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Project Report on
Study of HRM Policies and
Practices of Coca Cola Company

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the

Degree of Bachelor of Business






1941137 Assistant Professor


This is to certify that the Project Report entitled ―BEST PRACTICES IN HRM” is a record of
project work done independently by RAMAN SINGH SHEKHAWAT under my guidance and
supervision and that it has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree,
fellowship or associate ship.


S.S. Jain Subodh P.G. (Autonomous) College


I, RAMAN SINGH SHEKHAWAT student of BBA Sem IV hereby declare that the project
work presented in this report is my own work and has been carried out under the supervision of
Dr. GAURI DHINGRA of S.S Jain SubodhP.G(Autonomous) College.

This work has not been previously submitted to any other university for any examination.


S.S.JainSubodh P.G.(Autonomous)College


It is not often in life that you get a chance of appreciating and expressing your feelings in black
and white to thank the people who have been a crucial part of your successes, your
accomplishments, and your being what you are today. I take this opportunity to first of all thank
the Faculty at S.S. Jain Subodh P.G.(Autonomous)College, especially Dr. K.B.Sharma,
Principal, and Dr. Chitra Rathore, Head, Department of BBA for inculcating and instilling me
the knowledge, learning, will-power, values and the competitiveness and professionalism
required by me as a management student.

I would like to give special thanks to Dr. GAURI DHINGRA for educating me silver lining in
every dark cloud. Her enduring efforts, guidance, patience and enthusiasm have given a sense of
direction and purposefulness to this project and ultimately made it a success.

I express my sincere and heartiest thanks to everyone who has contributed towards the successful
completion of the Project.

Last but not the least; I would like to thank my family: my parents for supporting me spiritually
throughout my life.

The errors and inconsistencies remain my own.











IntrodutionOf HRM

Human beings are social beings and hardly ever live and work in isolation. We always plan,
develop and manage our relations both consciously and unconsciously. The relations are the
outcome of our actions and depend to a great extent upon our ability to manage our actions.

From childhood each and every individual acquire knowledge and experience on understanding
others and how to behave in each and every situations in life. Later we carry forward this
learning and understanding in carrying and managing relations at our workplace. The whole
context of Human Resource Management revolves around this core matter of managing relations
at work place.

Since mid 1980‘s Human Resource Management (HRM) has gained acceptance in both
academic and commercial circle. HRM is a multidisciplinary organizational function that draws
theories and ideas from various fields such as management, psychology, sociology and

There is no best way to manage people and no manager has formulated how people can be
managed effectively, because people are complex beings with complex needs. Effective HRM
depends very much on the causes and conditions that an organizational setting would provide.
Any Organization has three basic components, People, Purpose, and Structure.

In 1994, a noted leader in the human resources (HR) field made the following observation:
Yesterday, the company with the access most to the capital or the latest technology had the best
competitive advantage; Today, companies that offer products with the highest quality are the
ones with a leg up on the competition; But the only thing that will uphold a company‘s
advantage tomorrow is the caliber of people in the organization.

That predicted future is today‘s reality. Most managers in public- and private sector firms of all
size would agree that people truly are the organization‘s most important asset. Having competent
staff on the payroll does not guarantee that a firm‘s human resources will be a source of
competitive advantage.

However in order to remain competitive, to grow, and diversify an organization must ensure that
its employees are qualified, placed in appropriate positions, properly trained, managed
effectively, and committed to the firm‘s success. The goal of HRM is to maximize employees‘
contributions in order to achieve optimal productivity and effectiveness, while simultaneously
attaining individual objectives (such as having a challenging job and obtaining recognition), and
societal objectives (such as legal compliance and demonstrating social responsibility).


The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of competent and willing workforce
to an organization. The specific objectives include the following:
1) Societal Objectives: seek to ensure that the organization becomes socially responsible to the
needs and challenges of the society while minimizing the negative impact of such demands upon
the organization. The failure of the organizations to use their resources for the society‘s benefit
inethical ways may lead to restriction.

2) Organizational Objectives: it recognizes the role of HRM in bringing about organizational

effectiveness. It makes sure that HRM is not a standalone department, but rather a means to
assistthe organization with its primary objectives. The HR department exists to serve the rest of
the Organization.

3) Functional Objectives:is to maintain the department‘s contribution at a level appropriate to

theorganization‘s needs. Human resources are to be adjusted to suit the organization‘s demands.
Thedepartment‘s value should not become too expensive at the cost of the organization it serves.

4) Personnel Objectives:it is to assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least as far
asthese goals enhance the individual‘s contribution to the organization. Personal objectives of
employees must be met if they are to be maintained, retained and motivated. Otherwise
employeeperformance and satisfaction may decline giving rise to employee turnover.

