Which Drop Jump Technique Is Most Effective at Enhancing Countermovement Jump Ability, "Countermovement" Drop Jump or "Bounce" Drop Jump?

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Which drop jump technique is most effective

at enhancing countermovement jump ability,
“countermovement” drop jump or“bounce” drop
a a
Brendan Michael Marshall & Kieran Andrew Moran
Dublin City University, Health and Human Performance , Collins Avenue , Dublin 9 , Ireland
Published online: 30 Apr 2013.

To cite this article: Brendan Michael Marshall & Kieran Andrew Moran (2013): Which drop jump technique is most effective
at enhancing countermovement jump ability, “countermovement” drop jump or“bounce” drop jump?, Journal of Sports
Sciences, DOI:10.1080/02640414.2013.789921

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Journal of Sports Sciences, 2013

Which drop jump technique is most effective at enhancing

countermovement jump ability, “countermovement” drop jump
or “bounce” drop jump?


Dublin City University, Health and Human Performance, Collins Avenue, Dublin 9, Ireland

(Accepted 18 March 2013)

The drop jump is a popular form of plyometric exercise often undertaken to enhance countermovement jump ability (jump
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height). Despite its popularity the effects of drop jump training on countermovement jump height are often inconsistent.
Such inconsistencies may be as a result of differences in the drop jump technique being employed. Two recognised forms of
drop jump are the “countermovement” drop jump and the “bounce” drop jump and the current study examined the effects
of eight weeks of training with these drop jump techniques on countermovement jump height. Methods: A kinetic and
kinematic analysis of each participant’s countermovement jump, bounce- and countermovement drop jumps was under-
taken prior to training. Participants were then randomly assigned to a bounce drop jump training group (n = 34), a
countermovement drop jump training group (n = 35) or a control group (n = 34). Changes in jump height were examined
following training. Results: The countermovement drop jump training group increased their countermovement jump height
by 2.9 cm (6%), which was a significant change (P < 0.05) in comparison to that experienced by the bounce drop jump (-0.2
cm, -0.4%) and the control group (-0.1 cm, 0.2%). Conclusion: The countermovement drop jump may be more effective
than the bounce drop jump at enhancing countermovement jump height.

Keywords: drop jump, countermovement jump, training specificity, training overload

Introduction enhance jumping ability we require training exercises

that produce a greater mechanical output than CMJs
Vertical jumping ability is an important contributor
(Bobbert, 1990).
to successful performance in many sports. A popular
Reviews of drop jump training studies by Markovic
form of vertical jump in sport is the countermove-
(2007) and Bobbert (1990) have found that the drop
ment jump (CMJ) which involves a preparatory
movement downwards before a vigorous extension jump can provide a significant improvement in CMJ
of the hip, knee and ankle propels the body upwards jump height. In addition, Wilson, Newton, Murphy,
(Bobbert, Gerritsen, Litjens, & Van Soest, 1996). and Humphries (1993) found that the drop jump was
Coaches typically seek to enhance their athletes’ as effective as the squat and jump squat exercises at
maximal CMJ jump height by prescribing neuro- enhancing CMJ jump height. However, in spite of
muscular training exercises like the plyometric drop this, the effects of drop jump training on CMJ jump
jump (Fowler & Lees, 1998). The drop jump height can be inconsistent. Some training studies have
involves stepping from a height and, upon landing, found that drop jump training did not significantly
jumping vertically as explosively as possible. Drop enhance jump height (Brown, Mayhew, & Boleach,
jumps exhibit a larger magnitude and rate of 1986; Young, Wilson, & Byrne, 1999), while others
eccentric loading than the CMJ, which stimulates a
report a large variability in the magnitude of the
more effective utilisation of the stretch-shortening
enhancement (Bobbert, 1990). In a review of fifteen
cycle, and in turn, greater force production in the
concentric phase (Bobbert, Huijing, & Van Ingen drop jump training studies, Bobbert (1990) found that
Schenau, 1987a; Moran & Wallace, 2007). This changes in jump height following training ranged from
appears advantageous for prescribing drop jumps to 1.8–10.2 cm between studies, with no evidence sug-
enhance CMJ jump height, as it is suggested that to gesting that differences in participant characteristics,

Correspondence: Brendan Michael Marshall, Dublin City University, Health and Human Performance, Collins Avenue, Dublin 9, Ireland. E-mail:brendan.

