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‘ye SOUD STATE 8. Which of the equal fe. a (a) Tetraye (6) Orthorly following unit cells has/have all their sides () Cubie (4) Rhorbohedral "atementin) regarding defects in sotida is (a) Frenkel de difference 8. The correet (are) Tete Usually faeoured by a very small () Frenkel defet ie nitneanee ne irom ein 0 the Inttico lends to the Have no effect on the physical (UT 2009) of the substan () Interstitial defects density of the subs (©) Impurity defect has Impurity ‘no effect on the density of the (d) Schottky defect resul Sy of the sane eels Im an increase in the den- results ina ae in increase in the only half the tetrahedral voids are occupied. 1, The formula of the compounds having zine blend structure corresponds to _ (a) AB, AB (AB (a) AB,. 2 The co-ordination numbers of cation and anion are respectively (a)4 and 8 (®)4 and 4 ()8and 4 (@) 8 and 6. 3. For this type of structure, radius ratio r,/ in the range (a) 0.225-0.414 — (b) 0.155 - 0.225 (c)0.414-0.732 (d) 0.732-1. 4. In this type of lattice, the number of cations per unit cell is @1 (2 4 (as If’ is the edge length of the unit cell then for zine blende structure the distance of closest approach between cation and anion is ~_ should be O-> Sa (d) 7 at lattice with PASSAGE grin the bnaycntrseic tis wmy00 pm. The density of the element cel ee “answer the alone 6. The number of atoms per unit cell is: ) a6 ios aa 1. The coordination number to we (aia (o)8 fi. Thenumber of nearest neighbours and the next nearest neighbours are respectively ta) 4and 6 (b) 4 and B (c) Band 8 (d)8and 6 9. Thedistance of closest approach between the two atoms of the element in the lattice is af the element inthe lattice (a) 260 pm (6) 300 pm (e) 600 pm (a) 150 pm. 10. The atomic mass of the element is (a) 65 () 60 (52 (a) 80 DW ead ‘The following questions consist of two statements one labelled as Assertion A and the other Reason R. Examine both the statements carefully and mark the correct choice according to the instructions given below: (@) if both A and R are correct and R is correct reason ofA (®) if both A and R are correct but R is not correct reason of A (c) if A is correct R is wrong. (d) if A is wrong R is correct. 1. Assertion A: Schottky defect is generally shown by the compounds with high coordination number. Reason R: In Schottky defect equal number of anions and cations are missing from their lattice sites. . Assertion A: Quartz glass belongs to the category of ionic solid Reason R: Quartz glass is supercooled liquid. 3. Assertion A: For compounds exhibiting Frenkel defect, the dinsity remains unaltered. Reason R: Frenkel defect isa stoichiometric defect. 4, Assertion A: The packing efficiency is same for hep ‘and cep structure. Reason R: The coordination number is 12 in hep and 8 in cep. ; 5. Assertion A: In bce arrangement coordination number is eight. Reason Re In bee arrangement atoms occupy cubic voids Scanned with CamScanner 18 . 6. Assertion A: Crystalline solids exhibit isotropy. Reason Ri The constituent particlos in a crystalline solid are arranged in an orderly fashion. 7. Assertion A: bee arrangement is less closely packed than cep arrangement. Reason R: In cep arrangement, the two atoms at the corners of the unit cell are touching ench other whereas in bce arrangement, they are not touching each other. |. Assertion A: An oxcess of potassium ions makes KCL crystals appear violet or lilac in colour Reason Rz An excoss potassium ions in KCI creates F- centres in the crystal. 9. Assertion A: Crystalline soli point. Reason R: Crystalline solids have a regular arrangement of constituent particles. ' 10. Assertion A: Graphiteis a good eonductor of electricity. Reason R: Graphite has free valence electrons. Sao Tne appropriate items: have sharp melting Fill in the following blanks 1. Dry ice is an example of ...... solid. 2. In diamond interparticle forces are... 3. In hep arrangement of spheres, the coordination per cent of the available space remains vacant. 5. In bec arrangement of atoms, available space is occupied by atoms. 6. In rock-salt structure ...... per cent of the octahedral voids are occupied by cations. 7. If the radius ratio r*/r- is 0.325, the cation would most probably be present in a/an ...... void. 8. In CsCl structure the cations are present in ..... voids. 9. In fluorite structure, the coordination number of cations is 10. Glass is an example of... solids. 11. The conductivity of semiconductors increase in temperature, 12. The conduction through electrons is called conduction, 13. The number of formula units in a CsCl unit cel. vual 10 ase 14. The co-ordination number of Na* in rock-salt structure is 15. In fluorite structure positive ions are arranged in .. 16. If the radius ratio (r'/r-) is in the range 0.414-0.732, the compound AB is likely to have ..... structure. An atom at the corner of i atom a unit mtn to ays ee cell makes ...... per cent of the with the 17. Comprchensine cies y , 18. In zine blonde structure, .... have cep 4 1. aoe are present in ...... voids, ? Ary ) In antifluorite structure, cations my voida ve Prey 20, ‘The number of formula units structure ia 21. liquid which is called a 22. In the sodium chloride stru surrounded by six CI” jon: Na’ ions next ni 23. In ani called 2A, The electrical conductivity soe OM! me}, 25. Silicon, doped with gallium, behave Der unit cell ing, Permanently supereoled ise, ture each Nat 8 nearest nei rest neighbours Crystal, the holes occupied by ce ithbours a, of metals is ofthe 8 28 cong [munca Noein ae State whether the followin; statements an false: 1. Na,O has antifluorite structure, 2. S* ion in zine blende structure has a coms number of six. 3. Spinel is a mineral having formula MzAl.0. 4, A compound having radius ratio (rr) in th 0.732-1 generally has CsCl structure 5. Na*, K* and Rb* are isoelectronic ions. 6. NaCl is a paramagnetic substance 7. Diamond is an example of atomic solids. 8 Orthorhombic unit cell has the least 9. Cubic unit cell has the highest symmnetsy. 10. In fluorite structure 50% of the tetrahedral occupied by anions. 11. In zine blende structure coordination number as well as anion is four. 12, Among the three types of arrangement, ip bce, the most efficient packing arrangemest 13, Schottky defects disturb the ratio of ations® in the compound. 7 14, Ifthe radius ratio r,/r_isin the me cation prefers to be present in an oh 16. In rock-salt structure, the number offom unit cell is four. ro 16. An atom present at the corner of a a one-fourth to a particular unites” 17. In end-centred unit cell of an atom! are four atoms per unit cell. 18. TiO, is paramagnetic. 19. Fe,0, is ferrimagnetic. 20. Tm Anorite structure coordi’ net ee ation Scanned with CamScanner ln dO Thy FIC IN THE BLANKS ~h ee elroy 5 1, molecular 2. covalent bong Madu g+1s2 4, 26 5.68, Say So, unit cell formula of the compound is M,X, and the 7. tetrahedral 8, cubic oe ‘empirical formula of the compound is MX,. 10. amorphous 11. increas, 83. In cep arrangement, there is one octahedral void per nanan Tage atom. 16. rock-salt 17.8 ‘pulare 18. anions; cations; tetrahedral = ae 21. glans Ta, MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS WITH 29. F-Contros 24.108 gr, ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CORRECT ressuesess: Bo, . (FT RUEALSE STATEMENts L.@) BO) BDL) 4 fe), (HY 1 True 2 False aan, 5. (a)(d) 6. (a), (b) 7. (a), (ce), (d)_—_B. (b), (d) 5. False 6. False Le; “ 9 (bc) 10. (a), (b). 9. True 10. Fale yg C.SCOMPREHENSION TYPE QUESTIONS 18 False 14. Fake ty, s 17. False 18, False 19.7, oy Passage I — rime By 2 2 @) 38. (a) 4. (c) G. ‘MATCHING TYPE QUESTION 7 a LAG: Bur, gy, 6 (d) 7 8d) 9. (a) 2 AP) (0 BP Cig, 10. (a). 8 A-~@),(); BYp),(s; Cus [DJASSERTION-REASON TYPE QUESTIONS _ [fH INTEGER-ANSWER Tre atest, 1. (6) 2. (d) 3. (6) 4, (c) 1.6 2.2 23 5. (a) 6.(d) 10 8. (a) 5. 6 6.6 16 9. (a) 10. (a). 5 pias . i Scanned with CamScanner UIT JER 2008) ng, point and «when solut su boing pi pn et hunngenrenun lu eatin ; in day-tn day ie itive propertit are te cusps he ue uf ety yeu amd fants quid nthe allo ln nd water, natant of water wv: Freezing point depression cee) = L8H KE hae molt Freezing paint depres OK Kye mol ! constant ofethanol (Kj™") vation constant of water (Kget? = 0.52 Boi K lug mol Boiling point ¢ constant of ethanol (Ks™") 212K kg mol? Standard freezing point of water = 273 K Jan freezing point of ethanol = 165.7 ‘Standard boiling point of water = 373 K boiling point of ethanol = 361.6 K Vapour pressure of pure water = 32.8 mm Hy pour pressure of pure ethanol = 40 mm Hg ur mass of water = 18 g mol"! Mo Molar mass of ethanol = 46 ¢ molt lowing questions, consider the In answering the folle ‘solutions to be ideal dilute solu non-volatile and non-dissociative. 11. The freezing point of solution M is (a) 268.7 K (b) 268.5 K (0) 234.2 K (d) 160.9 K 12, The vapour pressure of the solution M is (a) 393mm Hg —(b) 36.0 mm Hg (c)29.5 mm Hg = (d) 28.8 mm Hg 13, Water is added to the solution M such that the mole fraction of water in the solution becomes 0.9. The ins and solutes to be boiling point of the solution is (a) 380.4 K (b) 376.2 K (©) 375.5 K (d) 354.7 K. PETES SSE EEE ‘The following questions contain two statements, one labled as Assertion A and the other labled as Reason R, Examine both the statements and mark the correct choice (a), (b), (¢) or (d) according to the instruction given below. (a) if both A and R are correct and R is reason of A (6)if both A and R are correct but R is not correct reason of A Comprehensive CNEMSTAY (Wy yy (er if Ain correct Reis wero (ay if A i wrong RR in correct fev it A and Aare both werange 1, Anertion Az 1 molal solutions is more concenteny, * thon t molar solution. solution contains one mol of sly, ion, Reason We A mol in 1000 ml of sol 2, Awsertion & Molarity and normality of @ solution, ‘monobasic a on Rz Mole fraction of 0.5 MHNO, is differ, Roane taf NINO, sation, Nn g. Amertion Az To solutions having same osm, prenaures will also have same vapour prossurey. Reason Rt Lowering of vapour pressure is not iqntive property. 4, Aanertion A: When a solution is separated from pure solvent by a semi-permeable membranc. |, solvent molecules pass through it from pure scjy,., side to the solution side, eng Reason R: Diffusion of solvent occurs from a rey, high concentration solution to a region of law cnn. tration solution. ‘ 5. Assertion A: aqueous solutions of urea and sucros¢ ‘same molality will freeze at same temperature. Reason R: Freezing point of a solution is invers) proportional to the concentration of solution, 6, Assertion A: NaCl or CaCl, is used to clear sno roads in the hills. Reason R: The salts depress the freezing point of wa ter. 7. Assertion A: The molarity of 72 g of pure water is 55.5 M. Reason R: Molarity is independent of temperature 8. Assertion A: When methyl alcohol is added to water, boiling point of water increases. Reason R: When a volatile solute is added toa volatie solvent elevation in boiling point is observed. 