The scope of Human Resource Management refers to all the activities that come under the
banner of Human Resource Management. These activities are as follows.

Scope Of HRM

Fig 1.1
1. Human resources planning :- Human resource planning or Human Resource Planning refers
to a process by which the company to identify the number of jobs vacant, whether the company
has excess staff or shortage of staff and to deal with this excess or shortage.

2. Job analysis design :- Another important area of Human Resource Management is job
analysis. Job analysis gives a detailed explanation about each and every job in the company.

3. Recruitment and selection :- Based on information collected from job analysis the company
prepares advertisements and publishes them in the newspapers. This is recruitment. A number of
applications are received after the advertisement is published, interviews are conducted and the
right employee is selected thus recruitment and selection are yet another important area of
Human Resource Management.

4. Orientation and induction :- Once the employees have been selected

an induction or orientation program is conducted. This is another important area of Human
Resource Management. The employees are informed about the background of the company,
explain about the organizational culture and values and work ethics and introduce to the other

5. Training and development :- Every employee goes under training program which helps him
to put up a better performance on the job. Training program is also conducted for existing staff
that have a lot of experience. This is called refresher training. Training and development is one
area where the company spends a huge amount.

6. Performance appraisal :- Once the employee has put in around 1 year ofservice, performance
appraisal is conducted that is the Human Resource department checks the performance of the
employee. Based on these appraisal future promotions, incentives, increments in salary are

7. Compensation planning and remuneration :- There are various rules

regarding compensation and other benefits. It is the job of the Human Resource department to
look into remuneration and compensation planning.
8. Motivation, welfare, health and safety :- Motivation becomes important to sustain the
number of employees in the company. It is the job of the Human Resource department to look
into the different methods of motivation. Apart from this certain health and safety regulations
have to be followed for the benefits of the employees. This is also handled by the HR

9. Industrial relations :- Another important area of Human Resource Management is

maintaining co-ordinal relations with the union members. This will help the organization to
prevent strikes lockouts and ensure smooth working in the company.


Human Resources management has an important role to play in equipping organizations to meet
the challenges of an expanding and increasingly competitive sector. Increase in staff numbers,
contractual diversification and changes in demographic profile which compel the HR managers
to reconfigure the role and significance of human resources management. The functions are
responsive to current staffing needs, but can be proactive in reshaping organizational objectives.

HR management can be thought of as seven interlinked functions taking place within

organizations. Additionally, external forces—legal, economic, technological, global,
Environmental,cultural/geographic, political, and social—significantly affect how HR functions
are designed, managed, and changed. The functions can be grouped as follows:

1Strategic HR Management: As a part of maintaining organizational competitiveness,

strategicplanning for HR effectiveness can be increased through the use of HR metrics and HR
technology.Human resource planning (HRP) function determine the number and type of
employees needed toaccomplish organizational goals. HRP includes creating venture teams with
a balanced skill-mix,recruiting the right people, and voluntary team assignment. This function
analyzes and determinespersonnel needs in order to create effective innovation teams. The basic
HRP strategy is staffingand employee development.

2Equal Employment Opportunity: Compliance with equal employment opportunity (EEO)

laws and regulations affects all other HR activities.

3Staffing: The aim of staffing is to provide a sufficient supply of qualified individuals to fill jobs
in an organization. Job analysis, recruitment and selection are the main functions under staffing.
Workers job design and job analysis laid the foundation for staffing by identifying what diverse
people do in their jobs and how they are affected by them.
Job analysis is the process of describing the nature of a job and specifying the human
requirements such as knowledge, skills, and experience needed to perform the job. The end result
of job analysis is job description. Job description spells out work duties and activities of

Through HR planning, managers anticipate the future supply of and demand for employees and
the nature of workforce issues, including the retention of employees. So HRP precedes the actual
selection of people for organization. These factors are used when recruiting applicants for job
openings. The selection process is concerned with choosing qualified individuals to fill those
jobs. In the selection function, the most qualified applicants are selected for hiring from among
the applicants based on the extent to which their abilities and skills are matching with the job.

4Talent Management and Development: Beginning with the orientation of new employees,
talent management and development includes different types of training. Orientation is the first
step towards helping a new employee to adjust himself to the new job and the employer. It is a
method to acquaint new employees with particular aspects of their new job, including pay and
benefitprogrammes, working hours and company rules and expectations.
Training and Development programs provide useful means of assuring that the employees are
capable of performing their jobs at acceptable levels and also more than that. All the
organizations provide training for new and in experienced employee. In addition, organization
often provide both on the job and off the job training programmes for those employees whose
jobs are undergoing change.
Likewise, HR development and succession planning of employees and managers is necessary to
prepare for future challenges. Career planning has developed as result of the desire of many
employees to grow in their jobs and to advance in their career. Career planning activities include
assessing an individual employee‘s potential for growth and advancement in the organization.
Performance appraisal includes encouraging risk taking, demanding innovation, generating or
adopting new tasks, peer evaluation, frequent evaluations, and auditing innovation processes.