© 2013 Taylor & Francis

2 B. M. Marshall & K. A. Moran

training intensity, frequency or volume could explain In that study neither the countermovement nor the
the inconsistent outcomes observed. Instead, the bounce drop jump training group experienced a sig-
author speculated that the inconsistent effects of nificant change in CMJ jump height which, the
drop jump training may be as a result of differences authors suggested, was due to too short a training
in the drop jump technique employed. period (six weeks) employed. Therefore, despite
Bobbert, Mackay, Schinkelshoek, Huijing, and Bobbert et al. (1987a) suggesting that the counter-
Van Ingen Schenau (1986) noticed that when parti- movement drop jump and the bounce drop jump
cipants were drop jumping there appeared to be a may illicit different training effects, athletes and coa-
technique continuum between fast, small amplitude ches are still no closer to knowing which drop jump
“bounce” drop jumps, and slower, larger amplitude technique is better at enhancing CMJ jump height.
“countermovement” drop jumps. Bobbert et al. The primary aim of the current study is to exam-
(1987a) compared the kinetics and kinematics of ine the effects of eight weeks of either bounce- or
the CMJ with those of the bounce- and counter- countermovement drop jump training on CMJ jump
movement drop jump and found that while both height. In addition, the pre-training kinetics and
drop jump variants exhibited a greater mechanical kinematics of the CMJ, bounce drop jump and
loading and output (force and power) than the CMJ, countermovement drop jump will be compared. It
these differences were more pronounced in the is hypothesised that both drop jump groups will
bounce drop jump. In accordance with the theory enhance CMJ jump height as a result of training
of training overload, and as suggested by Bobbert but that improvements will be greater in the counter-
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(1990), training exercises that exhibit a greater movement drop jump group. This is based on the
mechanical loading or output than those produced assumption that both drop jump variants will provide
during the action being trained (i.e. CMJ) induce a an overload stimulus to enhance CMJ jump height
training overload. In light of this, the findings of but that the countermovement drop jump will do so
Bobbert et al. (1987a) suggest that both the bounce- in a more CMJ specific manner.
and countermovement drop jump provide an over-
load training stimulus when training to improve Methods
CMJ jump height but that this stimulus may be
greater in the bounce drop jump. While this may Participants
initially suggest that the bounce drop jump is better One hundred and five male adult students (mean ± s:
at enhancing CMJ jump height than the counter- age, 22 ± 4 years; height, 178.2 ± 5.4 cm; mass, 77.8
movement drop jump, it is also important to con- ± 9.8 kg) were recruited from Dublin City University.
sider training exercise specificity. The theory of Study participants had to: (a) be competitively active
training exercise specificity states that for training at varsity level in a sport with a jump, and (b) have not
improvements to transfer from a training exercise undertaken structured drop jump training or had a
to a task of interest the exercise must be as close as lower extremity injury in the previous six months.
possible to the task in terms of: range of motion, The majority of participants played Gaelic football
velocity of contraction and coordination (Fowler & (45%), soccer (32%) and basketball (10%). Each
Lees, 1998; Zatsiorsky & Kraemer, 2006). By com- participant provided a written informed consent as
paring the kinematics of the CMJ, the countermove- required by the University Ethics Committee.
ment drop jump and the bounce drop jump
presented by Bobbert et al. (1987a), it is apparent
Experimental protocol
that the countermovement drop jump has a greater
specificity to the CMJ than the bounce drop jump. Participants attended a familiarisation session three
For example, differences in knee angle at joint rever- days prior to initial testing where the execution of
sal were much greater between the bounce drop the CMJ, bounce drop jump and countermovement
jump and countermovement drop jump (30.4 drop jump was practised. Participants were instructed
degrees) than between the countermovement drop to begin the CMJ in an upright position, counter-
jump and CMJ (6.3 degrees). It could thus be move to a self-selected depth and then jump vertically
argued that if sufficient overload is achieved in the with maximum effort. For the bounce drop jump,
countermovement drop jump, relative to the CMJ, participants were instructed to step from a platform
this form of drop jump may in fact be better at (30 cm) and as quickly as possible after touching the
enhancing CMJ ability due to its greater specificity ground, jump for maximal height (Bobbert et al.,
to the CMJ. 1987a). For the countermovement drop jump, parti-
It appears that only Young et al. (1999) have cipants again stepped from 30cm but were instructed
compared the effects of countermovement- and to make a larger countermovement after touching the
bounce drop jump training on CMJ jump height. ground (more similar to the CMJ than the bounce
The effect of drop jump type on training outcome 3

