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8 February 2021

Constitutional Convention Activity

Role: B
​ ankers/Merchants
Group Members: ​Brooklynn, Jazmine, Jet, and Elijah

Allies: Southern Plantation Owners

Resolutions + Add-ons

Group Members: ​Kaya, Moses, Jonas

- NO​ payment in kind. We want real actual money.

- Abort slavery!
- People that own property can vote.

1.) How do you make your living?

Loans, bonds etc.

2.) What do you think about the idea of “payment in kind”?

Payments should be paid in currency.

3.) What do you think about Daniel Shays and people like him?
Daniel Shay is a threat to our agenda.

4.) What is something g​ ood ​that is happening these days?

We won our independence from Great Britain!


1.) Slavery​.
a.) Continuation on the trading should be stopped and ended, however any trades made
previous to said motion, do ​not​ count.
b.) Notice must be made upon the discovery of said escaped slave and brought to the
authorities ​before​ any searching can be done.

2.) Payment Methods

a.) All debts must be paid in ​currency​.

3.) Bonds
a.) When you buy a bond, you wait a year or two to get paid back...
b.) Pay soldiers/leaders just a small amount for​ each dollar​ until our bank funds even
out, then continue..
4.) Voting
a.) Who should be allowed to vote in the general election?
b.) Anyone who is educated
c.) Black people may vote ​after​ receiving an education. Moreover, they m ​ ust​ know how
to read or write.
d.) Must be​ at least ​17 or 18 years of age to vote
e.) Anyone living in the U.S. can vote. People from other states c​ annot​ vote in other
states. You ​must ​vote in your own respective state.

5.) Who will help us?

a.) Southern Plantation Owners

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