectant mothers, and children, apeelal

food progra~s are arranged.

'lbrough nutri Uonal a.p~ highly vulnerable

grottp, ~t 180rtallty, attention 1a paid l7.r the

In ease of 4.relop1ng eoantrlea specially, due

to bad econOidcr condition, probl- of -lnutrition,
and ignorance of people, aboa.t nutrition, and h14)her
•ortali t.)" rate are dealt with.

India ta one of the 4..-loptng eoantriee.

Ayurvedic: sctenee is 'the Indian Scienee, so being
hcaoloqoua with the Indian sitaaUons, Indian walla-
bill ties, and Indian people Ayurvedic concepts and
treatment are more practicable hera.
( 5)

Aa Ayuvec!a considers about basic five proto-

el-nta, ATMAN, MDID and KALA, DISHA U the root
causative faetor of the world., they are abo conslc!erec!
in phyalologlcal and pathological func'tions of any
llliltter in 'the boc!y.

Henee even at any era., and at any place in the

vorlc!, Ayurve41c eoneepts are prov-ed to be important.

•charata• the gxea Ayarvec!ic Scientist has

already obserfltd and -.huiae411 Aya.rYedic conceP1; of
lftt1:rition, 500 yeara abefore B.c.

Aacient Egypttana used to ptrqe their body,

e,.rr .oath, because they beli.,.ed 'that all 41••••••
origiftate from fooc!.

l'a1110na Greek Physician Hippoeratea used to

eonaic!er a proper CCIIbinat:ion of foods - the key to

qood health. He uaec! 1:0 prescribe certain c!ieta as
part of hi a therapy reqularly, apt.o the end of 18t:h


With advancement of Chemistry, ideas aboa.t

nutrition became scientific, as nutrition wu concerned
with the chemical constituents of food and the complex
chemical processes by which food is fit to use.

With advanced research" in all ~he branches

of sciences, such as chemistry, physics, biology, ye~

aome problems are unsolved in modern medicine alao.

Ayuryedic science is based tlpOD the functions,

and results occurinq in a body, phenomena experienced,
and oblletTationa concluded. 'l'heorotical, practical
and philosophical all aspects about nutrition are also
observed ~ the Scientists.

'!hough mode of living, is chartqed during 20t:h

Century, mental tensions are increased, stress and
strain are increased, yet Ayarvedie concept of Nutri•
tion, is useful and practicable in this era too.

Changes from person to person, different

temperaments such minute matters and qual! ties are

broadly observed and thought over.

so, it ia intereatinQ and alao pmcUcal, to

atll!y Ayarvedic concept of HutriUon.
----------- --------

Nutrition 1a one of the Tripod of life. so

Ayurvedic Concept of Nutri Uon ia diaausaed.

1. Ayw:vedic Concept of Rutri Uan, ia defined.

2. Role of autritioa in Sva.tha and Balamoed
Diet ill svutha.
3. All upecu of ruatritian are conaidenc!,
with ~ial reference to proto-ele. .nta
or MAHABHUT.AS and Ahara.

4. Nutritional Assessment wt'th help of

Upachaya and strength Role of Natrition

in Upaehaya.
s. Field Work.

A. In this present work I have fOC!ouec!

apon all aspects of Mtatri~on.

B. I have examined pupils of eightth

standard in high school in the field
c. Review of Nutritional Aaaas...,Dt ia
i:bouqht over b.r Ayurvedic view.

D. Wher.ver possible I ha¥e compared

aonc:ept of Ratri ticn in Ayaz:?eda.
vi th 00110ept of N11tr1 tion in Modern

B. An attempt is alao ~~&de 1:o draw the
attention of the sctenti fie naearch
workers in AyarYeda. ao i:hat this
foundation work may inspire them to
further the knowledge regar~inq

"AyurYedic Con.::ept of Nutrition".

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