Method For Evaluation of Manual Work Using Synchronised Video Recordings and Physiological Measur

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Applied Ergonomics 33 (2002) 533–540

A method for evaluation of manual work using synchronised video

recordings and physiological measurements
( Hanssonc, L. Medbod, P. Asterlandc, T. Engstrom
M. Forsmana,b,*, G.-A. . d
National Institute for Working Life, P.O. Box 8850, SE-402 72 Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Human Factors Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
Department of Transportation and Logistics, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Received 24 August 2001; received in revised form 13 November 2001; accepted 5 July 2002


Industrial interventions that focus on increased productivity may impair the ergonomics, on a workstation or individual level.
This paper presents a method that characterises work time consumption and physical work load of manual work, using video
recordings synchronised with physiological measurements of, e.g. muscular activity, and postures. The underlying idea was that it is
possible to amalgamate technical and human aspects resulting in a synergetic evaluation. The method was developed through two
case studies within the Swedish automotive industry, where manual materials handling was studied. A methodological result was
that the synchronising procedure was sufficiently precise to allow work activities to be assigned significantly different levels of
physical work load. These different levels may be used to predict physical work load in the design and change of production systems.
It was concluded that the method is accurate enough to be a useful tool in industrial interventions.
r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Industrial interventions; Work activity analysis; Work organisation

1. Introduction (WMSDs) are frequent (Zetterberg et al., 1997; Demp-

sey, 1998). Repetitive industrial work is associated with
Recent efforts to achieve efficient and flexible an increased prevalence of WMSDs regarding, the low
manufacturing within the industry have explored a back, neck, shoulders, arms and hands (Kuorinka and
number of concepts such as product modularisation, Forcier, 1995; Bernard, 1997). Varying degrees of
outsourcing, group work and design for assembly. In evidence exist that postures, movements, exerted forces,
addition, the possibility of automation has increased. and their combinations (which, e.g. determine the
However, manual work will still be important in the moments implied on joints, and characterise precision
future, because customised products, with a high work) are risk factors, causal for the development of
product variety produced in small batches, still calls WMSDs (Bernard, 1997; SCWWRMI, 1998), and
for the human capability of learning and adapting attempts have been made to establish quantitative
(Shalin et al., 1996). Automated machines will not, exposure–response relations (for neck/shoulders and
within reasonable time, substitute the human being, but upper limbs, e.g. Marras and Schoenmarklin, 1993;
the way in which man and machine co-operates will Malchaire et al., 1997; Hansson et al., 2000).
certainly change. Knowledge concerning the interface In spite of this knowledge, industrial interventions
between man and machines is, accordingly, essential for that focus on increased productivity may impair the
the factory of the future. ergonomics, on for instance workstation or individual
Assembly and materials handling represent areas level. Even industrial interventions, such as modifica-
where work-related musculoskeletal disorders tions of work methods that focus on ergonomics, often
fail in fulfilling their purpose (Westgaard and Winkel,
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +46-31-501659; fax: +46-31-501610. 1997). This may be due to the general lack of
E-mail address: (M. Forsman). scientifically based quantitative guidelines regarding

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534 M. Forsman et al. / Applied Ergonomics 33 (2002) 533–540