9, Assertion A: Benzene-toluene mixture forms ideal solution at low concentrations. Reason R: Components with structural similarity forms ideal solution in general. 10, Assertion A: Dissolution of sulphuric acid gives a solution which shows negative deviations Reason R: The solutions which have same vapo\t pressure at a given temperature are called isotont solutions. 11, Assertion A: In a pressure cooker, the veateris brug to boil. The cooker is then removed from the stove. ‘on removing the lid of the pressure cooker, the starts boiling again. k ; it Reason R: The impurities in water bring dow boiling point. (ATIMS 2 1 water Scanned with CamScanner [Na,CO,.10H,0 crumbles to Pat der on ‘The phenomenon ae A: Molar mass o 7 artremion in fearing oT acd gn dtermined 20+ ‘Thecrystaling arian S Pent method eben ed tn B: Water is ror polar solvent. "solvent whereas benzene is ition AI wi wi i. assertion 2s Tee bloc cls wong ea soe) Match the items of column with appropriate TT tety ea. PTE Water, the pene from the arian IL. Each item of column T may ie fallin Pressure inside the or lereect options from column JT. Darker correct answers: “appropriate bubbles corresponding ( Yor example, if correct matches are A—8; B—p. © arias é ate vill sts MS 2006) Gq and Dp; the correct darkening of bubbles t look ike, the following b alin 18 blanks with 1h Appropriate item pares flality of the solution is, 1M ee @1@1O1@ ; theratioot the number of moles of so B| ®|@\O|® © <% “omber of moles of solute and soho VM tthe total lol i ot alcoho ica clol@lol@ * pits osmotic pressure is 17 mm ig getoNte at OC pl ®|@|@\@} 1: Thepopertie ofthe soltion which denen : ieentration of solute particle: ‘epend upon the _ Bebaling pint ota waters ae vn that of distilled water. atm pressure is iS plex (p) AT, /molality ¢, Asolution which does not obey Raoults | a (@) depression in, freezing range of concentration is called... pee ©. Vant Het tactar| (7) fol ction of alte -¢, Molal eryoscopic constant depends upon Dy as . The ratio of observed value of colligative "Tp a epee rae the calculated value of colligative prom mass to sctual molar ba Property. is mass 4, The evaporation of aqueous solution of glucose eau: ene ‘glucose causes 2 ‘Column 1 ‘Column it 10. The molarity and normality of an aqueous solution of A: Non ideal solution | (p) CH,CHO + CS, oxalic acid dihydrate are related as z reetat deviation FM a a . 7 =0 (q) CCl,+SiCl, 11, Asolution which distils without change in composition ©. SoluteSolvent | (7) CCl, + CH, CH is called ..n interactions are . 12, Relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to the H-Bonds mole fraction of the D. Non ideal solutions | (8) CHCL, + (CH,),CO 13. For an ideal solution A Hyaising iS - wish eve deviation 1...» Solutions have same osmotic pressure. 15, For sodium chloride solution Van't Hoff 's factor ‘? is ts Cotuson cokes ‘A. Constant boiling | (P) Sn. H<0 16. Every solution behaves as ideal solution if solution (MLNR 1995) B, Maximum boiling | (q) EtOH (95.4%) + 1,0 17. ...i8 an example of artificial semi-permeable azeotrope (4.6%) membrane. . By > Out ) dyqH=0 18 One Daniel unit represents -. aa . Clg HCH, | © Costing et (is sus 19. The depression in freezing point is ditt t ; oie Proportional to ...... but it is inversely propo! Scanned with CamScanner 69, For isotonie solutions at same temperatures w, Wy 20, or Ma We C1 CaF SV,” MeV a * 342x100 ~ Mp x 100 or MM, = 68.4 g mol Wy, 0.01 folality = —<—WL = 991 25.55 104 m 70. Molality = STs Watkgs ” oxo” °45” 1 Moles _ 120 x1,15 «1000 71. Molarity = Motes 1201.16 =7000 1+ Molarity = ohume (L) 0 «1120, = 2.05 mol L, 72. OTy=ix Kym _ Ky Wp 1000 _ 0.76 «2,5 x1000 _ 74, My = EEE one Wa XAT, _ WaxMy _ 25x18 = My Wy 9:5%100 760-p _ 25x18 760 = 9.5x100 18x 760 9.5%100 or 760-p or p= 160-96 = 724 mm Hg B. | MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS WITH he OR MORE THAN ONE CORRECT ANSWERS 1. (6) 2. (c), (d) 8. (a), (b) 4. (a), (c) 5. (a), (b) 6.(c) 7. (a), (d) 8B. (b), (e) 9. (a),(d) 10. (a), (co). eee {c. | COMPREHENSION TYPE QUESTIONS Passage I 1. (c) 2. (6) ‘3. (a) (by 5. (d) Passage IT 6. (a) 7.6) a0) 9.(@) 10. (c). Passage IIT IL (@) 12a) 13. (6) Passage T — nee Te 1 forbinary solutions sy et cepresents variation ® ¥8DO pew, 2 Te mtn of teat station Presi Ba Ht=0 Py=Pyt Pn PA -*0* PR w2Low 04 +87 06 44.8 13.2 kbar. 4, The statement ‘Bis based on facts. 3. Be ype PA PAA ar a or 0.56. Passage I 6. Sugar dissolve in water due to its tendency ts, H-bonds with water molecules 17, The given relation pertains to Henry's law, & Solubility decreases with rise in tempera consequently the value of Ky, increases. 9, NaCl dissolves to a large extent and it displ dissolved CO, which escapes out with effervescen the process is endothermic only then ‘water will increase with rise ‘temperature. Passage IT Freezing point of the solution = ~ 0.372°C. Kym. 0.372 =2* 1.86 xm or m=0.1. ‘Thus, 0.1 mole, ie., 5.85 g of NaCl should be diss in 1 kg of water. 12, aTy= 5.85 a 13. AT) german) = Ky x m= 1.86 % ee = 0.186" AT) etmerved) = 0:334°C, NaCl—> Na? + l-a « « lta or a=i-1= 085 = 85%. 2c) 3.(d) 4b) 6.(a) Tc) Ble 9. (a) 10. (c) 1. (e), 12.1a) 13. (c) ——_= -™ Scanned with CamScanner i, The value of AG (J mol) for the given 20. TTF = 06800 C may for the given cell is @-57 ous (b) 45.7 @-n4 sg TIENT Tn each of the following q) i ions, two statements ven. One is labelled as Ay other 8 Assertion A and eiyas Reason B. Exam bth ne aerate eed mark the eorreet choice a, bye or d Peer following instructions, reuing tothe (aif both A and R are correct explanation of A and Wt is correct (if both A and R are correct but explanation of A Ris not the (c) if Ais correct R is wrong (d) if Ais wrong R is correct. (e) Both ‘A’ and ‘R’ statements are wrong. _ Assertion A: The reduction Ati AT en poi of in er metal cations. Reason R: E is directly proportional to [M"]. 2, Assertion A: For a cell to function Ey should have a positive value. Reason R: Esiyqie Should be smaller than B,,.,, for the cell to function. 3, Assertion A: Zinc protects the iron better than tin even after the cracks. ‘Reason R: Oxidation potential of Zn > Fe butoxidation potential of Sn < Fe. 4, Assertion A: The voltage of isolated half cell is not possible to be measured. Reason R: Oxidation or reduction cannot take place alone. 5. Assertion A: For measuring resistance of onic solution, an AC source is used. Reason R: Concentration of ionie solution will change if DC souree is used. 6. Assertion A: Identification of anode and cathode is, done by the use of thermometer. Reason R: Higher the value of reduction potential, greater would be its oxidising power: (AIMS 1999) ‘Assertion Az Copper sulphate solution cannot be: stored in zine vessel. Reason R: Zinc is less reactive than copper: ‘Assertion As A, for weak electrolytes shows a sharp jnerease when the electrolytic solution is dilut Reason R: For weak electrolytes degree of dissociation increases with dilution of solution. 9. Assertion A: E* is an intensive property. Reason Re E? is constant for a particular electrode at 1 given temperature. direction of half cell is reversed its unchanged in magnitudes but becomes opposite in sign. Reason Rs E*,., for concentration cell > 0 always. 11, Assertion A: Copper gets readily corroded in acidie aqueous solution. Reason R: Free energy change for this process is positive. (AIMS 2004) 12, Assertion A: Galvanised iron does not rust. Reason R: Zinc has more negative electrode potential. (AIMS 2005) 18, Assertion A: For the Daniel cell, Zn/Zn* |) Cu™/Cu. with E,,) = 1-1 V. The application of opposite potential greater than 1.1 V results into flow of electrons from cathode to anode. Reason R: Zinc is deposited at anode and copper is dissolved at cathode. (AIMS 2006) Recs ————— Eee Fill in the following blanks with appropriate items: 1, ‘The electrode at which there is acceptance of electrons is called 2. The conductance of a solution placed between two opposite faces of a centimetre cube is called ...... 3. The solution of sugar in water js ...... conductor of electricity. 4, Strong electrolytes give almost linear plot of A,, versus ‘The resistance of a solution is measured with the help of 6. An aqueous solution of copper nitrate in an iron vessel. 1, Ina Daniell eal, the copper vessel serves 8. The B® value of standard hydrogen electrode i8 after sometime because electrons flow from be stored 9, A galvanie cell stops 10, Ina galvanic cell, the through connecting wires. 41. The unit of resistivity is - Scanned with CamScanner 240, +4" 1a, 4 Mn + 211,0——> 4 Mae" + Oe Passage V 14. 500 ml, of 4M aqueous NaCl contains ax 2 22 mol NaCl = M Vin = 4* 7000 1 2Na+ Cl, anc nol of ‘Thus, 2 mol of Nat = 1e2 mol 45, 2molof NaC produces 2nolafsodiam and hence 2 mol of Na-Hg amalgam. 2229 + 200) = 468 ‘Clon electrolysis will give one 16, 2Na* + 2° 2Na_ or 2cr— Ch, + 2° ‘Thus two moles of NaCl requires charge for complete electrolysis. 2F or 2 x 96500 C of Passage VI 17, The cell reaction is Mis) + M°CIM) > M* (0.05 M) + Mts) ‘The value of Ey is 70 mV ‘As Ea, is +ve; AG is less than zero, ‘Thus, Egy > 0; 4G <0. 18, As temperature is not given, let us find the value of 2303 RT by using Nernst equation F 2303 RT _ 70x10 F 13010 Now find E..y for the anode cone. of 0.0025 M Bjgy = 2208 RT jg Geatuder FO Cana) = 0058 eg Soe = 0.0538 x 2.6020 = 0.1402 V or = 140.2 mV, passage VT [pUJASSERTION-REASON TYPE QUESTIONS [EJMAremarcn Tyre Questions (s); rg mat dm 8 solubility of MX, then 19. 1fS mold = 45°“ unecy) || MP*c0-001 MME ‘The cell 0.059 jug 2.002 Bet 2 EG 0.059 jo, 12 or 00592 a 18 C 10% or log -G, =? or Cy = 10-8 mol dmv = S 4st = 4 x (10-99 = 4 x 10H 20, AG=-nFE 2 x 96500 x 0.059 x 10 ke} mol 114 kJ mol 1. @ 2. (0) 3. (a) a 5. (a) 6.(d) 7. 8G 9. (6) 10. (c) 1. @ 12, @) 13. (b). 1. cathode 2. conductivity 3. bad 4. JC 5, Wheatstone bridge 6. can 7. cathode 8, zero 9. potential difference becomes zero 10. anode, cathode 11. ohm em 13. hydrogen 14, fuel cells 15. Fe,0,.xH,O 16. zinc 17. electrical neutrality 12. increases | xx 10° 18. A, = 19. left hand side 20. decreases 21. decreases. 