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At a crossroads
1. If you are at a crossroads in life, what does it mean? Give an example
from your life.
It is a difficult situation where a decision must be made between
multiple options.
For example, deciding between two people that I like or deciding where
to travel between two options.
2. Jimmy and Fiona are at a crossroads in their lives. Listen to them talking
to a friend and answer the questions after each one.
Jimmy Fiona
1. What is the problem?
Jimmy can’t decide between the The problem is that Fiona has a
university or stick with the band, partner named Sam, but she is in
because he can’t do both at the love with a co-worker and does
same time. not know whether or not to end
her boyfriend.
2. Who are the people involved?
Jimmy and his band. Fiona, Sam who is the boyfriend
with Fiona and Harry is Fiona's
3. What are the possible options?
Jimmy should try with the band. If Fiona ends up with Sam and starts
it doesn’t work, it’s not the end of dating Harry or lets Harry go
the world. Jimmy could go back to because she doesn't want to
university. break Sam's heart.
4. What are the pros and cons of each option?
Cons: Jimmy doesn’t achieve the Cons: Fiona regrets ending up
success he expected with his band with Sam because her new
and I ended up wasting time relationship with Harry is not
instead of staying in the university. going well.
Each: If Jimmy drops out of the Each: Fiona finish with Sam and
university and decides to stick with can be happy with Harry.
the band, he could became very
famous and make a lot of money.
5. What might happen as a result?
As a result Jimmy decides to Fiona decides to tell Sam the truth
continue with his band and leaves and end on good terms to start
the university. dating Harry.
6. What does the friend advice?
Try with the band and if it doesn’t Jenny advises Fiona not to say
work. I could go back the anything to that guy at work yet,
university and the music business to be nice to him, but not to
could be big. encourage him, if he is interested
in her he will wait and know what
kind of person he is. Jenny also
recommends that you talk to Sam
about it.

3. What do you think.

What would you do if you were Jimmy or Fiona? What would you
I would advise Jimmy to continue with his dream of continuing with the
band and that despite the obstacles he encounters along the way,
continue fighting for what he loves to do.
I would recommend Fiona to speak to Sam and tell him the truth of the
situation in the best possible way and to come to good terms. After a
certain time, you could evaluate the possibility of starting to date another
4. Listen to the same two people talking a year later. Did they make the
right decision?
Jimmy made the right choice, as he is doing well in his music career and
they have had two or three hits in Japan with his group, they are known
in some parts of the world and he hopes to get to the United States on
tour sometime.
Fiona did not make the right decision, since Harry was engaged to
another girl and was just being friendly, Fiona confused the situation and
is currently single waiting to see what happens in the future.

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