exposure limit values for manual work, and to the facts Within the method, video recordings are used to
that the practitioners have to interpret the guidelines identify the work time consumption of different
and, in practice set these limits themselves. This implies work activities, and synchronisation of video and
that large industrial projects, like the design of a physical work load recordings is used to facilitate
production system, are in fact progressing with a lack assignments of detailed ergonomic information to the
of scientifically based ergonomic guidelines using de work activities. The precision of the synchronisation was
facto values derived from industrial experiences. evaluated.
Knowledge concerning ergonomics used in industrial
interventions are mainly derived from experiments in
laboratories, experiments that do not fully reflect all 2. Methods
aspects of the industrial environment. Of course,
laboratory experiments have advantages. They facilitate, The technical aspects in the underlying idea were
e.g. detailed studies of various ergonomic factors during represented by results from a computer- and video-
controlled conditions. However, extending the labora- based observation method for time data collection. The
tory studies to replicate industrial environments is time human aspects comprised physiological measurements
consuming, costly, and results in many cases in deficient of muscular activity, and of body postures and move-
replications. Thus, we have chosen to take advantage of ments.
the authors’ varying scientific disciplines and experi-
ences to focus on field studies, and to develop a method 2.1. Time consumption of work activities
that gives precise information from direct measurements
in industrial work environments. Through previous projects, we have developed a
Integration of video recordings and ergonomic data computer- and video-based observation method for
has previously been performed with different ap- time data collection and analysis of work time con-
proaches. One of these is to use analogue technique sumption (Engstrom . and Medbo, 1997). The method
and a video-mixer (PIcture Mix EXposure, PIMEX: involves video recording of a worker, and time coding of
Rose! n, 1993). PIMEX implies that a worker is video the videotape. The observed work is divided into work
recorded, at the same time as the exposure, e.g. the activities to work elements, materials flow etc. The
muscular activity is recorded by electromyography method, which comprises software and a computer
(EMG). The instantaneous muscular activity is then connected to video recorder, may be utilised for
represented by the height of a bar, and presented on a different types of analyses, e.g. to measure the efficiency
video monitor together with the output from the video of a production system by separating between value-
camera. However, as the data are mixed into the video and non-value-adding work activities by the so-called
picture, the measured signal is not available for further zero-based analysis. For example, assembly work of
analysis of the recorded data. The SYBAR system different operators in an automotive plant has been
(Hautus, 1997) integrates digitised video and digitised analysed (Engstrom . et al., 1997). Hence, this video-
physiological signals to represent these on a computer based method enables us to define appropriate work
screen. The synchronisation is accomplished by using a activities, the time periods of which are registered in a
time code generator for the videotape and to record to file with a precision of up to 0.04 s (one video frame;
same time code, together with the sampled physiological standard frame frequency, 25 Hz).
data, on a personal computer. Synchronised measure- The zero-based analysis compares and measures the
ment data may also be recorded on the audio track of level of efficiency in production systems focusing on the
the video systems, using for instance pulse-code- time factor. The main feature of the analysis is the
modulation (Wells et al., 1994) or frequency-shift-keying ability to compare different production system designs.
(Yen and Radwin, 1995). All the above-mentioned The method has earlier been applied mainly to assembly
systems require a data link between the camera and work, but it has also proved useful in analysis of order
the measurement equipment. picking systems (Brynze! r et al., 1994; Christmansson
The idea behind this project was that it is possible to et al., 2002).
amalgamate technical and human aspects through a The result of the analysis expresses the potentials of
combinatorial data collection resulting in a synergetic rationalisation. This method was originally created by
evaluation that accomplish industrial interventions. The Wild (1975) and further developed by Engstrom . and
aim was to design a method that uses video recordings Karlsson (1981). The basic idea of this analysis is to
synchronised with physiological measurements, is prac- divide the resource consumption into three parts:
tical to use and sufficiently precise for characterising
physical work load of various work activities during * The value-adding work represents the resource
manual work. A method was developed through two consumption in an ideal production system without
case studies within the Swedish automotive industry. waste of any kind. This value only depends on the
M. Forsman et al. / Applied Ergonomics 33 (2002) 533–540 535