This function monitors employee performance to ensure that it is at acceptable levels. This
strategy appraises individual and team performance so that there is a link between individual
innovativeness and company profitability. Which tasks should be appraised and who should
assess employees‘performance are also taken into account.

5Total Rewards: Compensation in the form of pay, incentives and benefits are the rewards
given to the employees for performing organizational work. Compensation management is the
method for determining how much employees should be paid for performing certain jobs.
Compensation affects staffing in that people are generally attracted to organizations offering a
higher level of pay in exchange for the work performed. To be competitive, employers develop
and refine their basic compensation systems and may use variable pay programs such as
incentive rewards, promotion from within the team, recognition rewards, balancing team and
individual rewards etc. This functionuses rewards to motivate personnel to achieve an
organization‘s goals of productivity, innovation and profitability. Compensation is also related to
employee development in that it provides an important incentive in motivating employees to
higher levels of job performance to higher paying jobs in the organization.
Benefits are another form of compensation to employees other than direct pay for the work
performed. Benefits include both legally required items and those offered at employer‘s

Benefits are primarily related to the area of employee maintenance as they provide for many
basic employee needs.
6Risk Management and Worker Protection: HRMaddresses various workplace risks to
ensure protection of workers by meeting legal requirements and being more responsive to
concerns for workplace health and safety along with disaster and recovery planning.

7Employee and Labor Relations:The relationship between managers and their employees
must be handled legally and effectively. Employer and employee rights must be addressed. It is
important to develop, communicate, and update HR policies and procedures so that manager
and employees alike know what is expected. In some organizations, union/management relations
must be addressed as well. The term labour relation refers to the interaction with employees who
are represented by a trade union. Unions are organization of employees who join together to
obtain more voice in decisions affecting wages, benefits, working conditions and other aspects of
employment. With regard to labour relations the major function of HR personnel includes
negotiating with the unions regarding wages, service conditions and resolving disputes and

Human Resource Management Policy

HRM policies and procedures are guidelines supervisors and managers to use as a reference for
managing your staff. They state what employees can and cannot do. They‘re set by you, the owner
or management, and these policies and procedures are governed by federal, state and local
employment laws.

For each key area, you‘ll state what your policies are. Then add procedures for employees to
follow the policies, and what happens if the procedures are broken. A good set of HRM policies
and procedures is a living document. It should be the current definitive guide for your company.

This doesn‘t mean that you need to start from scratch. HRM policies and procedures, as well as
examples and templates, are available online. If you‘re experiencing a growth spurt, you could hire
an HR consultant to put your policies and procedures together. If you go this route, be sure to get
an electronic copy, so that you can update it, when changes occur.

Key Elements for HR Policies

HR‘s most important role is to be in compliance with federal, state and local laws, regarding
employment. Not following these laws will leave you vulnerable to lawsuits – the last thing any
business owner needs. Well-written HRM policies and procedures will cover applicable laws, as
well as items that are specific to your industry and business. Key elements are:

1. Equal Opportunities Policy; Discrimination in labor laws and being compliant with the laws.
2. Recruiting and Hiring.
3. Termination and Offboarding; At-will employment clause and any exceptions.
4. Salaries and Bonuses.
5. Performance Appraisals.
6. Safety.
7. Codes of Conduct: Sexual harassment, dress code, substance abuse; drug testing.
8. Scheduling; Lunch periods and other breaks.
9. Benefits: Vacations, holidays and sick time; health insurance; family leave
10. Use of Company Tools and Equipment: Email and internet use.
11. Conflict of Interest Statement.
12. Confidentiality Agreement.
13. Grievances.
14. Disciplinary Actions.


The Coca-Cola Company is the #1 nonalcoholic beverage company in the world, as well as one
of the world's most recognizable brands. It is home to more than 500 beverage brands, some 20
of those billion-dollar-brands, including four of the top five soft drinks: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke,
Fanta, and Sprite. In addition to soft drinks, it markets waters, juice drinks, energy and sports
drinks, dairy and plant-based beverages, and ready-to-drink teas and coffees. Other top brands
include Minute Maid, Powerade, Dasani, Honest Tea, and vitaminwater. With the world's largest
beverage distribution system, Coca-Cola reaches thirsty consumers in more than 200
countries. Nearly 65% of its sales comes from outside the US.

Coca-Cola HBC is one of the world‘s largest bottlers of products of The Coca-Cola Company.
We produce, sell and distribute Coca-Cola, the world‘s most recognised drinks brand and
its leading non-alcoholic ready-to-drink beverage brand in terms of sales volume. Coca-Cola has
been ranked the third most valuable global brand on Interbrand's annual Best Global Brands.

