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1.- Complete the sentences using PAST CONTINUOUS and SIMPLE PAST.

1. I was jogging (jog) in the park when I felt (feel) a pain in my back.
2. When they were watching (watch) TV, their father arrived (arrive).
3. While my brother and I were driving (drive), a police officer stopped (stop) us.
4. The planes dropped (drop) bombs on Hiroshima when people were sleeping (sleep).
5. I was arriving (arrive) at school when it rained_(rain) cats and dogs.
6. The ocean liner Titanic traveled (travel) towards New York City when it crashed (crash) into an iceberg.
7. Last night Josh was watching (watch) a horror movie when suddenly the electricity went (go) out.
8. It´s strange that you called (call) me because I was just thinking (think) about you!
9. The police were pursuing (pursue) the burglar, but unfortunately, he escaped (escape).
10. I was working (work) as a waitress in a cocktail bar when I met (meet) you.

Past Progressive vs. Simple Past

Choose the best answer.

1. I was watching TV. I heard a knock on the door. When I heard the knock on the door, I
___________ it.
A. Open B. am opening C. opened D. was opening
2. “When _________________________ you talk to Jane?”
A. do B. should C. did D. were
3. I __________________ TV when Gina called last night. We talked for an hour.
A. watch B. watched C. was watching D. am watching
4. Mike is in his bedroom right now. He ____________ an hour ago, so we need to be quiet.
A. is sleeping B. fell asleep C. fall asleep D. were sleeping.
5. Kate __________________ tell us the truth yesterday. She lied to us.
A. don’t B. doesn’t C. didn’t D. wasn’t
6. I saw a fish while ___________________________ in the ocean yesterday.
A. swum B. was swimming C. were swimming D. was swim
7. When I heard the phone ring, I __________________ it.
A. answer B. am answering C. answered D. was answering
8. While I __________________ dinner last night, I burned my finger.
A. cooking B. cook C. was cooking D. was cook
9. “Where ____________________ after work yesterday?”
A. you went B. you did go C. did you went D. did you go
2. Change the statements into PASSIVE or ACTIVE.

1. Shakespeare wrote many famous plays. Many famous plays are written by Shakespeare.
2. Is Fanesca eaten in Ecuador on Holy Friday? Do we eat fanesca in Ecuador on Holy Friday?
3. Did the police catch the thief? Was the thief caught by the police?
4. They catch sharks off of the coast of Ecuador. The sharks are caught in the coast of Ecuador.
5. Horses were ridden in the 17th century. People ridden horses in the 17th century.
6. Cars are manufactured in Ecuador. People manufacture cars in Ecuador.
7. My son drew a beautiful picture yesterday. A beautiful picture was drawn by my son.
8. Did the president change the constitution? Was the constitution changed by the president?
9. Are sheep raised in Pichincha? People in Pichincha raise sheep.
10. They don`t speak Quichua in all Ecuador. Quichua isn`t spoken in all Ecuador.

Complete the sentences using the present simple passive.

1. Tilapia and trout are fish that ( were farmed / is farmed / are farmed ) in Ecuador.
2. Elephants and kangaroos ( aren´t raised / aren´t grown / aren´t farmed ) in Canada.
3. The Prado museum in Madrid ( is visited / were visited / is visit ) by hundreds of people every day.
4. Many lost dogs ( is found / are founded / are found ) at the animal shelter.
5. Some important crops that ( are growed / are grown / are farmed ) in India are rice, wheat, and corn.

Rewrite the sentences in the past passive with by.

1. Architect Louis Sullivan built the Auditorium Building in Chicago in 1889.

The Auditorium Building was built by architect Louis Sullivan in Chicago in 1889.
2. Diego Rivera painted a mural about Mexico's history at the National Palace in Mexico City in 1929.

A mural about Mexico`s history was painted by Diego Rivera at the National Palace in Mexico City in 1929

3. The Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño published The Savage Detectives in 1998.

The Savage Detectives was published by the Chilean Roberto Bolaño in 1998.

4. Orson Welles wrote and directed the movie Touch of Evil in 1958.

The movie Touch of Evil was written and directed by Orson Welles in 1958.

Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice (present or past). Use by when necessary.

1. TAME sent our baggage to Guayaquil by mistake.

Our baggage was sent by mistake to Guayaquil by TAME.

2. Farmers grow soybeans in Argentina.

Soybeans are grown in Argentina by farmers.

3. They speak Dutch, French, and German in Belgium.

Dutch, French and German are spoken in Belgium.

4. The car hit my dog.

My dog was hit by the car.

5. Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in 1998.

Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998.

3. Write a 3 line paragraph describing a famous landmark. Use PASSIVE voice.

 ___________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________

4. Circle the correct word.

1. A bus fell into the river, (sadly – coincidentally – miraculously), nobody was hurt.
2. (Miraculously – Suddenly – Unfortunately), I heard a big explosion.
3. (Coincidentally – Surprisingly – Strangely), the TV turned on by itself.
4. Our soccer team tried very hard, (luckily – sadly – fortunately), they failed.
5. (Strangely – Surprisingly – Sadly), my friends received me with a birthday cake.

5. Write a 3 line paragraph about an unfortunate experience of yours.


 ___________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________

6. Complete with PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS and circle FOR or SINCE.

 A: So, what have you been up to?

 B: Nothing much. I have lived (live) with my
 parents for/since I finished school.
 A: Really? What about food?
 B: Well, my mom has prepared (prepare) my meals
 for/since a couple of days now.
 A: Do you have enough money for your needs?
 B: No, and my father hasn`t given (not, give)me
 any pocket money either for/since he lost his job.
 A: So?
 B: So, I have sit (sit)at home without going
 out for/since quite a while.
Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs given.

 1. Lately, I have been thinking (I, think) about moving into a new apartment.
2. How long have you been living (you, live) in your apartment for?
3. I have been living (I, live) in my apartment for ages!
 4. Gee, I have been seeing (I, see) my kindergarten teacher since I was six years old!
5. Antonio hasn`t been feeling (not feel) well since he ate five cheeseburgers at the

For each situation, ask a question using the words in parenthesis.

1. You have a friend who is studying Arabic. You ask:
(how long / study / Arabic?) How long have you been studying Arabic?
2. You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask:
(how long / wait?) How long have you been waiting?
3. A friend of yours is a teacher. You ask:
(how long / teach?) How long has your teacher been teahing?
4. You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask:
(how long / write?) How long have you been writing?

5. A friend of yours is saving money to take a trip. You ask:

(how long / save?) How long has he been saving money?

7. Choose the corresponding verb and complete the sentences.

manufacture grow raise farm

 Cotton_is farmed in the hot lowland plains of Ecuador.

 Handicrafts and textiles are manufactured in Otavalo.
 A lot of is grown in the sierra region.
 Export quality is raised in the coast.
 Shrimp is raised for exporting to Europe.

8. Circle the error and write the correct word.

 She has been worked a lot recently. She has been working a lot recently.
 That poem was wrote by my mother. That poem was written by my mother.
 The US dollar is using in Ecuador. The US dollar is used in Ecuador.
 Guinea pigs are farmed in the highlands. Guinea pigs are raised in the highlands.
 I´ve been living alone for last year. I´ve been living alone since last year.
Good luck!

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