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Application Specific Modeling Guide V.


The modern world depends upon antennas, from simple monopole whips to complicated ar-
rays. The characterization of these radiating structures is ideally suited for simulation with
HFSS. The following HFSS antenna simulation guide provides a consistent, robust, and repeat-
able methodology for achieving a high degree of accuracy. These tips provide the fundamental
starting points for antenna simulations, and can be easily adapted for your own processes.

Antennas: Key Modeling Considerations

Solution Volume Size: To properly model the far field behavior of an antenna, an appropri-
ate volume of air must be included in the simulation. A properly sized volume is one where all
outer faces of the volume are spaced a quarter lambda away from any radiating surface. The
frequency used to calculate lambda should be the operating frequency.

3D versus 2D metals: It can often be advantageous to replace 3D radiating elements with

2D elements. This is especially true if the far field pattern is of primary importance.

Antenna Feed Type: When return loss (S11) accuracy is important a simulation should in-
clude a representation of the actual feed topology that will be used to excite the antenna. This
is not as important when only far field behavior is of a concern.

Integration Surface: The far field behavior is calculated from information contained on an
integration surface. By default this surface is the collection of faces to which the absorbing
boundary condition (Radiation BC or PML) is applied. A user can create a custom integration
surface interior to these absorbing surfaces with a suggested spacing of lambda by 10. This
interior integration surface can facilitate the adaptive meshing process, particularly if seeded,
and provide improvement to far field results.

Single element, small array, or very large array: Single radiator or small arrays can easily
be simulated using HFSS with the setup described in this guide. For very large arrays, the HFSS
simulation will need to include linked boundaries and a unit cell radiator.

Antenna Checklist:
Before starting an antenna simulation it is recommended that the following checklist be com-
pleted. The details of this checklist are given on the reverse page of this modeling guide.

• Model is properly sized. Outer faces are a quarter lambda from all radiating surfaces

• PML or Radiation Boundary applied on all appropriate outer faces of solution volume.

• Custom integration surface has been defined internal to solution volume (if desired) at
a spacing of lambda by ten from all radiating surfaces.

• Manual mesh (lambda by 6) applied to integration surface or Radiation boundary.

A properly sized model with Radiation A properly sized model with PML
Boundary and default integration sur- boundary and custom integration sur-
face location. face location. PML’s not shown.
Antenna Model Setup

Model Size: To properly simulate an antenna, an air volume should be constructed so that
its outer faces are spaced a quarter wavelength away from all radiating surfaces, including fi-
nite ground planes. The frequency used to determine the wavelength should be the operating
frequency of the antenna or the Solution Frequency specified in the solution setup.

Boundaries: All outer faces should have either a Radiation or Perfectly Matched Layer
boundary applied to them. The use of Perfectly Matched Layer boundaries is encouraged for
antenna simulations.

Excitations: Both Lumped ports or Wave ports can be used as excitations for antenna
simulations. There are, however, preferred ports for particular antenna types. A representative
list is given below:

1) Wire antenna such as Dipoles, Monopoles should use Lumped ports.

2) Horn antennas should use wave ports;

3) Planar antennas fed with coax feeds, microstrip, stripline or other transmission line
feeds can use either Wave or Lumped ports;

Note: For Coaxial feed antennas, Wave ports can be placed inside the solution volume at the
end of a coaxial feed. This can be done IF a PEC Cap is used to terminate the coaxial feed.

Planar Antenna Wire Antenna

Dipole Lumped

Horn Antenna

A coaxial feed antenna with

“capped” coaxial Wave port.

Wave Port

Manual Meshing: Manual meshing can be used when simulating radiating structures. If
desired it should only be applied to the integration surface. The integration surface , by default,
is the collection of faces to which a radiation boundary has been applied. If a PML is used then
the manual mesh operation is applied to a user created integration surface.

Integration Surface: The integration surface is the collection of faces from which HFSS
calculates all far field behavior. Users have a choice of using the default integration surface or a
custom integration surface. There are two common locations for an integration surface.

1) At outer faces of solution volume.

A) When using a Radiation boundary the integration surface is coincident with
the faces where the Radiation boundary is applied. No user action is required.

B) When using PMLs a custom integration surface must be created.

2) At an interior location of the solution volume. (lambda/10 from all radiators)

A) When using a Radiation boundary the default integration surface must be
superseded by a custom integration surface which must be created.

B) When using PMLs a custom integration surface must be created.

To create a custom integration surface for 1) select all outer faces and click
3D Modeler->List->Create->FaceList

To create a custom integration surface for 2) create a 3D volume so that all faces are
lambda/10 away from any radiating surface, select all outer faces of this volume and click
3D Modeler->List->Create->FaceList

Solution Setup: The solution setup should follow the standard HFSS setup where the
Solution Frequency is the operating frequency of the antenna.

Version 1.0 — May 2006 — MBK

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