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Inquiry (5E) Lesson Plan Template

1. Yellow = Unpacking the Standards, 15 points
2. Green = Standards, Objectives & Assessments (and Engage), 20 points
3. Blue = Activities & Inquiry Questions, 30 points
4. Pink = Final draft, 40 points

*Note: When developing your lesson, think about whether a substitute teacher would be able to
effectively teach your lesson :)
Teacher (you): Topic & Title: Grade Level:
Briana Nieves The Sun’s position and its 2nd grade
effect on the Moon
AZ Science Standard:
Observe and Explain: The Sun’s position at different times during a twenty-four-hour period and changes in the
apparent shape of the Moon from one night to another.

Objective (Explicit & Measurable):

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

¨ Describe assessments.
¨ Include a copy of the summative lesson assessment.
¨ Assign value to each portion of the response.


Science Content Information: (Write 1-2 paragraphs that dissect and describe the science content of your
standard in your own words. Do NOT address your lesson activities or what the students are doing. Do not copy
word for word from any resource(s) you use.)
The sun changes position in the sky depending on the time of day. The moon changes shape across different
nights. Both are on a repeatable and predictable cycle that we can track. The Earth orbits the sun and follows an
oval-shaped path called the “ecliptic”, this track is responsible for the seasons. While orbiting, the Earth is also
spinning, creating the day-night cycle. The moon is attached to the Earth’s gravity and therefore is always in the
same position to the Earth. In a similar way, the Moon is constantly orbiting Earth, creating phases in the shape of
the moon due to the shadow of the sun on the face of the Moon. The largeness of the Sun is what prompts the
Earth to spin around it, and since the Earth is much larger than the Moon, it’s comparable size prompts the Moon
to spin around Earth.

Misconceptions – need two (Possible misleading thoughts students might have and how you will teach the
correct science):

Science & Engineering Practices (Identify appropriate practices/processes, how students will be using them in
your lesson and whether you are introducing or reinforcing the skills)

EED 411 – Spring 2020 1

Safety (Safety rules and procedures that need to be addressed):

Two Inquiry Questions (Testable in the here and now; not narrative):
1. (to Explore)
2. (to Elaborate)

Key vocabulary (List and define): Materials (All items and quantities):
(Include books, videos, worksheets, etc.)

¨ How will you activate student interest?
¨ How will you hook student attention?
¨ What questions will you pose, based on your objective, that students will seek to answer in Explore?
Teacher Will: (Hook) Student Will:
Provide a ‘hook’ that helps students make a personal

¨ How will model your performance expectations? Remember, you are not modeling what you want
students to discover but need to model expected behavior or required procedures.
¨ How will students take the lead and actively use materials to discover information that will help them
answer the question posed in Engage?
¨ What questions or prompts will you be prepared to use with students while they are “exploring?”
Teacher Will: Student Will:
IQ #1:
(Include ELL strategy(s):
*Lay a foundation here; what do students need to
know in order to master the objective

Best Teaching Practice/Differentiation Strategy. Incorporate ELL strategies into your instructional input

¨ What best practices will you incorporate?

¨ What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students (SPED, ELL, gifted, etc.)?
¨ How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

¨ How will all students have an opportunity to share what they discovered?
¨ How will you connect student discoveries to correct content terms/explanations?
¨ How will all students articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the sub-objectives by
answering the question from Engage before moving on?

EED 411 – Spring 2020 2

¨ NO NEW CONTENT in this section
Teacher Will: Student Will:
IQ #1:
(Include ELL strategy(s):

Be sure to include formative assessment here; must

match with what is in the Mastery section.

Best Teaching Practice/Differentiation Strategy. Incorporate ELL strategies into your instructional input

¨ What best practices will you incorporate?

¨ What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students (SPED, ELL, gifted, etc.)?
¨ How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
¨ How will students take the learning from Explore and Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or
explore a particular aspect of this learning at a deeper level?
¨ How will students use higher order thinking at this stage? (e.g. A common practice in this section is to
pose a “what If question”)
¨ How will all students articulate how their understanding has changed or been solidified?

EED 411 – Spring 2020 3

Teacher Will: Student Will:
IQ #2:
(Include ELL strategy(s):

*Go deeper into the content here

Best Teaching Practice/Differentiation Strategy. Incorporate ELL strategies into your instructional input

¨ What best practices will you incorporate?

¨ What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students (SPED, ELL, gifted, etc.)?
¨ How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

¨ How will all students demonstrate mastery of the lesson objective (though perhaps not mastery of the
Elaborate content)?
¨ How will students have an opportunity to summarize the big concepts they learned (separate from the
Teacher Will: Student Will:
(Include ELL strategy(s):
Be sure to include summative assessment here; must
match with what is in the Mastery section.

Best Teaching Practice/Differentiation Strategy. Incorporate ELL strategies into your instructional input

¨ What best practices will you incorporate?

¨ What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students (SPED, ELL, gifted, etc.)?
¨ How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

¨ How will you specifically review your lesson’s objectives?
¨ How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?
¨ How will you make real world connections?

Teacher Will: Student Will:

EED 411 – Spring 2020 4

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