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Male human (Vudrani) samurai 6 - CR 5

Lawful Good Humanoid (Human); Deity: Iomedae; Age: 26;
Height: 5' 8"; Weight: 157 lb.
Ability Score Modifier Temporary

STR 20 +5
Crowbar: +2 circumstance bonus to force open a door or
chest with a crowbar

DEX 16 +3

CON 17 +3

INT 12 +1

WIS 14 +2

CHA 12 +1

Saving Throw Total Base Ability Resist Misc Temp Notes

FORTITUDE +8 = +5 +3
Banner : +2 morale bonus vs. fear when beneath banner,
Order of the Star : +2 morale bonus when threaten
challenged foe

REFLEX +5 = +2 +3
(DEXTERITY) Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp
Banner : +2 morale bonus vs. fear when beneath banner,
Order of the Star : +2 morale bonus when threaten Acrobatics -3 DEX (3) 1
challenged foe Speed greater/less than 30 ft. : -4 to jump

WILL Appraise +1 INT (1) -

(WISDOM) +5 = +2 +2 +1
Banner : +2 morale bonus vs. fear when beneath banner, Bluff +5 CHA (1) 1
Order of the Star : +2 morale bonus when threaten
challenged foe
Climb +3 STR (5) 2
Diplomacy +8 CHA (1) 4
Total Armor Shield Dex Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc
Disguise +1 CHA (1) -
AC 25 = +7 +4 +3 +1
10 Escape Artist -4 DEX (3) -
Touch AC 14 Flat-Footed AC 21
BAB Strength Size Misc Fly -4 DEX (3) -
CM Bonus +11 = +6 +5 - - Handle Animal +6 CHA (1) 2
See the Base Attack (below) for modifiers that may also apply to CMB Animal Companion Link : +4 circumstance bonus to checks made
regarding an animal companion
BAB Strength Dexterity Size
Heal +11 WIS (2) 6
CM Defense 25 = 10 +6 +5 +3 -
Intimidate +6 CHA (1) 2
Base Attack +6 HP 84 Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5 INT (1) 4
Banner : +1 morale bonus when charging beneath Knowledge (history) +2 INT (1) 1
Damage / Current HP
Knowledge (religion) +8 INT (1) 4
Initiative +3 Star's Skills : +3 bonus on checks involving your chosen faith
Linguistics +2 INT (1) 1
Speed 30 / 20 ft Perception +8 WIS (2) 6
Katana+1, +3 vs mages Ride -4 DEX (3) -
Sense Motive +6 WIS (2) 1
Main hand: +12/+7, 1d8+6 Crit: 18-20/×2
1-hand, S, Deadly Stealth -4 DEX (3) -
Both hands: +12/+7, 1d8+8
Banner : +1 morale bonus when charging beneath banner Survival +2 WIS (2) -
Longbow Swim +2 STR (5) 1
Ranged, both hands: +9/+4, 1d8 Crit: ×3 Feats
Rng: 100'
2-hand, P Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
Banner : +1 morale bonus when charging beneath banner
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
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Feats Experience & Wealth
Cleave Experience Points: 23000/35,000
Dodge Current Cash: 67 gp, 4 sp, 4 cp
Martial Weapon Proficiency - All
Power Attack -2/+4 Special Abilities
Saving Shield
Shield Focus Animal Companion Link (Ex)
Shield Proficiency Banner +2/+1 (60 ft.) (Ex)
Simple Weapon Proficiency - All Calling (Ability Check, 1/day) +1 (Ex)
Calling (Attack Roll, 1/day) +1 (Ex)
Traits Calling (Saving Throw, 1/day) +1 (Ex)
Dirty Fighter Calling (Skill Check, 1/day) +1 (Ex)
Indomitable Faith Mounted Archer (Ex)
Resolve (3/day) (Ex)
Masterwork longsword Ride Mount (Ex)
Star's Challenge +6 (2/day) (Ex)
Main hand: +12/+7, 1d8+5 Crit: 19-20/×2
Star's Skills +3 (Ex)
1-hand, S
Both hands: +12/+7, 1d8+7 Weapon Expertise (Katana) (Ex)
Banner : +1 morale bonus when charging beneath banner
Tracked Resources
+1 heavy wooden shield
Calling (Ability Check, 1/day) +1 (Ex)
Max Dex: -, Armor Check: -1
+4 Spell Fail: 15%, Shield Calling (Attack Roll, 1/day) +1 (Ex)
Calling (Saving Throw, 1/day) +1 (Ex)
Tatami-do armor Calling (Skill Check, 1/day) +1 (Ex)
Max Dex: +3, Armor Check: -6 Potion of cure light wounds
+7 Spell Fail: 35%, Heavy, Slows Potion of cure moderate wounds
Resolve (3/day) (Ex)
Gear Star's Challenge +6 (2/day) (Ex)
Total Weight Carried: 120/400 lbs, Encumberance Sunrod
Ignored Torch
(Light: 133 lbs, Medium: 266 lbs, Heavy: 400 lbs)
+1 heavy wooden shield 10 lbs Languages
Artisan's outfit (Free) - Celestial Infernal
Backpack (empty) 2 lbs
Bedroll 5 lbs
Common Vudrani
Belt pouch (empty) 0.5 lbs
Caltrops 2 lbs
Chalk -
Crowbar 5 lbs
Flint and steel -
Hammer 2 lbs
Heavy shield bash -
Iron spike 1 lb
Katana+1, +3 vs mages 6 lbs
Longbow 3 lbs
Masterwork longsword 4 lbs
Money -
Pot 4 lbs
Potion of cure light wounds x6 -
Potion of cure moderate wounds x3 -
Rope 10 lbs
Soap 0.5 lbs
Sunrod x6 1 lb
Tatami-do armor 45 lbs
Torch x10 1 lb
Waterskin 4 lbs