1 A-@; Bp), (7); Cs; | Dp) 2 AX), (3 Bq), (8), Cp Dg ir 3. Ag); Bip) (8); CH(p); Don) 4. Ap); BH); Cp), Dai) 5. Ap), (q); BHs); CHp), D-r). [cJiinrecer answer TYPE QUESTIONS 1. (6) 4. (0) 2()) 5. (5) 3D 6. (4). Scanned with CamScanner PASSAGE HT , 1s upon the temperatt ‘The rate ofa reaction apd Tro oe of Arshenis re ative expressd in the : aod guano espe ter erent it ch the wation. Ff aolecules having enerey to reach the ie dc ie ca teatial factor gives the number of colisions per un ime The data of two reactions is given below: ti) For the frst reaction it is observed that 3.6 x 10""% reactant molecules exist in the activated state of a reaction at 300 K. (ii At 25°C, the E, of the second reaction, NO) + Chg) -* NOCI(e) + Cllg) is 8.5 x 10' J mol". The fraction of collisions with sufficient is 1.2 x 107%, 10, The activation energy of the first reaction is (a) 100 kJ (6) 150 kJ (c) 200 kd (d) 250 kJ. 11. Ifagraph is plotted between & against 1/T, the it veers against 1/T, the intercept (a) log k (b) log A ()~ Ba309R (d) log WP, 12, The dimensions of A will be ° . malt (©) moVtime (c) times i (d) dimension less 13, When the temperature of reaction (2) ie ris, hae of moleentarcallsions ea pee beak Peat (24x 105 (c) 1.82 x10-5 @) 3.65 «19-15 14, i Wat under different conditions E,. and Activate energy of react » and E,, are the molt ea tion second reaction, IE, 2 E,, =80J mot Then, 405 Oh, >h, Oh=k ky ® 8 2 O}/O|O|9O|- 2 Column I Column Ht A. First order reaction. | (p) a1. 1B. Number of reacting | (q) Generally high for particles which thermal reactions collide simultane- ously to bring about chemical change. | (7) s* C. Order of reaction. | (9) May haveaG >0 or<0. D. Temperature (b) Sumof the exponents, coefficient. of concentration term in rate law i ki below. Match, 8. ‘The reaction profile ofa reaction is shown! the entries of column I with these of column TT ee, Scanned with CamScanner beak, thy Thy 2 k= hy = 0.0915 — 63 = 10% = 0.09087 = 0.031 y Te yy = 22 yes (given) c= Ste 2 (nano. ofselflines in 44 yra=2) nee or C= 2205 ks (Amt, of reactant left) Amt. of produced formed after 44 yrs = 1.5 kg 98 Hence amt, of € formed = 1.5 x jog = 1.47 ke. 8. For the given reaction, AA Bree atime =z or C scone. at time t= ¥ ata) _ (Bl (i For conversion of A+B - “ial = 1B _ a tal aA) _ diC) (ii) For conversion of A -> C— aaa = all Hence Nitrate of disappearance of iA} IAL + Ral Al = (hy +) [AD or aa =h, +h) IAI oF — Ty a Dey hyd On Pe above equation we get (hy +4) ¢=2308 og OE ‘The rate of formation of B, ry = Also Hence, 9, The given reaction follows post order kinetic hence 0693 yr hy “© it is independent of initial cone. of tn the reactants. Passage It 10. FIT 3.6 x 10% = 36 x yy, or RT = ~E, = 2.303 RT log 3.6 x 19-15 308 x 8.314 % 300 x1, = 100.199 kJ = 100 ky "895. hea AeEa/iT 2.303 log 3.6 x 10-18 11, ‘The rate constant is, E, toe A Sogo A= 2303R Itisa straight line equation, hence a against UT (x axis), we get Plotting tog, or og k= 7 ‘The intercept of the straight line = log E, 303K 12, A is the pre-exponential factor and refers, ‘olloins/unit hence the unit is timet, and te 13. We know that exponential factor, ete T the fraction of molecules with mee ong reaction cy eBe/RT 1.2 x 10-8 Ba. - 2.303 log 1.2 « 10-8 or Far = 2-808 log 1.2 x 10° at -E, Also Far = 2-303 log = 15 Hence, 308 _ Jog 125 x10 298 log x = 149208 or log x = 10337 14.437 or = 3.65 x 107, 14. Areaction with lower E, has a greater rate ofarex or more values of rate constant under given st conditions. Hence, , > hy. [DITASSERTION-REASON TYPE QUESTIOS 1 @ 2. (6) 3. (b) ele 5. @) 6.(b) 1.(a) ee % @ 10.) 1d). Scanned with CamScanner Comprehensive ce — ofthe allowing are ophobi aa ag 8. bile ae ‘ Grito nae Cnet ast bons ML Sur i i andy 4. What isnt te att chemin? a Shatin ving lar gy (a) It is also called Langmuir: es bower, The respecti are gi " oo re {c) Gum Arabic (0.25) (a) Sodium oleate ng, (6) is irreversible Inorder to provent precipitation of 80 ml f 10. ; fot tang (a) It is highly specific. id nol by adding 1 ml of 10% NaCl solution ity 4 Which of the following is known as Langmuir Protective colloid is required, ‘The gold umes £4 ‘adsorption isotherm? protective colloid is a a cs (a) 02 (b) 2 (a) = A ae 2s (ebxim ih (d) xim =P. PMc een) 5. Which ofthe following graph represents the variation of physical adsorption with temperature? (a)if both A and R are correct and R is g, (a) Ke ® . @ explanation of A x El (O)if both A and Rare correct but R is gq " a explanation of A Ls, t T (©) if A is correct R is wrong i Ris correct PASSAGE 11 (d) if Ais wrong (e) ifboth A and R are incorrect statements Tn each of the following questions, twa statem,. given. One is labelled as Assertion A ana ys + one as Reason R. Examine both the staterye” mark the correct choice a, b, ¢ oF d acening 9 following instructions. Colloidal sol is a heterogeneous solution in which the tipersed pase exe» arte shiney fterton A: Hao ls re a inm ~ 10? nm. Surfactant molecules form true : Hpdrophabie sols ‘ble i solutions at low concentration but they get associated Reason R: Hydrophobic sols are ‘reversible in atu at high concentration to form clusters having the 2. Assertion A: An ordinary filter paper impregnat ; dimensions of colloids. Lyophobie sols are generally with collodion solution stops the flow of eal unstable and are stabilised by addition of protective reo p colloids. The protecting power of the protective colloide Reason R: Pore size ofthe filter paper becomes nar is expressed in terms of gold number, Smaller the than the size of colloidal Particle when they a value of gold number of the protective colloid higher ee will be its protecting power. 3. Assertion A: Colloidal solutions show colig ties, 6. In a heterogeneous liquid mixture, the Particle size pasties 7 o 3 sreater than 10am ro Besson Re Colloidal particles are large in sie (a) Macromolecule colloids 4. Assertion A: Colloidal solutions do not show (©) Associate colloids movement, (c) True solutions (d) Suspension, Reason R: Brownian ‘motion is responsible for s 7. The cluster of surfactant molecules formed at higher pte. concentration to attain colloidal dimensions is generally 5: Assertion A: Coagulation power of Al is more called . Reason R: Greater the flocculating i (a) Cage (©) Micelle added, greater is its are rome resi 7 (©) Gel (@) Multimolecular colloid. Hardy Schulze rule), Scanned with CamScanner 6 Assertion A: Deto, ‘economical to use Reason R: Cleansi formation of mice 8" micelles. Tht deters . ene invoh olves the concentration of hese f detergents becmmegeeT™A when the wit ow CMC ate mo Ped eee! ilo he illowing 1. The substance on wh; blanks with appropri 108e Surface ad ms is called an 'sorption t 2, Removal of adsorbate from th, ene a te surface of adsorbent ix 3. Migration of colloidal 6 8 9. 10. L 12. 13. M4. 15. 16. 7 18. 19. /. Lyophilic sols are electric field is called. PAS "BEEF the effect of approximately ...... se of physisorption is ‘The phenomenon of zig-2a THe 1 motion of Smoke is a colloidal solution of colloidal particles, 5 ~~. Stable than lyophobic sols. ca el in al a Taal efit aks pace. ogy Protective power ofalvepiieaisexpresed interns of ‘The liquid-liquid colloidal dispersions are called Oil in water emulsion can be diluted with .. ‘The movement of dispersion medium under the influence of an electric field is called ‘The addition of an electrolyte to a colloidal sol results into ‘Smoke is a colloidal solution of . Milk is a colloidal solution of ‘The adhering of the molecules of a g of.a solid is called ‘The protective action of differe: in terms of . The colloidal dispersion of called ‘The colloidal dispersi called fas on the surface unt colloids is compared. fa liquid in a liquid is cons of liquids in solid media are In each of the following aves! column I with the appropriat Each entry of colum matchings of colu bubbles corresponding to 6% if correct matching are A-P, the darkened bubbles will look ike, pars sfol@|O]@] sl@\@|O|® cl@|@|O|© r[ololol® Column I Column IT 7: Physnoption | () Law prewore .chomtnrption | (ew heat of asorton| ©.Deeorgtion 1 monomer ayer ‘D, Langmuir adso- (a) High energy of rion aterm ati Column I Column JL al particles in disp- crsion medium B, Ultra-microscope ‘A. Zig zag movernent of| (p) Scattering of light by €. Charge on colloidal | (r) Ilumination of path ‘colloidal particles (q) Blectrophosis particles of light beam when passed through sol 1D. Tyndall effect (@) Brownian movement Column T Column Tt ‘A.Lyophilic col {p) Micelles B. Associate colloids | (q) Gold number 25 C.Starch sol (P Stabilise the lyophobie| colloids Surface active (o) Molecules having molecule Iyophilic as well 8 Iyophobie ends Ee eS Column I AMilk Diane (q) Colloidal sol of B.Gold sol raed () Dispersion medium is 7 C. Aerosol a . («) Dispersed phase is D. Of des Tiguid. TT Scanned with CamScanner 128 Passage 11 6 7 8 9. 10. Particle size greater than 10? refer to suspension, The correct name is micelle, Both As.S, and gold sol are lyophobie sols Lower the gold number higher is the protecting power. Amount of protective colloids in mg required to prevent Ppt. of 10 ml of standard gotd sol 02x 1000 x 10 a = 25 mg. i LD. _ASSERTION-REASON TYPE QUESTIONS L © 3.) 4@ 5. (a) Be) 6.(a). UE, "FILL IN THE BLANKS 1. adsorbent 2. desorption 4. electrophoresis 4, 20-40 kJ mol“ Compachensive (Op, solid, gas ian movement 6 nan 8. electrophoresis 10. gold number. 12. water 5. Brown’ 7, more 9. scattering 11, emulsions 13, electro-osmosis 15, solid in a8 17. adsorption 19, emulsion [ir MATRDCMATCH TYPE QUESTION; 14. coagulation 16. fat in water 18. gold number 20. gel. 1 Agi BHP CHP); 2 Ae B® Cs 3. AM; BW); C~@), (nr; 4. Ain, (; BD; Cp Ee INTEGER-ANSWER TYPE QUESTo,, 1. 3); 2 (0; 3. (2); " 4. @); 5. ©). Scanned with CamScanner PROCESSES op. "Sour ee ‘and malachite (Cy 4, cw) orl 4 the write (CuFeS,). 1, ‘yaleonite involves partia M.Co. ») However, 80F% wanes from the one of "of cone caefedetion 3 conenkt of a Mal roasting of Chaleopigg, b 1 Gagan FeO yy cH wo aS and FeO, (eh oO 84 Foo, @ 0 removed from chalenpyaie i Fe,c ot rom chalcopyrite gg PO, i) ) Fog FeO (4) Fosig, the reducing, a. tnscfseduction the reducing gy Os (wor oe 80, arp mM of the following que = wens te tele a strton Ast ae tea ogg are given. Examine both the statements aay sn R hoes accor en a) ifboth A and Rare correct, ang on Bven below, ‘@" explanation of the A.