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A constructive view on real estate

Real Estate Predictions 2019 01

Have a glimpse into the future of real estate 04–05
Welcome to the 2019 edition of Data
Havedriven business
a glimpse models
into the future of real estate 06–07
04 - 05
Digital twins in real estate 08–09
Deloitte’s predictions for the Data driven
Digital twins
ugly duckling no more
in real estate
06 - 07
08 - 09
real estate industry. Curious to see Circularity in real estate
Industrial property: ugly duckling no more 12–13
10 - 11
Cybersecurity issue 1: Securing the enterprise 14–17
which changes lie ahead? Discover Fintechs: Complementing the real estate ecosystem
Cybersecurity issue 2: Cyber risk in the building lifecycle
Robotic and cognitive automation part 1
12 - 15

the Real Estate trends for 2019 that Blockchain in real estate matures
Robotic and cognitive automation part 2
Building flexibility into real estate management

will impact your business. Read Transforming real estate operations

The Future of Work is changing
The future of commercial real estate
28 - 29
about circularity , blockchain, Proptechs: Propelling digital real estate
The future of urbanization and transit-oriented development
30 - 33
cybersecurity, and more. Contact
Authors 35

02 03
Have a glimpse into the
future of real estate
1. Data driven business models 3. Industrial property: ugly duckling 5.2 Cybersecurity issue 2: Cyber risk in the The real estate industry is no different, with a
As technology keeps developing and becomes no more building lifecycle significant impact on the physical workplace
more affordable—for both new and existing Not long ago, the industrial property market With modern buildings depending more and anticipated that occupiers, developers, and
structures—and collaboration platforms, was considered the “ugly duckling” of the more on technology and becoming more and investors will need to carefully consider.
1 Wellness, work and real estate 4 Fintechs: Complementing the real estate 7 Transforming real estate operations
sensors, and smart devices continue to real estate industry. In the last couple of more interconnected, numerous questions are Drawing on major disruptors identified
The Real Estate and A rise in the recognition and understanding
advance, the amount of data produced by
years, however, industrial warehouses and
Public sector real property organizations
arising about their resistance to cyber risk. Real by Deloitte – ranging from automation
Fintechs have made rapid inroads into the
Construction market has of the relationship between the wellbeing
buildings is increasing exponentially. This distribution centers, have emerged as the most
of the workforce and productivity is leading
have an opportunity to fully embrace
estate companies need to understand their
real estate industry. The general notion is digital disruption, transform their property
and replacement of jobs to diversity and
data can give real estate market participants desirable assets within commercial property, business risk profile and threat landscape. generational change – we have identified four
been changing over the businesses and developers to explore ways
(investors, asset managers, property managers,
often that startups are a threat to incumbent
generating higher rental growth and returns
operations and portfolios, and bene�t
key trends we predict the industry will need to
real estate companies as they are o�ering
past few years. With all in which the physical building can promote
and tenants) a competitive advantage and help
wellness. Factors that can improve wellness
than other main commercial sectors – all thanks
innovative solutions and enhanced user
from lessons learned in the private sector.
6. Blockchain in real estate matures
Today’s traditional public sector property
respond to in 2019 .
them avoid disruption if they use it effectively to the rise of e-commerce. We are now encountering a push toward a more
these changes going on, range from natural light, air quality, noise,
to develop data-driven services and new
experiences at a relatively lower cost and organizations typically serve multiple clients
practical blockchain approach. This approach is 9. Proptechs: Propelling digital real estate
faster pace. However, traditional real estate
Deloitte Real Estate is and office design. The introduction of new
business models focused on the specific needs
standards should encourage more businesses
4. Circularity in real estate
companies can leverage fintechs to drive
that span across many programs of which
fueled by the significant work that still needs to
deliver a wide-range of bene�ts for the local
Commercial real estate (CRE) companies
of users, owners, or the property itself. But only All around the world, governments, companies, be done in the fields of privacy, data ownership, haven’t yet figured out how to deal with the
releasing the Real Estate to participate.
a joint effort among all real estate stakeholders
operational efficiency, create powerful
and NGOs have committed to minimizing
exchange of data based on internationally relatively recent emergence of real estate
tenant experiences or even diversify existing
Predictions 2019. We hope (constructors, investors, owners, tenants,
2 The rise of co-working space and the
raw material usage in the real estate and agreed standards, and improvements in the
business and generate new revenue sources.
technology startups, known as “proptechs.”
and service providers) can optimize data to construction industry. In the Netherlands, for 8 The
quality of data for the future
adoption of of
blockchain real estate
While most of the broader financial services
the predictions enhance need for smart buildings
create insights that improve performance and
Real estate companies can consider various
example, it was recently agreed that by 2030 technology in theSocial, economic,
real estate ecological, political,
industry. and
field have made the shift to a partnership
approaches to tap into the fintech space.
your understanding of the profitability.
Co-working spaces continue to gain
popularity and the Internet of Things is
a 50 percent reduction of raw materials usage technological disruptions will change the wayCREs continue to view proptechs as
needed to be realized. Read about the barriers we work,
7. Building flexibility livereal
into andestate
shop. These developments
a disruptor rather than as a potential source of
opportunities within the critical to competitive advantage in this field.
2. Digital twins in real estate 5 Robotic
in creating a circular and and
economy, cognitive
what automation part 1
management will have a signi�cant impact on today’s collaboration.
real estate industry. Have Therefore cyber risk and privacy protection
As technology becomes more pervasive
must be on top of mind of the real estate
opportunities pave is robotic and cognitive
way towards it. The real estate established
automation, market players in the commercial
business is currently
and smart buildings and precincts are being and how is it transforming the real estate real estate
experiencing a shift in demandsectorawayandfrom
share of10.
future of urbanization and transit-
an interesting read! investor.
developed, real estate companies will look to 5.1 Cybersecurityindustry?
issueIn1:the first ofthe
Securing two articles traditional
we will chain.
business Who willmodel
operating be successful
to more and who will development
create digital versions of their physical assets. enterprise share our thoughts of this technology. become
flexible solutions. obsoleteadvancements
Technological in our future real The
estatenext generation of urban mobility presents
3 Real estate
The potential benefits includedecision
the abilitymakers
to of the future technology advancements
As extensive and digitization,world?
the quest for sustainability, and unique opportunities for cities around the
run and manage Corporate
buildingsorganization design is evolving
centrally, obtain 6 Robotic
reshape the traditional and cognitive
commercial automation
real estate part in
changes 2 user lifestyles are all factors that globe. Autonomous vehicles, ride-sharing
with the faster pace
real-time data as to how tenants are usingof technology, a(CRE)
greater Part 2 of
business model, our look
owners andatoperators are demanding 9a Blockchain
robotic and cognitive greater level of adaptability services, and wide-ranging technology
the building andlevel of workforce
provide value-addagility, and the changing
services, must contend withautomation.
new forms of risk, including Blockchain
in real estate strategic technology
management and has been adopted
adoptionin are set to change the transportation
perform predictive of job roles,
maintenance all ofon
based which
data are impacting
cyberattacks information security, and data value creation. the real estate industry over the past few
ecosystem and with it, the urban landscape.
from sensors tothe way in
reduce which
cost and we interactand
downtime, with the physical
privacy. For example, the growing use of IoT years, however, the pace in which the adoption smart cities will operate with
enhance the overall tenant The need to in�uence property
experience. technologies such as sensor-enabled building 8. The Future of is taking
Work is place is rapidly increasing and
changing increasing levels of connectivity, creative
decisions comes from various partsmanagement of a systems could broaden the The world of worktraditional rolesClients
is changing. are being fragmented.
in every What
collaboration, and networked communities
business and ultimately the decisionattack makerssurface for CRE firms, increasing access industry are now are the lessons
facing learnt so
the challenges far?
and along with intricate and substantially enhanced
are changing to include: CTO, CIO, CEO and
to sensitive data that can cause financial and opportunities presented by this disruption, transportation ecosystems.
HR. reputational damage to owners/operators with much thought going into how work will be
and tenants. The question is, then, are CRE completed and by whom in the years to come.
companies ready to handle cyber risks? 05
04 05
Data driven business
In the day-to-day business of asset and Predictive analytics for the tenan-cy-side of Decision making based on com-bined data
property management, the increasing the building will proba-bly take more time from inside and out-side the building
amount of data avail-able offers a range of to develop but offers additional potential (technical, ten-ancy, service, and market

models will change the opportu-nities. For example, big data can
help automate due diligence as the
and will be even more relevant in the light
of co-working spaces. If investors and asset
level) provided by different stakeholders
will create the competitive edge. In