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Sanjuro – Abilities & Gear

Cleave Feat Dirty Fighter Trait

You can strike two adjacent foes with a single swing. You wouldn't have lived to make it out of childhood without the aid
of a sibling, friend, or companion on whom you could always count
Prerequisites: STR 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1. to distract your enemies long enough to do a little bit more damage
than normal. That companion may be another PC or an NPC (who
Benefit : As a standard action, you can make a single attack at may even be recently departed from your side). When you hit a foe
your full base attack bonus against a foe within reach. If you hit, you are flanking, you deal an additional 1 point of damage (this
you deal damage normally and can make an additional attack (using damage is added to your base damage, and is multiplied on a
your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the critical hit). This additional damage is a trait bonus.
first and also within reach. You can only make one additional attack
per round with this feat. When you use this feat, you take a –2 Appears In : Character Traits Web Enhancement, Advanced
penalty to your Armor Class until your next turn. Player's Guide Traits

Appears In : Not New Paths Option: Use Scaling Feats Indomitable Faith Trait
You were born in a region where your faith was not popular, yet
Dodge Feat you never abandoned it. Your constant struggle to maintain your
Your training and reflexes allow you to react swiftly to avoid an own faith has bolstered your drive; you gain a +1 trait bonus on Will
opponents' attacks. saves as a result.