“ 4 Ris the correct (ov ifboth Aand Rare corre tad Rig ion of the A ind Ris NOT the correct (eis correct, but Ris incorrect. (@)if Ais incorrect, but R correct, Assertion A: Argentite ore is conc, ae ere mtte ore is concentrated by fot Reason R: Argentite is a sulphide ore, 2. Assertion A: Hydrometallurgy involves ai geins stable regent followed by nose the metal by some more electropostie wees” of Reason R: Copper is extracted from low grado ec grade res by 4. Assertion A: Oxygen is the most abundant element, Reason R: Aluminium is the most abundant metal, 5. Assertion A: Nickel can be purified by Mond process. Reason R: Ni(CO), is a volatile compound which decomposes at about 460 K into pure nickel and CO as. 6 Assertion A: Highly electropositive metals are extracted by electrolysis of their fused salts. Reason R: Highly electropositive metals cannot be Teduced by chemical reduction methods. ; 1. Assertion A: Zone refining is used to obtain metals in high degree of purity. Reason R: During electrorefining pure metal is liberated at, cathode. & Amertion A: Titanium can be purified by Van Arkel method. , Reason Ri Til, is a volatile compound which decompores into Ti and I, at about 1675 K. Fill in the following blanks with appropriate items : 1. Zine blonde is the oF@ of sn. 2. Froth floatation process is generally employed for ores, A. The most abundant metal in earth's erust i ‘Extraction of aluminium from alumina is done by 5. ‘The metals like Si, Ga, ete., which are used in reri- conductorn are purified by .... S: The purification of erude metal is referred to as... 7. Magnesite is an ore of 8. The metal present in chlorophyll is... ®. The process of reduction of oxi aluminium is as ion of oxides by aluminium is See Flate whether the following statements are true or false: 1, Smelting is the process of magnesium. % Alkali metals re generally extracted by electrolysis of their ores in fused state. 3. Levigation is generally sulphide ores. heating the ore with employed for concentration of + Every mineral is an ore but every oreis not a mineral. 5, Slag is a product formed during smelting by combination of flux and impurities. 6, Alkali metals can be obtained by chemical reduction of their compounds. 7. Sylvine is an ore of potassium, 8. Oxide ores are purified by levigation process. 9, Duringeleetrorefining of a metal, impure metal is made anode. 10. Highly pure metals can be obtained by zone refining. 11, Aluminium is the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust 12, Reactive metals occur in native state. Scanned with CamScanner 140 13. Cast iron is the hardest commercial form of ro? 14. Malachite is an ore of copper. copper and A. Argentite heceeernet er) Silver €. Cassiterite ‘oy ahaa 1D. Magnetite 2. Match the ext te metals hist o1ce QUESTIONS WITH [Teens comner rm 4. (6) 1d) 2b) 3a) 8.0) 6 | 6 70) io 9 (a) (1018) ud) 4 mae) 4G) Ay 20. (c) me wd we : 2) Bled 23.(c) 24. (6) 25. (6) 26. (c) 27.(c) 28. (c) 28. (a) 30. (d) ‘31. (6) 82. (b) 33. (6) ‘H4.(d) 35, (6) 36. (c) 37. (6) 38. (6) 39. (6) 40. (c) 41. 42.(d) 43. (d) 44. (c) 45. (6) 46. (d) 47.(a) 48. (d). MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS WITH ‘ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CORRECT LO) 20d) 3a) 4, 7 » (c) 5 hl). Baile) 0, 2010 wede, “"? &r@ {CJ eournanssion TYPE QUESTIONS Yassage I 16) Bee 7 ——_ CHEMISTRY, a (p) Silver (a) Mereury ©) Iron (5) Aluminium eases listed in Co) ag proces Oho va column TL " a Caan ona’ proceas | (P? CoPper A Montprk process |) Tin e-xiccerians | p. Liquation pee D. 1, zine 2. sulphide 3. aluminium 4, clectrometallurgy 5. zone refining 6. refining 7. magnesium ‘8. magnesium 9. aluminothermy 10. concentration of ore LL, electrolytic 12. impure. ‘ALSE STATEMENTS 2. True 3. False 4, Fale 6. False 7. True 8, Tne 9. True 10. True 11. True 12, Fale} 13. True 14. True 15. False. [ec] MAncaNe Type questions 1. Ar); BHs); CHq); D-p! RA; Bs), Cg); Dp) BAG), By, Cp), Do Scanned with CamScanner 9. At room temperat cca temperature (298K wh () HE fer, oom Uc) none of these 10. Solid Hydrofuoric acid is correctly represented by which of the following structures. fo) (—H— FHF, o Se .M Op 11. The strength of halogen acids follows the 0 (a) HF > HCI > HBr > HI (@) HI > HBr > HCI > HF (c) HCI > HF > HI > HBr (@) HF > HI > HBr > HCL 12. In the sequence of reactions given wrder below, ¥ and Z are (oF ndHSF, — (@) HF and H,SiFy PASSAGE IL Noble gases are mert gases with a general configuration tomic, colourless, odourless offs? np*. These are monoat dnd tasteless. The first compound of noble gas Xe was Gteained by reaction with PIF, A large number of compounds of Xe with fuorine have been prepared. The “Structure of these compounds can be explained on the basis of VSEPR theory as well as the concept of hybridisation. 13. The formula of the compound of Xe and PtF, is (a) XeF, (0) XeF, (c) Xe, Pt Fy (d) Xe* Pt Fy 14, The structure of XeO, (a) linear () Planar () pyramidal (d) T-shaped. 15, The shape and hybridization of are given below. Which tthe isin (a) XeOF,—T-shaped-sp'd (8) XeO,,—Mrgona bpyramidalsp'd of the following is vamidal-sP'e $ a (a Xe Sg forme bY XG ftowing a att ehe three. td bd pairs OF a tively are i) Land os i iqatnterents 58 COT Abo st noble gens comprrund ing fay XePthg the first | vith SbF» Xe eb acta i ; ie pits RDF, Keg ets a 8 0 ie (dy Ail the correct rien of te foe 18 ides of 30007 cof te li ech eaten ine ven. Othe other one as Reason Re Ean tie th sd marth ce er ine Go), (e) or (ed) according tenis both A and Rare correct and Rei explanation of (0) if both A and R are co explanation of. (c) if A is correct but R is wrong (d)if A is wrong but R is correct. “Assertion A: Among chalogens tendency of cz js maximum for sulphur. ‘Reason R: S—S bond is stronger than 0 “Assertion A: The m.pJb-p. of noble gas are qui ‘Reason R: The interparticle forces among nob in their liquid state are van der Waal forces. ‘Assertion A: Pink coloured solution of permanganate turns green on passing Os ‘Reason R: K,Mn0O, is reduced by O, to KMn0 ‘Assertion A: NO,” ion and CO,” ions are isocles ‘Reason R: Sodium is oxidised by H, to sodi 5. Assertion A: In all the oxides of nitrogen p_1 is present. Reason R: Back bonding is also present in B 6. Assertion A: PCI, is covalent in gaseous and state but ionic in solid state. Reason R: The solid state of PCI, consists of te dral cation and octahedral anion. 7. Assertion A: H,PO, is a dibasic compound. Reason R: Two H atoms are directly attached ‘ent is Inbelled as rect but R isl 3. Scanned with CamScanner a mat d NO, har amounts of NO ON 8. Assertion A: White prog LOL DM OF silver chloride gots Reason fe Nils Compt wah eens ih AC ry HC rm a 9. Assertion deerton 8 nl ice of sine len nt Reason Re TINO, is exidicing a hydrogen evolved to water M4 8h this 0 water idises 10. Assertion A: HNO, is a stronge Reason R: In HINO, er acid than HNO, there are tw bonds whereas in HINO,, there i only neue Lea me such bond 11. Assertion A: Fresh strain of iodin eae ‘washing with hypo solution, sw" be Femoved by Reason R: Hypo reduces iodine to colourless I= 12, Assertion A: Sulphuric acid i fare ph id is more viscous than Reason R: In H,SO, the S atom exhibit its hi oxidation state. atom exhibit its highest 1, Aserton Cone 50, rena th Clon Ch ‘Reason R: HCl cannot be oxidised by H,S0,, 14, Assertion A: Sulphur (IV) oxide can act as oxidising 4s well as reducing agent. aaae ‘Reason R: In sulphur (IV) oxide S assumes sp*¢d hybrid state, 15. Assertion A: White phosphorus is less stable than red phosphorus. Reason Re White phosphorus exists as P, molecules. 16, Assertion A: HBr is a stronger acid than HI. ‘Reason Re Bond energy of HI is smaller than that of HBr. 11, Assertion A: Sj molecule has puckered ring structure. Reason R: &, molecule contains eight lone pairs. koa Fill in the following blanks with proper items: 1. Oxygen family constitutes elements of group ~ of by alkaline solution of 4 Sodium dissolves in Tiquid ammonia to give ~~~ coloured solution. 5. Laughing gas is obtained by heating of 6. Ammonia and iodine react to give 7, Colourless gas produced by dropping KMnO, over sodium peroxide is . 8, wu. is anhydride of nitric acid. 9, Ostwald’ process used for the manufacture of cpiatin 11. fy dissolves i ne 1 a tn 14, ‘The formula of laughing gas is ~ 16, Most common oxidation state of 10, ‘a brown ting in the tes for nitente if 17, Biemuth does not exhibit penta valency because} 18, N(SiHfg)y has... Reometty: 19, CN- in an example of ~~ 21. The basicity of HPO, i8 -—- » Bo, acid gives .... ion (Hypobromic, bypobromess, bromide, bromite, perbromate)- wi 23. An oxide of nitrogen which is i isoelectronic with carbon dioxide is (MLNR 1990) 24, The tendency of atoms to undergo selFlinking to form Jong chains or ring skeletons called 25. In the reaction; I+ > — Ip the Lewis acid is ~~» UIT 1997) 26, Among PCl,, CH,", NH, and NF, is least reactive towards water. UIT 1997) 27, The angle P—P—P in P, moleculeis... degree «IT 1997) 28, On heating RbICL, will decompose to give «Ir 1997) 29, In contact process for the manufacture of H,SO, the ‘$0, is absorbed in... 80. The shape of CIF is «.» ‘31, In chemical reaction of sugar and cone. H,SO,, the sulphuric acid acts as 2 In chemical reaction of copper and sulphuric acid, H,SO, acts as « 433. On commercial scale, fluorine is prepared by ‘34, On boiling sulphur with eaustie soda solution produced. 435. The two series ofsalts that sulphurie acid ean produce are uw and 136. The formal of rock phosphate is Fon state of phosphorus in pyrophosphbori acid 97, Oxidati is 38. Oleum is 39. ‘The number of molecules of hydration in borax is «.- “40, The solubility of fodine in water is greatly increased by adding iodide fons because of formation of ww + (ur 1994 _— Scanned with CamScanner 162 151. H,Po, 152. On movin, 1s down the group on the strength of H— NM INM=0,5, Se Te decrenss therfore eiiccurater 159, Rees and hence the pKa value derease + Among the halids of nitrogen family the bond angle lecrease on moving from halide of N to Sb becaure clectronegativity decreases. Thus, b,p-b,p repulsions Aecrease and hence the bond angle. [B. | MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS WITt! ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CORRECT \_lANSWeRS 1. (a), @) 2. (a), (6) 8, (b), (e) 4. (c), (d) 5. (6), (o) 6. (a), (d) w 7. (a), (e) 8. (b), (©) 9. (a) (eh ( 10. (a), (6) 11. (ec), @ 12, (6), ©) a 13. (a), (e) 14. (a), (c) 15, (b), ee 16. (a), (6) 17. (a), (d) 18. (a), [C0 ]COMPREHENSION TYPE QUESTIONS Passage I re 2d) ato “o 5@ 6 Passage II 7) Bc) 9. (a) 10. (c) 1.) 12d) Passage UT 13. (@) 14. (0) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (6) 18. (d). [D.JASSERTION-REASON TYPE QUESTIONS 1. @) 2d) 8. (e) 4. (b) 56) 6.0) 1.) 8.(a) 9, (a) 10, (a) 11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (@) 14. (c) 15. (6) 16. (d) 17. (c). PILL IN THE ‘BLANKS. G Comprehensive CHEMSTRY Vd, 2. Amphoterie i} igatine pyrogalol 4. Blue spon nitrate omen’ & an 3.0, ee 10. N,0s 11. Kl iaqisccoes 13. Nily SO tee te, #eS0,NO pale effect, 1 EN jo. poeudo— 20.xXe0er, a1. 3 22, Hypobromous, bromite 2s. N,0 DAccntenation 25.1, bo. cli) 24 60" 3s, Re and ICI fons 29. cone. 11.50, 28 ee haped 81. dehydrating agent 32. 33. is of 90% soln of KHF, in HE 34, Na,S and Na,S,03 35. sulphates and bisulphates 36. Ca, (PO, 37. +5 38. H,S,0, 39. (8) 40. I,- complexion 41, fluorine 42, H,P,0; 43. sodium thiosulphate 44. P05 45. HC] 46, Xe" IPE, :, |MATRIX-MATCH TYPE QUESTIONS LAs); Bop CHL Dory 2 An); Bs) Cp) Dr). JINTEGER-INDEX TYPE QUESTIONS 1. (4) 2. (6) 3.