real estate industry technical records and current conditions of managers can assess the optimal usage of particular, a “digital twin” of the real estate
building components can now be a rental space for tenants based on data asset that encompass-es all the benefits
generated real-time and reliably (with such collected (e.g., utilization and services outlined above (and more) has to use a
technolo-gies as building information mod- used), a perfect win-win-win situation can collabora-tive platform to ensure
eling (BIM) and blockchain playing a role). emerge for all three parties. acceptance of the data, transparency, and
As technology keeps developing and be-comes mu-tual involvement. In short, tenants,
more affordable—for both new and existing Predictive analytics is also be-coming the Looking ahead, the emergence of artificial investors, and servicers have to be strategic
partners in the future.
structures—and collaboration plat-forms, standard sooner than many might have intelligence and machine learning can also
expected. This includes activities such as have an impact. For example, these
sensors, and smart devices continue to advance, using in-formation from the past to predict technologies can address some of today’s Given the huge business potential, new
the amount of data produced when technical components might need ques-tions in regards to cybersecurity and market entries from the tech-nology sector
maintenance or repairs. Service providers enable additional analytics and benefits will most likely try to take their share of this
by buildings is increasing exponentially. that tackle these opportunities faster will which will be used in many aspects. real estate data market. Drawing on their
This data can give real estate market par-ticipants become more efficient and provide better own business models for the profitable use
(investors, asset managers, prop-erty managers, services. Business models based on To generate these digital benefits, real of data, those financially and well-equipped
success fees will be more com-mon for estate stakeholders will need to find technology leaders can offer standardized
and tenants) a competitive advantage and help those digital servicers, which will increase different ways to collabo-rate. Instead of global ser-vice strategies that could disrupt
them avoid disruption their margins. This development can discussing who has to pay for technical real estate investment managers and
service providers. To avoid this
if they use it effectively to develop da- change the landscape of service providers
and consequently lead to market
enablement and what data belongs to
whom, real estate players should recog- competition, real estate stake-holders will
ta-driven services and new business models elimination and/or consolidation in that nize that digitization means inte-gration need to move quickly and make
focused on the specific needs of users, own-ers, sector. and networking. Success in big data will themselves familiar with the potential of
come with breaking up existing data silos. big data and how to convert it into smart
or the property itself. But only a joint effort data—no matter if investor, asset manager,
among all real estate stakeholders or property manager.
(constructors, investors, owners, tenants, and Similarly, for a tenant, big data can help
service providers) can optimize data to create define future target real estate locations,
insights that improve performance and Written by: required space, and needed technology.
Hendrik Aholt This not only enables tenants to compete
profitability. Jörg von Ditfurth in the war for talent but also generate the
Volker Wörmann benefits from cost efficient future real
(DE) estate assets. And just as with other real
estate stakeholders, tenants must em-
brace collaboration with landlords and
06 07
Digital twins in real estate - Humanizing
buildings in the age of Industry 4.0
In a time when technology-laden Buildings are more than assets
As complex, high-value assets with an equally
For example, choosing to optimize the HVAC
and lighting may not be the use case that
Entirely new ways of designing buildings will
start to emerge as designers access complex
The next industry-wide disruption
Though real estate assets have been getting
smart buildings have become an complex lifecycle, buildings present an ideal redefines the industry, but strategically it simulations that can provide a sandbox progressively “smarter” across industries, the
opportunity for realizing the benefits of a makes sense. In the average commercial environment in which to test designs. digital twin represents the next major driver of
industry standard, “digital twins” digital twin. But buildings are so much more office building, about 10 to 15 percent of change due to its powerful predictive
are poised to deliver the next than just a physical asset. They are the operating costs are due to electricity, of which The full construction process can be planned, capabilities. Given the complexities involved
environment in which people live and work, almost 70 percent is associated with HVAC visualized, and optimized before ground is with creating a complete digital twin, the
stage of real estate innovation. they facilitate social interactions, foster and lighting. even broken. Construction sites can be industry is currently focused on delivering
A digital twin is the digital communities, and have the opportunity to managed more effectively, with the ability to value for smaller, more specific digital twin use
improve individual outcomes, drive loyalty, These are substantial costs largely driven by predict exactly how delays and decisions will cases. And while these aren’t big enough to
representation of a physical build brand, and create healthier, happier, tenant use of a building. Digital twins will impact the overall construction. And the completely disrupt the industry, as use cases
and more productive people. slowly combine into a complete digital twin,
asset, process, or system that enable better visibility of how tenants use a
building, and, in time, the ability to simulate
ability to monitor safety and compliance in
real time can save lives by predicting companies will be able to optimize entire
allows for predictive modelling When creating a digital twin, approaching it and forecast how tenants will move and emergency situations before they occur buildings, precincts, and portfolios in every
from a perspective that encompasses the interact. This will allow for more efficient HVAC stage of the lifecycle.
in order to deliver proactive entirety of a building ecosystem allows you to and lighting management as well as a more Self-maintaining buildings will become more
adjustments for assets. This optimize far more than such straightforward optimal cleaning roster while still maintaining commonplace as the digital twin can predict As the way spaces are designed and built is
activities as energy usage. It allows you to tenant expectations. In this way, it is a use when something will fail, book a contractor, redefined, new business models and market
technologically-enabled process completely reimagine such key aspects as air case that will drive immediate and sustained guide them to the asset to be fixed, provide offerings will emerge. Buildings will become
can deliver greater strategic quality, temperature control, furnishings, and
facilities in a way that responds to human
cost savings—building confidence in the
digital twin—and pave the way for more
specifications and historical information, and more human, with an understanding of human
sensitivities and the capability to nurture rich
then generate an invoice once the job is
value for the real estate industry sensitivities and personas. complex use cases. done. Workplaces will take advantage of ecosystems. It will no longer be sufficient to
simulations to redefine the way spaces are just design, build, and lease a space. The space
as a whole. But while digital twins Breaking down the digital twin A digital twin-enabled future structured and dynamically reorganized, with will need to think for itself and react to the
are similar to smart buildings in Creating a complete digital twin that can do A digital twin expands as it incorporates each a shift to bespoke spaces and multimodal world around it. And these large-scale
this is a complex journey. Rather, it is better new simulation and use case. The twin can workstations that can respond in near-real changes, enabled by the predictive capabilities
that they optimize operations to break down a project into smaller, modular slowly build to a complete view of the entire time to the unique needs of different teams. of a digital twin, will be the drivers behind a
“digital twins” that can eventually be
and improve the customer integrated together over time. This allows the
structure across its lifecycle and integrate any Retail will take advantage of simulations to dramatic disruption of the real estate industry
disparate systems to create a centralized test new store layouts and design spaces that in the years to come.
experience, a twin can also development of the twin to progress faster,
prioritizing use cases in a way that builds
repository for all data and decision-making, engage consumers in a more meaningful
deliver benefits across the full momentum, realizes short-term value, and often referred to as the digital thread. With a
digital thread and digital twin in place, the real
way. The health sector will use simulations of
staff and patients to minimize friction and
Written by:
Alex Collinson
creates the roadmap to create a complete
lifecycle of a building by digital twin of a building across its entire industry shift can begin. bottlenecks, allocate medical supplies more Robbie Robertson
lifecycle. Eventually, the process can even efficiently throughout the space, and Jeremy Pitchford
simulating complex scenarios. create a digital twin of the entire optimize the rostering of staff to meet the (AU)
property portfolio current and predicted needs of patients.
08 09
Industrial Property:
The perception
The perception of industrial
of industrial
real estate,
real estate,
once once given that giventhe thatretail
the market
retail market
is currently facing facing Automation
is currently Automation and robotics
and robotics
synonymous with noisywith trucks
noisy trucks
and dirtyandyards,
dirty yards,large-scale
store closures
store closures
as costs—including
as costs—including New technology New technology is already
is already
a profound
a profound
is nowischanging
now changing as automation,
as automation,robotics, robotics,
and and business business
rates and rateswages—rise
and wages—rise while sales
while sales impactimpact
on industrial
on industrial
real estate
real estate
but the but the

ugly duckling no other other

the sector.
the sector.
advances advances
further further
reshape reshape in physicalin physical
the retail
the sector
retail sector
to Byfall.
is well ispositioned
its very
By its very potential
well positionedfor for Automation
is fast is
be underestimated.
fast changing
the way
be underestimated.
way industrial