product studied and not on the design of the to plastic plates (55  27 mm) that were placed along
production system; the upper arm, with the lateral edge along the line
* loss inefficiencies (i.e. non-value-adding work); and from the lateral-posterior corner of the acromion to
* system costs (i.e. facilities). the lateral epicondyle, and the upper edge at the
insertion of the deltoid muscle. For the head and
The loss inefficiencies are expressed as a percentage of upper back, the forward/backward projection of the
the value-adding work, and the system costs are inclination angle (flexion below) and their time deriva-
expressed in monetary units. In an analysis covering tives were used for characterisation postures and move-
the loss inefficiencies, the methodology to calculate the ments. For the upper arms, elevation (regardless of
resource utilisation relative to the value-adding work direction, i.e. we did not separate between abduction
allows comparison of the efficiency of different produc- and flexion) was used. The 10th, 50th and 90th
tion systems not only producing the same products (e.g. percentiles of the angle, and the angular velocity,
one automobile model), but also products in the same distributions were calculated. The reference position
category (e.g. all automobile models). Through compar- for the head and upper back (01 flexion) was defined as
ing the loss inefficiencies between the studied production the position obtained, when the subject was standing
systems, the individual production system’s utilisation upright, looking at a mark at eye level. The forward
of resources and possible or necessary modifications can direction of the head and back was defined with the
be settled. subject sitting, leaning straightforward. For the upper
arms, the reference position (01 of elevation) was
2.2. Electromyography recorded with the subject sitting. The side of the body
was leaning towards the rest of the chair, the arm
The electric activity of the muscles was taken as a hanging perpendicular over the rest of the chair, and
measure of physical work load. The muscular activity with a dumbbell of 2 kg in the hand.
was recorded bilaterally in the shoulders (the trapezius
muscles) and the forearms (the extensor muscles) using 2.4. Goniometry
surface EMG. The muscular activity during work was
normalised to the maximal EMG (MVE), recorded Wrist positions and movement, for both flexion/
during maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs). The extension (flexion) and ulnar/radial deviation were
MVCs were, for the trapezius muscles, performed as recorded for both the right and left hands. Biaxial
arm abductions at 901 in the scapular plane, and, for the flexible goniometers (M110 or XM65, Biometrics Ltd.,
extensor muscles, as maximal handgrip tests. For details Blackwood, Gwent, UK) were placed over the wrists
on skin preparation, electrodes and MVCs, see Akesson (
(Hansson et al., 1996; Akesson et al., 1997; Hansson and
et al. (1997). (
Mikkelsen, 1997; Stal et al., 1999). The reference
EMG was acquired, with a sampling frequency of position, (01 flexion and deviation) was recorded with
1024 Hz per channel, using flash-memory-based ambu- the subject standing and with the arms and hands
latory data loggers (Asterland et al., 1996). After hanging relaxed alongside the body. The flexion
recording, data was transferred to a personal computer measures were chosen for characterisation of the
for processing. The root mean square (RMS) values positions and movements. For goniometry and inclino-
were calculated for epochs of 128 samples, thus metry data were sampled with a rate of 20 Hz using
characterising muscle activity with a resolution of 8 Hz ambulatory data loggers (Asterland et al., 1996).
(Hansson et al., 1997). Since the raw EMG signal
stochastically alters around zero, the RMS calculation is 2.5. Synchronisation of work activities and physiological
essential. The time resolution, here 0.125 s, is set by the measurements
chosen epoch length, which in turn determines the
variance (short length gives large variance) of each RMS To facilitate synchronisation of the video recording
value as an estimator of muscular activity. with the physiological measurements, a remote-control-
unit was used to mark a sample in the logger and
2.3. Inclinometry activate a light-emitting diode at the beginning of each
video recording period. The video frame of this event
Inclinometers were used for recording the angle, was identified in the video-based method, which was
relative to the line of gravity, for the head, the upper also used to identify the time windows for a set of
back and both upper arms (Akesson ( et al., 1997; defined work activities. These time windows were, after
Hansson and Mikkelsen, 1997; Hansson et al., 2001). a digital synchronisation to the logger data, used to
One inclinometer was placed on the forehead, an other extract statistics such as mean values, 10th, 50th and
to the right of the cervico-thoracic spine at the level of 90th percentiles, of muscular activity for the different
C7Th1. For the upper arms, the inclinometers were fixed work activities. For these calculations, a macro was
536 M. Forsman et al. / Applied Ergonomics 33 (2002) 533–540

