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Deepok Chovalhusy stm Fieing Det! » : Akalank’s FDC-D4 INDIAN BOILER REGULATIONS containing INDIAN BOILERS REGULATIONS, 1950 and INDIAN BOILERS ACT, 1923 Edited by NARENDAR KUMAR JAIN AKALANK KUMAR JAIN akalank publications Published by : Akalank Kumar Jain . ‘for Akalank Publications P.O. Box No, 1029, \ Mori Gate, Delhi - 110006. Email:; nt visit: http:\\ ISBNi81-7639-198-0 Price: Rs. 850.00 (In India) ‘US $99.00 (Outside India) = | : ao i istEdn. 1985 | 2nd Edn 1988 - 4dvEin, May, 196 SchEdn. Apri, 1998 GthEdn. Apri, 2000 7thEdn. | Oct., 2003 3rd Edn 1991 | © All Rights Reserved with the Publishers THIS BOOK CAN BE EXPORTED ONLY BY THE PUBLISHERS. | INFRINGEMENT OF THIS CONDITION OF SALE WILL LEAD TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. | All Diagrams/Drawings/Graphs in this edition are not to scale. Laser Typeset and Printed by ALPHABET Delhi. 7 ‘CAUTION NOTE G Nopart ofthis publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior | permission in writing from the publisher or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act, 1956 (as| amended). Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages: . - ‘This book is intended to be used only for general guidance and should not be quoted as an authority. In case of any doubt, relevant act, | ‘| rules, reglations orders, et. on the subject from Goverment Department Concemed or Gazette notifications should be referred to. This _ ableton fssold with the understanding that the Publishers, Authors or Sook sll are not responsible forthe result of any action taken on {he basis ofthis book nor for any eror or emission any person whether a purchaser of this publication or not. ( ‘Every effort has been macleto avoid errors or omissions in this book. Inspteof this, errors may creep in. Any mistake, ervor ordi noted, may be brought tothe publisher's which shall be taken care of inthe nex edition. The book is subject to replacement only if theres any binding mistake, misprint or for missing pages within 30 days from the date of purchase of he book with the same edition or the next available sition if'0 published. All expenses inthis connection are fo be bors by the purchaser : ’ll disputes are subject to District Courts, Tis Hazan, Delhi Jurisdiction only. {| — (002003083100 L' { | * is rl rm

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