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4.3 Stress-Strain Relationship gular position 9 measured Consider a strain gauge situated : 7 ald as shown in te anticlockwise from direction xing plane-strain fe n Fig, 4.2. The strain measured by the gauge is 6! My o ae x (a) . (6) Fig. 4.2 Strain gauge in a plane-strain field. £9 = & COS” 9 + & sin? + ¥~, sin @ cos o = ; (x + &) +5 (€x— 8) cos 26 + a sin 20 wD) Eq. (4.1) contains three unknowns, €x, €y and y,y and therefore three strains €,, & and € are required along three directions a, b and c to determine the state of strain at a point. Hence 1 f= 7 (C46) +5 (e— 6) 008 2 64 +1 sin 26, 1 Qt) +> Gee) Cos2Q + sin2—) can 1. f= (G46) +5 (ee 6) 008 26+ in 2g a Having three unknowns and three equations, &, fy and Yo can be Valuated. The Principal strains are then 1 4.3) M2=9 (e+e) 22 Vee ee as) ‘mas = Vee Bye Rs © Principal strain directions are then given by and Scanned with Camscanner STRAIN ROSETTES 419 Yay tan 201 = n 261 ee, or o= 3 tan’! () 4.5) where 9; is the angle between the principal strain ¢; and x-axis. The principal stresses then become E O1= 7 ples tye) A446 02 = (E2 + V €1) ae 1-v Scanned with Camscanner STRAIN ROSETTES 4.4.1 Analytical Solutions (a) The Two-Gauge R, the directions of principal strates | i oO strain are known, The gauge ‘a’ an ee Teemu stzain direction chosen along ‘the axis 60 fat | rere an is set along the minimum strain direction #0 al 1 | Now Fo= 9 Ex +8) +5 (6c — 6) 008 26 + 12 sin 29 fa = Ee | B= ey t Hence €1 = €a, €2 = £4, Ymax = Ea — & 4.7) | (4.8) | i ” * J ¢| b + ie a poeta be. Fig. 4.3 Two-gauge rosette. Fig. 4.4 Rectangular three element rosette. E tmx= Fey (Ea - &) (b) The Rectangular Rosette. (i) Three Element Rosette. For the three element rectangular rosette as shown in Fig. 4.4. $0. = 0°, 5 = 45% de = 90° : Now (r+) +5 Ge - 6) 008 26 + sin 26 fa = ee 1 =F eto) tg % fe = by Solving for é fy and Yor we Bet fx =a pers (4.9) Yo = 2&5 - (Ea FE) Scanned with Camscanner This rosette is suitable only when —, ~ EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALY Sig The principal strains are given by 1 ec e2= 5G te)ED (Ex — Ey)" + Yay ah (cate) +5 Vee + Ree eF (4,10) Maximum shear strain becomes oe = V(Eq — Ec)” + (2€ — Ea — Ee) --(4.11) The principal strain directions are : a14,,-1(Yo- = 3 tan ae a —Ltan? zane (4.12) $2= 90° + or The principal stresses are then obtained from, a= 35 (€1 + v €2) “a[titeat (éa — Ec)” + (ep — Ea ~ il (4.18) 1 ltv O2= E (€2+v €1) 1-v 2 1, Elfitt& 1 -3ste- Ti Vea &) + (28 - fa — oF] The maximum shear stress is then fan max = Cf yy Tmax (Ea ~ Ee)” + (2 6 + Fa. = Ec) (4.14) aoe 2(1+v) Scanned with Camscanner (ii) Four-element Rosett + . shown in Fig. 4.5. e. The four clement rectangular rosette is Here oq = 0°, 9 = 45°, de = 90° and du = 135° 1 1 Now € = 9 (€ +8) +9 (€~ 6) cos 29+ sin 26 fa = by n i a f= 5 (Ex + fy + Ye) \ 5 WW Ee = By 1357 ; e Fa = 9 (Ex i &y ~ Yay) 3 +. Solving for €:, fy and yxy, we get Fig. 4.5 Rectangular four element a ae Neate rosette. H Scanned with Camscanner 124 or =" EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANAL yo. fe = fa & =k Voy = €b ~ Ed (4.15) The principal strains are given by t-tete)ts e-em 1 lye etme = 5 (at &)+ 2 (Ea — &e)” + (€ — Ea)’ (4.16) Maximum shear strain "max = V(Ex — Ey)” + = V(€a — Ec)” + (Eo ~ Ea) (4.17) Maximum principal strain direction is a) tant {Yo i= 5 tan = a2 pan 1 [fee 2 tan’ =e soe(4,18) The principal stresses are then obtained from E O1= 2 (€1 + v &2) E — ve (ee tv eI) 1 3 El eat «ang /ote rtp G-a@- a | O2= an aEltatetet oi2=2 f, 1 ve a Sietete area We-wre-aF| oak fetta, 1 ed [ate tT Ve ae a] (AI9) Maximum shear stress ig then given by Tmax = be 2a Ymax “Fy eat Scanned with Camscanner ic) The Delta Rosette. For the delta rosette as shown in Pig. 44 = 0°, dy = 60° and @ = 120° Now foe h(t G) +2 (1-6) €08204 2 ty sin 20 Be ‘Scanned with CamScanner | gIRAIN ROSETTES & =i = (e436 +3 Yy) ai B= Z(E+3 8-3 Yo) Solving for €x, f and yxy, we get f= ee 1 B= 3 (- fot 2e +26) Yo= Fy -&) The principal strains are given by Fig. 4.6 Delta rosette. (4.20) a= Fte)t5 VE rer attire 3 ’ (= and maximum shear strain Ynax = Vee =) +1 ‘The principal strain directions are o =5 tan”! (es) 1 a yee) 2 Et hte fa 3 $2 =90" +01 The principal stresses are given by a= z 3 1-v enema (er tv €2) w(4.22) +(4.23) v4.24) ‘Scanned with CamScanner a8 EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYsis fate+ee, 1 _ fat € t Fe Eb — Ee cools hfe ==] ove 4.25) and the maximum shear stress wee mer FL + vy x -£ fa + & + & £5 + €e =Ty Viee- + ua) | 3 v3 (4.28) Scanned with Camscanner 4.7, a oy 200 x 10° =~, (1603.75 - 0. 41) 10° 1- (0.2857 (1603.75 ~ 0.285 x 880.41) 10 = 294.482 MPa n= 1 (€1 + v &) E O2= : 1-v 200 x 10° = T- 0.2857 (- 880.41 + 0.285 x 1603.73) 10° ® = - 92.154 MPa (€2-v €1) Tmax = E 2a+w ™ 200 x 10° x 2484.14 x 107° = 2a84.14 x10" _ 193.32 MP. 2(1+0.285) 193.82 MPa (d) The T-Delta Rosette. In the T-delta rosette as shown in Fig. ba = 0°, 5 = 60°, be = 120° | and o¢=90°. | \c Now | | al doers 12 abe &= 5 (E+) +9 (ex- 5) arg 90 ; ce cos 26 + $ ey Sin 2 Fig. 4.7 T-Delta rosette. Hence = &a = Ex =F (E+ 36, +8 Yy) Scanned with Camscanner e EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANAL Ygig 1 Re i (Bx + Bey ~ 3 Yay) 4 fas by Solving for ex, &y and Yay, we get ky Ey by = ea 2 Vey = iy (6s ~ €) The principal strains are given by 1 1 2 Bas 9 et ents Ve ) +e =flotayer Vien? +4 2) Ymax = V(Ex — &)' + = (60 ca)* +4 (eg? ‘The maximum principal strain direction is Taal Ye d= z tan’ & be 2 (€ Ee) =} tan? BSS Ea — Ed The principal stresses are then obtained from 3 (E1 + V &2) E O2= iz (e2+ vey) El ta+&d , or o12= 5 and maximum shear stress is bess ES % Tmt 9+ v) BN, + ed? + 215, 2 Fasw (Ea - Ea)’ +3 (€o—e,)? Scanned with Camscanner +(4,28) +-(4.29) +(4.30) wl.)

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