written in Microsoft Excel. Moreover, to observe the 4. Results

EMG during specific situations, the synchronisation
made it possible to use Synchronised Exposure and Using the synchronising procedure (see Section 2.5) it
Image Presentation (SEIP); a computer program that was possible to link detailed physical work load
displays EMG next to the video image on a computer measures to specific work activities, which showed, for
screen (Forsman et al., 1999). instance, an increased EMG activity in the trapezius
For evaluation of the synchronisation error, the muscles during value-adding work activities. The work
remote-control-unit and the light emitting diode time consumption and the analyses of physical work
were also activated at the end of the video recording load were first carried out separately. Identification of
periods, i.e., when the recording was stopped, for the specific video-frame that corresponded to the
exchange of accumulators and videotapes, or for other marked sample required about 10 min of manual work.
reason, (e.g. coffee breaks). The time-drift, between the After that, the integrated analyses required approxi-
video system and the two EMG data loggers was mately 10 min in execution time for the Excel macro.
calculated. The error of the sampling frequency of the Fig. 1 illustrates an intermediate step where the occur-
data loggers was, by recording a reference signal, rences of work activities and physiological data are set
estimated to o100 ms/h. to a common time axis. Fig. 2 shows an example (the
same subject as in Fig. 1) of a diagram including both
accumulated time consumption per work activity group,
3. Application and physiological data. The statistics of physiological
data was based on the subject’s total measurement time
The method was developed through two case studies (5 h). The median duration of a work activity, the time
within the Swedish automotive industry, where manual between the start of one activity and the following (cf.
materials handling work, or more specifically kitting of Fig. 1), was 27 s. Including running the written macro,
materials (Christmansson et al., 2002), was studied. The approximately half-an-hour was required to obtain
studies were carried out in two parallel product flow diagrams of the kind shown in Fig. 2.
automobile plants (i.e. a small work group assembles Over 4 h of recordings, including interruptions in the
complete automobiles). In such a plant, materials video recordings, and exchange of memory cards for the
feeding techniques calls for kitting of the materials, i.e. ambulatory data loggers, an over-all synchronisation
composing kits of materials, for each individual error of approximately 1 s was introduced, when the
product, by picking components from storage packages synchronisation between the ambulatory data logger
to picking packages. There are two principally different and the video recording was executed just once for each
kitting methods, (1) conventional picker-to-part and (2) video recording period. Simulations of synchronisation
part-to-picker. The second kitting method has proved to errors of 71 s showed a low sensitivity to the
have an efficiency potential (Brynze! r et al., 1994), it was synchronisation timing error on the derived physiologi-
also used in both plants. cal measures in the present data.
To evaluate the kitting work it was necessary to divide The drift between the video system and the loggers
the observed work into specified work activities. A goal was about 400 ms/h and the drift between the two
was to assign these work activities (in addition to loggers about 20 ms/h. Thus, for shorter periods (less
process properties) detailed ergonomic properties. then 5 min) without interruptions, synchronisation
Twenty-five different activities were forming five groups between the video recordings and the loggers was
of direct and indirect work activities related to value- obtained with an accuracy of one video frame (40 ms).
and non-value-adding work. The five groups were: core This accuracy could also be obtained over 4 h of
picking; handling and transportation; handling of recordings if synchronisation between the video record-
packaging; administration and miscellaneous work; ings and the data loggers was executed after every
and disturbances. The group ‘core picking’ includes interruption and for every 5th min.
value-adding work, represented by the activities ‘grasp-
ing of materials from storage package’ and ‘placing of
materials in picking package’. 5. Discussion
Simultaneous video recordings and physiological
measurements were performed for 11 material pickers By using the presented method, precise information
for 4–5 h for each picker. Through combining the regarding physical work load and time consumption
occurrences of the work activities with the synchronised may be derived for various work activities that are
measurements, statistics of physical work load was relevant regarding productivity. For example, from
calculated for the different work activities (see Christ- Fig. 2 it is obvious that a reduction of the time spent
mansson et al., 2002). Extracted results are presented, as with ‘Administration and miscellaneous work’ will
an illustration of the method. increase the load for the right trapezius muscle,
M. Forsman et al. / Applied Ergonomics 33 (2002) 533–540 537

Fig. 1. An example of occurrences of activities in the five groups of work activities, and in grey and black curves for left- and right-hand side,
respectively: EMG from the trapezius muscle, arm elevation, and arm angular velocity for one picker. The graph shows 9 min of the total
measurement time of 5 h. The time resolution of the displayed data is 1 s and the absolute value was used for velocity data.

