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Creating programs from Application files

This document is valid for ROC D7/D9 RRC, ROC D7C/D9C, ROC F6/F9/F9CR/F9C and
all ROC L MkII rigs.

Valid for ROC D7/D9 RRC, F6, F7/F9, F9CR and all ROC L MkII rigs.
What you need
• An USB memory provided by Atlas Copco. Only memories with product number 9106 1837 70 are

• A self extracting Application file named with correct manufacturing number provided by Atlas Copco.

Creating the program card

Connect the USB memory to your computer. If there are any files on the memory, select all and delete them.
If you receive a message regarding deleting protected files; select Yes to all. Never format the USB
memories since they are pre-formatted with a special configuration. HEC3 displays do not support Windows
standard FAT or FAT32.

Copy the Application file to the memory. Double click the file to extract all files. Your USB memory should
now look similar to the picture below.

Windows Explorer showing the contents of a HEC3 memory for a ROC L6(25)

Disconnect the USB memory. The memory is now ready to use with your rig.

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Valid ROC L MkII rigs.

What you need

• An USB memory provided by Atlas Copco. Only memories with product number 9106 1837 70 are

• A self extracting Application file provided by Atlas Copco.

Creating the program card

Connect the USB memory to your computer. If there are any files on the memory, select all and delete them.
If you receive a message regarding deleting protected files; select Yes to all. Never format the USB
memories since they are pre-formatted with a special configuration. CPU’s do not support Windows standard
FAT or FAT32.

Copy the Application file to the memory. Double click the file to extract all files. Your USB memory should
now look similar to the picture below.

Windows Explorer showing the contents of a CPU memory for ROC L DTH rigs

Disconnect the USB memory. The memory is now ready to use with your rig.

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RCS version 3.xx
Valid for ROC D7C/D9C up to serial no. AVO 08A1743
Valid for ROC F9C up to serial no AVO 09A1107

What you need

• An ATA PC-card, preferably the Atlas Copco 9106 1452 03.

• A self extracting Application file provided by Atlas Copco.

Creating the program card

Insert the PC-card into your PC-card reader. Make sure the card uses the FAT (not FAT32) file system and
delete any existing files. If the card uses any other file system than FAT, format it with a standard Windows

Copy the Application file to the PC-card. Double click the file to extract all files. Your PC-card should now
look similar to the picture below.

RCS program card for a ROC D9C

Windows Explorer showing the contents of a RCS program card for a ROC D9C

Eject the PC-card. The PC-card is now ready to use with your rig.

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RCS version 4.xx
Valid for ROC D7C/D9C/F9C from serial no. AVO 09A1112

What you need

• An USB memory provided by Atlas Copco. Only memories with product number 9106 1837 70 are

• A BV4 file named with correct manufacturing number provided by Atlas Copco.

Creating the program card

Connect the USB memory to your computer. If there are any files on the memory, select all and delete them.
If you receive a message regarding deleting protected files; select Yes to all. Never format the USB
memories since they are pre-formatted with a special configuration. The displays do not support Windows
standard FAT or FAT32.

Copy the BV4 file to the memory. Your USB memory should now look similar to the picture below.

Windows Explorer showing the contents of a USB memory for ROC D9C

Disconnect the USB memory. The memory is now ready to use with your rig.

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About Application files
Application files can normally be found on the CD in the directory \documents\software.

HEC3 and RCS3

All Application files for HEC3 and RCS3 provided by Atlas Copco are named as following:

8992 00## ## - ROC X, version Y.exe

The first number refers to the rig’s manufacturing number, X to rig type and Y to software version. Please
note that the software version has nothing to do with which software release it’s based on. All rigs get an
initial release in production (version 1). All changes in software, as option changes or release upgrades,
leads to an addition to the version number.

All Application files for CPU provided by Atlas Copco are named as following:

8992 00## ## - ROC X CPU, version Y.exe

The first number refers to the rig’s manufacturing number, X to rig type and Y to software version. Please
note that the software version has nothing to do with which software release it’s based on. All rigs get an
initial release in production (version 1). All changes in software, as option changes or release upgrades,
leads to an addition to the version number.

All files for RCS4 provided by Atlas Copco are named as following:

8992 00## ## - ROC X, version Y.BV4

The first number refers to the rig’s manufacturing number, X to rig type and Y to software version. Please
note that the software version has nothing to do with which software release it’s based on. All rigs get an
initial release in production (version 1). All changes in software, as option changes or release upgrades,
leads to an addition to the version number.

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