The brands we license from The Coca-Cola Company account for 69 percent of the volume we

The market leader in the soft drinks industry, Coca-Cola is one of the most renowned brands
across the world. Be it your home, office, shops, hotels, bars or restaurants, Coca-Cola is
everywhere! 94% of the world‘s population recognizes the brand instantly by its red and white
Coca-Cola logo as per Business Insider. More than 10,000 soft drinks from Coca-Cola are
consumed every second of every day on average.
Coca-Cola was established in 1886 in Atlanta by John Pemberton. Within a few years, Coca-
Cola became the most recognized, renowned, and widely distributed brand in the world.
Currently, James Quincey is the CEO of this mega corporation.

Meaning of research:-

A careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or problem using scientific

methods. Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed
phenomenon. Research involves inductive and deductive methods.

―Inductive research methods are used to analyze an observed event. Deductive methods are used
to verify the observed event. Inductive approaches are associated with qualitative research and
deductive methods are more commonly associated with quantitative research‖. Research is
conducted with a purpose to understand:

 What do organizations or businesses really want to find out?

 What are the processes that need to be followed to chase the idea?
 What are the arguments that need to be built around a concept?
 What is the evidence that will be required for people to believe in the idea or concept?

Research methodology:-
Methodology can properly refer to the theoretical analysis of the methods appropriate to a field of
study or to the body of methods and principles particular to a branch of knowledge.A research
methodology or involves specific techniques that are adopted in research process to collect,
assemble and evaluate data. It defines those tools that are used to gather relevant information in a
specific research study. Surveys, questionnaires and interviews are the common tools of research.
―The organized questioning and exploration either by hypothesis formation or scientific
testing of any inquisition or query by following a set of standard rules and procedures is defined
as research methodology.‖

Fig3.1 (Research Methodology)

Most research can be divided into three different categories; exploratory, descriptive and causal.
Each serves a different end purpose and can only be used in certain ways. In the online survey
world, mastery of all three can lead to sounder insights and greater quality information. Over the
next couple weeks the organizations should be taking a look into all these forms of research and
how you can incorporate each in your organization‘s strategies for improvement and growth as
well as measuring your company‘s level of success. Today, let‘s do a quick overview of all three
types of research, and how they fit in a research plan.

Exploratory Research:-
Exploratory research is an important part of any marketing or business strategy. Its focus is on
the discovery of ideas and insights as opposed to collecting statistically accurate data. That is
why exploratory research is best suited as the beginning of your total research plan. It is most
commonly used for further defining company issues, areas for potential growth, and alternative
courses of action, and prioritizing areas that require statistical research.

When it comes to online surveys, the most common example of exploratory research takes place
in the form of open-ended questions. Think of the exploratory questions in your survey as
expanding your understanding of the people you are surveying. Text responses may not be
statistically measureable, but they will give you richer quality information that can lead to the
discovery of new initiatives or problems that should be addressed.

Descriptive Research:-

Descriptive research takes up the bulk of online surveying and is considered conclusive in nature
due to its quantitative nature. Unlike exploratory research, descriptive research is preplanned and
structured in design so the information collected can be statistically inferred on a population.

The main idea behind using this type of research is to better define an opinion, attitude, or
behavior held by a group of people on a given subject. Consider your everyday multiple choice
questions. Since there are predefined categories a respondent must choose from, it is considered
descriptive research. These questions will not give the unique insights on the issues like
exploratory research would. Instead, grouping the responses into predetermined choices will
provide statistically inferable data. This allows you tomeasure the significance of your results on
the overall population you are studying, as well as the changes of your respondent‘s opinions,
attitudes, and behaviors over time.

Causal Research:-

Like descriptive research, causal research is quantitative in nature as well as preplanned and
structured in design. For this reason, it is also considered conclusive research. Causal research
differs in its attempt to explain the cause and effect relationship between variables. This is
opposed to the observational style of descriptive research, because it attempts to decipher
whether a relationship is causal through experimentation. In the end, causal research will have
two objectives: 1) to understand which variables is the cause and which variables are the effect
and 2) to determine the nature of the relationship between the causal variables and the effect to
be predicted.


Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted variables in an
established system, which then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes.
Data collection is a component of research in all fields of study including Physical and sciences,
humanities, and business. While methods vary by discipline, the emphasis on ensuring accurate
and honest collection remains the same. The goal for all data collection is to capture quality
evidence that allows analysis to lead to the formulation of convincing and credible answers to the
questions that have been posed.


