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Online Real Estate and Property Management System in PHP and MySQL


The project entitled “Online Real Estate and Property Management System” is an online information
system that will manage the sales and rentals of different real estate properties and will serve as a
bridge between the customer and the property seller or owner. The concept of this project is similar to
buy and sell system where the two entities will register first to the system to verify and activate their
accounts. The user can either be a seller or a buyer, meaning he/she can post his/her property or he/she
can browse, inquire and transact for the properties posted by different owners/members of the


The main objective of the Online Real Estate and Property Management System is to design and develop
an online platform for buyers and sellers to communicate with each other, specifically the project aimed

1. To develop a portal for buyer and seller who wants to invest in real estate.
2. To provide accurate reports of property sales, rentals, etc.
3. To provide a tool for faster and reliable transactions between the seller and buyer.


Property owner - the project will be a great opportunity for the property owner to published or post
their real estate property online and find a reasonable buyer.

Property buyer - for the buyer part, this platform is also very helpful to look for a real estate property
that may fit your wants, needs and budget as well.

Future Researchers - there are so many rooms to improve this project, so the challenge to the future
researchers and developers is to enhance and improve the features of the project.

Features and System Modules

Registration Module - if you want to be a member of the platform, you must first register and fill-up the
registration form and submit valid documents to verify the authenticity of your account. Your account
will be reviewed and once approved you can now communicate with the other members of the site or
even post your own property for sale.

User Accounts Module - the user accounts module will store the username and password of the
members, moderator and administrator of the online platform

Moderator Module - this module will be handled by the moderator, he/she is responsible for activating
and deactivating of the member account. The moderator is also in-charge of the approval process from
posting of property up to the comment section of the members.
Chat Module – the chat module is a real time communication feature that will allow two or more
members to communicate with one another.

Property Posting Module – this is the most important module for the member who wants to
post/published their real estate property. The module will allow the seller to give the details of the
property such as the price, location, etc. and this module will allow you to upload the images of the real
estate property.

Payment Module - this module is optional, but the platform will offer a feature in which the buyer can
pay through secured payment gateway such as paypal.

Brochure Module – this module is a compilation of real estate property posted by the different owners
presented in a user friendly manner. The visitors of the site can browse, search and view the details of
the real estate property.

Database Schema/Design

tblclient (id, firstname, lastname, address, contact, profilepicture, username, password, validdocument,
status(activated, deactivated), dateofregistration)

tblpropertyposting (id, clientid, propertyname, propertydetail, location, price, type(for sale, for rent),
dateposted, status(approved, disapproved))

tbluser (id, username, password, fullname, usertype(moderator, admin))


The Online Real Estate and Property Management System can provide an effective way of perfect
marketing and promotional tool. The application could minimize and lessen the inconsistent data and
erroneous documents.

Development Tools

Development from scratch: PHP, MySQL/MariaDB, Bootstrap

Using CMS (Wordpress): real estate property plugin

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