customers customers
whereas whereas
the logistics
the logistics facilities
are designed
are designedand utilized,
and utilized,
as seen asinseen in
The rise
Theand riseriseandofrisee-commerce
of e-commerce sectorsector
is not. is not. fully automated
fully automated
warehouseswarehouses and fulfilment
and fulfilment
retail growth
retail growth
showsshows no signs no of
of slowing centers.centers.
This includes
This includes
the use the ofuse
of robotics
to to
due todueseveral
to several
factors, factors,
namely namely convenience, UrbanUrban
convenience, logistics logistics
close close
to theto customer
the customer move move
goodsgoodsbetween between
manage manage
price, price,
and free anddelivery.
free delivery.
In the InUnited
the United
Kingdom, Kingdom,Logistics Logistics
space space
last mile lastdelivery
mile delivery and pick anditems
pick items
off shelves
off shelves
without without
the needthe for
need for
Not Not
the the
industrial which which
has been has at been
the atforefront
the forefront
of online of online is everismore
ever crucial
more crucial
as customers
as customers expectexpect humanhumanlabor. labor.
As warehouses
As warehouses become become
more more
e-commerce e-commerce will represent
will represent
20 20 shipments
two days,two withdays,some with some
will increasingly
will increasingly
need need
considered percentpercent
of all retail
of all sales
retail by
2020,by 2020,
an equivalent
an equivalenteven guaranteeing
even guaranteeing one-hour one-hour
delivery. delivery.
Last Last to deliver
to deliver
a producta product
that isthat
is designed
to support
to support
the the
duckling”of the
of the
realreal of almost
of almost
US$23US$23 billion.billion.
This yearThisalone,
year alone,
more more mile logistics
mile logistics
are often are the
often mostthe costly
most costly
and and advancedadvanced
than half
than ofhalf
online of online
sales were
salesmadewere made
on a on a inefficient
and, therefore,
and, therefore,onlineonlineretailers retailers
industry.In the
In the
last last
couple smartphone,
smartphone, suggestingsuggesting
that mobile
that mobile
apps, apps, will look
new forsolutions
new solutionsto optimizeto optimize
them. them. While While the potential
the potential
of automation,
of automation, robotics,robotics,
of years,
of years,
however, industrial
industrial including
social social
are having
are having
growing growing This will
will result
in everinmoreever complex
more complex supplysupply augmented augmented
and the and Internet
the Internet
of of
on retail on transactions.
retail transactions. chains—something
chains—something we’ve we’ve
have already
have already ThingsThings
are immense,
are immense, the adoption
the adoption of such of such
warehouses andand distribution
distribution witnessed
as theas customer
the customer enjoysenjoys a morea more technologies
might might
take timetakeand timewill and
benot be
therefore, therefore,
will bewill
be investing
not only not only seamless
emergedemerged as the
as the in websites
in websites
and apps andbut apps also
in e-fulfilment warehouses
omni-channel experience.experience.
UrbanUrban universal.
ThoseThosefirms that
that invest
in andinadoptand adopt
warehouses are likelyaretolikely
be more
to be compact
more compact technology
quicker quicker
will havewillthe
have competitive
the competitive
within centerscenters
and logistics
and logistics
holding holding
inventory, and efficient
and efficient
with limited
with limited
that can that can advantage. advantage.
We have Wealready
have already
seen how seenearly
how early
than inthan physical
in physical
As an As estimated
an estimated be modifiedbe modifiedusing predictive
using predictive analytics analytics
and and adoptionadoption
of leading-edge
of leading-edgetechnologies
is is
commercial property,
generating US$1 billion
US$1 billion
of online of online
sales translates
sales translates
into 100into 100 supplemented
supplemented with 3D withprinting.
3D printing. drivingdriving
of some of some
of the of largest
the largest
growth growth
returns millionmillion
squaresquare feet offeetindustrial
of industrial
retailers onlineonline
real estate
real estate
will will
are likely
areto likely
seek toeven
seekmoreeven warehousing
more warehousing space spaceIntensification
Intensification of land ofuseland use be no be different
no different
as theas greater
the greater
use ofuse dataof data
main main
commercial going forward.
going forward. The limited
The limited
space spacein urban in urban
areas areas
will will and analytics
and analytics
– all–thanks
all thanks
to theto the
rise rise
of of likely lead
to further
intensificationof landofuse.
land use.increases increases
business business
and, ultimately,
and, ultimately,
shops, shops,
more more urbanurban logistics?
logistics? This includes
This includes
utilizing utilizing
underground facilities
facilities improves improves
the customer
the customer experience.
e-commerce. Changing
shopping shopping
and rapid
and population
rapid population such as suchcar asparks,
car parks,
developingdevelopingmore multi-story
more multi-story
growth growth
in major in major
conurbationsis fueling
is fueling warehouses
warehouses as wellasaswellmixed as mixed
use schemesuse schemeswith with
demand demand
for logistics
for logistics
However, However,
havinghaving a lightaindustrial
light industrial
and residential
and residential componentcomponentor or
by: by: lost swathes
lost swathesof industrial
of industrial
land tolandotherto other
uses uses so called so called
“beds “beds
and sheds.”
and sheds.”
Industrial Industrial
tenants tenants
Bo Glowacz
Bo Glowacz
(UK) (UK) in the in
thefewpast decades,
few decades,
warehousingsupplysupply are also arelikely
alsoto likely
move to move
to a sharedto a shared
levels levels
are struggling
are strugglingto meet to the
meet demand.
the demand.
Will Will modelmodel and look andtolookconsolidate
to consolidate their deliveries
their deliveries
the solution
the solution
lie in thelie in
the sector?
retail sector?
RedundantRedundant alongside alongside
other other
firms, firms,
to howtothird-party
how third-party
retail space
retail space
could could
provide provide
that opportunity,
that opportunity, logistics logistics
packages packages

10 11
Creating a better world:
Financial incentives of a circular economy The possibilities of a materials passport Moving materials value forward
There are several avenues of financial incentives A materials passport provides materials with an In the Netherlands, research into the financial
that can be pursued to achieve a circular way of identity, stimulating reuse of products, activation of materials and its impact on the

circularity in real estate and working in the real estate and construction
industry. One example is increasing the
preventing material destruction, and making it
easier to eliminate waste. A materials passport
balance sheet and financial reporting is being
spearheaded by well-known architect Thomas

adaptability of buildings. If buildings can be is designed as an online library of materials in Rau and the “Circular Seven” (C7)—a group of
easily adapted to changing needs over time that the built environment, providing one central seven of the most prominent organizations in
can translate into lower costs. This also creates repository of all real estate data. This data different segments of the real estate and
an increased expectancy of real estate usage as includes all relevant information during the construction industry that is seeking to be a
the building can be used for a longer period of planning and execution phases of building frontrunner in the transition to circularity. The
All around the world, governments, companies, and NGOs have time with decreased renovation costs and administration and maintenance. The reasoning for the C7’s range of stakeholders is
committed to minimizing raw material usage in the real estate perhaps lower periodic maintenance. documentation and data can be useful for two-fold. First, the financial activation of
designing tenders for renovation, demolition, or materials will differ per segment based on
and construction industry. In the Netherlands, for example, it was This approach is particularly apt for real estate new developments as well as for certification regulations, such as the different rules for real
recently agreed that by 2030 a 50 percent reduction of raw with high maintenance, such as schools, care and sales/lease purposes. One of the leading estate valuation and depreciation. Secondly, the
facilities and offices, with reversible building organizations in this approach is the Madaster C7 can each share segment-specific insights and
materials usage needed to be realized. design having the potential to lower periodic in- Foundation, with its materials passport fast best practices, providing a more comprehensive
use costs. While this definitely applies to new becoming the global standard. For example, one view of materials valuation within real estate.
Actions like these dictate a fast transition construction, can it be done for existing of the world’s largest tech companies recently
Facilitating the transition to circularity
toward a circular economy—that is an The potential positive impact of applying circular buildings? A possible solution lies in applying a announced it will be working with the Madaster The C7 research will be published in Q2 2019
economy where resources and energy are ways of working in the real estate and materials passport and, by extension, giving materials passport and support the foundation and available worldwide. The first of many steps
renewable and regenerative and cycled back construction industry is huge: research shows financial meaning to materials. wherever it can. toward a resource-efficient, low-carbon
into supply chains. Though the transition to that buildings consume approximately 40 economy with sustainable growth, it is research
circularity faces several barriers, there are also percent of all energy and approximately 40 A real estate materials passport can also lead to that may very well change the potential for
opportunities. One of the opportunities being percent of all primary raw materials. And while a new way of viewing the financial value of circularity in real estate and construction.
explored is the possibility of “activating” circularity can be achieved through a materials. One possibility that is being
materials in financial reporting. combination of material reuse and efficiency researched is how to incorporate the raw
improvements, only strict regulation and/or materials identified in a material passport into
Use cases have shown that real estate owners financial incentives can achieve the desired (Re)Use & financial reporting—that is, financially activating
are often unaware of or underestimate the radical change circularity can accomplish. (Re)Operate the identity of these materials. The idea is
financial value of the materials in their real simple: based on global price benchmarks and
estate assets. These use cases show that Promoting circularity in buildings via regulation, corrected for demolition, transport, and re-
upon demolition of a real estate asset, however, ultimately comes down to political will usage costs, the residual value of the materials
substantial financial value—adjusted for —which is not expected to emerge any time is identified. This way, the value of real estate Written by:
demolition, transport, and re-usage costs— soon. And current circularity financial incentives assets is calculated more precisely. Of course, Thomas van Bergen
can be captured. This untapped value can are not as clear and straight-forward as a the impact will differ among segments due to Desie Driever
impact financial reporting, prompting the circular office building’s impact on brand. As Demolition varying rules on the valuation and depreciation (NL)
financial incentive needed to transition the such, not all stakeholders are motivated to of real estate assets.
real estate and construction sectors to a support the transition toward circularity, with Building phases from a circular perspective
circular economy. many waiting for hands-on tools. (Sander et al. 2016)
12 13
Figure 1: The investor pulse: Cyber risk management