Primary data: Primary data collection is the process of gathering data through surveys,
interviews or experiments. Household surveys are the prototypical example of primary data.
Researchers can personally direct primary data collection to ensure that data meets the standards
of quality, availability, statistical power and sampling required for a particular research question.
With globally increasing access to survey tools and software, field manuals, and
specialized survey firms, primary data has become the dominant source for empirical inquiry in
development economics.

Secondary data: Secondary data refers to data that is collected by someone other than the user.
Common sources of secondary data for social science include censuses, information collected by
government departments, organizational records and data that was originally collected for other
research purposes. Primary data, by contrast, are collected by the investigator conducting the

For the preparation of this report both primary and secondary sources of data are used. But we
used secondary source of data for this report.

Objectives of Study

1 To understand the various HRM Practices in coca cola.

2 To know the various impact on the employee.
3 To know it‘s benefits and limitation.
4 To know it‘s future implication..

Limitation of the study:-

 Accuracy of data.
 Difference of environment of the study done in secondary data.
 Implication differs from present study.
 In sufficient data.



1Recruiting and Selecting our new employees

The Coca Cola Company-process

With a network of over 700 thousand associates worldwide HR-management is fundamental

activity for Coca-Cola. The process is composed by internal and external recruitments in
which, the Coca-Cola Company (CCC) established a common procedure and framework to
maintain quality standards to a certain level. In the external search, Coca-Cola is always on
the lookout for new talent, be it in experienced hires, the Coca-Cola graduate programme, or
the University Talent Programme.(JobTestPrep2017) As it costs in average up to $4000 to
recruit an employee for an open position the recruitment process need to make sure the
person and its abilities are fitting perfectly to the vacant position. (The Stewart Group 2016)
As previously mentioned, the recruitment starts with being attractive to talents and
applicants. CCC achieves this with several initiatives and a clear statement towards
employees of being part of a community with shared values and stating it is a local business
on a global scale with a unique culture and a strategy to grow from within. This means that a
new employee is fully integrated and has a variety of development programs to choose from
as well as having ‗one of a kind‘ experiences like being a brand-ambassador at the Olympics
or FIFA World Cup.

CCC puts also a lot effort into the acquisition of new talents, as they are supporting students
in the ‗University TalentProgram‘ or are creating new platforms like the ‗All women
hackathon‘, to name two of them. Coca Cola Company‘s recruitment process of external
applicants also follows a specific multi steps practice as seen below, where they want to find
the ideal candidate, who combines the attributes of ‗Creative and fresh thinking‘- spirit of
collaboration-pragmatic and commercial mind set. (The Coca Cola Company 2017B)
Fig- 2.1


The current recruitment process of TCCC combines all the features of a global player assuring to
find the right person for the position and can be seen as highly effective. TCCC can also create
the so important attractiveness for new applicants, through the popularity of its brands, the
creation of a corporate culture which values every position, as well as putting up several
initiatives. However, these things are more or less taken for granted from a global company and
lacks a certain degree of uniqueness.

The changing environment where the trend is going towards a more candidate-driven market,
where applicants are using interviews to determine if the company fits to them and their lifestyle
is one of the central topics pressuring companies to adapt. (Glassdoor 2016)
In order to respond to this development, companies need to include new digital and cognitive
technologies like VR and channels to target the new generation of talents. Platforms like
LinkedIn and Glassdoor are gaining even higher importance in the next years and are central for
the search to employees.

Here it is key for TCCC to build a digital employment brand on a defined strategy which is
recognizable and transparent to benefit from the socialized online environment where people are
sharing experiences and evaluate their employers. (Deloitte 2017)
2 Achieving high performance from the new employees


TCCC‘s approach towards a high-performance environment builds up on a rewarding scheme

with a clear definition of payment, benefits and development programmes. The strategy is to
differentiate from the market with a compelling package, which is constantly updated to provide
new motivation and stimulation fitting to the employees‘ needs.
It also includes short term assignments avoiding a repetitive work experiences and challenging
the employee on a constant basis. The incentives are relying on the Peak Performance System,
where associates and their managers regularly discuss development, movement and succession in
an interactive atmosphere.(Wilson 2015) The main incentives are categorized into:

• Base salary

• Annual incentives

• Long-term incentives

Exemplary for benefits within TCCC the recently introduced Paid Parental Leave can be named,
which was developed by the internal group ‗Millennial Voices‘, taking care of the employees‘
interest and bringing up innovative proposals to extend the company‘s spectrum of services. Paid
Parental leave is provided by only 30-35% of large U.S.-companies, which gives TCCC a certain
advantage in the industry. (WorldatWork 2017

In 2015 a survey among U.S employees found out that 79% of the participants would prefer
additional or new benefits or perks over a pay increase.(Glassdoor 2016) Therefore, TCCC took
an introspective look at its health and well-being offerings, which span the physical, emotional,
social, and financial support. Work platform, workplace health and vitality has recently become a
core for companies to create the best possible setting for employees to be happy and to
encourage their performance. (Food and Drink Federation 2012) In TCCC‘s case it starts with
unique Co-Working offices, which are providing open spaces to enhance group meetings and
discussions in an unformal atmosphere. Nutritious & fresh food choices in the cantina combined
with initiatives and free in-house gyms are giving the employees all opportunities to have a
healthy lifestyle. In order to solve any of the employees‘ concerns, TCCC even introduced a
credit union, giving financial advice and easy access to credits.