drop jump) before jumping for maximal height motion analysis system (VICON, UK) in conjunc-
(Bobbert et al., 1987a). tion with an AMTI force platform was used to col-
Following demonstration, participants performed lect data. VICON software (Workstation Version
four sets of five repetitions of each jump type. The 5.1) controlled simultaneous collection of motion
eccentric phase durations of drop jumps were mon- and force data at 250 Hz. Both the VICON system
itored to ensure that they were within typical ranges and AMTI force platform were calibrated according
[countermovement = 150–230 ms; bounce = 110– to operator’s instructions before each testing session.
150 ms, Bobbert et al. (1987a)]. Eccentric phase Raw co-ordinate and force data were exported to
duration was obtained using the synchronised collec- Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (Microsoft, USA) and
tion (at 200 Hz) of ground reaction force and knee subsequently applied to a number of specially
angle data using an AMTI force platform designed in-house computer programs developed
(BP600900 AMTI, USA) and an electrogoniometer by the authors. The data was filtered using a recur-
(XM110, Biometrics Ltd, UK), respectively. The sive second-order low-pass Butterworth filter
instant of knee joint reversal was used to identify (Winter, 1990). Force plate data was filtered at
the end of the eccentric phase. Each participant 70 Hz and marker position data at different values:
was deemed able to carry out each jump type con- toe 6.62 Hz, heel 6.62 Hz, ankle 7.52 Hz, knee 9.21
sistently when three out of five consecutive jumps Hz, hip 8.50 Hz and shoulder 6.64 Hz (Moran &
were within 1.3 cm of each other (1.3 cm is the Wallace, 2007).
typical intra-subject variability observed in vertical
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jumps [Aragon-Vargas & Gross, 1997]), and

Data analysis
eccentric phase durations for drop jumps were
within the ranges outlined above. Jump heights From the three-dimensional marker data, a two-
were calculated using the flight-time method as dimensional (sagittal plane) four-segment model,
described by Linthorne (2001). Following the famil- linked by frictionless hinge joints, was defined. Bi-
iarisation session, each participant could perform lateral marker data were combined in the formation
each of the three forms of jump consistently. of the model. The four segments were the foot,
An analysis of each participant’s CMJ, bounce shank, thigh and head-arms-trunk separated by the
drop jump and countermovement drop jump was ankle, knee and hip joints, respectively. Relative joint
carried out before the eight week training period. angles (the angle between adjacent segments) were
Prior to testing each participant undertook a stan- calculated, with smaller joint angles indicating a
dardised warm-up consisting of a three minute more flexed joint. Segmental data provided by
treadmill jog at 7 km · h-1 and five sub-maximal Winter (1990) were used to calculate segment and
(approximately 50% of maximal intensity) CMJ whole-body centre of mass locations. Jump height
repetitions. Testing consisted of five trials of each was calculated according to Vanrenterghem, De
of the CMJ, bounce- and countermovement drop Clerq, and Van Cleven (2001) as the difference
jumps. Participants wore their own athletic shoes between the body’s centre of mass position when
and placed their hands on their hips for all trials. standing and at the apex of the jump. Vertical velo-
Jump order was randomised and a rest period of city of the body’s centre of mass and angular velo-
forty seconds was permitted between all repetitions cities of the hip, knee and ankle joints were obtained
(Read & Cisar, 2001). by differentiating centre of mass and joint angular
To determine the effects of drop jump training on displacement respectively (Moran & Wallace, 2007).
CMJ jump height five trials of each participant’s Whole-body power was calculated as the product of
CMJ were also analysed directly after the eight vertical velocity of the body’s centre of mass and
week training period. Each participant followed the vertical ground reaction force (Cormie, McBride, &
same standardised warm-up prior to testing. McCaulley, 2009). Joint and segment kinetics were
To examine the reliability of measures used in the calculated using standard inverse dynamics (Winter,
current study, fifteen participants from the control 1990). Net joint power was calculated as the dot
group repeated the pre-training testing session pro- product of net joint moment and joint angular velo-
tocol on four separate occasions (at three day inter- city (Moran & Wallace, 2007). Jump eccentric and
vals) following completion of the main study. concentric phases were defined with respect to
power production with negative power being pro-
duced during the eccentric phase and positive
Data acquisition
power being produced during the concentric phase.
Spherical reflective markers were placed bi-laterally The following kinetic variables were calculated at
at the fifth metatarsal joint, lateral malleolus, lateral the whole body and joint level: eccentric peak power,
femoral epicondyle, greater trochanter and the gle- force at the start of the concentric phase, concentric
nohumeral joint. A twelve-camera VICON 512M peak force and concentric peak power. All kinetic
4 B. M. Marshall & K. A. Moran