Prerequisite: Dex 13. Appears In : Character Traits Web Enhancement, Advanced

Player's Guide Traits, Ultimate Campaign
Benefit : You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC. A condition that
makes you lose your Dex bonus to AC also makes you lose the
benefits of this feat. Animal Companion Link (Ex) Class Ability (Samurai)
Masters can handle their animal companion as a free action, or
Power Attack -2/+4 Feat push it as a move action, even if they doesn't have any ranks in
You can make exceptionally deadly melee attacks by sacrificing the Handle Animal skill. The link grants a +4 circumstance bonus
accuracy for strength. on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made
regarding an animal companion.
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.
Banner +2/+1 (60 ft.) (Ex) Class Ability (Samurai)
Benefit : You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack At 5th level, a cavalier’s banner becomes a symbol of inspiration to
rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee his allies and companions. As long as the cavalier’s banner is
damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on
you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one saving throws against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls
handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that made as part of a charge. At 10th level, and every five levels
adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. The banner must be at
bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by the
an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base cavalier or his mount to function.
attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty
increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You
Calling (Ability Check, 1/day) +1 (Ex) Class Ability (Cavalier,Samurai)
must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its
effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply At 2nd level, the cavalier can make a short prayer as a standard
to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage. action, filling him with confidence in his abilities. At any point in the
next minute, he can receive a competence bonus on an ability
check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check equal to his Charisma
Saving Shield Feat modifier. He must declare that he is using this bonus before the roll
You deflect attacks that could mean your ally’s death. is made. He can use this ability up to four times per day, once for
each type of check or roll. In addition, the cavalier adds 1/2 his
Prerequisite: Shield Proficiency. cavalier level to any levels of paladin or cleric he might possess for
the purposes of determining the effects of channel energy or lay on
Benefits: Whenever an adjacent ally is the target of an attack, you hands.
can, as an immediate action, grant that adjacent ally a +2 shield
bonus to AC. You must be wielding a light shield, heavy shield, or Class Ability (Cavalier,Samurai)
tower shield to use this feat.
Calling (Attack Roll, 1/day) +1 (Ex)
At 2nd level, the cavalier can make a short prayer as a standard
Appears In : Advanced Player's Guide action, filling him with confidence in his abilities. At any point in the
next minute, he can receive a competence bonus on an ability
check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check equal to his Charisma
Shield Focus Feat modifier. He must declare that he is using this bonus before the roll
You are skilled at deflecting blows with your shield. is made. He can use this ability up to four times per day, once for
each type of check or roll. In addition, the cavalier adds 1/2 his
Prerequisites: Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +1. cavalier level to any levels of paladin or cleric he might possess for
the purposes of determining the effects of channel energy or lay on
Benefit : Increase the AC bonus granted by any shield you are hands.
using by 1.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Sanjuro – Abilities & Gear
Calling (Saving Throw, 1/day) +1 (Ex) Class Ability (Cavalier,Samurai) Star's Challenge +6 (2/day) (Ex) Class Ability (Samurai)
At 2nd level, the cavalier can make a short prayer as a standard Once per day, a cavalier can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift
action, filling him with confidence in his abilities. At any point in the action, the cavalier chooses one target within sight to challenge.
next minute, he can receive a competence bonus on an ability The cavalier’s melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the
check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check equal to his Charisma attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra
modifier. He must declare that he is using this bonus before the roll damage is equal to the cavalier’s level. The cavalier can use this
is made. He can use this ability up to four times per day, once for ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day
each type of check or roll. In addition, the cavalier adds 1/2 his for every three levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of seven times per
cavalier level to any levels of paladin or cleric he might possess for day at 19th level. Challenging a foe requires much of the cavalier’s
the purposes of determining the effects of channel energy or lay on concentration. The cavalier takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class,
hands. except against attacks made by the target of his challenge.

Calling (Skill Check, 1/day) +1 (Ex) Class Ability (Cavalier,Samurai) The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or
At 2nd level, the cavalier can make a short prayer as a standard unconscious or until the combat ends. Each cavalier’s challenge
action, filling him with confidence in his abilities. At any point in the also includes another effect which is listed in the section describing
next minute, he can receive a competence bonus on an ability the cavalier’s order.
check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check equal to his Charisma
modifier. He must declare that he is using this bonus before the roll Addition from Order of the Star : Whenever an order of the star
is made. He can use this ability up to four times per day, once for cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on all
each type of check or roll. In addition, the cavalier adds 1/2 his his saving throws as long as he is threatening the target of his
cavalier level to any levels of paladin or cleric he might possess for challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the
the purposes of determining the effects of channel energy or lay on cavalier possesses.
Star's Skills +3 (Ex) Class Ability (Cavalier,Samurai)