(3) 4.14) 5. (2) 6. (0) 7.0) 8.15) 8. 0,, S0,, H,0, H,S0,, P,0,, convert PCI, to Scanned with CamScanner Te. cat hs PE SNO HOR REVS 10. Although +3 ianthanwids bat ie oni because Shows eatin state for ll rida sate @ithas tendency to attain nobly Fe has a tendency tal Bb ge cntgration (6) it has variable ionisation way 9 e™eation (d) it resembles Ppt. a SES Irs PASSAGE I In a qualitative test forthe analysis of the salt is heated with solid Kec ee frlphure act. The ml geno vapours when passed through sod tion give a yellow solution. The ello sain fied with acetic acid and lead acetate sslutian feet A yellow precipitate is obtained 1, The above test confirms that the given salt contains il ene The red al tion is ndded (@) Br ce or cr. 2. The red vapours are due to formation of (a) Cr, ®) croc, (€) CrO,Cly (@) Cr0,Cl, 3. The yellow solution contains (a) Na,Cr,0; (b) Na,Cr0, (e) Na,0, (d) NaCl0,. 4. The yellow precipitate is (a) PoCrO, (®) CrCH,COO), (c) CCH,COO), (@) PbCr,0,. 5. During the sequence of reactions the oxidation number of chromium (a) Increases from + 6 to +7 (6) Decreases from + 6 to +3 (€) Decreases from +7 to +3 (d) Remains unchanged. PASSAGE II Potassium permanganate is prepared from pyrolusite which is an oxide ore of manganese. Pyrolusite is fus with KOH or K,CO, in the presence of air or some oxi- dicing agent. The fused mass is extracted with wal and filtered to get a green solution, When chlorine js is passed through the green solution, the colour of the solution changes to purple due to formation of KMnO, Answer the following: 6. ‘The formula of pyrolusite is (a) Mn,O, (b) MnO, ©) Mno (@) Ma,0,. tains green solution cn ae 6) MnO (a) KMn0, ) K&yMn0, (d) K_Mn05- — % eae ‘gan is pansed through Breer solt the oxidation no, of Mn changes from (607 (4007 (4 t06 W@Tt04. 9. ‘The purple colour of the KMnO, is due to (a) ded transition —_(b) charge transfer (e)pal tennsition __(d) d-p transition. 10, "The hybrid atato of Mn in KMnO, is (a) apt (b) ap? (hap? (a sp". PASSAGE IIT Copper sulphate pentahydeate (CuSO, . 5H,0) is enm- known a blue vitriol. tts fairly soluble in wa- ter. When potassium iodide solution is added to an guieous solution of copper sulphate, a white precipi tate is obtained and enlour of the solution becomes brown due to liberation of iodine. When sodium thiosulphate solution ix added ta this brown solution, the brown eolour disappears. Answers the following : 11. In the above sequence of reactions, the white ppt is (@) Potassium sulphate (6) Cupric iodide (©) Cuprous iodide _(¢) Cuprous sulphate. 12, During reaction of fodine with sodium thiosulphate, oxidation number of sulphur changes from (@)2t03 (b)3to2 (c) 20.25 (a) 25 to2. 13. In the sequence of reactions, oxidation number of copper (a) Increases by 1 __(b) Decreases by 1 (©) Decreases by 2 (qd) Remains unchanged. PU ake ‘questions wo statements, one labelled as assertion A and other labelled as reason R. are given, Examine both the statements and mark the correct choice according to the instructions given below () it both A and Rare correct, and R is the correet explanation of the A : ii) itboth Aand Rare correct, and Ris NOT the correct ‘explanation of the A iii if A is correct, but R is incorrect (iv) if A is incorrect, but R correct, 7 1. Amertion A t Zine does not show characteristic properties of transition metals. Reason R: In Zn outermost shell is completely filed. In each of th Scanned with CamScanner A 2 The highest in ita compound either oniatio state of ehromium Reanon RE: Chromium atom hn mt Tuas only six electrons i Aerton A: Eauvaent na of KM, one-hit carmen ace 4, ato 1 Oxiaton me of +7 KM |. Antertion A KMn0 is pre in colour de tn chante transfer, pure Reason Re: MnO 5. Assertion A. Iron clement jon is tetrahedral in shape. the most abundant tran Reason R + Common oxidation states of ion are * 2 and +3, 6, Assertion A: FeS, is known a8 oo! Reason R : FeS, has yellow metal 7. Assertion A + In acidic medium. iodides to iodine. Reason R + In basie mediu™, to iodates: 8 Assertion A: Ce" Reason R : Lanthanoids ha + 3 oxidation state ; a rae ee evpmic radii of MP* fons of lanthanoids decree with increase in atomic number sertoe R : BP ions of lanthanoids have stable lec: ‘tronic configuration. 10, Assertion A: CrO, reacts with HCI to form C10,Cly- ‘Reason R: Cr0,Cl, has tetrahedral shape- 11, Ansertion Ae Copper doesnot liberate hydrogen from acids. “Reason R: Copper has positive electrode potential. 12, Assertion A: Copper (II) iodide is not known. Reason R: Cu oxidizes iodide to iodine. 13, Assertion A: Separation of zirconium (2r) and hafnium (HD is difficult. Reason R: Zr and Hf have almost equal atomic radii due to lanthanoid contraction. Fill in the following blanks with appropriate items : 1. The most abundant transition metal is 2, Ilmenite is an ore of ...... . 3. In acidic medium KMnO, is reduced to 4, The formula of pyrolusite is 5, Among transitio i Eva nn element, the element having lowest gold. je appearance. KMnO, oxidizes KMin, reduces iodides js.a good oxidizing agent ve the tendency to attain 4, The 2. The commer A. The forrense metal the last element of Ua 10, CoV) so 11, The acidic om Ha Geto? fa fa one OLY “etal havin highest. melting point iy ‘nts are also Known as thanoid serien in nalts ae oer ide of mangan The 14, flock eleme! ts. Lanthanoids have densities tate whether the following st ; Fals 1. Lanthanoids form 2, Lanthanoids are generally diamagnetic. Bron, eabalt and nickel are ferromagnetic. «t principal oxidation state of Janthancids is ‘5. Zinc salts are generally coloured. 6. Ag (1) salts are diamagnetic. 7, An aqueous solution of K¥inO, is violet in esis &, In CuCl, coordination number of copper is six 9. Principal oxidation state of actinoids is + 4 10, ‘Transition elements exhibit variable oxidation san coloured complexes, Eee ikl a This section contains 3 questions. Each contains statements given in two columns, wich hay to be matched. The statement in Column { are lel ‘A,B, C and D while the statement in Column It labelled p,q, rand s. Any given statement in Coli can have correct matching with ONE OR MO statement(s) in column IL. ‘The appropriate bub corresponding to the answers to these questions | tobe darkened as illustrated in the following exan If the correct matches are A-p and s: B-q andr and q; and D-s; then correct darkening of bubll look like the following : P ® ® ® A B Cc D Scanned with CamScanner 180 c. _ COMPREHENSION TYPE QUESTIONS Passage I ie! 2) 2.0) Ao 5 Wd) Passage It 66 re &(a) 9.0) 10. @) Passage II © 12e 18.0. Passage I 1. The given test is chromyl chloride test for Clr ion. 2. The red vapours are of chromyl chloride, CrO,Cly 3. Chromyl chloride dissolves in NaOH solution to give sodium chromate. Cr0,C1, + 4NaOH —> Na,Or0, + 2NaCl + 2H,0 4. PHCH,COO), + Na,Cr0,—? PbCrO, J + 2CH,COONa sallow pet {5 Oxidation no. of chromium in K,Cr,0, , CrO,Cly and CrO2-is six. Passage IT 6. Pyrolusite is MnO, 11. Green coloured compound is potassium manganate, K.Mn0, 8, 2K,MnO, + Cl, —+ 2KMnO, + 2KCI ‘The oxidation no. of Mn in K,MnO, is +6 while in KMn0, itis + 7. 9. The colour of KMnO, is due to charge transfer. Min in + Toxidation state has no d-electron, 10. MnO, is tetrahedral with Mn in sp®-hybrid state. Comprehensive sty yy Passage HT TL, AKI + 2CuS0,—? 2K,80, + Cu, Ly 1, white yp, 9 Nn 80,4 28001 12, 2Na,8,0, + ly 8 i Na,8,04 8+ Zand in Nag Oxidation no. of +25 Cat is reduced to Ca’, Hence, oxidation no, nerenses from +2 to + 1 of * ASSERTION-REASON TYPE QUESty Lay BO 3. na Ow 7.iib 9. Wi 10.0 1.) 18. @. ip, | FILL IN THE BLANKS 1. iron 2utiteniam 3, Maze 4, MnO, 5. mercury nay 7, +3 8.Fe,Co,Ni 9. late 10. oxidising 11. Mn,0, 12 tetra 13, tungsten 14. inner transition elements 16. high. [ir | TRUE/FALSE STATEMENTS 1, True 2. False 3. True 5. False 6. True 7. False at 9, True 10. True. [G.! MATRIX.MATCH TYPE QUESTIONS 1. Ag) (ys Bop); = C48); D9) 4 2 A+), (8); Bp), (7); Cp Dp) 3 Ag) (8); BH; = Cp); D9), (a INTEGER-ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS 2.5; 45; 6.0; 5. 4; Scanned with CamScanner 200 PASSAGE 11 An tre: sol aqueous solution of eh 9 chromium (II) chloride ated with lig NH, in stichometrc ner . lution was stirred on a magnetic a echt ae complexes A, B and C were inalated lat, mass Cr = 52 bi : m 4 fu, n= 17, = 100 (@) Complex A and ie aq, AgNO, solut (ii) Complex B did not give white p AgNO, solution. wipate wil 2.605 g cach of complex A and C produced 2.87 x and 1.435 g of AgCI pre: 7. The formula of complex A is (a) (Cr(MH,),] Cl, (b) [Cr (MH,), Cl,] Cl (© [Cr (NH), Chy) (@) [Cr (MH), Cll Cly ‘8, The formula of complex B is (@) [Cr (MH,); Cl] (6) [Cr (MH), Cl] Cl (©) (Cr (MH), Cl) Cl (@) (Cr (ME) Cle 9. The formula of complex C is (a) [Cr (MH,), Ch) () [Cr MH), CU Cl (c) [Cr (MH,),} Cl (@) (Cr (MH), Cl] Ch 10. ‘The hybridisation of chromium in the complex B is (a) dsp? () spi (0) spi? (d)dsp*. 11. The spin only magnetic moment of the complex C is (@) 1.73 BM. (@) 2828 BM. (¢) 3.46 BM. (d) 3.872 BM. PASSAGE IIT ‘The co-ordination number of Ni?* is 4 NiCl, + KCN (excess) —> A (cyano complex) ‘A+ cone. HCI (excess) —» B (chloro complex). (LET, 2006) 12, The IUPAC names of A and B are (a) Potassium tetracyanonickelate (ID), potassium tetrachloronickelate (11) () Tetracyanopotassium nickelate (ID), tetrachloro- potassiumnickelate(I1) (c) Tetracyanonickel(I1), tetrachloronickel(II) (d) Potassium —_tetracyanonickel(I1), potassium tetrachloronickel(ID). 13, Predict the magnetic nature of A and B (a) Both are diamagnetic (6) A is diamagnetic and B is paramagnetic with one unpaired electron rwhen three ag. thy produced white precipitate with Sera Lg () Ais diamagnetic and B is paramagnetic unpaired electrons wi, (a) Both are paramo 1 hybridisation of A and B are (ap, ap | (a) spd, ay etic. (a) dap? #7” (c) dsp, dsp? given. One labelled as Assertion X and Bren fi trcanon Wt Examine the statement carey’ et an ee tne correet ansorer (a) (B), te) art) acne er ing netrocin sorta San Aten icra care Teaai ga Oe aeneeA 4B is ox aye ee Epinnatia of aie corect bat Ris rg ‘A is wrong and R is correct, 1. Assertion A: Bisglycinatonickel (1) can show oy ieomerioms. Reason R: Tetrahedral complexes with ching | structure exhibit optical isomerism. 2, Assertion A: Bisglycinatoplatinum (Il) canna hoy optical isomerism. Reason R: Bisglyc-natoplatinum (11) is a tetraheind complex. 3, Assertion Az (Co(NH,),Cly] gives white precise with AgNO, solution. Reason R: Chlorine is not present in ionisable partd | the given complex. 