All these measures are proving to have an impact on the employees‘ happiness, as TCCC
achieves a rating of 3.9/5 on Indeed based on 6,076 reviews in the last 6 years with 28% giving a
5-star rating. (Indeed 2017) However constantly changing trends and mindsets of new employees
are challenging companies to adapt and break up old structures. In the recently released Forbes-
list of the happiest companies to work for in 2017, Coca-Cola didn‘t make it into the Top 50,
whereas it was listed among the Top10 in 2012. There are several challenges the company needs
to solve to catch up with the industry leaders again. (Kauflin 2016) One opportunity, will be the
shift of generations where three quarters of the workforce will be occupied by Generation Y and
Millennials until 2025, which means TCCC needs to align its HR-management more specifically
towards their needs. particular the current inflexible compensation/incentives models are not well
received by the new generations, as for example the sabbatical year belongs to one of the major
preferences today. The optimization of processes and structures towards these professional
generations can improve the overall performance of the company significantly in the next years.

3 Achieving affective commitment from the new employees

Employer Branding

Whereas incentives and benefits are definitely necessary features, the overall performance of a
company correlates heavily with the engagement of the employees, due to positive attitude and
commitment it is in the best interest for the company to enhance these two factors in particular.
As commitment is described as the degree of identification and involvement that individuals
have with their organization‘s mission, values and goals, it is the first step build such a strong
connection. (Mowday, Steers and Porter 1979) The entire process of creating a unique and
meaningful working experience with a sense for the bigger purpose for the employee refers to
Employer Branding.

The triangle starts with the underlying mission statement of TCCC:

• To refresh the world...
• To inspire moments of optimism and happiness...
• To create value and make a difference.

We are the brand‘- One company, One Team, One passion.

This is the slogan of TCCC describing the company‘s culture, where every employee can make
the difference with ideas and their creativity to make the company better every day. Combined
with Corporate Social Responsibility activities to support local endeavours and protecting the
environment, TCCC creates a community feeling among its employees. In addition, the values
are representing another layer to find a common ground for the employees‘ actions and
Employee Development

An elevated working experience also includes the opportunities to improve the individual
position in the company as well as being respected and appreciated in the current one.
Companies with dynamic career models outperform their peers by providing continuous learning
opportunities and a deeply embedded culture of development. (Deloitte 2017) TCCC follows the
strategy and slogans of ‗Ability to Grow‘ and to ‗Grow from Within‘, as it puts a lot of effort in
to the development of its current employees. This includes inter alia the internal Coca Cola
University (CCU) offering a variety of virtual and physical trainings and workshops to improve
specific skills or to develop the knowledge about other business fields within the company.

Another field is the implementation of a rewarding culture, where goals are transparent and have
an increased focus on team achievements with regularly feedback. The performance indicators
are based on skills and abilities rather on job titles, which is giving the employee a feeling of
appreciation and freedom.

A development evolving in the next years is assessed by Gratton and Scott, describing the
changes in the perspective of a 100 year-life. It shows that the turnover of employees averages at
4.5 years and companies need to offer learning & development paths as well as alternative
careers to bind the workforce to the company for a longer time. Additionally the younger
generations rather see themselves in their own business in the future, creating and developing
own ideas, than pursuing a long term career in an enterprise.

Here a possibility for TCCC is to promote platforms like the ‗TCCC-Start Up Weekends‘ where
employees and entrepreneurs are able to bring in their personal creativity and ideas more
actively, encouraging this knowledge to stay in the company.

4 Issues on cross cultural management

Global perspective

TCCC with its operations in other 200 countries relies on a truly global community, which can
be seen as a challenge and opportunity at the same time.(Sainte-Rose and Schult 2012) Bringing
in such a diversity of cultures gives the company an enormous potential of innovation and local
knowledge, which is of course paired with big efforts to the align these various influences into
the company‘s culture. As the company promotes on its website, it belongs to one of the central
aspects of TCCC, being part of a truly diverse team and environment.