Securing the enterprise:

Assessing cyber risk in
commercial real estate

Evolving technologies, business To better answer this, Deloitte conducted

models, and risks a global survey in 2018
As extensive technology advancements of 500 institutional investors. The survey
reshape the traditional commercial real revealed that only 25 percent of
estate (CRE) business model, owners respondents are very satisfied with CRE
and operators must contend with new companies’ cyber risk preparedness,
forms of risk, including cyberattacks though the rates do vary by geography
information security, and data privacy. (see figure 1). Given this assessment, CRE
For example, the growing use of IoT companies should probably consider
technologies such as sensor-enabled how to better balance their investments
building management systems could in technology with their ability to manage
broaden the attack surface for CRE firms, growing cyber risks.
increasing access to sensitive data that
can cause financial and reputational
damage to owners/operators and
tenants. The question is, then, are CRE
companies ready to handle cyber risks?

Note: The categories highlighted in the graphic tables suggest the following about the survey respondents:
Property focus: Property specialization of investors;
Geographic focus: Home country of the investor;
Assets under management: Investor size

Source: Deloitte Center for Financial Services Analysis

14 15
Navigating cyber risks Perform regular cyber risk assessments The bottom line: Change the mindset
With the heightened threat from cyber risks, A detailed scenario planning and cyber risk Clearly, CRE boards and senior managements
surveyed investors expect investee companies assessment would allow companies to evaluate need to reassess their current risk
to make cyber security a leadership-driven susceptibility to cyberattacks and identify prioritization. Some of the key questions they
business priority, perform regular cyber appropriate responses. Companies should should consider are:
risk assessments, and conduct awareness develop a cyber risk assessment framework
• Are you broadening the risk management
campaigns to evaluate susceptibility to potential that offers guidelines to evaluate the threat
agenda to include newer ones such as
attacks. It is imperative that CRE companies landscape and align appropriate resources
cyber risk?
take a proactive approach to determine to manage the risk 2. Bearing in mind that it is
appropriate responses to cyber risks and be not possible to eliminate risk, CRE companies • Is the CRE board and senior management
more secure, vigilant, and resilient. should deploy advanced detection technologies ready to assume responsibility and
such as artificial intelligence to sense potential accountability for managing these new risks?
Make cybersecurity a leadership-driven threats and use analytics to devise appropriate
• Are you considering a centralized or

“CRE companies should evaluate employees

business priority response management tactics.3 It is important
decentralized approach to risk management?
Involvement and engagement of senior to not treat cyber risk assessment as a singular
management and the board is crucial to activity but rather a regular and ongoing
To learn more about other factors that are

for their exposure to cyber risks”.

making cybersecurity a strategic business part of the company’s cybersecurity policy
likely to influence institutional investors’ CRE
priority and maintaining it. The SEC’s updated and framework.
investment decisions over the next 18 months,
cybersecurity disclosure guidelines emphasize
see the Deloitte report, 2019 Commercial Real
that the board of directors take ownership and Conduct awareness campaigns
Estate Outlook: Agility is key to winning in the
responsibility for developing and supervising CRE companies should evaluate employees
digital era.
cyber risk mitigation controls and procedures. for their exposure to cyber risks. They
As such, CRE senior management and boards should conduct trainings to help employees
should be deeply involved in developing understand the potential threat and
policies; framing the cybersecurity policy, implications of various types of risks, Written by:
roles, and responsibilities; assigning budgets; especially cybercrimes, to themselves and Surabhi Kejriwal
and tracking overall progress to establish to the company. CRE companies may also Lauren Hampton
and maintain accountability. The board and need to train or hire appropriate cyber risk (US)
senior management should strongly consider talent in their organization. Finally, companies
appointing a cybersecurity officer—who should should drive behavioral change to instill the
be an accountable cyber risk strategist and responsibility and mutual accountability for risk
advisor along with senior management—to management among all employees.
design, execute, and align their cyber risk
strategy with a central mandate. To do this, the
CRE board and senior management must work
together rather than in silos. 2
“3 types of cybersecurity assessments,” threatsketch.
com, May 16, 2018.
“Commission Statement and Guidance on Public 3
Carlos Molina, “Next-generation cyber attacks call
Company Cybersecurity Disclosures”, Securities and for next-generation solutions,” CUNA Mutual Group,
Exchange Commission, February 26, 2018. accessed on September 3, 2018.
16 17
Threat landscape Interconnectivity To respond to these real concerns real estate

Cyber risk in the building lifecycle: In their strategic planning, real estate
companies need to understand their business
New buildings may incorporate standard
protocols that will facilitate data exchange with
companies will have to adopt security practices
that until now have mainly only been followed

Smarter buildings will know more

risk profile and threat landscape. Smart other smart buildings, smart city ecosystems, by the financial industry and other risk-sensitive
buildings and building management interfaces third parties, suppliers, or even tenants, sectors. Activities such as red teaming or
may be exposed on the Internet, attracting not extending the potential attack surface. This cyberattack simulations can help real estate

about us only the attention of the occasional hackers

who may only “check” if systems are vulnerable
clearly raises questions about how this
information is protected in transit, how the
companies verify whether they are resistant
to cyberattacks and whether their personnel
(not necessarily knowing if they cause any connected systems or interfaces are protected, is alert to such threats, properly trained, and
disruption) but also of financially motivated or even whether the connected suppliers capable of responding effectively.
criminal groups that act to extort money. increase the risk profile. Tenants and suppliers
With modern buildings depending more and more on technology They could simply change the way the building alike will need to adhere to specific security
operates, making it unavailable to tenants, requirements to be connected so that real
and becoming more and more interconnected, numerous questions visitors, or third parties, or even affect health estate companies are capable of managing
are arising about their resistance to cyber risks. To optimize and safety. Including a threat intelligence their risks throughout the contract lifecycle.
and risk analysis in strategic planning will be What is more, real estate companies will need
management and increase cost-efficiency while ensuring access to fundamental for real estate companies in to develop mature capabilities and cooperate
recognizing such threats and in responding to with third parties and tenants not only to
adaptable and comfortable living and working space, buildings are them through the development and adaptation prevent but also to detect and respond to
collecting and processing information not just about the structure of their security perimeters. cyberattacks.

itself, but about us – including such technical and private data Cloud security Cyber resilience
Traditional on-premise systems like CRM, Buildings will know not only what we do but
as names, IDs, photos, and videos. Protecting this data – from ERP, sales, finance, budgeting, or reporting how and when we do it. We will be recognized
generation to storage to disposal – must be a critical part of the are all being transitioned to cloud, which can by the building every time we appear in
improve long-term forecasting and planning the office (facial biometric recognition for
new, smarter building management systems. To do this, real estate processes. But while the cloud offers numerous commercial and office space is now a fact).
advantages—such as centralized management, The question is, what happens if a visitor is not
companies, third-party suppliers, and IT companies must embed scalability, reliable data storage, and enhanced recognized by the building? Would anyone be
secure by design and privacy by design rules into their building automatic processing—the transition can pose able to control the way the building reacts to
cyber risks. A cloud security analysis should specific people? How can tenants be sure the
development lifecycle. be part of the cloud transition strategy, and a building is resilient to cyberattacks?
security risk analysis should be performed in
case of any major changes in the business or in
the supporting technology.
Written by:
Marcin Ludwiszewski (PL)

18 19
Blockchain in real estate
Blockchain in real estate Industry adoption is about to take off Practical applications will take the stage Other movements such as the IEEE Blockchain • Make migration of property data throughout