4. Assertion A: EAN of Fe in its complexes is always 36. Reason R: Oxidation state of Fe in Fe(CO),is0. | 5. Assertion A: Zeise’s salt is organometallic ‘compound. Reason Rz Zeises salt contain C,H, molecule as ened the ligand. y te items: in the following blanks with appropriat 1. The correct IUPAC name of K,{Cu(CN),) is ©, The chemical name of the compound (C,,F#0OY is an i rar 3, The oxidation number of eabalt. in (CED? is Scanned with CamScanner 204 Comprehensive OHMSTAY Vi. Passage-II 4 i i |. inner, paramagnetic aH @ 8.(a) 9.(d) 10. (c) 5. [CrH,0),CIBra) Sa - @. . 7. organometallic compound 10.6, Passage-IIt 9. (CHNH,)ICo(CNg) ” 2 @) 18.) 14. (a), [D.] ASSERTION-REASON TYPE QUESTIONS 1. (@) 2 B.(d) Ald) 5. @). (s.) FILL IN THE BLANKS 1. potassium tetracyanocuprate(I1) 2. butadienetricarbonyliron(0) 43 [yma -MATCH TYPE QUESTIONS ; ce); D4 An; Lanad 2 Aig) (ry By as me 2, At, (os BH CPOs Doty [Gi] INTEGER-INDEX TYPE QUESTIONS a 26) 3 40) 5. (6) es) TOs Scanned with CamScanner GC GET ion i place through two differen mecha halides can iis ‘The Sy} mechanism involve carboest® Sl and g : diate while Sy2 reaction og, tion ag, inter.” concerted mechanism, involving 4 pial #8iDRI6 step 1. The order of reactivity of various alkyl ie State, ‘Syl mechanism is 08 through @i>2>s° ©3201 ore (D2 15 5 ‘reaction of an optically acts SF aeataniaer es Sse allst halide thy (a) Complete racemization (6) Partial racemization (c) Complete inversion of configuration (@ Partial inversion of configuration 3, Which of the following factors Lea does not favour §.7 (o)3" alkyl halide (6) Strong Ucleophile (© Polar solvent (@) Low co 4 Which ofthe following alkyt hata c ttle react through Sy2 mechanism? ly to (a) 2-Bromobutane (6) 2-Bromo-2-methylpropane (©) 1-Bromo-2-methylpropane (d) 1-Bromobutane. PASSAGE IT Free radieal chlorination or bromination of alkanes usually gives a complex mixture of isomeric mono and pely-haloalkanes which is difficult to separate into pure compounds. For example, chlorination. of propane yields Ichloropropane and 2-chloropropane in addition to Polychlorinated produets. Therefore, haloalkanes are Senerally not prepared in laboratory by halogenation ofalkanes. However, in certain cases where formation of isomeric products is not possible or where there is lange difference in the reactivity of hydrogens attached to different carbon atoms, this method can be used for Preparation of haloalkanes. 5. Chlorination of methane in the presence of light yields a mixture of CH,Cl, CH,Cl,, CHCl, and CCI,. The most Polar compound among these is (@) CHC) (6) CH,Cly cc, © Which o i water? (M® following compounds is lighter than ore (cay, ( cH,c1, 2 Ocha (CHCl, ow many isomeric monoch orinated pounie t pect Mlorinated products are 3 o (5 ie (ifs correct Ris wrong (Di€A is wrong Ris correct, 1 Assertion A: Addition ofhalogen Acids to alkenes takes Place via carbocations as intermediates Reason R: HBr adds to propene more readily than to ethene, 2% Assertion As Benzyl chloride undergoes nucleophilic Substitution much more readily than CHCl. Reason R: The intermediate carbocation formed in case of substitution ofbenzyl chloride s less stable than in case of CH,Cl. Assertion A: NBS is a specific reagent for allylic bromination. Reason R: Allylic bromination proceeds through free radicals as intermediates. 4. Assertion A: C—X bond in aryl halides is less polar than the CX bond in alkyl halides. Reason R: In aryl halides, the electron withdrawing induetive effect is opposed by electron releasing resonance effect. 5. Assertion A: Among the isomeric dichlorobenzenes, ‘o-dichlorobenzene has the highest melting point, Scanned with CamScanner most polar amon sc aiteront atk lee sil more ubatioted i ned at faster a. deerton Aa The order of renctilt halides towards ci Reason Re 3° Allyl bali alkenes, which boing more stable are form 4, Recertion A:2-romobutane on deyseologenation jene as the major product yields bese Reason Rt: For 2-butene two geomerie isomer possible, : 8. Assertion Az n-Butyl chloride has higher boiling point 1 bromide. Reason R: C—CI bond is more polar than C—Br bond. 9. Assertion A: KCN reacts with C,H,Br to give ethyl isocyanide. Reason R: Cyanide ion is an ambident nucleophile. 10, Assertion A: iso-propyl bromide, on reaction with sodium in the presence of dry ether, gives 2, 3- ethylbutane. Reason R: In Wurtz reaction, alkyl halides yield hydrocarbon containing double the number of carbon atoms present in the halide. 11. Assertion A: In monohaloarenes, further electrophilic substitution occurs at ortho and para positions. Reason R: Halogen atom is ortho and para directing group, 12. Assertion A: Nitration of nitrobenzene yields m-dinitrobenzene, Reason R: Nitro group is a deactivating group. Greens SS Ed Complete the following equations/statements: 1. CH,CH,OH + SOCl—> w+... + 2. RCH,OH —+ RCH,Br —4 RCH,CN —5 RCH,COOH ma 3. Butane nitrile can be prepared by heating alcoholic KON. 4 Pyrene is a name given to ... 5. Ethyl bromide on reaction with moist silve vu a8 the main product, 6. Among isomeric alkyl chlorides having molecular formula C,H,Cl, the one with the highest boiling point is ae with oxide gives Ins, Wood 8. 2, 2-Dichloropropane on ry ‘nos the main product. each wi My whether the following ap Phenyl chloromethan: 2. neo-Pentyl chloride is a pr 3. Ethylene dichloride is aga 4. Iso-butyene on renetion bromide. 5. NBS is a specific rey alkenes, 6. Aryl Muorides can be prepared ty 7. Methyl fluoride has higher big n chloride, 1 ric 8. During dehydrohalogenati _ removed from the wearbor™ ‘M* briny, 9. Vinyl chloride is less reactive th towards nucleophilic substitution 2! 10. CI atom attached to benzene ring a electrophilic substitution towangs Position, and deactivates the ring” CANT ens ‘This section contains 2 ~ 5 questions. Ea contains statements given in two cums to be matched. The statements in Col, labelled A, B,C and D, while the stateran st. Ware labelled p, g, r,s and t. Any given sy Column I can have correct matching wih MORE statement(s) in Column AL. The ay bubbles corresponding to the answers» questions have to be darkened as illus: following example: Ifthe correct matches are A-p, sand 2" and q; and D-s and ¢; then the correct ds bubbles will look like the following: emt for aie & las vowr Qe |2|er @[e|eler Scanned with CamScanner 400 7.00) @ t Bd) @ 10. (a) 11. (a) 12. (, a? 5. ethanol a oO chloride 7- carbocations 6 none: & 1, False 2.True 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. False 8. False 9. True 10, ‘True. G] RIX-MATCH TYPE QUESTIONS 1. Aq) (0 Belp), (9), (0; C-18h Din, BALD; Be); Cp tt — DH) [HIJINTEGER-ANswer TYPE QuESTIONS 1) 2) 3.0 40 5.) 6.0) Scanned with CamScanner & The aleohol whi Which is tease Solubl le in water is (a) —\ i” AY OH © oe ay HO AA Au + How many ice. CAH, OF wong eos having molecular, formula faye © iodoform test positive?” 3 On 8. Which of thy fa «<1 Of these alcohols b G can be prepared by reaction P erard reagent on a ketone, followed by hydvolyais? (@) 2-Methyl-1-butanot (©) 3-Methyl-2-butanot (b) 2-Methyl-2-butanol (d) 3-Methyl-1-butanol. following questions consist of two statements one labelled as Assertion A and the other Reason R. Examine both the statements carefully and mark the correct choice according to the below: (a) if both A and R are correct and Ris correct reason, ofA : (0) if both A and R are correct but Ris not correct reason of A (c) fA is correct R is wrong (d) if A is wrong Ris correct. 1, Assertion A: Methanol is stronger acid than water. Reason R: Among monohydrie aliphatic alcohols methanol is the strongest acid. 2. Assertion A: During acid catalysed esterification, oxygen atom of alcohol is present in ester molecule. Reason R: Esterification is a reversible reaction. 3. Assertion A: Phenol is more reactive than benzene towards clectrophilie substitution reaction. Reason R: In case of phenol, the intermediate carbocation is more stabilized by resonance. 4. Assertion A: Ethanol and dimethyl ether are isomers. Reason R: Ethanol and dimethyl ether have same molecular formula, 5. Assertion A: Anisole undergoes electrophilic substitution at ortho and para positions. Reason R: Anisole is less reactive than phenol towards electrophilic substitution reactions. 6. Assertion A: Ethers can be dried by using sodium wire. Reason R: Ethers do not react with sodium. 7. Assertion A: p-Nitrophenol is stronger acid than phenol. Reason R: Nitro group is electrol withdrawing group and hence stabilizes the anion formed. Assertion A: Phenetole on cleavage with HI yields phenol and ethyl iodide. Reason R: Phenetole is a mixed aromatic ether. tuctions given Ginn | | Assertion A: 2-Pentanol and 3-pentanrs ,, distinguished by iodoform test. a Reason Rt 2-Pentanol and 3-pentann, secondary aleahols 10, Anertion Az Equimolar known as Lascan reagent Reason Ri Lucas roagent can be used ty between methanol and ethanol. iting 11, Asnertion A: Phenol on reaction with anus or bromine yields a mixture of o- and phen “ig Reason Ri —O1 group is ortho-para dives 12, Assertion As Addition of water to but-ten, 27" ‘medium yields butan-2-01, in Reason Rt Addition of water in acidic mesiym, through the formation of secondary eats? 13, Assertion A:o-Nitrophenol is less soluble in way, ‘m- and p-nitrophenols. hag Reason R: m- and p-nitrophenols exist as any, ‘molecules due to intermolecular hydrogen (eet bony tre of HCL 22g, Complete the following equationwstateme 1. CH,CH,OH + SOCl, —> 2. RCH,OH —>> RCH,Br —)5 RCH,CN —_, RCH,cong ONa OH COONa 400K = +) ate ca 4, CH,CH,OH ag OH 5 or +HNO, —*_, 6. Amongst three isomers of nitrophenol, the one thitit least soluble in water is 7, The common name of 1, 2, 3-trihydroxy benzene is —- 8, TUPAC name of cumene is... 4 9. Ethyl bromide on reaction with moist silver a gives ...... as the main product. 10. Phenol reacts with sodium liberating .. 6S 11, TUPAC name of picrie acid is 12, Phenol is ...... reactive than chlorobenzene electrophilic substitution reactions. 13. In case of ...... alcohols, the cloudiness immediately while performing Lucas tes. 14. During acid catalysed dehydration of intermediate species involved are towers Scanned with CamScanner ular H-bondin, syomoreeul 408 In o-nitzo Phenol cocHs _cooll & cost satieslic acid (Aspirin) HH NO, on. . tare oA, * NO, (Pierie acid) Barbiturie aciay HO. 2% 9 008 \ He = i \-0-b on, OH OH = (Ascorbic acid) (Asprin Hs Hon" iy . H,C-¢—-CH=CH, > HC tH_on, CH, cH, Hy Lamethyl shifty HoH, 8, CH, HCH, Hy HCH, CH, JUESTIONS WITH CE 2 ONE CORRECT (d) LO@ 2d — 810.0) 406 Sd Ba) EO id. 2 Oy) 10(a),) 160,00 & _COMPREIENSION TYPE QUESTIONS Passage 1 way >, Bib) Bld) 4. (b) Passage 11 te ' y Ba) Tea) 8. (b) Dd. t “ASSERTION EASON ‘TYPE QUESTIONS La) Qlay 3. (ay 4b) 5. by , (by Bay Tela) Bb) cay 1210) 1. CH,cH, BQN tT 802+ HEL 2 Hes, KEN, at HEL - CO, 4.CH,CHO, 5: 2.4, Gtrinitrophenst 6. omnitrophenst 7. pyrogalo. 