variables were normalised with respect to body mass. one divided by the repeat measurement). The
The following kinematic variables were calculated: repeatability analysis described herein was underta-
whole body concentric and eccentric phase duration, ken with log transformed data to account for the fact
whole body countermovement amplitude and joint that the variables displayed heteroscedastic errors;
angle at joint reversal (for the hip, knee and ankle). such errors are common in human performance
variables (Nevill & Atkinson, 1997).
Changes in jump height were assessed using a
Training protocol
repeated measures ANOVA with “group” (control,
Participants were randomly assigned to a control countermovement, bounce) as the between-subjects
group, a bounce drop jump training group or a factor and “time” (pre- to post-training) as the
countermovement drop jump training group. within-subjects factor. If a significant result was
Training consisted of four sets of eight jumps, from obtained (P < 0.05), Bonferroni post-hoc tests were
a 30 cm height, three times a week for eight weeks. used to identify differences between the three
Participants warmed up at the start of every training groups. To examine if there were differences in
session with a three minute treadmill jog at 7 km · h- pre-training variable magnitudes, between the CMJ,
. A minimum of one rest day was allocated between countermovement- and bounce drop jumps, another
training days while the recovery time between repeti- repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni post-
tions and sets was fifteen seconds and two minutes, hoc analysis was employed. Statistical significance
respectively (Read & Cisar, 2001). Each training was set at P < 0.05. All statistical analysis was carried
Downloaded by [] at 13:53 05 May 2013