From use cases
usetocases to
It’s clear that adoption
blockchain is anisecosystem
about to Practical
One outcome of applications will take
the gained insights andthe stage
lessons Other
Initiative movements
are also relevantsuchforasthe
Blockchain • Make
the migration
lifecycle of property
as easy data throughout
as possible
From It’s clear that blockchain is an ecosystem play.
The upcoming year will be all about ecosystem
The upcoming year will be all about ecosystem
One outcome of the gained insights and lessons
learned is that blockchain will not be an end in
learned is that blockchain will not be an end in
Initiative are also relevant for the
industry.4 And new initiatives like FIBREE5 with
industry.4 And new initiatives like FIBREE5 with a
the lifecycle as easy as possible

applications innovation, with the exchange of knowledge and of itself anymore. That is, the industry is dedicated focus on blockchain for real estate, is • Use blockchain technology for the exchange
applications innovation, with the exchange of knowledge and of itself anymore. That is, the industry is dedicated focus on blockchain for real estate, is • Use blockchain technology for the exchange
between industry leaders, blockchain experts, moving beyond the hype. For some use cases, beneficial for the industry. and verification of data
between industry leaders, blockchain experts, moving beyond the hype. For some use cases, beneficial for the industry. and verification of data
and stakeholders essential. And while the conclusion might even be that blockchain is
and stakeholders essential. And while the conclusion might even be that blockchain is • Focus on the portability of real estate data
adjustments and improvements of the not necessarily the best solution for the Changing perceptions about blockchain’s • Focus on the portability of real estate data
adjustments and improvements of the not necessarily the best solution for the Changing perceptions about blockchain’s between applications and user groups with
technology are needed—and must not be problem they’re trying to solve. application isn’t isn’t
going to be between applications and user groups with
This year’s real estateThis
prediction about
year’s real estate prediction about technology are needed—and must not be problem they’re trying to solve. application going to easy andand
be easy somesome the
underestimated—this is not the most critical the ownerinincontrol
owner controlof
data and
and its
blockchain—our fourth—marks
blockchain—our a healthy shift in a healthy shift in
fourth—marks underestimated—this is not the most critical players
players will be disappointed about progress
will be disappointed about its its progress sharing
perception of the technology’s impact. In our
perception of the technology’s impact. In our factor in blockchain’s success in
factor in blockchain’s the real
success in estate More and
the real estate Moremore
consensus among
is consensus early earlyin theinyears
among to come.
the years But But
to come. thatthat
disillusionment is is
2016 prediction, we highlighted the great industry. Rather, Rather,
will be the ability
it will toability
be the take ato take aadopters about the steps
the that
that to be to
be takena healthy—even welcome—part of any These recommendations
2016 prediction, we highlighted the great adopters about need a healthy—even welcome—part of any These recommendationsshould
should be
be taken into
taken into
potential of blockchain for theof
potential real estate for the real estate
blockchain wide-lens wide-lens
perspective on your blockchain
perspective on your blockchain in the years in thetoyears
come toto reaptothe
come reapbenefits of of
the benefits innovation lifecycle.
innovation If you
lifecycle. don’t
If you fail,fail,
don’t youyou don’t
don’t account in the years to come as new solutions
account in the years to come as new solutions
market.1 In 2017, we predicted
market.1 Ina2017,year wein which
predicted a year in which strategy that goes that
strategy beyond
own innovationblockchain. The myriad
blockchain. use cases
The myriad aboutabout
use cases learn.learn. are designed
are designedand
first generation applications would be
first generation built— would be built—
applications to create alignment among partners
to create alignment who must
among partners who must
blockchain will also
blockchain bealso
will replaced by practical
be replaced by practical
borne out by the numberborneofout by the
proofs ofnumber
conceptof proofs of concept work together.
work together. applications
applications thatspecific
that solve solve specific challenges.
challenges. The The Principles
to keepto keep in mind
in mind
that were conducted.that2 were
In last conducted.
year’s prediction,
In last year’s prediction, notion
notion that that blockchain
blockchain is moreis evolution
more evolution
than than As theAsnext
the next
wave wave of blockchain
of blockchain solutions
solutions getget
we called for realistic
we called for realistic expectations around expectations around Innovators and early adopters of blockchain
Innovators and early adopters of blockchain have revolution will become more mainstream withinwithinunderway,
have revolution will become more mainstream underway, industry
industry players
players should
should be be aware
aware of of
blockchain technology,
blockchain technology, noting that several steps noting that several steps already investigated
already investigated the technique,
the technique, the industry.
learned learned the industry. and apply
and apply a fewa few
key key principles
principles andand guidelines.
needed to be
needed to be taken in order to implement ataken in order to implement a valuable
valuable lessons lessons
from from
proofs ofproofs of concept,
concept, and and
• Govern the sharing of data across myriad Written
Written by:
solution, go to production, and integrate it into have drawn conclusions about the usability of Andbig
while • Govern the sharing of data across myriad
solution, go to production, and integrate it into have drawn conclusions about the usability of And while realbig real estate
estate companies
companies and and stakeholders
the daily operations of real estate companies.3 the technology for the years to come. There are ecosystem players are now showing signs of stakeholders Jan-Willem Santing (NL)
the daily operations of real estate companies.3 the technology for the years to come. There are ecosystem players are now showing signs of Jan-Willem Santing (NL)
good and bad examples for the real estate broad adoption, blockchain is continuing to be Tinus Bang Christensen (DK)
good and bad examples for the real estate broad adoption, blockchain is continuing to be • Verify data once and re-use often—not the Tinus Bang Christensen (DEN)
We are now encountering this new realism industry to learn from as we enter the next researched. Institutes that are part of the • Verify data once and re-use often—not the
We are now encountering this new realism industry to learn from as we enter the next researched. Institutes that are part of the other way around
every day. And that’s why this year we’ll see a phase in the evolution of blockchain for real established order, such as OSCRE and RICS, other way around
every day. And that’s why this year we’ll see a phase in the evolution of blockchain for real established order, such as OSCRE and RICS,
welcoming push toward a more practical estate. have blockchain on their radar and are taking a • Obtain data directly from its source
welcoming push toward a more practical estate. have blockchain on their radar and are taking a • Obtain data directly from its source
blockchain approach. That approach is fueled position about its use for the industry as a regardless of the systems that hold it
blockchain approach.byThat approach is
the significant fueled
work that still needs to be positionwhole.
aboutOne its use formain
of the the industry
themes toasbea discussed regardless of the systems that hold it
by the significant work that
done instill
the needs toprivacy,
fields of be data ownership, whole. One
at theofupcoming
the main2019themes
Worldto be discussed
Built Environment • Digitize reliable verification processes of data
done in the fields of privacy,
exchangedata ownership,
of data based on internationally at the upcoming 2019 World Built Environment
Forum Summit in New York is the impact of
• Digitize reliable professionals
by certified verification processes of data
exchange of data based on internationally
agreed standards, and improvements in the Forum Summit in New
blockchain York
in real is the
estate impact of
investment and by certified professionals
agreed standards, and improvements in the blockchain in real estate investment and • Create one single source of trusted real
quality of data for the adoption of blockchain transactions.
• Create onedata
estate single source ofthe
throughout trusted
lifecycle of
quality of data for the adoption in
technology ofthe
real estate industry. transactions.
estate data throughout the entire lifecycle of
a building
technology in the real estate industry.
a building
1 2016: next game changer for real estate?
2 2017: done talking start building
1 2016: next game changer for real estate?
3 2018: Rome wasn’t built in a day 4 5
2 2017: done talking start building
3 2018: Rome wasn’t built in a day 4 5