In a global HR-perspective, Andr Laurent argues that the nationality had three times more
influence on the shaping of managerial assumptions than components such as age, education, job
position, etc.(Laurent 1983) This leads inevitable to the term of ‗being global thinking local‘,
which is a fundamental phrase in TCCC‘s philosophy. Transferred to the HR-management this
means that local HR-manager are applying strategies adapted to the country‘s specifications. One
of Coca Cola‘s HR-managers claims, ‗We certainly need a common platform and set of tools,
but we also need to allow segmentation and adaptation to different cultures – perhaps do a bit of
―social engineering‖.‘(Sainte-Rose and Schult 2012) The statement summarizes the balancing act
international companies are going through to build effective teams around the globe.
An example for improvement are the expatriate-packages within TCCC, which are still suited for
mainly older male managers, in which the expenses and service are covered for children and
mothers, whereas flexibility and comparable services for young single female managers are not
taken into account.


In a survey conducted by Deloitte in 2017 among managers, 88 percent of the participants

believe that building the organization of the future is the most important issue facing companies
in the next few years.(Deloitte 2017) This can be seen as general challenge but specifically for
the HR-processes it is a pioneering development. The successive creation of a high performing
organization with flat hierarchies, agile teams, horizontal career paths and an efficient
information system paired with a strong company culture will determine the global success of the
company as a whole.


The Benefits of HRM in CCC are most global companies have understood the importance of
Human Resource management for acquiring success. Human resource management has become
central to excellent performance. The more skilled and well managed a company‘s staff is, the
easier it is for the company to achieve strong performance and productivity. It is why the focus
of businesses has remained on hiring only the best. However, apart from hiring, it is also critical
to manage them in a way such that they can deliver with dedication.

Employee motivation and engagement have become critical to organizational success. Human
resources if managed well can be a source of competitive advantage. Otherwise despite investing
in all the other aspects of business, a company can fail to be successful and competitive. All the
leading global companies have invested in HR management to help employees deliver excellent
performance. Coca Cola is a leading beverage brand known for excellent human resource

1 Recruitment and selection

The CCC Recruitment and Selection is the process of identifying the need for a job defining the
recruitments of the position and the job holder, advertising the position and choosing the most
appropriate person for a job.

Undertaking this process is one of the main objectives of management. Indeed, the success of
any business depends to a large extent on the quality of its staff. Recruiting employees with the
correct skills can add the value to a business and recruiting workers at a wage or salary that the
business can afford, will cost reduce costs. Employees should therefore be carefully selected,
managed and retained, just like any other resources.

2 Training and Development

Coca Cola has focused on equipping its associates with knowledge and skills they need to
become achievers. It has showed its commitment by providing its people at all levels with
education and development programs to enable their growth. It established its own Coca Cola
University (CCU) which provides various types of courses through classrooms, e-learning, and
field training that can help its associates with personal and professional development both. There
are several areas or competencies that are included in Coca Cola‘s curriculum. ―CCU‘s learning
portfolio focuses on leadership; marketing; human rights; ethics and compliance; diversity;
sustainability; finance; and other competencies. We offer thousands of courses to associates
through CCU. In 2009, more than 27,000 associates participated in 1,720 CCU classroom
sessions worldwide, and 39,100 associates participated in e-learning courses‖

Another important step that Coca Cola has taken to encourage its associates is to provide them
with reimbursement to help them pursue higher level education. Associates with graduate or
undergraduate level education are provided various levels of reimbursement to receive higher
education at accredited colleges and institutions. Apart from it, the associates are allowed to
learn from other e-learning courses beyond the CCU. They can also participate in external
training programs and conferences that improve their skills and abilities.

3 Performance management

Performance management is also a key area requiring focus if a company wants its employees to
perform at their best. Discussions and feedback play a key role in employee performance
management and ensure that the employees are aware of their performance goals and that their
personal and organizational goals are aligned. Performance management also helps at identifying
gaps in skills and fill them with training. At Coca Cola the employees are encouraged to seek
training through its annual performance review system. The performance review system of Coca
Cola includes the mid-year and year end career discussions between the associates and the
managers. It provides the associates with an opportunity to assess their annual performance
against the set goals and objectives. These face to face discussions allow managers and
associates to discuss training and development. It also enables them to outline a plan for training
and enrichment. After that proper training is provided to the associates based on the review. This
system ensures a regular cycle of discussions and feedback which recognizes any kinds of gaps
and enables their fulfilment.