session was supervised to ensure all sets and repeti- out using SPSS for Windows (version 15.0, SPSS
tions were completed and that drop jumps were Inc., USA).
carried out as per instructions outlined previously.
While drop heights in training studies have varied
from 25 cm to 100 cm there is no evidence to
suggest that larger drop heights lead to greater All variables exhibited normal distribution as evi-
improvements in CMJ jump height (Bobbert, denced by non-significant (P > 0.05) Shapiro-Wilk
1990). In addition, Lees and Fahmi (1994) suggest tests in the CMJ, countermovement- and bounce
that if optimal drop heights were to exist they would drop jumps (mean [95% confidence intervals
be at lower (< 36 cm) rather than greater drop (CIs)]: 0.968 [0.963, 0.973], 0.964 [0.958,
heights. A 30 cm drop height was therefore deemed 0.969] and 0.968 [0.962, 0.973], respectively). In
suitable for the current study. the repeatability analysis no significant bias was
No control was administered for other physical found between repeat trials for variables in the
activities or sporting participation, in either the training CMJ (F = 1.16, P = 0.39), countermovement
or control groups, with the exception that no other drop jump (F = 1.48, P = 0.41) and bounce
lower body plyometric or resistance training exercises drop jump (F = 1.79, P = 0.38), respectively.
were to be performed. Participant training diaries The mean upper and lower 95% “ratio limits of
were maintained to ensure that no activities that agreement” for all variables examined in the CMJ,
could be considered as additional jump training were countermovement drop jump and bounce drop
undertaken. Two individuals withdrew from the study jump were 0.84–1.18, 0.86–1.18 and 0.81–1.32,
leaving 34 participants in both the control group and respectively. These ranges are comparable to
the bounce drop jump training group and 35 partici- those reported by Nevill and Atkinson (1997)
pants in the countermovement drop jump training who examined the repeatability of several sport
group. science specific variables.
There was a significant main effect of time (pre- to
post-training) on CMJ jump height [F (1, 109) =
Statistical analysis
10.09, P = 0.002] and a significant group x time
All variables in the CMJ, bounce- and countermove- interaction effect [F (2, 109) = 12.81, P < 0.001].
ment drop jump were checked for normality of dis- The interaction effect indicated a significant differ-
tribution using Shapiro-Wilks tests. The ence in changes from pre- to post-training among
repeatability of variables was assessed using techni- groups. Bonferroni post-hoc tests revealed that, fol-
ques described in detail by Nevill and Atkinson lowing training, the countermovement drop jump
(1997) and Nevill and Atkinson (1998). A repeated group increased their CMJ jump height significantly
measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) tested for (P < 0.05) compared to both the control group and
bias between testing sessions, while the level of bounce drop jump group (Table I). Neither the
agreement between testing sessions was examined control group nor the bounce drop jump group
by calculating the “ratio limits of agreement” which experienced a significant change in CMJ jump height
contains 95% of the observed ratios (measurement following training (Table I).
The effect of drop jump type on training outcome 5

Table I. Countermovement jump (CMJ) height changes following training.

Pre CMJ jump Post CMJ jump CMJ jump height

height (cm) height (cm) change (cm)

Control group 47.3 ± 4.9 47.2 ± 5.4 -0.1 ± 2.7

CDJ training group 48.8 ± 5.0 51.7 ± 5.3 2.9 ± 2.6*
BDJ training group 49.7 ± 5.8 49.5 ± 4.4 -0.2 ± 2.6

Note: Values are means ± s. CDJ = countermovement drop jump; BDJ = bounce drop jump. *Significant change (P < 0.05) compared to
the control group and the BDJ training group.

A comparison of the pre-training whole body peak moment and knee and ankle peak power
kinetics and kinematics of the CMJ, bounce- and (Table III). None of the hip joint kinetic variables
countermovement drop jump is provided in analysed were significantly greater in the bounce
Table II, while a comparison of the joint level drop jump in comparison to the CMJ (P > 0.05).
kinetics and kinematics is provided in Table III. Conversely, the countermovement drop jump did
Countermovement amplitude and concentric produce larger magnitudes than the CMJ in the
phase duration were significantly less/shorter (P < following hip kinetic variables: moment at joint
0.05) in both drop jumps compared to the CMJ, reversal, peak moment and eccentric peak power (P
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and in the bounce drop jump compared to the coun- < 0.05).
termovement drop jump (Table II). Regarding the
whole body kinetic variables, force at the start of the
concentric phase, peak force and eccentric peak
power were all significantly greater (P < 0.05) in While Bobbert et al. (1986) identified two distinct
the drop jumps than in the CMJ but were also sig- drop jump techniques, namely a countermovement
nificantly greater in the bounce drop jump than in drop jump and a bounce drop jump, few studies
the countermovement drop jump (P < 0.05). In have investigated whether one of these techniques
addition, whole body concentric peak power was is more effective at enhancing CMJ jump height.
significantly greater in the bounce drop jump in The current study examined this issue by comparing
comparison to the CMJ (P < 0.05) while there was the effects of eight weeks of bounce- and counter-
no difference in this same variable in the counter- movement drop jump training on CMJ jump height.
movement drop jump and CMJ (P > 0.05). Following training the countermovement drop jump
At the knee and ankle, moment at joint reversal, group increased their CMJ jump height significantly
peak moment and concentric peak power, were all (by 2.9 cm (6%), P < 0.05) compared with both the
significantly greater (P < 0.05) in the bounce drop bounce drop jump and control group. This indicates
jump in comparison to the countermovement drop that the countermovement drop jump may be more
jump and CMJ (Table III). However, several of effective than the bounce drop jump at enhancing CMJ
these variables were not significantly different jump height. The current study appears to be the first
between the countermovement drop jump and the to find a statistically significant difference regarding the
CMJ, including: knee moment at joint reversal, knee superiority of one of these forms of drop jump at

Table II. A comparison of pre-training whole body kinetics and kinematics in the countermovement jump (CMJ), countermovement drop
jump (CDJ) and bounce drop jump (BDJ).

