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Selecting instructors for Vocational Rehabilitation Services Illawarra (VRSI)


In your teams, answer the following questions:

A Which procedure/s have reliability problems? Briefly explain which one/s and why.

Ans: Procedure 2 is not reliable as the group of applicants will be tired after the factory tour
and may not perform well as compared to the group who takes the test with a fresh
mindset. Psychological state and environmental factors influence reliability. Also as the
factory tour is informative, the group that tours it before the test may have an advantage of
access to additional knowledge that the other group lacks which is unfair and affects

Procedure 4 is unreliable as the person with disability will get trained again and again and
might get better at doing the job. Therefore, the applicants who perform initially might be at
a disadvantage. Also the measure is unreliable as it is based on person’s personal
perforative abilities and might inaccurately judge the applicant’s abilities to the fullest.

B Which procedure/s have validity problems? Briefly explain which one/s and why.

Ans: Procedure 6 has validity issues as it will need computer skills on part of the applicant
which is not a requirement for the job.

Procedure 3 has validity issues as what may appeal as good training to one disabled person
may not appeal to the other, based on their respective cognitive skills.

C Choose the best selection procedure from 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 above. If you wish, you can
combine one or more elements from these procedures to create an ideal selection test.
Explain why your solution is better than all the alternatives.

Ans: The best selection procedure should be a combination of procedure 1st and 5th.
Procedure 1 has the multiple choice questions as well as unscrambling of the steps with
explanations that will effectively test the reading ability of the applicants which has been
identified as the inherent requirement of the job and applicants will be able to demonstrate
that they understood the procedure by giving explanations. Also it is a reliable and valid
measure to shortlist candidates as an initial screening.

After this 5 can be conducted which can effectively test the applicants ability to give
instructions as well as how those instructions will result in performance of the job. It
assesses the skills practically in real work environment. It is reliable as all the applicants will
be given workers with same level of disability.
As we think that procedure 2 & 4 are unreliable and 3 & 6 has validity issues, this is the
solution that overcomes the issue with validity and reliability. Also, this combination of
procedure 1 & 5 will help judge the candidate better by providing relevant and consistent

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