Discussion Holistic Health and Living

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*Reflection on the last page

Discussion: Holistic Health and Living


1. Discuss which dimensions seem to be the most important in your life right now. How
will this change 5-10 years from now for you? How does psychosocial health play a
major role in your personal relationships (family, friends, boy/girlfriends)?

My Response:

I feel like the most important dimensions in my life right now are physical and emotional
because being in quarantine has really affected my eating habits along with my physical activity
in a really negative way. Sports were a way to help relieve stress and get away from reality and
since that all stopped, it's hard to find something else to distract or relieve myself. I believe in 5-
10 years from now the environmental dimension will be most important because I am hoping to
work, and I know that the environment in which you work can have a toll on an individual.
Psychosocial health plays a major role in personal relationships because it affects the capability
of empathy and concern. This is needed to help maintain a healthy relationship. 
*Reflection on the last page


I really liked this question because this made me think about my future and what I want

for myself. It’s given that I want to be healthy but thinking about it sometimes I’m not going to

be all there whether its physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc., sometimes being unhealthy is a

way for me to grow as a person. When I’m emotionally down and I’m not feeling good I don’t

want to be there but I know that sometime in the future that being down will only make me

stronger. Right now, I feel like saying out loud that I’m not physically healthy in the way that I

want to be, will make me more accountable for my actions. As much as I don’t want to share my

personal life or feel vulnerable, I enjoy being pushed to share because it’s making me put it out

there and once, I do, I realize where I’m at and where I want to be.

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