CMJ CDJ BDJ Significance F value (P value) Summary

Jump height (cm) 49.2 ± 4.9 48.0 ± 4.8 46.3 ± 5.0* 4.0 (0.02) CMJ>BDJ
Countermovement amplitude (cm) 33.0 ± 5.4 28.5 ± 4.1* 15.5 ± 4.3*† 154.5 (< 0.001) CMJ>CDJ>BDJ
Eccentric phase duration (ms) 490.5 ± 81.1 211.9 ± 39.8* 132.2 ± 28.9* 129.8 (< 0.001) CMJ>(CDJ,BDJ)
Concentric phase duration (ms) 290.0 ± 45.0 236.7 ± 40.4* 144.1 ± 27.4*† 156.5 (< 0.001) CMJ>CDJ>BDJ
Force at the start of the concentric 21.6 ± 3.3 27.0 ± 5.6* 41.0 ± 7.8*† 167.5 (< 0.001) BDJ>CDJ>CMJ
phase (N · kg-1)
Concentric peak force (N · kg-1) 23.0 ± 2.5 32.0 ± 5.5* 43.9 ± 7.7*† 210.6 (< 0.001) BDJ>CDJ>CMJ
Eccentric peak power (W · kg-1) 14.1 ± 4.3 65.8 ± 13.0* 78.7 ± 15.7*† 578.4 (< 0.001) BDJ>CDJ>CMJ
Concentric peak power (W · kg-1) 49.4 ± 4.7 50.9 ± 6.1 65.4 ± 9.2*† 78.6 (< 0.001) BDJ>(CDJ,CMJ)

Note: Values are means ± s. *Significantly different (P < 0.05) compared to the CMJ. †Significantly different (P < 0.05) compared to the CDJ.
6 B. M. Marshall & K. A. Moran

Table III. A comparison of pre-training joint kinetics and kinematics in the countermovement jump (CMJ), countermovement drop jump
(CDJ) and bounce drop jump (BDJ).

Significance F value
CMJ CDJ BDJ (P value) Summary

Angle at joint reversal (deg) ¥ Hip 59.5 ± 16.5 77.1 ± 15.1* 119.1 ± 13.4*† 180.5 (< 0.001) BDJ>CDJ>CMJ
Knee 83.6 ± 11.4 90.4 ± 7.2* 100.9 ± 7.5*† 37.7 (< 0.001) BDJ>CDJ>CMJ
Ankle 57.1 ± 6.1 58.9 ± 5.5 57.7 ± 5.1 2.7 (0.07)
Moment at joint reversal (Nm · kg-1) Hip 4.1 ± 0.9 4.9 ± 0.9* 3.9 ± 1.3† 17.4 (< 0.001) CDJ>(CMJ,BDJ)
Knee 2.2 ± 0.7 2.5 ± 0.7 5.6 ± 1.4*† 168.7 (< 0.001) BDJ>(CMJ,CDJ)
Ankle 3.0 ± 0.6 3.7 ± 0.9* 5.6 ± 1.2*† 115.5 (< 0.001) BDJ>CDJ>CMJ
Concentric peak moment (Nm · kg-1) Hip 4.3 ± 0.8 5.2 ± 1.0* 3.7 ± 1.2*† 30.5 (< 0.001) CDJ>CMJ>BDJ
Knee 2.5 ± 0.6 2.8 ± 0.6 5.1 ± 0.9*† 192.8 (< 0.001) BDJ>(CMJ,CDJ)
Ankle 3.4 ± 0.4 4.0 ± 0.7* 5.4 ± 0.9*† 118.4 (< 0.001) BDJ>CDJ>CMJ
Eccentric peak power (W · kg-1) Hip 10.3 ± 4.0 27.1 ± 8.9* 12.4 ± 5.4† 74.3 (< 0.001) CDJ>(CMJ,BDJ)
Knee 3.9 ± 1.6 17.3 ± 4.4* 31.6 ± 7.9*† 260.2 (< 0.001) BDJ>CDJ>CMJ
Ankle 2.4 ± 1.3 29.4 ± 10.5* 42.1 ± 6.8*† 222.1 (< 0.001) BDJ>CDJ>CMJ
Concentric peak power (W · kg-1) Hip 19.8 ± 4.3 20.4 ± 4.1 15.9 ± 5.2*† 11.8 (< 0.001) (CMJ,CDJ)>BDJ
Knee 16.5 ± 4.0 14.8 ± 3.9 27.0 ± 6.0*† 85.3 (< 0.001) BDJ>(CMJ,CDJ)
Ankle 25.7 ± 4.8 26.4 ± 6.2 35.8 ± 8.2*† 34.7 (< 0.001) BDJ>(CMJ,CDJ)

