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Directions: For each of the following revolutions, answer the following questions about each using your notes.

English Civil War

1. Enlightenment Ideas: What kind of ideas cause this revolution?

(New & better way of doing things) the king had to much power so they limited the kings
powers by saying he cant tax without nobles and no one I above the law

2. Unpopular Methods of Rule: What kind of leadership style cause the revolution?
(People don’t like the type of government) they didn’t like the dictatorship they had

3. Economic Distress: How did money impact this revolution?

(Money Problems) they ran low on money and had to make adjustments

4. Social Injustice: What kind of Social issues cause this revolution?

(A group of people are treated unfairly) They felt as if they didn’t have a say in anything
which they didn’t. which everyone has the right too.

5. Religious Intolerance: How did religion play a role in this revolution?

(A religious groups is outlawed or treated unfairly) They could not choose what they
wanted to believe in

6. Nationalism: How strong were sentiments or feelings that cause this revolution?
(Pride in your people or nation, Wanting to be the best & independent) everyone
Felt the same way they wanted independence from the king

American Revolution
1. Enlightenment Ideas: What kind of ideas cause this revolution?
(New & better way of doing things) that Britain had to much power over them

2. Unpopular Methods of Rule: What kind of leadership style cause the revolution?
(People don’t like the type of government) dictatorship

3. Economic Distress: How did money impact this revolution?

(Money Problems) the colonies had to find more ways to make money without the help of

4. Social Injustice: What kind of Social issues cause this revolution?

(A group of people are treated unfairly) that they didn’t have voice
5. Religious Intolerance: How did religion play a role in this revolution?
(A religious groups is outlawed or treated unfairly) If you didn’t believe what they did you
were treated unfairly

6. Nationalism: How strong were sentiments or feelings that cause this revolution?
(Pride in your people or nation, Wanting to be the best & independent) strong they wanted to
be independent

French Revolution
1. Enlightenment Ideas: What kind of ideas cause this revolution?
(New & better way of doing things) that the king was not doing a good job

2. Unpopular Methods of Rule: What kind of leadership style cause the revolution?
(People don’t like the type of government) monarchy

3. Economic Distress: How did money impact this revolution?

(Money Problems) he was only in it for himself so others could not profit

4. Social Injustice: What kind of Social issues cause this revolution?

(A group of people are treated unfairly) he was treating everyone poorly and wasn’t doing
good for his people.

5. Religious Intolerance: How did religion play a role in this revolution?

(A religious groups is outlawed or treated unfairly) if you didn’t believe the same as him
you were treated poorly

6. Nationalism: How strong were sentiments or feelings that cause this revolution?
(Pride in your people or nation, Wanting to be the best & independent) They rebelled
because the feeling of not having independence isn’t right with anyonen

Latin American Revolution

1. Enlightenment Ideas: What kind of ideas cause this revolution?
(New & better way of doing things) they wanted the same prices for goods they sell as
the other countries

2. Unpopular Methods of Rule: What kind of leadership style cause the revolution?
(People don’t like the type of government) monarchy
3. Economic Distress: How did money impact this revolution? They weren’t earning the
same amount of money as other countries
(Money Problems)

4. Social Injustice: What kind of Social issues cause this revolution? The big companies
did not get the same treatment
(A group of people are treated unfairly)

5. Religious Intolerance: How did religion play a role in this revolution? Religion did not
play a role
(A religious groups is outlawed or treated unfairly)

6. Nationalism: How strong were sentiments or feelings that cause this revolution? They
were very strong because that’s there way of living
(Pride in your people or nation, Wanting to be the best & independent)

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