Interface Python With SQL Database

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Over all Group leader to comile whole file of interface: Arshiya,Gauri

Arshiya will take file from aadya,abishua,cristo,Tina,Harsh,Praveen,Arsh ,Essam Mashaal) compile

all and forward back again to same team member students.

Gauri will take file from Tanya,Aviposh,Kanushree

,Faaizah,Saksh,Samyak,Aditya,Anuradha,maazin) compile all and forward back again to same team
member students.

Team 1 q1 team ( Aadya over all compile of q1 :Nihal,Ridge Varuni

Tanya over all compile of q1: sanvit,Dayta)

q2 ( Abishua,Aviposh)


q4(Tina, Faaizah)





q9( Mashaal,Maazin)

Q1) PG 582 4th Question

Q2) Write a program to create and insert the data into the following table:

Field Name Data Type Constraints

Roll no Number Primary key
Name Char(20)
Sclass Varchar(5)
Age Number
Gender Char(10)
Date of Joining Date DEFAULT SYSDATE
Percentage Float

Q3) Write a python interface programs using MySQL module using following specifications of
Student table. Use approprate connection to perform SQL query connections.

Field Name Data Type Constraints

Roll no Number Primary key
Name Char(20)
Sclass Varchar(5)
Age Number
Gender Char(10)
Date of Joining Date DEFAULT SYSDATE
Percentage Float

Write a menu driven program

a)to insert n records from user

b)to fetch the records of student whose Date of joining is in the month of June.

Q4) Write a python interface programs using MySQL module using following specifications of
Student table. Use approprate connection to perform SQL query connections.

Field Name Data Type Constraints

Roll no Number Primary key
Name Char(20)
Sclass Varchar(5)
Age Number
Gender Char(10)
Date of Joining Date DEFAULT SYSDATE
Percentage Float

Write a menu driven program

a)to insert n records from user

b) to delete details of students whose percentage less than 75.

Q5) Write a python interface programs using MySQL module using following specifications of
Employee table. Use approprate connection to perform SQL query connections.

Field Name Data Type Constraints

Emp id Number Primary key
Name Char(20)
ESalary float
EAge Number
EGender Char(1)
Date of Joining Date DEFAULT SYSDATE
Designation Char(40)

Write a menu driven program

a)to insert n records from user

b) to search all employee whose salary is above 25000

Q6) Write a python interface programs using MySQL module using following specifications of
Employee table. Use approprate connection to perform SQL query connections.

Field Name Data Type Constraints

Emp id Number Primary key
Name Char(20)
ESalary float
EAge Number
EGender Char(1)
Date of Joining Date DEFAULT SYSDATE
Designation Char(40)

Write a menu driven program

a)to insert n records from user

b) to display all employee whose designation is “Planning Engineer”

Q7) Write a python interface programs using MySQL module using following specifications of
Employee table. Use approprate connection to perform SQL query connections.

Field Name Data Type Constraints

Emp No Number Primary key
Name Char(20)
Date of Joining Date DEFAULT SYSDATE
Age Number
Address Char(10)
Salary Float DEFAULT 10000
Commission Float
Write a menu driven program

a) to insert data in the above table.

b) to increase salary by 500 of employee whose salary is lesser than 20000.

Q8) Write a python interface programs using MySQL module using following specifications of
Employee table. Use approprate connection to perform SQL query connections.

Field Name Data Type Constraints

Emp No Number Primary key
Name Char(20)
Date of Joining Date DEFAULT SYSDATE
Age Number
Address Char(10)
Salary Float DEFAULT 10000
Commission Float

Write a menu driven program

a) to insert data in the above table.

c) to show name and total salary (salary+commission).

Q9) Write a python interface programs using MySQL module using following specifications of
Employee table. Use approprate connection to perform SQL query connections.

Field Name Data Type Constraints

Emp No Number Primary key
Name Char(20)
Date of Joining Date DEFAULT SYSDATE
Age Number
Address Char(10)
Salary Float DEFAULT 10000
Commission Float

Write a menu driven program

a) to insert data in the above table.

d) to delete details of employee whose age greater than 60.

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