20 21
Building flexibility into real estate
The real estate business is Real estate, wellbeing, and talent rented on a fixed term), therefore reducing real estate. Smart buildings can also effectively effectively manage all aspects of the portfolio.
Today’s employees are becoming more costs as well as an increase in the efficiency of collect, control, and analyze data that can help Before making an investment decision, there
currently experiencing a shift in demanding when it comes to wellbeing, lettable area, thus lowering the square meter solve inefficiency problems in a building. also needs to be proper due diligence and
demand away from the traditional requesting greater flexibility and healthier, per employee. post transaction, efficient property and tenant
business operating model to more more sustainable working environments. The Building a smart, green building is actually management to optimize value.
creative use of real estate can help employers However, from a risk management perspective, easier than it sounds considering the
flexible solutions. Technological meet these demands, thus giving them an edge a co-working business model can be vulnerable technological and innovative solutions now Digital technologies can now help make this
advancements and digitization, when it comes to hiring and retaining talent. to an economic downturn as its main users can available in the market. An example is the entire process more efficient and effective.
the quest for sustainability, and be less stable (startups, SMEs, and freelancers). Deloitte Amsterdam office building—The A range of portfolio management tools—
Co-working spaces is a real estate operating In addition, operators of this business model Edge—which was named the greenest and from standardized reporting solutions to
changes in user lifestyles are all model that has been growing in popularity in usually have a weaker covenant than traditional smartest building in the world by the BREEAM cloud-based platforms—are accessible from
factors that are demanding a recent years. The idea is to use space to create commercial real estate. A high fixed cost and authority. The building utilizes such space anywhere in the world. Naturally, moving away
greater level of adaptability in real “a community of people” who share similar variable income business model requires efficiency practices as a “hot-desk” policy, from manual processes to fully digital will take
needs and interests but not necessarily the greater scale for an operator to be profitable which provides space depending on individual time, but a flexible approach will help ease the
estate strategic management and same employer. The concept of co-working has and sustainable. As a result, there is a trend schedules on a particular day. The Edge hosts transition.
value creation. arisen from the fundamental changes in today’s toward vertical consolidation among co- the same number of employees with half the
employee lifestyle and ways of working. Most working operators, with bigger scale/multiple desks and space as used in Deloitte’s previous Conclusion
notably, co-working spaces have been used to location operators proving more successful. office—and provides a better quality working Given these changes in the marketplace, we
Written by : great effect by startups and small-to-medium environment. expect the real estate business model to
Jean Pierre Lequeux enterprises (SMEs) and such independent Sustainability in real estate become even more disrupted. Many companies
Francois Guiot workforces as freelancers, contract workers, Encouraging sustainability has many positive Asset/Portfolio optimization will need to adjust to this new environment
(LU) and remote workers. impacts in creating long-term value for With the recent developments in digital in order to sustain their position. But though
communities, businesses, and stakeholders. technology, companies can now extract these market trends may seem complex,
Studies show that co-working is a win-win It helps companies attract and keep talented more value from their real estate portfolio they do create new opportunities and can be
arrangement for both employer and employee. employees as well as promotes brand management. Value creation in RE comes from rewarding for the market players that are willing
Working remotely, professionals co-working reputation. Moreover, thanks to the new two sources: increasing income and reducing to adapt.
with other professionals in a space, especially concept of “green-financing”, sustainable costs. Optimizing the trade-off between these
one that is modern and innovative, fosters practices help companies widen their access two sources requires analysis and expertise. An
the productivity and creativity of employees. to capital. Considering the fact that over one- important consideration in choosing among the
From a corporate RE management perspective, third of carbon emissions in the world come different RE portfolio management approaches
memberships in co-working spaces allow for from buildings, more and more companies are is whether the investor has the necessary
flexibility in RE commitment (less office space implementing sustainability practices for their knowledge, skills, time, and incentives to
22 23
The Future of Work is
strategy strategy
is key is key To achieveTothis,achieve
this, corporate
must be must be For developers
For developers
and investors,
and investors,
the challenge the challenge
is to Conclusions
is to Conclusions
Location strategies
Location strategies
have never have
been never
more been more able to articulate able to articulate
and track and the value
track thethatvalue
the that the deliver buildings
deliver that
have that
the flexibility
have thein flexibility
the in theReal estateRealis an
is anwhere
industry decisions
where decisions
are are

changing: real
changing: estate
real estate important,important,
whether driven
skilled talent
by driven
the need
by to
improve financial
need to access workplaceworkplace
will deliver.
investors, investors,
the challenge
the challenge
is to supply
For developers
is to
and base buildbase
the market
to accommodate
build to accommodate
and anticipate
a wider range
and anticipate
the demand
a wider
of range ofexpensive,expensive,
demand for
Concepts Concepts
such as innovation
and long-lasting.
such as innovation
and long-lasting.
and “failingand
do fast” do

to change
to change
too too performance
or the need
or to
by movingby
need toto
lower cost
to lower
cost locations,
to geo-political
events. In events.
with buildings
with that
value rather
will value
have that
the features
have theoccupiers
just looking
than just
features occupiers
optimize to optimize
building data building
and analytics.
data and analytics. not sit comfortably
not sit comfortably
with multimillion
with multimillion
the past, these
the past,
were these
often were
often developed
in a in a short-term short-term
financial returns.
financial returns. Flexible office
Flexible space
become will part
become of the part ofportfolios,
the portfolios,
or investor ordemand
investorfor demand
security and
reactive adreactive
hoc manner.
ad hocIn manner.
the future,
In theoccupiers
future, occupiers strategicstrategic
solution solution longevity of
tenure.of tenure.
The world
is changing.
Clients Clients
in in
need to keep
to keepunderthese constant
under review
constant to review to The way The peoplewayusepeople
space use
change will change Serviced office Servicedspaceoffice
long had has alongplace had in athe
place in the
every industry
every industry
are now are
now the
facing the ensure the ensure
the isfootprint
optimized is optimized
and futureand futureIn the past, In remote
the past,working
remotewas working
promotedwas promoted
to to
portfolio, where
portfolio,it has
whereoften it has
been usedbeenHowever,
often used However,
the Futurethe of Future
Work isof coming.
Work isAndcoming.
it’s And it’s
and opportunities
and opportunities
presentedpresented requirements
are anticipated,
are anticipated,
planned for, planned
and for, and reduce cost.reduceToday,
it isToday,
staff who
it is staff
are who are as a tactical
as solution
a tacticaltosolution
accommodateto accommodateproject orproject clear
or that clear
it will that
impactit will
moreimpact thanmore
just the
than just the
by this by
this disruption,
with much
much thought executed executed
on at pace. on at pace. demanding demanding
agile working.
trends Bothdrive
trends drive overspill space.
overspill However,
space. However,
as the flexible as the office
flexible office commercial commercial
office market—whether
office market—whetherits its
going into
be completed
will be completed down the downamount theofamount
traditionalof traditional
office space office space market has market
become hasmore
become sophisticated,
more sophisticated, automation automation
transforming transforming
the operating the operating
models models
and by and
whom by in
the years
in thetoyears
come. to come. For developers
For developers
and investors, and investors,
it is essentialit is they
essential they required. required.
But as traditional
But as traditional
office space office space occupiersoccupiers
are now looking
are now tolooking
use thistospace use this space of manufacturers of manufacturers
or retailers orusing
usingtosensors to
understand understand
the emerging the emerging
location hotspots
location and hotspots decreases,
and decreases,
we predictwe thepredict
amount theofamount
non- of non- strategically—such strategically—such
as accommodating
as accommodating high- high-gather and gather
harness andconsumer
harness consumerdata in their
data in their
deliver thedeliver
real estate
the realrequired
estate into
them.intoThisthem. This traditionaltraditional
space—space space—space
that supports that teaming,
supports teaming,growth digital
growth businesses.
digital businesses. stores. stores.
The realThe
estate industry
is no different,
is no different, may create mayadditional
create additional
risks if it involves
risks if itinvesting
involves investing collaboration,
and co-working—will
and co-working—will
increase increase
with a significant
with a significant
impact impact
on the physical
on the physical in marketsinthat
are still
are still emerging
but offersbut theoffers the significantly.
significantly. As organizations
As organizations
become more become dynamic
moreand the andFor
dynamic thedevelopers
For developers
and investors, and investors,
we predictwe the
predict the
to capturetodemandcaptureas demand
it grows. as it grows. future becomes
future becomes
more uncertain,
more uncertain,
it is likely that Future of Future
it is likely that Work means of Work buildings
means where buildingsthewhere the
that occupiers,
that occupiers,
need to develop
need toadevelop
greater a greater flexible space
will space
play an will
play an ever-greater
role withinrole within talent of tomorrow
talent of tomorrow
will be based. will be
Theofbuilding of
and investors
and investors
will need willtoneed to Real estateReal must
estatebe seen
mustas beaseen as a understanding
of how they of how
the use the the corporate the corporate
portfolio. The
challengeThe challenge
for for the futurethe needsfutureto be
to be designed
around what around what
consider. consider.
Drawing Drawing
on major on major value driver
value driver space. Sensors
otherand building
building technologies occupiersoccupiers
is to justifyisthe
to justify
additionalthe additional
flexibility and flexibilitythe
the will
value. will
it mustAndbeitflexible
must be flexible
by Deloitte—ranging
by Deloitte—ranging For many Fororganizations,
many organizations,
real estatereal is still
seenis as still seen
canas help provide
can helpinsight
provide as insight
to howas different
to howtypesdifferent types
amenity offered
amenity byoffered
the space by the
space against and fully enabled
and fullyfor enabled
the technology
for the technology
that is that is
a cost thata has
be has
to be managed.
In the future, In thereal future,ofreal
space are
of space
used, are
whichused,in turn
which allows
in turnbuildings
allows buildings
the cost premium
the cost premium
over traditional long-termlong-termneeded toneeded
over traditional managetothe manage
workplace the workplace
of the future.
of the future.
from automation
from automationand and estate mustestate
be seen
mustasbea seen driverasofavalue.
driver Itofwillvalue. It will
to be operated
to be operated
at higher levels
at higherof utilization.
levels of For space.
For landlords
and investors, and investors,
it poses a it poses a
of jobs of
to jobs
to diversity
and and do this bydoproviding
this by providing
a physicalaenvironment
physical environment
that that question asquestion
to howas to to
how tothe capture
premium the premium
that For
For occupiers,
the focus the must focus
be on
be on maximizing
have identified
have identified has the employee
has the employee
experience experience
at its heartatand its heart
is and
In occupiers
addition, occupiers
need to adopt needfit toout
andfit out and
are willingare to pay,
willingwithto many
pay, with many the value the
real estate
that realcontributes
estate contributes
to the to the
designed designed
to promote to purpose,
promote engagement,
purpose, engagement,furniture solutions furniture solutions
that can evolvethat can in aevolve
cost- in a cost-considering considering
a move toashorter
move to flexible
shorter flexible lease organization.
lease organization.
This can be Thisachieved
can be through
achievedthe through the
four keyfour
trendskey we
we predict
the industry
the industry
and innovation.
and innovation.
These areThese all keyarein all key in
effective manner.
effective This
manner.will require
This will a require
move away a move away
terms and/or
terms developing
and/or developing
their own their flexibleown office continual continual
flexible office optimizingoptimizing
of strategic oflocations,
strategic locations,
the the
will need
to respond
to in 2019.
to in 2019. helping thehelping
the organization
of the future of therespond
futureto respond from to traditional,
from traditional,
often rigid,oftencorporate
rigid, corporate
brands. brands. balancing balancing
of long- and of long-
and short-term
leases, theleases, the
the rapidlythe
rapidly demands
changing demandsof this technology-
of this technology- aligning ofaligning
the physicalof theand physical
virtual workplace,
Written by:
Written by: enabled world.
enabled world. and the placing
and the ofplacing
the user ofexperience
the user experience
at the at the
Ana Virginia P. Carnaúba (BR) heart of workplace
heart of workplace
design. design.
Chris X Robinson
Chris X Robinson
Russell McMillan
Russell McMillan
(UK) (UK)

