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Statement of Research

Golam Kaderye
The International University of Scholars

I wish to undertake Ph.D at Institute of Science and Technology, Austria and accordingly am
applying for the PhD position in Data Science and Computer Science.

I have a keen interest in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Information Theory research and
have been working on Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence since last one
year. During my masters I have worked on Data Mining and Data Analytics datasets collected
from Twitters. I have processed the datasets for radical users’ identification in Twitter using Data
Mining perception.

I understand the importance and usefulness of designing algorithms for processing Twitter
datasets to extract useful inferences from them. My focus has been on processing Twitter data
related to identify radical user account and to draw useful inferences out of them. For example, I
have designed programs to obtain discipline classification of tweets and using it to identify
radical users. The tweet in the dataset is extracted and processed for this purpose. I have also
designed a system for composite ranking of radical user in Twitter by taking the quantity as well
as quality factors into account.

I have worked on Twitter datasets and also designed a system for identifying radical words. My
research experience is closely related to the job description as it mainly focused on Data Science,
Data Mining and Data Analytics datasets and designing different algorithms to do so. Data
Science, dataset is having its own type, as I have been working in this type of datasets since last
one year so I understand the challenges in this research arena.

I want to go further in Data Science promising area of research; extracting new inferences from
various datasets (including the text and numerical parts in them) by implementing various data
analytics and data processing algorithms.

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