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19th May English class level 5

Week 4 ( Movies/ Films/ Pictures)

Topics: Vocabulary activity / present perfect review / present perfect continuous

Movies: Listen the recording and make the exercise “C” , write the correct movie genre according to
the description in front of the tittle.
Activity 1

An animated
A musical
A horror film
A drama
A musical
An action film
A drama
A science fiction

Activity 2
The other guys
The reporter
Two meters apart of you
I can see you
Fast and furious
`tears from the sun

Very briefly , explain why you choose the movie.

Because I like romantic movies, sometimes I imagine that movie, it is like me in the movie, I imagine
the situation and for that reason I sometimes cry, because I feel the movie, I really like those movies.


Describe an indefinite action in the past, when we don´t know the exactly moment when the action

We use the auxiliary : “Have or has” in spanish “ haber”

I have = Yo he
You have= Usted ha
She has = Ella ha
He has = El ha
It has = Eso ha
Thay have = Ellos han
We have = Nosotros hemos

Remember after the auxiliary we have to put the main verb in past participle and a complement.

Grammar structure : Subject + auxiliary + Verb in past participle + Complement

I have gone to New York
She has played guitar before.

Remember :

The past participle for regular verbs is only with “ed” but for irregular verbs change.
Some examples

Verbs in Present Verbs in Past Verbs in Past participle

Work Worked Worked
Play Played Played
Visit Visited Visited
Travel Travelled Travelled


Verbs in Present Verbs in Past Verbs in Past participle

Go Went Gone
Have Had Had
Swim Swam Swum
Sing Sang sung
Am/is/are Was/were been

Types of sentences in present perfect:

Affirmative : Subject + auxiliary + Verb in past participle + Complement

Example: She has swum in the amazon river.

Negative : Subject + auxiliary + not + Verb in past participle + complement

She has not swum in the amazon river.
( hasn't)

Interrogative : Auxiliary + Subject + Verb in past participle + complement + ?

have They climbed Monserrate yet?

Short answers : Yes, they have / No, they haven't


We use the present perfect continuous to describe an action that starts in the past and
continuous in the present.

We normally use these expression with the present perfect continuous “ for” and “since”

for = por ( periodos de tiempo : minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decade , centuries)
since = desde (tiempo)

We use the auxiliary : “Have or has” in Spanish “ haber” and the verb “to be” in past participle
“ been” plus the main verb with (ing)

Grammar structure: Subject + auxiliary + been + main verb with (ing) + complement
I have been giving virtual classes since march
yo he estado dando clases virtuales desde marzo.

She has been teaching for ten years.

Ella ha estado enseñando por 10 años

They have been working at Apple company since 1999

Ellos han estado trabajando en Apple desde 1999

All these actions started in the past and continue in the present.


Affirmative : Subject + auxiliary + been + Main Verb (ing) + Complement

Example: She has been swimming in the amazon river for one hour.
Since 12 pm

Negative : Subject + auxiliary + not + been + Main Verb (ing) + complement

She has not been swimming in the amazon river for one hour.
( hasn't)

Interrogative : Auxiliary + Subject + been + Main Verb (ing) + complement + ?

have They been studying since this morning?

Short answers : Yes, they have / No, they haven't

So far : hasta ahora.

What have you been doing so far?

____I have been playing guitar since January

I have been teaching English for 12 years so far.

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