8. 2Phenylpropane 9 ethanol 10. hydrogen (or H,) 1. 2, 4, 6-Trinitrophenol 12, more 13. tertiary 1A. carbocations, Eh ‘UEIFALSE STATEMENTS L Tre False a. False = 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. True 8. True 9. True 10. False [G.]Marknmarch Tyre questions LA) Bp), (6) 2. Aq, con CH), @. (8) Dat) BH) D449). [Ec}iNteGur. answer ‘TYPE QUESTIONS 8 25 37 a) 8.3 6.3, Scanned with CamScanner ‘The questions given below consist of an “Assertion” and the “Reason”, Use the following key to choose the appropriate answer, (a) ifboth Assertion and Reason are CORRECT, and Reason is the CORRECT explanation of the Assertion, (0) itboth Assertion and Reason are CORRECT, but Reason is NOT the CORRECT explanation of the Assertion. (if Assertion is CORRECT, but Reason is INCORRECT, (@)if Assertion is INCORRECT, but Reason is CORRECT. 1. Assertion A: In formaldehyde, the same plane. Reason R: The cai sp*-hybridized, 2 Assertion A: a-Hy, ketones are acidic. Reason R: Anions formed after loss of a-hydrogens are stabilized due to inductive effect, 3. Assertion A: Benzaldehyde is more reactive than ethanal towards nucleophilic attack, Reason R: All the carbon atoms of benzaldehyde are sp*-hybridized. all the four atoms are rbon atom in formaldehyde is ‘drogen atoms in aldehydes and TR St EEL ; COI group even with mild orang” "iy, ; Reaxon Ri —COOH group can be exe CHO group by using Lil, 1 rey : 2 ; “Ausertion A: Pentan-2-one 3n te disting, : Pentan one by lodoform test hay eeawon Wz Former i methyl white the gy, rm Amertion A: 2Methylropanal under gaara reaction. a Rearon Re Tt has an a-hydrogen atom, Fe 1. Amertion 8 Aertoldehye Under iy tation with dil. NaOH mal 6 Reason Re Aldehydes which donot contain ‘undergo aldol condensation, ing, 4%. Amertion As lamer alehytes an ketone ay Inwater bat the hb decrees neni | Reason Ri Distinction between aldehyteg can be made by Tollen’s reagent. nn 9. Assertion A: (CH,),C—Br and CH.CH,Oxq to form only (CH,),C—0—CH, CH 2% * mg Pared by the rein Reason R: Ethers are pre alkoxides with alkyl halides. 10. Assertion A: The boiling point of ethan sy, higher than that of diethyl ether, a Reason R: In ethanol, the molecules are ‘the formation of intermolecular hyd; whereas in diethyl ether it is not Assit y logen bonding possible. (ALIS 1p 1. Assertion As Ethers behave as bases in the prose of mineral acids. Reason R: Dueto the presence oflone pairsofeleina on oxygen. (AUIS 196 Fill in the following blanks with appropriate ten 1. Acetic acid forms...... with NH, which on heating gins - Sodalime decarboxylation of sodium propionate re duces 5. Trimethy! acetic acid is 8. C,H,,0 represents the general formula of 7. The C—O cleavage of ethers can be caused by — 8. A 40% solution of formaldehyde in water is known 9. The hybrid state of carbon atom in carbonyl gnu? we 10. The addition reactions of aldehydes and ketones i . attack on carbonyl carbon. Scanned with CamScanner 288 ge NO oN STIONS JJ COMPREHENSION TYPE QUE: os coon OC Passage I 40) Tea Li 2.6) aca) _ Me, 5 ty 5 ce wae Passage IT aw a Cc) Br c) Bd) oe xn, © 60) 7.0) 10. (a Mon, (eta inomey Pane TH * . 1. CH. —CH—cHo—oW == CH, —CHO—H,0 2 . CH, CH, a va CHO ° om. . y= OY ee cS Al at 7 @ ba, Most ecidie Stabile by trong caon ‘ntramolectar tho hydrogen bonding “ cH—9—cH0 “01 43, Nucleophilic addition—elimination reaction, cH, yund’s reduction gives aldehyde, Rosenm * NaBH, cannot reduce double bond, GH.OH CH,OH 7. Cannizaro reaction CH,—¢—CH=0 + HON cH, —¢_cH—cN cH, He On goo H,0H ® 8 ¢H.on Cone: Na cng eo * AN of C00 cl Ch HC OH CH,CHO gives positive iodoform test whereas Hy a i wet He C,H,CH,CHO do not gives due to absence of CH,—C— Tnrepeleetar oto sroup. 89. Nucleophilic addition Correct choice (b). 12, Correct choice (a). ey CHK, OCaH, Paid oeraies CHy—C—CH,+20,H,0H EO, Yo" > cu’ “oos, [P])ASskRTION-REASON Tyee Questions Ciera) ae ie aeee sac) aw B@ ea Te) QUESTIONS WITH 2 @ — 10.t@) Le. ONE CORRECT ANS! 1 (0, (d) 2 (a), 8.(@), (0) 400), 6) 5. (a), (b) 6. (a),(c) 7 @),@),@) 8. (6), @) 2 ethane 3. ethanenitrile — ), (6) (d) 10. (6), (0) 11. (@),(0,(@) 12.(a), (6) 1 ars magus 13. (6), (c). [epee as 1. ammonium acetate, acetamide Scanned with CamScanner CONTAINING HTROGE £ ~ of allow HA Nighent ya “on 0 ot py NH, a) ON. o xn, ° a ; NI srthe following amine wy m je i il be i em sa EN HCL selon Mn tg cHCHCHANH, 0) CHANG, x caine ° sHy)sN oe a ONT, ent Mow Me gton 10 NE, BUD Of aniing yi wR cutachiment of Which of the py? kroup at rie aK. "vane 80 )~on OF- (Bra, of aniline is X. The valu a eEeine ia OF, form phen Srareater than X ——(b) xy ox (d) less than x, am fot bro canis) inann bromamide as follows mide reaction was given ° I “N—pr m i NHC—OM NH, > or v u Answer the questions from 11 to 13. 1. Which ofthe following reagent is used from step Ito (b) KBr (NaOH (d) NBS. (@) Br/NaOH = 2 —————— veh of the flowin Gay pat the flowin i rate devermining ste AMAiOn TE (6) Formation of {IT Formation of tV 19, Which aren (d) Pormation of V. Fonetion af eon tet formed on Hofman heomamsice feompmonde Vit at in mam or" ec 2 ( 2 b “oO” : o™ NE NH, oa > D NHD Na b In cach of the Questions given Assertion, A and Reason, RK are gwen. ‘carrect choice (a), (b), (e), (i instructions (a) iffboth assertion and re are true statements and, the reason is a correct explanation ofthe assertion (8) ifboth assertion and reason are true statements and the reason isnot acorreet explanation of the assertion, ‘the assertion is true but the reason is a false statement. (a) if reason is true but assertion is false (e) Both Assertion and Reason are wrong. e) according to fi o Scanned with CamScanner Jc les resctivo tarde 1s Ameration At ll tee aie mein eee tata aniineelcren donalty decreen at rome de io mesorvert eel bs Auton A Arvone 1° BEINGS Babu prvpared by Gabriel Phthalimide Synthesis. Reason R: Aryl halides undergo nucleophilic substi- tution with anion formed by phthalimide. 4. Assertion A: Acctanilide is less basic than aniline, Reason R: Acetylation of aniline results in decrease of electron donatyon nitrogen, 5. Assertion A: Ammonolysis of alkyl halides is not a suitable method for the preparation of pure primary ea Reason R: Ammonolysis of alkyl halides: yields mainly secomdary amines 6. Assertion A: In aniline, the lone pair of electrons is delocalised over the ring. Reason R: Nitro group in benzene lowers the electron density at the m-position. 7. Assertion A: Benzene diazonium chloride is ionic in natare. Reason R: Diazo group of benzene diazonium chloride can be easily replaced by H using H,PO,/Cu, 8. Assertion A: CuCl, gives a deep blue coloured solution with ethylamine. Reason R: Ethylamine molecules co-ordinate with cupric ions forming a blue coloured complex. ‘9. Assertion A: Acylation of amines gives a monosubsti- tuted product whereas alkylation of amines gives polysubstituted product. Reason R: Acyl group sterically hinders the approach Reason R: Primary amines are more basic than ‘secondary amines. 11, Assertion A: N-Ethylbenzene sulphonamide is soluble in alkali, Reason R: Hydrogen attached to nitrogen in sulphonamide is strongly acidic, 12. Assertion A: N, N-Diethylbenzene sulphonamide is insoluble in alkali, Reason R: Sulphonyl group attached to nitrogen atoms is strong electron withdrawing group, 13. Assertion A: Rates of nitration of benzene and hexa- deuterobenzene are different. Reason R: C—H bond is stronger than C—D bond. (ALIMS 2005) i i Assertion A: Anilium ehlori ‘ammonium chloride Reason R: Anilinium io corresponding isomeric 2 ‘The alkyl other 3. Direct nitration is... suita 4. Alkyl nitrite ean be consi, and nitrous acid. 5. Aniline is... basie tha ov» basic than NE, 6 Carbylamine reaction is atest op 7. N, N-Dimethyl aniline on gives Cyanide, th, tes and nitro all, le to get ered tp pin an Ha 7 NEL whereas, treatment nig ith 9 Sulphanilic acid exists a8. stretge 10. CiH,OH + CyH,No 19-10 . 11. Stephan’s reduction converts 12, Reaction. of methyl isocyanid: 13. Benzene diazonium chloride benzene 14. p-benzoquinone can be obtained from anise 16, Electrolytic reduction of nitrobenzene ia ne, medium produces. 16. The structure of foul ‘smelling compound fornsiis> action of aniline and chloroform in the presenceali ied as 17, Inthe nitrating mixture HNO, acts as ..\lIT® 18. The main product formed by the reaction if butyl bromide and alcohotic ammonia is— 19. (CH,OH,)* is... acidie then (CH,N,". (IT 20. The 1° amine that cannot be prepared by | synthesis is Eee Ri eo Match the items of eoluma I with amr, of column II, Each item of column Tay more correct matchings from oa ae i nding to appropriate bubbles correspondig answers, For example, if correct a a! B-p,r; C~q; D~p, Then the om bubbles will look like. alls eyanie ny les With He pris, le reacts with Scanned with CamScanner ug 5 uy (ay 12. hy ma ach 1. (d) 14. (0) isomers i 4 eater ; ae or, Nedimethy! aniline 8 rim : ne any ann np Zenamine and tena horde aP pit jon «Op Opm one 12. methyl isocyanate we rus acid spb 14. its controlled oxidation with aCx0 11,89, 3 open! 6 Op so ‘ acts a3 acid and helps in generating attacking lectrophile NO, predominance of elimination we oe if jene (D> han NH). aniline. i jsob0lY 7, is better leaving group # ore wi NS TYPE QUESTIO py cian 0 ™ ATCH 2. A-tph BHP Bp) @ are oa a @ Beir), (Sh cH “or D-.'8 . C—W) s $1 ets BO . a ie 4 nee gyPE ques™ 24) 2.(4) 0. 4D 2 Scanned with CamScanner rolysis Products of + Frutose C4080 ang wed of (wa ghuenea unite tis linked to 4 at the PH. fiowing questions a . tw wo gpbled as Assertion” amgaon B. Examine the ty yi, 24 js the correct choice (a), py |My cay a tions given below," ° (d) agen on a A and R are ¢ (oy planation of A both A and Rare o explanation of A itis correct DUE R is wrong (QvifAis wrong but Ris correc fp ifboth A and R are wrong. ; ‘A: All monosaccharides ary Sweet BAG monosaccharides have geen 2 im © general ertion A: In polysaccharia re linked by glycoside linkage "bade using "rect ang correct but 4. Assertion A: Fructose isthe sweetest suga, Reason R: Fructose i a functional isomer ge 5, Assertion A: Starch on hydrolysis yields a D gluons, ssstion contains 2 questions. Each question Reason R: Starch is hydrolysed to glucose by the action Contains tems given in two eslumns which hav tote of enzymes amylase and maltase, ‘atehed. Items (A, B,C, D) in Column Ihave ta be 6, Assertion A: Enzymes are proteins. ‘matched with items (p, q, r, s) in Column Il. The Reason R: Enzymes are highly speci in natu, answers to these questions have to be apprepratel bubbled as illustrated in the following example 1, Assertion A: Purine bases present in DNA are adenine If the correct matches are A-p, Ass, Bey, Ber, Cp, and thymine. C-q and D-s, then the correctly bubbled 4 x4 matric Reason R: The base uracil is present in DNA whereas should be as follows the base thymine is present in RNA. & Assertion A: Thymine pairs with adenine whereas cytosine pairs with guanine in DNA molecule. Reason R: The hydrogen bonding between bases of two strands is highly specific. 