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Big five model (Regarding personality)

1. Extroverted personality
2. Agreeable
3. Emotional stability
4. Conscientiousness
5. Openness to experience

Extroverted Personality:

A person who enjoy being with people, participating in social gatherings,

and are full of energy. A person low in extraversion are called introverts
they are less outgoing and more comfortable working by themselves.
Introverted are more suitable when you want to win. They will remain
focused on one point. Whereas extroverted are suitable in situations when
you want win-win.

Emotional stability:

Those individuals who remains confident, cool, calm, unchanged and

relaxed under stressful situations. Such kind of people is called
emotionally stable.

Whereas Sensitive, nervous, tense with lack of confidence or those who

lose confidence under stressful situations and they lose temper easily are
called emotionally unstable or Low emotional stability people. For
successful negotiations both parties should be emotionally stable.


Conscientiousness people are those who are

 Well organized they follow schedules and plan.

 They have clear goals
 They set high standards and
 They are focused.
 They always meet deadlines
 They complete their projects.

Low conscientiousness are careless, unorganized and easy going type of people are
opposite they prefer not to make any type of plans.

Those who are compassionate, kind, good natured, cooperative and they avoid

Competitive/ assertive type of people has low agreeableness. They are proud
and they tend to express their anger, they are rigid.

Openness to experience:

Those who are imaginative, creative, innovative and risk takers, those who
create new ways. They are more imaginative and think outside the box. The
opposite of this personality trait people are traditional they prefer old ways and
patterns. They are reluctant to take risks and find new ways.

They are suitable when you are unable to find solution of a problem. they can

Solve can find new ways to find a solutions to a particular problem. They
negotiate they create new ideas and they don’t consider success and failure they
are risk takers. they think out of the box.

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