Mounted Archer (Ex) Class Ability (Samurai) An order of the star cavalier adds Heal (Wis) and Knowledge
At 4th level, the samurai becomes skilled at firing ranged weapons (religion) (Int) to his list of class skills. An order of the star cavalier
while mounted. A samurai only takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls can make Knowledge (religion) skill checks untrained. If he has
with ranged weapons while his mount takes a double move. This ranks in the skill, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2
penalty increases to –4 while his mount is running. his cavalier level (minimum +1) as long as the check involves his
chosen faith.
Resolve (3/day) (Ex) Class Ability (Samurai)
Starting at 1st level, the samurai gains resolve that he can call upon Weapon Expertise (Katana) (Ex) Class Ability (Samurai)
to endure even the most devastating wounds and afflictions. He can At 3rd level, a samurai gains an unparalleled expertise with his
use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time chosen weapons. At 3rd level, the samurai selects either the
per day for every two samurai levels beyond 1st. Whenever the katana, longbow, naginata, or wakizashi. The samurai can draw the
samurai defeats the target of his challenge, he regains one daily selected weapon as a free action as if he had the Quick Draw feat.
use of his resolve, up to his maximum number of uses per day. In addition, whenever he threatens a critical hit with the selected
Defeating the target of his challenge usually involves reducing the weapon, he gains a +2 bonus on the confirmation roll. Finally, his
target to 0 hit points or fewer, but the GM might rule that an samurai levels count as fighter levels and stack with any fighter
enemy that surrenders or flees the battle is also defeated. He can levels he possesses for the purposes of meeting the prerequisite for
use this resolve in a number of ways. feats that specifically select his chosen weapon, such as Weapon
Determined: As a standard action, a samurai can spend one use of
his resolve to remove the fatigued, shaken, or sickened condition. If Note: Making the Samurai count as a Fighter for the purpose of
the samurai is at least 8th level, he can alternatively remove the selecting feats based on the specified weapon has only been
exhausted, frightened, nauseated, or staggered condition. If these implemented in a general manner at this point. Samurai levels will
conditions have a duration longer than 1 hour or are permanent, count as Fighter levels for all feats, and users should be careful to
this ability removes the condition for 1 hour, at which time the select only those feats that pertain to the chosen weapon.
condition returns.

Resolute: Whenever the samurai is required to make a Fortitude or Katana+1, +3 vs mages Weapon
Will save, he can spend one use of his resolve as an immediate +3 versus magic users
action to roll twice and take the better result. He must decide to
use this ability before he rolls the saving throw.

Unstoppable: When the samurai is reduced to fewer than 0 hit

points, but not slain, he can spend one use of his resolve as an
immediate action to instantly stabilize and remain conscious. He is
staggered, but does not fall unconscious and begin dying if he
takes a standard action. He does fall unconscious if he takes
additional damage from any source.

Ride Mount (Ex) Class Ability (Samurai)

A cavalier does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks
while riding his mount.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Animal Companion CR –
N Medium animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1
dodge, +6 natural)
hp 58 (6d8+18)
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +3 (+4 morale bonus vs.
Enchantment spells and effects)
Defensive Abilities evasion
Speed 50 ft.
Melee bite +7 (1d6+4 plus trip)
Str 17, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 21 (25 vs. trip)
Feats Dodge, Power Attack, Toughness
Tricks Attack, Attack, Attack Any Target, Combat Riding,
Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Seek
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+10 to jump), Perception +8, Stealth
+6, Survival +1 (+5 when tracking by scent); Racial
Modifiers +4 Survival when tracking by scent
SQ attack any target, combat riding, devotion, seek
Other Gear hide shirt

Sourcebooks Used
• Advanced Player's Guide - Saving Shield (feat)
• Advanced Player's Guide / Adventurer's Armory /
Ultimate Equipment - Iron spike (equipment)
• Advanced Player's Guide Traits / Character Traits
Web Enhancement - Dirty Fighter (trait)
• Advanced Player's Guide Traits / Character Traits
Web Enhancement / Ultimate Campaign - Indomitable
Faith (trait)
• Inner Sea Races / Inner Sea World Guide - Vudrani
(race option); Vudrani (language)
• Jade Regent / Ultimate Combat / Ultimate Equipment
- Katana+1, +3 vs mages (weapon)
• Ultimate Combat - Samurai (class)
• Ultimate Combat / Ultimate Equipment - Tatami-do
armor (armor)

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
Title - Sanjuro (Adventure Journal)
Date (game world) : 0000/00/00; Date (real world) : 2018/07/07
XP Reward : 23000 XP; Net Cash : 3175 gp

- no notes -

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.

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