Fig. 2. Integrated analysis of 5 h work for one material picker. The 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles, of the picker’s muscle activity of the right
shoulder muscle, are shown for each of the five groups of work activities. The width of each bar represents the work time consumption of the activity
group. ‘Core picking’, the value-adding work, represents the resource consumption in an ideal production system without losses of any kind. In
accordance with the zero-based analysis, the accumulated time of the value-adding work is set to 100%. The other activity groups represent non-
value-adding work.
538 M. Forsman et al. / Applied Ergonomics 33 (2002) 533–540

regarding the 10th, the 50th as well as the 90th load in, e.g. the design of a new production system. Of
percentiles. By time weighting, the physical work load course, the data acquisition and analysis is more
can be derived, as function of the relative work time complex than for observational or self-assessed meth-
consumption for the work activities. Hence, our method ods.
may be used for prediction of physical work load in the With the presented method it is feasible to simulta-
design and change of production systems. However, the neously consider muscular activity, postures and move-
accuracy and precision of such predictions have not yet ments for more than one body region. This improves the
been evaluated. Moreover, this time weighting may be ability to avoid sub-optimisation, which otherwise may
used for estimating the ‘ergonomic cost’ for the occur if the interventions, although they focus on
manufacturing of a product in a specific production ergonomics, only consider some aspects of the work
system. Hence, traditional ergonomics, focusing on load. Other measures may also be used, but for practical
reducing individual peak loads (Westgaard and Winkel, reason the data collection must be limited to the
1997), may be broadened to include aspects of work measurements identified as the most relevant in each
group ergonomics, at both the individual and the specific case.
collective level. The methods used in the present work provide
Johansson et al. (1995) proposed a method to estimate quantitative measures of physical work load, compar-
physical work-load dose and time consumption for able to the load of other work tasks. Moreover, some of
manual work. Their concept is similar to ours, although the methods have also been used in epidemiological
they used their method to compare alternative designs of studies, and may thus provide some information
materials flow systems. However, their interest was regarding the risk for development of WMSDs.
average load and they suggested observational or self- The existing systems for integration of video record-
assessed methods for estimation of physical work load. ings and various signals, mentioned in the introduction,
In contrast, in the presented method, physical work all require transfer of data (e.g. by cable, infra-red or
load, including, not only the average load, but also the radio-frequency link) between the video recorder and
distribution of the load (as represented by the 10th and the data acquisition equipment, at the time of the
90th percentiles) was obtained from actual data. More- recording. The presented method, as well as an earlier
over, data on variation, regarding both time consump- developed method (SEIP: Forsman et al., 1999), does
tion and physical work load, for repeated performances not require any connection between the recording
of the same work activity, may be derived. Further, devices, which makes the method flexible and easier to
interindividual differences in the work load pattern use in an industrial environment. The number of data
(which might be considerable, e.g. Balogh et al., 1999) loggers, and hence physiological measurements, that can
may also be derived, cf. Fig. 3. Thus, the data may be be included simultaneously is technically unlimited.
more relevant, and lead to more accurate and precise A vital methodological result is that the synchronising
predictions of both time consumption and physical work procedure was sufficiently precise to allow different

Fig. 3. Comparison of two work activity groups (‘handling and transportation’ compared to ‘core picking’). In both diagrams grey and black curves
represent left and right hand, respectively. The four pickers are marked with various symbols; the left-hand recording was lost for one of the pickers.
The left diagram shows the difference in wrist flexion angles, i.e. the angles during ‘handling and transportation’ minus the angles during ‘core
picking’: The flexion was usually the largest during the ‘core picking’ task in all three percentiles (10th, 50th, and 90th). The right diagram shows the
ratio between wrist flexion velocities during the two tasks, i.e. the velocities during ‘Handling and transportation’ divided by the velocities during
‘core picking’: the velocities were always the largest during ‘core picking’. Hence, both hands were, in general, held in more palmar positions, and the
dynamic demands were considerably higher during ‘core picking’.
M. Forsman et al. / Applied Ergonomics 33 (2002) 533–540 539

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