Note: Values are means ± s. *Significantly different (P < 0.05) compared to the CMJ. †Significantly different (P < 0.05) compared to the
CDJ. ¥Larger joint angles indicate a more extended joint.
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enhancing CMJ jump height. Young et al. (1999) also The absence of an increase in CMJ jump height
compared the effects of countermovement- and following bounce drop jump training (Table I) may
bounce drop jump training on CMJ jump height but be explained by the apparent lack of training exercise
found no between group differences in jump height specificity between this exercise and the CMJ
change following training (1.8% and 0% improvement (Tables II and III). When undertaking specific con-
respectively). The Young et al. (1999) study differed ditioning to enhance performance outcome in a
from the current study, however, in that it contained given task, compared with general conditioning to
far fewer participants (n = 25 compared to n = 102) improve underlying neuromuscular ability, it is
and had a much smaller overall training volume (468 important to utilise exercises that provide a neuro-
repetitions compared to 768 repetitions). muscular overload in a manner that is task specific
For a component of the neuromuscular system to (Fowler & Lees, 1998; Zatsiorsky & Kraemer, 2006).
be enhanced it must be challenged by a training A comparison of the kinematic variables presented in
stress (overload) at a level beyond which it is accus- Tables II and III shows that while countermovement
tomed (Zatsiorsky & Kraemer, 2006). Some authors amplitude, concentric phase duration and hip and
have established the acute training stress imposed by knee angle at joint reversal were different in both
a given training exercise by comparing the magni- forms of drop jump compared to the CMJ, the mag-
tude of kinetic variables produced in the training nitude of this difference was much greater in the
exercise with those produced in the task being bounce drop jump. For example, the difference
trained (Bobbert et al., 1987a, Bobbert, Huijing, & between countermovement amplitude in the CMJ
Van Ingen Schenau, 1987b; Holcomb, Lander, and countermovement drop jump was 4.5 cm,
Rutland, & Wilson, 1996). By applying this method while the respective difference between the CMJ
in the current study one finds that the degree of and bounce drop jump was almost four times greater
acute training overload imposed by the bounce at 17.5 cm. Such findings show that the counter-
drop jump relative to the CMJ was, in general, movement drop jump exhibits a greater specificity
greater than that imposed by the countermovement to the CMJ. In addition, the countermovement drop
drop jump. For example, all of the whole body and jump also appeared to provide an overload stimulus
lower extremity joint kinetic variables examined in relative to the CMJ. This is evidenced by the signifi-
this study (save those at the hip), were significantly cantly greater magnitudes (P < 0.05) of several
greater in the bounce drop jump than in the counter- kinetic variables in the countermovement drop
movement drop jump (Table II). This greater acute jump compared to the CMJ, including peak con-
training overload in the bounce drop jump, however, centric force and peak eccentric power at the whole
did not translate into greater CMJ jump height gains, body, hip and ankle (Tables II and III). It appears
indeed the bounce drop jump did not improve CMJ therefore that the countermovement drop jump
jump height at all (Table I). enhanced CMJ jump height while the bounce drop
The effect of drop jump type on training outcome 7

