How To Learn English Quickly

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How to learn English quickly: 10 tips

1. Set goals & Find your motivation

When you know why you want to learn English, everything becomes easier. It’s easier
to keep going when there’s a reason – whether that reason is for studying, career
progression, or just making new friends. Be sure to remain focused on that reason,
since it will help get you through the times when learning seems hard.

2. Read everything you can get your hands on

Classic literature, paperbacks, newspapers, websites, emails, your social media feed,
cereal boxes: if it’s in English, read it. Why? Well, this content will be full of juicy new
vocabulary, as well as a fair amount you already know. This helps you improve quickly,
as re-exposure to learned vocabulary gives you new examples in context. However,
don’t just read and move on – next, you’ve got to…

3. Always take notes of new words

When learning, we often enjoy a new word of phrase so much that forgetting it seems
impossible. But trust us, not everything sticks the first time. To fight this, write down in a
notebook whenever you hear or read a new word or expression with the meaning aside.
This saves you time as you won’t return to that word and ask yourself: “What did that
word/expression mean again?”

4. Watch movies with subtitles

Everyone loves movies. It’s a great idea to watch movies with subtitles or to watch
movies you have already seen in your native language, in English. Or find your
favourite TV series and watch it again in English!

5. Read often and read out loud

Reading will help in the repetition of seeing what English words look like. Reading out
loud will help you pair the sound of words to the text on the page.

6. Subscribe to podcasts or Youtube channels (in English)

Like humor? Politics? Blogging? Cooking? With topics covering every interest
imaginable, there’s an English-speaking podcast or Youtube channel out there for you.
Subscribe to a few and listen while driving or watch during the commute to school or

7. Ask a lot of questions

As you learn English, you’ll soon collect a mountain of questions. Don’t sit on your
doubts – be curious and resolve them! If you’re enrolled in a course, ask your teacher
(it’s what they’re there for, after all).

8. Take a lead from the stars

Pick a native English-speaking actor or singer you like. Now, head online, find a few of
interviews they’ve given – and watch them! Watch once for gist, then again, taking time
to note down interesting expressions and words you hear. The slang, stories, humor,
and anecdotes that come out of these interview are sure to give you plenty to work with!

9. Don’t go harsh on yourself

When you start to feel like you’re not making any progress – which happens to all
learners at some point – don’t say, “I don’t speak English,” or “i’ll never get this.” In fact,
ban those phrases from your vocabulary! Instead, say “I’m learning English and making
improvements everyday,” “It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it,” “I’m so much better that
I was six months ago,” and other phrases to remind yourself of the big picture.

10. Most importantly - Believe in yourself !

You can do this! You can speak your first language, so you can speak another one.
When things get tough, take a moment to look back at where you started, and how far
you have already come. You’ll be amazed at the progress you’ve already made!

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