24 25
Proptechs: Propelling digital Figure 1: Investors are optimistic of proptech influence on CRE
Investors expect moderate to signi� cant in�uence of proptechs on CRE On an average, investors plan to commit 14 percent of CRE capital to proptechs

real estate Percentage of respondents Top and bottom two respondent types for moderate to significant
% respondents
Percentage of respondents
% commitment
Property focus 26 to 30% 5% Property focus
Hospitality, Multifamily 95%
Moderate 65
Mixed-use 80% Nontraditional, Industrial 16%
Retail 81% 21 to 25% 11%

Commitment as a % of CRE portfolio

Industrial 77% Hospitality, Multifamily 13%
Geographic focus
Commercial real estate (CRE) companies haven’t proptechs globally, with unique new investments Geographic focus
China, Hong Kong, Japan 100% 16 to 20% 15%
yet figured out how to deal with the relatively increasing from $3 billion in 2014 to $18 billion in Singapore 97% Canada 17%
Significant 21
recent emergence of real estate technology 2018 – even as new proptech launches declined Brazil 78%
11 to 15% 36% Hong Kong, Japan 10%
startups, known as “proptechs.” While most of sharply (see figure 2) 4. Germany 75%
Assets under management
the broader financial services field have made Assets under management
US $5.1 billion – US $10 billion 94%
the shift to a partnership mentality1, CREs This doesn’t mean investors are just blindly Above US $30 billion 92% 6 to 10% 26% Less than US $500 million 16%
continue to view proptechs as a disruptor rather following the latest tech trend, however. 13 Less than US $500 million 78%
influence Above US $30 billion 12%
than as a potential source of collaboration2. Investors are channeling their resources toward US $500 million – US $1 billion 75%
Investor category 1 to 5% 4%
more mature proptechs: late-stage funding, Investor category
Hedge funds 94%
In contrast, institutional investors clearly see the essentially Series C and above, formed 71 Pension funds 93% REITS or real estate operating 17%
value in proptechs. In our survey of 500 global percent of the total capital raised by proptechs Insurance companies (investment divisions) 77% 0 3%
Hedge funds 12%
CRE institutional investors, nearly 90 percent in 2018. And nearly a third of those surveyed Banking of finance companies (asset management division) 76%
of respondents believe proptechs will have a acknowledged that an incumbents’ collaboration Source: Deloitte Center for Financial Services analysis.
moderate to significant influence on the CRE with a proptech will influence their future
industry (see figure 1)3. Investors plan to commit investment decisions.5
an average of 14 percent of CRE capital to Figure 2: Investors prefer more mature proptechs
Proptech Fundraising continues to rise even as new launches decline sharply Venture Capital investors allocating investments to more mature proptechs*
1 Sam Friedman, Michelle Canaan, “Closing the gap in 3 Surabhi Kejriwal, Saurabh Mahajan, “2019 Commercial $ Billions $ Billions
fintech collaboration: Overcoming obstacles to a symbiotic Real Estate Outlook: Agility is key to winning in the digital
relationship”, Deloitte Center for Financial Services, era”, Deloitte Center for Financial Services, October 2018. 20 300 9
261 18 8.3
October 2018. 8
4 Venture Scanner database, December 31, 2018. 250
7 6.9
2 Audrey Baverel, “PropTech & The Disruption of Real 15
5 Ibid. 191 189 13
Estate,” Silicon Luxembourg, May 17, 2018. 200 6
149 5.1
5 4.6
10 150
7 4
83 6 100 3
73 2.4
5 50 83
42 3 30 2
2 50 1.2
0 1 1 1 1 2 1 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.6
0 0 0
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Unique Investment Amount (LHS) # of companies founded (RHS) Series A Series B Series C Series D
Source: Venture Scanner database, as of December 31, 2018. * Excludes the number from undisclosed categories
26 27
What is driving the growing investor Acting as change agents, proptechs typically Companies should also consider looking at a
preference for proptechs? retain the core ethos of the real estate more mature partnership with proptechs that
Proptechs’ use of existing and evolving business – location, location, location – while move beyond just a strategic investment.
technologies to nurture new, innovative changing perceptions about how the physical
space is used. For instance, WeWork is clearly It is also key that investors establish
ideas are most likely a key factor in their
looking to achieve more than just a functional quantitative and qualitative metrics to
attractiveness to investors. Proptechs are using
experience by providing a vibrant ambience, measure return on investment from proptech
technology to not only enhance transparency
varied open-seating options, amenities, and investments. CRE companies may consider
and operational efficiency but also to improve
networking opportunities for an on-the-go firm revenue and cost-saving targets along with
tenant experience and information flow.
workforce10. market penetration12. Alternately, qualitative
Ultimately, this improves both property
measures may include incremental change in
profitability and investor return.
Proptechs also approach the business with tenant experience, transparency and efficiency,
Take the case of Open Box, which promises a different view of talent. Unlike traditional or levels of innovation.
automation services to real estate companies CRE companies, they tend to have a larger
To learn more about investor preferences for

“Acting as change agents, proptechs typically retain the

with a robots-as-a-service (RaaS) model6. The proportion of employees with either a data
science or technology background who can proptechs and the global fintech ecosystem,
company’s real estate automation engine
develop technology-based solutions at a more read Deloitte’s reports, 2019 Commercial Real
provides automated data transfer from

core ethos of the real estate business – location, location,

rapid pace than incumbents. And proptechs Estate Outlook: Agility is key to winning in the
budgeting function to valuation, saving hours
are leaner and faster decision-makers than digital era and Fintech by the numbers.
of monotonous and manual work7. Another
their more traditional CRE counterparts.

location – while changing perceptions about how the

example is Leverton, a company that uses
Written by:
deep learning algorithms to provide real estate
Despite these advantages, many proptechs
document abstraction services8. Leverton’s Surabhi Kejriwal

physical space is used.”

struggle to survive due to lack of industry
platform uses natural language processing and Saurabh Mahajan
knowledge, incumbents’ slow adoption of
other machine learning capabilities to extract (US)
technology, and non-availability of timely
and structure relevant information from
complicated documents related to purchase-
sale, lease, title insurance, and mortgage How can CRE companies and proptechs
transactions9. work together to drive digital real estate?

Many proptechs are also redefining the CRE companies investing in proptechs need to
business by positioning the CRE asset as not get more comfortable with enhancing their risk
just a physical space but as a service hub. appetite and adopting a fail-fast approach, as
every proptech investment may not generate
the desired returns11.