jump did not as it (the countermovement drop Bobbert, M. F., Huijing, P. A., & Van Ingen Schenau, G. J.
jump) overloaded neuromuscular capacity in a man- (1987a). Drop jumping. I. The influence of jumping technique
on the biomechanics of jumping. Medicine and Science in Sports
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The increase in CMJ jump height following coun- Bobbert, M. F., Huijing, P. A., & Van Ingen Schenau, G. J.
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training studies. For example, Wilson, Murphy, and Sports and Exercise, 19, 339–346.
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Giorgi (1996) found a significant 10.4 cm increase Van Ingen Schenau, G. J. (1986). Biomechanical analysis of
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the current study, may partly explain this finding. plyometric training on vertical jump performance in high
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Drop height was not altered in the current study as Physical Fitness, 26, 1–4.
there is no evidence-based research regarding the Cormie, P., McBride, J. M., & McCaulley, G. O. (2009). Power-
optimal increments by which to increase drop height time, force-time, and velocity-time curve analysis of the coun-
during training. The authors also acknowledge that termovement jump: Impact of training. Journal of Strength and
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Fowler, N. E., & Lees, A. (1998). A comparison of the kinetic and
optimal drop height, number of repetitions, training kinematic characteristics of plyometric drop-jump and pendu-
duration) may also affect the drop jump’s ability to lum exercises. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 14, 260–275.
Downloaded by [] at 13:53 05 May 2013

improve CMJ jump height. Further studies are Holcomb, W. R., Lander, J. E., Rutland, R. M., & Wilson, G. D.
required to examine the effects of the countermove- (1996). A biomechanical analysis of the vertical jump and three
ment- and bounce drop jump (and indeed of other modified plyometric depth jumps. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research, 10, 83–88.
potential drop jump variants) on different forms of Lees, A., & Fahmi, E. (1994). Optimal drop heights for plyo-
vertical jump commonly utilised in sport. metric training. Ergonomics, 37, 141–148.
Linthorne, N. P., (2001). Analysis of standing vertical jumps using
a force platform. American Journal of Physics, 69, 1198–1204.
Conclusions Markovic, G. (2007). Does plyometric training improve vertical
jump height? A meta-analytical review. British Journal of Sports
The present study found that eight weeks of counter- Medicine, 41, 349–355.
movement drop jump training enhanced CMJ jump Moran, K. A., & Wallace, E. S. (2007). Eccentric loading and
height significantly (P < 0.05) while a similar regime range of knee joint motion effects on performance enhancement
of bounce drop jump training did not. It was argued in vertical jumping. Human Movement Science, 26, 824–840.
that due to the lack of training specificity between Nevill, A. M., & Atkinson, G. (1997). Assessing agreement
between measurements recorded on a ratio scale in sports
the bounce drop jump and CMJ there was no resul- medicine and sports science. British Journal of Sports Medicine,
tant transfer of bounce drop jump training effects to 31, 314–318.
the CMJ. In contrast, the countermovement drop Nevill, A. M., & Atkinson, G. (1998). Assessing measurement
jump enhanced CMJ jump height as it overloaded agreement (repeatability) between three or more trials. Journal
neuromuscular capacity in a manner that facilitated a of Sports Sciences, 16, 29.
Read, M. M., & Cisar, C. (2001). The influence of varied rest
transfer of training effects to the CMJ. The results of interval lengths on depth jump performance. Journal of Strength
the current study indicate that coaches should take and Conditioning Research, 15, 279–283.
care to control their athletes’ drop jump technique Vanrenterghem, J., De Clerq, D., & Van Cleven, P. (2001).
when prescribing drop jump training to improve Necessary precautions in measuring correct vertical jumping
CMJ jump height. It would appear that a “counter- height by means of force plate measurements. Ergonomics, 44,
movement” style drop jump is more effective than a Wilson, G. J., Murphy, A. J., & Giorgi, A. (1996). Weight and
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