8. Assertion A: Vitamin A can be stored in our body. Reason R: Vitamin A is fat soluble vitamin and all at ‘Soluble vitamins can be stored in our body. e|e|e|@" @|e|e|o)- Q|Q|Q\O|- @|Q|O|@)" vcore Scanned with CamScanner hydrates are bo ie t test. Wes not give biuret | 6° and -NH, are basic groups Ae cH COT 10. ‘mutarotation. is an aldohexose. ribose and DNA has deoxyribose sugar Fintan. Deoxyrbose differs from ribase due to absence oPhydroxy group at 2"! carbon. +03, Vitamin B-complex is water soluble fat. 44. ‘The statements (i) and (i) are correct. 3 5. Glycine is optically inactive because it does not contain chiral earbon, dit exhibits 101. Iti 102, RNA has but is insoluble in H,N—CH,—COOH Giyine 2%. Molisch’s Test is used to identify sugars. Enzymes are most active at optimum temperature. 08, Deficiency of vitamin B, causes the disease beri-beri. 169, Sucrose molecule is formed by condensation of «-D-glucopyranose and -D-fructofuranose. 110. Fixed in D-configuration Hc-on 3 a oH OH Henee, the total number of stereoisomers in pyranose form of D-configuration of the given aldohexose | MULTIPLE CHOICE QUES? [a UL TMORE THAN ONG ONS | ANSWERS 2.(b), (0) 3.05) 6. (6), (c). hy cong 1. (a), @) 5. (b),(d) [c.| COMPREHENSION TYPE QUEST, I 7 Passage I 1 @) 2d) 3.10), ASSERTION-REASON TYPE avr, ny 1. (ce) 2. (b) 3. (by 5.) 6.1) ie) ‘s 9. (a) 10. (a) AL. (b) Ma ig [s,) FILL IN THE BLANKS 1. panerens 2a sugar 3. glycoside linkage 4. sequence of «-amino aci 5. D-ribose 6. H-bonds 7. James Watson and Francis Crick 8. mutation 9. fructose. 10. ascorbic acid. [F.] MATREGMATCH TYPE Questions 1. AM(r); BHq)s 2 AW) ts), Bry Cp, CH); Das Day rE LG._ INTEGER-INDEX TYPE QUESTIONS 1. (3) au) 5. (3). 2.(2) Scanned with CamScanner a aaa wy condensation polemer s-ty® x= COUCH, CONH,, ¥ = Br/NaOW wx CITAIBE 2000) nber of rwerisaton eecre through Se ee parmesan oF eect 0 ‘Seewation. Daily hfe without the varied applications srould net be camer and colori A certain monomene unit of C, H and N polymerises ZN gn 1. The above polymer is a (a) homopolymer (©) copolymer (c) natural polymer _(d) condensation polymer. 2. The monomeric unit of the polymer is 4. The commercial name of polymer is (a) Plexiglass (6) Orlon (c) Lucite (d) Vinyon ‘+ On heating the monomeric unit of the above polymer with buta-1,3-diene it results in the formation of (a) Saran (6) SAN (©) PEA (@) ABS * The polydispersity index (PDI) of the given polymer is (@) zero (6) equal to 1 (@)>1 (<1 MST oy + et rac nt (hy Agyimer of sh poi wl he In the following questions a statement op y given, Choose th hy a statement of ant of the following choice (a) Assertion (AY and reason (2) yyy statements but reson dees not expt Me (h) Assertion and reason both are correey reason explains the assertion ia (©) Both assertion and ry (dy Assertion in carrect statement ani p. statement. nie (©) Assertion is wrong statement and gos, . statement. " 1. Assertion A: Teflon is thermoplastic Substay Reason Re Tellon is highly stable tovarge or bases. At as, 2 Assertion A: Polypropylene isan ain Pa Reason R: Polypropylene is polyene 3 Assertion A: Glyptal is used for the Preparn Reason R: Starting materi; glycol and terophthale ocd, A ahi, 4: Assertion As Ebonite is highly vuleaniced ni. Reason R: Perlon is used in the manutuen 5. Assertion A: Bakelite is copolymer. Reason R: Bakelite is a thermosetting material 6. Assertion A: Rayon is a semi-synthetic pl is taken as a better choice than cotton fabee Reason R: Mechanical and aesthetic properties cellulose can be improved by acetylation. 7. Assertion A: Most of the synthetic polymers ax st biodegradable, Reason R: Polymerisation process induces tit character in organic molecules. 8. Assertion A: Olefinic monomers undergo sdéti® polymerisation, Reason R: Polymerisation of vinyehloride sist by peroxides/persulphates. be, a Scanned with CamScanner esertion A: Polyami ReStrongintermae es LO ponding. within polyamic, lecular force bres ding Wy increase the we lend tp a4" chao high tensile SS Systane lone ition A: For making. Poel, 10 Aeerene molecules are pale — Ne, mR: Neoprene (a pone: Zyatotic rubber. (a polymer of. heey ion A: Ni rene) ig ease : Polymers have igen aon ih molecu jion Az Pol lide Assert A: Polytetrafluoroethone ‘on-sti ares. en ma ing Reason Fe Fluorine has highest Sectronegativity, gE Moen 3 following blanks with appropriate items: em fill in the fon the basis oftheir origin pol 1 and ...-- polymers. lymers are classified as gp The three natural fibres are g Natural rubber is 0 polymer of 4, Phenol formaldehyde resin is commonly called ..... 5 Nylon-6 is a polymer of ....... g, The monomer units of PAN is ‘monomer units of PMMA is ns of column with appropriate entries » eolumn I may have one oF I. Darken ‘Match the ite of column I. more than one corre cf the appropria Bach item in i 339 5 ‘Column I (p) Bakelite ©. Addition o ae polymer | (7 ftermoleular forces | ii theres a hydrogen bonds rmosettin es («) Synthetic rubber. SS |___ Column 1 ANyln6 | y nes p) Addition copolymer (a) Aildition homopolymer C.PAN vein (F) Condensation homopoy omopolymer D. Terelen erelene (2) Condensation copolymer Column 1 Column TI 1 A.PHBY (p) Blastomer| B. Polyester (q) Polyacrylate C. Neoprene (ry Synthetic fire | D.Orlon, (s) Biodegradable Column I Column I \ A.Nylon-6, 6 (p)Amide linkage | B, Sucrose (q) Cellulose \ G.A natural polymer | (r)Syatiete pelyaer | D,Protein (9) Wool | el ‘Column I 1 : Canes ) (Monomers) (ip Phenstethstene Buns-N : si (q) Terephihlic acid and \ B. Bakelite oe ral uy Formalaebsde and \ Dacron SA (6) Acrylonitrile ad | pave | meet | | Scanned with CamScanner WITH CE QUESTIONS CHOICE ANSWER fA. MULTIPLE: A. DALY ONE CORRECT ha : a) 1. no a ne) 8d) Be 0.0) 11.) ed oie) 16. (c) ro. Jr) aaad 23.) 24. (a) ai 27. (0) 28, (c) iy 31a) 32.) A 35. (d) 36. (6) i‘ 40. (0) 1 te) . 44,0) wo 47. (0) 48. (c) 49. (a) 51. (a) 52. (a) 53. (d) 55. (d) 56. (a) 57.) 59. (a) 60. (). ‘8 Condensation polymers are accompanied with loss of HO, NH,, HCI, ete. 11, Copolymers are polymers which have two or more different monomeric units. 54, Nylon-66 involves amide linkage, it will also have very strong intermolecular H-bonding between DN=H ..... O=CK group of two polyamide chains. 55. C,H,OH + HCHO — Bakelite. 56, Terylene is a polyester. 57. (Chloroprene) (2-Chloro-1, 3-butadiene); CH,=C(C)—CH=CH, undergo Addition Polymerisation to Neoprene 58. Nylon-6, 6 is a fiber not an elastomer. 59. Nylon-2-Nylon-6 is the product which is a bio- degradable polymer, 60. AICI. 1) 2.(d) 3. (a), (6),(c) 4, (6), (c) 5. (d@) 6. (a), (b) 7.(@),(c),(d) 8. (c) 9. (b),(c) 10. (a), (6), (c), (d) 11, @, 0), 12 (a) a), (b), (c,d) 14, (a), (6), (0), (d) 15.(b), (6) Bag 16, (a), (0), (0), 12a), (4), + fy i mm 17, X(CH, when X =—COO Me and ¥ = 14; will form polyester with dicarboy 84 eid, gp D diamine is obtained which yah dicarboxylic acid. Bive poy [C. COMPREHENSION TYPE Quys, I Passage I oss 1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (b) 5. (c) 6. (c). “a poe ED. ASSERTION REASON TYPE Qursr5, rn) 2d) 3.00 : 5. (a) 6. (a) Td) : . 9. &) 10. (e) 1a) me [.] FILL IN THE BLANKS 1. natural, synthetic 2. wool, cotton and sik 3. isoprene 4, bakelite 5. caprolactum 6. acrylonitrile 7. methylmethacrylate 8 sulphur 9, methylmethacrylate 10. chlorotrifluorethyee _MATRIX-MATCH TYPE QUESTIONS 1. As); Bun; CH 2 A); Bupy Cig OY 3. A Bon; Cp, 4 Ap; Bo; Cahn DY 5. AHS); Bur); C-ahs Scanned with CamScanner ployed as following is employ (oy Tetracyli {AIPMT 2009) aa nployed as drug? (a) Promethazine () Valium Ui) Nifepristone. ae ° . (AIPMT 2010) ioe? of the following is not a tranqui * Onan (b) Veronal ey Salvarsan (@) Serotonin ; (o Lamina Kerala PMT 2010, Prelim) ine used for the treatment of 24, Arsenic containing me syphilis (a) Erythromycin (®) Oftoxacin, (a) Salvarsan (Kerala PMT 2010) 25. Which one of the following is employed as Antithistamine? (a) Omeprazole (®) Chloramphenicol () Diphenyl hydramine (d) Norothindrone. (AIPMT 2011, Prelim) 26. Which one of the following statements regarding photochemical smog is not correct? (a) Photochemical smog is an oxidising agent in char- acter (&) Photochemical smog is formed through photochemi- cal reaction involving solar energy (c) Photochemical smog does not cause irritation in eyes and throat, (d) Carbon monoxide does not play any role in photo- chemical smog formation. (AIPMT 2012, Prelim) Toes Se i) Fill in the following blanks with appropriate items: 1. In order to give antiseptic properties of soap added to it. drug. 2. Phenacetin is an 3. Chemicals used for reducing pain are called 4. Psycotherapeutic drugs are known as 5. Chloroxylenol is a/an sn. 6. Penicillin was discovered by ...... % The drugs used to control allergy affects are generally 8. Renitidine is used as a/an .. 9. Sodium benzoate is used as ‘0. Alkaline hydrolysis of oils and fats is known as 1. Aspartame is used as .... i 2. Iproniazid is used as a/an in food processing, = 10. one as Reason R. Read the st: correct choice (a), (b), (c) or (d) according « acd Peewee Penicillin was the first antibiotic gin, LSD is hallucinogenic drug, Antiseptics are the chemicals used ¢, the body temperature, = Chemical name of Aspirin is 2c, ‘Tranquillizers are used for making ‘The tranquil barbituric acid. Morphine is a narcotic analgesie non-narcotic analgesic. ‘The germicide, insecticide hexachlorobenzene, ave Sst Whereay bri Sulphadiozine is anti-depressant day Hammarane ig Chloramphenicol isa broad spectrum en, PW a In each of the following questions two I Statemany One of the statement is labelled as Asserting. instructions. (a) if both A and R are correct and R is expla (b) if both A and R are correct but R is not the tion of A. (€)if A is correct R is wrong. (d) if A is wrong R is correct. Assertion A: Cetyltrimethylammonium brome s 1. used in hair conditioners. tatements cares Aandgoe Reason R: Cetyltrimethylammonium broaizs: cationic detergent. 2. Assertion A: Aspartame, an artifical sweetest used in cold foods and soft drinks. Reason R: Aspartame is unstable at ost temperature, 3. Assertion A: Aspirin is a pain relieving ant" 5 drug. Reason R: Aspirin is acetyl derivative fsa 4. Assertion A: Renitidine is an antihistam* which is used to treat hyperaciity. ett Reason R: Renitidine neutralizes est stomach. Assertion A: Detergents with hydrocarbon portion are preferred. seit Reason R: Detergents with straight

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