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A matter of considerable debate during a radio programme is the issue concerning the
methods mostly used by adults in order to influence younger people. This essay will evaluate
two appropriate options, which are giving rules and offering advice.
First and foremost, one approach that should definitely not be disdained is being a
virtuous model for the youngster. It is essential that the little one starts off on the right foot,
having beside them a worthy mentor to expose him to the sheer beauty of the unknown
world. Consequently, they would know the genuine meaning of a life crawling with
equanimity and, undoubtedly, without any type of jeopardy.
Furthermore, setting rules is also of utmost importance on the grounds that the adults
the ones supposed to raise awareness about what adequate for the child to do and what is
not. Nevertheless, there will always be one thorough exception to harden the adult’s “job”.
Should curiosity never have been one of the most common traits found in youth, they
wouldn’t have been called “kids” any longer. It is said that “curiosity killed the cat” and for
that reason alone it is recommend that they be acquainted to a proper set of regulations for
fear of being endangered.
To conclude, strong arguments exists in support of both sides, which is why it was
worthwhile analyzing the significance of both means of impacting younger people.
Nonetheless, it is my firm belief that setting an example should be practice by a fair majority.
2.3. Introduction

The main objective of this report is to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of a
study and work programme. It will offer opinions on what is available, as well as give a few
recommendations on how to improve.

Study programme

The course was organized with the aim of not only gaining experience on the
working field, but also developing language skills. As far as the study programme is concerned, there
are no major complaints. It is essential to mention the fact that quite huge amount of new
information was acquired during this period. Had it not been for the hardworking teachers and
students, this class wouldn’t have been so entertaining.

Working programme

Throughout these three weeks, there were made important strides in both
personal and professional development. The commitment of the instructors should not be neglected,
as they were prone to preparing both the gifted and the unfortunate and polish them into becoming
dedicated bakers.


Both parts of the programme were tremendously helpful, improving the students’
competence in language and baking domain. Apart from my own personal progress, numerous
workmates have achieved their goals and advanced to higher level of the world’s most spoken
language, English. Nevertheless, from my own personal experience I am lead to choose the study
part over the working one as my favourite.


Considering all of the above, one main area of possible improvements can be
identified. The only changes that should be done are regarding the time. I shall therefore recommend
an extension of the programme by one more week.

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