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Night by Elie Wiesel

Web Quest
Part I. About the Author
Go to this link:

1. Where was Elie Wiesel born?

Sighetu Marmației, Romania

2. In what year was he born?


3. What happened to him at the age of fifteen?

Wiesel and his entire family were sent to Auschwitz as part of the Holocaust

4. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter appointed Elie Wiesel to what position?

Chairman of the President's Commission

5. What great honor did he receive in 1986?

The Nobel Peace Prize

6. When did he die?

July 2, 2016

Part II: The Final Solution

7. Define the word euphemism:

expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: "Final Solution" Overview


8. What was the “Final Solution?”

The plan to kill all European Jews

9. How is this a euphemism?

Click or tap here to enter text.

10.Why did the Nazis use this wording?

Click or tap here to enter text.

11.How many Jews did the Nazi leaders plan to kill?
All of them

12.How many did they murder?

Up to 11 million

13.What is genocide?
killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group


14.What were the ghettos?

The poor or low class

15.What was the purpose of the ghettos?

They don’t have one

16.What does “removing the Jewish population” really mean?

Killing all of them

17. Define provisional:

existing for the present moment, could be changed later on in the future .

18. Types of Ghettos:


List and describe each type of ghetto:

Ghetto Type: Description Location What happened to
the Jews in this
type of Ghetto?
Closed ghettos Closed off by walls or fences Poland Click or tap here to
with barbed wire around enter text.

Open ghettos There was no walls nor fences Poland N/A

y there was still restrictions on
leaving and entering this
certain ghetto

Destruction Very much sealed off and only Lithuania and the Click or tap here to

ghettos existed for about two and six Ukraine enter text.

Part III: Concentration Camps

United States Holocaust Museum: Auschwitz

Holocaust Research Project: Auschwitz

19.Auschwitz was the __________________________ camp established by the Germans.


20.Auschwitz consisted of what type of camps (there are three types):

Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II, and Auschwitz III .

21.Where was it located?

Cracow , Poland

22.How many camps were at Auschwitz? Name them:

Auschwitz I, (Birkenau), and (Monowitz)

23. How many people were killed there?

More than one million

24.How many people could each gas chamber hold?

2,000 people at each time

25.What was written on the sign hanging over the entrance?

Work makes one free

26.How is this ironic?

The opposite is true

27.What were some of the things that first happened to people as they arrived at the camps?
Immediate death, shaved heads, tattooed numbers

28.Describe the clothes they were given to wear:

Men were forced to wear ragged stripped pants and jackets , women wore work dresses ,
they had ill-fitting shoes and sometimes clogs

29.Describe the barracks:

No windows and no instillation , no bathroom only a bucket

30.How many bunkbeds were in each?


31.How many inmates were housed in each?


32.What type of food did they eat?

Watery soup, rotten vegetables and meat , bread, margarine, and a bitter drink resembling

33.What surrounded the camp to prevent escape?

Armed guards and electric barbed wire

Part IV: Gas Chambers

34. Define euthanasia:

Killing of those Germans who the Nazis deemed ‘ unworthy of life ‘

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Gassing Operations


35.What where the gas chambers disguised as?


36.Who did the Nazi deem “unworthy of life?”

The Jews with a disability or mental illness

37.Scroll down to Auschwitz. How many Jews were gassed on average each day?
An average of 6,000

Part V: Deportation to Killing Centers

38.Scroll down to “Inside the Railcars.” Describe the conditions that the deportees faced.
No food, no water, overcrowded and suffered from unbearable summer and winter

weather , no bathroom, some people died before they made it to its location

39.What happened to many of them during the journey and why?

Died because of dehydration and diseases

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