6 Open Box website, accessed August 15, 2018. 10 Surabhi Kejriwal, Saurabh Mahajan, “2019
7 Ibid. Commercial Real Estate Outlook: Agility is key to winning
in the digital era”, Deloitte Center for Financial Services,
8 Leverton website, accessed August 15, 2018.
October 2018.
9 Ibid..
11 Ibid.
12 Ibid.
28 29
The future of urbanization and And yet, even as the future unfolds, today’s
average urban commuter still spends hours
This presents an incredible opportunity for
cities as they plan their future transit hubs—
For citizens:

• Reduction in drive times and hence increased

The TOD opportunity
The question is, how can cities leverage

transit-oriented development
stuck in traffic, sustainable community building those key points of convergence, such as train and maximize the TOD opportunity?
remains a challenge, and cities struggle with stations, and mobility hubs. Maximizing this
the cost of transportation infrastructure. opportunity requires strategic thinking • Opportunity to gain back commute times One of the immediate options is to transform
Unlocking the high value of land and real estate to incorporate the vision of a sustainable urban and focus on quality of life (that is, live, work, surface and structured parking areas
can be a key ingredient toward transportation future. Careful design of TODs could mean and play) at stations into high-density, mixed-use

The next generation of urban mobility presents unique affordability and adoption. In this context, are revitalized neighborhoods and highly • Expanded mobility choices at lower costs,
developments. Often joint ventures between
the public and private sector can help
there innovative paradigms that can unlock connected communities. freeing up disposable income
opportunities for cities around the globe. value for citizens, communities, and cities alike? finance the costly infrastructure investments
The answer may lie So, what are TODs? • Walkable communities that accommodate required. With the advent of ride-sharing
in re-imagining transit hubs in our urban more healthy and active lifestyles and autonomous vehicles, the relevance of
Autonomous vehicles, ride-sharing services, and wide- centers through transit-oriented development
TODs are a type of community development
that integrates mixed use development, parking is fast declining—potentially reducing
ranging technology adoption is set to change (TOD). including housing, office, retail, and potentially For communities: parking areas around stations and opening
other amenities into a walkable neighborhood, them up for alternate uses. This however
• Long-term sustainable development of
the transportation ecosystem and with it, the urban TOD and the urban future preferably located within a kilometer of neighborhoods
requires careful and strategic planning.
Modern cities are evolving at a rapid pace Singapore MRT and Hong Kong MTR have
landscape. Tomorrow’s smart cities will operate with and exponential advancements in technology
a quality public transportation node. TODs are
• Reduction in automobile air pollution effectively influenced planning and zoning to
ecosystems unto themselves and propose
increasing levels of connectivity, creative collaboration, have changed the way we live, work, and play. mutual benefits across the spectrum of and greenhouse gas emissions advance transit-oriented development projects.
A new generation of workers not only prefer to participants. Commuters enjoy better facilities • Improved property valuations in
and networked communities along with intricate live close to work but actively seek to live closer at transit nodes, retail businesses benefit from the community catchment areas
Value release through sale of air rights above
to work. At the same time, cities around the tunnels and yards, in the case of underground
and substantially enhanced transportation ecosystems. world have seen a rise in the use of public
foot traffic, connected businesses have a ready
railway or subway systems, presents another
pool of talent that can walk to work, and For cities:
transport by nearly 20 percent between 2000 residents benefit through a highly vibrant opportunity. New York’s largest development in
and 2015. In Canada, for example, 70 percent of connected community with low pollution levels • Increased ridership and fare revenue the past generation is Manhattan’s Hudson
public transport ridership comes from the and potential for high-value growth. Overall, the Yards, where the vacant rail yard site—owned by
• Increased urban intensity and hence land
three largest metropolitan areas: Toronto, city benefits from a high-intensity value the Metropolitan Transportation Authority
value capture
Montreal, and Vancouver. generating neighborhood and land value (MTA)—in the far West Side of Manhattan is
capture. TODs have the potential to accelerate • Improved economic opportunity and access being turned into a hub of development and of
true city-building and Smart Cities for commercial activity. Leasing their air rights over
the benefit of all. the yards, the MTA has entered into a long-term
arrangement with The Related Companies
TODs provide an array of benefits ranging from and Canada’s Oxford Properties to develop
lifestyle to environmental to economic, over a million square meters of office, retail,
including: and residential space along with a new cultural

© 2019 Deloitte The Netherlands

30 31
Another prime example of value capture Successful TOD planning In addition to these two critical aspects, TODs: a catalyst for economic growth
through TOD is Bond Street Station in London. It is clear that successful TOD projects are able the TOD Standard 3.0 outlines eight elements The dizzying pace of change for our cities
In this case, two booking halls to to achieve a range of results from reduced that could be included in the planning and urban mobility will likely only accelerate.
the underground station were redesigned to carbon emissions to socio-¬economic and design of the development in order to What is most exciting about TODs is that they
accommodate new, highly valued development benefits intrinsic to sustainable and livable deliver projects that maximize benefits. bring together a spectrum of solutions to help
above one of the world’s most expensive cities. But successful TOD implementation build vibrant, people-focused communities.
• Walk: Develop neighborhoods that promote
real estate catchment locations. The revenue requires careful planning, strategic finance,
from this opportunity has made a significant and marketing along with site design. So what With global cities set to venture into this new
contribution to the governing authorities are the key factors to the success of TODs? • Cycle: Prioritize non-motorized transport era of urban mobility and Smart City
and supported financing of transport schemes. According to an Institute for Transportation networks frameworks, they will face a completely new
and Development Policy (ITDP) report, set of challenges. With local government
• Connect: Create dense networks of streets
The environmental benefits that TODs enable government intervention and land potential are intervention, smart strategic planning,
and paths
through reduced dependence on vehicular two critical factors. and policy definition, TODs offer a chance to
transit and resulting reduced air pollution • Transit: Locate development near high-

“The question is, how can cities leverage

act as a catalyst for growth into a sustainable
is one of the major factors in the increasing What matters most to a TOD’s success is quality public transport future.
interest in this concept. Tianfu, a city in China, is government intervention and promotion. When
• Mix: Plan for mixed use
an example of a TOD that propagates high-

and maximize the TOD opportunity? ”.

local governments did not effectively promote
density, mixed-use urban environments with a TOD, a new transit line generated only • Densify: Optimize density and transit
easy access to mass transit as a basis for green a nominal amount of economic investment. capacity Written by:
sustainable development. With such incredible For example, the south and west busways
• Compact: Create regions with short Sheila Botting (CA)
and wide-ranging benefits, governments in the U.S. city Pittsburgh had weak support
commutes Ram Srinivasan (CA)
have begun to recognize the value of TODs and produced limited TOD investment,
through policies that encourage densification but the city’s moderately supported east • Shift: Increase mobility by regulating parking
of economic activity in proximity to key transit busway produced US$903 million. and road use
The second most important factor in TOD
success is land potential, that is, regional
market strength, expected real estate growth,
corridor quality, proximity to desirable
catchment areas etc. According to the ITDP
Report, land potential does not have to play a
direct role in TOD success—even locations with
modest land potential could still succeed if the
local government supported the development
and played a lead role in marketing
and promoting the project.

32 33
Contact Authors

General & NL DE LU Alex Collinson (AU) Tinus Bang Christensen (DK) Chris X Robinson (UK)
Director | FA - Real Estate Partner | Consulting - Real Estate Partner | Advisory & Consulting - Real Estate
Robbie Robertson (AU) Jean Pierre Lequeux (LU) Russell McMillan (UK)
Partner | Real Estate & Construction Leader
Netherlands Luxembourg
Wilfrid States Jörg von Ditfurth Jean Pierre Lequeux Jeremy Pitchford (AU) Francois Guiot (LU) Surabhi Kejriwal (US)
Jim Berry
Mobile: +31 882 88 1890 Mobile: +49 211 87 72 4160 Mobile: +352 671 671 404 Ana Virginia P. Carnaúba (BR)
Mail: +12 148 40 7360 Mail: Mail: Jan-Willem Santing (NL) Lauren Hampton (US)
Mail: Ram Srinivasan (CA)
Thomas van Bergen (NL) Saurabh Mahajan (US)
Sheila Botting (CA)
General & NL
Desie Driever (NL)
US BR Hendrik Aholt (DE)
Director | FA - Real Estate
Partner | Real Estate & Construction Leader Partner | FA - Real Estate leader Senior Manager | FA Marcin Ludwiszewski (PL)
Jörg von Ditfurth (DE)
United States Brazil
Wilfrid Donkers Bo Glowacz (UK)
Jim Berry Sheila Botting Ana Virginia P. Carnaúba Volker Wörmann (DE)
Mobile: +31 882 88 1890
Mobile: +12 148 40 7360 Mobile: +14 169 04 7417 Mobile: +55 11 97558 1309
Mail: Mail: Mail:

Partner | FA - Real Estate PL AU
Partner | FA - Real Estate
United Kingdom Director | RA - Real Estate Partner | Assurance & Advisory - Real Estate leader
United Kingdom
Nigel Shilton Poland Australia
Nigel Shilton
Mobile: +44 20 7007 7934 Marcin Ludwiszewski Alex Collinson
Mobile: +44 20 7007 7934
Mail: Mobile: +48 538442815 Mobile: +61 (0)410 045 656
Mail: Mail: Mail:

Partner | FA - Real Estate leader Partner | FA - Real Estate
Netherlands Denmark
Jurriën Veldhuizen Tinus Bang Christensen
Mobile: +31652048770 Mobile: +45 30 93 44 63

34 35
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