4 Diversity and Inclusion

Coca Cola is on a global diversity mission. It recognizes the importance of diversity which is at
the core of its business. In its diversity mission it aims to mirror the rich diversity of the global
marketplace. Its global team is rich in diversity which is made up of associates from diverse
backgrounds that possess diverse talents. Such kind of diversity fosters performance as people
with diverse talents generate diverse ideas. Several teams globally are dedicated to strengthening
the diversity practices at Coca Cola. Diversity is not seen just as a philosophy but also as a core
and integral part of the organization‘s identity. After all the long term future of any global
company depends on its ability to operate in a multicultural world and embrace ideas from
diverse backgrounds.
However, apart from diversity, inclusion and employee empowerment are valued at Coca Cola.
Its associates are also a part of its diversity program and participate in it through formal and
informal methods. Coca Cola remains committed to the creation of an environment where every
employee feels included and is provided an equal chance of growth and development. Its
employment policies and practices are developed to ensure that employees have a free and fair
environment to work in. There are policies in place that ensure non-discrimination as well as
equal opportunity for all. It ensures no discrimination on the basis of age, sex, religion, place of
origin or any other basis. To ensure that employees can find an open environment to talk freely
about innovative ideas and can communicate openly on various issues.

Yes, the benefits of CCC understands the challenges in the global HR-management and can
create a wide range of measures and initiatives to respond. The rewarding incentive system and
environment paired with the strong ‗ONE‘-company culture ensures a healthy relation to the
employees, their motivation and commitment. However upcoming topics need to be assessed and
implemented throughout the entire organization on a constant basis. This involves the change in
demographics among the workforce, the related new expectations towards the company but also
new technologies. As the ‗war for talent‘ won‘t be less intense among the industry leaders in the
future, it is vital for TCCC to retain the image of an attractive employer by encouraging
innovative structures and unique career opportunities.
At last I want to say that while recruitment and selection identify acceptable candidate, the
process still continue with induction program for the new employee, we can further fine tune the
fit between the candidate‘s qualities and the organization‘s desire. Then to make the employees
more skilled behavioral training may be provided.

It makes the positive impact of any organization, but it needs a lot of money, time, attention and
guidance. It is just like only taking, not giving or taking the starting benefits and when the time
comes for returning back you just quit the job. So it is not always fruitful.

The employee motivation is needed to be built up through constant attempts of the organization.
The organization may adopt various methods for motivating the employees. It may be by
providing recreational activities such as tours, picnics, family outings, annual days, sport days,
functions, and parties. The organization must consider its employees as its family members and
must provide some profit sharing policy such as ESOPs , bonus, and shares. the organization
may provide fringe benefits.

Welfare activities to be undertaken by the organization may include various facilities such as
uniform for the employees for whom HR department is responsible for its maintenance and
providing it.

Last but not the least rewards are the main motivational activity, which may be monetary and
non-monetary rewards.

At last to conclude, I would like to say that with enthusiasm that it was a great experience
working with many experienced people working at senior positions. Interacting and spending
time with the people rich in learning experience. The people were very cooperative and helpful
and encouraging. It is an experience to be cherished for a long time.

It was great of learning so much about HR practices and implementing them. I‘m really thankful
for all the senior members who explain me the working strategies and methodologies of

For all the programs the organization Should follow feedback method to understand the
effectiveness of any practice in a better way.

1 The CCC should be follow better recruitment and selection identify acceptable candidate, the
process still continue with induction program for the new employee, we can further fine tune the
fit between the candidate‘s qualities and the organization‘s desire. Then to make the employees
more skilled behavioral training may be provided.

2 The CCC should be follow better showed its commitment by providing its people at all levels
with Training and development programs to enable their growth.

3 The CCC should be a pre- evaluation and post evaluation practice should be followed to
understand the success of training and the training could be then effectively used to fill gaps

4 The CCC should be a better Company, must maintain training manuals or training charts and
training report submitted by the trainee. This, practice not only keeps a maintained record of the
programs been conducted but also keep the employee known of the knowledge gained by him
which could later be utilized.

5 The CCC should be follow individual concentrate more while training. When an organization
invests on training of an employee, the purpose of training serves the mutual benefit of both
organization and the employee. Thus, the employee should be more oriented towards drawing as
much benefits as he can. Employees are supposed to understand their role for particular training

6 The CCC should be a better Holistic views of induction should out show both positive and
negative aspects of the organization. This ultimately let the employee know about both the
phases of the policies adopted by the organization.
7 The CCC should be follow Continuous training module be conducted, personality development
training should be provided like-

* To motivate the employees

* Performance awards could be given every year.

* Incentives could be paid.

* Salary saving schemes could be provided.

8 The CCC should be follow such activities like games and sports, community meetings,
recreational activities, picnics, tours and outings should be planned to improve the interpersonal

9 The CCC should avoid worker union for better employee welfare and give suitable welfare
activities from time to time to the employees in house work committee should be developed to
handle the grievance.

10 Employee‘s participation is key issue. Thus, suggestions should always be invited and
maximum efforts should be put up to implement the suggestions.







McGraw Hill India; EDITION-8th


JBC Press Publisher.


WILEY Publisher; EDITION-11th

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